Shadee Elmasry – The Meanings of Aziz & Rahim
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sencilla Aziz are aimed the revelation of what is it? They
these two attributes and Aziz and Rahim. And Aziz, is best to
describe it through an example. What is the word? Aziz mean? It's
rare, someone who's rare, or their presence in their company is rare.
Yeah. And it's not
easy come, easy go.
One of the best examples of Al Aziz is that as someone, if you
don't pay attention to him, he leaves.
He leaves if you don't pay attention to him, he leaves and
the Quran is described as as is. Because it's from an Aziz
therefore it has the attribute of is someone who was a half of the
Quran, if he doesn't always review, the Quran goes away. Why?
Because it's as is. If you don't pay attention is leaving. And
that's the attribute of an Aziz. Allah doesn't need us. Right? If
we're there, if we take a step towards him, he takes 10 steps
towards us, because he's Kadeem, he's gentle, he's merciful,
unkind, however, he is also as he is, and if we ignore him, the
blessings are gone. If we ignore him, the Sakina is gone. And this
is the next attribute or Rahim, the next attribute or Rahim, which
means what? What is different in Iraq man, and Rahim, the attribute
of rock man is that which extends to all people Kaffir movement
Manasa cockroaches, dogs, rats, everyone.
The sun comes out for everyone. There are that type of Rama of a
rock man is the mercy for all of his creation. Good and bad Yanni.
Shavon is alive right? That's a type of rock man he's alive.
But Allah says Bill macmini now are over Rahim. For them what we
need is roof Rahim. Which means for the believers there is a cost
specific branch of mercy. Which is which is what it is Sakina in
their hearts. That is only for the movement in those who believe and
do righteous deeds. They get this Rama in their hearts all Rockman
is external. And Rahim is internal. Some Allah Allah says
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