Daood Butt – Ramadan 2016 – Treasures From The Quran – 26

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © Speaker 1 discusses the company's recent acquisitions and their potential for growth in the future. They mention the success of the company's recent acquisitions and their focus on growing their business. The speaker also discusses the company's financial results and provides updates on their financials. They mention that they expect growth in the future due to their focus on innovation and innovation in their business.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen what will suddenly will suddenly Marlena v. Karim Ali hit of Masada to attend with a slim Rob beshara li Sati way acidity MD, the time melissani of kaha Kohli, my brothers and sisters in Islam a cenomar aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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So it's the 25th day of Ramadan. And

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a good question was asked and we'll discuss it later tonight inshallah with the with the brothers

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26th night, and tonight we're going to cover in sha Allah totally forgot to start this.

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Tonight we will cover versus sorry, saw surah number 78 which is sort of another at the beginning of the 30th jos all the way up until the end of sort of to lay in shallaki however, we didn't manage to go over slaughtering Muslim male as well as as well as animal deaths here and sort of the piano that I wanted to highlight last night. So we're going to start from there in shallow Tana which is the 73rd surah of the Quran surah two Muslim men

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in Surah two Muslim in an oversight the first nine verses because those are the verses we're going to discuss inshallah, Allah subhana wa tada says

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it will be love He means shavonne and lodgy Bismillah he had washed man he had Mahi. Yeah.

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A human was m mean to me, Lady Illa Connie. Neil.

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postman who kalila z Dinah II wanna teeny Neto Tila in Santa Ana de coco.

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de la in Anna she attended layli here I should do a

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poco de la in Allah caffeine

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babila with koori smolen Vika waterbed 10 e t la Bodhi machinery

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you know, in was

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in verses one to nine Allah subhana wa tada highlights here for us.

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You know the importance of 200 and the recitation of the Quran

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and the beginning, Allah subhanho wa Taala calls out to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yeah, you have a Muslim male. Who is that? I just mentioned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but what description is it of him? What is he doing? What What is the description here? What does it mean? alma zanele

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exactly the one who's wrapped up the one who's covered who's cozy in bed. Basically the one who is cozy and rested and comfort it comforted in their bed. And we see that this is every single one of us right when we're sleeping at night. So Pamela, we notice how we're nice and cozy wrapped up in bed. And even while I'm doing my halakhah I always see who's who's in this booth is that you Hassan

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Mashallah, you have a nice form thing to put under us. Every single day of doing every single day I'm doing the hologram seeing that foam mattress and I want to go lay down on it, shall

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he we have the new carpet with a new carpet scent and the foam mattress. Very good. No, it's actually part of the etiquettes of the mustard. If you're going to sleep in a mustard you put something nice underneath you at least something that's thick so that you know alumnos even even sometimes we don't say you know as adults that we might urinate, you know in our sleep, but Allah knows maybe someone passes away in their sleep and you know the the fluids of the body come out. And so it's important for us to coat the bottom of the or our bedding to have a nice thick bedding and hungry Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala here calls out to us yeah, a U haul Muzammil, the one who's

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wrapped up who's nice and cozy, right comforted in their bed and how to learn nowadays the beds that we have nothing like that for mattress right? We have these nice thick mattresses with you know do vase or comforters with filled with down and you sleep in it. So how do I know there's one hole

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Tell one hotel I love going to in Malaysia. So Pamela when you sleep in that bed you never want to get up.

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And the interesting thing is it's built over the water. So when you open the curtains, all you see is water you're on the water so the hut the room you're in is on the water. And so you're laying in bed and you don't want to go anywhere. You're just amazed by the view that Allah subhanho wa Taala created for you. And the bed is handleless Oh cozy, really really comfortable. But here Allah subhanho wa Taala calls oh yeah a young Muslim men. Oh you who's comforted in that bed you're wrapped up.

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Camille La la la la casa de la, wake up in the night Get up. Get up and do what get up for a part of the night a little bit. Nice for who Oh in cosmin who kalila for half of the night or cut back a little bit less than that right for a part of the night to Allah subhanho wa Taala is indicating that we should get up for a part of the night and do what

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I was at the la hora till 430 you can either get up in the part of the night a little bit of it or half of it or less than that or more than that it's up to you whatever you're comfortable with. Laura Tilly loco Anna Tara Tila, here we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told by Allah subhanho wa Taala to recite from the Quran. Now he's not taught recite, get up in the night and finish one third of the Quran during that night. No Wada t de la coruna todo de la Tila when we hear the different types of recitation of the Quran there's one type that is known as tough tea and who recites like that

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which famous got it

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all right. Got it up dude busted. It's a simpler example if we use a lot of the the modern world a lot. Something not everyone knows them. But we all know God until Bassett right at the summit. We all know him. His recitation is really really slow. Right really slow. Now, that's not the recitation that Allah subhana wa tada is referring to and my you know, from what I've learned from from my teachers, it's not referring to that recitation, but that recitation of our time is known as Tata tea. Right? What Allah subhanaw taala is referring to here is that you recite the Quran in a way that you hear it, you comprehend it, and you understand it. Now, some of us don't understand

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Arabic, right? I know Alhamdulillah. For the majority of you, you do understand some of the words, if you're someone who speaks to do for example, or you understand what to do, you will know at least half of the words or a good portion, one third of the words of the Quran, at least, because they're similar in Persian and Urdu. And you know, even in Punjabi, actually, not Punjabi Punjabi is totally different, like mustard is massive D right? So, I don't know how that came about, must have had a lot at least to understand some of the words of the Koran.

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And so here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us the importance of waking up in the middle of the night, and standing for tahajjud and reciting the Quran. Now a person might say, wait a second, I can't stand for 200 I can only recite fine, get up, sit up in your bed and recite some of the Koran. But we look at the example of the Prophet sallallahu. Either he was Salah, his example during the night was not to just sit down and recite the Quran, it was to stand and this is why today we call it the the flame that you're standing throughout the night, right? The night becomes a moment of standing. And then handler's good for us because we spend the whole day sitting, like I know my doctor tells

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me you sit too much you need to stand more because I'm always either at a desk or in an airplane. And so he says you need to stand more. And I told him that the beginning of Ramadan, the very first Friday of Ramadan, he asked me he says so how's your back feeling? I said, Don't worry, you know, it's gonna feel much better as the month goes on. Because the Knights were going to be standing a lot. So he's like, Okay, that's good. How did Allah so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us to recite from the Quran. And here this is really important for us to to highlight

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because sometimes we speed read our way through it, and he shows us to slow it down, slow down our recitation of the Quran, understand it, understand the Quran, right?

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What Attila Khurana Tila in sanuki alayka polenta Tila indeed we can we will cast upon you a heavy word as in the words of the Quran are not things that we take lightly. We learn how to live our life based on the Quran. In a sheet at a lady here a shed do what on a como de la indeed the hours of the night are more effective for concurrence of heart and tongue as in they're more effective for you in terms of your your emotions and your spiritual uplifting your emotional and spiritual uplifting and more suitable for words. You know, some have a light

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Most of you here are performing RT Cath, you know how it is, in the night when you recite the Quran, or in the early parts of the morning, or immediately after fudger when people come for budget and they leave and you're still here, you feel that connection with Allah, you feel that that night, the night time is the time where you you're closer to Allah. And so how do I look at the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala he makes the night dark.

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He makes the night dark for us. And so when the night is dark, what happens? during the day you're distracted, you could see everything, everything is clear. And naturally as human beings we're very visual visual. We like to see things and our attention is naturally drawn into it. And this is why you'll see for example, the iPhone five, then the iPhone six came out looked better than the iPhone. Six s Oh, no, sorry. I went I didn't go back enough, right. Let's take the iPhone, what three, right iPhone three. And then the iPhone was there for I'm assuming there was a four or five and then six, right? And then SubhanAllah. You see the design of it. So different. So beautiful. So nice. We see

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it, we want it. Similarly, the iPad, I have an iPad in front of me. It's an old iPad. But if you look at the new iPads compared to this, I know there's a brother who's an engineer, so kind of a friend of mine living in Malaysia. He told me when the new iPad came out, he says this is like the pinnacle of electronic engineering. I was like Mashallah. The iPad, you call that the pinnacle of electronic engineering? He's like, look at the design of it. Look how beautiful it is. They even put you know, a bezel bezeled edge that was chromed I was like some handle Okay, like, fine if that's, that's what makes you happy, it makes you happy. But Allah subhanho wa Taala made the night dark. At

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night, not everything is highlighted for us. So we're not focusing on everything else. It's easier for us to focus on what is right in front of us that we're on. Right

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now we're a bad with Allah subhanho wa Taala nothing else is around. And this is why you'll see also at night, sometimes we dim the lights, either for PM, we dim the lights because nighttime is not supposed to be super bright. It's supposed to be dark. It's supposed to be a time to reflect a time where you're not distracted by other things around you. And it's a time to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that goes to show us the importance of the night years Allah subhanho wa Taala I like to us the night is important. Those of you that are memorizing the Quran, use the early moments of the of the night or the most the morning I should say, use the early morning, early

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moments of the morning. So how about today it was in the sun a lot really thirsty. That's why I brought this big bottle of water. I just want to enjoy some water today. So use the early moments of the morning for the memorization of the Quran. You'll see how after you sleep when you wake up, you're not thinking of all the different things that happened the day before your mind is still fresh. And this is why it's discouraged early in the morning. Even corporations will discourage their employees from coming into work early in the morning and checking their email. don't check it right away in the morning. The first thing should not be your email. The first thing should not be

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Facebook and Twitter and Snapchat and all that stuff. The first thing in the morning should be Allah subhanho wa Taala that's the first because you connect with it with a fresh mind with a fresh heart with fresh thoughts. And those that read the Quran. You'll notice when you memorize something in the morning or you recite something in the morning, it sticks with you more than if you were to recite it in the afternoon. Why? Because in the afternoon you recite the Quran, what are you thinking of, you're thinking of what you saw in the news, you're thinking of your drive to work in the morning, someone cut you off, you're thinking of how something happened either at university or high school

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or, or at work, if you're working. You're thinking of all these different things I need to get home I need to rush I need to finish this I didn't finish that your mind is thinking 1000 things and then you open up the Quran. It's not gonna work so easy. You need to clear your mind. And this is why I remember somehow when we were memorizing what on our teacher would always, always encourage us when you're about to sit down with the Quran before that pray to God. Pray to God to Allah subhanho wa Taala it distracts you from the rest of the world. And you notice how some handler when you pray those two guys sincerely trying and not just saying oh you know it's too soon now have to pray it

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No, but you sincerely are trying to clean your mind and your heart before going into your memorization and recitation of the Quran. You will you will feel that difference afterwards. You will definitely feel it. So try these things in sha Allah hota Hana and you'll see the difference in how how much of a difference it makes in your life.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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in lack of in a hurry Subhana babila indeed for

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By day is prolonged occupation occupation. Now, throughout the date, we see here the word sepahan babila. Now we can we can say that it's referring to test v. And we could say that it's referring to, you know, remembering a lot a lot throughout the day. And the day is prolonged and it's a time to remember Allah. But we see how everything is moving. Everything is working throughout the day. You drive down the four one actually, the phone's a terrible example because it's always busy. SubhanAllah but even at night, it's you know, less busy, but that's a terrible example. Let's use it.

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For seven. I never take the 407403 you take the 403 or you take any any street, like you're driving to the mustard for fauja. Are the roads packed? No. You're driving to the mustard at five in the afternoon. Four o'clock, three o'clock, two o'clock. It's busy. Things are happening. stores are open. People are going places. They're moving around. You drive to the masjid at fudge of time, what happens? It's quiet. So during the day, Allah subhanaw taala shows us there's movement. Right? ceiba What does that mean? Swimming, we're moving, you got to move. If you want to swim, you need to move. If you don't move, you either float or you sink. Right? So there's movement throughout the day and

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the day is long. There's a lot of things happening but the night as we mentioned, is calm. And Allah subhanho wa Taala shows that to us here. What good is smarthub beaker, whatever tell la whatever Tila and remember the name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him with complete devotion or bull maturity. Well, Missouri de la ilaha illa who fav who Akilah He is the Lord of the east and the west, the West. There is no deity except Him. So take him as Disposer of your affair. Subhan Allah. remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in the day and in the night, and this is how Allah subhanho wa Taala encouraged the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to wake up in the night and to remember him

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and in the next surah again, we see a powerful example from Allah subhanho wa Taala and Surah thermadata which is the 74th surah of the Quran.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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you have death the

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war on Baca can be with the back half up on one Rogers FM Joe wanna

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test that theory? While he Rob Be careful spiel for either no parafin boo, Danny kaoma easy

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fi Now

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see, in verses one to 10 Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us again that he calls out to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but this is actually right after the moment that he receives the revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala in the cave ekkada this may not be keleti hallak he then calls out to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yeah, are you helmet?

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Who is Elmo Deaf there?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is Allah subhanho wa Taala calling him out and saying in English so we can understand what does it mean Alma death is

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the one who's covered right, showing us the importance of our garments. We spoke about those verses. But Allah subhana wa Taala calls out to the one who's covered by those garments showing purity showing an example to others. Yeah, a yo helmet. come under. What does it mean from the unzip before Allah subhanho wa Taala said, Yeah, are you alma zamil comme la la la la casa de la. Right now he's saying boom, unzip, get up and do what warn the people warn them about what confianza were up back as a cab. There was the back of Papa here and your Lord glorify Him. warn the people about Allah subhanho wa Taala give them the message. Water back if I can bear with the back kassapa here and

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your clothing purify it now Allah Subhana Allah is giving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam little pieces of advice. Remember, this is the early stages of Islam. It's very early with the abaca hip, be someone who's presented and that's an example for us in our Deen. When we walk the streets, whether you're on your way to work and you're wearing a suit, make sure you look like the best men wearing that suit. right you're at work you look as though you're the most presentable. You're going to school and you have a school uniform. Make sure your school uniform even though

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It's the same as every other students, your school uniform stands out. Now people are gonna say how does it stand out everyone is made to wear the same clothing. Simple example.

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When you look at someone who's wearing a job, and another person who's wearing a job, and another and another person who's wearing a job, but one person's job is wrinkled, and another person's job has been worn for two days, and another person's job is freshly ironed, which one looks better? The one that's iron. So even though you're all wearing the same, though, you can have one that looks better than the other, and the other looks better than another. Right? And so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us comes under what Rebecca can deal with the back of a pot here. Make sure that you're someone whose clothes are clean and pure. And we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he would always give a beautiful example to the machete cone. He would always be someone that gives a great example in terms of his appearance, even in terms of his breath. Now we know that we're fasting and the person who's fasting their the the scent that comes out of their mouth, Allah subhanho wa Taala says is sweeter than musk to Allah. But to us as human beings, is it sweeter than musk? No, it's not. It's nowhere near it. So we know that to Allah, it is sweeter than musk. But to the person who we're speaking to, this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also used while he was fasting, the miswak to clean his mouth, and we make Lulu five times a day and even

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though we're making Lulu Well, we're fasting. Allah Subhana Allah to Allah does not tell us don't rinse your mouth. Yes, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us gargle less don't gargle, you know, a deep gargle where you put water in your throat and your gargling it because some might go down. You can rinse your mouth out, but don't you know, be extreme, and you're gargling. Okay? But we still are allowed to rent out our mouth, we're still allowed to clean our mouth to make it moist. So that when we're speaking to others, Alhamdulillah we can speak it flows easily, and it smells, okay. It smells decent, because we use the miswak and we rent it out. And so Allah subhanho

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wa Taala shows us that the prophets on a long rally, he was seldom was told by him to be someone who's purified, someone whose clothing are nice, you're presentable, he would have a gown or a cloak that he would put on, and he would come for Salah, and he would wear his cloak. And this is why some people ask, you know, why is it that you see in some cultures and we'll use the Saudi culture because we see it all the time, for example, shifts or days or shift or they feel alien how they feel he's got this nice, you know, they have those the nice mishler or they call it a bit as well, that they put on over there. So why do they were that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when

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he would go for Salah, he would make sure that he would put on his nicest clothing. And he would put on sometimes a cloak on top of it to be more presentable in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala to look nice in front of a lot. When delegations would come he would put on a cloak as well. He would make sure that he looked good, he would meet people and be presentable. And today we see that a lot of people criticize A lot of people say well, why is it that you were such a nice clothing when you you know, go to the wedding. And you know, when you're just going to work you wear regular clothing? Well, a wedding handler, you're going to something nice, it's formal, or you're going to work why is

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it that you dress up when you go to work? Now we look at the son of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam as well, he would encourage the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu when they're returning to their homes

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to beautify themselves. Today we do the opposite. When we're leaving our homes. We beautify ourselves when they're coming home, we just undo the tie or take our RS are sober, or suit off. And we put on our pajamas right away as soon as we get home. And we're just comfortable. Because we're tired of wearing the suit, right? It's annoying to wear. So we put on something that's more comfortable. But the prophets of Allah Allah, he was telling me he would encourage this a habit especially if they traveled and they came back from travel to make sure that they stopped before they reach Medina. They send someone ahead to let their family know the spouse know that they're

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going to arrive. So they can also get ready to welcome their husband. Right. And the husband is also supposed to prepare himself put perfume on Get ready cleanse himself so that he can go home and be presentable to his spouse. That's the person ulimate halaal for us, not the people that work. Right. So we go to work and we look good to be presentable. For others. Yes, no doubt. This is a type of very bad as something that we're doing. We're showing a good example of Muslims and Islam. While at the same time when we return home, we need to also put in the effort to make sure that our spouse when we come into our house, they're happy and pleased with us. They're happy that we returned.

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They're happy that we're home, they're happy that we sit with them, etc. And so it's important for us to also remember to have moderation in our you know, clothing and our appearance not only when we go out of our homes, but when we come in. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told by a lot

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subhanho wa Taala was the Arabic alphabet here, what Rogers and uncleanliness avoid that. Avoid things that are unclean. Now these are early messages coming to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from Allah subhanho wa Taala while tannum test that fear and do not confer favor to acquire more like don't just, you know, I'll do you a favor, you do me a favor, because I did you a favor. I'm going to get something more No, be honest and just continue to be honest. And just now remember, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is now taking this message to people who never heard the message ever before. Right? He just received a revelation. He's taking the message silently from one

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person to another person to another person, from the people that he knows very close to him. And then the loss of Hannah who attack that shows him for either nuclear huffin sorry, Wally Rob Baker hospital. But for your Lord, be patient, for either Nokia or thin or kaoma in Yamaha CA, LL cafe de una vida seer, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us and when the Trumpet is blown, that Day will be a difficult day for the disbelievers. It will not be easy. And so take the message. Remember, it goes back this goes back to the very first and second verse. Yeah, you hit him with death. They're home for under, oh you who is wrapped in those garments. Stand up, get ready and show this example. warn

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the people, advise them,

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teach them etc etc.

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Let's move on in shadowline sora tokuyama is the 75th surah of the Quran.

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In surah through the Yama let's take verses 1617 and 18 Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here learn to lick be Heaney son Kenny Tara, Jenna be in

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Jena Jim

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beer bottle.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, move not to your tongue don't move your tongue with it. Now this is referring to when gibreel alayhis salam when the angel jabril is bringing the revelation to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would be reciting the verses to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And as he's receiving the verses, as the Prophet is receiving the verses Allahu Allah sallam, he is moving his tongue to it. So for example, you know, in Salah when you're standing next to someone, and you're reciting, the Imam is reciting Surah Fatiha or any soldier, and the person standing next to them is reciting as well.

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There's someone who's reciting. And you could hear them or you could see their their lips moving. Right? They're moving their mouth with the recitation of the email. That's a prime example of what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was doing. He was moving his lips and reciting so gibreel for example, was saying that to have LIC be Healy, Santa Caleta Jalla de and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would say that you had to be natural having been seen. Do you know these verses? Okay, say it slowly. Tough to write

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that correctly. Lisa, Lisa Kelly,

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in in there Alina, Gemma who called

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for either, I don't know, see how he's saying it. And I'm seeing it right after him. Right? Because I want to I want to grasp it. I want to hold on to it. I don't want to let go of it. I want to make sure that I memorize it. And the loss of bandwidth Allah tells the Prophet, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here he says, Don't move your tongue with it. Or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Don't be quick with your recitation of the Quran. lead to have it be here. Listen, Akita gentlemen. Don't move your tongue with the recitation as gibreel is reciting it to you. In Elena Gemma Walker Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to say indeed upon us is its collection in your

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heart as and we will collect it in your heart, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we will make it possible for you to recite it later. Just relax. Listen to it. And Allah subhanho wa Taala then says so when we have recited it through jabril alayhis salaam then follow it's recitation for either caught up now who said dear or Anna. And so this is a piece of advice to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which also comes to us. When we're hearing something like your insula. Pay attention to it. I know some people like to recite, but that's not the method of sauna in our sauna. We're not supposed to be reciting along with the Imam. We're supposed to be listening to the

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email. Okay. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here.

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Listen, pay attention, don't worry, it will be in your heart. And a lot of students have gotten and they say this is a time for us to revise while the Imam is reciting. We will recite as well as revision for us know, Allah will protect it in your hearts just like you protect it in the heart of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So relax when you hear the verses of the Quran. Don't be too hasty. Don't be too quick to grasp it. I know sometimes people they hear a verse or they listen to a reciter. And they they want to memorize it right away. They're like, well, I need to recite this, listen to it one time two times three times four times five times, listen to it a dozen times

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and then start to recite it why because if you're too quick with it, you will not be able to pronounce it properly. Because you don't know what's going to come next you don't know what letter is going to come next you don't know what vowel is on it. You don't know if it's a Fat Tire Kasama or a zebra zebra or a bass you don't know what's on it. Right? So we need to be people that listen, absorb it, and then let's bring it out. Okay, don't be scared in a lot of time. And since there's not many of us here for now, let's ask those that are sitting near the door. In fact, if I can get you know the majority of you there, just come over to this side inshallah because a lot more people

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will come and fill that space and it's just going to distract you throughout the halaqaat inshallah

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there's a lot of advice that we can give to the students of the Quran. From these verses one of the one of the pieces of advice with regards to this led to have Vic be here, the Santa Clarita identity, don't rush and move your tongue. You know, a lot of the time students of the court and they rush quickly to try and memorize as fast as possible. Just relax. Just relax Allah subhanho wa Taala will allow you to absorb the Quran as you're reciting it. And you will notice when you mature in your recitation, and you start to recite the Quran, with you know, a little more of a beautified fashion and you start to understand some of the words of the Quran, it comes to a lot easier. So

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sometimes when you take it slowly, and you understand some of the words and this is why it's important for us to learn some of the words of the Quran, and brother Bilal is here with us. Right and Subhanallah you know, you can get some information from him. What is the name of

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the Quran Academy from Pamela?

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Yes, Chef Amara, Pharaoh bodyarmor, Farouk

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the Quran Academy you can get information on that Subhanallah especially for the youth

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is very, very good. I'm sure you all know body armor photo cry. He used to be right here and this mustard right here. now lives in Calgary. Is he still in Calgary? Still in Calgary and so so Pamela he still has the core an academy running here in the in the GTA in in Mississauga, Oakville as well. And brother Bilal looks after that so get in touch with with brother Bill Allen Sharma and those that are interested in learning the Koran and pronunciation of the Quran and understanding the court and this is a prime opportunity and a great resource that we have well lucky I've heard so much and only only good things from God on the phone, only good things. So

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we know that Mashallah as I said, he's he was here for many years. And in fact, a lot of the friends that I have, who are you know, about in their mid 20s to late 20s and early 30s they have so many good stories and memories from mustard fella and from being with with the chef so so kinda, you know, there's a lot of a lot of goodness and a lot of highs that came out of him. And in fact, when he moved to Calgary, I took over his halaqa in in mustard that are among those that attended mustard that are one we also have the halaqa that continues Tafseer halaqa, every Wednesday night, something he was doing while he was here, and the handle I took over that and we're also continuing through

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that tough seat as well. And so he's someone that has really achieved a lot better Bilal is here you can meet with him afterwards in Charlottetown and get more information. After the month of Ramadan we continue to connect with the Quran.

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Let's move on in sha Allah tala to Surah two number which is the 78th surah of the Quran. Surah number never. For those that don't know the beginning of the surah goes like this Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim.

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halus we all know it is what it is now. Good. Because if we say so to never many of us don't know. But we all know from the time we were children. The first job that we started memorizing was I might have to start alone. Well, no, it is. I'm late this afternoon. Right? So kind of low the first the bottom right. He's the God Bless You got it. I'm late this afternoon. So Allah Subhana Allah shows us here in this world of the tidings are glad tidings a good news or news that comes and I want to skip right to the end of the sword if you permit versus number 38 to 40 Allah subhanho wa Taala

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It shows us powerful powerful messages there.

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He says

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Yomi okumu when

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he came to South La Jolla taken in Edina alone, man walk on

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yoma yaku Maru well Malika who is a row we mentioned that yesterday gibreel right the angel jabril while mela eager to suffer see Allah subhanho wa Taala indicates the angels and gibril he highlights jabril Allah His Salaam with them, young Morocco Morocco, there will be a day when jabril alayhis salam and the angels alayhi wa sallam, they stand in rows

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lay at akella Moon no one will dare to speak on that day except with the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala now yet akella Muna Illa min Athena la hora Rahman will call us awaba no one will have the you know the ability or even feel like speaking except one, once they're given the permission by Allah subhanho wa Taala to speak and the person when they do speak, even if it's not themselves speaking, but it's their limbs speaking, they will speak the truth,

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lie attack Allah Muna ilam and Athena Allah Hoffman, what color Sahaba they will speak the truth. Why, because that's the moment where we give account. That's the moment were questioned about our deeds and what we did. And so it's important, it's absolutely important that we understand that this day and this moment will definitely come and the angels will be standing in rows, and the people the human beings will be standing in rows. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will only allow the one to speak and we would not even want to speak except that we're given permission. In fact, you know, from the things that we know of the day of judgment will be too scared to actually, you know, come in front

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of Allah subhana wa Tada, we won't want that moment to come except for those that did good deeds, and those that were righteous and those that worshipped Allah subhanho wa Taala. They'll be under the shade. There'll be protected. There'll be people that are given to drink, they will not feel the heat as much they will be comforted on that day. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from amongst those that feel comfort on that date. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on and says that he can do mobilehelp that is definitely the day the true date, the day of truth.

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Isla B he,

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so he who wills may take to his Lord, a way of return as a person will approach Allah subhanho wa Taala. And will you know, we know we're going to be questioned will some people will ask to actually come back to this earth. Some people will be so happy they'll be receiving their book in the right hand. They know that they were under the shade. It's a day where Subhanallah people will wonder what's going to happen. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us pieces of advice in

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Kumasi kumada

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potrebbe Allah subhanho wa Taala says indeed we have warned you of a near punishment on that day, Yom

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oma dammit,

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they will be on that day people who who would literally all of us will do that will question What did I do? What did I produce, McDermott yada? And Allah subhanho wa Taala look at how he says yoma young Laurel Maru mapa de Mattila de think of it, your hands are right in front of us your whole life, you're not looking at your hands behind your back, your hands are in front of you. And Allah subhanaw taala shows us that we will look to see what our hands have produced the right in front of us and I want to give us an example of something that happened to me. About three years ago, I was sitting in my office in Malaysia, and my office was on the corner of a building and this wall and

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the wall behind me is glass. So it's glass behind me and glass on the side of me and I'm on the corner of the building. And in Malaysia when it rains I don't know if you know the rain in Malaysia is not like rain over here. When it rains, it rains it comes down hard, very heavy rain, and then you have torrential rains as well. And the lightning Subhanallah when lightning comes down you think or you feel like the lightning is literally on top of your head. You're too scared to go out somehow to LA. It takes time to even get used to that that you know situation the rain and the lightning and the thunder and I'm sitting in my office and I'm working on my on my computer on my laptop.

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And so Pamela the lightning strikes

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The corner of my window.

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And it was so loud, it felt like time ended. Everything stood still. And it was like, you know, lightning is a split second. But it felt like eternity just happened. Like it was just everything stopped.

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And Subhan Allah, people started running to my office. The other brothers and sisters that are there in the in the building, they started running to my office. And like Is everything okay? Is everything okay? And I'm just like, shaken up, just shaken up. Because lightning just struck literally, if I reach back like this. That's where the lightning hit right here. So I've had a lot, I was just, you know, shocked.

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And then afterwards, when I was like, okay, everything's fine, don't worry. So we were looking out the window to see where the lightning hits and so on. And everyone left, and I started typing again. And I started to think of these verses. And I'm not saying this to show off. But literally, I started to cry. I started to cry because I thought to myself, my hands that I see in front of me. And I remember when I was young, I used to look at my hands and wonder. And I wonder how my hands are going to look when I get older. I wonder if I'm going to have wrinkles in my hands. I wonder, you know what my hands are going to look like? Because I used to look at my grandmother's hands and

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her hands were all wrinkled, you know, Pakistani grandmother all wrinkled everywhere. So Pamela, even here is all wrinkled on top. And I used to wonder when I was small, what are my hands gonna look like I was 10 years old. 11 years old. Here I am now sitting in Malaysia. Just three years ago, this lightning strikes and I'm thinking to myself some kind of law, I used to look at my hands and wonder what my hands would look like. And I remember these verses young men literally metal mount but Dumber To die. There will be a day when a person will look at their hands or sorry, look at what their hands produced. And literally, you're sitting in front of you, and you're typing, what am I

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typing? What am I typing, I was working on my master's, I am writing my thesis at the time I was typing my thesis was like handle, I'm doing something good. But an all the times that we're typing something, are we typing good things. And all the times that I'm writing something, am I writing good things and all the times that I'm going and you know, producing work or doing something or not even just with my hands but going somewhere speaking to people talking to them, bringing things home, earning your wealth, all the things that you do interacting with your you know, with your hands and with people in front of you, it's happening as Allah mentions, it's right in front of us

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yesterday, I asked a question, you know, imagine a lot put our eyes in the front and he did not put two eyes in the back. Right? He put our hands in front of us and our eyes are in front of us and we see and Allah subhana wa Taala will question us Yo man doodle Maru mirtha dama tiada there will be a day when a person will ask themselves and they will wonder what is it that I produced with my own two hands? Why oh, Luca philia A tourney

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and the non believer they will say to themselves, yeah, Layton he couldn't do torralba How I wish I was just dirt. How I wish I did not come back out of this dirt as well and stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala and have to give account and that's a piece of advice for us. What have I done with my life? What have I done with my time? What am I doing with my time? What am I doing with my energy with my strength with my health? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us take advantage of five before five. Take advantage of your health, your wealth, your your life, your youth, your energy that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave to you before you lose it before your death

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before your old age before you start to slow down and you don't have you know that youthfulness inside of you anymore. Take advantage of it before it's taken away. And we need to ask ourselves what am i producing my work? I'm doing work and providing for my family. Yes. But how is it contributing to our here after? What am I doing with my work or the earnings from my work that is building my hereafter for me and my family? Yeah, you have Latina Aminu, who unfussy como alikum Nara, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us Oh you believe Save yourselves and your family, from the fire? Save yourselves in your family. So don't just say you know what? I'm doing my bit. No, we have

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to look at our family as well. How am I providing for my family? And what am I doing with my family that's earning them their paradise as well? Not just me. I can't be greedy. And this month of Ramadan Subhana Allah not this month, but every year during Ramadan, many people become really greedy especially. And I'm sorry to say it, especially us as men. We become too greedy with our a bad as in. You know, I'm not saying we do too much or a bad I'm saying as men, we spend our time and thought are we without our children pulling us and pushing us and running around us and our wife sometimes she has the children and even though she might come to

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To the mustard you say well I went for Tada, we and she went for Tada. We had the children went to the mustard, we all benefited. Did we really benefit all of us? When we're standing and you can't hear a single child over here?

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But the mothers are out there and they're like running after their children and Subhanallah you know it, you know it very well ask your wife what happens in the lady section.

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We all know it. We've all asked our wife, my wife was telling me the other day, not here in another mustards, unless she was like, you know, in the ladies section, what happens? mothers are praying and they're telling children No, no, come here, come here, right? while praying, and then they're bringing their children pulling them towards them, you know, having them stand next to them picking them up some other subpanel and they're so used to doing so many things in their sauna for their children, which we need to discuss one day after Ramadan Muslim handler they're doing so much. Some mothers will even, you know, bend down or they're in the Tisha hood position, pick up their water

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bottle open it, drink it, close it, put it back on the ground, because they're so used to, you know, doing so much for their children in their Salah. Where is our devotion, our concentration in Salah. So we ask ourselves again, am I really truly doing something useful for my family that's earning them gender as well? Or am I just bringing them to the masjid so that I could and I don't want to say the word but zip them up, keep them quiet. So they say oh, you know what? You don't do anything for us. Hey, I brought you to the mustard. I went for tahajjud you went for tahajjud I went for Tata we went for Tata we what are we actually looking after the children as well? We're doing our part.

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And so how do I you know when you think of another aspect of Ramadan food. Now hamdulillah we're here. But sometimes we have this thought at home, right? Who's cooking that food at home? I mentioned this in my book by remember, I think it was either the hippo right before Juma right before Ramadan began, or the first Friday of Ramadan.

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And they gave examples of things that we should be doing. Make sure that the wife is not the only one spending four or five hours in the kitchen while you're sitting there reciting Quran and at the end of the month, you say Alhamdulillah and you're telling him about hamdulillah. This month I finished the Quran hamdulillah managed to finish it last year, I had to rush and finish at the end this year at handle. I finished early hamdulillah and the wife was like I didn't even finish literature Bukhara yet because I'm too busy cooking your food every day while you're sitting down reading. You're just it's true. It's very true, right? It's absolutely true. And I'm not saying this

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to make us feel bad. I'm saying this to make us understand. All of us, all of us, myself included. We all need to do more to help our family because it's a command from Allah who infosec home what Lee come Nara Save yourselves and your family from the fire. And here Allah subhana wa tada shows us that example, at the end of sort of another that you know, it's important for us as well to remember that our hands produce things and we will be asked about what we produce and those that don't believe they will be wishing that they were simply dirt that they were nothing, nothing useful, just dirt. We move on to

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going to do two more sources in sha Allah Tada. Let's move to salt on number 79 which is sought out to nezhat actually I wanted to do three more but we'll do two more only inshallah. In surah, two nezhat How about this, we will quickly go through verse number eight, and sort of to nausea to Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights

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or describes events of the hereafter things that will happen in the hereafter. Now it's right after sorta to know but right right after I may have to set a loon Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about the day when the angels are standing in rows and the people are standing in rows and the questioning is happening. And then he talks about things or describes things that will happen in the hereafter. In verse number eight Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us hearts that day will tremble. Boo booing

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dzifa of Islam hoo ha ha Shira ya una

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una Athena Fiera. Allah subhana wa Jalla shows us on that day hearts will tremble. eyes will be humbled, right? Their eyes are humbled like whoa, what is this? What's happening? We thought the earth was amazing. Look at look at this creation that's in front of us right now. There's just another john num. There's the bridge the setup that we're we would travel over and Allah subhanho wa Taala then says they they are presently saying there will be saying will we indeed be returned to our former life? like are we going to go back because, you know, I don't know if we're going to be successful on this day. And so the people who disbelieve they will wish those that are extremely

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scared, they will wish to return back to this life. Why to avoid the hereafter. Let's move on to Sora agasa which also describes to us something that will happen on the Day of Judgment. Let's skip to verses number 34 to 39 of soda, which is the 80th surah of the Quran verse number 34 to 39

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us what people will be doing in order to get a single good deed. How many of you when you were in high school or you were in school, there would be that one or two students that would go around asking people for 25 cents? At lunchtime, for example?

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No, yeah, that happens. Sometimes you see, like a student every now and then like, Yo, Yo, man, what's up, you got a quarter, you got 25 cents. And my time when I was in high school, I remember students would come around at lunchtime, and they would make you feel bad. It was as though like, you know, their parents didn't give them food. So like asking for 25 cents, and then you got a quarter could have bought a quarter boral quarter like you're actually going to give it back to me. Right? And, and then if you ask them to give it back, they're like, Nah, man, it's okay. Keep your quarter. Like, you're too cheap. Like, excuse me, I'm too cheap. You're asking me for a quarter and

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you're calling me cheap now. Like, I'm the one with the quarter. You're not the one with the quarter. But somehow, like they would come and ask for them, not because they want to lunch food, because they want to buy cigarettes. Right? There are high school students who want to buy cigarettes. And so they would come around and ask for 25 cents, you know, from different people. And on almost a daily basis, some some students would give their change. They would take $5 by their lunch, they'd have you know, $4.30 $4.50 on lunch, they'd have 50 cents left over they just give it to their friends. Why cuz the next day their parents give them another $5 for lunch, right? And so

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so Pamela, they would take these 25 cents and go and buy cigarettes, cigarette and they would ask around begging people for 25 cents. Look at what Allah subhana wa tada shows us on the Day of Judgment. He says in verse number 34, yo Mallya feeling rooted in Monroe mean, see, on that day, a man will flee from his brother as in, he will first go to his brother and ask his brother or his sister, right, his siblings, a person will go to their siblings and ask, can you give me a good deed? Not a quarter for a cigarette, a good deed because I don't know if my scale is going to be heavy enough on the good deeds. So I need a good deed I need to add to some good deeds on Can you

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give me one and what will we be told enough's enough? see myself myself? No, I'm sorry, I can't spare a good deed for you. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us this person will leave their their their sibling, yellow Maya, I

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mean, he will

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be, and then he will go to his own me and Abby, right, his mother and his father, imagine that you will go to your mother and your father and ask, give me a good deed. Just one good deed. Can you give me a good deed?

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And your mother would say, No, FC, FC, and then we would run to our father, can you give me a good deed? FC FC, I'm sorry, your mother and your father? The P i can understand that my brother and my sister. They're not going to give me a you know, a quarter, right? And I'm going to can you give me something Amen. Get get yourself on your own two feet, right? That's how it always is with brothers and sisters. But some had a lot. How do we see it? You go to your parents and you ask them for one good deed, and they won't give it to you, your parents who even how many of you Your parents are still alive? Raise your hand if your parents are still alive. Good. How old are your parents? Yeah.

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70s. If you ask them right now for help. Would they help you? Yes, any of your parents in their 70s would still help you? Yes. Even though you're 40 5060 years old, and your parents are 80 or 90. And you go to them and you say Baba, you know what, I need something. They would say what do you need? They wouldn't even wait for you to come and ask what you need. You would be sitting down in your sofa like this thinking and they will come to you beta. Right? They will come to you and ask you what's wrong? Right? Oh, my son. Oh, my daughter. What's wrong? What's wrong? What's bothering you? They they're ready. They're 90 years old. How about you can do nothing right? You can just sit down.

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You're old. You're not going to help me? No, they're going to ask someone they will find a friend of theirs whose son or daughter is capable of helping you they will do something to help you. Right? On that day. They won't. That day, they won't even give us that one good deed.

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Then Allah subhana wa tada says, while saw Hey Betty he was Benny. After leaving your siblings and leaving your mother and leaving your father who all refuse to give you a good deed. You will go to your Sahaba your spouse who you love to you chairs to you shared everything you bought house together, you had cars together, you had children together, you work together you did things together, you went on vacation together, you went through hardships together you went through you know fun times together, you work through you know marriage problems and issues together. You lived a life connected Allah subhana wa tada made the two of you highlighted for each other. on that date.

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Your spouse will even reject you. Sorry, nothing have nothing for you today. Myself, myself.

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And this is why it's important for us to remember the verse where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, oh and fullcycle mo alikum nada, because now we have the chance and the opportunity to help our family and friends and relatives, but on the Day of Judgment, we will not even want to help them even if no in this world we say I will give you on the day of judgment and some kind of law today people do that. They they call you up and say, You know what, yeah, I recited a surah Yaseen 40 times for you may Allah Subhana, Allah bless you with the reward of it. Why are you doing that for me? How what guarantee do you have that you're going to go to Agenda recite that sort of, you know, yacine or

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whatever for yourself? Why do we do this for others, someone that's still alive, recite it for yourself, recite it for yourself, for yourself for yourself. There's no guarantee, but save others as well as in your family. Help your family members don't start looking at everyone else as though you're someone who's going to be guaranteed into paradise and you have lots of good deeds to spare. No, we don't have good deeds to spare. Why? Because on the Day of Judgment, we will run to everyone, our siblings, our brothers and sisters and our mother and father and our spouse and then Allah subhana wa tada says, What was all the best Bertie? He was Bernie and we will even run to our

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children. Our children imagine, Danielle

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Zahn your your dad comes to you and asks, Can I have a good deed from you? Of course you'd give it to him. Now you would write on the Day of Judgment would you?

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You would want to now you want to write you want to put on the Day of Judgment you wouldn't. On the Day of Judgment you wouldn't. And as parents imagine, as parents, imagine you would go to your children and ask your children. I changed your diaper eight times a day for four years.

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I put you on the toilet. I washed you. I fed you. I took every single spoon and put in your mouth even on the days when you were stubborn and didn't want to eat I put the food in your mouth. Give me one good deed for all the things that I did for you. I put you through college I put through you through university. I bought you a car. I paid for your wedding. I bought you your house. I bought your first apartment. I did all of these things for you give me one good deed. Are you dead? Sorry, mom.

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enough's enough. See?

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That's what Allah subhanho wa Taala is showing us here. That's exactly what he's showing us.

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So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us. He says in the last verse there that will take equanimity imin homea wuma ed schut naleo Huni for every man for every person on that day will be a matter adequate for them. It will just be you and what you did your account your deeds, your your statements, etc. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to learn these verses of the Quran, to live by them to understand the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to try to change our lives for the better. I mean, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to grant us forgiveness on this 25th day of Ramadan. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to help all those that are suffering and

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struggling in different parts of the world. may ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help our brother Kasim, one of his friends is in the hospital

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with he had a stroke and he went to visit him today. So we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make it easy for him to recover and have strength and health. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make it easy for us to be ambassadors of this Deen, who go and visit people who are either walking on the streets or laying in hospital beds. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for all our family members that have left us and passed away to grant them all forgiveness and to grant them ease in the in the butters of in the time of the grave that they're experiencing right now. I mean, out of the land I mean, Salam cinema, Baraka Nana Vina Mohammed while earlier Sufi wasallam, which

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is Akuma, la Hainan was sent Mr. Murat Allahu wa barakato you still have another five minutes until the end. So take advantage of this time to make Diwan shall not come alone.

Ramadan Tafseer Night 26

June 30, 2016

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