Bilal Philips – 7 Habits Of Truly Successful People Part Ii

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of patience in worshiping the laws and following the commandments of Islam. They stress the need for patient and continuous patience in times of ease, avoiding victimization, and remaining true to their values. They also discuss the concept of shyness and the importance of avoiding shyness and finding one's "has been" in the culture of Islam. The speakers stress the need for all individuals to practice habits and avoid negative comments on past experiences, and emphasize the importance of dressing in public settings. They also discuss the importance of practicing habits and not getting angry to achieve success in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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can have the child and then come back. She went back had the child and came back to him.

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And he told her at that point, come back when you're when the child

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so she went again giving her a chance if she wants to flee and get away, he wouldn't send anybody after her. But she came back with a child with a little piece of bread in its mouth to signify to the prophets of Salaam that the child had been weaned. And she said, purify me on messenger of Allah. So Allah gave the child to another companion had her tied up, and they stoned to death and the chorus of stoning her. I'm sorry, once they finish stoning here. The prophet SAW Selim led the funeral prayer for her. So all mitogenome hatami asked,

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Are you going to pray for her and she was an adulterous.

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The ramsau Sallam said, she made such a repentance, that if it were divided among 70, of the people of Medina, it would have been more than enough to get them to paradise.

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Have you found a repentance better than her sacrifice herself for the sake of Allah.

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So though she committed a sin, which was a sin punishable by death, the fact that she gave herself up,

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see, seeking to purify ourselves before Allah.

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Then, that according to the prophet SAW, salams witness gave her the right to paradise.

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again, when we're looking at issues of patience, here, we tend to, as I said, to look at patience in regards to calamity. But in fact, from the Islamic perspective, patience is not just that the time of calamity, patience involves first and foremost patience in worshiping the law and following his commands, that requires patience.

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That is, that we carry out the laws instructions,

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and do the different rites of worship etc, regularly and sincerely. And with knowledge.

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That requires patience, of course, patience, which is performed, sorry, worship, which is performed irregularly, people who pray on occasion

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when they feel like it once a week, Friday Muslims, Ramadan, Muslims and the like these people, of course, their worship is useless.

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Their worship is useless. Because it is in fact what we call precautionary worship.

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Not because they have a desire because the person may be coming back to Islam, they have a desire to go and pray on Friday. So they go and purified it. But the general person who says I'm just going to pray Fridays, don't bother me about praying during the week, or I'm going to do all my prayers at the end of the night. I'm too busy during the daytime so before I go to bed, I do all my five prisoners go off to sleep.

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Or I need decide I'm going to pray in Ramadan. Ramadan, I go and I pray every day in Ramadan. Every night Tara we everything was soon as Ramadan is over, forget prayer. I'm back to regular life.

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As I was saying,

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patient worship which is done irregularly,

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is of really no value because it is what may be referred to as precautionary worship, meaning the person really doesn't believe in a law.

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But just in case, there is no law. At least I have some prayers to show for myself.

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That kind of worship

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is not acceptable. Worship has to be based as we said on our first principle, which is a true and sincere belief in Allah with that emotional commitment with that trust and everything else. All of that has to be in place for proper worship to be acceptable to Allah.

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as I said, patience can be in worshiping a law and following his commandments. It can also be in a in abstaining from

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wrong actions

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to avoid what is prohibited, what is displeasing to a law that requires a certain amount of patience also.

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Now, the last point, which is that of patience in times of adversity or difficulty or calamity, as I said, this is the most common, but at the same time, we should realize that the most difficult form of patience is patience, in the time of ease, not in the time of difficulty, and the time of difficulty. Anybody can be patient, the cafr, who doesn't even believe in God, they're the massive trial comes on them. They can be patient just based on a man, I'm not gonna cry, I'm gonna take it, I'm gonna bear it. That's it, he's patient goes ahead. Or he says, What's the point in me getting all worked up and everything is not gonna change the situation, may as well just bear it and carry

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on. And he's patient, because you don't have any choice.

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So patients in times of calamity, and difficulty.

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That is the easy one. That's the one where you have no choice, but patience in the time of ease. That is difficult one, as one of the scholars of this elephant said, believers and unbelievers are alike. I like both of them may have patience at the time of adversity. But only people of strong faith can have patience at the time of ease.

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And a lot of told us in the Quran,

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or you will believe. Don't let your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah.

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If any of you act in that way the loss is their own.

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And he also told us all you believe, truly among your spouses, and your children are enemies to yourselves. So beware of them.

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This is amnesty in the time of ease that our wealth and our children, our wives or husbands, they can be a trial and the temptation for us great trial and temptation because of our love for them. We may disobey a law and not fulfill His commandments in order to please them. That is the big test to be

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worshiping Allah to be obeying His commandments in the time of ease. That is the greatest test.

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Okay, shall I'm gonna stop here, and we'll continue with the last to reach number six of the habits.

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For those who are truly successful, we'll continue it after Salatu Malaysia inshallah followed by questions and answers to Abrahamic long hamburger, the Chateau La Land and a star Federica on a tuber lake.

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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah, Karim Allah and he was hobby minister, Nebuchadnezzar Medina, or press due to alarm the last piece of lessons learned is last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and an all those who follow the path of righteousness.

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until the last day.

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before going on to the last point or the second last point, which is the sixth habit, or characteristic of those who are truly successful is good. I've just like to touch on the issue of how do we gain patience?

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How do we develop it?

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it is like all the other characteristics based again, in issues of knowledge, knowing understanding what Allah has said with regards to patience, knowing that

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whatever befalls us is a result of what we have done. We can't blame a law, as the law said in Surah, Shura 42nd chapter, verse 30 are Maya sobre como si bottin. For me my cassava ID comb. We are for an cattier at whatever befalls us from the result of what your hands have done, and a lot of forgives a lot.

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And in sort of 40 or 35th chapter, verse 45, a law said there will allow you to the law and ness be Marchesa boo, Metallica, la vida daba. If a law were to take people to account for what they have done,

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the punishment would be so severe that they would not remain a living creature on the earth.

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And problem was,

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you know, had said in the narration, from the law.

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Ma'am in Muslim in you Cebu.

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Shaka tune from Africa. Allah cafaro law will be sejati Kamata to shutaura Baraka, that is any Muslim

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who suffers harm

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from a thorn to anything greater than it.

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absolves him or her because of that suffering.

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of certain evils evil deeds, they've done

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the same way that a tree gives off its leaves.

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So, patience,

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in times of suffering is a means of purification from sin. And this is why problems are Solomonic. Whenever he visited the sick, he was to say to haoran insha Allah, may this be a source of purification for you insha Allah.

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We also

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have the issue of developing patience, through forcing oneself to do what a patient person is supposed to do of Solomon said, Whoever tries to be patient, then Allah will help him to be patient.

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Meaning that we deliberately tried to do the things that the patient person would normally do though, were impatient, but if we continue to try to do it, then Allah will help us to develop that quality of patience.

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The sixth

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and just to recap what we've covered so far, the first one is

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correct your world Outlook or your belief.

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The second was, commit yourself emotionally.

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The third was,

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your complete trust is needed. The fourth was patience and perseverance.

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Now the fifth, I was jumping to the sixth, but the fifth sorry, is modesty. be modest.

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This is one of the characteristics which awesome man, even I've found very low on who was noted for he was noted for his modesty

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in a particular narration, which is why for the prophet SAW Selim related who said to the Prophet Moses, Allah was sitting was lying on a bed and

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her home with his shin expose that is from his knee down to his ankle, his foot was exposed.

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And our backer asked permission to enter the room. And permission was given on the process I seldom discussed with him without adjusting his clothing.

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Omar sought permission to come in, and he gave him permission to come in and discuss with him further again without adjusting his clothes. But then, off man asked permission to come in. When he did, the prophet SAW Selim set up and adjusted his clothing. And he came in sat with him and then talked with him and left. After that Ayesha asked the professor sallam, you know, when Abu Bakr and Omar came in, you didn't adjust your clothing, you just stayed as you were, but then when a man and to do straighten up your clothing, why? Because I said, I said, shouldn't I be shy towards a man whom the angels are shy towards, indeed, with man is very modest. And I was afraid that if I

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permitted him to enter the house in this state, he wouldn't have informed me of his need. For this was the nature of man, modesty. Now, modesty is something especially in our time, something very much lacking. In Western society, Western society is opposed to modesty. modesty is looked at as some kind of psychological impediment, you know, you're not free, you don't feel free to to be as you should be, as they see it. You know, if you have it, you should flaunt it. This is the kind of attitude that they promote. Whereas, Islam is the opposite. It's about modesty. You should be shy, you know, to cover yourself, not expose yourself this kind of things, and shyness. You find a number

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of statements with regards to Professor solemn in which he makes mentioned that shyness is related to faith. There are linked, though we might see on one hand, it seems to be something unrelated shyness, what does that have to do with our faith per se? The promises and he linked it to that it represents an attitude a frame of mind, that a person who has personal shyness for the grace of themselves, they will have shyness in the deen in their religion where it needs to be.

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problems that Solomon had said in the narration from Abu Masood, aka Eben, Ameren and Sati. He had said, the prophet SAW Selim said, from the words of the previous prophets,

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that people still find our, if you feel no shame, then you do as you wish.

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If you feel no shame, then you do as you wish, if you feel no shyness or modesty with regards to a particular thing, then you're likely do as you please or you can take it to mean that you can do it because it is likely to be okay. Because Allah has put within us a natural sense of,

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of realization of good and evil. As he said, fall Hama for Judah taqwa and each soul has been given a consciousness of good and evil. So if we inside ourselves feel a shyness about doing this, that there must be something basically wrong with it. You know, and on some occasion when people came and asked them about, you know what is wrong, etc. He said, Ask your heart.

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You know, ask your heart.

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Stuff the callback. Ask your heart because if you find it in your heart, if you feel uncomfortable about it, it's something that you don't want people to know about you even thinking about this thing, then you know that this thing is not good.

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And by this statement, the props are solemn. If you feel no shame, then do as you wish. This is expressed in another Hadith where he said Dharma Rybak Illa mala reback that is leave that which makes you doubtful for that which doesn't make you doubtful.

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So this principle of shyness wherever you feel shy about something you avoid it

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even if people come and tell you no it's really okay and so on. So know if you feel shyness you feel within yourself. There's something wrong here, then you shouldn't really do it. And some of the scholars of the past, like Alan macadam, he pointed out that China's this higher is an attribute

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that distinguishes human beings from animals is one of the unique attributes which distinguishes human beings from animals. And when you listen to modern Western psychologists and anthropologists, they're doing exactly the opposite. They're saying we should be like animals, right? Because they're looking at us as being descendants of the Apes. Right? Our great grandparents were monkeys the same as the other monkeys that are around now. And they say, Well, look, you see these monkeys walking around, they're not shy. You don't see them trying to cover themselves up, you know, they walk around naked and no problem. Really, that's the way we should be. So they have nudist colonies,

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nudist camps, nudist beaches, and it's being applied right here in school. If you go to school here, I know when I went to school, I went to Java's Collegiate Institute in town, right, we had a big old swimming pool there, and all of us through junior high, we all had to go swimming, swimming, start naked. And when I went to high school in North York and in the called North view heights Collegiate Institute, when they're all the way through my high school, we all had to go swimming, start naked, you weren't allowed to wear swimming trunks. The only people The only way you could wear some trunks is if you had some letter from the doctor saying you got some kind of deformity or something, you

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know, you got to hide yourself, then you're excused. Otherwise you had to go swimming or and when it's supposed to be naked. And the shower is when you come out of you know, playing pee or whatever, you go into the showers. Where's one of the showers just a big room with with shower heads in it, everybody has to go in there start naked. Right? This is a this is a deliberate attempt to break down the sense of natural sense of shyness is what it is all about. Because animals don't feel it, you shouldn't feel it. This is the intent here.

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And that's why people are feel quite comfortable to walk the streets wearing you know, virtually no clothes on themselves men very short pants and they don't walk in, they don't feel any shyness. It's gone.

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I know women will go you know in clubs and dance naked, * and skins, you know, completely naked. They don't feel shyness was gone. Because the society has deliberately and what they've done is they've made them like animals. That's why we said scholars said this is scholars of the past. This is the distinguishing characteristics of human beings.

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China's and of course,

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in Russia, Solomon said with regards to China's he said the HIA when he man Kadena, Jimmy and for either raffia huduma Rafi Allah har hyah that is China's modesty and Eamonn are two companions, they go together, if one of them is lifted, the other one goes.

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And another Hadith he said, so solemn, Allah hyah minute he man hyah is a part of a man is an element is inseparable from a man.

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what you find is, when we look at the issues of hire, and actually the number of other statements, for instance, I'm upset about it. But what is probably most important to us is that hyah all modesty should first and foremost be with regards to Allah.

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Because when we talk about modesty and the modesty of automounter delanco, that was personal modesty, and that should be there each person should have it. But the aspect of modesty, which is the greatest and the most important is modesty with regards to a law professor Solomon said, his stuff you mean a law Hakan higher,

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have higher or shyness towards a law in the correct manner.

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The Companions asked the Bronx asylum. We are shy

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towards the law.

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And two allies all praise

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Nebraska. Sam said no. This is not what I meant. The shyness they're saying, knowing that they don't walk around naked and this type of things. Okay. And so we shy we say no, that's not the shyness that I mean. Instead,

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the true shyness towards the law is for a person to me mindful of his head and what it contains of his stomach

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and the body parts close to it. And to remember death and disintegration and whoever desires the hereafter abandons the beautification of this world. The one who does this has higher towards a law in the proper manner of hire.

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That is,

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to be mindful of his head, his brain his thoughts

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what we think

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Though Allah is merciful, he doesn't hold us to account we still try to think what is best.

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Then we should also be mindful of our stomachs.

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The stomach,

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don't overeat.

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Actually this last element, which he had said that

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among the people who sign the Hellfire were people who are fat from overeating.

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And that's why I'm so solemn, you know, this is one of the points that actually over eating is considered to be Haram. It is haram. Because if it will put you in the Hellfire for it, and this is one of the signs according to Solon fic, if something is an act, the consequence of that act is you going to *, it means that that act is haram forbidden.

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And he said, in a hadith found inside Bukhari, amongst the signs of the last day said, we have heard of fee hemos *. And there's you'll see amongst them, fatties

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amongst the Muslims, that you will see people who are fat from overeating or people who have a glandular problem, but fat from overeating.

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Because it was the norm, the proper way was to eat moderately, eat a third, drink a third, leave a third for breathing, his brother saw Salim said, the believer, he says if he has one stomach, the disbeliever as if he has seven

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And it relates back to higher that we feel towards a law feel shy to overeat.

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This is one of the reasons why, you know we are not allowed to eat with both hands.

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This is for the Kaffir

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right left doesn't matter. So he can go, you know, and get this call, get his burger and he's just gonna go from both ends, you know, we have to we have the one hand on the right hand, so it slows us down, you know, this is all to help us

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control our eating.

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And he said and what's next to it, of course, what's next to it means your privates, that the person is mindful of their privates, meaning they're, they avoid fornication and the things that lead to it, staring at women, you know, a law tells us to lower our gaze,

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because that's the first step to adultery.

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And he also said, to remember death, and disintegration, as we're going to die, and our bodies are going to fall apart to become nothingness, to reflect on that this is also part of developing higher or shyness towards Allah.

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this characteristic of hair modesty is one that we need to strive for, it should be with regards to a law it should be regards to other human beings, you know, by

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avoiding or being shy to do anything which would harm other Muslims, or anything which should be considered indecent, we should have tried to avoid it.

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But there's also an aspect of shyness, which we should also avoid, and that is shyness with regards to doing what Allah has commanded shyness with regards to knowledge. You know, someone said that there's no shyness when it comes to the dean, who shouldn't feel shy about asking about things concerning the religion to know what is right to what is pleasing to Allah, we shouldn't feel shy to get that information. Also, it shouldn't feel shy to do what Allah commands us the time for Salah comes, you know, we're at school, at the university, we're on the job.

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To pray means to take out your mat and put it on the ground and start to pray everybody's gonna stare at you. Or maybe you're in the park, you know, to pray out there and when people feel shy, you know, people are going to be watching looking.

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We shy to the people are not shy to Allah is the point of shyness means that we avoid doing with a law has commanded us to do then that shyness is no good.

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As a shyness, which comes out of weakness of Eman, there's a shyness from strength of him and that's the one we want, or the one which comes out of weakness of the man. That's one we need to avoid.

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The sixth

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is that

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contentment, we should seek contentment

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to strive to find the things that will give us contentment in this life. If we are contented with this life, it is possible for us to achieve paradise if we're not contented with it, and we then become focused on the dunya then we lose the hereafter.

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as prophesied sentiment said, liason Hina and Catherine

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Catherine de la Lakin and Lena, Lena knifes. Wealth is not measured in the quantity of one's property, but in contentment

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and zaidan nefab that said, that the throne and certainly the manager,

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whoever sets this world as his goal,

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Allah will confuse his affairs, place poverty between his eyes and nothing will come to him

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out of the world except what the law has written for him.

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But whoever sets the hereafter as his goal, Allah will gather his affairs for him, give him richness of heart, and the world will come to him grudgingly, and submissively.

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This is the basis for contentment, making the hereafter our goal

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and the world whatever is there will come.

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We don't make it our focus, because life will be miserable. If we make it our focus, and that's the reality of the people who have the most money in this world, look at their lives. Are they happy? Yeah, on television or in the movies or whatever. They always show that you got a lot of money have a nice, enjoyable life.

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You fly first class everywhere, you know, everything is wonderful. But then when you look into these people lives you see suicide, drugs, corruption, sickness.

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So what happened? The wealth of this world didn't bring them satisfaction.

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And there's a hadith well known hadith of Allah 70 Malik,

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which he said, we were sitting with the prophet SAW Selim his message, the prophet SAW Selim, when a man came in the masjid, right. Or sorry, before the man came in, said, the person coming in the masjid. Next person come into Masjid is among the people of paradise. So this individual walked in was a non Sati from the answer. And he was carrying his sandals in his hand, and his beard was dripping from Voodoo.

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The next day while they were sitting there again, it was awesome said the next person coming in the masjid is a man from Paradise. And again, the same individual came in

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grade two Raka came and sat with them. The third day while service a day again, the prophet SAW Selim said the next person coming in is a person from the people of paradise. And they looked up, and here came that same companion again.

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So one of the companions were sitting there,

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whose name was I'm delighted, and I'm gonna have no loss. He decided that he wanted to find out what it is that made this man among the people of paradise. So he went to the man and said, Hey, I had this argument with my father. And I vowed that I'm not going to stay in this home for the next three days. So can I stay with you? So the man said, Okay, fine. come stay at my home. So he took him home with him. So he's stayed with them stay close to him.

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woke up at night, the man was still sleeping.

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He made his

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way back to sleep got up again to fast before fudger The man was still sleeping.

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They got a bed fudger during the day, followed him. Nothing special. One day went by. Two days went by three days went by. So by the third day, he was beginning to despise the guy. What is that? What is special about this guy is nothing. It's not doing any extra fast. He's not doing extra prayers, you know? So he went to them and said, Hey, listen, actually, I didn't tell you the truth. I'm only with you here because Panesar Sam said, You're among the people at the pirate paradise. I wanted to find out what it is. What are you doing? You know, I didn't see anything.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:26

So the man said,

00:34:29 --> 00:34:34

I have not I'm not doing anything more than what you saw. Said except that

00:34:35 --> 00:34:44

I bear no malice towards any Muslim. When I go to sleep at night. I don't have anything in my heart towards any Muslim

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nor do I feel any envy towards

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

Anyone for the good which Allah has granted them,

00:35:03 --> 00:35:05

of the live numbers, said,

00:35:06 --> 00:35:11

that's what brought you to your special station. And it's what we are incapable of.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:39

It was a simple, combining the process and this quality, which brought him to a station with him said, he is among the people of Paradise, his, his lack of desire for what other people had, if Allah bless them with something he was contented with he had he didn't feel I would like to have what they have, you know, feel jealousy towards him, his heart was free from jealousy.

00:35:41 --> 00:36:10

And he was contented because jealousy comes with discontentment. You have something you see somebody went through something, you're not contented what you have, you know, they say the grass is always greener on the other side. Right, Francis, Adam said, if you gave the son of Adam a value of gold, he would want another one. I see nature. So a person who is able to overcome that, where whatever law gives them they strive for whatever they get, they're satisfied with it. Then they see others they don't feel anything.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:17

They're not desirous of having what that person has. Few people manage that.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:23

Few people manage that. But it is among the

00:36:25 --> 00:36:32

habits or characteristics of the people of paradise. Something worth striving for.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:47

As I said, I've said Whoever makes the hereafter his sole concern. A law will be sufficient for him concerning his affairs and his needs in this world.

00:36:49 --> 00:36:56

A lot tells us in the crime will determine No, my father La La Habibullah come about

00:36:58 --> 00:36:59

do not look

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or do not wish or desire. What a law has favored some of you over others a lot tells us don't.

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He is favorite some over others. You think there's good in it and you want it you desire it but he's telling you No. It is a part of the test. is a part of a test of this life don't wish it on yourself.

00:37:24 --> 00:37:27

be satisfied with what Allah has set for you.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:39

And abrazos lm said look to those less fortunate than you are not to those above you. It is better to avoid denying the laws blessings. This is inside Buhari Muslim

00:37:41 --> 00:37:43

but in the end is

00:37:44 --> 00:37:45

Allah said

00:37:46 --> 00:37:51

surah Saba 34 min A by d a shocker.

00:37:52 --> 00:37:56

But only few of my slaves are grateful.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:01

Gratitude comes with contentment.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:08

If a person is jealous, envious, dissatisfied, they can't be grateful.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:21

But gratitude is among the characteristics of the people of paradise. Will I in Chicago, Lassie then

00:38:23 --> 00:38:31

lie in Chicago to La zedan Allah promises if you are grateful or you're thankful, I will increase my favorites on you.

00:38:36 --> 00:38:41

And when the prophet SAW Selim was asked, he was staying at night praying to his feet became swollen.

00:38:43 --> 00:38:56

People asked him why what Allah has promised you forgiveness for whatever you've done in the past, whatever you're gonna do in the future have any errors? And what was his answer? Shouldn't I be a grateful slave.

00:39:02 --> 00:39:07

And the rasa Salam was narrated by Abu huraira, saying, try to do your best.

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In being right, and be happy for none will enter Paradise only because of his deeds.

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They asked him even you all messenger of Allah and he said, not even I, unless Allah envelops me in his mercy and grace.

00:39:28 --> 00:39:29

The bottom line,

00:39:30 --> 00:39:32

it's about mercy.

00:39:33 --> 00:39:43

We need to be patient, to be content, to remove from our hearts jealousy towards our fellow Muslims.

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Very difficult, but

00:39:50 --> 00:39:51

worth striving for.

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Now the seventh

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seventh habit

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that we should think

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we should think about making the sacrifice. Those who make it to paradise are those who have sacrificed.

00:40:15 --> 00:40:33

Allah says, In surah Toba verse 111. In the LA star Amina Mina and fusa whom Allah, Allah, Allah whom the anila humble Jenna. Indeed Allah has brought bots from the believers, their lives and wealth for paradise.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:53

We know abubaker is well known for giving up all of his wealth, he and Omar used to compete with each other and trying to give as much as they could for the various causes that the prophet SAW Selim called them to give.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:05

And when Omar, you know, on one occasion had come and given half of his well thinking that he had done the ultimate sacrifice,

00:41:07 --> 00:41:26

he only came to find out that Abu Bakr had given everything. And when the prophet SAW Selim asked Abu Bakr, what did you leave for your family said, I left Allah and His messenger. This was the big sacrifice. This was what Abubakar Omar, all of the companions was man, everybody was known for this kind of sacrifice.

00:41:28 --> 00:41:42

And there's one of the companions again, not among the 10, who prophesied Salam promised in paradise because of sacrifice, sacrifice of wealth, what Allah has given us, is it trust from him?

00:41:44 --> 00:42:08

If we use it correctly, we give it for the sake of Allah, then we have benefited from it. If we don't, then we have wasted it, as well. So Solomon said, you know, when some of you like to give your wealth to others to children, no, give all your wealth to them?

00:42:10 --> 00:42:12

And they said, No, no, no, we want to use the wealth for itself.

00:42:14 --> 00:42:15

Well, he said,

00:42:17 --> 00:42:24

If you give the wealth in charity, and other righteous deeds, then you have kept it for yourself.

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But if you don't,

00:42:28 --> 00:42:37

then others will inherit it. You leave this world you can't take it with you. So in fact, you're given all your wealth to others, they will take it

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this individual Abu adada

00:42:44 --> 00:42:47

is related, that a man said,

00:42:48 --> 00:42:55

messenger of Allah, indeed, so and so has a dead palm tree and my wall is held up right by it.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:08

So instruct him to give it to me to keep my wall up, right? Professor Sallam told the man give it to him in exchange for a dead palm tree in paradise.

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The man refused.

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When he did that,

00:43:15 --> 00:43:24

he went to the man and said, will you sell me your date palm tree in exchange for my garden of the palm trees?

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And the man said, Sure.

00:43:28 --> 00:43:38

So he came to the prophet SAW Selim and told him what he did. It was awesome said okay give that did palm tree now to the same man who asked for it in the first place, and he gave it to him.

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And the prophet SAW Selim said,

00:43:41 --> 00:43:47

How many dead palm shoots have been given to a Buddha in paradise

00:43:48 --> 00:43:51

that will die went home to his wife, and he told her

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00:43:53 --> 00:43:54

leave the garden.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:02

I've sold it for a date palm tree in paradise. And she said, that was a profitable sale.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:06

another occasion I should said,

00:44:08 --> 00:44:25

a poor woman came to me carrying her two daughters. So I gave her three dates. She gave each child a date. And when she raised the third date to her mouth to eat it, the kids started to cry and they wanted more food. So she took the day that she had split it into parts and gave it to the children.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:39

And I should said that it amazed her that you do that. And so she told the prophet SAW Selim about it and the prophet SAW Selim said, Allah has made paradise obligatory for her

00:44:41 --> 00:44:42

for what she did.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:45

That is a sacrifice.

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That is one form of sacrifice. The other form is the ultimate sacrifice, Jihad to fight and allows way and to give one's life

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

For the sake of Allah as he said in the last hurrah, me Nina and fusa, whom Allah.

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Allah has bought their lives.

00:45:12 --> 00:45:21

recorded from Salah, saying Allah has guaranteed to put in Paradise, anyone who fights in his way, with only Jihad

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as his goal confirming a laws words

00:45:30 --> 00:45:32

this is what took him out of his home.

00:45:34 --> 00:45:39

Or he will return to his home with a reward or booty.

00:45:43 --> 00:45:58

And Anna Sydney Malik mentioned that when the enemy got the upper hand at the Battle of offered, the Messenger of Allah was left with only seven men from the answer, and two from Quraysh by his side,

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when the enemy press hard on them, and we're on the verge of overwhelming them, he cried out, who will drive away from us?

00:46:09 --> 00:46:47

Who will drive them away from us and get paradise. One of the answers stepped forward and fought until he was killed, but the enemy renewed their pressure. And again, the bumps that Sam cried out, will drive them away from us and get paradise and another from the answer step forward and fought until he was killed. But the enemy renewed their pressure, and one after another, the answer, advanced and fought until all seven of them had been killed. At that point allows messenger said to his two companions, we have not just done justice to our companions, but here were seven people. Their names are not known.

00:46:49 --> 00:47:06

But the Vasa solemn promise them paradise. another occasion, Albert reiben, as it related to the man, wearing an iron helmet, covering his face, came to the prophet SAW Selim and said, O Messenger of a law, should I go to fight? Or should I accept Islam?

00:47:07 --> 00:47:19

There is a non Muslim, but he wants to accept Islam, should I go and fight because I go into battle, or should I accept Islam, Sallam said, accept Islam and then fight. The man accepted Islam fought and he was killed.

00:47:21 --> 00:47:27

allowes messenger said about him a small amount of deeds, but a great reward.

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These are the truly successful, the people

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who have earned paradise, their ways, other ways that we should be striving for.

00:47:47 --> 00:47:52

Success in this life is not our goal. It is success in the hereafter.

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So we need to correct our belief.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:02

We need to commit ourselves emotionally, to the correct belief.

00:48:04 --> 00:48:07

We need to completely trust in Allah,

00:48:09 --> 00:48:16

to be patient, and to persevere in doing what Allah has commanded, avoiding what Allah is prohibited.

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being patient, in the time of ease, even more so than in the time of difficulty.

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And being modest,

00:48:29 --> 00:48:31

shy in our daily lives.

00:48:32 --> 00:48:39

as allies instructed us and shy before a law, that we would do anything displeasing to him,

00:48:41 --> 00:48:47

shy to misuse our minds, our bodies, our wealth,

00:48:49 --> 00:48:50

our abilities,

00:48:53 --> 00:48:54

and we should be content.

00:48:56 --> 00:48:59

We need to be content with what Allah has destined for us.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:05

If we believe in a law, that he knows the past, the present and the future,

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he's fair, he's just he gives us what we deserve.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:14

Then we'll be patient.

00:49:16 --> 00:49:26

And finally, we have to think, sacrifice, sacrifice of our wealth and sacrifice of ourselves.

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These are the characteristics of those

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who have earned paradise.

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We have to decide for ourselves, do we want it?

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Is our Islam real?

00:49:44 --> 00:49:51

Or are we just pretending to be Muslims? If it's real, then these characteristics

00:49:53 --> 00:49:59

will be most important to us. We will strive our utmost to develop them.

00:50:01 --> 00:50:10

If our mind if our Islam is for real, if it's not, then we'll go away this evening

00:50:11 --> 00:50:23

and carry on our lives. As if we hadn't ever heard these things we hadn't ever reflected on those who are promised paradise.

00:50:25 --> 00:50:27

We will leave here.

00:50:28 --> 00:50:34

As those who disbelieve focused on the material things of this life,

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the material things that will only come, according to how Allah has already destined it. No matter how much we desire, we pray.

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And we strive, we will only get what Allah has destined for us. I pray that Allah puts in our hearts, these characteristics, a desire for these characteristics, and helps us to make the necessary efforts, efforts which involve knowledge seeking knowledge about these people, their sacrifices, their efforts, their beliefs, learning from them, this is these are the salaf those who are promised paradise, I pray that Allah make us among them.

00:51:27 --> 00:51:33

And I'll stop here. If you have any questions. We can maybe take some questions for

00:51:34 --> 00:51:52

a few minutes, 10 minutes or so. I know, this has been a long lecture. You know, I don't normally give such long lectures. But it is a topic that I think we really do need to reflect on, especially in our times, where we tend to get so busy

00:51:54 --> 00:51:59

with this material life, we really have no time for the asherah

00:52:06 --> 00:52:07

was he that was foolish.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:11

Okay, brothers question.

00:52:14 --> 00:52:18

A lot told Adam, not to eat from the tree.

00:52:20 --> 00:52:23

He knew that this was wrong.

00:52:27 --> 00:52:35

Did he know the consequence of disobeying a law that he would be thrown out of paradise?

00:52:36 --> 00:52:40

And have to live his life on the earth? Did he know that?

00:52:42 --> 00:52:43

Well, we don't know.

00:52:44 --> 00:52:49

Because really, having never been on Earth, what would it even mean to him?

00:52:51 --> 00:52:56

I remember we talked about knowing to understand the earth.

00:52:57 --> 00:53:02

You have to be in the paradise to appreciate the earth and the difference.

00:53:04 --> 00:53:05

Anyway, the point is that

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when Allah commanded Adam, not to eat of the tree, which he placed there, he knew that Adam was going to eat from the tree.

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You asked, was Adam foolish enough to go and eat when he no he was told not to eat? Well in our law says that Satan caused them to forget

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them because really in disobedience, there is forgetfulness of Allah. This is why alcohol is prohibited, because it blocks your senses and causes you to forget so you can disobey Allah.

00:53:45 --> 00:53:48

So Satan, caused them to forget.

00:53:50 --> 00:53:57

And this is how he was able to get to him. But that whole process, Allah permitted him

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to commit that sin, because there was a greater benefit to come. What was that? That after committing the sin and realizing it?

00:54:10 --> 00:54:28

Allah had already told him words of repentance. So then he turned back to a lie in repentance, and allow forgave him. And that was the greater good because in his repentance, our laws, attributes of forgiveness and mercy

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were manifest. This is the greater, as promised, I'll send them said, if we human beings did not commit sins, Allah would have removed us and replaced this with another people who would commit sins turned back to align repentance, and he would forgive them.

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So this is part of our purpose.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:55

The Greater Good the good of turning to a law

00:54:57 --> 00:55:00

and seeking is forgiveness which

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

This is a great act.

00:55:03 --> 00:55:23

In the process, I've said what I tell a woman have them be command let them Bella. The one who repents from sin is like one without sin. That's how great it is. So to achieve that, it was necessary to see.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:37

So you see the role again, this was the issue of the role of evil and wrong in a loss creation, because it brought about that greater good of turning back to Allah.

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00:55:46 --> 00:55:47

further question.

00:56:03 --> 00:56:14

Brothers question, does one need to have all of these habits or characteristics or traits to attain ultimate success paradise?

00:56:15 --> 00:56:18

I call them seven

00:56:19 --> 00:56:30

habits. I didn't say this seven habits like Stephen Covey said, the seven habits, meaning that's it. There are seven? No, I don't know, seven is just a number.

00:56:32 --> 00:56:36

You know, this is only seven out of others. I chose seven.

00:56:38 --> 00:56:39

But it's not limited.

00:56:40 --> 00:57:01

I'm sure if you go further through the lives of other companions, there are others beyond the seven. So don't think the seven is not got a special number now. You know, otherwise, you have me committing Buddha. Okay. Right. So this is not I just chose that number because I told you the book said, Hi, use that number. So I just use it as a number to bring across seven out of

00:57:02 --> 00:57:29

different habits. Now, do you need all of them? Well, no, not necessarily. Well, the first one definitely, belief in a law correcting our belief in a law that is primary, and is definitely necessary. You know, there are aspects of patience, which are necessary aspects of all of them are necessary, but whether you need to have them to the peak? Well, no. Because all of the companions that were guaranteed paradise, we cannot say each and every one of them had it to the peak.

00:57:31 --> 00:57:38

Some of the companions is one of the companions, the kids, the prophet SAW Selim, and he asked him, you know, what can I do to get paradise he said, Don't get angry.

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That was the one for him. Because anger was his problem.

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That was his major problem. So it said, don't get anger, get angry, and you've got paradise.

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So it is

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for us to know, the issue of knowledge again, to know what is required of us of Islam.

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And we strive for the peak, the best that all of them did, they practiced

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if we manage to reach the levels

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on any of them or

00:58:20 --> 00:58:29

on a group of them, which is enough to take us to paradise based on a loss grace because it's again, not just our deeds alone but the mercy of Allah. Then we have succeeded.

00:58:30 --> 00:58:33

So we need to try for all of them.

00:58:35 --> 00:58:42

Since the prophet SAW Selim isn't around to just tell us Don't get angry, and it means we have to try for everyone that we can find out about.

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And of course, every last one of them has a place in our lives. If you take one out completely, then you know there's something something fundamentally wrong with our lives. So they all have a place but to master every last one of them or even managed to master one of them. That is just for us to strive for.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:12

Somebody back there was getting up to ask a question.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:29

was talking about dressing, you don't just like a Palestine or

00:59:30 --> 00:59:31

something like that.

00:59:33 --> 00:59:35

In Studio 270, Islamic dress,

00:59:37 --> 00:59:38

you can dress

00:59:40 --> 00:59:40

What do you think?

00:59:44 --> 00:59:46

The uniform like a uniform.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:59

We are asking whether it is required of us to wear a particular dress. Yeah, Muslims do

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01:00:02 --> 01:00:05

well, in the case of dress

01:00:10 --> 01:00:12

well as I said, in the case of dress,

01:00:13 --> 01:00:30

there is not a particular style, we can say whether it is MRR T, you know, this is what I'm wearing, you know, or Saudi or, or my knee or Kuwaiti or whatever the variety of different garments that people wear, Egyptian jelibean, whatever.

01:00:31 --> 01:00:34

Islam is not prescribed any of them.

01:00:35 --> 01:00:55

But the principle of dress is that one for men we're talking about specific for men that the hour shouldn't be shown between the navel and the knee, that his primary hour shouldn't be shown between the navel and the meaning that whatever you wear, whether it's a complete garment,

01:00:56 --> 01:01:45

or whether it is in pieces, you got to top and pants or is are what they call long gear, whatever, whatever you wear, it should not show your private area between the navel and the knee. Now not showing that area means one that your garment is not see through that you can see it. Right, that's one way that you're exposed, or secondly, that it is so tight. It molds and shapes the private area. When you sit. When you walk. When you bend in record and prayer when you bend down for sujood. If in your clothing when you go down into servitude, and you may not be able to tell from the dress that you're wearing pants, for example.

01:01:46 --> 01:01:59

If somebody comes behind you and sees you that position, and your private parts are molded by the clothing, then those private those clothes that clothing is haram.

01:02:00 --> 01:02:06

It's Haram, just as if your wife was to wear you know, they got this new suit that the tracksuit that the women

01:02:07 --> 01:02:21

are using in the and the men are using in the Olympics. They have a new special tracksuit, which is from the head right down to your feet. But it's like somebody just sprayed it on your body, like that kind of clothing. If your wife wanted to go outside, just like that, are you going to allow her

01:02:22 --> 01:02:43

to say No, you're not. You're not you're exposing yourself. That standard is not just for women, it's for both women and men. So if you wear a garment, if your pants, mold the shape of your private parts, when you bow when you prostrate when you walk, when you sit, then that garment is haram

01:02:46 --> 01:02:57

to pray and it number of scholars hold invalidate your prayer because one of the conditions for prayer is set through our covering the private parts.

01:02:58 --> 01:03:03

So to that degree, whatever you wear, either the pants should be very loose,

01:03:04 --> 01:03:12

in a very loose like, so loose that when you do these movements or normal movements, it doesn't expose your privates.

01:03:13 --> 01:03:31

Or you wear a top which comes down, you know past the middle point of your thigh so that when you bend and you do these things, at least that area is covered. That's basic requirement. Furthermore, it shouldn't go below your ankles.

01:03:32 --> 01:04:11

What you're wearing should be above your ankles, your garment should not hang for men below their ankles. And the garment that you're wearing should not be one of that is known to the kuffaar This is their dress, well known the cafe's word Muslim should be distinguished and this is where we spoke about the issue of wearing a cap. This is one of the things that helped to distinguish the Muslim in a society of non Muslims because if you're walking the streets, and really nobody has any idea of what you are, you could be a Hindu or a Buddhist or anybody

01:04:12 --> 01:04:17

then you are not fulfilling the Islamic dress code.

01:04:18 --> 01:04:32

The Islamic dress code is that you be distinguished. Of course growing the beard is a part of the Islamic dress code is compulsory to grow the beard to shave it is haram

01:04:33 --> 01:04:35

I know some people say it's Sunnah

01:04:36 --> 01:04:45

to grow it yes it shouldn't. But it is wajib Sunnah, a certain aspects of Sunnah which is compulsory and it is amongst them.

01:04:48 --> 01:04:48


01:04:52 --> 01:04:54

he was also talking about

01:04:55 --> 01:04:55


01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

make you a type that in problem like

01:05:00 --> 01:05:00


01:05:06 --> 01:05:07

if you just like that?

01:05:14 --> 01:05:17

Okay, if you're in a situation

01:05:18 --> 01:05:25

where for you to dress, for example, as I dress means that you're going to be subject to attack.

01:05:26 --> 01:05:26


01:05:27 --> 01:05:50

Then you are in doubt on Horeb. And it's time to get out. As well it means if you cannot practice your Islam, I mean, just be a normal Muslim, right? Because you're going to come under attack by the society, then it means you shouldn't be there. You need to get out for you to say, Well, no, I'm going to hide my Islam and just stay Why are you staying?

01:05:52 --> 01:05:56

You have to question yourself, why are you staying? Is it because life here is so comfortable?

01:05:57 --> 01:06:02

Then what is our goal? The Acura or is it the dunya? It's become the dunya

01:06:13 --> 01:06:25

the hours between the navel and the knee? the navel is not itself a point of our nor is the knee itself. Our but what is between them? What is below the navel? What is above the knee?

01:06:32 --> 01:06:32

No, no,

01:06:33 --> 01:06:46

no, the hours should be covered all the time in the presence of anybody except for your wife, or, you know, very close family members. You know, as long as it's just the lesser hour.

01:06:52 --> 01:07:02

Question here, brother. There's an issue that is not clear. And I was wondering if you could clear of the issue about the direction of the Qibla in Jamaica.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:07

The Jackson, the Caribbean, Jamaica, somebody asked me

01:07:11 --> 01:07:20

I guess you mentioned that I changed the Qibla. Whilst I was in Jamaica, something like that effect. Well, I don't know about changing any Qibla in Jamaica. But

01:07:23 --> 01:07:26

the issue of the Qibla which I clarified there

01:07:27 --> 01:07:40

was that we are required to pray in the direction of the Qibla. The general direction of the Qibla. We are not required to face the Qibla.

01:07:41 --> 01:07:42

Right on.

01:07:44 --> 01:07:53

If we don't see it, the time when we see the Kaaba, when we're in Mecca, there's the Kaaba in front of us to pray in another direction, the prayer is no longer acceptable.

01:07:55 --> 01:08:36

But if you can't see the Kaaba, and you pray in the general direction, that's all that is required of you. So for example, if you went and you build your Masjid, you set it up, you know, in a direction, which you based on your campuses, you got the general direction, the Kaaba, here, you got an idea, it's by that direction, and then you build your mastered on the basis of it. So you've you you're maximizing the space of the masjid, then somebody comes along with a new compass. And they say, Well, no, brother, we check the chair, you're off by three degrees, it should be three degrees. So now we're going to draw three draw lines and you can't make a full line front line anymore. And

01:08:38 --> 01:08:55

I told the brothers, you don't need to do this. Because after this person has got you to do this, along come somebody else and say, Oh, brother, it is another two more degrees and you're redrawing the lines again, you know, there's no end to it. The reality is that no matter how good a compass you get,

01:08:56 --> 01:09:10

you will not be able to get right on the Kaaba, you know, your 10,000 miles away. And believe me, if you are off by point 0001 of a degree, you miss the Kaaba by miles.

01:09:11 --> 01:09:34

Okay, so you really don't need to get into all of that. It's just the general direction and that's why the prophet SAW Selim said to the people of Medina, right for them, the Kaaba was south. He said, What is between the East and the West? But it's 180 degrees is your canola.

01:09:35 --> 01:09:59

As long as you're praying south, you're in the tabla. Enough. I didn't know you, sir. The religion is is. And that's what that's the point that I made, because people wanted that. It was a master of thinking Alberni. They had built it, they made the calculus somebody came along and taught them and so they were twisting and I said, you didn't need to do all this. Take it easy. The religion is easy.

01:10:14 --> 01:10:15

Okay, there's another issue

01:10:17 --> 01:10:55

the brothers asking about here in North America, there are two directions that seemed to come up for us. When we lay down the map, the map tells us that we should really be praying south east. But we hear MSA, people had calculated that it should only be northeast. So which one is it? If we lay that map down, it looks like northeast is not in the right direction. Though, technically speaking, as I said, as long as you're praying east, you're okay. So whether you pray southeast, or you pray northeast, in fact, doesn't really matter.

01:10:56 --> 01:11:04

But if you want to get technical, okay, you want to get technical, what you do is you get a globe,

01:11:05 --> 01:11:06

get a globe.

01:11:07 --> 01:11:15

And then you take a string, stick it where Toronto is, and take that string and put it where America is.

01:11:17 --> 01:11:18

And what you will find is that

01:11:20 --> 01:11:23

you will pray northeast from Toronto.

01:11:25 --> 01:11:52

Because the flat map that you see, is not the true image of the earth, because the earth is on a globe. And so the continents are twisted, the North America is twisting downwards, like this, the Europe is twisting sort of upward like this. So what happens is that when you actually line it up based on the actual global map, you end up northeast.

01:11:54 --> 01:12:00

That is the more accurate calculation. But as I said, in the end, it doesn't really matter.

01:12:02 --> 01:12:21

Not worth fighting over. Now you have a group of people that have a she's, you know, the abash from from Lebanon, as a group, they come in and they jam up people with the same thing. They come into them as you're praying in the wrong direction. It's not northeast, it's really easy and they bring the flat map and they showed me all last year that prayer is not accepted.

01:12:23 --> 01:12:25

Playing on people's ignorance.

01:12:30 --> 01:12:31

further question

01:12:35 --> 01:12:41

subhanak Allahumma will be humbucker the shadow Allah Ilana and Mr. Furukawa to garlic

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