Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 1A

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of reciting the Quran in shaping one's behavior and protecting from evil. They stress the difficulty of reciting the Prophet sallal and the importance of being flexible in one's life. The use of technology and cell phones is also discussed, as well as the use of Facebook and WhatsApp to promote Islam. The speakers emphasize the importance of guidance and showing the example of the person being the same as the speaker.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla Bohannon about him, and hamdulillah head of the line alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah, Allah fill me even more stunning, maybe you know habibollah Mohammed in Allah He offered us Allah to attempt to slim and barent my brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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I begin by apologizing, please forgive me for being late.

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It's just been crazy. A lot of my clothes is still in my suitcase. We moved right before I flew out two weeks ago. And when I came back,

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everything of mine is still packed away. So it was a matter of still unpacking my stuff today and getting everything in order. And it's my first time coming from the new home to this Masjid, since we moved so the timing is a little bit off, and I need to find the quickest route in shot a long time. So we're going to go through the Tafseer of the Quran in sha Allah hota Allah throughout this month of Ramadan.

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And before we begin, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to reach this month of Ramadan, which is literally about an hour away from us. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to grant us the ability to reach that month and to seek His forgiveness and to spend the entire month in sha Allah to Allah within the worship and obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So we're going to cover that to see it as well, as we mentioned. Now, obviously, in one hour, we can't cover an entire just like if you were to sit down and read one Joe's or one supatra, it would take you approximately 20 to 30 minutes, right just reciting the verses. So obviously, we can't go through every single verse that is going to be recited tonight by the Imam and tomorrow night, and so on and so forth. But we're going to extract or take some of the lessons that we will cover throughout the recitation during those nights and try to benefit from them as much as we possibly can in short, a lot of time.

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So tonight, obviously, we'll begin with sudo to 30 hat, as well as sudo to Bukhara. And we'll cover up until verse number, the end of the first dose, which is the end of verse number 141, if I'm correct 141 right. So it's a lot of verses of the Quran to cover in such a short period of time. So we'll see how we do this in Shama, preferably for all of you that are attending, it would be nice for you to have the boron in your hands, so that you can follow along, see the verses that we're at. And you know, even if you can have the English English translation with you, that would be good as well. I know some of you have smartphones or tablets that you can use and follow along, for example,

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on koran.com you know, has a very good translation and a number of different translations are available there as well. So to have the English translation or an Urdu translation or anything of your, of your, you know, your comfort would be good throughout this entire

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session in Charlottetown.

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So obviously, at the beginning of the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala starts with sort of the Fatiha and we don't want to spend too much time on sort of the 30 how because many of us have already learned it, we recite it over and over in our smaller time and time again multiple times throughout the day. And it is a sort of the Quran which Allah subhana wa Taala has laid out very simply and very straightforward for us. Even if we were to recite it in the English language or you know the translation of it, or in any language that is comfortable to us, we would get the gist of it and understand a portion of the suta at least. So obviously we begin the Quran by Urdu Billahi min ash

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shaytani r rajim Bismillah headlock mount the blame, we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala seek His protection and this is a lesson for us at all times. But Allah subhana wa Allah to Allah before seeking the cure from any sort of evil for ourselves or anyone else, we begin with the name of Allah subhanho wa Tada, right, any sort of goodness that we want as well in our lives we begin with the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of in terms of, you know, a supplication, we begin with the name of Allah subhana wa tada and we see that in certain Fattah Al hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil alameen Rahmani Raheem, Maliki Yami D. We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and mentioning him in

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ways that he is to be praised. Then we say he can our Buddha what he can bring to you in you do we seek? Sorry, do we worship and in you We seek refuge we seek help we seek assistance, right? He didn't assert autonomous stopping guide us where guide us to what? Obviously our goal is gentlemen, we want to reach genital theodosis the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us whenever you make dua for

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Agenda ask Allah subhana wa tada for the highest level which is alpha dose. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to guide us to guide us towards what is right towards what is the best for us towards what is not extreme in terms of being too harsh. And what is extreme in terms of being too lenient. We know some people are very extreme in the deep, right? This is hot, this is hot on everything's hot, I'm hot, I'm hot on right. And then you have others that say it's hot, or everything's hot. This is hilarious. That's hilarious. Right? So to guide us towards what is best and most moderate, and that is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to follow it in ways that brings us closer and

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closest towards the love and obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala then we say he didn't start off there must have been Sarah levena and untie lay him away. He didn't have to be la him waterborne name Serato Levine and unterlagen the path that you have guided those that came before us who

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assiduity right, the Sahaba, the companions and the bean was Shahada was sila hain, those that were righteous that came before us from the profits from the messengers from the Sahaba, from the companions from those who sacrificed their lives from those that gave their time, their wealth, their their family, all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala those that sacrificed as much as they possibly could within the limitations of the Shetty of Allah subhanho wa Taala and not to guide us upon the path of those who went astray and those who were in the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Jews and the Christians right, so to keep us upon the path of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, the path of the righteous pious predecessors those that sought out Jenna and wanted to achieve gender and strove extremely hard for agenda, that is our goal in sha Allah hota Hana.

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Then obviously, we conclude sort of the Fatiha by saying and mean because it is a Doha. We asked Allah subhanho wa Taala from Aegina Serato Mr. Bean, Sara Palladino, an anti la him

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to be Allah him on a ball Nene, we're asking Allah subhanho wa Taala. And when we ask a lot, this is a dua, we then say Ameen. Then we begin sort of tillbaka and we begin obviously the longest surah in the Quran.

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And so Han Allah This is a very important swan. You know, when people seek to be protected from Allah subhanho wa Taala, one of the first things that you should do is seek protection and Allah by reciting Surah tillbaka. So, for example, inside of your house, these are from the virtues of sola to the bacara. From the virtues are that a person who moves into a new house for example, he recites are she recite Surah Al Baqarah, to protect themselves from any sort of evil. And we see this in an authentic hadith, which is narrated to us by Mr. Muslim, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said led to Jericho boo, boo boo for internal beta Lady takakura ofii surah baqarah lamb

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layered hula hoop shape on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Don't render your homes as though it's a graveyard.

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What do we do in the cemetery? Do we go there to worship?

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No, we don't. We don't worship a lot in the cemetery. We go there to bury the body of those that left us and have passed on and went and returned to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We don't pray in the cemeteries. It's not a place of prayer. We come to the masjid to pray. Right? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us don't make your home, as though it's a cemetery, a place where just the dead to reside, meaning there's no life in it. He then says for internal beta Lady tokara ofI Salatu Baqarah that the house in which Surah Al Baqarah is constantly recited.

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laolu shaper that the shavon will not enter that house.

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Now I know it's very difficult for us to recite Surah Baqarah it's a long surah and we always think oh, it's very difficult. It's two and a half or two and a quarter just long. It's really long. You know, it's over 200 verses of the Quran. It's extremely difficult for us to recite it, but this is the prime time of the year right? during the month of Ramadan. What do we do we pick up the Quran and we start to recite, and we feel it's extremely easy for us to recite the Quran and we noticed that some hannula we recite the Quran without even feeling we've we finished half of it and half of the month of Ramadan is gone, or for some of us who we recite to Jews of the Quran every single day

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and we think

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15 days, two weeks, we finished reciting the whole plan. Yet outside of Ramadan, for 11 months of the year, we find it very difficult to read one just for the whole year sometimes right to read a whole page, especially as parents, sometimes we put such a huge emphasis on our children to read and recite the Quran and to focus on memorizing the Quran and we take them to the masjid three times, four times, five times a week to read the Quran to memorize the Quran. But some handler we have a very difficult time just reciting one page, right? So it becomes a challenge outside of this blessed month. But in sha Allah hota hai Allah within this month of Ramadan, we should be able to recite at

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least sort of Baqara within our homes. And so for the next two days in sha Allah when you do begin reciting the Quran to finish it during the entire month, try to sit inside of your house and recite this surah so try to sit inside your house and recite Surah Al Baqarah because we just finished you know, reciting or learning about the virtues of it, it protects the house from any sort of evils, right. So sort of tone bacala now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had said, a person who recites it for three days there will be safety for them. And for three nights there will be safety in terms of any sort of harm. Now there's, you know, different narrations. This is a hadith that has

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been reported. But it's not the same Hadeeth as the one that we just recited so recites what's on bacala inside our homes, it's important for us to do that.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Alif Lam, Meem, the early can kita Gula or Eva see that book, which book that he can, that book. Now I know Subhana Allah, you know, some of the

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this is the only day we can do this. So I'm going to take advantage right from tomorrow we'll be fasting so we won't be able to have tea

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during our holiday. And so, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah says, Allah Islam me Before we discuss the second verse. And if lamb mean, for those that attended our tuxedo sort of use of that we, you know, did quite a few months ago, we know that these are known as the sorrowful, Matata hat, the broken or sorry, the disjointed letters, they have no meaning to us, as in we don't know the meaning of them. We don't understand what they mean. And that remains with Allah subhanho wa Taala. There's no need for us to look deeper into it. And there's no positive aspect that will come from our, you know, debates over trying to figure out what these letters mean, when they're put together, that he can

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keytab will out revathi Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't say have Al Kitab.

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Right, for those of us that are holding, you know, the actual mishap in our hands, I'm holding the digital version, right? However, Kitab Allah doesn't say this book. He says that book Valley, Calcutta. Now I know a lot of the non Muslims, especially those that try and confuse Muslims themselves about their Deen. They say that when Allah Subhana Allah says that he can Kitab he's not referring to this book, because he's referring to that book, meaning the Bible. And so they try to confuse Muslims and say, Oh, look, in the very beginning of your Koran, Allah is telling you God is telling you that that book the Bible level up, there's no confusion. There's no there's no mistakes

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in it. It's it's, it's perfect. And so here is where we learn as Muslims, that when Allah subhanho wa Taala refers to the Quran. in certain instances, he's referring to it in a low Halima fools, the protected tablet, the tablet where the Quran has been written by the pen and protected by Allah subhanho wa Taala, where no human being can reach. So if any person or nation or group tries to destroy the planet on the face of this earth, it cannot be destroyed because it's protected not only in the form of the binding of the most half that you have in your hands in the urn, nor is it only protected in the digital formats as we have today. It is also protected in the hearts of our

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children and our elderly. And it's also protected with the loss of Hannibal attallah in the low handmade fools, the protected tablets, right? Where the Quran itself was written and protected from before the time it was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in verse number four, so we're not going to go through every single verse, we're going to skip through verses. So if you look at verse number for Allah subhanho wa Taala that says, One levena You mean one?

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Xena, you know, you kill him. Xena kabani kwabena irati boom you

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on and who believe in what has been revealed to you or Mohammed?

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And what was revealed before you end of the Hereafter, they are certain in faith. Here we see some attributes of you and I, Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah describes us. He describes attributes of those who believe in him. This is referring to the believers, will Latina human wannabe man madonsela la Cava mountains in public, that we believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. what came before us, what was revealed to us, and what will come later on as well in the future, we believe in it, we believe in the color of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the good as well as the bad, we believe in all the tests that came to us, we believe in things that we don't see the unseen, the world of the unseen.

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In the gym, for example, we believe in it, and we'll cover that sutra, probably on the last day in a lot of this month. Right? And so there are many things that Allah subhanho wa Taala points out to us in the surah.

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And among those things are some of the attributes of those who claim to believe, but don't the hypocrites, if we move on to verse number 11 and 12 Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What either the 11 love to see to feel the call Oh, in

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Allah, Allah kill.

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And when it is said to them,

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Do not cause corruption on Earth. They say, we are about to reformers.

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We're just trying to solve things. We're just, we're just trying to make things better.

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Then they say,

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then Allah subhana wa trns says, Allah in Nome hamanasi, Luna when I can now Yes, Sharon. unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive it not. Here we see an example from Allah subhanho wa Taala, where he warns us of self deception, self deception, right, where you're deceiving yourself, as well as others, that you think you're doing something that's good. You think that what you're, you know, implementing and living by and changing within society is good for you, as well as for others. But the reality is, you know that what you're doing is wrong. And you know, that you're doing it simply according to your own will and desires your own thought, and not

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understanding the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And not submitting to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because that's the difference between those who believe and those who don't believe the believers they submit fully and wholly and truly, there's nothing more than they're going to do. When Allah subhanho wa Taala says to do something, so there are now what are now we believe, and we submit and that's it. Why do we submit? Okay, now we can discuss, we submit because we believe in a lot. We believe in the hereafter. We believe in the angels. We believe in the prophets, we believe in the books, we believe in the messengers, we believe in the Day of Judgment, we believe in the

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good as well as the bad conduct that's going to come our way, right. But those who pretend to believe will show on the outside, I believe.

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But in reality, they think that this is better for us. So for example, I was talking to a brother the other day, and he was telling me about his, his parents, right.

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And this was not here in Canada. This was in another country in Southeast Asia. And he was telling me about how his parents think that it's better for them in this day and age in 2015. For us to combine prayers in places where Allah has allowed us to combine, for example, they'll have an awesome and Muslim inertia. So to pray fudger because you're at home, it's comfortable. It's easy, no problem, even though it might be early. It's okay.

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We've all had an answer. You know, we might be traveling to the neighboring city not traveling a distance, which is known to be traveled. But something that is like going from Oakville to Mississauga, right, or going from Oakville to Milton, right? 25 kilometers, 15 kilometers, 20 kilometers away, not too far. Right. And so, to combine in times where Allah Subhana Allah to Allah has allowed to combine simply because in 2015 life is difficult for us. Really, it's that difficult. We have cars with leather seats and air conditioning and cruise control. Right. And we have ABS brakes in case we need to stop the car quickly. Life is so much easier for us now than it was back

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then. But we feel as though life is difficult. Even though Allah Subhana Allah has given us all these forms of technology and Wi Fi and Wi Fi within our cars and Bluetooth

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So that while we're driving, it answers our cell phone. And somehow there's so much ease that's been given to us. Yet we still think that we can use our brain in order to make life easier for us, because life has been made a little bit difficult according to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. So the difference between the believers and those who pretend to believe is that we submit that we submit in the ways that even though we've been given this technology, we still know that the the method to be or the method for it to be applied in our lives, is to revolve around the ways that Allah subhanho wa Taala has allowed us to implement it. And this reminds me of something that's

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probably going to happen tonight. During salata, tarawih, you will probably notice a person or a few people beside you, around you, in front of you behind you that are following the Imam using their cell phone.

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Right. Have you seen that? I remember last year, this was like a new phenomenon.

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There were questions going around the world to different Imams and different, you know, scholars, is it permissible to follow along the Imam or follow along with the Imam? By looking into this? We've discussed many years before, right? Yes, it's permissible to do that it's preferable to listen in and not to distract yourself with holding the bar and flipping the pages and making sujood with your palm because you're holding on and not making sujood sorry, with the back of your hand and not making suit with your palm because you're worried Oh, I can't put the foot on the floor, and so on and so forth. But now this new phenomenon using technology and following along with the email, is it

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permissible or not? Now it's sort of sidetracking from our to see, but it's relevant. And that's the point of this class is to make it relevant and to learn from things that we can learn from the foreign and implement in our lives. So if you're going to do that, or someone is going to follow along with the email and use their phone, put it in airplane mode, put it on silent, meaning mute, not even vibrating. Right? Make sure that you will get no phone calls, you will get no text messages, you will get no Wi Fi connection, nothing. Because as you're holding your phone and you're reading with the email or you're following along you notice on the top of your phone, what happens.

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Honey, can you bring home a new package of dates, we just finished all of them.

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Dear Can you bring home Rua says because we finished it all, you know, during a thought last night? Can Can you make sure that you bring home you know a package of of bread and some eggs because we have nothing for support in the morning, right? And so as you're reading, or you're following along with Mmm, you're noticing that your wife is sending you these messages and you're wondering, oh, How come she's in the masjid too? How come she's not praying? How come I'm getting these messages while she's praying? Well, she's busy looking after the children, right.

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So if you're going to use the technology, make sure you use it in ways that it's permissible. So you're not sitting in you're sending in your solar and you're reading text messages and emails and sending business appointments for tomorrow. And you're not even putting in your you know your code to unlock the screen because you went into sujood. And when you come up from sujood now you're unlocking your screen, in order to follow along. If you have to unlock your screen, don't use it.

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disable the screen, unlock that mode, leave your quote on leave it accessible to you in front of you and follow along with the email. anything extra than that is a distraction from your saw that therefore it might not be easy for you to use or even permissible for you to use. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us this is the the closest

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you know opinion that is more modern that has come from the modern scholars obviously we don't see this in traditional times. In the books of the past we don't see you know the usage of cell phone within our Salah. It's not mentioned anywhere. And so this is what I've got from communicating with some of my teachers and scholars from around the world.

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We move on to verse number 14 where Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us of being too faced verse number 14 Allah subhana wa tada says what either no one levena

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either Hello in a Shi'a cleaning him

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in, come in,

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been on and when they meet those who believe they say we believe but when they are alone with their evil ones. They say, indeed we are with you. We were only mockers we were only mocking those who believe. And of course this continues with the discussion that we had with regards to the hypocrites, so we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to safeguard us and protect us from those who are hypocrites

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And those who have a behavior that is two faced and show others one personality in front of a crowd and another personality in front of another, verse number 17 and 18 Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Masanobu QMF any ladies Stoke Adana? phenom.

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ma, ma ma ma Calhoun fi, t LA.

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on Allah subhanho wa Taala says in verse number 17, their example is that of one who kindled a fire, but when it illuminated what was around him, a lot took away their light and left them in darkness. So they could not see deaf, dumb and blind, so they will not return to the right path. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala. Here, he shows us an example again, of those who are hypocrites, and mentioned some of the examples of how Allah subhanho wa Taala takes the node away from their lives, takes away any form of goodness, and he removes it from their life, sometimes permanently, based on their own interactions, their own behavior, their own statements, and sometimes, temporarily.

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Now, Allah subhanho wa Taala, we know that he wants goodness for everyone. And we know that he says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we mentioned, time and time again, on that are some Naka Illa, Allah Allah mean that you've been sent as a mercy to all of mankind. But yet at the same time, some people mock Allah subhanho wa Taala in ways that they themselves don't want to be guided.

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They don't even have hope for themselves, they don't wish goodness upon themselves. Yet it is still even though they do this to themselves, it is not our place or position to decide what their fate is.

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Even if Allah subhanho wa Taala takes away the mood from their life, even if Allah subhanho wa Taala keeps them in banal keeps them in darkness keeps them away from goodness, it is our mission in life to still call them towards goodness, that is our mission. That was the mission of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is our mission in life to continuously guide and try to guide people towards goodness. And some had a lot today an interesting example.

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I was trying to rest a little bit and two Jehovah's Witness came and knocked on the door.

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And they started to tell me the four attributes of a loss of Hannibal attack. And I told them, I said, You know, I believe that God has more than four attributes. And they said, Well, we can sum up all those attributes and four things. I said, Okay, good. Let me hear it. And so they said, Love, justice.

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I can't remember the next one. And

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hope. All right, oh, sorry, powered. So love justice. I can't remember the third one and power. And they were trying to tell me that Allah subhanho, wa Taala, all of his attributes, and everything that he possesses, can be summed up in these four attributes. And I'm pretty sure in some way, shape or form, very distantly, you can, you know, somehow linked these all together, but some kind of luck, right? To show us an example of this, and how Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us about him and his power and greatness, that even though these people had come and knocked on the door, and we're saying something that we, in some ways, the way that they were saying it, we disbelieve in what

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they're saying, but I still continue to smile. And at the end, I think, and I felt that this person that was speaking to me, there was two of them, but the person that was speaking to me, right, I still feel that my behavior with him, made him feel comfortable to come and speak to me again. Even though I would wish that they you know, didn't bother me so constantly. But so kind of like it is our mission to do that, to make people who are misguided, feel comfortable and guided towards coming towards people who are guided by Allah subhanho attack, that you are an example for others, and even though they're misguided and trying to misguide you, they feel comfortable to come to you. So as

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Muslims, we shouldn't get upset when Jehovah's Witness come and knock on our door and we just slammed the door in their face and they hear from behind the door. Get out of here go away right? We should be showing them an example that you know what

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You may have something to say. But I also have something to say to you. If they don't listen, that's a different story. But we have to try our best to try and convey the message to those who want guidance. They're trying to spread guidance, but their guidance is Miss guidance. So we tried to open the doors of hire upon them, so that we can guide them towards the truth. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says in verse number 29, suited to the Baccarat who will lay the corner corner, figure out will be Jamia mastaba you know some FSM

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sub RS and

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well who are the Konishi in our Aleem EDC who created for you all of that which is on earth? Then he directed himself to the heaven. He's being above all creation, meaning Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is above all creation, and made them seven heavens and he is knowing of all things, this verses proof to us, my brothers and sisters,

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and that Allah subhana wa Taala created the earth, then created the heavens, he created the earth and then created the heavens, but this boggles the mind a little bit, doesn't it?

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didn't add them early his Sallam live in the heavens before coming to earth. So how was the earth created born before the heavens?

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Let me see it. Okay, he was saying

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the gyms were were on Earth. Okay.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala created the earth before the heavens. Right? So how is it that Adam Allah has said, was in heavens before he was on earth if the earth was created before the heavens?

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Good, very good. Sometimes we read these verses and we get confused. like wait a second, Adam alayhis salam was created and was placed in heaven in genma, and then brought down to earth. But if the earth was created first, Adam alayhis salam, how on earth was he in heaven, right? But so kinda it's very easy to understand, because Allah subhanho wa Taala, created the earth, created the heavens, and much later created Adam out of his center, right in the process of the creation. Later on, he molded and created Adam Allah has sent him left his body for some time, then blew the soul into the body of Adam alayhis salam and his body which was clay and soil, and and and and dust put

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together and molded, life came into it, the soul went into it and then he became alive. And so Allah Subhana Allah shows us in this verse, and we love the color, color collection method or the gem era for muster wa ala sama, then he ascended went up to the skies to the heavens, and this is a refutation for those that say Allah subhanho wa Taala is here, there and everywhere.

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This statement of Allah being here, there and everywhere is dangerous. Why? Because we can simplify it and say if Allah is here, there and everywhere, that means he's here right now. He's outside right now. He's in another country right now. And we know that Allah Subhana Allah has the ability to do whatever he wills to do, right. But that also means that Allah subhana wa tada is in places that have been created that are not clean on Earth. Like for example, you know, places where garbage is kept, or the bathrooms and these are not places which are befitting for a loss of Hanna who attack. So we say that a lot is above his throne. And he is all knowing of everything that happens

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everywhere, in terms of his knowledge, yes, he is here there and everywhere, in terms of his knowledge, he knows everything that is happening. He knows what is where, who is where, who is thinking what who wants to do certain things, etc, etc. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is all knowing, all seeing.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says in verse number 30

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what is all out of bukan in Amana? He kept he in need to you know, feel the honey on water jaren woofie

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rufina YSP could deema one afternoon Oh sub b humby hem de como parte de solak mana in me

00:34:49 --> 00:34:51

turn on

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You can

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only be asthma,

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The in here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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that he created Adam and Eve, obviously and the children on earth. And he shows us the importance of having a Khalifa. And this is what Allah subhana wa Tana mentions what it's called autocannon mela equity in Nigeria, don't fill out the halifa. But this is sensitive. Now. When we talk about a halifa, or clearleft, we now fall into the topic of ISIS right? Now, this is what ISIS is saying, we need to have leadership on Earth, we need to show people that this is Islam, and this is the way and this is the method and so on and so forth. Now a simple question that I can ask you.

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Is ISIS promoting Islam in an Islamic fashion and manner?

00:36:15 --> 00:36:16

You say no, right?

00:36:19 --> 00:36:20

Why do we say no?

00:36:21 --> 00:36:34

We say no. Because immediately when we think of this question, are they promoting Islam in an Islamic manner? No. Why? They're killing Muslims themselves.

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Anyone who disagrees with them, even though you might be a Muslim, and you're a Muslim, and you're a believer and you submit to Allah subhanho wa Taala, but you disagree with with what they're doing?

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They kill you.

00:36:50 --> 00:37:29

So how is that Islamic? How is that following the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and simply by understanding that, we completely nullified the whole discussion of ISIS. It's not Islamic. It's not following the banner of Islam. It's not promoting the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Yes, there might be certain things that are that they that they claim to be good. But then again, anyone who lives on the face of this earth will do good and will do bad, right? So for example, if they fast during the month of Ramadan, great, you're fasting during the month of Ramadan, and you claim that it's ascending? Yes, we believe that that's a semuc. So they're

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doing something good in that sense, they're fasting, right? hamdulillah they might be praying their cell out five times a day, great, you're praying five times a day, but your whole notion that you're trying to push to the world is wrong. And the method that you're doing it is wrong, and not according to the Sunnah of the Prophet, civil law to us. And so to have a Khalifa is important. And this is where Allah Subhana Allah says, He sent Adam alayhis salam to this world to show us what to show us the way the method to live on this earth. And from Adam, Allah, his son, Adam, and Eve, what came their children and their children and their children and so on and so forth. And then came new

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Allah has sent them and then came the other prophets and the other messengers, and every single point in time or every single stage in time, there was a leader, a leader who was a prophet or a messenger sent by Allah subhanho wa Tada. But at our time, there's no more prophets. There's no more messenger. So who do we follow?

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Who is our leader?

00:38:33 --> 00:38:36

Who do we look towards in terms of guidance?

00:38:38 --> 00:38:39

Does anyone know?

00:38:43 --> 00:38:44

We follow

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the method of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shown to us in his Sunnah which complements the Quran the statements of Allah subhanho wa Taala. From amongst the people do we follow people we follow the knowledge that the people will give the Imams the leaders the knowledge that they convey that they transmit? Yes, we follow them in terms of their behavior that coincides with the behavior, the morals, the attributes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but no, but in no place at no time. Do we ever fully submit to any human being in terms of them being free from sin and free from fault and mistake, because each and every one of us will commit mistakes? None of us is perfect.

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None of us can fully you know, stay away from sin. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed us the most beautiful example throughout his life. And sometimes he needed the guidance from Allah subhana wa tada and it was sent to him.

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And so we don't follow a human being in terms of them being the sole person and the right person to follow and we submit to every single word that they say and this is why in our Shetty has

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It teaches us to question.

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We can question that email.

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But we do it with adept. We do it with etiquettes. We do it with morals, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to teach others and to be taught to learn from others and let others learn from you. And so when you see that there's a need or a time to share some knowledge with someone share it. But when someone comes in corrects you, and you think you're a leader, you think you're an engineer, and you will never design something that is completely, you know, a disaster, you will always do the right thing, you will always give the right diagnosis, right. I remember I had this debate with a doctor once, right, who gave me the wrong medicine and I had a reaction to

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that medicine. Right? You will never be free from mistake. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala has allowed us the ability to question not question your belief in a lot. But question something that doesn't make sense to you. I, for example, I'm sitting here saying something, something doesn't make sense to you come to me afterwards, question. Write it down. Give it to me say I know you don't have time right now here take it. Can you answer this question for me, send me an email, send me a text message, send me something. Anyone who says anything to you, whether they're the mom or a leader, or simply someone in your community that corrects you and your prayer and your Salah and says, You know

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what, Brother, you know it, sister, you did something in your prayer, it's wrong, you shouldn't do it this way. The correct method is to do it that way, and you don't understand it. You know, it doesn't make sense to you question and ask them. So you know what, I don't understand. Can you elaborate more? Can you explain this more helped me assist me in this right? This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala wants from us.

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In verse number 33, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions,

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call a demo and be humble as met him. And we also mentioned how in verse number 31, Allah subhanho wa Taala, taught Adam alayhis salam, the names of everything. And the scholars have to say it's not only the names of everything, but the functions of everything. So how things worked. So this is a tree, what does a tree do? What's its purpose? What comes from the tree? How does the tree grow, the names and the functions of everything. Now, this is an important point to understand. Here. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that Adam alayhis salam was taught things that even the angels did not know of. And he was taught things that were not only non existent at his time, but would come at

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later times in life, things that would come in the future.

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And the scholars say that he knew the names of things that would even come to our time. Allah subhanho wa Taala taught him the names of those things, and the functions of them, what is a cell phone? And what does it do? For example, right? This is an example for us. Those that claim the evolution theory, as human beings getting smarter, evolving from the monkeys and becoming, you know, from the apes and monkeys, and then becoming human beings and becoming smarter and smarter and smarter. The question is, how come today, with all the technology that we have on Earth, we still can't figure out how the pyramids were built.

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If we're evolving and becoming smarter, how is it that we can't figure out things that had been done in the past without the use of any technology like electronic digital technology? Because they obviously had technology that was relevant to their time? How is it that the mummies were preserved? Right? those bodies were preserved? We don't know. Even with the technology that we have today, there's only speculation as to how these things were done, and there's no certainty yet Adam alayhis salam at the beginning of time was given the knowledge of everything that was to come and its names and functions.

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Are we getting smarter or are we getting dumber?

00:44:13 --> 00:44:57

That's a question for you to ponder upon. Right? We leave you with that inshallah hotel. In verse number 42. We'll move on in sha Allah hotel Allah because I know we need to finish in a few minutes. Allah Subhana which says, while telling me so how can Bilbo clean he wanted to know how to turn on. Beware of hiding Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us Be careful beware of hiding or mixing the truth with falsehood, right? Don't mix the two together. Allah Subhana Allah says and do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth. While you know well I tell we will have a battle. So for those of us that know the truth, for those of us that know something

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of Islam of

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Man of tawheed of belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Firstly, don't hide it. Show it to others. Be comfortable with expressing your deen to others. Secondly, when you know a topic of the deen, don't try to mix it and twist it with something else to make it suit your life or the life of a loved one. And this happens very often. Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us in this and the man will recite it tonight. Oh Allah Tell me so have kaabil battery, what's up to will have power and to

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don't switch and twist the truth in order to suit to your life. Don't be the person who turns Islam into your religion. You decide you make the rules because what you're doing there is you're challenging Allah subhanho wa Taala you're saying that you know what's better for you and better for your life and your family members and others around you more than Allah subhanho wa Taala so be careful if this then Allah subhana wa tada says in verse number 54

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What if called mo Salah call me He called me in a component for second bt hora de como la foto

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Falco to know for SATCOM, Danny confido la cama de berry comfortabele come in

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Allah Subhana Allah Tiana here in this verse, he says and recall when Musa Moses said to his people, oh my people indeed you have wronged yourselves by taking of the calf here or muscle handle with Allah talks about an incident.

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The incident of worshipping the cow, when Musa alayhis, salaam had gone to receive the 10 commandments, right? The tablet of rules that were given to him to be used as a governance over the people that they would use that as the laws of the land musalla his Salaam was gone for how many days? 40 days, 30 days plus 10? Right? He went for 40 days he was with a loss of handling talent not in judgment, by the way. All right. So he went to with musala He said it's a joke. Right? He went to he went to communicate with Allah subhanho wa Taala for 40 days. And in that time when he was communicating with Allah subhanho wa Taala he left his brother Harun alayhis salaam, behind to look

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after the people. And in that time, they made this mold of a cow, out of all the jewelry, the gold that they had, but the cow was hollow. And when the wind blew, they heard that sound, you know, when you have an empty bottle, and you blow into the top, and here,

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it vibrates. Right here, that's hollow sound. So they heard that sound when the wind blew, and they said, oh, look the cows alive as life. It's speaking, their sound coming from it. And so they began to worship that cow. Now when Musa alayhis salaam returned, he saw this and he grabbed his brother huddling by the hair and the beard, he grabbed them, and he's like, what's wrong with you? How did you let this happen? How could you do this? And so musala has sent out he simply was told by her own Allah, his son, and I couldn't or didn't step in to say anything, because if I did, it would just divide the hearts of the people. And I knew they would listen to you when you returned. So I left it

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upon you to return and to tell them what was true. And so he did and told them and so on and so forth. But then to repent to make Toba at the time of musala has sent them What time is the Adana

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time right now? Okay, let's just finish this off at the time of musala his center in order to repent and make Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala you know what you had to do? You would seek repentance from a law but then the innocent people were made to kill the guilty so they were made to sit down and allow some kind of what to Hallo made the skies dark and dim and the innocent people killed the guilty people fuck what to do and full circle for to elaborate a kung fu and full sacraments. We just read in the verse. And so in order to seek repentance, you had to also take your life and we see this in the other religions as well. It was something that was done up until very modern times

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also. So we asked Allah subhana wa tanunda. To make it easy for us to understand this story. It has mentioned that intimacy of a poverty, over 70,000 people were killed at that time. They committed Toba they made Toba and then they were killed in terms of purifying themselves.

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And returning to a loss from handle whatever and it will continue. There's only three more verses from the suta that I wanted four more verses that I wanted to cover. We'll do that tomorrow in Charlottetown and tie it in with the next Gers in sha Allah to Allah. Does that come along hate no subtle sentiment back on enemy number 100 do it yourself.

Explanation of Surah Al-Fatihah until verse 141 of Surah Al-Baqarah

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