Daood Butt – Drops of Guidance – Episode 6

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The hosts of drops of guidance series discuss the importance of Islam, including the need for people to have confidence in their beliefs to avoid false accusations and the importance of sincerity and purity of intent. They also discuss negative conditions that negatively impact acceptance of Islam, including hesitation, fear, and desire for others to see their actions. The importance of praying regularly and setting conditions for it is emphasized, as it is necessary to achieve their beliefs. The Hadith collection of numbers and its use in religion is also discussed, along with a woman who is facing predestination and fearing their own ending.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh brothers and sisters Welcome to the next episode of drops of guidance. We will now begin the third hadith of Imam and Noah wheeze collection of 42 Hadith. The Hadith goes as such, on the authority of Abu Abdullah Abdullah, the son of Amara Eden and Bob are the Allahu anhu ma. Who said, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, Islam has been built on five, testifying that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. And that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing the prayer, paying the Zakah making the Hajj to the house and fasting in Ramadan. This Hadith is related by Al Bukhari and Muslim Okay, so in this third

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Hadith, what do we learn? We learned that Islam and its pillars are of different types. So there are four different types of pillars here, okay, there are not four pillars or four different types of pillars. The first one is the tongue. Okay, the tongue is the first type of pillar that is mentioned in this hadith to the testimony of faith okay to testify your Eman as we discussed in a previous session, the body is the second type of pillar, the which can constitute or basically is made up of the prayer and fasting so Salah as well as some, the wealth is the third type of pillar zakka okay giving Zakat and the combined pillar which is hedge combines an act of the body as well as spending

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wealth. Okay, so it's a combined pillar. So we have three individual pillars and then we have a combined pillar that will combine two or three or all of the previous pillars as we just finished discussing. It is very important to note that a wisdom and having these different forms of worship is that it is to test the worshiper The one who worships Allah subhanho wa Taala in different ways. Some of us will worship Allah subhanho wa Taala by doing just the bare minimum things, for example, a person prays they fast, they go for Hajj they pay there's a cat and so on and so forth. That is a person who just does the bare minimum. Now someone who wants to please Allah subhanho wa Taala more,

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they go above and beyond that, for example, they will fulfill the obligatory act as well as add to it by doing no effort, but they stay within the Sharia. They don't come out of what the profits on the long run it usnm showed us. For example, if a person wants to pray

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seven Raka after praying vote. Does that make sense to pray seven continuous, okay. No, it doesn't make sense. We follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If you want to pray more, no, often, that's fine. But you prayed in a method that was showed to us, for example, praying to God then praying another two and another two and another two. You don't just pray like seven continuous aka as someone might think that they can do. Now what does it mean? What is the Shahada? What is the shadow? What does it mean to testify or believe or announced that you believe in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and the messenger and so on and so forth.

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As we take from the example of Eben wannabe who was asked, he said he was asked by someone, is it true that law in the law is the key to paradise? He said yes. But just like every other key it has teeth

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grooves on it. So not all keys are the same, you cannot just come with any key and open the door to agenda. Okay? So he says just like any other key, it has teeth or grooves, you must bring the right key with the right teeth to open that door. And those teeth are the conditions for the Shahada. So the conditions for the Shahada are just like a special key that is cut for you and every other believer to enter gender in sha Allah huhtala we will go through these conditions there are seven conditions or seven cuts or grooves on the key for one who wants to enter Jannah with regards to the Shahada. So the seven conditions of the Shahada are knowledge to have knowledge which negates

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ignorance. The reason why we mentioned the opposite, okay, knowledge which negates ignorance is because in the Shahada itself, we see something very unique, we see something which is it affirms our belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala, that he is the one true deity worthy of worship, and that there is no other so there is a negation as well as an affirmation. There's no other God, except Allah, Who is the one true God, okay, so we deny or we negate the false gods, because some people worship trees, some people worship cows, some people worship snakes, and people worship stones and idols. We negate those as false gods we claim that they're false gods and we, we affirm that Allah

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subhanho wa Taala is the one true God to be worshipped. Therefore, when we go through these conditions, we will mention the conditions as well as what it negates, so knowledge which negates ignorance, and lots of hands on with Allah says in Surah, Mohammed, verse number 19, so know on Muhammad, that there is no God, but Allah and seek forgiveness for your sins and for the believing men and women. Therefore we know that it is to have knowledge in Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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The second condition is certainty, to be certain, and this negates doubt. So we're certain in our belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. When someone for example, comes in, says, Your rasuna law as they're making. This proves that they're not certain that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that provides for them, because they're asking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who passed away, he already passed away and you're asking him through your duha to ask Allah which doesn't make sense. Allah wants us to ask Allah directly. Therefore we should be very certain as to who we are asking and who we are worshiping in our Deen

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so certainty which negates doubt Okay, and this is seen in Surah Al Hayat verse number 15 where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, enamel moon and Latina ermine will be law What are solely some lamea taboo, what agenda how to be unworldly him and forcing him feasability la Willa eco homosassa saw the moon that verily the believers are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, without having doubt they're in. We move on to the next one. The next one is sincerity and purity of intent, which negates shirk. So as we mentioned in the previous episodes, we spoke about the intention. And the verse in Surah, two zomer number 14, verse number 14, it says, say oh Muhammad, it is only a law

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that I worship with sincerity for him is my religion. Okay? Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to worship him and him alone sincerely, and to purify our intentions in doing so, please remain where you are, we will come back in sha Allah who tada after this short break, which is chronological Hydra.

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Send mRNA to live cattle welcome back brothers and sisters, we continue with what we were discussing with regards to the conditions of the Shahada. As we mentioned, even when I was talking about the key to Jenna, which has specific grooves and teeth in it, so that we can open that door to Jenna, by using our Shahada. So the conditions continue. We mentioned knowledge, certainty and sincerity, as well as purity of intent, and we now move on

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To truthfulness, which negates hypocrisy. So being truthful in the way that you perform your actions with regards to your belief, if you are not a believer than why act like you are, if you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala Then why don't you act as though you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and we see this in the Muslim Ummah today that many people say yes, we're Muslim. Yes, we're moving and we believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala but their actions don't reflect their belief in Allah. Therefore, as Muslims, as many and as believers in Allah subhanho wa Taala we must act upon what we believe and unite ourselves as an Ummah, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala love and devotion

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is the next, the next portion or the next condition with regards to the Shahada, love and devotion which negates contempt allows religion as a loss of hanworth Allah says in Surah Baqarah verse number 165 wamena nassima yet definitely don't mean do Neela here and dead in your head buena home Kabila will lead in ermine, I should do her Bella, for men from mankind are those who take for worship other than Allah, loving them as they should love Allah, as for those who believe, then they are stronger in their love for Allah subhanho wa Taala. The sixth condition for the Shahada is submission which negates this obedience so submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And this is what we call an East Islam to submit to Allah subhanho wa Taala as we see in Surah lokman verse number 22, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, to the extent and he who submit his face to Allah and he does good, then he has truly grasped the most truth full or sorry, the most truest, truth worthy

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then he has truly grasped the most trustworthy hold, and for Allah is the end of all matters. So Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to submit to him and him alone and not have other partners with regards to our submission for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Lastly, acceptance which negates rejection or denial, to accept this Deen as a loss of hanworth. Allah says in Surah, early Emraan, verse number seven, and those firmly grounded in knowledge say, we believe in it, we believe in it, all of it is from our Lord. Therefore, brothers and sisters, we see that Allah subhana wa Taala has set some conditions for us. With regards to the Shahada, we must try and abide by these conditions.

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If we want to have the correct key to enter agenda. We move on. Now. We mentioned in the Hadith, after talking about the Shahada, that we must establish prayer. The Hadith doesn't say that we must pray. It means what economists sila which is to establish prayer that you pray regularly, not that you just pray your Salah when you want to, but rather you establish it on time when it is supposed to be prayed. And you don't just pray when you feel as though you want to pray. So what does it mean to establish the prayer? Firstly, it means to perform it to the best of your ability to pray to the best of your capability. Secondly, you perform your Salah or your prayers in the correct time. You

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don't wait until the wrong time to pray you don't pray fudger at 830 in the morning, if sunrises you know earlier than that you pray fudger within the time that it is supposed to be prayed. And this goes for every other prayer, meeting all the conditions that you pray your Salah, according to the method that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed it fulfilling all of its pillars without any deficiency. And according to the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, brothers and sisters that is a little bit with regards to establishing prayer. Now what about the person who leaves the Salah? What about someone who does not pray their Salah? There are two different types of

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people here that the scholars mentioned. The first one is someone believes that it is not obligatory to pray their Salah, okay, they believe that it is not obligatory they don't have to pray. They think that prayer is not part of the deen that I don't need to pray, why should I pray? What's the point? There's no reason to pray. So they believe

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That they do not have to pray and it is not obligatory upon them or the other Muslims, this person has basically that is complete disbelief with regards to that opinion. Sorry, that stance that a person thinks that Salah is not part of their belief. And this is by consensus of the scholars that that person has committed disbelief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. The second type of person, okay, who leaves prayer is someone who leaves it due to laziness, okay without a valid reason. So they left off their slaughter, they're lazy. They believe that they should be praying, they know they have to be praying, they want to pray, but they're too lazy. For example, you go out all day, you know, you

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were working, you went out with family, and then you met friends and you had dinner and so on and so forth. You came home late, and you were tired and lazy and you just went to bed, you knew you were supposed to pray, but you didn't. Or for example, you were about to pray your Salah, but you know, you're too busy praying, you're playing some game or some sport or something like that. And you delayed your Salah so much to the extent that you were like too lazy to go away from what you were doing to pray your Salah, that person.

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This is considered for that person to be disbelief according to the correct opinion. But it does not put a person for example, outside of Islam, it is just due to laziness, they don't believe that they should not be praying. Okay. So that is with regards to the person who leaves the prayer one who thinks they should not have to pray. And one who knows they have to pray, but they're just being lazy about it. Now,

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we'll get into this shortly. But the scholars mentioned that, according to the companions, the thing that would divide the Muslims from the non Muslims, the fine line that they would draw is Allah. So if a person left off as a car, that doesn't necessarily mean according to the example of the companions that they had left Islam, it means that they are still doing the, the sauna and they believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and so on and so forth. But for a person who leaves off site, this is where the scholars draw the line and say based on the examples of the companions, and the Hadith that are mentioned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It divides us from the

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Muslims and the non Muslims. Therefore brothers and sisters, it is very important for us to continue to establish our prayers in our lives. We take a short break and we come back in a few minutes in sha Allah, which is Akuma Lago hyaluron

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Santa Marta come to live with a cat two brothers and sisters, welcome back. We were talking about Salah, establishing Salah, and one who leaves off their prayers. Now we see from a few examples that the clear line between belief and disbelief is Salah. Let's give you an example from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he said, verily between a man and shirk and kufr is the abandonment of the prayer the abandonment of the prayer. Also in Sahih Muslim it mentions manansala sila Tana was stuck Bella Bella Tana will be hatena furtherly Cal Muslim and Lady Allahu zimm to LA he was the motto or suli whoever prays our prayer and faces our Qibla and eats from our

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slaughter our meat, the halal meat, then that is a Muslim upon whom is the protection of Allah subhana wa to Allah and His Messenger This is a hadith which is mentioned in Sahih Muslim, we take a few examples from this, a person who prays but faces a Qibla other than ours, they face the direction other than Mk. Okay, this person, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said is not from amongst us, they are facing a different good law. Today we see people who do things they pray in. For example, at graveyards, they go and they do things that are not from our Deen. They pray in a direction that is different than the direction that they should be praying. That is a person who

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falls under this hadith. They're facing a different Qibla they may be facing the grave and they were praying towards that grave. That person is committing Schick and they are also facing a Qibla a direction other than the direction of Mecca, where all of the Muslims face when they pray their prayers. Also, we look at a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said do not

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Leave the prayer intentionally for he who leaves it intentionally, then he has removed from himself the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala and His Messenger. So those who are leaving off their prayers, they fall under the people that are not protected by Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and His messenger and the list just continues to go on and on and on. There are many instances brothers and sisters where we see that the prayer is something which is very important for us to do we must continue to pray. Our Deen encourages us to pray and that is like we said the fine line between Islam and disbelief. We now move on to the next Hadith Hadith number four of the collection of

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Hadith mentioned by or narrated by Imam and now we are AHIMA Hola, where he says on the authority of Abdullah Abdullah even less rude or the Allahu, I'm sorry, rhodiola and who said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he is the truthful and beloved, sorry, the believed narrated to us, verily, the creation of each one of you is brought together in his mother's womb, for 40 days in the form of a look for a drop of fluid, there's not a drop of fluid, then he becomes an ally, aka,

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a clot of blood for a like period, then a mobile ha chewed like morsel of flesh, okay, which is like a chewed like morsel of flesh for a similar period. Then there is sent to him the angel who blows his soul into him. And it is commanded with for matters to write down his risk or his sustenance, his lifespan, his actions, and whether he will be happy or unhappy. That is whether or not he will enter Paradise. The Hadith continues, it says, By the one other than home, there is no deity. Verily, one of you definitely performs the actions of the people of Paradise until there is an arm's length between him and it, and that which has been written overtakes him. And so he acts with the

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actions of the people of the Hellfire, and thus enters it. And verily one of you definitely performs the actions of the people of the Hellfire until there is but an arm's length between him ended, and that which has been written overtakes him, and so he acts with the actions of the people of paradise. And so he enters it. And this hadith is narrated by a man of Buhari as well as a man Muslim. So what is the reality of predestination? What is pre dense predestination, this hadith is the basis for the topic of predestination. It discusses predestination and also about fearing one's own ending, and not being arrogant or proud. So a person should worship Allah subhanho wa Taala, in

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a method that is not arrogant, and they know or are aware that they will end their life in a way that they are unaware of that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that decides how we will end our life. You may be a person who lives your entire life according to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam following the guidelines and shediac laid down by Allah subhana wa Taala. But right before your death, an incident may happen to you. You may, for example, have a child who is diagnosed with leukemia, and is now hospitalized. And you look at this child who's laying on the hospital bed, and they've lost their hair, and they've lost their eyebrows and their

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skin turns very pale. And they're going through treatment and so on and so forth. And your entire life, you've been worshipping Allah subhanho, wa Taala, and being obedient to Him in the ways that you're supposed to. And now, at the end of your life, for example, you turn and you say, look at this, I've done everything that I could possibly do. And look at what Allah has given me. He's punishing me with this child. I don't understand why is this happening to me? And you start to question your own belief in Allah subhana wa, tada, you start to question why, why is this happening to me? So you turn and you commit an act of disbelief or Cofer very close to the ending of your

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life. And therefore you end your life in a manner that is terrible. Whereas somebody who's a man is strong, and the same exact example they look at their child who's laying on the bed, and they say, Subhana Allah, this is from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Maybe this child is a means for my entrance into Jenna, maybe this child will take me to paradise and I just need to hold strong and be strong and get through this, this test from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in sha Allah there'll be some goodness in it, Allah knows maybe a cure will come to this child. It is very possible. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala will end that person's life in a good manner where they spent the rest of their life in a state that is not close to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is all the time that we have for today. I thank all of you, and I hope to see you again soon which is a Camillo heighten was sent him or had a come to LA he was about a cattle

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