Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 24

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The upcoming weekend of the month ofFinancial is emphasized by everyone, including praying for the destruction of Iran's society and reciting the Prophet sallama's teachings. The importance of unity in unite and practicing deeds is emphasized, as the use of Islam as a way to elevate one's worth. The negative impact of the coronavirus on society, including the lack of social distancing and potential infection, is emphasized. Everyone is urged to stay safe and limit interactions with others, protecting oneself and others' health.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla Amanda Heyman handed in let him up behind Amina salatu salam ala VL mursaleen Nabina Muhammad Allah he have done a solid to attempt to slim and about. My brothers and sisters in Islam said mid Kumara to LA he Obara cattle

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to tonight is the 24th night on the bottom. Right. Or is it the 25th the 24th night. And Pamela, there's no more Thursday nights of this month or for this month of Ramadan. This will be the last Friday night that we experienced during the month of Ramadan, which is technically a Saturday night according to the semi calendar.

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There'll be no more Saturday nights tomorrow, and so on. So this month is already gone less than one week, right, less than a week to go next Friday, we'll be praying a prayer here in sha Allah Tana. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept all of our efforts throughout this month of Ramadan. And to allow us to have the strength and energy to maximize from the time that's remaining.

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will continue in sha Allah China, sorta 30 yes yet, which is the 51st Surah Surah number 51 of the Quran, and we had some homework last night. So just remind me right before the end, right before we finish, inshallah we'll go over the homework and see who actually did it. So I'm hinting to those that didn't do their homework. Now's your chance.

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So we'll start from verse number 30.

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That yet,

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in fact, we'll just start from before that verses 24 to 46, Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, who remembers what the title of this what is that yet? What does it mean?

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The winds that scatter, okay? The winds that scatter the winds that Allah subhanho wa Taala, send, sends, and here in this solar panel without us talking about which truck or which which people which nation in particular,

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the people of ad, right. And so the people of ad, the winds, that scattered intent, and so alasa panel, it's 100 versus 24, to 46 goes on to highlight the lives of other prophets and other nations. So for example, the Prophet Ibrahim and his center and how he warned warned his people of the end of time as well. And we looked at it and Allah subhana wa tada highlights ad as well the people have ad and then the people have looked at it his center, right the people at the time of Louisiana, his setup, and how he as well as a prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala warned his people that there will be a destruction, there will be a punishment, and there will be an end of time as well. And so

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Subhana Allah, we noticed that these prophets had warned their people, just like we covered yesterday in terms of the winds and how Allah subhana wa Taala destroys nations. In our own Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about fit around, and how he was warned by musalla his center, that there will be a punishment that will come How is the destruction of fear around himself, not his people himself. He drowned and his army drowned as well. Right? They were in the water and the last panel etana made the Red Sea come back and meet again. And so he drowned. And then Allah Subhana metalic commanded the sea to spit out fit our own and it did so and so fit around was, you know, his body

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was was seen after his death

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as assigned for all the people of that time and for all times to come. That Allah subhanho wa Taala destroyed our own who claimed to be God and claimed to be the controller of everything on earth and that which he could control which he actually had no control over whatsoever who remembers the example of fit on that?

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Sorry, not fit on.

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I'm thinking of the story of even though he may have sent out the story of Ibrahim Allah has sent him when he traveled and left his people he came across a king

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who did he come across?

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epic in either nattokinase or having a Scrooge Mashallah number route, right? Number with what what what exactly happened there in that example with number Ruth, What was he saying? What was he telling you brought him at his center?

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Right, he had the ability to give life and death and what did he do? He ended up having two prisoners brought forward two prisoners and he said watch I will give one of them life and another one death. Now just as an example to show us, you know how ridiculous some of these people thought and so he says I will I will give you a

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An example if you know him, he's telling you about him. He'll give him an example of how he gives life and he gives death. And so he brings these two prisoners. And one of the prisoners, he tells, you know, his, his workers to kill him. Right? So they kill him. And then the other prisoner, he tells them, you're free, you can go, you're free to live. And so he tells him about him. And he sent him He says, You see, I gave this one death. And I gave this one life. This one was, you know, there, he was going to die. And he ends up going and he's free. He was a prisoner, and now he's free. And this one, he was locked up, and now he's dead. And so he removed, sorry, he tried to try

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to remove that thought in the minds of the people that even though he might have his Senate was calling towards a greater God. And he was trying to prove that he gives life and death as well. And so fit our own would also try and tell his people that he gives life and he gets death and he's the one that controls everything that happens. But Allah subhanho wa Taala showed him that he had absolutely no control when he was in the middle of the Red Sea. And Allah subhanho wa Taala made the water come back together, and it literally made him drown, and then spit him out.

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The people have had a last panel with Allah goes on to highlight the people of Iran again, as we touched upon yesterday in the beginning of the surah. And then the people of thermowood, which you all know very well because this was your homework. And so at the end of today, inshallah, you're going to give us the answers to how these two nations were destroyed by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then highlights the people of New Allah, his center, the people of know how to his center, and how their destruction was as well.

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So, just to conclude, before we finish the suit on verse number 56, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah you know, highlights to us that he created not only us human beings, but the jinn as well well now find out go to

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dr go

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so Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he created the jinn as well as the the creation of Allah subhana wa tada so that we worship a lot there's no other purpose there's no other reason except to worship of us accountable

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now, we could sit there and debate over this this you know, the thoughts that come into people's minds and they say well how are we supposed to just you know, worship a lawn what we can't work and we can't you know, provide for our families and so on No, we always talk about how different aspects of our life are also considered a bad right sleep itself can be considered a bad if we go to sleep correctly. If we make sure that we you know, perform Whoo, before we go to sleep, we recite Ayatollah corsi, we recycle a lot Go ahead, go along with a bit of Bill Fela cola was a bit of bitterness, right, and we go to sleep on our right sides. And we say our, that this sleep is, you

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know, we do it. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that gives us the sleep and he raises us after the sleep. And so when we go to sleep, it can become a type of very bad as well. And therefore it's very simple for us to actually get rewarded simply by sleeping, but we shouldn't take advantage of it in sleep too much and then miss our prayers as well and say no, I'm worshiping a lot in my sleep. So I don't need to get up from Foton for fudge. No, we have to wake up for budget as well. And then of course there's the you know, there's the the way against the person who sleeps through fauja or sleeps through any prayer, right but they had done what was required and necessary in order

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to wake up like saving and setting an alarm clock or asking a spouse or a family member or a friend to wake them up for you know for prayer and so on. So Allah subhanho wa Taala overlooks the person who tried took the means to try and wake up for funjet or for any sign up and you know, it doesn't really matter if it's legit or not any other prayer but Allah subhana wa Jalla will overlook that if the person took those means necessary requirements but still did not end up waking up so your alarm was ringing and ringing and ringing and ringing and ringing you never heard it

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then that's okay. Right It was kind of data overlooks that but you still have to pray fudge it when you wake up. Right You still have to pray your sauna or whatever prayer was when you wake up

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so even though you might hear not hear the alarm, it's still compulsory for us to print and for those of us that hear the alarm and just go to sleep and say you know what if I pretend like I never heard it and I just ignore it, then I will still be under the category of the three types of people that are you know, forgiven or you know, the the permissibility or what's the word I'm looking for? is a specific word. Anyone know what's in migraine exemption? Mashallah, good, good. It's not the exact word I was looking for. But it's a good alternative. So that exemption that comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala. What are the other two types of people? So the person who's not saying the person

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who was not saying, Now that doesn't mean only insane as in someone who is not mentally

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stable. That could also mean someone who's gone to the hospital

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and had some surgery of some sort. And they were still not recovered from the anesthetics that they received. And so they're not there. They're not mentally aware they can't differentiate between right and wrong, right? And what is the third category?

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Come on, there's three categories. How many children are here,

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the children the child until the child becomes mature, right? The child until they become mature. So Allah subhanho wa Taala does not hold those three categories accountable for their son, right or for anything that is compulsory in the deed. So for example, someone who, actually we shouldn't just say anything, because there are certain things that that might need to be required to pay on behalf of someone else or to be done on someone else's behalf. So in terms of Salah itself, Allah subhana wa tada gives that leeway. We'll move on to Surah four, which is the 52nd surah of the Quran. And what is the title of this surah in English? What does it mean? someone other than always?

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It's the name of a mountain. So what does it mean?

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The mount the mount? Right? Okay, good. So Allah subhana wa tada here in 50 seconds, sort of,

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in verses nine to 10, he gives us a description of the Day of Judgment. So you'll notice that there's a description of the day of judgment in verses nine and 10, on the day when the heaven will shake with a dreadful shaky, and unless palitana talks about the heavens, as well as the earth will shake with that dreadful shaking to the extent that in verse number 10, and the mountains shall pass away. And if you look at the the, the mufa sitting and how they explain this, they mentioned that the mountains will come to dust as we as we cover in a few verses, or a few years to come, the mountains will become dust, and literally will just fly in the air as though they were nothing. So

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become powder and just just, you know, vanish. Those are the mountains and how they will be destroyed. And today, somehow we go and we drive our cars up mountains, right, like I remember when we were young, we went to Mount Washington, which is in New Hampshire, in the United States, and going up there so Canada was like very dangerous, you're right at the edge of the mountain and you're driving up and this is something that's so great, and people love to go and see and you see the view of of the skyline of the city and Mashallah you see everything so clearly from up there. And then on your way down, you notice that you burn out your brakes on your cars, alright, and

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people said You know, there's signs that says if you have an automatic transmission, put your car in a low gear, right and gear number one or two, put it in a low gear so that you don't burn out your brakes. And the last panel metallic gives such power to the mountains in just the height that it can destroy this steel, right, the composite that's made inside our brake shoes and brake pads on our cars. And the steel of this you know, the disc brakes and the drums it melts away. And we'll talk about the steel at the end of today inshallah dad and how Allah Subhana Allah has given it such strength, strength to use in different ways as we'll look at. But here our last panel data mentions

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the mountains and how the mountains will be destroyed to dust.

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And the day of judgment will come and the earth will shake the heavens will shake the sky will shake. And it will be a scary moment when you think of it. So Pamela, we we sometimes look online at YouTube videos or on the news of how earthquakes come to different regions of the world. And it shakes such a slight amount of shaking. When you look at the camera. It's really not much shaking. But when the earth shakes, it's abnormal to us. So we panic and we start to react in very strange ways. Imagine on the day of judgment or just before the destruction of the earth. And how Allah subhanho wa Taala handle it when it begins to shake. Will our Eman be shaken as well?

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Will we be shaken? Will we still believe in Allah subhana wa Tada. When we run and hide? Will we trust the loss of data? Will we trust that we will be safe because we're believers? How many of us will will have a guarantee that our hearts will shake with the remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada? Which is the shaking of the earth? Or will the shaking of the earth, shake the image out of our hearts? How many of us have a guarantee? None. None of us have a guarantee. Therefore, it's important for us to constantly remember a loss of habitat and constantly build our email and put those building blocks together. This is the month of Ramadan. And it's the ending of the month of

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Ramadan. It's the last Friday of this month. Right and we saw today at Joomla How many of you attended Joomla we all did, right? The reason I ask is because there were so many more people that attended Joomla this week. Then we noticed regularly

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You know, on a weekly basis, how come more people attended today? Where are these people on all the other Fridays? Right? Where are all the Muslims in Canada today and lead Jim and Milton, there's 30,000 Muslims in Milton, the masjid was full and hamdulillah. We even prayed outside, there were people praying outside, we there's a big tent set up with, you know, another 20 rows or some odd rows outside plus on the grass. And there's even a speaker that was set up outside and the police to control the traffic, where all these people every other Friday, where are these people on, you know, the day of read at photos time, where all these people in the day varied at a time? Where are these

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people in the day buried at us of time, where all these people six months from now, for Muslims, for example, for Asia, where all these people imagine if the whole oma would come together five times a day, imagine how great and how powerful how the Canadian society would look at Muslims and say, you know, we can't actually just put them under our thumb. There's such a large number, and they're so united. And we noticed that some of the, I won't say any names, but some of the religious groups, in Canada, in other countries, in countries around the world, those that might be smaller number, but united, they always will come together, you'll notice that they come together and they come together

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and they come together whenever there's a need for them to unite. They're there together. They have the power.

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Their voices heard

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their ways in terms of their culture, their behavior might be far more strange in terms of the societal norms than the behaviors of the Muslims. But for some reason, no one is putting them under their thumb. Right? Because they're united. And so it's important for us to be united, it's important for us to come out and show ourselves in numbers. Numbers are important. We don't say that numbers are what is absolutely important because Allah Subhana Allah has the ability to change things with this small group of people, you can have a huge impact in the world. But unity is important. And in the Muslim Ummah, when you have 30,000 people, for example, in one city, but only

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700 are coming together for July. Okay, take out 50% take out 60% of that of the 30,000 because you might have women who it's not compulsory for them to come for Juma. Even though in Canada, we noticed that we almost have an equal number, maybe even more sisters. How That's weird. I don't understand it. How is there more sisters coming for Juma than men? When it's compulsory for the men and it's not compulsory for the women, but yet we still have more numbers of sisters that come in the masjid sometimes. How does that happen? Only Allah subhana wa tada knows. But it's absolutely important for us to convey this message to all of our colleagues and friends and relatives. Why is

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it that you came for July on the last Friday

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of Ramadan? What is different from this Friday? That is so different than next Friday? Or what's different from this Friday as compared to last Friday? Or what's so different about this Friday? And the Friday that's going to be in a month or two months or three months? What's different? It's gonna move on? Yeah, okay. We understand that it's the last Friday of Ramadan. Okay, but there were many other Fridays during Ramadan. And so you come to Allah subhana wa Jalla, seeking forgiveness great.

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Abbas pan with Allah is still going to be there waiting for you to seek forgiveness in a month in two months and six months in nine months in a year. So why is it this last day of Ramadan or this last Friday of Ramadan? Many people come to the masjid.

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It's important for us to always be there. It's important for us to unite and always come to the call of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we need to deliver this message to all of our friends and colleagues don't just come because it's a cultural aspect. It's the last Friday Oh, if we don't go you know I am. It's a big problem. We don't go everyone's going to talk about us. Well, what about all the other weeks? And do you worship a lot because people talk about you or do we worship Allah because Allah subhanho wa Taala says here in the Quran, I love to Regina will insert ilaria

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right? So we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give us a deeper understanding of, of who we are and what our purpose is. In life. We move on to verses 21 to 28 of sorts to

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Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the righteous, those who are righteous and how the righteous will have their children in Jannah, elevated to their status. So if we were righteous individuals, and our children might be at a lower level of gentlemen, Allah subhanho wa Taala here in these verses says that he will elevate the status of our offspring, our children, and make them come up to the status that we are at so that we can enjoy being with them. And here this is some handler to to make people feel happy to make us feel content. We always look at our children and we think of our children, right?

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Even though our children sometimes are more religious than us, more connected to a loss of time with Allah than us, but we still say, Oh, you know, we worry about our children, we worry about our children. And so on the day of judgment when Allah subhanho wa Taala places us into agenda, those who are righteous and our higher status agenda than their children than their children and their offspring, Allah subhanho wa Taala will raise them up so that they can be together. And so Allah mentions that here in these verses.

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Then until the or throughout the rest of the sutra, in many different locations, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the description of gender and how the mushrikeen are stubborn to accept the the signs that Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, sent to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and told them in general you will get this and in general, you will get that and you will get so many things as we'll see in sort of, very shortly. You'll get so many things in gender, yet there's still so stubborn to accept what Allah subhanho wa Taala will give them why it's not tangible. It's not there. It's not now if we say tomorrow is going to be the release of the new What do they call the

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Apple Watch? Is the Apple Watch.

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Yeah, or is it the I watch or something? Apple watch? Right? They change the name now? Mashallah. Marketing, right marketing. So

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Mashallah, Mashallah, someone already bought the name I watched in 2008. So they couldn't use it good. Have they left? So now maybe they'll sell it to them? No, they would never do that. Right. And so you notice if tomorrow we're going to announce the new release of Apple Watch to write the next generation Apple watch that really just came out recently? For those uncles and Auntie's that don't know what we're talking about, you know, iPhone, the company iPhone, right? It's not the company, but they know it that way. So there's a company that makes phones, they're called the iPhone, right? those phones, the company now Apple, they made a watch. It's not like my watch people make fun of my

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watch, right? This is called the pebble. And so Allah Subhana, Allah allowed them to make this watch called the Iowa or the the Apple Watch. And it syncs up with your phone, and it looks like the iPhone, and it's got all the nice colors and icons, and you can touch it and play with it and do some crazy things with it. And so people have gone crazy for this phone for this watch. They go crazy for the phone, they go crazy for the watch. And even if they started to make apple socks, people will buy them, right because it just says apple and there's a picture of an apple on it. So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in the example of those who go crazy for these phones and for these

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watches and for, you know, brands and so on and so forth.

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That, you know, if we were to release the newest item tomorrow, people would rush to get it because it's tangible. It's there right now. But if Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about gender, that tomorrow you will get it because really, it's tomorrow. It really is tomorrow, this life is so short, when you look back at 20 years ago, you know, I remember when I was young, and I would say wow, when I turned 20 Wow, cars are going to be flying. And that was like 15 years ago, right? Cars are going to be flying. And you know, people are going to have these boots on them that have jets. And so you could just stand in the middle.

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And you're propelled forward and all these strange things are gonna happen. And the year 2000 came and left, right and nothing strange happened. And all those people are crazy about the y2k bug, y2k bug and all the computers, which was a big scam. And many, you know, computer companies made a lot of money off of that. And so some handle on every computer still continued to work, just like they're continuing to work now. And so Allah subhana wa tada talks about Jelena as though it's right in front of us, because it really is life is so short, but we don't fully submit to what Allah Subhana Allah is asking us to do, simply because the reward is still too far away. As in, it's not

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tangible. It's not there. It's not right in front of us. Like if Apple says, tomorrow's the eye watch or the Apple Watch to you will notice people standing in front of the building in the streets of the stores, waiting for days just to get this product. But if we say agenda, you'll be able to lay there and just go Hmm, I wish I could have popeyes chicken right now. And you open your eyes and Bob, right in front of you. There's Popeye's chicken. All right. Would we line up for days for that? No. We wouldn't line up for days. We wouldn't line up for days. That's just the reality of it. Because we'd only get it in gentlemen. And we haven't seen it. We haven't experienced it. We haven't

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smelt it. We haven't tasted it. We haven't gotten a single aspect of it yet.

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Except maybe the Blackstone and that'll die. Right? Which is a place that if you pray and it's as though you're praying in a garden of gentlemen, right? So there's nothing that we've actually gotten, that does strange things that you know, has colorful colors on it like dTT making phone calls from your watch, right and doing you know, pictures and videos from your watch and doing all these things. That's kind of that's tangible for us. So we ask Allah subhana wa

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To make it easy for us to understand that and to continue worshiping Allah subhanho, wa Taala and hamdulillah it's a blessing that we've been given a man. But Allah subhanho wa Taala here mentions that the machete keen are stubborn. They're stubborn in their ways as much as the last panel metallic and highlighted give them details and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had spoken about things. Now remember, these things that are being mentioned were mentioned over 1400 years ago. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that, you know, people will be able to do this, and you'll be able to do that to us, we think of it like, okay, it's just food. But

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these were people living at a time where they didn't really have meat.

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And you say, you know, it's kinda like, you're going to have roasted chicken bird, whatever you want. Just, it'll just come like roasted. You'll see it in the sky. You think I want to eat that one? That one looks nice, right? I like how it's it's flying beautifully. Boom comes right in front of you in a platter. These were people who didn't have food for months, sometimes for years, right? They would just eat dates. They wouldn't eat meat, they wouldn't eat things. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given these messages, these verses were revealed to him, and he was telling it to the people. It was a huge shock. And they were like, Nah,

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can't be true. Can't be true. Imagine today, if we took a cell phone 1400 years back in time. And we showed them here, this is a phone I'm going to call a family member. And you pick up the phone and you call them and then you say I'll turn on the video call and you show them the video to be like, oh, Shannon devil, this is strange. This is magic. Something's happening. Right? But Allah subhanaw taala allowed us to see that and experience it. And it's real, and it's in front of us. But yet we still don't believe right? People still don't believe. And Allah subhanaw taala has made so many things easy for us, but we still don't believe we still don't see the signs of Allah Subhana Allah,

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they're right in front of our face, but we're still blinded by it. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to open our hearts up to this Deen We ask Allah subhana wa tada to open the hearts of others up to the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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We move on to sorta to najem so what are the najem is the 53rd sought out of the Quran? And it means the star the star okay? Naja. And at the very beginning of this sort almost kind of with Anna begins by swearing by the star. Can Allah subhanho wa Taala swear by the star? Is he allowed to do that? Yes, he's allowed to do he does it in the Koran? Can Allah Subhana Allah to Allah swear by the sun and the moon? Yes he can. Can we swear by the sun in the moon? No, we can't. Can we swear by the star? No, we can't. So we can't do as Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and say, You know when najem or West chumps, right? What? What if we can't swear by the things that Allah subhanho its Allah created

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meaning taking an oath, we can't take an oath by the things that will dustpan which Allah created we take an oath slowly by the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala or in Allah subhana wa tada right will lie to lie belay. Right? And we noticed that the time of

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the Bedouins Mashallah they still use terms like what are Bill carrabba right and the Lord of the cabinet which is okay because the Lord of the characters Allah subhanho wa tada right. And so these terms are correct and okay to us, and we can swear by Allah subhanho wa Taala but none other than Allah subhana wa tada right we can't swear by what Dean was a tune the fig and the olive we can't swear by those even though all of us have kind of went down has so he is capable of doing that. And here love begins this sorta by taking an oath with the creation that he has created the star.

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And then in verses one to four, we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights your companion, your companion does not err he does not go straight, nor does he speak out of desire. It is a it is only an inspiration that is inspired, and Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about your companion who is the companion here, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu I think he was someone who is being told that this is their companion,

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the crush the mushrikeen the people who disbelieve then Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now why would a lot tell them that this is your companion? Why would he say this is your companion? When they disbelieve?

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He was okay he was from them, but why else?

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Who knows?

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Did we not? You know read in the sila of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that they would say he is saw decal I mean, he is the trustworthy one. He is the one who would not tell lies. He would tell the truth. If the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he did this. He called the people together and he said if I was to tell

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You the behind this mountain there is what? An army that's going to attack us would you believe? And they said, you know, you're the one who's truthful. You're the one who when you speak, you tell the truth. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was trusted by his people. They knew that he was one that spoke the truth. That wouldn't lie that wouldn't cheat that wouldn't you know, tell tales and make things up and try and twist the truth. We know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was respected by the Muslim mean by the momineen. The believers as well as those that did not believe. Yet at the same time. here Allah subhanho wa Taala is showing us that he refers to Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam, when he's speaking to the machete keen as their companion, trying to prove to them that look, you are the ones that trust him. If you trust Him, then he's someone that you should believe someone whose word is truthful. And then when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes and tells the rest of the verses that come right after it, they should believe right? But they don't. They shouldn't believe but they don't. And so here Allah subhana wa Tada, you know, highlights in these verses, that you know, the signs that that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam has come with, that he's a person that only tells the truth. He's not someone that lives he doesn't

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make up tales. He's not a poet. He's not a magician. He's not anything that you accuse him of being. He's a person who comes with the truth. And this truth comes from, from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, it's a divine message. It's the Quran that was sent down to him through a messenger gibreel Allah His center,

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but they still don't believe they still don't believe. And then we move on to verses five to 18. In verses five to 18, Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals the truth of what Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and experienced, right, so first highlighting that he's the companion of those mushrikeen that he is the one that tells the truth. And then he highlights some of the aspects of the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, some of the things that he's done, like going for Islam, the Night Journey, right and sort of, as we took, and highlighting some of the some of the things that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had done in his life.

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In verse number 38.

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In verse number 38, Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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Does he was he

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here, last panel with Hannah is telling us the believers, as well as the non believers, telling everyone in general that you will not receive or you will not carry the burden of other people on the Day of Judgment. And that's important for us to realize, because you will only carry the burden of your own actions, right, your own statements, whatever you've done. And let me give you an example. I think we spoke about it before, how sometimes a husband and wife do things together, right? They live with each other, they encourage each other, be more practicing in the deen. And you might find on the day of judgment that a spouse poses the husband or pulls their spouse in front of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and says, You know what, this person didn't wake me up for fudger, this person, this husband was not responsible enough, this person didn't do this, this person didn't do that. In that example, is the wife responsible? Or is the husband responsible?

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almost kind of Italian says none of us will carry the burden of another person. So what is the wife doing to the husband in that example?

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Put her burden on him. But is she really doing that?

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She's trying to but is that what's really happening? Or is she highlighting that he didn't fulfill his rights,

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highlighting that he didn't fulfill his rights, or her rights. He didn't do what he was supposed to do. He didn't fulfill the rights that the wife has upon him. He didn't, for example, you know, maybe look after her in terms of her livelihood, he didn't give her something for her to spend, you know, in terms of the wealth, he didn't provide for her enough food, he didn't, you know, provide a an adequate type of education for the children. And so you notice that so Pamela, she is not, she is not in any way shape, or form dumping on him or on his shoulders. You know, the fact that oh, you know, I as the mother didn't do this, and so you know, but he's the father. So he's responsible.

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She's not doing that at all. We notice in this example, that he was responsible for that in the first place. And she's only highlighting that I didn't do these not because you know of any other reason. I didn't do them because I wasn't encouraged to do it. I wasn't pushed to do it. When he has to go to the masjid. Right to pray when he has to go for Juma and the wife doesn't have to go Who is going to be the educator, the wife or the

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Husband, the husband, who's responsible for going for Juma the husband, right? The men of the family. So it's a huge responsibility on the shoulders of the men of this woman, in terms of the family as well, that we must take care of the family, and we will be questioned about it. And don't think that Oh, you know what, she's just dumping her burden. You know, her, her her sins and her lack of being responsible on the husband, shoulders know, whatever Allah Subhana Allah will give her is Justin right and honest, we know that Allah Subhana, Allah is the most honest of judges. And so he will look at her situation. And he will, you know, give her what she deserves in terms of

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whatever she cut short on. But at the same time, her highlighting the fact that, Allison, that her husband did not fulfill the rights that were upon her. That is not dumping anything on anyone's shoulders. That is because he didn't do that. And he was supposed to do it. So he's responsible for his burden. And so Allah subhana wa, tada highlights that in this verse, which was verse number 38, of sort of,

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we move on to soldato comma. So what we're talking about is a 54, sort of the Quran. And it means the moon, the moon, and we noticed that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us a clear sign at the very beginning of this surah ecotel robertis, to one shot karma, that the the the time of the of the hour, the SAT, the day of judgment is near. And what does Allah subhanho wa Taala say, a sign that the Day of Judgment is near is one shot code of conduct,

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that the moon has split, the splitting of the moon has it happened, it's happened during the time of who? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he raised his hand so long already, he was Salam showing the companions as to how they love our own home, his two fingers and said, the day of judgment is as close to you as these two fingers are. The Day of Judgment is as close to you as these two fingers are, right. Now imagine that, how close the Day of Judgment is. And one of the major signs of the Day of Judgment is the splitting of the moon. And it happened. It happened during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when the mushrikeen were testing him, and so you

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can read through that in sha Allah, and this is what the soul is referring to.

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And the most really keen when they saw this sign happen from Allah subhanho wa Taala that this was a miracle from a lot. It wasn't something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did, he didn't just turn to the moon and split it when he wanted to and you know, put it back when he wanted to and send half on this side and half on the other side. No, that was from Allah subhanho wa Taala he made it happen, the will of Allah Subhana Allah

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sorry with the will of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah the moon split, and not with the command of the prophets and along either he will send them and then the last panelist and in the next few verses of the surah he goes on to highlights nurhaliza his Salah, Arad, thermowood, loot Farah own the kurush. And all of them were warned about the hour and the ending of time. And so we see in many of the sutras of the Quran, how Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights all of these profits and these people and their nations that had come before, but all of them are tweaked and tuned to the context of what's happening in that solar. And here you notice this panel, all of these nations and people were

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warned that there is a Saha. There is a time that will happen. And at the very end, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warns the machine and the last panel it added highlights that there that the machine again, the correlation, they were warned, they were warned of the end of time, they were warned that the that the moon split and that was a sign from Allah subhanho wa Taala had, but they believe no, they said that was this magic. It's just magic. That's it. Just a magic trick. Nothing more than that. And so Allah subhana wa attalus and signs upon sign upon sign, and yet still the people don't believe we move on to sort of Ramadan, which is the 55th surah of the Quran.

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We all know what sort of the right man means right? Or rock man? What is that?

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The Most Merciful, the most magnificent? That is Allah subhanho wa Taala in verses one and two, a lot towards the end. What does Allah Subhana Allah say, this Mila here? Rahman Mr.

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I limit

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that taught the Koran. And when we learn the Quran, we are only learning what Allah subhanho wa Taala taught us. So our teacher is Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then we move on to the next few verses. What does the last What does the last panel which is in verse number four caught up on you

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Allah subhanho wa Taala taught us speech, eloquence in our speech. It comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala. To be eloquent, to speak so people can understand, to speak so that people will comprehend, to speak so that you're not just delivering a message and is going, no one understands what you're saying, when the animals are revealed to the Sahaba sort of revealed to the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, but obviously taught and told to this, how about the law and home? They heard it, and it was powerful. It wasn't like, Oh, we don't understand. No, it was powerful. They understood it. It was the language that they spoke, and it was brought down in a way that so panela when we I

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remember when we begin our to see it, in one of the sutras we mentioned, what's what I was it

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sort of

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sort of fell and fell I think it was, we highlighted how Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the words in the sentence. And sometimes we can understand it to mean something completely different.

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Yes, I remember the verse and the law Betty Amina mushy kena what a pseudo

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remember when we spoke about that, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is far is distant from who from the machine and

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what are Sulu and His Prophet. If you translate it simply you think, and Allah subhana wa tada is distant, he distances himself from the machine and from his prophet. Now that doesn't make any sense. But the Sahaba the companions of the Arabs, they knew they understood, this is referring back to Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger, they are far from the machine and the law. What are soooo Betty minalima shrieking, that Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam distanced themselves from the machete key. So Allah sends us the Quran. And he sends it to us in a beautiful manner in a beautiful fashion when we hear it when we recite it, even for those from

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amongst us that don't understand the Quran. When we hear it, we're intrigued by it, we want to listen to it. It's special. It's something beautiful. And then some people who don't understand and who don't even know what the Quran is. They say oh, you know, how come singing and and you know, music is forbidden in Islam. When you guys sing the foreign, we don't sing the Quran. We don't sing the Quran, we recite the coroner. There's a huge difference. There's a huge, huge difference. reciting the Quran is done with devotion. It's done with who short with sincerity. It's done knowing that you're reciting the verses of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, knowing that when you recite it,

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you don't care if the person hearing you is happy and pleased with your voice, what you what what what your purpose is in reciting the Quran is that they are pleased with the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala not with your voice, not with you not with who you are. That's totally irrelevant. So to recite the Quran is giving the Quran to the ears of the people in the way that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave it

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and not to sing the Quran. And so Allah Subhana which Allah is the first teacher of the Quran, he is our first teacher when it comes to learning the Quran. Because he says, I'm like man, I love the Koran. Pharaoh come as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says clay rukon Montana lemon Khurana where I learned the best from amongst you is those who learn the Koran and teach it and the last panel with Allah taught us the Quran so it's important for us to try and learn it. In verse number 16, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions how we're surrounded by the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he goes on and on and on for ba

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ba Kuma to kidney.

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Which of the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala Do you deny? And Allah mentions so many of his signs, we can't go through all of them. Right? But they're mentioned there and sort of read through the soil. Literally, you'll feel as though your heart just softens just by reading this sort of read it in Arabic then read the translation in a language that you are comfortable with. And you'll see the signs of Allah subhana wa tada that he highlights here. He talks about humans he talks about gyms, he talks about the water talks about what comes from the water in terms of the seafood, the pearls, the gems that we get from the water, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights how he is everlasting and

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never ends never ended in terms of beginning and never will end in terms of an end. And so Allah subhana wa Jalla goes through all of that in sort of dogma in verses 46 to 53 of the same sort of last panel in China highlights the gardens, gardens in Paradise, and these are gardens of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions there's two gardens, right to gardens. For those people who enter genda, who will be receiving the, the the bounties of gender, people who refrained from giving into their desires, there will be given these gardens, one garden, everything in it and what it contains and all that you know is is inside of that garden is made of gold.

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And everything in this garden, the other garden because we said there were two, all of the plants, the plantation, everything that's in it, the agriculture, whatever is inside this garden is made of silver.

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And we can't even comprehend that. We know what gold is. We know what silver is. We know what gardens are. We know what produces we know what fruits are, we know what vegetables are, but we can't comprehend it.

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Can you eat those fruits? Those Golden and Silver fruits and vegetables? No. Why not?

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Why not? In gentlemen, why not? Right, you can do as you wish you can do as you wish, you would wish that you can eat this golden fruit, eat the golden fruit Do as you wish. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us these examples in the Quran for us to think of, for us to try and wrap our heads around, because we can't fully do that. But we try we try to understand, but Allah subhanho wa Taala has such great, you know, gifts for us waiting agenda that we can't even you know, comprehend. And so kinda you know, and I think of it on Earth, we're so pleased with the gifts that we get, you know, yesterday, some of the youth that attend our halaqa you know, they gave me a couple of gifts.

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And so Pamela was so nice, you know, I got home at midnight after Tara we open the gifts, very simple gifts but very meaningful, right? Very simple, yet meaningful. And handle on one of them. One of the gifts that you got me was a bottle of perfume, which is one of the most desired things that I had that I enjoy from this dunya and it was also something that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam enjoyed from this dunya perfume and to smell good to look nice to be presentable. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam enjoyed that. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless them for giving me such a, you know, such beautiful gifts, really, you know, it touches the hearts when you get

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something nice, and it makes you know, people feel happy. Then Allah Subhana Allah mentions the branches with fruit that will be in genda will be branches of fruit that you have of your choice. But not only is it fruit of your choice, you won't have to get a ladder and climb the tree. You know, you'd watch people who want to get a papaya or want to get you know, a pineapple or a coconut out of the tree. And so kinda they hold on to the tree and they climb up the tree. Right I've seen it in Malaysia so many times they climb up the tree. So Pamela agenda when you want something and you see it hanging off the branch of the tree, the branch of the tree will come down to you

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come right down to you. You just take it,

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eat it, enjoy it. So the branches will come down to your level, they will come down to you and you will get to take from the fruits of genda whatever you wish you want this one you want that one you want, though, and you're not pleased with this branch, it'll go up that other branch will come down, take whichever one you want. You want to eat all of them the entire tree will literally just come down and all the branches will be there you can fill your belly and then when you fill your belly, you won't feel as though your belly is full. You can eat and eat and eat you can eat for 100 years you can eat for 1000 years continuously. Today we can eat like 100 calories and we feel full right

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which is like a piece of chicken at Popeye's, right? So you can eat you know so much in general and you won't feel full you won't feel you know as though your stomach is going to burst open.

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In verse number 54 to 61 Allah Subhana Allah mentions reclining on couches, how people in general will recline on couches and hamdulillah these chairs that we have in the Disney are so comfortable, right because sit on it for hours and hours and you don't even feel like you're sitting on the chair. But in general you'll be reclining on these couches and they'll be pillows right there'll be cushions and it will be made out of silk and the embroidery that will be around it you know some handle that some people not show that like you know this brother has nice embroidery on his clothing. Oh look at this stand up, stand up Stand up Stand up the two of you both of you stand up.

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Look at that beautiful clothing Mashallah and look at the embroidery. Right embroidery on the front is nice gold, but it's not real gold. The embroidery in general you can sit down now the material will be silk and the embroidery will be gold. Gold. You know when we think of the kiswa of the carrabba the cover of the Calvin the thread was dipped in gold. That thread the golden colored thread is actually dipped in gold. Like it costs millions for that the drape and they change it every single year. That black cover of the cabinet. The thread is dipped in gold

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and in general Allah subhanho wa Taala will give us

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couches that you sit on, that you don't take care of. You don't take care of your sofa that much do we right now in this dunya? We do because we know we paid a lot of money for that sofa. Right? Sometimes people only sit on the sofa. No, this is the guest sofa. I remember I've gone to people's houses, especially when I was in Saudi, we would go to some of the shields houses, actually not the shoe. And we would go to some people's houses I remember we're in reality and we visited a few people's houses, and they had sofas this was the guest room and the children are not allowed in. No one's allowed in there. Why? Because this sofa is worth too much. It's only for guests to come and

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sit on and when guests come their clothing are clean and neat and proper and smell good. So it's not going to harm or damage the material of the sofa. Right? It's not going to scratch the sofa, the leather, nothing's going to you know harm. That beautiful sofa that we paid so much money for. In general most of what Allah tells you you will sit on silk. You know when you when you feel silk with your fingers. Imagine sitting on silk nice and soft, smooth, right? And gold all around you beautiful color to the eye with the sunlight shining on it such you know, amazing things Allah subhana wa tada will give us an agenda. But we don't think of it. We don't think of it. We don't

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think of gentlemen, we don't think of the Quran. Right? And that's what we're doing here and have the lover going through the Quran and enjoying the verses of the last panel we

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will go through the next two schools in sha Allah sola to aka the 56, ruler of the Quran. What does this mean? And what they are?

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event or the occurrence right? versus 123? Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions how on the Day of Judgment, there will be three groups of people, the one on the right, and we all know that people have the right, right. That's how many I mean, those are the the righteous, the good people, then there will be the people on the left those who, you know, did not have such a great outcome. And then there will be people right in the middle who are standing in the front in the middle. And they are the foremost they're the people who will receive the highest reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Those who are outstanding, those from amongst the the prophets and the messengers and those

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who were just outright outstanding individuals.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the reward for those people in verses 13 to 26. So you can go and read that in shot a lot of data. Again, it talks about the reward agenda. And then Allah mentions the servants and how they will have servants in general, and they will drink from the wine that is given an agenda that has no ability to change the state of mind. And then the last panel with Anna mentions,

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how they're the people will not feel full. Remember, we said you can eat as much as you want and you won't feel full in your stomach. So you can eat as much as you want and you won't feel full you will just eat and eat and drink and do as much as you want in terms of enjoyment from gentlemen. Then in the rest of the verses Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the pleasures of jedna and the punishments of health and you can read through that inshallah, because we've touched upon it quite a bit in verses 63 to 6463 to 74.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, asks us, basically, do we not see the signs of Allah subhana wa tarraleah? Do we not see them after going through the signs of a lot in terms of what's in agenda in terms of what the punishment is for the people of Ghana? Then Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the plants and how they grow and how the rain falls from the sky. And there are laws trying to make us think, don't you see the signs of a lot here on earth? Don't you see His signs? Don't you see if you took away the sun. If he took away the moon, if he took away the day and took away the night took away the heat took away the cold took away the food took away the plants took away the trees

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took away the the phones, the electricity, the light and everything that we enjoy? Would we still enjoy it? Don't you see we've received so many blessings already from Allah. Don't we comprehend that doesn't register inside here, that we live in blessings. every aspect of our life is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And then at the very end of the sword on verse number 87, Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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For those that disbelieved, when their soul is removed, and we discussed this yesterday, the soul will be removed though as though it's ripping out of the body for the people who left Islam right. And those who didn't believe Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask them now when your soul is literally hear it your throat after ripping it out of the body, right? Because the soul wants to stay inside, right after ripping it out. Allah Subhana Allah says, Now that the soul is right here right at your throat about to leave, who has the power to put it back in?

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Who has the power to put the soul back in the body?

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Who can do that? A lot. That's what I was telling us here. That's that's he you know, that's exactly what Allah subhanaw taala is saying. That since you've gone through this hardship in your soul, is that your thing?

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wrote in, it's about to leave your body, do you have the power to put it back in? No. So now that that person has lost their life, Allah subhanho wa Taala is questioning them and saying, You can't even put your own soul back into your own body.

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We move on to the next sort of two headed, there's not much to cover in Shama, Sewell had it very quickly in a couple of minutes, which is a 57 suit on we said that this is the suit about iron, iron or steel, right?

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In verse number one, everything in the heavens in the earth praise Allah Subhana Allah to Allah as we discussed previously in our halaqaat, that everything praises the last panel with data, every single thing in its functions, the way that they work and operates our play are praising Allah subhanho wa Taala verses seven to 11. The rewards for those who spend for Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it's important for us to spend as in give from our wealth, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala had, and we all come to the masjid throughout the month of Ramadan, and more throughout the last few nights of Ramadan, every single one of us on the way out at least once a week during the

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rest of the year. But during the Ramadan we should put more especially at night as we're leaving the masjid because it's multiplied. Imagine you put $1 every single night in the box. And you catch Laila to either one of those nights. It's as though you're giving $1 every single night for more than 1000 months.

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Imagine that. Imagine the reward is just $1 imagine you put five imagine you just put $10 every single day as you leave the masjid during the last 10 nights of Ramadan all night or even night doesn't matter. You put it in there and you catch later. Because you're not going to sacrifice an odd night or an evening even though you're going to make sure you get it no matter what

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that amount is multiplied every single day for over 1000 months. You get the reward for giving that to Allah Subhana Allah Tad and we use so much from the mustard during the month of Ramadan, the mustard bills skyrocket. We don't think of it. We come we enjoy it. We get food and handlers sponsored. The carpet gets used it now needs cleaning. The air conditioning has been running all month long. The electricity the lights have been running all month long. There's cleaning there's vacuuming, there's so much that gets done in the muster during the month of Ramadan. The bills go up are we contributing towards the mustard? We have to contribute in sha Allah to hide Okay, so in

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these verses in this what Allah subhana wa tada talks about spending and don't be stingy in verse number 24 Don't be stingy. Don't be stingy. Allah Subhana Allah is telling those who are stingy and mourn or those that are also distracting others from giving for the sake of a loss of time with Anna warning them Don't do that. Don't stop people from giving for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Then in verse 25, and onwards Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about steel or iron, right steel and how it has many uses and we conclude with this insha Allah how it has the mighty power in terms of using it for weapons. We noticed that many of the weapons today as well as traditionally are made out of steel, right so there's power in steel, right? swords were made, arrows were made Spears were made today guns are made tanks are made out of steel, all of that is steel. Then Allah subhana wa Taala tells us that in steel, he's given us signs as well of the greatness of a lot in steel. What do we use that is made out of steel. We have coins, right coins, money is made out of steel or metal iron

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tools are made out of iron vehicles, things that we use to cook our food is cooked inside steel, right? We heat it up in the oven we cook it on in the pots and pans. So kind of like almost everything we eat with with utensils made out of iron. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala has given power in steel for us to understand our glasses are made out of steel. Our phones now Mashallah aluminum casing iron, it's also a type of metal it comes from the ground. Do we not see the signs on the last panel with the iPads the MacBooks the you know, everything that's around US Steel, even our watches, steal our car that we get in get into it steal everything around us is a sign of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala

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so we ask Allah subhana wa tada and these last few moments I know they're supposed to finish much quicker benefit and maximize from the last few minutes make it as much as you possibly can. It's a Ramadan is the last Friday and it's the last few moments on martial law. Now there's a list of things make Dr. Mustapha who's passed away. My last panel with Allah bless him and his family to get rewards and mafia.

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family has a thought on his behalf. Mashallah May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept from from this brother and from his family members. Most of

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his sister has passed away and brother, my brother

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theater is sick. Please remember them in your drama as well as subtle on cinema, American and Indian Mr. Hammond weida. out he was off he was silent. And for the homework, we'll talk about it tomorrow and Shama

Explanation of Surah Adh-Dhaariyaat from verse 40 until the end of Surah, and Surah At-Toor, An-Najm, Al-Qamar, Ar-Rahman, Al-Waaqi’ah, Al-Hadeed.

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