Bilal Philips – Best of Tawheed – Bid’ah Innovations in Religion

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the history of the Prophet's peace and blessings, including the use of animals as hedges and the history of the Prophet's peace and blessings, including the use of symbols like "has been" and the use of "has been" to indicate success or failure in religion. The two types of innovation, in either House or beta-ath Relief, have no place in Islam, and shaking hands during prayer is a way to avoid confusion and loss of the prayer. The importance of knowledge and observation in shaping behavior and culture is emphasized, along with the use of shaking hands during prayer and the adoption of shaved beards by different individuals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. I'd like to welcome you dear viewers to another in our series, the best of tawheed

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in which we are looking at the best evidence is found in the Quran and the Sunnah. And the explanations of the companions of the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him, as well as in the rulings of the early scholars, which clarify for us the parameters of the hedge, what constitutes tawheed and what does not

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what makes

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the monotheism of Islam so distinctly different from what may be called also monotheism in Christianity, and Judaism.

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We were looking in the previous

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episode at

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one of the ways by which monotheism and Islam is violated, and that is by sacrificing an animal

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to other than a law. We said this is shirk,

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and is a major sin.

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In the Hadith, which the prophet SAW Salah made that statement, there were other references, which we also were looking at. And among those references, was the reference to a loss curse, meaning on the innovator does for us to remember that Hadith, it was that of Ali ibn Abi Talib,

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who stated that a lot of messenger informed him about four statements allows curses upon the one who sacrifices to anything other than Allah. That is the major evidence against sacrificing of anything to other than Allah allows curses also on the one who curses his own parents, we looked into that, and said that most people will not curse their own parents, although we do have some people who do.

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But the other way that most people end up cursing their parents is by cursing other people's parents. In order to put another person down, one may say ill about their parents, and then that person now says about your own parents. So in that way, what has happened in the case of your parents, being cursed by others, was caused by you cursing other people's parents.

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The third category was that the last curse was upon one who shelter is an innovator.

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And it was on that point, that we closed previous episode as to the issue of innovation, innovation being the addition and the religion, after its completion, that addition, regardless of what one's intention may have been, would be considered heretical

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at variance with the sun now,

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and it is that in which one seeks the pleasure of a law and doing so.

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But it has no authentic legal sanction, in fact, or by implication.

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So, such an act

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innovation in the religion

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is itself evil is wrong, is displeasing to a law. And such a person who is engaged in this if they reach the level where they are hunted down by the society,

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for the evil that they have introduced,

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then for you as a private citizen, to harm

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a criminal, who is a known innovator,

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you are cursed by a law

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because you're harboring that non protecting his innovation, or her innovation, that it would continue to be alive in this society. Even if you stopped externally, in the heart of that innovator, it's still alive and he or she would continue to promote it. Now, the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him spoke very strongly against innovation in a number of Hudis.

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Among them, is a hadith narrated by yahia ma Nabi Musa,

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which he heard from the companion about insomnia

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that one day allows messengers stood up among them, and delivered a profoundly effective sermon which softened their hearts and filled their eyes with tears. Someone asked for messenger of Allah you have delivered to us a farewell sermon.

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So enjoying upon us some duty.

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He went on to say hold firmly to God consciousness, taqwa, listening and obedience, even to an Ethiopian slave.

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He will see after me great controversy, so hold firmly to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs, by Iran to it with your molders and beware of the innovated affairs. For every religious innovation is misguidance.

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Every religious innovation is misguidance and another Hadith

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narrated by Ayesha Chico to the province of Solomon saying, Man Africa Fiorina has more or less men who forward whoever innovates in our fair something without authority, it will be rejected.

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So these strong words from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam warning against innovation,

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you know, makes a thinking Muslim, a practicing Muslim, careful to avoid any form of change in the religious teachings. Because

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Allah revealed the verse were among the last verses that were revealed. During the Hajj the final words of the Prophet Mohammed Salah, Al yo Mark mal de la cadena calm today I have completed for you your religion.

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So when a person innovates bring something new into the practice of religion, what is he saying relative to that verse? He's saying that verse isn't true.

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But last Sunday completed a religion but now you 1000 years later are coming along with something to add, as if the verse was not correct.

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This is why the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him had spoken very strongly against innovation. However, some people might say, but some innovation took place in the time of the Prophet, biggest blessing be upon him. We have well known Hadith narrated by Abu huraira, which he quoted allows messengers saying Malala

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Tell me about a deed you have done in Islam, from which you hope to have the most benefit. For tonight I heard the sound of your sandals in front of me in paradise. That I replied, I haven't done any deed, which I hoped would be of special benefit, except that whenever I made ritual purification that will do during the day or night. I pray as many units as Allah wills

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the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him approved this practice of Bilaal

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and it came to be known, you know as the Sunnah prayers for we'll do that after doing we'll do after every time one does ritual purification, whenever it breaks, that one does two units of prayer or more after doing Moodle, so they said there is a change. There is innovation, but this is not after the verse has been revealed. The Prophet Muhammad wa sallam approved of what Bilbao did. So now anything else that people are doing afterwards? Where is the approval of the profit? Can we compare that it got speechless be upon him? can you compare what

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He approved to watch he has not approved. Of course not. That's a false understanding, they're not the same at all.

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So, when we look at innovation,

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the forums are of two types, actual innovation which may be called beta astellia. And additional innovation which may be called bidda, Adolphe

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and actual innovation and religion is where one introduces into the religion or one maintains practices which are not from the religion at all. For example,

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in some countries, among Muslims, you will find that, in order to indicate that somebody has died, they may use a flag usually a white flag, which will be put you know, hanging put outside of their home on a pole or whatever, which is from

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India, it is from Hindu practice, to indicate death in the family

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or a particular necklace called a tally in which is used by the Hindus in honor chain. This is used in marriage practices amongst Muslims in India, and Sri Lanka, and also the dowry, which is done.

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From Islamic perspective, the man is supposed to give a certain amount of money to the woman, whatever she requests as a symbol of his willingness to look after her is called a dowry or Mahara in Islam. Well, in Hindu practice, it's the other way around. It is the female, her family, really who has to give to the male. And this, again, has no place in Islam. And this is considered an innovation.

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We're gonna look further into this issue of innovation. After the break, we'll take a break here now, and we'll see you after the break.

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Welcome back from the break, sir.

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Prior to the break, we were looking at the two types of innovation, two forms that they take Buddha, which we said was cursed by a law, the Prophet Moses Allah warned us against, in order to protect the religion from change, we said there was one type which is known as beta asleep, or an actual innovation, something which is innovated right from its root, it has no place in Islam at all, something taken from another religion altogether. The other is what they call the DA DA fear, or an additional innovation, which has some roots in Islam, but it is doing something out of its place, you know, something which is a part of Islam and some of the practices but then out of its place,

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for example, congregational da, after regular prayers, you know, the idea of congregational drives is legitimate. But when people do it after every obligatory prayer, it's a standard, but they feel that it has to be done, if it's not done something is wrong, then this becomes a bit of either fear. Or in some cases, you know, the practice after the prayer is over, where some people feel they have to shake the hand of the person to the right, shake the hand of the person to the left, like it's something which now is become a part of the prayer for them. You know, the prayer is like incomplete unless you do that, this practice, when it comes on that level, becomes be died off here low. If a

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person after the prayer, their friends decide, they shake their hands and they shake their hands, the person on the left side, no problem. But when it becomes a ritual, a ritual part becomes like a part of the prayer completion of the prayer, you will see some people who come from this area with this tradition, they will sit and wait, you know, for a person who's making dry till he finishes, so that they can shake his hand, they can't leave until it's done. So, that type of innovation, really, we can look at it as something where there is a general text either from the crowd and so now,

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which addresses some particular acts, but people take it out of context and use it, you know, in a way which was not done

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By the companions of the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him. So, its origins might be correct, but its use in that way is incorrect for example,

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it was a practice to greet by shaking hands, you know, and the problem is our solemn

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did encourage us

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to give salams or to send prayers of peace on the Prophet, you know from time to time. However, the norm when we shake hands is to say salaam aleikum. Wa Alaykum wa salam we shake hands.

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In some countries like Sri Lanka, the practice is when people take each other's hands actually to greet each other, they say Allahumma salli, ala Muhammad,

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which is off, it is not

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in keeping with the correct practice here, have taken something out of place along with Sunday Allah Muhammad is Mayor laws, peace and blessings be on Mohammed make a dua for Prophet Mohammed. So you're making a DA as you're shaking the person's hands, this is out of place, it's something taking it out of the context putting it in another context altogether. So this is an example of without the fear. So, when we look at the types of data here, we can also include with it.

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examples where

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people now put gravestones for example, where the prophet SAW Selim had forbidden to put structures over the grave. Now make gravestones with the name of the dead person and all this you know, when they're born and that is from Christian and other traditions,

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also, Vicar beads, this was from the rosary of the Catholics, they had rosaries, you know, Muslims have adopted it as a means of remembering a lot. So, this is an example also of additional with that, it off here. Now, in terms of the

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causes, where did these things come from, part of it comes from speaking about religion, without knowledge,

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where a person talks, promotes, etc, things about the religion, where they don't have knowledge. So, they may say things, people take it, because this person is respected, take it as fact. And then

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people start practicing it is handed down generation after generation to the becomes a standard practice. So, it may start off with

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people speaking out of ignorance about religion, the second source of

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innovation could be also ignorance of the Arabic language, where people will take

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statements which are in Arabic, not understanding the meaning. And their by use it in places other than it should be used. Like the example the person shaking hands, and sending blessings, prayers of peace on the Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him because had they known what they're saying?

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They would realize that this was out of context. So understanding Arabic

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properly. The third source is also ignorance of the Sunnah, or people don't have knowledge, enough knowledge to distinguish between authentic narrations and inauthentic narrations because there are fabrications which are circulating in the Muslim ummah. They've been around for a long time. And they remain in oral tradition because you can find them written in the books of Hadith, but people believe in them, and they continue to circulate them, you know, like to believe for example, that Prophet Muhammad wa sallam was created from the light of Allah. So they have this thing called the Mohammed and nor, you know, nor Muhammad, he, you know, this is a fabrication that is concerning it

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are all fabricated. There's no such thing and they add to it, a fabricated edition which they said

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That Allah said, we're not for you, Mohammed, I would not have created the world that the whole world was created. to please Mohammed salaam, salaam, this is nonsense. This is not the case at all. And the fact that it is not the case doesn't, you know, lower the profit in a status is still the last and the greatest of the prophets of Allah. Also, innovations can be the result of ignorance of the importance of the Sunnah to Islamic law. And it could be a result of following desires. You know, where, for example, the Prophet Moses Allah had commanded that we should grow our beards. Some people feel they look younger if they shave their beard, so they will shave their beards in order to

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try to look younger, but they are going against the command of the Prophet so at some level, and this style of shaved beards, you know, has become an innovation. Widespread amongst the oma usually it came off the colonial powers

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rule where the colonial powers from Europe and Germany etc. Many of their leaders and administrators were clean shaven, maybe they kept big mustaches, but they shave their faces. So, Muslims in ignorance had also adopted this false Sunnah. Another source of innovation is that of submitting to other than the prophet SAW salams command and when the proofs of

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what the deen actually says is brought to them, they reject it, because they're caught up in their traditions. Now the last statement, which was made in that original narration from Alibaba Vitaly, and we should note that this statement, exposes the false hood of those who claim that Ali had secrets from the Prophet sallallahu sallam. There are those who claim that Allah was given a special teachings that only he knew. But in fact, he passed on whatever he learned. Now,

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the last statement of the last curse was that allows curses upon one who alters the landmarks. And what does that refer to? That refers to the changing of property, boundaries, etc. In order to take the rights of others. You know, there's a clear defined beginning of your property ending of your property. Your neighbor knows this and you know it, the neighbor dies, children are not sure about it, you expand your boundaries into taking over some of the property of others. This is of course, something forbidden in Islam. Professor Solomon said whoever he snatches the problems with of land wrongfully, Allah will put it around his neck on the Day of Resurrection from seven Earths not just

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the earth that you stole, but from seven Earths. So, this is also prohibited in Islam to change the land markings in order to steal the property of others. Without their viewers would like to thank you for being with us in this segment of our episode,

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from the series, the best of tower heat, and we hope to see you in the coming episodes. Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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