Daood Butt – Friday Night Etiquettes Class – November 5, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of going to sleep during quarantine is discussed, including the benefits of learning to eat and sleep, as well as the importance of finding a way to sleep without falling asleep. The speakers emphasize the importance of rest and staying in a sleepy mode to earn money, as well as following certain etiquette and safe environments. They also discuss the importance of protecting one's home during the pandemic, including not being at fault for anyone and not being at fault for events.
AI: Transcript ©
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Pain of hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu wa he was salam. Ala Nabi Karim. Allah He follows Salah to attend Tasleem rubbish roughly sodbury via Sidley Emery, attending the Sani of Cabo Kohli, my brothers and my sisters As Salam or Aleikum, wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Today is Friday, November the fifth 2021. And we start a new chapter in our Friday night etiquettes class, tonight we're going to be looking at the etiquettes of going to sleep, right etiquettes of going to sleep. Now we finished off the previous chapter when we're looking at.

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We're looking at I remember we're looking at, we're talking about and it gets go to the masjid, right. So advocates go to the masjid and today we start the etiquettes on going to sleep. So a few things we need to keep in mind with regards to the etiquettes of going to sleep. First of all, what is Sleep, sleep is a minor type of death as in as Muslims, we believe that the soul leaves the body, right.

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And, of course, the method of the soul leaving the body is very different than then when a person passes away, right. So it's a different sort of

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death. And this is why we call it a minor death, right. So like, part of the soul sort of leaves, right. And remember, we only know a little bit about the soul.

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So we can't really comment too too much about it. Now, with regards to sleep in itself, every single one of us needs to go to sleep at some point in time we get really tired. Like last night I was driving back from Montreal, was I got here at 130 in the morning, and I was so tired from like 10 o'clock onwards. In fact, even before that, from about nine o'clock onwards, I was just super tired to every single service center that I came to, literally pulled into the service center, turn my car off, reclined my seat, close my eyes, got a 10 minute power nap got up, drove for another 60 kilometers, stopped at the other service center, you know, parked the car, reclaim the seat, close

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my eyes, get a 10 minute power nap, get up and then keep driving, until I made it home. And so as human beings, we need sleep. So it's not something that we can avoid. Now, the fact that it's something we cannot avoid, is or should be a little bit of an indication as to what we need to do, right? Like if every single one of us has to do this, than I need to learn about it. Like every single one of us has to survive by eating. So I need to learn how to eat, every single one of us has to survive by sleeping. So I need to know how to sleep and what to do before I go to sleep and preparing myself for that and what's permissible Islamically not so much what's permissible, but

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what I need to do in preparation for that because

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it is something that's permissible to sleep, right, but it may be impermissible to sleep too much.

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Right? Or to sleep, a certain type of sleep or to take things

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Oh, I was believing in a shape on the gym.

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Right to encourage one to go to sleep. That was a real yawn. By the way. It wasn't like a fake one. So there's a few things here that we look at first, right? Allah Subhan Allah Allah says in surah to room verse number 23 woman a tea man mo Combi lady one now hurry will be to come in funnily enough either at Liko me yes Maroon? Allah Subhana Allah says and one of His Signs is your sleep by night and by day for rest, as well as for seeking His bounty in both right night and day.

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Surely in this are Signs for people who listen, okay, surely in this are Signs for people who listen. And so Allah subhanaw taala touches upon sleep and he says one of his signs of the greatness of Allah subhanaw taala is that we are able to sleep.

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So it's a blessing from Allah azza wa jal, something that we have to be thankful for something that we appreciate from our Creator, that we are able to go to sleep. There are many people who have too many thoughts running through their minds that they cannot fall asleep. I don't know if you've ever met someone who can't fall asleep, but I know some people who haven't slept, you know, for extended periods of time,

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a few days to a few weeks. Right. And so not being able to sleep is seen as a brother once told me he says we don't realize how much we should appreciate the ability given to us by Allah to actually sleep. He says it's a torture to not be able to sleep right. He was saying it's like torture to not being able to sleep. And this is a brother who Subhanallah had gone through some very challenging very difficult times in his life. Going to sleep was the only

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thing he wanted was to be able to fall asleep and get a good night's sleep a good night's rest, but he wasn't able to. And so he came in he spoke to me and he was expressing this to me. And I was like, subhanAllah we take so many things for granted. Right being able to go to sleep to fall asleep at night is a huge blessing from ALLAH SubhanA wa ADAD to shut down the brain and let it destress right, like in the stops I was making last night where I made a stop, to go to sleep, stopped, went to bed, not bed, but went to sleep in my car, right? recline the seat, fell asleep, and got literally like three or four minutes of sleep, and then got up and continue to drive. But those

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three or four minutes, allowed my brain to just relax. And then I can see clearly, and I'm fresh, not as fresh as I should be, but fresh enough to keep going and hamdulillah and to continue about my journey.

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And so it is a blessing from Allah subhanaw taala to be able to do that and Allah tells us in the Quran, and one of His Signs is your sleep by night, and by day for rest as well as for your seeking of His Bounty. We rest throughout the night we rest throughout the day as Muslims we have this thing called Chi Lula in parts of Europe, for example, in Spain, they call it a siesta, which is to go to sleep in the middle of the day, right where you have a siesta, you take a nap in the middle of the day, as Muslims we call this a tea Lula which allows the body to you know, take a break and refresh itself. It's basically a power nap. And so the power nap concept is a part of our deen and a thing

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would do. Now of course, it was really really hot in the desert, right? Especially in the middle of the day. And so as you know companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and people living in the desert from after fajr they would be awake until for time and that was the time of the day that they would go about earning. Okay, they would earn they would use the early morning, the cool fresh air, you know, the weather is nice and they would earn until it gets too hot and then caught us close up shop and now go and praise the Lord after her go home and rest. They Lula so it breaks up your day, you have that break, then the other

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half of the day from also onwards. That's the time to go and seek knowledge do Ariba worship Allah subhanho wa Taala in a more formal Islamically traditional way and what I mean by that is to be disconnected from the dunya so we can worship Allah subhana wa Tada through earning right so as long as you're working in a halal way in a halal place with Halal objects and substances and you know, earning wealth that is that is halal and so on and so forth, then that's something that could contribute towards or we could consider Eva worship, right so a person is worshiping ALLAH SubhanA wa data through submitting to Allah in ways that are permissible in their earnings. But the

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afternoon after the day Lula It was a time that you submit to Allah subhana wa Tada in your recitation of Quran in your consultation with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or we could say in modern times with EMA scholars, right or onomah of the deen both male and female

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and acquire more knowledge of the deen make lots of do out, you know, the cattle Saba and mess up we have evening zikr that we do. And so we remember Allah subhana wa Tada by morning in a special sort of sitting, you know, to remember a lot of do they occur also in the evening, we do that right before mother. And then we have the Muslim prayer. And then after Mongolia is a time that you can maybe you know, do a little bit more Eva, or meet with people in the community and you know, have a little time to yourself and then again after Isha go to sleep at sometimes a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after maghrib would head home and sleep and wake up and pray Asia in the later part

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of the night, right in the middle of the night, which is a time that's preferred to pray Asha as well. And so sometimes he would do that other times he would pray or shot and then go straight home. He would not go out and party he would not go out and have Chai parties and some ossos and baklawa and burfi and you know, jump gyms and lead booze and all that stuff. Right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make his way home and he would rest and then he would get up in the middle of the night and he would worship Allah Subhana Allah once again, right? The time of tahajjud the time to wake up the time.

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For tahajjud bt nephila Teluk. Allah subhanaw taala teaches us about 200 in the Quran. You have Muslim male conferenza Rebecca

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deathy No, yeah only Muslim male coming Leila Illa kalila Misko in Portsmouth kalila. I was in the early urothelial Quran at 30 Allah, Allah subhanaw taala tells us recite some of the Quran at night, stand pray, worship Allah subhana wa Tada

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Get up from that sleep. So sleep in itself is a type of Ariba because it allows the body to rest. It gives us the energy we need to continue in our bed in our worship. It gives us the energy we need to earn and to provide for our family. It gives us the energy that we need to you know, do things in our date that we do as a type of worship, worshiping the last panel what to add, also in verse number nine of swords another I may at this one, it never allows him a lady whom fee most any phone can last a anemone Mikayla Serna Moon alumna journey of me, the one well Gina OTA wahala, Cornell comm as well as what you

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know, consume.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says what you know, Macoun SuperData and made your sleep for rest. A lot made our sleep for rest would you know maximum Subrata and we made your sleep for rest.

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A Time to Relax a time to be connected with Allah through patience, gratitude, right thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala thinking about your day doing is still felt de stressing, right? And then just breathing

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and allowing ourselves to sleep.

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Peaceful hamdulillah How many times do people in modern days or modern times

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attempt to sleep and fail?

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And then start watching something or start listening to something or start doing something or start going somewhere start just thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking and the thoughts just run through people's minds? Right? Well, John nanomedicines Ooba.

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On this panel data gave us this night to rest.

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Use it. It's the best time to rest. The sleep that you get in the day is not like the sleep you get at night. Those of you who've traveled a lot you know very well when you're jet lagged and you try and take a nap no matter what time of day or night it is as you're traveling is difficult to rest. And so when you try to get that rest in the daytime, you never feel satisfied. Right? Those of you have worked night shift, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You work night shift. Sometimes people work night shift for years on end. And then Subhan Allah when they turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala to go to sleep in the daytime, Allah gives them sleep, but they just don't feel satisfied with

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it. Don't feel satisfied with it. Why? Because there's Baraka in the sleep of the night. There's Baraka in the sleep of the night. That's the time that Allah created to sleep. He he puts a blanket of darkness nowadays we have lights that keep us aware of what's going on and what's around us like now here, right? Technically, if I was to close the lights, you wouldn't see me it's a time that we should be relaxing, and going to sleep. And getting up when the light gets when the sun rises, we get up right before the sunrises were awake for budget already. But we rise to work and to go and to do things move in the daytime because that's when Allah subhanaw taala brought the light. And you'll

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find nations on earth that are very active at night and very sedentary throughout the day, because it's too hot, or they're awake so much at night that they can't be awake in the day. Right? So that's something that we need to keep in mind at last Penwith anuses, which are under normal consumer data and made your sleep at time to rest and that time for sleep is at night.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says as a bar even as a sort of the longer unsaid call out a sort of why he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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when one of you comes to your bed,

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your place to rest fatawa will do a Kelly Sala then perform whoo like the Hulu that you perform when you're about to pray. From budget. Allah she can aim and then lay down on your right side. Okay, on your right side. From cold then say, on long a slim to wedgie. Ed, we

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offer what to Emory Laker ALLAH SubhanA wa sorry, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to say, once you let make wudu and lay down on your right side and then say Allah, I submit myself to you, I entrust my affairs to you, I submit myself to you and I entrust my affairs to you. And so this is the way Allah subhana wa weiteren

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You know,

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creates the night, and then it's time to rest and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shows us that at night, you get ready to go to sleep by making little performing little the ulu that you perform when you're going to pray. That's the rule that you perform before going to sleep. And we'll see why we do this shortly. Inshallah Tada, but these are just evidences that I'm bringing forth as an introduction to the chapter on the etiquettes of sleep. So let's start with our first etiquette in sha Allah to Allah. So it shows at 815 So we'll try and wrap up by eight o'clock Inshallah, that gives us another nine minutes that way people have 15 minutes to make their way over to the masjid.

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So the first etiquette that we're going to take in shot a lot of data in this chapter is above what it thought and what it's done now. Well Masabi probably known

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this first etiquette is that we close our doors and turn off the lamps right they used to use oil lamps during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that we blow out the lamps and lanterns before going to sleep. Okay, Jesse Hadith he jobID even Abdullah of the Allama and Homer and that also allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a call in a hadith of djellaba, even Abdullah of the Allah Allah and he says that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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through Masabi Milele either Rocky Mountain, put out your lanterns at night, when you go to bed.

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What other leagoo Avoid and close your doors not only close your doors but lock your doors, right? You have a local job, you know is not simply to close the door it is to also lock the door. We see this in the example of the story of use of alley salon in surah. Yusuf in Quran, Allah Subhana Allah Allah says about the wife of

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the Aziz who trapped use of Allah Salam in her room and tried to go and you know do something indecent with him. Allah subhana wa Tada says well hello party

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that the you know, she made sure that the doors were locked completely like shut sealed. Okay, the doors were closed. So here the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, when one of you is going to bed, then turn off your lanterns or blow out your lanterns and lock your doors.

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We'll look at why we need to do this in a minute must take another Hadith.

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In another in another the wire Okay.

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Same Narrator writes another narration mentions

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what he what a jif. Above Well, we must all be so close your doors, turn off or blow out your lanterns for Infoway Sokka. For verily, a mouse, or a rat could possibly come and pull away the wick, right move the wick from the lantern or knock the lantern over. And the lantern spills and the oil catches fire and burns the people of the home. Right. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advises this habit of the law and home if you have a candle that's lit or a lantern that is lit, and the fire is there. And before you go to bed, close your doors, lock them for your safety and stuff, but also put out the lamp and the lantern or the candles because a mouse could come or a rat and

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knock it over. And then you can you know have a fire in the home.

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Okay, so this is the advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, not many of us are actually lighting up our homes with candles and lanterns and lamps, right oil lamps in particular. But we have to think about this from our sort of context as well. Some of us might have fireplaces, right. Some of us might use a candle sometimes the power goes out and people light candles.

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If you light a candle, don't leave the candle lit while you go to sleep. This is the advice of the Prophet sallallahu and even some of them don't leave a lit fire in your home while you go to sleep.

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In another narration, even our motto the Allahumma says that the Messenger of Allah that the Prophet of Allah sent along it was LM set.

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Lateral corner a few * Mahina XR more to not be the lamp lit in your homes when you go to sleep.

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So again, let's try and figure out why.

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Were a little

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bit tougher. And now what are the what is the reason for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling us to close the lanterns or to put out the fire those candles at night before going to sleep. The reason is mentioned in the Hadith that we took for internal voice, aka alpha, which is like the mouse or the rat, something could knock it over, it could even be wind, maybe you leave the window open in the wind blows it over, right? Or Burma just rot.

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So it could be that the mouse knocks it over and the house gets set on fire. And so we put it out. We don't leave a fire. They're lit. So what about so what's the reason for closing our doors? Right, the profits along I need to sell them tells us close your doors before we go to see why. Why do we need to close my doors? Why do we need to lock it? We live in Canada, I'm the law, everything safe here, right?

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I don't know about that. But just lock your doors at night. I know I remember watching this documentary years ago about the difference between Canada and the United States. I think it was Michael Moore who did this, you know sort of research showing how in the United States people lock the doors and they have bars on it. They have all these different locks and stuff I in Canada, you can literally like walk up to a home and the door is most likely going to be unlocked, especially throughout the day, right? Well, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam tells us at the very least at night, lock your doors. Now remember, this was in Madina Munawwara a place that was safe, a place

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and a time that was not only safe, but a time where doors didn't really have much other than like a piece of wood that would sort of latch the door closed, right? Like you'd have like a you know something on the inside of the door when you close it and then a piece of wood that would fall in between and sort of lock or latch the door from opening. Okay. Now, that's one thing. But the other thing is that in an environment that is filled with Muslims, we generally would consider that that environment is safe. And I'll give you an example. In modern times, I remember I was on a flight going back to Madina Munawwara and it was flying from London, England, to

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I was flying to Jeddah. Was it London to Jeddah or was yeah, it was London to Jeddah. And on the flight, there was a lady who was not Muslim. And she was sitting there and she was talking to you know, there were a few people talking. So I always take an aisle seat because I'm really tall. So like people in the aisle seats tend to talk to each other because we're further away. And then people are squished between each other don't wanna like talk to each other. Because like, you're like stuck to me, I don't really want to talk to you. So I'll see people tend to be a little bit more, you know, cool, right? I'm an aisle seat person. So we're cool, right? And so you're sitting

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on the aisle and the lady across the aisle was having this conversation, like a few of us were talking. And the man who was sitting in front was was a Muslim. And he was asking this lady, how long have you been living in Saudi Arabia? She's like, we've been living there for 28 years. Right? Her and her husband have been living there for 28 years. And he's like, Wow, that's amazing. Like, what what is it about Saudi Arabia? As a not he's like, as a non Muslim? What is it that makes you want to go and live there? Because, you know, like, what you see in the Western media, like everyone's saying, All Muslims are dangerous Muslim, this Muslim man, like Be careful Muslim. Oh, my

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God. It's like, you know, crazy, right? But he asked her, like, why is it that you? Why Saudi Arabia? Why do you want to live there? Like, do you like it? She says, I wouldn't choose to live anywhere else on Earth.

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She says, I wouldn't choose to live anywhere else on Earth. And I was like, Oh, wow, why, like, Why do you say that, like, there's so many other more beautiful places to live on Earth, like in terms of scenery, and, you know, things that are offered there, like Saudi Arabia's desert, like, there's no, the greenery or like palm trees that are being watered, you know, irrigation and stuff like that. So she says, You tell me another place on Earth,

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where I can give my teenage daughter 10,000 US dollars in a bag.

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And she can go out with her purse that has 10,000 US dollars in it, and spend the entire night out with friends doing, you know, out just chilling with friends

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and come home in the morning and still have that bag of $10,000 with her.

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And I was like, okay, so what you're trying to say is that it's a really safe place to live. She says Absolutely. Right. Not only do I know that my daughter is going to go out with her friends, be at her friend's place or whatever, and then come home in the morning. I know that she'll be safe, and nothing will happen to her no harm will come to her. And she's like, of course, that's if God wills, but she says I feel more safe than being back in the United States where they're from. She's like in the US. If I let my daughter stay up all night. I fear that something will happen to her. Someone may attack her someone might might harm her. So, you know, and I won't even say the things

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that she said because

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might be some children watching, but Subhanallah the things that you know, she said really, like, hit me hard. I remember this example like it happened today. Right? And she was like, not only is she gonna come home in the morning and be safe, but she will still have that bag of $10,000 with her that no one even touched. No one even touched, because they know. But just as Muslims, you got to respect each other. And so remember, we're talking about the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Sahaba of the Allahu Allah and it was a very safe environment. So why lock your doors? Why do we need to lock our doors as Muslims, our doors technically should be able to stay open all

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day long, because as Muslims, we're not even supposed to be looking and peeping inside of the homes of other people. Right? It's disrespectful and it's, it's a sin. Well, it just says, don't spy on each other. We're not allowed to look inside, we're not allowed to spy on each other. In fact, the rights of people's homes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave the you know gave the right to the, to the home owner or the or the residents of the home. If someone is like coming and poking their eyes and watching you inside of your home, you can poke their eyes, right? You could poke them in the eye

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and you would not be at fault. Of course we shouldn't do that right harm someone's eye. But this is what the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is saying is that they are at fault and you would not be at fault. So why lock our doors as Muslims? Well, luckily web Kudla gnome the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said what

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was guru small law firm in a shade mon layer you've done more than Lacan the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in a hadith

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of Jabba the Allahu and and he says, What have liquid Ebola and lock your doors was cool to smell law and mentioned the name of Allah right when you lock your door Bismillah right Tawakkol to Allah

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for inner shaytaan for verily shaytaan la youth to her bed and McLaughlin cannot open a door that is locked and of course locked and the name of Allah has mentioned upon it, okay, locked in the name of Allah has mentioned upon it. And it doesn't mean to say this is not the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that Shavon will come in or open your door and be like her know,

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what's meant here is that shaitan will not trespass into your home. Because Shavon doesn't need the door to be open to come into your house. Okay? That's the world of the jinn. But what the prophets on a long way to send them in saying that the harm that could come to human beings from the shayateen from the jinn

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cannot reach the inhabitants of the home. If the door was locked at night, and the name of Allah was mentioned on it to what color you're safe, you're protected Allah is protecting your home and you inside of your home. Okay, we'll finish with one thing very quickly. I know I've gone over the time by three minutes muscle

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if a person now walks their door, actually we'll start with this next week because I want people to come for us on today's show if they can't Okay, that's all it will take for today in sha Allah is from a low fat on the bottom Hello fi calm so how Lomo the hum digna shadow Elena lantana stuff Erica to like, I see all of you here in the masjid. And I will answer some questions now because I do see that there are some here so I'll answer those. While those of you who are staying at home can stay and pay attention and chama Okay. Someone asked is disliked to sleep between mother and Aisha. It is not a time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would sleep

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if you would sleep, he would not sleep from mockery, but until Asia.

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He would go to sleep

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after Madrid and wake up in the middle of the night and pray Asia. So for someone to say that is not right to pray between mother and to sleep between Muslim in Asia. Yes, it is not from the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and it is discouraged to use that time to sleep because a person might sleep through a shot and so on. But if their intention is to wake up in the middle of the night, then they can delay that. Okay, but remember the general thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will do is he would go to sleep right after salatu Dasha, like after Isha you just do not bother the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's gonna go home and he's going to be with

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his family. That's his family time. That's his personal time. Don't bother him, don't disturb him, let him go to sleep, let him spend time with his family and chill and do whatever he wants to do with his family. Right. So it's a time to be home with family, not a time to be out. And the time between Mahadasha is usually a time that we are encouraged to do some sort of arriba some sort of worship, right. It's a precious time, and it's very short. Okay. Just come along, Hayden. I'll see all of you soon was salam or aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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