Daood Butt – Ramadan Gems 02

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the need for people to pray for peace and security in the Middle East, citing the success of peace demonstrations and the importance of actions in achieving it. They also highlight the significance of praying for peace and security in addressing a particular issue and share personal experiences with it. The segment ends with a statement from the host thanking attendees for their time.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa sallahu wa sallam Orellana v Hill Karim. Allah He of masala to atomic tasleem rubbish Ravi sadri way Siddeley Emery architettura melissani of Gokhale, my brothers and sisters in Islam. Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Forgive me for the four minute to delay. They changed the mustard change in passwords last night. And you could see, when we use technology, you need to reset everything right, so I had to do that on every single device. And I didn't think I was gonna have to do that. So I thought I had enough time to set up beforehand, but hamdulillah and that's kind of one of the tests of this world and this is what we're getting into right now. When we look at the verses in sorta tillbaka that we're going to focus on tonight. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us from verse number we'll pick up from verse number 152 in sha Allah.

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Allah subhana wa Johanna says Ruby let him initiate Ana de la Jean Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Firth, Guney, coo coo, coo Li Juana wanna attack

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on Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah tells us remember him fez, Cooney, remember him of quota comb and when we remember him he remembers us. And Allah Subhana with Allah says wash guru Lee will attack for rune and be grateful to me and do not deny me as in do not take away from Allah subhanho wa Taala what he is expecting from us,

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in terms of our Deen in terms of our belief in terms of our obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now it's really interesting because Allah says, could only have come remember me and they'll remember you. And then he says, watch guru Li, and be thankful, be grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there's so many things that we can be thankful and grateful for. But sadly, many of us don't do that. In fact, when we make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah, we forget to thank Allah for the things that we already have, we usually turn to Allah, as he mentions in the Quran, when we need something. And this was the habit of human beings from like, the beginning of time, he gives

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examples to us in the Quran with regards to certain nations, certain prophets of Allah subhana wa Tada, including the kurush, and how they would not be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala, except when they are actually in a state of difficulty, then they turn to him. But when we as human beings, US nowadays, as well, we do the exact same thing, right, we don't really turn to a loss of Hannah Montana, in thanks in sugar, just simply thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala, thanking him for what we have thanking him for the things that we don't have. Because sometimes the things we don't have are actually a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala, we at times think we always need to have what we

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want, or what we prefer. But in reality, that's not always the best thing for us, you know, some habila

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a car is usually the first thing that pops into my head, right? Because I love cars, and many of us like cars. And, you know, we drive cars all the time. And we think to ourselves, if only we could have a nicer car, if only we could have a better car. So when you think of it, the amount of insurance, you then have to pay on that car, and the amount that it costs you to repair it. And I remember back in the day, my mom, when I got accepted to Medina, she told me she was gonna buy me a BMW, a convertible, all right, a convertible BMW Zed for. And I thought to myself, I think at that time, they only have the Zed threes, right? And we were just parked next to one at a red light on

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our way coming here. And I was looking at it and like, you know, that's the car. That's the color. And that's, you know, everything was pretty much that was the car at that time in 2002. When my mom told me, You know what, I'm going to buy you this car, if you graduate from Medina, you're going to get this car. And I thought to myself, you know what, my mom has no idea how much that car costs. She doesn't work, she, you know, doesn't have any savings or anything of that sort. But she's expecting to buy me this car when I graduate, which was a nice goal and a nice gesture. But so pantalone we think of it, a car of that sort would cost us a certain amount of money. And then if we

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need to do repairs on the car, it costs us another amount of money. And then you know, certain repairs cost even more so panelo when you think of it a module because nowadays many cars in fact, most cars are all completely electronic in various different ways. And so one module just to replace that might cost you 1000, sometimes two, sometimes $3,000 the average person thinks to themselves, you know what I could afford the payments on the car. So you purchase the car, you work really hard to afford the payments on the car, but then you can't afford to maintain that car. It takes everything away from you. And so kinda what we don't realize is we spend so much time on

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All the things that we want to accumulate in this life, we want to have nice cars want to have nice homes, we want to have vacations every year, we want to go places and do things and dress a certain way and have certain things that many people enjoy. And we see them enjoying it. So we wish to have it as well. But somehow, we don't really need it. And when we think of thanking Allah subhanho, wa Taala, for the things we have, we also need to thank him for the things that we don't have. Because many a time the things we don't have are things that are not good for us. That's why a lot didn't give it to us. Or we can't afford it, or it's just not a time or place for us to have it right now.

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Maybe later on with a promotion and our job or you know, a greater income, etc. That would be something great. But at this point in time, it's just not something that we need or that we should be having or enjoying. And so be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala had. And this is what the month of Ramadan teaches us as well. We have food all the time. In fact, you go to our fridge right now, every single one of us at home probably has a fridge full of food. Right? We have thought here in the mustard a few days a week and the days that we're not in the mustard, we're at home just eating all that food, enjoying it right. But somehow what we don't realize is the hunger that we feel

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inside of us. Many people don't have food, they don't have food, they don't have the luxuries to enjoy the food that we do. And a simple example was yesterday, at Forest time, many people began to panic, right? Because what happened is the first day of Ramadan, the first thought of the first fasting, we're breaking our fast for the very first time, everyone sits down and we get this plate and what was on the plate, one date and half of a potato pakora. Right. There was even called pakoras. Those are like pakoras, right? Sort of some of you are like No, it doesn't. It's not even, it wasn't even half of a quarter, even if it was the whole thing, you know. So Pamela, we got half

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of this little thing, right? Basically, we had less than two mouthfuls of food. If we put the date in the water in our mouth, then we technically would have had one bite of food and everyone was like, Oh, is that all we're gonna have? We didn't see water bottles. We didn't have Rosa, we didn't have you know, Coke, and Pepsi and juice and all these things that we enjoy all the time. And so Pamela, what I noticed afterwards was, I quickly had the dates and I wanted to put all my gadgets, you know, away and put them in a safe place. So I stepped out. And when I came back in, I walked through the door, and I noticed everyone crowded around that table, the table that has all the food,

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right? And everyone was just panicking. They're like, we need more data. So they're grabbing as many dates as they can hold in their hand and grabbing as much as whatever they can see in front of them. And then people were complaining. They're like, what is this? This is thought like, that's it. That's all we're gonna eat. Let's think of it. Those that didn't have any additional food. You ate what was given to you. You said Alhamdulillah you came in the masjid you prayed. I sat down after Mazel Tov and thought to myself, we just finished saying sometimes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam only had a date. And even that was given away sometimes. Now imagine that one date that you

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had last night if thought was the only date you ate for the whole night. And then you fasted all day today.

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Would you know some of us are thinking No wait, no chance, right? Not. What's that? What that saying that people say over my dead body, right? We don't like to say that. But some people like go to that extent like No way. Are we going to survive off a single date. But sometimes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam survived off of a single date, and he would fast the entire rest of the day the next day, or he just wouldn't have any food to eat. But what's really interesting is the fact that if we trust Allah subhanho wa Taala he will give us the energy. He will give us the strength that we need. He will put Baraka in our lives in our sleep and our health in our food in our energy. You

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won't even feel thirsty because you feel thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala as he says, further Cutrone of go to comb wash, Guru Li will attack for on Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to remember him and he wants us to be thankful to him at the same time. And when we're thankful to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, He puts Baraka in the little things are the few things that we have, and this is the best month to talk about that. This is the month of Baraka Ramadan, it's the month of Baraka, it's a month where every single thing that we know we do, we do a lot of extra so we do a lot of extra Eva, we recite a lot of extra Koran we give a lot of extra sadaqa we pay a lot of people will pay the

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Zakat in this month as well because you know, they're thinking everything is multiplied, our rewards are multiplied. So let's give as much as we can and we will get more from Allah subhanho Montana, but what we fail to recognize is sometimes we need to understand that through the little that we give in patience. Allah subhana wa tada will give us more the little that we give

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Extra impatience. Allah subhanho wa Taala will give us more of whatever it is we're being patient with. So be patient with the food and be thankful because there are many people in different parts of the world who just don't have. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us an important lesson in the next few verses.

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Yeah. A

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man who is

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in America saw beauty in Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Here are your Latina ermanno Oh you who believe or those who believed as in we already believe. And we confirm our belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says isteri knew this Audrey was Allah seek help and assistance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. through what, through patience and Salah prayer. Now, when we tie in this verse to what we just finished speaking about what we just finished learning about, it makes a lot more sense, right? Because we're going to be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala for the little that we have, or the things that we have not been given. And then when we're thankful for what we haven't been given, he

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says seek assistance from a law through being patient, be patient, it will come to you. Now, it's really easy for us in specific cases, generally, we can say Be patient seek assistance from a loss of bandwidth and by being patient, but specifically when someone comes in says, You know what, my house was taken away to me, I couldn't make the payments. I lost my car, I lost my home, I have nowhere to stay nowhere to reside. My children are on the streets. We took the bus here, can you help us and we turn to that brother to that sister and we say Be patient. Allah says seek assistance in a love of being by being patient, and we walk away. I Okay, wait a second. In this specific

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sense. That doesn't make sense, right? It just, it doesn't sit right in a person's mind. Like you're telling me to be patient. I have nowhere to go. And this is where some handler the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is supposed to step up their game. We are supposed to be there for people when they have nothing. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam established things like the battle man, a place of wealth, or a pool of wealth, I should say that was ready on hand always available for people when they didn't have but at the same time when we think of it somehow Allah why is it that we always need a certain standard to live by like a person who loses

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their home? Why you couldn't make those payments, how much money was gone? Or how much money went into

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those payments? Are you guys hearing a feedback and

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are you hearing like a high pitch ringing tone or is it just me from arms if you're hearing it as well, I'll just move this away.

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Okay, hopefully that works. There was another mic that was turned on. Okay, so Allah Subhana Allah gives us what is best for us always right? But then you notice how Allah we tend to live outside of our capability. Many of us will purchase homes purchase vehicles purchase land, you know purchase clothing purchase purses, we don't even have enough money to put in the purse based on the cost of that personal sometimes people buy a handbag sisters martial arts America they buy these handbags. Not really in Canada. I don't know I haven't seen that this is the norm in Canada. But if you go to the UK, you'll notice the sisters Mashallah they have like a new purse every single day. One day is

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proud of the next day is Gucci The next day, it's I don't even know any more names than that, right? So somehow they have all these amazing bags, handbags, they can't afford to put the amount of money that it costs for the bag in the purse itself because they spent it all on the purse. So we live outside of our means. And Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't want us to do that. live according to what you're given, live according to what you're capable of, of, of keeping control within your means. And we'll see that in the next few verses as Allah Subhana hoyts ana says in the law has solidarity and the loss of Hannah with Anna's with those that are patient, be patient in your earnings. Be

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patient in what you're giving. Now, I'm saying this generally and I know people are watching online and some people might be saying, Hey, what about this? And what about that? I can't get to all the comments right now but some kind of law generally speaking, we are patient with what Allah Subhana Allah has given to us. And when we feel hardship upon us, when we feel as though we're going through some sort of difficulty in our lives. Turn to Allah in Salah.

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You know that feeling. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to try this. That feeling when you're going through a hardship or a difficulty, and you don't know where to go, you don't know what to do, you don't know who to turn to. So you make Hulu and you pray to it

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to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And those two Raka, as you're praying your sauna, you start to feel like all the hardship that you are feeling is slowly just starting to, you know, just just remove itself from your hearts or from your mind. And then you go into the poor, and then you go into sujood. And you feel that at the end of those tuukka that you prayed, if it's a prayer that you're feeling your prayer, you're sincere in your prayer, you feel as though Subhana Allah, it doesn't really matter that I don't have the things that I want. It doesn't matter that I'm going through this hardship, Allah will make it easy for me, I'll find a way there will be a way Allah will make it easy for me

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somehow, and that's when you feel the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala coming to you, but Allah says that he's going to test us in certain ways. He then goes on in verse number 155, of sword ottobock Allah and I suggested yesterday for those that are attending the halaqaat to have the Quran with you. In verse number 155, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Well, I never knew when

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Vichy Mina

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Mina, anyone foreseen with

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what she saw beauty in and levena either

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saw, but

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mostly, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, whenever one come, we will surely test you with what pay attention. Look at how these tests are real tests, we will surely test you

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be Shea emotional health with a element of fear. And we know we get tested with fear some handle that some people are scared of little things, right? Like spiders, or you know, lady bugs and Little things like I know my daughter's handle that sometimes they're scared of the littlest things and you're supposed to be paying attention a mode when Nina not supposed to be bothering us it really pay attention in the halaqa. Okay?

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Sometimes we're scared of the littlest things, right? But other people are scared of bigger things, like some people are scared of driving, so they never drive and some people are scared of cooking, so they never get in front of the stove. And you know, some people are scared of trying to fix certain things, or some people are scared of having children. So they never have children simply because they're scared of having it not because there's any health reasons, people are scared of things. And Allah says he will test us with fear. And this is why it's important for us to try and get past those fears. Whatever fear we have in our life, try and get past it, try and push past it,

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always try to get, you know, into your uncomfortable zone, meaning out of your comfort zone. And we're too comfortable in our comfort zones, like I can afford this, I can buy this, I can do this, I can go there I can, you know, do certain things Alhamdulillah the things that I can't do, we don't want to do them. And this is where you'll see children, sometimes they go outside of their comfort zone. Why not because they want to all the time. But because parents forced them to do that. Because a parent or an adult will know. If this child never learns to write, then it might have difficulty in the future. If this child never learns to, you know, stand up for himself or herself, then they

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will always be taken advantage of in the future. So the parent or the adult will force that child or push that child or not physically, but encourage the child to do certain things or to achieve certain things in their life that the child never thinks that they would ever even do or never thought that they would possibly go down that road in their lives. But as adults, we have no one pushing us except ourselves. But Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us to push ourselves. When an evolution can be shaped in mental health. He's testing us with our fear. Can I get past my fear? Can I go into that zone where I don't feel comfortable? I'm scared. It's the unknown. I don't know

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what's going to happen. But yes, Allah will help me Why will allow help me because Allah is always there to help me and when I need something from him, I call upon him and he says he will answer what I call him for or call upon him for right. Then the next thing Allah Subhana Allah mentions is what is your whenever Luanda comerciais immunol Kofi was your hunger and Subhana love were tested with hunger right now? Right? We're feeling that hunger. Some of us are feeling it. Some of us aren't. For those of us that are not feeling the hunger and we're fasting over 17 hours a day. You should be the people that fasts on the Tuesdays and Thursdays, you should be the people that fast on the

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13th 14th and 15th of every single Islamic month.

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Right, because if fasting is easy for you and you're not feeling the hunger, then go the distance. Why? Because a person who fasts gets closer to Allah and further from jahannam. How far from Johanna in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? A person who fasts a single day? How far do they get from jahannam? No voice. Some people are saying they can't hear them. If you can't hear, I don't know what to do right now. How far 70 years? Anyone else?

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Anyone know the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu? I need to send them you're right. 70 years away from jahannam. Imagine that,

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like 70 years walking away from Johanna. That's how far you get from john numb by fasting a single day, a single day. And so some handle of the reward is absolutely great right?

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Now, your hunger is not only in the month of Ramadan, Allah subhanho wa Taala can test us at other points in time in our life, we might realize as students and I know, sometimes university students go through this, they're like, you know, I don't know, should I buy this coffee, it's $1 90, maybe I should go to another store and buy a coffee that costs $1. Or maybe I should just buy coffee and sugar and warm up hot water and just make coffee myself because it's cheaper. You know, students go through difficulty hunger. And we should always try to help those that are in difficult situations, including our students that are here in this country. So panelist, students in this country have

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luxuries, right. In Canada, we have luxuries, because we have assistance from the government. So they will take a loan from the government. But remember, there are certain students who don't want to take that loan. And I was just in a meeting last week with with one of the MPs right member of provincial parliament. And we were making it apparent to her letting her know that Subhanallah we actually have Muslim students who are bright, intelligent, very, very smart people, but they will not go to university simply because they don't want to take the loan from the government, not because they have an issue with the loan, but they have an issue with the with the interest that's

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incurred afterwards. And so we were requesting a number of things, either we can extend that payback time from six months to maybe a year, two years, three years, if that would be something that the government would consider that's that's great, because we're restricting knowledge or we are the student themselves is restricting knowledge upon themselves simply because they don't want to take the loan because the loan afterwards means you need to pay back interest if you don't pay it within a certain amount of time. So in sha Allah, tada, these are things that we're working on, but our students as well in the country go through difficulty also, even if they take the loan. And so we

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need to be people that help them. We move on in the verse, Allah subhana wa Xs s one na Qasim in a world will not will seem menial and worldly while unfussy with thermal rocks, a loss or a decrease in wealth and in lives. And in some Oh dots, which is fruits or provisions, Allah subhana wa tada sometimes gives you the luxuries of this life. And a few years later takes it away from you.

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And I remember seeing the video someone sent me this short video online the other day, and it was done in Singapore. And it was this old Subhanallah it was this couple or a lady It was a mother she looked like a single mother. And she had two children with her. And they went to the grocery store and one of the children the younger child wanted to buy a cake, a cake, but the mother couldn't afford the cake. Right? It was the grandmother I remember now it was the grandmother. Right? The grandmother couldn't afford the cake. And so she put it aside and said you know what, later on, we'll when we when we can afford it, we'll buy the cake and she told the cashier we're not going to

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pay for it. And then you know, she goes and gets the groceries. The little child is really upset. I wanted to buy the cake. I wanted to buy the cake. And then there's this man who's there. businessman right looks like a businessman dressed in a nice suit and tie and everything. And he comes in he sees this happening. He tells the cashier I'll pay for the cake he buys the cake goes outside gives the cake to the little child you want to the cake. Here's the cake. The grandmother says no, no, no, we can't accept the cake. And the men this businessman he says, You know when I was young, and then you see the video flashback to when he's young. He was young and he wanted something. And there was

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an older men who I mean, this man was also a businessman at his time, right? So someone dressed up nicely in a suit. He saw that this child wanted something and the parents couldn't afford it. So he purchased it and gave it to them. And when he gave it to the child, he wrote a little note. So this man no he purchased the cake and gives it to the little girl. And the grandmother says no, no, we can't when you know write down your name and your phone number or your address and when we have the money will come and give it to you. So he wrote the same statement in that note, the same statement that that man when he was a child wrote in the note as well. So you basically was paying it forward.

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And what do we see there? The video, translate

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Now the family gets home. And the little girl carries the cake. And she gives it to her grandfather. She says here and it was, you know, I don't want to say it was a birthday, right? How long right? Must have handled it just for the sake of the video right to let you know what was happening. She's this little girl she's giving it to her grandfather. Here's the cake. So the grandfather takes the cake. And he says really, you know, he asked his wife, the grandmother, where'd you get this from? Like, we couldn't afford it. How come you bought this cake? You spent the money on it. And she says this, this note is from the person who bought it and he opens the note and he sees that quote on

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there or that little message. And that message was indicating to him that that good deed he did 20 years ago now came to reality. Because now he's an old men. And that little boy, right? Who He gave something nice to was the men who purchased the cake and gave to his granddaughter who he now is receiving the cake from so Pamela, you never know the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala you never know. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says one knuckle samina amali, well, unfussy were thammarat. And there are things that we earn that we may lose. Now this men, he's a grandfather, now. He was the one who was wealthy enough to purchase things for other people. A loss of Hannah Montana took it

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away from him in his older age. And we know some Canada living in this country. There are many people here who in their older age, don't get enough money from their pension. And they worry and they struggle and sometimes they don't even have food, they sell the house, they sell the car, they sell everything that they had and they live in small little rooms, either in an old folks home or inside someone else's home in a basement, you know, in their children's basement for example. SubhanAllah they go through hardships and difficulty, Allah tells us that he will test us don't think that because we live in a nice home now that we will live in a nice home forever. Don't think

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that you drive a nice car with leather seats that you will always drive a car with leather seats. Don't think that you have clothing on you that smells nice because you have the money to purchase the perfume as well and put the perfume on the clothing that you will always have the clothing to put perfume on. It may be taken away. Allah says that he will test us with these things. Be Shea immunol trophy will jewelry one oxy minute Mr. Lee while unfussy with thammarat and unforce. People human beings, Allah subhanho wa Taala will take them away from us as well. You love your spouse, Allah will take them away from you. You love your children, Allah will take them away from you. You

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love your parents, Allah will take them away from you. You love your neighbors, Allah subhanho wa Taala will take them away from you. You love your Muslim brother and sister Allah subhanho wa Taala will take them away from you. It's a reality. It's a reality of life. It's the one thing that is absolutely guaranteed, we will die. Nothing else is guaranteed really. Right. But we will die. That's a guarantee for sure. There is no doubt in that kind of law. Right? And there's no doubt in the world. And there's no doubt in the dean. There's no doubt in many things, but in life in our life, when we look at our own selves. I don't know if I'm going to see five minutes from now. Or I

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might see I might be able to see like I might have vision five minutes from now. But I don't know if I'm going to live six minutes from now. All right. So Allah subhanho wa Taala takes things away he gives things and he takes things away from us. And we move on in sha Allah. In the next verse, verse number 156, Allah subhanho wa Taala says levena either all saw, but

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mostly by those who are tested, right? And we're all going to be tested we we understood that in the previous verses a levena. Either or Ciba Tomasi. But now we're talking about you and I going through the test, we are actually going through the test right now. So think of a person who passed away. Right? It's hard, it's difficult. And what do we say when a person passes away? This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us a levena either saw bad, mostly bad pod, oh, Allah Subhana. Allah says when a person is tested with difficulty, they say, born in LA, he was in LA here, oh, gee, oh,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says that a person who's going through any of these hardships or any hardship in general should say, in alila, he was in LA he Raji Herman, and those who are near to Allah, those that are connected to a law as soon as something difficult happens to them, they say in alila, here in LA herradura. And it's not simply a statement, but that statement is a statement of our belief, because mn itself is of three different stages or three different things need to be fulfilled. mn is believing in Allah subhanho wa Taala the belief that's within us, yes. Then we actually have to say it we have to testify that we believe in Allah subhana wa tada and the deen and

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everything that comes in it.

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etc, but we also need to the third category is to act upon it, to act upon that. And so simply saying, in Melilla here in LA arogya own when someone passes away or when someone loses a job, and then just you know, falling apart is not acting upon belief in this statement, belief in the statement is and for those that don't know, in alila, he were in LA he Raji Ron means to Allah we belong and to Him, we shall return right? To a long we belong and to Him, we definitely will return. And so Allah Subhana, Allah shows us here, when we say that we belong to a law, that means when we lose anything, whether it's health, whether it's wealth, whether it's the home or the car, or the

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family member, or we're going through that, that challenge of fear, right, that test of fear, we remember that when I'm scared to go through something in Melilla, he were in a in a hero, Raji our own to Allah I belong. So this element of fear that I'm feeling right now I can get past it, because I belong to a law and if a law does not want me to get harmed, I will not be harmed. Simple. If Allah wants for me to have goodness in this life, I will have goodness, if Allah doesn't want it for me, I will not get it but I will be able to withstand what Allah does not want for me, because Allah subhanho wa Taala also says at the very end of this sort of law you can live for long enough son in

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law was Haha, Allah subhanho wa Taala will not test us with anything, except that we are capable of going through it we can withstand that test. And so another part of understanding this statement in the law here in LA Raji is to also act upon it, to believe that I do belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And when a person dies, we shouldn't just say in that Illa for that person, because this is a mistake that many Muslims make. We say in Melilla, thinking we're seeing a duel for the person who passed away, no, we are seeing something to remind us that I am still here. I still live. I still have tests and challenges and my Eman will be tested. My faith will be tested, my wealth will be

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tested, my life will be tested, my safety will be tested. My family will be tested, everything will be tested. If Allah wants but we say in lilla we belong to a law we don't say he or she who passed away belong to a law. We didn't say in hula in her lilla No, we say in Nalin, law, we all of us, affirming myself as well that I belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala and variably I will return to Allah. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says in verse number 157, una eco na him, Swan Allah

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be him.

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you can

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on Allah subhanho wa Taala says, ooh, la, la him Salawat upon those people that get tested, but are patient they seek assistance through a loss of hand with Anna, insula, etc. all of what we just mentioned, those of us that are capable of doing that hula era him that's all of us, we are all capable of doing it. We all learnt it, we can now all do it upon us. Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna says, our blessings from our Lord hula he can lay him saw Noah to mirabai him Rama and mercy from Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we go through those hardships, and we stand in the face of hardship, knowing and trusting that Allah Subhana Allah is there as in he's got our back. He knows that we're

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going through this he can make it easy for us. The blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala is showered down upon us His mercy is showered down upon us and Allah subhanho wa Taala says what we learn hormone monitor dawn, and those people are the ones who are rightly guided. Those are the ones who are rightly guided, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from amongst those who are readily guided, who can trust Allah subhanho wa Taala when going through hardships and tests, let's move on to I mean, of course, let's move on to verse number 164 insha Allah

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verse 164. So what alternate Bukhara Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in a vehicle notice to album The new Athena female feel like anyone

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looking at surgery feel bad

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for one

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Allahu Meena sama

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v Hill Baba demo t ha

00:35:14 --> 00:35:20

Ba ba ba demo try best stephie ham you why best sci fi

00:35:21 --> 00:35:22

could lead

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what else leave in the US hobby limosa hottie bagginess and even Lila, Tina niccone.

00:35:38 --> 00:36:18

Allah subhanho wa Taala here shows us the creation of Allah reminding us of the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala proof for tauheed proof of the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala highlighting in a few help is somehow it will art in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and some kind of law. These are things that I think, you know, I don't know, a lot of the time, I just don't know how to express it. It's something that sits inside of me, right in the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes I sit there and I think it's because of the technical way that I think in terms of, you know, mechanics and how things operate, and so on and so forth. I always get really impressed by

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thinking of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it's something that I try to encourage people to do all the time. Sometimes I just don't know how to word it. You know, sometimes I tried to explain it to my wife and she's like, okay, you're just talking about the blessings of Allah and I'm like, No, but you just, just don't know how to get it out. And it's important for us to try and do that try to understand the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you, the creation of Allah, what he's given to us, you know, simple things like I just glanced at his glasses, right? As I was just looking around, I looked at your glasses, and I thought that glass is such a blessing from

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Allah. For those of us that don't need glasses, we don't understand. For those who wear glasses. They understand how much of a blessing it is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. But now we make glasses out of plastic, right? And you're just looking through plastic, but it back in the day glasses was made out of glass, it was heavy. And what's glass of Hanalei, you take it from the earth, you polish this stone or you make it out of you know sand etc. You need to polish it and polish it and polish it but you're looking through it. And you're looking through it to be able to see and simple things in life somehow analyze such a blessing from Allah Subhana Allah to Hana smell, right smell. I went

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into ISNA bookstore today, and I could smell the beautiful smell of before usually being burnt, but because we're fasting, it's actually discouraged to use food while we're fasting. Right? Some scholars say that it breaks the fast and so I could smell the smell of it. Right? So analyze, it's, it's beautiful. It's nice. Imagine if we couldn't smell later on in the day my wife, you know, she told me she says go into the kid's room. There's something like something smells weird and I'm like, I don't smell it. I don't smell it. Maybe my my sense of scent has been burnt because I smelled too much food back in the day when I was living in Medina. I don't know. But somehow I just couldn't

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smell it. Right so scent in itself is a blessing from Allah subhana wa it's added taste. Imagine you're fasting all day. All day long. You're fasting and someone gives you I don't know what's your favorite thing to eat?

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What's your favorite thing? You don't know what your favorite? a burger my shout out to Monica. What's your favorite thing to eat? For Korra Mashallah, what's your favorite thing thing to eat?

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Vianney? Mashallah. tabarka low acid. What's your favorite thing?

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Fun. Hotshots? A lot of cola.

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Some of the sisters we can't exclude them. What's your favorite thing to eat? They're like, no, we're not gonna say it because we're tired of cooking it for our husbands right? No, no, what's your favorite thing to eat?

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kebabs Anyone else? sisters like we don't get any favorites. We're not allowed to make our favorite thing because our mom always tells us to cook something for our dead or whatever. What's your favorite thing to eat? Hey,

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anyone Have you?

00:39:03 --> 00:39:04

passed up okay.

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french fries. Mashallah, with a lot of salt, right? handed Allah good. So we all have favorite things to eat. And imagine we've been fasting all day long. Imagine you go over to the sofa after the destacan right, you go over to the place where we're going to eat.

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And imagine in front of you is a burger or, you know, biryani or pakoras. And, you know, there's roofs, and you have, you know, all these juices and things that you like, and there's kebabs and there's, you know, pasta and lasagna and pizza and fries and all these things that you like to eat, and you're sitting there and you eat it, but you don't taste it.

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I would just be really boring. Right now just like

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what's the point of the burger? And nasal? Just give me a piece of paper. I'll eat the head and you know, at least they'll survive or something. I don't know. Right. So finally

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We feel like we'd feel so lost like, I don't have the things that I love and enjoy. Let's have Allah Allah has given us that taste. And for some people we don't have the taste some people lost tastes. The other day I saw a video another little video some kind of law, right? This boy, his parents bought him glasses, sunglasses, and I thought somehow I actually bought sunglasses right around the same day. And when I saw this video, I'm like, Wait a second, like what's so important about this? This kid is freaking out because he got these sunglasses. And I'm thinking it must be a brand of sunglasses that he really wanted like Ray Ban or oakleys or I don't know, right, some amazing brand

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of sunglasses. But Subhanallah this kid, you realize in the next 30 seconds, he's colorblind.

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He's colorblind, he can't see colors. And when he put those glasses on, he started to cry. Some had a little kid, like 12 years old, he starts to cry. And he's literally he's sitting there and he's like, in so much tears, he can't even speak

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simply because for the first time in his life, he can see color. And he was sitting outside like in their backyard and all you see is grass and trees and beautiful nature, right? And he's sitting there crying because he and he wasn't even looking like at his family afterwards. He's just looking around him at the things and he's just, you know, he gets up and he stands and he's, he's crying and he's looking at the trees and the grass and Subhanallah he could see the creation of Allah subhana wa tada with its colors. And here Allah Subhana Allah is highlighting in these verses, the creation of Allah and we you know we don't get amazed with Allah subhanho wa Taala we get amazed with the

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things around us Oh beautiful car Mashallah heated seats handleless steering wheel warms up when I put my hands on it in winter, great, perfect for winter, winter tires saves me and then you have your home and then you have your job and then you have your family and all the things that we enjoy from the luxuries of this life but some hannula what we fail to recognize is going back to the very first verse that we took,

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be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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watch guru Li What are

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we thankful to Allah subhana wa tada that we have the things that we enjoy so much. And those items that we have in front of us should be a means of increasing our Eman. They are a testimony of our faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala your glasses that you wear your watch that you wear your clothing that's covering your body should be something that you are thankful for. That brings you back to Allah subhanho wa Taala I am thankful to Allah and hamdulillah nothing else matters. Whatever is happening in your home, whatever is happening at work, whatever is happening in the rest of the world. Alhamdulillah at least at least if I'm taken away right now, I believe in Allah subhanho wa

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Taala Alhamdulillah right. And that's how you know Subhana Allah, we should be looking at the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala that's around us. we fast forward in sha Allah Allah to Allah.

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Verses number Subhana Allah let's go to verses number 221 until 232 Allah subhana wa tada highlights matter marriage and divorce in sort of tobacco right 221 232 Let me try and quickly fly there in Sharla see if the internet is fast enough, right? This is like a solid marriage.

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Modern day quickly fly to a place in the Quran.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says what a keyhole mushy cavity had you mean while Mr. meanor

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mushy khatiwada that come to carry the machinery key in a hat? You mean Oh, well I didn't mean on machinery Kim whatever Java con una

00:44:09 --> 00:44:11

una enon

00:44:13 --> 00:44:14

one La Jolla

00:44:16 --> 00:44:27

in added agenne 91 CMR t v. Ni while you bangin t nesina. I love him yet back.

00:44:30 --> 00:44:59

Here in this verse and the following verses as well. We're not going to go through all of them. But generally speaking, Allah subhanho wa Taala is highlighting marriage is highlighting divorce. He's indicating to us that people we should be getting married to. He says certain people call to disbelief in Allah subhanho wa Taala they call to jahannam. Others will call to righteousness as in the loss of Hannah with Anna you marry someone who believes in the loss of Hamlet and they bring you closer to righteousness they bring you closer to Jenna. They bring you closer to mug fit.

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They bring you closer to Rama. They bring you closer to the goodness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. And so that's highlighted there. We also see with regards to marriage and divorce in the versus to come divorce and it's waiting period, right? The, the the three months or the three menstrual cycles. We also see the de that time where you can take back your spouse, if you as a man divorces your wife, you can take her back.

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And no, we're streaming live. So people are probably gonna say, Hey, wait a second, what are you talking about? How come only the men can divorce the woman and this is why we encourage all those that are watching and all those that are listening that might be thinking that study your deen further. This is just a general thing that we're going over Ken and I'll simply go over it in you know,

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very quickly in sha Allah in a few minutes. Can a sister or can a woman divorce her husband? Can she seek divorces chemically? Yes. So islamically A men can divorce his wife but also islamically a woman can seek divorce or cola to you know, come out of her marriage. Okay, so that is something that's permissible. And there is a misconception out there a lot of people think and Subhana Allah, they will use a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and misquote it in order to benefit themselves in order to benefit the men. And this is not to be done in our Deen the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not, you know, show us or teach us or bring the Kitab of Allah

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Subhana Allah to Allah, the Book of Allah the Quran to just be a male, you know, focused or if we you know, even to use the term male chauvinist, Deen it isn't. It's a dean for everyone. This religion is for both men as well as for women, and it brings justice to each, Allah Subhana Allah brings justice to each one of them. Write a simple example today. You know, Shaykh Abdullah Idris was talking about Zika. It's no they had a workshop there with regards to Zika.

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And we're also going to have another workshop for is in two weeks in sha Allah at understanding Islam Academy for those that want to attend. But some kind of law he was mentioning, you know, is the cat who are the people that you can not give the car to. And you cannot give the cat to your wife. Right? You can not give Zakat to your wife, a men cannot give the cat to his wife Why? And people say well, why can't you do that? Because the men is supposed to already provide for his wife, she shouldn't be receiving the cat from him. She should be receiving firsthand wealth from him, as in not the cleansing of his wealth, but his actual wealth should be going to her in in return. Can a

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woman give her Zakat to her husband? If she earns wealth or she has wealth and from the money that he gives to her that she can use? Can she give zakah because she might have gold, she might have jewelry that she has to pay zakat on? Can she give that to her husband?

00:48:04 --> 00:48:47

Yes, she can. So she can give the cat to her husband, but he can't give the cat to his wife. And then someone raises their hand and said, well wait a second, if she gives her a cut to him to her husband. In return, he's going to take that money and spend it on her. How is that permissible? Yeah, that's permissible. That's how it is. So the woman gets it, she gets you know, she can give to her husband and and rich received from it in return, but he cannot give to his wife. He has to earn in order to look after her and some handle that goes on and on. And we'll talk about that as we go on in sha Allah Tada. So there's the period, there's the Allah subhana wa tada in these verses. Near

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nearing the end of Surah Al Baqarah. He speaks about taking the wife back the two times that you can take her back, he speaks about the mother, and the mother is something that's important. Remember, the mother must be given either at the time of marriage or later on. And for those of you Subhana Allah, who have not paid your mother but are paying Zakat, or you're paying your debts, your mahana is your debt as well. So if you have not paid your money to your spouse, then pay that back first. You must pay that back that's hers that she's entitled to that. And some people might say, well, it's 10s of 1000s. Well get started, right? No one told you to agree to 10s of 1000s as a as a as a

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I don't like using the word dowry. It's more a gift. It's a gift that's given to the wife at marriage. No one told you to agree to that amount but because you agreed to it, hey, begin paying it. You need to start paying that back right? Also, Allah subhana wa tada speaks about bollock divorce right, and we learn through the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying divorce do not joke around about divorce. It's one of the three things the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said there are certain things

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That are serious when they're serious and serious when you joke about them. So if you're joking about it, it's serious. And if you're serious about it, it's serious. And one of those things is married. Sorry, divorce, right marriage and divorce. It is serious do not joke around about divorce, don't say, Oh, you know, if you don't make good book for us tonight, I'm gonna divorce. You know, don't say that. And Don't even joke around about it. To the extent some handle on one of the elder brothers Pamela, he was telling me in a Masjid in Vancouver, he was doing a explanation or demonstration of marriage and divorce. And he had it was like a workshop. And he had a couple. That

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was that was he was giving them scenarios. And he said, Okay, so if this happens, and he says this, or she says that, and then he thought right away, he stopped them. He said, Wait, don't say it. He says, because I'm actually putting you in a position that even if you say it, and we're joking around about it, let's say he goes, it's serious. You would have just divorced your wife. So he's like, don't say it, right. That's how serious it is. And that's how serious our Dean takes divorce. If you're serious about divorcing your wife, that's a different case. But if you're not serious about divorcing your spouse, then please, please, please don't even have those words on your tongue.

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Don't even put those words on your tongue. Get it out of your vocabulary, get it out of your thoughts, get it out of your mind, do not joke around about divorce. It is serious, serious, serious.

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The Wali excetera is also discussed and mentioned here. Allah subhana wa tada nearing the end of the surah in verses number 238.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala encourages us to protect our also to prayer, the middle prayer, okay, the prayer of ourselves. And that is one of the most vulnerable prayers to be missed. Why? Because many people will go to sleep in the afternoon, during the time in Arabia of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, they will take a EULA, they still do that in many countries, they take the afternoon nap or the siesta. You'll see in many European countries, they still do it. But islamically there's a kalola it's encouraged that we do that a very quick, very short nap in the afternoon. 10 minutes, 15 minutes your backup. It refreshes you energizes you, but it's also a time where people will miss

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their Salah, their compulsory prayer, the opposite of prayer which is in the middle of the day, and this is a llama bond. And many people miss also in the middle of Ramadan or throughout the month of Ramadan because we are taking naps. We are sleeping because we're tired. The day is long, we're hungry, it's hot, we work etc. Go take a nap. If you want to take a nap nothing wrong with that but do not miss you're also to prayer. Remember Subhana Allah

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throughout the month of Ramadan, people are so particular with Torah we the prayer in the night, right that tada we have prayer or that tahajjud prayer the night prayer, you could pray the entire month of Ramadan and it is not more important than the one that I saw that you may miss. Or the one fudge or the hood Arosa or Muslim or a chef. The one compulsory prayer that we miss is more valuable than missing all of the Torah we prayers. Why? Because they're only voluntary and the compulsory prayers we must pray them, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to fulfill this Deen and our responsibilities upon us. We ask Allah Subhana which Allah to grant us forgiveness

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throughout this month of Ramadan, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make it easy for us to maximize from our time to seek assistance from Allah Subhana water Hana and to bless us with goodness in this life as well as in the hereafter amin out of Bella alameen wa salatu salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, but as I come aloha in and of Santa Monica Monica to LA he will venture capital

This lecture was given at the Al Falah Islamic Centre.

May 28, 2017

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