Daood Butt – Friday night Etiquettes Class – October 29, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the etiquette for praying in a row behind men and women during the pandemic, including clothing and footwear, but emphasize the importance of praying in a row. They also discuss the use of dirt and slippers to pray, the etiquette for women to pray outside in a moderate fashion, and cultural practices such as foldings and standing in a prayer mat with shoes. The speakers encourage attendees to visit the community center and donate to children.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alameen wa salatu wa he was salam ala Nabi he'll carry him and he bottle sada to automata. Slim. Frobisher, honey. So the way Siddeley Emery we're gonna look at a melissani of Coco Lee, my brothers and my sisters a centum radical orama to Lahore brachetto. It is Friday, October 29 2021. And today in sha Allah to Allah, we continue the chapter on the etiquettes of visiting the masajid. And we will conclude this chapter as well in sha Allah Allah. Hopefully, if we have enough time to do so. I know some people have been asking questions about Halloween. And so we can always ask those questions afterwards, in sha Allah, and then the next chapter that will start from next week is the

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dev GNOME, the chapter on the etiquettes of sleeping. Okay, so we'll continue with today's topic in sha Allah Allahu Tera, which is

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so with regards to visiting the masajid and etiquettes of visiting the masajid the first thing that we look at is

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how it's from the sunnah

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to pray in our slippers or wearing our slippers as in it is something that is permitted and following through with doing what the Prophet sallallahu wasallam did in terms of wearing our slippers or wearing shoes to pray in. Some people say well, how can we upkeep this sun? Or how can we upkeep this part of our deen? If we always have carpets in our masajid we were never able to take or we're never able to actually enter the masjid with our shoes on like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu were able to do and so hamdulillah as strange as it is, and as strange as it sounds, we will look at that and whether it's permissible or not. Now,

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of course, I mentioned that it is permissible, but we need to figure out why why is it permissible? So it has been confirmed

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as as part of the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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from multiple different angles that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed his prayer while wearing his slippers or his shoes, I would actually prefer to use the term footwear, okay, his footwear, regardless of what the footwear was, you know, if we say shoes or slippers then people say, Well, how were shoes if you lived at a certain time, or how were his slippers, and so on. So let's just say the footwear of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. In fact, he gave a command for people to pray in their footwear.

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So unless had been Melaka or the lower end was asked, again, in the BS on Oahu, it was sent to me on Sunday finallly did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to pray in his

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in his footwear, and * had been Malakut of the Aloha and replied and said Nan Yes. So that is a narration that indicates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to pray in His footwear also.

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Sorry, the hoodie Rhodiola and said and this is an interesting Hadith. Listen to this one.

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I'm just going to translate it as I go along in sha Allah.

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Bare Metal sort of a satellite it was sent to me on Sunday. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was praying with his companions. And while He was praying, he removed his footwear, his slippers, and placed them to the left side of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so placed it to his left.

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And when the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu were praying behind him, saw that he had removed his footwear in the prayer and placed it to his left the companions of the Allahu Anhu and started to remove their footwear and basically just kick it off and move it to the site, right obviously, if you move it to the left and someone is there, so they just basically removed their footwear and kicked it sort of forward.

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forward or backwards, right, basically kick them aside.

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So when the prayer ended the profits on Allahu Allahu wa sallam

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he turned around and he asked the people, what is it that made you remove and toss aside your footwear? So they said, We saw you

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removing your footwear and placing it aside. So we did the same thing. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Gibreel Alayhis Salam came to me and informed me that there was some sort of impurity on my slippers on my footwear.

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And he said to him, and so he said, either to come in Al Masjid funnily Enver. If one of you

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to the masjid, then look and see if you find any sort of impurity on your slippers or your footwear.

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And if you do find it, or find that there is some sort of impurity on your footwear, then wipe it away and pray in them, then wipe it away and pray in them. So in this hadith, we actually see a command from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam about

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praying in our footwear or with our slippers on, he said, so long, I do sell them to the companions that are the alohar and whom when you come to the masjid to pray, and you, you know, you check your footwear, and if you see that there's some sort of impurity on them, then rub them right in another narration, he says, when one of you comes to the masjid, then turn your slippers or your footwear upside down and look to see if there is any, no Jassa or any impurity that is there. And if there is, then wipe it on the ground, and then pray and then pray in them. Right, so the Prophet sallallahu, I need to send them then tells in this narration, the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu, um, how

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to clean the dirt or the impurity, I shouldn't just say dirt because dirt can be understood as soil, or dust or you know, just walking outside, you get some dirt on your footwear, but it's referring to net Jessa. Any sort of impurity, particularly could be you know, from animals dung that is dropped from the animals, whether the horses or the camels, the method of cleaning it is by taking those slippers and wiping them on the dirt or wiping them on the ground to clean them. And then to pray in them. Someone might say, but I didn't use soap and I didn't use water, that's okay, that's fine. Right? Because the soil or the sand or the dirt is actually pure, and it cleans away the impurities

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that are on our shoes or slippers. Now, keep in mind that, you know, most of our masajid nowadays are carpeted, right, our masajid are carpeted. And so we don't find that

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we don't find that it's easy for us to follow through with this, nor do we have the opportunity to pray

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in our shoes or our footwear,

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and Hamdulillah you know, if we're praying in the gym area, you know, throughout COVID, we would find that a lot of people would stand in their shoes and pray and then walk out, which is fine. I'm below there's nothing wrong with that. And I'll show lots of Alcala the masjid, you know, put in a lot of time in making sure that someone is there to clean the floors of the masjid

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have the law I'm glad that you got to be in your shoes today.

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So it is permissible, right? It is permissible. In fact, my father was asking me this question just yesterday, I was in Montreal yesterday, for a few hours. And my father asked me this question. He's like, is it permissible for me to pray in these slippers? Right, he finished making Blue and he he put his slippers on and walked over to the next room where we were praying and he asked me, Is it permissible for me to keep my slippers on while I am praying?

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So yes, it is now must we turn our servers because I see that Ahmed is mentioning something here next time inshallah we'll I'll wash my shoes, you don't necessarily have to wash your shoots. So remember, if there is no impurity on it, then you can pray in it. And if there is impurity on it, then you just need to rub it on the ground in order to clean it. So if there's no impurity, you do not need to wipe it on the ground to try and clean them further than what they already are. So keep that in mind. Okay, it is not mandatory for us to wipe our shoes before praying in them. We are to look at our shoes. And if we see that there's some sort of impurity on it. Then we simply rub our

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shoes or slippers on the ground and not not pavement, it's better to go to the grassy area even better, go to where there's some send some dry sand or dirt or soil and rub it on that area. And then you know, pray in those shoes. It will remove the impurities, okay.

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Yes, you can. Good humble. I'm glad that people are asking these questions, right? Yes, you never knew that you can pray in your shoes. Now you do know I'm the law.

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So now the issue that we have, as I was saying is that masajid most of them are carpeted. Now we shouldn't be too picky with it and be like oh my god, there's a carpet you know, the Masjid of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't have a carpet it had send right it was just the total of the sand or the soil, not even soil sand really, that was in Medina at the time. And

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so they used to come in and a lot of the time if it was like the hotter sort of prayer, the sand was really hot. Right? So it's hard to stand barefoot on that scent. In the middle of the day in the desert. That scent gets really hot. So the profits in the long run I need to send them in the companions of the alumni

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And they used to pray with their slippers or footwear on before actually removing them.

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So how do we fulfill this? Like some people say how do we do this scholar say you know what if you have slippers inside of your home and you want to pray in your slippers, then you could simply pray with your slippers on at home sometimes, right if you want to fulfill, you know, doing something that was done by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. But keep in mind, there's always times when we are out and about in society, whether it's winter or summer. And I'm pretty sure that in the summertime, what we usually tend to do is we find our prayer mats we go outside, we remove our shoes, we stand on the prayer mat. Does this mean we can stand on the masala prayer mat with our

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shoes on? Well, it's better to keep the masajid clean from that right. So the toilet, all that cleans itself purifies itself, dirt, soil, dust and so on sand it purifies itself, but the carpet doesn't purify itself. So what we want to do is try to maintain cleanliness within the Masjid. But usually when we're outside in the summer, and it's time to pray, you'll find a masala and you're going you'll start to pray outside, right. And what most people do is they take their shoes off and they stand on the agenda or on the jhanas. Right, and they just pray their prayer.

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In the middle of the winter in Canada, it tends to be cold.

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If you're not from Canada, you might not know what we're talking about. But it's cold, it's freezing cold. And our Dean teaches us to be you know, to find the middle path be moderate in the way that we practice our deen. And so you'll find sometimes people will take off their shoes and stand in, you know, the freezing snow with their bare feet and just praying that's not what is meant to be done. And that's not what ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada wants from us, is, you know, exertion of that type. And that sort is not something that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam encouraged, in fact, if it was too cold if water was present, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so how

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about the Allaha Anon, if it was too cold outside, and especially at the time of Fudger, and someone had to take a hosel or even make Lulu, but they feared for their health, right, they feared for their health by using that water and it was freezing cold, right? And remember, they didn't have coats and stuff like we do. Then even though the presence of water is there and available to us, a person could make damn person could make them. Right. What does that show us shows us that Islam is a deen, that, that is applicable at all times all places, but also there's a method and a manner to apply it and this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, when you read the level

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behind you factor houfy Deen maturity delay will be Clara whoever Allah subhanaw taala wishes good for or wills, goodness for you fuck the HuFa Dean, he grants that person a deeper understanding of the deen and I, you know, touched upon this last week. So when we understand Islam a lot more than it's easier for us to apply it in various different ways within our life and you know, to go about living and doing things in a moderate fashion, still staying within the realm of what is permissible and encouraged to be done in Islam.

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Alright, let's move on shall.

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The next thing that we'll speak about is the etiquettes for women to attend the masajid. And we say women because it is, you know, looked at as being widened for the men to attend the congregational, the the congregational prayer, but it is not considered Whadjuk for the women to do that.

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But if a woman wants to go to the masjid then her husband or anyone at home who says Hey, why are you going to the mustard should not stop them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you know mentioned let him there and he said on the messaggi there were 200 hydro lon, do not forbid your women from going to the masjid. Will you 200 cradle down and their homes is actually more rewarding for them. While at the same time he doesn't forbid us from

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allowing women to comment or he tells us not to forbid women from the masajid.

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In a hadith of even armato de Allahumma

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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a woman seeks to go to the masjid

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okay as in she intends to go to the masjid and wants to go and pray there.

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Fela Yumna the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if one of you know a woman who is a family member of ours intends and wants to go to the masjid then

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Do not stop her do not forbid her from going to the masjid. Remember my brothers and sisters a masjid is the house of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada as in it's a place to come and worship Allah azza wa jal okay. And

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yes, certain rules apply within the Masjid. First off, we don't worship anything other than Allah subhana wa Tada or unelma Surgey that Illa he fell out of the room Allah He had the masajid belong to Allah and we do not worship anyone or anything other than Allah subhana wa Tada there. Okay.

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If a person wants to go and worship Allah subhanho wa Taala in the masjid,

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we as believers are not in a position to stop them.

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There are certain times and occasions where there may be certain conditions that apply. But generally speaking, okay, we're talking about generally speaking, the Masjid is open to all, okay?

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this can sometimes be problematic because we do find in some places I've traveled to many countries, and Alhamdulillah, I've managed to learn quite a few things from the countries that I've traveled to.

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And I've seen quite often in certain countries or certain regions of the world, where there are signs on the outside of masajid saying that women are not allowed to enter. And that's usually because the masjid first of all, doesn't even attempt to accommodate for our sisters.

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And they will say things like, we don't have a sister section so you can't go in.

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In our deen, the women don't need a specific section in the masjid in order to go in and pray. Okay, if a woman a Muslim woman wants to go to the you know, to the masjid to worship Allah subhana wa to Allah, she's able to go into the masjid, she goes to the back of the masjid and she prays her prayer. This was done by the female companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So the excuse of not having a women's section in a masjid is not an excuse. It's not an acceptable excuse for any masjid. And I remember times where I had to stand to allow a woman or a sister to pray, sometimes even my wife, right, where we make some sort of space or say, you know, what she's gonna pray in the back of the masjid. And Hamdulillah you know, because when you are an Imam, or you know, you are someone who's known in communities, even when you travel, you know, you get that respect. I don't like to take advantage of it. Right? I don't call that taking advantage. I consider this a time of learning, where we can share with others that we should not make this excuse of,

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there's no section for a woman to pray and so they're not allowed to come to the masjid. I give you an example of a sister who I use this example quite often. Because it really impacted me

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a sister in a city who I will keep anonymous, right? I was teaching a class at one of the universities in a

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in a country. And

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near the end of the class, I was you know, throughout the class, I had talked about the importance of allowing and encouraging our sisters to come to the masjid to pray to ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, especially throughout every single month. You know, there's a time when a woman is unable to pray, and they express how they feel distant from Allah subhanho wa Taala during that time, because, you know, they, they're, they're not able to pray their prayers.

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And so this sister comes up to me, she's, you know, older than me.

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And she says, You know what, I want to explain, I want to share something with you. I said, Okay, what is it? She says, I have five

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children, all of them are boys.

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And she said, My husband passed away many years ago.

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And our dream is for our, our children to memorize the Quran.

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And so, she said, When my husband passed away,

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I continued to bring them to the masjid every single day for their classes. And she says the masjid in our in their area does not allow women to come in. So she would walk to the masjid with her children because they were young. And she would sit on the steps of the masjid outside and wait for them every single day while they go in, sit with their teacher and then come out and then she goes home with them. She did this for now. I can't even remember how many years but she did it for a number of years. Until all

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five of her children were half of the Quran.

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I thought to myself, like, how sad is that? Like, it's an amazing story. But how sad is it that our masajid don't accommodate look at this mother. This mother is achieving something that we dream of right to encourage not just one child, but she's encouraging five of her children, and two of her sons, and she continues to tell me the story. And she says in the end, two of her sons are imams in the, you know, the city that she lives in. And they made sure that their Masjid allowed women because they wanted their mother to be able to come to the masjid. Not not solely because they wanted their mother, right. They didn't allow women just because of their mother. They allowed it

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because they know that it's from the dean. And the mother. She told me she says, the very first time that I got to pray in the masjid as a mother, right? was when her son became imam of one of the masajid and allowed women to come and she went and prayed in the masjid. Can you imagine how many years this mother was deprived from going to the masjid? Now, of course, this is, you know, quite some time ago, you know, in a place where, you know, things were not as easily accessible. And times were a little bit difficult and so on a Hamdulillah you know, a sacrifice that her children made, and, you know, became a mums, I'm pretty sure more than two of them are Imams now

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and allow women to come to the masjid to pray. And from those women, their mother, right, their mother, who prays like on a mobile until we behind them and so on. So that's a beautiful story that I just really wanted to share with you.

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In addition to that, with regards to the etiquettes of women coming to the masjid a love of the year but

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so a woman should not come to the masjid after applying like she shouldn't put on perfume and beautify herself to come to the masjid. Remember when we go to the masjid we beautify ourselves for Allah subhanho wa Taala so we beautify ourselves in the ways that Allah loves. Okay, one of the ways that we can do that is to put on something that is modest, okay, put on something that is nice and clean put on something that is appropriate. Right? And what is meant by perfume is not that oh, you know, I used fabric softener on my clothing so I can't go to the masjid. No fabric softener is fine. We're talking about like a very strong scent that like grabs the attention. That's what's not

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permitted to be worn. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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in a hadith of

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the daughter

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know the wife of Abdullah and Mr. Rivera, the Allahu and she says, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us

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if one of you is going to attend the masjid then do not apply the Ube right do not roll it but for you but on to you, right which is basically thick perfume right?

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Don't apply it to you now This is advice that was given to the women at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam now there's, you know, general scent that is permitted you know, someone has like I said fabric softener on you know, something light, something simple hamdulillah but you know, something that is going to be attracting attention and including, you know, for anyone in general in society, our purpose of getting ready and being presentable is not to attract attention from others we want to attract the attention of Allah subhanho wa Taala so we do everything for the sake of pleasing Allah as the widget. Okay, that goes for every single one of us both men and women,

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That's what we were just talking about Hammad that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam discouraged women from putting on their ater or Musk like thick perfume when going to the masjid. Okay.

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The next thing that we look at is

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that a woman who is experiencing her menstrual cycle or postpartum bleeding should not attend the prayers in the masjid. Okay, and I think we all know that and I know there's usually some children that are watching so we'll just say it that way inshallah.

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The next thing that we'll look at is that Sala in the masjid for a woman is to be prayed in the rows that are behind the men, okay, in a row in the rows that are behind him. It

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And we are discouraged from having empty left from the men and the women standing side by side or mixed up. And this is a topic that some people bring up and they say, well why is it that in Masjid Al haram, we are able to make the wealth walking around the Kaaba and that's considered prayer technically it's to your to the masjid, right when we're doing to hate that semester, we're doing the walk around the Kaaba. So people say, Why is it that in Makkah at Masjid Al haram, we're able to do this, but in other masajid we're not. And that's because

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his life, what did we see? That it was something that was allowed and permitted in Masjid Al haram only, and not in any other Masjid. Not even in the masjid of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And so

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the prayer that we pray, right, when people are performing the law, for example, and it's time to pray, the men and women don't stand like men, women, men, women, men, women in prayer, you will have groups of so the men will group together in rows and the women will group together in rows, you might have one group here and another group on the other side of the cabinet and another group over there, that's fine. But we are not to be side by side, you know, in the prayer itself, when it's time for prayer while performing the love. But now let's talk about our masajid itself. We shouldn't be standing mixed together, okay. The method of doing it is as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam says in the Hadith of the Lama, and he says, Allah rasool Allah, He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, how you do so fulfill the journal, one of

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the best rows for men to pray in are the front rows.

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And were shoved through her through her and the worst of the rows is the the rows in the back.

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And he continues to say sent along it he was sent him Oh, Hi, Joseph in Nisa, and the best rows for women who are the ones in the back will surely have a word. And the the worst are the most are the least beneficial rows. And I'll use that term and explain why are the rows that are in front.

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What we see here is I'm going to do it this way. Okay, so let's say the Qibla is this way, okay, good blows that way, the men, so the Imam is standing here and the men will start to make their rows, okay, behind the Imam this way. Okay, going like that. The women will come in and make the rows from here moving forward. Okay, so the men start in the front. Remember, the Imam is here, men will start the rows here and move backwards, and the women will start the rows in the back and move frontwards Okay, so the gap between them could become smaller, but the point there is that the rows are separated. And the men are in the front and the women are in the back.

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One of the things that we saw as well during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, that doesn't mean that it is not permissible to pray in rows closer to the front, what's encouraged is that as men, we go closer to the front, and the women go as close as as close to the back, I would say right, usually we say further to the back that as close to the back as possible. And the rows are generally supposed to be made that way in our team.

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And one thing that this habit of the Allahu Anhu used to do and we'll end with this in sha Allah to Allah is when the prayer was done the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would tell the men or you would, you know, instructed the men to stay seated and the women would get up and leave first. Right? So they had priority to leave. And once the women were you know, gone and left then the men can get up and leave. So it's etiquette right etiquette in the way that we carry ourselves the way that we you know, come and go from the masjid you know, to avoid any sort of, you know, constant mixing and interaction and stuff like that. Allah Subhana Allah knows best that brings us to the end

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of this chapter and to the end of today's Helicon shot a lot of data will open it up for some questions if there are any, please feel free to type them in. We'll take a few questions and then we will end the session just going along.

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So there's a lot going on here

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I have worked boots like mechanic boots is that fine as well? Yes, that's fine. Okay.

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Mechanic Boots Are you a mechanic because I'm a mechanic.

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I saw that a lot of color

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does that mean you could stand on the masala prairie mat with shoes on? Yes, you could stand on your Massala or your prayer mat with your shoes on but I probably wouldn't do that. I would like put them put this agenda down and then stand just behind it with my shoes on the ground right.

00:29:57 --> 00:29:59

Can you stand on your own prayer mat with your shoes on

00:30:00 --> 00:30:00


00:30:02 --> 00:30:03

You're not being punished.

00:30:04 --> 00:30:08

No, you're not being punished if you stand with your shoes.

00:30:10 --> 00:30:22

Wait without being punished. Yeah, of course, you don't get punished. So a prayer mat sadaqa you don't get punished. Okay, this is one thing that I need to bring up right with regards to etiquettes of praying in the masajid.

00:30:25 --> 00:30:41

Look, there are certain etiquettes or certain things that are very cultural. Like for example, when you finish praying you'll find especially in the Indian and Pakistani culture, is that you take the corner of your Gemma's your prayer mat, and you fold it right you just fold it up.

00:30:43 --> 00:30:52

And I remember someone came over to our house some time ago. And in our home we have an area that is like set up as a masala right.

00:30:53 --> 00:30:55

This was I think, some time last year or something.

00:30:57 --> 00:31:14

And there's an area setup as a masala and this brother when he came into our home, he saw that and he just went in folded the corners, the top corner of all of the gentlemen all of the suggests, right all the prayer mats. And I'm like what are you doing? He's like, are you supposed to fold the corner? Like why?

00:31:15 --> 00:31:56

Who taught you to do that you you mess it up my my masala man like that's that's our Masjid in our home. Why are you messing it up? He's like, Well, my grandmother used to do it. So we do it like ah, so it's not something from the deen you just doing it because your grandmother did it. And then your grandparents are did it and your parents did it. So you do it. And the problem there is that we do things thinking it's part of our deen. Right. So no, you're not punished if you stand on your prayer mat with your shoes on. Okay. She can please explain to them Taya Mama is making Moodle without water, and it's called the dry Whoo. Okay, very simply Hammad, all you do is you hit the ground with

00:31:56 --> 00:32:09

your hands, right, you basically tap the ground with your hands. And then if there's dust, a lot of dust or dirt on your hands, you can blow it off or you can just you know, tap it off. And then what you do is you wipe your face

00:32:11 --> 00:32:31

and you wipe your right hand, an arm up to the elbow and then your left hand and arm up to the elbow. And that's it. That's Tammam, very simple, okay? Try not to confuse it and mix it up with other things that you might find out there that are cultural. Okay, and so that that

00:32:32 --> 00:32:58

how can we stand together is how can we stand can't stand together? Is it due to potential attraction? And there's there's lots of reasons but generally we stand worshipping Allah subhanaw Adana, our focus is with Allah subhana wa Tada, right. And this is a command from Allah azza wa jal. Yes, naturally, Allah has made physical attraction, a reality between human beings. So reality, right, let's not beat around the bush and be like, Oh, I'm not attracted to people when I'm worshiping.

00:32:59 --> 00:33:45

We're human beings. Okay? And Allah subhana wa, tada created us, He knows us best. He knows us better than we do. Okay, Mashallah. To watercolor, you are a mechanic, how can I pray in my car with the wife next to me? Or she has to sit in the back. Okay? So if you're praying with your wife, okay, your wife can stand a little bit to the side of you. But generally, if we're in our car Hammad, we're supposed to be standing when we're praying. Okay, a compulsory prayer. We could sit for a non compulsory prayer, but for the compulsory prayers, we are to pray them standing. So stop the car, get out and stand and pray. Okay, and your wife can stand a little bit to the side of you. It's

00:33:45 --> 00:33:58

better she's a little bit behind you as well. Okay, just like if another man is standing next to you in prayer, he's going to stand behind the EMA. Okay, behind that email, a few inches behind and so that's what we do. So I'm gonna give it off to a CAD tool.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:19

They say Shavon reads on the prayer mat. That's why we were told how true is no so she she thought is not praying on our prayer mats. It would be good if she in fact, if she thought is coming to your prayer mats and praying on it, why are you folding it up and stopping shaitan from praying if he wants to worship Allah let him worship Allah subhana wa Tada

00:34:21 --> 00:34:23

i So how Allah culture

00:34:30 --> 00:34:57

All right. So another question here is when are we having halacha in the masjid? Well, it might be very soon, maybe next week? I don't know. But the management will make that decision then we'll let the community know inshallah Tada. Okay, so just keep an eye out for that. And we hope to reopen very soon in sha Allah Allah. You know, we started with Jumeirah. We're going to slowly reopen certain programs and classes and we hope to see everyone very soon.

00:34:59 --> 00:34:59

I need to make sure i Bye

00:35:00 --> 00:35:25

Whole bunch of chocolate, right? On November 1, that's the day go and buy lots of chocolate. So if you're able to go buy chocolate early in the morning, you want to donate it so that we can give it out to children. And please do so. And bring it to my office and child on the tag and make sure it's halal. And yeah, so that's what I usually do November 1, right after budget, go to all the grocery stores, and pharmacies and just buy out loads of chocolate at like 70% off of the lot. That's secret.

00:35:27 --> 00:36:11

Does this mean you can't read them as in the car? So generally, we're not supposed to sit down. Like I said, Right? We're supposed to stand up for our photo compulsory prayers, except in the case when we are not able to for whatever reason, we have a valid reason that we're not able to stand up. So just the general rule is for compulsory prayers, we are to stand up. sitting in the car is not what is not the general rule with regards to compulsory prayers. Okay. So yeah, where's my office, at the masjid seven community center of Milton, and you'll see my name on the outside of the office door come alive. So that brings us to the end of today's class. Just come along here and for the

00:36:11 --> 00:36:19

interaction and the questions is very good. Oh, yeah. We said we're going to talk about Halloween. Well, we don't need to talk about Halloween. No one's asking questions about it. So class we're done.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:41

Is TMM the foot of the act of war? mm is dry. Whoo. So it will do in the absence of water. When we don't have access to water. And we need to pray. Then we can make to mum or if someone is ill or sick for some reason, they're not able to use water and they can make tam Okay.

00:36:42 --> 00:37:12

Brother when I travel I read in the car but generally I generally sit down and pray because of my disability. Okay, so if you pray sitting down because you're unable to stand, then that's fine. That's a different story. Okay, there's the resource. So I said the general rule is that we stent, okay, if someone prays sitting down already, then yeah, that's fine for them. They could pray sitting down, whether in their car or on a chair outside of their car, that's fine. Okay. are on the ground, right, just kneeling down on the ground. Some people have difficulty with their knees and they're unable to do that. Okay.

00:37:13 --> 00:37:18

And let me get easy for you. I mean, I mean, I mean, there's a lot of pain in Hamad, medical or fecal.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:35

I hope that all of you are doing well and ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada to keep all of you safe and healthy. That brings us to the end of our class for today. So Kanika Lomo will be handy initially in London and stowford are going to break which is a common law haven for attending Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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