Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh – Sunday October 18, 2020

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The British Empire has restrictions on hunting, weapons, and drugs, including the removal of trees or shrubs from buildings, the use of weapons and drugs, and the need for people to respect rules. privacy is important for avoiding being spied, and hedging actions are important for avoiding loss of animals. The importance of hedging during holidays and cutting hair and trimming is discussed, as well as the use of multiple armadyl during trips to Saudi Arabia. The importance of hedging during a trip to Saudi Arabia is emphasized, and the use of multiple armadyl during trips to Saudi Arabia is not allowed.
AI: Transcript ©
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acidity MD located in the city of Chicago commonly my brothers and my sisters send them when they come to LA he will back out.

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So we will continue in shalom Canada with essential thick and we're going to hopefully try to finish up the chapter

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that actually not finished up the chapter but just finish up the portion of the chapter that we are currently on which is dealing with hedge and the items related to hedge and performing correctly.

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We are also going to inshallah, get into Ramadan, okay, on some of the things that are related to Ramadan are supposed to do it.

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It's very simple. In fact, most of the stuff we already covered sort of combined the hygiene principles together so we're not going to spend too too much on

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each one of those individually.

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So we'll get right into it inshallah, today we're starting with the forbidden acts that

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are not permitted or forbidden acts as

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windage to sacred sanction this to the to sacred, we call them the domain known as MK Medina. So certain things that we are not permitted to do within these two areas.

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And look at it there's, you know, howdy to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned Wahhabi and Muslim, about how the two places that are sacred or two sanctuaries are Makkah and Medina and because specifically because of Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salaam and the revelation that came to him there. And with regards to Medina, it is related to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And him being, you know, settled there and the revelation coming to him there as well.

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So there are specific acts that are prohibited within these two places within as well as within Medina.

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And they're prohibited for the residents of the lens as well as for anyone who's visiting them. So there are certain things that you can do within MK andina, even if you live there, even if you live there and remember, this was something that you know, we as students in Medina learned right at the beginning when we got there, some of our teachers taught us the importance of Medina and the benefits of living there but also some of the rules to the city that we must follow and respect. Of course these are related to our Deen and our belief okay.

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The first is

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that it is forbidden to hunt or pursue land game within Mecca, Medina okay. So it is not permitted is not permissible, it is actually forbidden for us

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to hunt idea, or to even help someone hunt indicate to them something that they could go and hunt within Mecca Medina, we learned this at the end of last week's class so we're not going to spend too much time on it. The second forbidden act within mccunn Medina is the uprooting or cutting of plants or trees or shrubs that are that are growing there within Buchan Medina, unless there's an absolute need for them to be removed. So if there's a necessity for those items to be removed, then it is permitted for us to remove them. Okay, it's technically it's permitted for us to do that, however, absolutely need, there's no necessity and having them there and having them removed, then it is not

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permissible. So you might see

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a tree I remember when we were, you know, walking through Medina now of course, there's a difference between a tree that's growing there naturally, or a plant that's growing naturally and intentionally planted and placed there. You know, for the purpose of beautification or whatever reasons.

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And when we were students in Medina, we'd be walking a lot of the time and, you know, it's a habit as you're growing up in Canada, you just pull the leaf or something off a tree. There's so many trees around so many leaves always falling. You know, it's just natural, you see it, you pull it, you pluck it, you do you know, especially when you're younger, you're not thinking of respect this tree, I need to respect this plant, I need to, you know, follow through in that specific way. But as you get older, you realize, you know, there's a need for us to follow certain rules within our Dean, and specifically within Mecca and Medina, we need to be very careful of that. The third thing that

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is forbidden for us to do within muscle and medium is to read so we need to carry weapons and people will ask, well, where does this come from? There's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specifically related to carrying any sort of weapon within Medina. Now of course, is it permissible for police officers or security or, you know, authorities in general to carry something for the purpose of

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of defense than Yes, the answer is yes, it is permitted islamically. However, for the general person, and of course, we don't walk around. Well, you know what I shouldn't say, of course, because we're streaming internationally. And there are many people who, in their countries, it is normal for them to walk around with a weapon or an armed weapon.

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And just south of the border in the United States, that's something that's a reality as well, right? So

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us over here in Canada Alhamdulillah, you know, especially in the circle of people that I've always in my whole life interacted with, we'd never had the need to and never felt the need to, we never even really spoke about carrying a weapon or a gun or a knife or something, that's not something that we do. And I'm not in favor of doing that, I think we should be living in societies that are peaceful and calm. And we see that within Mecca and Medina, that environment was established there, there's no need for anyone to be carrying a weapon. Right, it's safe. And

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I believe it was yesterday last night, I was talking to, you know, some people about

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some of the travels that I've made my life and some of the places that have been due, and you know, some of the countries that I feel absolutely safe and and one of them is Singapore, you just feel really, really safe. Of course, when you're landing on the landing card, it tells you very clearly that there's like severe punishments for anyone who is going to bring in drugs or drug trafficking or carry weapons or tried to smuggle any weapons or drugs or anything in or out of the country. So it's very severe, which is fine. That's their rules. That's our laws, like, that's the country that are the rules of the country. And we have to respect that.

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We also have to respect the fact that it's illegal to bring chewing gum into Singapore. But one of the beautiful things about that country is that when you

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are visiting, whether it's day or night, or this of the time, if you want to go for a stroll, you feel that sense of safety and security. You can go much anywhere, at anytime, day or night and I stayed in like the old old areas of Singapore, and you go for a walk at two o'clock, three o'clock in the morning. And it's safe. Like it's it's not. So that's an interesting aspect of McCann, Medina, is that you, you don't need to have a weapon on you, you're safe, you're protected within there, as long as you're going to do what's right and be respectful to others. You know, there's a responsibility, a sense of responsibility that society has upon you, or they have to look after you

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and they will look after you and take care of you.

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And that's been the case for a long, long time. And McCann Medina, you know, anytime someone is traveling in or out of those cities, they always will feel that sense of being cared for, especially in Medina, okay, especially in Medina, that doesn't exist in my pocket. But I might be a little bit because I used to live in Medina. So I'm villa. Number four from the things that are forbidden to do within Mecca, Medina is picking up of lost items. So picking up items that people lost or left behind

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by the pilgrims, okay, so someone who came for Hajj or someone who came for pilgrimage, and left something behind or lost something, it is not permissible for someone who is travelling into Sorry, it's not permissible for someone who's going to be who's a traveler in and out of Mecca, and Medina to pick up something that was left behind or lost by one of the pilgrims. As for the resident, though, the resident must pick up the item that is lost, so long as onset. So and that's obvious, like someone who's traveling, for example, I remember my mom just a few weeks ago was talking to her and she was just explaining her HUD trip that she made in 2012. And she was saying that the suitcase

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that someone had found or left behind in our hotel, and we wanted to take it with us, as in she wanted to take it with their group on the bus because they're staying in that hotel, and they were leaving. But she thought, Well, if I take it with us on the bus, and we are now leaving the hotel, and if it doesn't belong to anyone on our bus or in our group, then she was like, What am I going to do with that bag, I would have taken it for nothing. And if I left it there, and that's what she did, she thought, you know, if I just leave it there, whoever lost it will trace their steps and eventually come back to this point in Charlottetown and retrieve their last item. So for the

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residents, they can, you know, take something that was found that's lost within mcca and announce it to the people this item was lost. We have it and let people know that if anyone is looking for it, they can come and retrieve that item that was lost within Mecca Medina. As for the pilgrim though, or the visitor who was there temporarily, they should leave whatever items they find and not take it with them. And this happens you'll see when you're in the tents in Mina, or wherever you are so kind of like you You find things all the time. You're like wonder who this belongs to. If it doesn't belong to you leave it there. Someone who

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Eventually, you know, we'll come back and get it whoever it belongs to. Hopefully inshallah tada and we make your own and ask Allah subhana wa tada to always make it easy for those who go for Hajj and Umrah to never lose any of their things not even their slippers when they go into the home.

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And that's getting a lot easier now because now all of you have to do what I always used to do. Now everyone has to keep their slippers in a bag with them. So I used to always keep my slippers with me this is a habit I had from early 2000 to 2003 when I used to go for a while since 2002 Actually, I would always just keep my slippers with me when I would go inside must have been hot on in, in Mecca.

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And people say well it's hard to carry with you you know we didn't really have those those strange drawstring or those string backpacks that everyone uses nowadays you just chuck your slippers in there and put it on you. We used to just take our slippers and I would just take my slippers just put under my arm while I'm wearing my home and go and do my limit on it just stays tucked under there and you do your own.

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There's there's there's always ways of doing things. So that's that's the way it is now. One has to keep their slippers. Okay one of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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I have the long run narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about Medina

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its shrubs are not to be uprooted its game is not to be chased. And it's lost items are not to be picked up except by one who makes it known. It is also not proper for one to carry weapons for fighting they're in and it is not proper to cut down any of its trees unless it is to be provided.

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Sorry, unless it is to provide fodder for one's animal or camel. Sorry for a camel as in for the animals that you have.

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And there was a number of Heidi's as well. And I didn't go over because of the sake of time, but there are Heidi's related to the items that we mentioned or the things that we mentioned as being impermissible to do within McCann, Medina. All right. The recompense for killing game. Okay, so hunting an animal.

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Allah Subhana Allah says

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yeah, you La Nina la tokoto to say the word to home, woman katella woman come to me.

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I'm just going to go through the English because it's really long. It's like 474 lines long. Okay. So lots of penalty to add. It says,

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Oh, you will believe in this isn't sort of verse number 95. Okay, so it's verse number 95. Oh, you who believe Do not kill game while you are in the state of weather phenomenon.

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And whosoever view kills it intentionally as in hunting animal intentionally depends he is an offering brought to the caliber of an edible animal, as in sheep, goat cow, etc, equivalent to the

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one he killed, will be judged by to just or to honest, just men amongst you.

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Or for expiation, you should feed poor persons or an equivalent and fasting that he may taste the heaviness of his deed. Allah has forgiven what is passed, But whosoever commits it again, Allah will take retribution from him and his Almighty, all capable of retribution. Okay, so that's, in a nutshell sums up some of the things that we could spend a long time on. And we're not going to for the sake of time, and also because we are not in the state of, you know, or in the actual process of going for Hajj right now or going from

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so we're not going to spend too much time on that. The next few pages you know, there's there's a few details with regards to Amara, and story Hajj and Mecca and Medina and hunting and the animals and what you should do, and the difference of the opinions amongst the scholars or different opinions amongst scholars.

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Let's skip right to the expiation for sexual * during the Hajj. And again, a reminder, I always say that the Sunday nights, the thick, essential, thick class, I'm just going to speak very freely. You know, this is for adults, as well as for teenagers. And I find a lot of the time we treat our teenagers like like babies, right? They need to they need to be able to hear certain words they need to understand that it's permissible to say certain things and to talk about certain things and to understand life in a certain way.

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So yes, it is it is something that I do I will not hold back. And sometimes I will, you know, just for the sake of my own, you know,

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hire like just not mentioned things in specific intricate detail.

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Detailed ways, but it's still needed for us to mention things in certain ways so that we can understand. So the next part is expiation for sexual *. During Hajj, what if a husband and wife now we're not talking about people committing how long

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sexual acts here we are talking about husband and wife who are married and have for each other. However, during the state of while they're in that state of a home, there are certain rules that we learn to have already. So now what is the expiation, we learned this last week that the Hajj is void, what is the expiation, so if a person has sexual * before the first act of exiting from the inviolable state, okay, before exiting that first state, so we mentioned there's two different stages there.

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His hedge has been voided his or her hedge is void, as we learned to earlier, okay, and this was something that we took last week, so you can go back and watch what we've learned last week, and that person must sacrifice a camel

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if he has * after the first exiting from the state of harem. So after that initial first state of exiting that condition, but before

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the second exiting is in completely exiting from the state of a home, then he must sacrifice a sheep and his hedge has not been voided. Okay, even our best of what the llama Anima was asked about a men who had * with his wife in minute before making a waffle if father, okay, so this is a minute before making thoughts of the Father. And he said that the men must sacrifice a camel.

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Okay, men must sacrifice a camel.

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I'm not even sure either narrated from his father who said and then came to the lab and I'm up and asked him about a pilgrim who had * with his wife. He pointed him to Abdullayev in arm of the alumni and he said go to him and ask him, so the person did not know who he was. So he says, I went with him. Okay.

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He went with him and asked even arm of the law Miranda, who said your hedge has been voided.

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So the men said, What shall I do? He said, Go with the people and do what they do, as in continue on in doing what you're doing. However, if you are alive next year, make Hajj and offer a sacrifice.

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He then went back to Abdullah

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Well, I was with him and informed him of his statement. Abdullah then said go to even our bus or the Allahu Allah and ask him as well. So I went with him to my bus. And he asked him about the issue even and that said the same as normal.

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Don't be alone.

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He went back to Abdullah

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while I was with him and informed him of what had been our best headset. Then he said to Abdullah, what is your opinion,

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he replied, I say the same as what those two set so it was common knowledge understood by them, that

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if a husband and wife in the state of a home had sexual *, that their Hajj was void and they need to make the sacrifice but also return and perform that hedge once again.

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So he did a job where he stated that a man and his wife together entered the state of home for the purpose of

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okay for the purpose of Ramadan.

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They completed all of the rights except for cutting their hair. So they went through this the the, the last they went through Saturday, they,

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you know, got right up to that point, but they did not trim their hair or cut their hair, okay.

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They completed all of the rights for all of the rights except for cutting the hair. He had sexual relations with her before she cut her hair. He asked him in our bus about it and he said she was the lustful one.

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Okay. Even us was told that she was listening.

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Therefore, he became shy

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in answering.

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So she asked, shall you not inform me as an archer gonna tell me what the answer is to our question like, Did this okay, how long like tell us when would we have to do so he was shy because it's a woman there and she was like, no telling me what exactly do I need to know? So she asked her not informed me. So he said to her, you must sacrifice an animal

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She said what animal? He said sacrifice a camel cow or sheep and she said which is preferred, which animal is preferred? And he said a camel

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Okay. Now if a person cannot find or acquire a camel or sheep, okay if a person cannot find or acquire a camel or sheep

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he has to fast three days during the time of Hajj and seven days upon returning home from Hajj. Okay, and Allah subhana wa tada says, and sort of abakada verse number 196 verse 196 of swords, aka fermentum at Darby luminati lol * from St. Sabino Hi. Do you familiar? Let me firstly l 30. am and Phil had us about in either or Jackson. Tikka shout out to Camila. Okay. So that is mentioned in verse number 190

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i 196 of so on to Baccarat

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it is preferred to fast those three days before the days of alpha.

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Okay, so three days in hedge and 10 seven days when a person returned home. So it's preferred to fast those three days before the day's the day of alpha. And if a person does not do so, they're not able to for whatever reason, or they don't even have the time, then it is permissible to fast on during the days of tissue, which come after

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midnight, okay comes after the 10th of that.

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He'd been normal. Don't do that. And

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both of them said no one is exempted to fast during the days of treat, except for those who cannot find an animal to sacrifice.

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So it is not permitted to fast during those days, except for the people who need to fast because they don't have an animal or they're not able to afford the animal to sacrifice. Okay.

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We move on, what are the types of sacrifice that are really to hedge so we talked a lot about sacrificing an animal and the different times when a person needs to sacrifice an animal based on whatever they did. So let's sum it up in sha Allah, okay, and we'll look at five different times inshallah. So hopefully someone is writing them down for themselves and will be able to share it in the chat session. Okay, so hopefully, and I encourage everyone to do that, you know, take your notes and also share your notes with others in the chat or the comments section. So the first type of sacrifice related to hedge is the sacrifice related to hedge termidor and hedge. I'll click on

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And hedge Get on.

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Now this sacrifice of an animal

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is incumbent upon the pilgrim when he makes the intention for Amara

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done in conjunction with hatch, so that's Hagit, tomato, or one who makes the intention for ombre joins with hedge and that is how you go on. Okay. So hedge tomato and hedge. Good on if anyone is performing those to hedge, right or as in the style of hedge and we've explained not then that person has to have a sacrificial animal in order to sacrifice okay.

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Or to the sacrifice as a ransom okay fadia

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This is the sacrifice of the animal that is obligatory upon the pilgrim if he or she has to shave his head due to a disease or some hair has to be removed due to an illness or disease etc. This is based on the statement of a loss of Hannah white Tyler from an academy in Cumbria, one OBE, and then let's see here for video, two minutes, Liam in Osada, cuttin.

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Okay, so

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Allah Subhana Allah says in verse number 196, of sought after Baccarat, and whoever of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp, or it could be any kind of, you know, exception that is made. And the scholars use this as an example to, you know, explain certain rulings that are not specifically related to this. For example, someone needs to wear socks, okay. Someone needs to

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Someone needs to wear socks for whatever reason, or you know, they have a certain condition, whatever the case is, I don't want to mention them in detail here. But there are times when the pilgrim is going to

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have you know, health issues or some problem. And so here we say Allah subhana wa tada says that he must pay a fee, which is of either

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observing fast three days in hedge

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or giving charity, sorry, three days of fasting, or giving the charity or offering the sacrificial animal like a sheep to be sacrificed. Number three, the sacrifice as expiation. Okay, the sacrifice as expiation is the sacrifice that is made

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by one who hunts an animal right during Hajj or while in the state of home I should say within Mecca and Medina. Okay, and we just finished learning about that about 10 or 15 minutes ago. So the sacrifice within that is made for the person who wants out an animal whether it's you know, land game or you know, birds that are flying and they hunt them to eat, or for whatever reason, that is not permitted in the state of home or inside of the

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the, the to hold the centuries Mecca, Medina

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number four, the sacrifice of the one who is not able to complete the rights of the Hajj due to illness. So if someone goes for Hajj, and they're not able to complete, okay, the presence of an enemy for example, also stops them from completing their hubs. So that is another reason why they may not complete their hedge or anything of that nature. So for some reason, the person is not able to complete their hedge they get there halfway through their head something happens person passes away, they're hospitalized, not able to follow through with it. It happens sometimes that people end up in the hospital and they miss out if they miss Yeoman naho they miss out all the days of Hajj

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they were not able to you know fulfill that so they will need to sacrifice an animal for that. And number four

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sorry, and number five the sacrifice do do sexual sexual * I mentioned earlier. Now I know we had some trolls on the session especially here on Instagram. So I turned off the comments section intentionally because there were some inappropriate things that were being written down there. Okay. very immature of grown adults. Mashallah. very immature. Alright, so they're gonna I think we have time to go through Ramadan. Right. And we've been on now I have no idea. There's no timer, cos it's been about

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what time do we start we started at about seven o'clock, about half an hour, we'll continue we'll do the Ramadan. There's not too much to cover there. So the Ramadan is one of the greatest acts of worship, okay, we're not talking about Hajj. Now we're talking about Ramadan itself, specifically, one of the greatest acts of worship that we can perform. And one of the most virtuous acts as well. Okay, the reward for performing Arma is really, really great. And that's by it by performing a loss of Hannibal, which raises his servant in rank, okay, so we are raised in rank and status and removes the sins from his or her account. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged its performance

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as to go and perform ombre, both by his words and his actions. So he mentioned to go and do Ramadan and he himself went and performed on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said one aroma until the next aroma is an explanation for what is between them. So when we perform multiple aamra, you go for ombre. And I'm not talking about going from LA and then staying in Mecca and going from Oregon and staying in Mecca and going from it. I'm talking about going from going to and returning to your country or your city and then going from there once again, and then coming back at a later date and so on and so forth. Okay, so one or until the next Ramadan is an expiation for what is between them.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said, Follow up the hedge and Ramadan

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by performing them together,

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for they remove poverty.

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They remove poverty. So kind of a lot of us fear going for hedge because we fear becoming poor. Allah subhanho wa Taala does not make us poor by submitting to him in a way that we are able to fulfill worried that we may come back with nothing in our accounts. Allah subhanho wa Taala will not make that person poor through going for Hajj. In fact, it's the opposite. Usually people go for Hajj and they come back and they feel

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A lot more energized, they feel a lot better and they feel as though things work out a lot easier for them than they did prior to going for Hajj. So as we said, The Prophet sallallahu said follow up the Hajj and Umrah by performing them together for they remove poverty and sins like the blacksmith's bellows removes impurities from iron, gold and silver. Pamela right, you know how the impurities are removed from iron gold silver, for example, when you weld, you weld you're melting the

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the steel right but you see the carbon coming out there and you can actually

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you know, just chisel that away.

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So it removes poverty and sins when we go for Hajj and okay follow up Hajj and Ramadan for a day.

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Remove poverty and sins like the blacksmith bellows removes impurities from iron golden silver, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he himself performed Amara as did the companions of the love and home during the lifetime and after the death

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of Muhammad some of them were at a he was an essential component of Ramadan what do you what do we do when we go from not very simple, we've gone through all of these so we'll just list them first of all, we enter into this to * so we enter the state of the helmet of course this means we put on our at home whether for men it's the two pieces of cloth or for women, you know, humble simple building that they're going to be wearing. And it's also combined with or coupled with intention so you put on your home and you have to make your intention for

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number two is a walk around the caravan that's essential you can't go from running not performing off the wall for Canada. Number three is to perform those seven circuits between Safa and Marwa okay to go between sofa and Mandala

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which is known as sorry, and number four is cutting or trimming one's hair once they're done. So very simply, you put on your make your intention, you make your way to Mecca, right? You go in, you make the offer on the Kava, you go and perform your set between stuff on metal and you trim your hair or shave your hair for the men. And you're done.

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That's it for things very simple, very easy, very quick, you can do it in less than an hour if there's no rush. And in fact, the way things are now, it probably can be done in less than an hour if everything goes smoothly Okay. Now one of the obligatory parts of law

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it's obligatory upon the person who intends to perform I'm about to enter the state of home from one of the main thoughts, okay, from one of the many clients even if that person is within MCC. So they could even be a visitor that's already within mcca they came in they need to go out and come back in in order to perform Okay, so it's a big Ettore upon the person who's performing Ramadan to go out either to a monocot or past the mailboxes and out the holy sanctuary before coming back into perform on now what is the time for making armor armor can be performed at any time during the year. However, the most valuable time to perform our armor the most precious time to perform

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the most fist time to perform during the month of Ramadan, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said during Ramadan is equivalent to a Hagit.

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amo during Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj that's what the prophet SAW it usnm said.

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However, one thing that we need to point out is that it does not take the place of Hajj. So if you perform Amara during Ramadan and you never performed Hajj before,

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it means you still need to go for Hajj. Okay. Performing armineh during Ramadan does not take the place of performing hajj, you get a similar to that performing hedge but you know the full actual you know

00:34:42 --> 00:34:54

I don't know what the word I'm looking for is as in you don't it doesn't get written down is you fulfilling the the obligatory. Okay, hedges that is compulsory upon us if we're able to go and perform it

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the permissibility of performing it before

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performing hajj. So is it permissible to perform Ramadan, before Hajj as in your on your way to perform Hajj Can you perform before going to autofit and so on and so forth? Yes, of course we know that is that it is permissible, and we already learned that weeks ago. Why? Because we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to how to combine our mana with their hedge, so go in perform out of the state of home and then put it on when you're ready to go for Hajj. Even though the Allahu anhu said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made or Amato before ever performing hedge. So here is an example of if I've never gone for a hedge before from Canada, for example, if a

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person's living in Canada and has never gone for hedge before, and they say, I want to go for hedge, but I can't afford it right now. And I'm not able to do so. But I have the amount that I want to swing for. Can I do that? The answer to that is yes, a person can do that. I like to encourage people look, if you're just a little bit away from the amount that you need to go for Hajj, then just you know, go for Hajj, save all that money and go for Hajj.

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However, if a person says Look, I'm not able to go for Hajj now for whatever reason, is it permissible for me to go for? Well, the answer to that is yes, it is permissible for that person to go from. Okay.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:47

Now, the last part that will take and this is lengthy, but I'm going to sum it up very quickly in Sharma making more than one normal on a visit. So you go for and you want to go for it again while you're there in bucket. Is that permissible? Is that something that you can do? Well, in short,

00:36:48 --> 00:37:15

the scholars do allow it, but it was never done by the prophet sent along to us tantalum. And they use the example of that Chateau de la hora. And when she had her period and she didn't feel that they're on the road before Hajj would be accepted by Allah subhana wa Tada. So afterwards the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told her brother, man, even Abu Bakar, to take her to a to name must have the name also known as much Isha

00:37:17 --> 00:37:24

for her to enter into the state of at home for Amara. However, this was because she thought that her alma, like I said,

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that she performed with the hedge had been voided because she had her period. And she cried a lot due to that. And so the prophet SAW her it was allowed her comfort her to make her feel happy and content to go and to perform that

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in order to calm her down in order to calm her down. So some of the scholars say that this is only permitted in that case or in that situation, and it's not something that everyone should do. However, we see lots of people nowadays going and performing multiple armadyl when they go to MCC. I personally people ask me, what do you do? Do you go for and perform multiple Arma or do you go for hedging perform multiple hedge?

00:38:09 --> 00:38:43

No, I don't. Why because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't find that it can be using our time to maybe perform tawaf. ceramica as was done by the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu I came from LA I performed my own hamdulillah right hamdulillah let me go stand by the Kava and make dua let me recite together Let me make off by the camera, but let me drink Zamzam right let me pray behind McLean let me you know pray as many compulsory prayers as I can within the sorry within the huddle

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muster go how long in front of the cabinet why because the reward is great, it's multiplied.

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Go forever. I came for I did there. People say yeah, but it was so far we came from so far we came from Canada. Okay, you came from Canada, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came from Medina people they get Medina is right there. But it took them 10 days of traveling to get there.

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10 days of traveling to get it doesn't take us 10 days, I can fly back to Canada and fly back to Saudi within the span of

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what? Just over 24 hours. Right technically very easily. So let's just say in 48 hours, I can go home and come right back. Having slept a night back here in Canada and then get on a plane and go back. That possible. Yes. It's doable. Yes. So we're complaining and saying that the journey was hard and long? Yeah. Oh, but it was so expensive. God Yes, I know is expensive. But I also know that it was expensive for the Prophet sallallahu sudden, just because they were walking doesn't mean they didn't have expenses. They had to bring 10 days worth of food just to get there. That doesn't include the 10 days worth of food

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to get back home. And it also doesn't include the food that they need or the

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whilst they need in order to be there, the food during the time that they're there in Mecca for Allah. Okay, so yeah, it was hard. It's like a whole month, a whole month's worth of, of travel and journey and stuff like that.

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So was it hard for them? Yeah. Do I perform multiple Lomonaco? No I don't. Some people will say you know what, this is my only time and the only opportunity that I have we'll leave that for a time when people are there and actually in that position and we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make it easy for us to be able to go for Hajj and Ramadan to accept us back once again and to grant us the ability to lay our eyes on the gather on again and to perform the life again and to be able to perform say again and to drink zum zum straight from the well once again I mean, what does that come a level higher on some level we're sending them an AutoCAD and a be an appointment where you're

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supposed to send him

00:40:59 --> 00:41:05

I guess I'll open it up a little bit for any questions that people may have.

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So if you have any questions feel free to ask I'll stay on for a few minutes inshallah.

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Meanwhile, yeah.

00:41:58 --> 00:42:03

It's nice to see something positive written in the chat sometimes, or in the comment section.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:13

All right, doesn't look like anyone has any questions. So

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okay, someone's asking you a question. Someone's asking, What if you do a model with the intention of

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for a deceased family member? Is that valid?

00:42:35 --> 00:42:38

So long as you performed it for yourself first.

00:42:39 --> 00:42:45

Then Yes, inshallah. Tada that is something that is valid. May Allah subhana wa tada accept.

00:42:52 --> 00:43:19

Okay, good question. If we perform a Madonna, does it mean that we will be free of sins like a newborn baby? No. Okay, so it means that you get the reward of having performed Hajj and what we mean by that is the reward of the struggle and going through it however, you do not get all the extra benefits. Okay, all the extra rewards those don't apply. This is what our teachers taught us. Okay.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:22

stucco Hayden, I know the room looks better.

00:43:23 --> 00:43:32

I actually really do like it and I appreciate all the brothers and sisters and whoever was part of making the new paint on the wall.

00:43:35 --> 00:43:47

happen. Okay, so I think that's it. We'll end the session inshallah. Vertical ofI comm or some of our senemo American anabaena Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salim, so Panchen Lama will be handig national

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and nesto fuel coming to blue lake will also be in LA in San and if you hustle, Lydian and awareness finally had to wait a while so we'll have to wait. I was ob sober was said more Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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