Daood Butt – 30 in 30 Daily Quran Explanation #20

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the importance of learning stories and understanding one's own emotions and emotions for children to benefit their parents and siblings. It emphasizes the need for spiritual connections and connections with Islam to travel, and the importance of learning from people who believe in the Prophet's story. The segment also touches on the challenges of living without support and the importance of honoring parents through deeds and rewarding their actions. The speakers stress the need for people to test their emotions and experiences to determine if they are true or false.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa he was Salam ala Nabi Karim Allah He of Thomas Allah to attempt to slim. By shortly Saudi way acidity Emily Emily Sonia Coco Lee, my brothers and my sisters son, Mr. La cumbre Capital ye robotic capital.

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I hope that everyone is doing well in sha Allah Allah. Tonight is the 20th night of Ramadan. Some people may might think that tonight is the beginning of the last 10 nights of Ramadan. But the reality is it begins on the 21st night. And that's something simple that we'll do right now as we wait for people to log in. We'll we'll do this. Okay, so there's the first night of Milan, second, third, fourth, fifth 678 910

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that's the first 10

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then there's the 1112 1314 1516 1718 1920. That's the second 10. And then there's 2120 220-324-2520 620-728-2930.

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There you go. Hum vanilla. All right. I don't know why this is so confusing for a lot of people a lot of the time, you know, year after year, you figure that we would get a hang of this, but some kind of left for some reason. You know, there's always, you know, some people that get really, really confused as to whether the last 10 nights of Ramadan begins on the 20th night or the 21st night and so it begins on the 21st night. There is you know, there are some people or some massages that will start the last 10 nights on the 20th night because

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they say if there's only 29 nights during the month of Ramadan, then there won't be 10 last, like there won't be the last 10 nights I'll only be the last nine nights. And so in order to fulfill the last 10 nights we need to bump it up to the 20th and that's not something that is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu atta usnm if you go to mustard the number we will not today because you know the mustard isn't open to the public, but on a yearly basis and decaf begins on the 21st tonight, so you get into the mustard before mogilev on the 20th which means tomorrow.

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Of course we don't have that now we don't have the decaf now, but for some reason a lot of people get very confused about it. And so just wanted to clarify that my wife has just asked me as well about it. So, you know, put it out there in the community if you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who's confused, and then you can know, inform that person inform the other person to inform that person to inform the person who's confused about when the night of the last 10 nights of Ramadan actually does begin.

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Alright, so we'll jump right into it in sha Allah we're covering the 20th Jews of the Quran because tomorrow is the 20th day of Ramadan and tonight is the 20th night of Ramadan and from tomorrow inshallah to Allah we're gonna you know will continue through all the way till the end of the month with this class at the regular time but I am going to be doing an extra session on the odd nights at 10:45pm so every night every one of the odd nights so the 21st 23rd 25th 27th 29th nights those nights we will be doing an extra live streaming session and I'll be live streaming it directly from the Simon community center of Milton inshallah, okay, straight from the mustard. We do have chick

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with a father is going to be joining us as well as Jeff for the others as he that will be joining us on, you know, one or two of these nights so we'll allow the, you know, a good opportunity for us to tune in at 10:45pm on the odd nights of Ramadan inshallah. Tada. All right, let's get right to it. Verse number 59 have sought to know before we proceed, tonight, we're going to be covering this code up to number sort of two classes and sort of to an kyboot Okay, so the remainder of sorta no matter where we are right now, first number 59 unless of haddaway data shows us here

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how, you know, he, he's basically addressing the motion and those who disbelieve in him and he's giving you know simple questions to them so that they can think and ponder but look how Allah subhana wa Tada, you know, indicates to us as well that even though you may let people know about the creek about obasa pen with data as the creator, they will still not understand and they will still not comprehend they will still not believe. So it must have had with Alice's say to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells him to say, Praise be to Allah and peace be upon the servants he has chosen, asked the disbelievers which is better a law or whatever gods they associate

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with him or ask them who created them.

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Heavens in the earth, and sent down and sends down rain for you from the sky, by which we cause delightful gardens to grow.

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You could never cause their trees to grow. Was it another god besides Allah? Absolutely not. But there are people who set up equals to Allah. And then he says, ask them

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who made the earth? A place of settlement,

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caused the rivers to flow through it, placed firm mountains upon it, and set a barrier between fresh and salt bodies of water? Was it another god, another god besides Allah? Absolutely not. But most of them do not know. And then you'll see in the next verse, he also asked questions, and then he says, yet you are hardly mindful. And then he asks again, who guides in the darkness of this land in the sea? And at the end of that verse, he says, Exalted is a law above what they associate with him. He continues on and asks another question, Who originates the creation, then resurrects it, and gives you provisions from the heavens and the earth? Is it another god, besides a law, say, oh, Prophet,

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show me your proof? If what you say is true, and then say to them, so he tells the Prophet so long, I didn't tell him to ask all of these questions to the mushy corn. Those who disbelieve, ask them these questions, so that they can ponder they can think they can try to comprehend, you know, is this right? And you know, what's really interesting is that sometimes the truth is right in front of us, but we just don't see it. It's like a child, or even sometimes us, maybe even myself, sometimes when my wife says, you know, when she asked me to get something, I'm looking around, and I don't see it, and it's right in front of me. But for some reason, I just can't see it. I don't know, Allah

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made me blind to see that object, right. As in, you know, he made it not visible to me at the time. or somehow, you know, any one of us, when we're not fasting, you open up the fridge, and you're looking at it, and it's filled with food, but you're like it, there's nothing in there to eat? No, but it's filled with food. And I know, but there's nothing to eat. You know, so, so kind of a lot of us have handled it. And it shows us like, you know, you have a fridge full of food. And I know, it's a terrible example while we're fasting because while you're fasting, you don't even need the fridge, you just look outside the fridge and like, Oh my god, what's inside there is just like, I can't wait

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to eat it, right. But you know, when we're not fasting, when we're fully open up the fridge, and you're like, there's nothing in there, you know, you want to snack you like, looking through the cupboards.

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don't feel like eating anything in there. You know, and you feel like there's nothing there. But some had a lot, it's filled with food, it's filled with something. So unless dad is showing us that the signs of creation, sorry, the signs of greatness are around us everywhere. But for some, they just will not recognize it, they won't see it, they will not understand it, they will comprehend, you know, the signs of a loss of habitat is greatness.

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And then he says no, their knowledge of the hereafter amounts to ignorance. In fact, they're in doubt about it. In truth, they're totally blind to it. So lots of headwinds ahead is indicating to us, you know, those who cannot recognize the loss of Hannah Montana, they will not recognize a lot, right? Because first of all, they choose not to, and then because they choose not to, even if they try, they can't, they can't see or they can't recognize, you know, the greatness and power and mites of a loss of data, they will link it to something else will be like oh, but the rain is because of you know, photosynthesis and you know, the, the water in the in the ocean is because of you know,

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the icebergs melting. And the tree is you know, turning green is because, you know, the winter is over and the spring is here, you know, so they'll attribute it to something else and they will never ever link it back to a loss of what's at.

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Then also paired with another showing us in verses number 68 and 69 how the machine can say that this Deen is like the tails of the people of the past. Right? And then he tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to tell them okay, these tales of the past that you're talking about the stories that you're so you know, you know, have so well and these people who you know they lived before us, well, why not travel the world and go and see something about them. And so he says say he tells the prophets and along it was tell them tell them travel through the lens and see the fate of the wicked will see it will feel fun for Okay, for counteracting or to moduli mean almost some

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headwinds add it tells us to travel and this is the excuse that I use with my wife that I need to travel.

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Sitting in the other side of the room she can hear me Don't worry, right. You know, couldn't see it will feel of go and travel see the world but a loss of habitat is showing us so that you can understand the punishments that came to the people of the past.

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This semester, in fact, after Ramadan, we're actually going to start up a new semester of why my youngest son Academy. For those of you who don't live in Milton or live in Milton, but don't know, we've been running youth program out of the budget now for almost two years and Hamdulillah, it's been about a year and a half.

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We're doing a special summer semester this year. So regardless of where you are on Earth, you can actually attend this, we're doing a seven week long summer semester.

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It's basically $70 $10 a week, right? for household. So it's not per child, we're actually just going to charge per household. And you can attend in this, you know, this semester, it's actually really interesting. What we're doing for the youth is, there's myself and brother, Ahmed Hussein, who have been teaching, you know, the Waianae students since the beginning of the program.

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And what do we call it this semester? What's it called this semester?

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What's it called, though? Is the title for

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learn and live,

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then and now then and now? Right. So it's about it then. And now what happened? The Muslim Ummah then and now. So, you know, brother is going to go through the traditional sense of things as in what happened in history in certain regions of the world, like, we're going to look at, you know, certain parts of Europe, we're going to look at, yes, it will be online, so it will be streamed online. In fact, I think I posted about it on Instagram. You can go there and check it out in sha Allah. Believe I posted on my YouTube on my Facebook as well. So you can check it out there also. And if not, you know what, I'll post it later tonight and Siobhan the poster for it. So it's

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something that we've put together and Camilla Shay. Sorry, man, we were supposed to have pm the night that the weekend of March 14, right March 14, we're supposed to have pm. And I think you remember we had to cancel it because March, no marks 13 was the Friday was drama. And you know, because of the Coronavirus, we couldn't have it. So it is what it is. And inshallah we'll do a virtual PM, okay, you take your phone, and you turn your video on, and you show me you laying in bed, and I'll show you me laying in bed.

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shall know. So getting back to the youth program.

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You know, I would encourage you wherever you are on the face of the earth, this is going to be good. So brother, I'm just going to go through like the traditional sense of things on the Saturday. And then Sunday, I'll follow through with the modern context. And I'm going to be giving experiences or examples from the experiences that I've that I've had in traveling to some of these countries. So for example, what I've seen of Muslims in those countries, or what I know of interacting with Muslims in those countries and so on, and giving an update, like some Muslims in some countries, even though they're less Muslims than we are here in Canada, they may be far more advanced in what

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they're doing from an Islamic perspective in their countries in the Western world than we are and maybe Islam is a lot newer over there. So looking at some of the things that they've managed to achieve and how they've managed to achieve it and so on and so forth. That's what we're going to be studying, you know, this semester in sha Allah with the Waianae students, we're going to be starting I think two weeks after eat if I'm not mistaken, so there's enough time to register Don't worry about it inshallah, we're actually not going to be closing the registration this this time around before it starts because we're doing it online. It's all going to be run online in Sharla. Alright,

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so last time we chatted, it tells us we'll see it will feel fun. So go and travel the world and see what actually is out there go and travel to the Dead Sea and see you know, the place that this was a huge city go to for example, Medina sleight of hand learn about it, right. And remember when a lot of headlines, and it tells us to go and travel the world and see these things, unless of haddaway Tana doesn't want us to go there and just picnic and enjoy and sightsee and take you know, selfies and post about it and so on. No, what Allah Subhana Allah wants from us is that we take an example from it that it shakes us up that it reminds us an entire nation was destroyed, because they

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disobeyed. And so the importance of obeying the law subhana wa Tada. So when we obey Allah, in his advice to travel the world, we need to obey a loss of Henry to add in the lesson we get from where we're going to as well. And so, some people will travel the world and just go and enjoy themselves and have you know, vacations and so on and so forth. But there needs to be an element of education that comes from it. And that's absolutely important that you can't just and sadly You know, a lot of the time people go on vacation and they just stay in a resort and they get pampered and treated nicely and free food and and they come back and hamdulillah they had a nice vacation. But it didn't

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really get to your hearts but there wasn't anything there that you really benefited from spiritually.

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And so when we travel the world, we need to try and add an element of spirituality to it. Try and go to a Masjid try and meet with the Muslims already.

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Remember when I was in Tokyo simple example. I was in Tokyo, and I made my way all the way to the masjid.

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And it was my first time ever going to Japan. Everything was in Japanese. I went to you know, someone in the train station, I bought a pass for the train. I asked them for a map they gave me a map I said I need to go to Tokyo Jami mosque, right? So they showed me where it was on the map. So I'm like looking at these symbols written in Japanese, and I'm trying to compare them every single stop that the train is making. I'm like, okay, is this the one okay? No, that's not the one Okay, that's not the one. So I'm trying to make sure that I go to the right place. Then when I got out of the train station, I'm like, Okay, now I'm here. I don't know where the mustard is. And I didn't

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have GPS. I didn't have you know, a SIM card on my phone and I'm trying to find the masjid. And so I started to walk and I told myself if I find higher grounds, like just find an area where I can see over the tops of the houses, then I should be able to see the minarets because the masjid I was going to there's a minaret and that's exactly what I did. I actually walked down the street and then I noticed the you know, the stairs going up to the to one of the train stations. You have to climb up the stairs. So I climbed up the stairs. And I saw in the distance over the roofs of the the homes, the minaret and then I just started walking in that direction going down the streets and

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eventually a handler came to the masjid right. When I got to the masjid, it was locked. The doors were locked. I couldn't get inside and I was so like heartbroken and disappointed. I was like some kind of like really wanted to go inside the masjid. And I'm looking through the window of the masjid I can see inside of my car. So beautiful. You know, you and I only had one day in Tokyo and I you know, I just I left the airport. And I went and I was I was just exploring.

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And on my way back now. So I was I was going back to this famous intersection in Tokyo where there's a lot of food places you can go and eat and I was going to go get some sushi. And I was in the train. And as I was, you know, transiting going into one of the other trains. A Muslim brother was coming out of a train. And he was right. He was you know, wearing like a hat on his head and wearing a thong and I was like, Okay, he's Muslim, and he came right up to me, I guess I looked like the only non Japanese and possibly Muslim in the area. So he came right up to me and he was like a Santa Monica. And I was like alikum Salaam. He's a Muslim. Like, yes. You know, I didn't need to ask him

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if he was Muslim. Like, it's, you know, see that he was wearing, you know, traditional Muslim clothing. Or at least you know, I wouldn't assume someone who's not Muslim to be wearing that kind of clothing in Japan. And so somehow he came up to me

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and asked me if I was Muslim give me Sonam. And I was like, I went to mustard but mustard is locked. And he was like, No, no problem. Now open open time. Okay, go mustard. I was like, Okay, good. But now I gotta go to the airport soon. So I can't go back the other way. I need to go this way. So I didn't get to go to the masjid. But it was beautiful. Because I got to learn so much from that, that one day of being there about, you know, the accessibility of halal food, and, you know, tourism, Islamic tourism in the country, and how that's, you know, opened up a lot, I got to learn how, you know, the mustard is closed throughout the work hours, you know, and then obviously, you do some

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research afterwards. And I ended up you know, getting in contact with the Imam of the masjid. And, you know, learning that, you know, certain times of the day, it's just going to be closed because no one's there. And then there are office hours, and I went to the masjid and I saw it, you know, the design of it and so many things that you learn. And so travel, it broadens the mind and it allows us to seek, you know, the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When you go places, you you really need to connect with Allah in in the ways that are, are present for you in those countries in those regions. sha Allah Tada.

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So maybe we should do an Islamic

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Islamic vacation together.

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We'll do like, we'll do like a tourism thing. Every year, we'll we'll go somewhere for 10 days. You know, take a trip somewhere to a different country, bring our families bring our children go and we'll learn together, we'll have classes and so on and Chatelet pitch it to you as an idea and if you give me the feedback let me know what you think your child and message me privately. All right, we'll move on unless a penalty to Allah shows us that here in this order. We'll move on to sort of two plus us so what are the costs us is the stories right? Or the narration

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and at the very beginning of the suta Allah subhanaw taala goes through the story of Musa alayhis salaam once again, we said that he is the Prophet whose name is mentioned the most in the in the Quran, right? He's mentioned by name the most in the Quran. And what's really interesting about the story of Musa alayhis salam here is that it was a pen was added goes into detail of Musa and he sent him as a child as well. So he tells the story of Musa but also how Allah Subhana Allah was guiding him from China.

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adulthood. So from childhood he was being guided, but also under the protection and guidance of a loss of handle what to enter

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into even into his teenage years. And then as a young adult musalla his setup, you know, he was being raised in the house of our own. His mother was really scared because you know, the children were being killed all the boys that were born in every other year were being killed, because Fernando was told that there will be a boy who's born from your nation, that will take over that will be the king, right? And he didn't want that to happen. And so every other year, he was basically killing or ordered, you know, the children to be killed to be murdered.

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And this is why people ask this question What about how to win the outcome How to Win was not from those children. And that's, that shows us that there was a year that children were being boys, not children, but boys were being collected and killed. And then the following year, they were not and then so it was every odd year right? Then Allah subhana wa tada shows us also how Alan's wife encouraged the adoption, or encouraged to take care of Musa it has set up as a baby as a child. So the mother was told, you know, was inspired by Allah Subhana Allah to add, if you fear for your life, then take the child and place him in the water, right? So she put him in the water, and he

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floats. And then the wife of Freetown found, let's see, if you all know the name of the wife of

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the wife's name, type it in the chat that sees you know, it's a test for you and to get get more traction on the chats. Right. If people speaking there speaking of traveling, I was just wondering, are women allowed to travel alone or near my home? Okay, that's for another day. But we're asking what is the name of the wife of fear own? Who knows?

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Asya very good. I'm the love Muslim mother, who would coach Asya very good. hamdulillah. Alright, so now everyone's got it. Yes, yes. Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Good. So she, you know, the baby was found and she pleaded with Fidel, and she asked him, you know, what, why don't we take this baby and keep him look after him? Like, what's the worst that can happen? He's being looked after in our home. I'm pretty sure he's not going to you know, do anything harmful to you, you're feeding him your clothing him, you know, he's, he's, he's a child. He's a baby, like, how harmful could a baby be? But that also pedowitz had a you know, made it such that

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it was agreed upon that he would stay there.

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But the baby needs to feed. And this baby was being picky. You know Moosa as a baby, he was being picky. He didn't want to drink from anyone. And you know, it was very common in history, even now, you know, where someone has a child and they give the child to someone else to feed right to drink from their milk. But Moosa had a he sent him didn't want to do that as a baby. And so, you know, one of his,

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one of his relatives or his mother's relatives, had indicated that she knows someone whose milk is is sweet and babies like to drink her milk. So maybe we should ask her to come and see if you know she's going to if he's going to drink from her. And that's exactly what happened and ended up being the mother of most addicts. And so he came, she came, and then Moosa drank from her, and you know, her milk was sweet other children drink from her so and Hamdulillah, she, you know, fed him and he drank.

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So that's a mercy from a loss of handling data. And that goes to show us how long was taken care of Moosa, even during that time, right, a loss of data was taken care of Moosa, and he sent him during that difficult time where, you know, the mother was was fearing for her child's life. But Allah made it, you know, the that she would come into the home of the Faroe Islands in order to feed that baby, that musalla. He said, when he grows up and gets older, and he punches the Coptic men, and then you know, he ends up fleeing, and he flees, and he goes to

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two to medium.

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And, you know, he tries to keep that killing a secret, because he didn't intend on doing it, and he knew that it was a crime and he would possibly be punished for it. So he left he fled to meridian. And when he arrived over there, he saw that there were these children, not children, these two sisters, you know, they had their animals that they wanted to feed with the water of this pond, right, and the animals of the area, they would come in, they would, they would drink from that water. But these two sisters because they were women, and because they were younger, you know, the people that the other shepherds that were there with their animals feeding their animals, you know,

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they never would let them go first. They will always just take their animals forward.

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And you know, the two sisters would wait with their animals until all the men and all the other shepherds left and their animals left and then they would bring their animals forward. So when Mossad acnm was laying down resting, he saw this, he went over to the two sisters. And he, he sought their permission to take their animals for them forward to go and feed them, and then bring them back. And he did that. And then he returned the animals. And he went on his way, and he went to rest. And the sisters noticed this. And so they went to their father and they told their father what happened. And so he invites Mossad is sent him to come over for dinner. Now,

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it's beautiful how it happens, right? It's like a love story marriages, you know, in the air. But so Pamela, you know, he gets invited over and is asked, you know, to marry one of the daughters, and he agrees to marry one of the daughters, and he's going to stay for some time, he stays for a number of years, he lives with them, he works the land, he takes care of things for them, and so on and so forth.

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And so, they come to LA, you know, you're an eight year contract there, you know, for musala he said them, and then afterwards, he returns to Egypt and on the way to Egypt, you know, he goes and he meets with Allah subhanho wa Taala Ana's. And he discusses with a one he's given Prophethood he sees the fire, he goes over, he asks about some headwinds and allow one my brother to be, you know, my, my, my helper, my messenger with me. And so Allah Subhana, WA, tada grants that to him. So what was the whole purpose of all of this is just to show a lesson plan with data showing us and sort of to us, it's a story. And there are beautiful stories in the Quran. And there are beautiful stories that

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we need to teach our children.

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And these stories, you know, are true stories, they're stories of prophets, their stories of messengers are stories of nations of the past, and people who, you know, disobeyed people who obeyed people who followed and so on, and so forth. And these stories are so important for us and our children to learn my brothers and sisters, because we spend a lot of time teaching our children's stories about things that really are not very useful, right? A lot of the time of waste, you know, waste people time, people's time and waste their energy. You know, there are some benefits, no doubt, you know, I've had this debate many times, like,

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personally, I don't like reading books about things that are just not true or not real like I like documentaries. I like you know, books about reality, not you know, made up fake, make believe stories and stuff like that. But there are some benefits like you know, language, you pick up language, vocab, vocabulary and stuff like that.

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But generally speaking, we should also focus on the stories that are found in the writing stories that we find in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. Because these are stories that are impactful. There's a reason why I'll put them in the corner and for us, right, and there's a reason why other stories were not put in the plan. Right? So the stories that are found within the plan are absolutely important for us, we need to learn them, we need to benefit from them. And we need to believe that these are true as well because a lot tells them to us so they have to be true like the story of of Yunus, Prophet Yunus at his center, being swallowed by a whale.

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Sometimes people hear this and they're like, Yeah, but is it even true? You know, children asked this question. Whenever you teach it in the masjid. There's always one or two or three children who come and they say that is that story really true. Like, how does a human being get swallowed by a whale? You know, so our children need to know that Yes, it is true. Because,

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you know, Allah is telling us the story in the Quran, Allah wouldn't tell us something that isn't true. Nothing that comes in the end is just faking, and not true, make believe it's real. And so we have to believe in these stories, my brothers and sisters, we need to teach them to our children as well. Then we move on to lesson 10 with Anna shows us, the pious scholars of the People of the Book Kitab. There are some from amongst them who will believe in the Quran when they hear it. So there are some pious scholars of the People of the Book, who will believe in the ayat of the Quran when they hear them and they will say that this is the truth. Look at what all of us have had with Allah

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says in verse number 52.

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He says, As for those

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who are faithful to Him, we have given the Scripture before this as in before the end, they do believe in it. When it is recited to them, they declare it we believe in it. This is definitely the truth from our Lord, we had already submitted even before this right so Alyssa pemilihan, is showing us that there are pious righteous people from 100 keytab, from amongst the Jewish and the Christian, because they in their scriptures, the purity of Islam and the purity of the language and the purity of you know, their respect for their own scripture and their own Deen. You know, they recognize that yes, what came in the code and this is truth

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and then

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says when they hear slanderous talk, they turn away from it saying we are accountable for our deeds and you for yours, peace is only is our only response to you, we want nothing to do with those who act ignorantly. Right. So they'll come and they will, they will talk to you nicely. And we've seen this in the history of, you know, our own lives dealing with people who are not Muslim, you know, they they themselves, you'll find some that are respectful, and some that are very understanding. They say, Wow, that's so true. That's exactly what we believe right? When you tell them the story of Mary, money in it has sent out and in other parts of the plan as well and

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then there are some who will completely reject it right. There are some who will say no, this is not true, this is false. This is all a bunch of nonsense and they will reject it. And Allah subhana wa tada shows us right after that, in verse number 56, he says in the cabinet, and even when I can ally the manga shop, well Aaron, it will be limited in you surely cannot guide whoever you like oh Prophet, but it is Allah who guides whoever he wills and he knows best who are fit to be guided. So Allah subhana wa tada shows us here that even though you know there are people who are righteous, or there may be people who are ignorant and people who reject the last panel, it's added. It is not us

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who guides and we cannot guide them in Nicoletta demon. Even though you love them you might have this love within you might be a relative might be your parents. It might be your own children, right? It might be your siblings. That love No one can take that love out of our hearts. It's there right there. They're connected to us. Our blood is the same but Allah subhana wa tada shows us that even though you love them, it's not you who guides them. When that can the Lucha de Manya Sha, Allah Subhana wihtout is the one who guides will be wills. We ask Allah Subhana which Allah to guide us and guide our loved ones, friends and family to what is true and what is right. I mean,

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let's move to Surah LAN cable.

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From the very beginning of Sula to Angkor Wat,

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verse number one, two and three, Allah Subhana atana says, Man, you're blocking him anything.

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He has even

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worse use

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what are called the certain la

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COVID. In sunny

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la levena.

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dB. last panel with Allah says any flare mean, do people think once they say we believe that they will be left without being put to a test? This is a reminder for us my brothers and sisters an eye opener, you know, we at times feel as believers as Muslims as meaning, we think, because we believe we're safe, we're protected and everything's gonna be fine. Don't worry, no, we're going to be tested. And it's not just tests of hardship in life, it's test of our emotion as well, our event our belief will be tested, are we going to do what's right according to a law, when, for example, one of our relatives who we love, who, you know, the emotions and feelings that we have for them in our

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hearts, it, you know, makes us do things sometimes that we regret, right? We regret doing it. And that's a test of our event. Are we going to do what's right, are we just going to do oh, you know, my father and my mother, you know, it's my, my siblings, my my children? You know, it's okay, you know, a little understanding No, this is the test. That's the test from Allah, Allah showing us You can't just believe and think you're not going to be tested. Right? It's not It's not that easy. Don't just say, Oh, I believe house I'm going to paradise. No, you're going to be tested. And our human will be tested regularly. My brothers and sisters that and the closer we come to a lot the

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more of us have had with animal test us. Right? But people get scared of that they're like, okay, so don't be righteous because then you know, you won't be tested so hard. But when you The closer you are to Allah, is that the lower I'm done? Yes, when Allah subhana wa, tada loves someone, he tests them. So the more close you come to a law, the more hard the more challenging your tests are. But they seem more challenging to the person who is further away from Allah. And the person who is close to Allah is going through that test. But he or she is saying and hamdulillah You know, they're able to withstand it, they're going through it, they're like, it is what it is, I'm gonna accept it and

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move on. Like, it's from Allah subhana wa, tada, just move on.

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And so, you know, as much as people fear being tested from a loss of data, we have to also understand that it was building us up to be better, stronger, more resilient people and it allows us to go through

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These tests a lot easier. And then he says, we certainly tested those before them. And in this way, Allah will clearly distinguish between those who are truthful, and those who are liars, those who are truthful in their belief, and those who are liars and just saying, I believe, but they don't actually believe or like, yeah, I'm listening. Oh, okay. Didn't know. Right, knowing you for so many years didn't know you were Muslim. Right? And so some had a lot. Sometimes we do find people say, yeah, Muslim, they don't know that they're, they don't know what it means to be Muslim. not putting anyone down, not mocking anyone. I actually have, you know, people that I've met and spoken to and

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spent time with

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some kind of, I have a really good friend of mine who, you know, growing up their family, their family was a family of Muslims. But their grandfather, you know, was the person who finally realized, wait a second, what is this book that's on the shelf that our, you know, parents and grandparents have always used to? They always used to open up and read from.

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And so now they look at it and they're like, Oh, what is this thing is the Quran? Oh, it's a divine book. It's holy, okay, let's open it and read from it. And so they start to learn about Islam and they pass it on to their children, their families came so far away from a lot and then they turned went right back to a loss of kind of what I had. Right? So it's important for us to, you know, recognize that we will be tested and Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here that he's testing us to distinguish between who's actually going to believe or just saying I am Muslim. Paradise is for me, I'm gonna I'm the chosen one, right? That's that's not what Allah subhana wa wants from us. We move

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on to verse number seven.

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Verse number seven, Allah subhana wa tada says, As for those who believe and do good, we will certainly absolve them of their sins and reward them according to the best of what they used to do. We have commanded people to honor their parents see Allah subhana wa tada talks about, you know, doing good righteous deeds. And immediately afterwards, he mentions one of the best things that we can do. You want to attain paradise, we want to believe one of the hardest challenges, one of the most difficult challenges that we'll go through, is dealing with our parents, right? Why? because it requires a lot of patience requires a lot of stamina sometimes requires a lot of finances requires

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time out of our lives, it sometimes requires sacrificing years of our lives as well, not doing what we wanted to do, because we have to look after them. And so unless the pedowitz ad is showing us here, we commanded people to honor their parents, bam, right away, you want to get to paradise, you want to do good deeds, from the best of deeds that you can do is honor your parents look after them. But if they urge you to associate with me, what you have no knowledge of, then do not obey them, as in the one time that we are allowed to disobey our parents is when they ask us to do something that is displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala something Allah is not happy with to me, you will all

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return and then I will inform you of what you used to do so unless of handling data showing us that we will return to a lesser penalty data and

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and he will tell us, he will inform us of the things that we did that were wrong. He will also reward us for the things that we did that were right and good. And you know, the best way that we can, you know, gain,

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reward and nearness to Allah subhanho wa Taala that is through honoring our parents, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make that easy for every single one of us. I mean,

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verses number 14 and 15 know how to his system. You know, he called his people Allah subhana wa tada says, Fela, Visa fee him Senate in Illa. Allah indeed we sent more to his people. And he remained among them for 1000 years less 50. As in he came to invite his people and he stayed inviting them for 950 years. Then the flood overtook them while they persisted in doing wrong, okay, so what must have happened without that shows us how 950 years one of the prophets a chosen person, right, one of the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala ad is calling his people to obey Allah subhanho wa Taala. And what do we see? Only, you know, dozens of them actually follow and believe right? Less than 100

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approximately 80 right, believe and follow know how he has set up and look at that in 950 years of invading them and calling them towards goodness, may Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for us to you know, invite those who live around us who we love, who we know very well to the oneness of Allah subhana wa tada and make us a means of conveying this message to those who are around us. I mean, so the story continues, and then the loss of Hannah Montana so he talks about profit, know how to his son and then even on him, they lose interest.

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I add in thermowood.

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But a question here for you. A question that I have is, do you ever wish that you could have lived at the time of some of these profits? Let me see what you say. Just type it in in the chat there. Do you ever wish that you could have lived during the time of some of these profits or even the time of the profits on a long ladder? USM? Yes or no? Just type it in really quickly? Yes or no?

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Let's see what you say.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:51

Okay, Alicia says yes. Okay, Mohammed zofran. Yeah. Anyone else? a nun? Yes. Ibiza? Yes. Okay. Kai. Yes. Of course. Yes. Yes, of course. Okay. Maha roof. Yes.

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Yes. But whenever Allah has made us is best for us. Yes. But that's not the question. The question is, would you have you ever wished that you could have would love to live with the prophets all along? I need to send them Yes. Okay. Um, saltiness says no. Okay, good. I like that answer. I like that answer. I'm going to explain it in a while. The difficulties they went through way too severe. A lot of very good. You're on the right track. As he says, yes. Only during the time of our Prophet. Okay. Okay, good. Most people, most people say yes. All right. You know what my brothers and sisters, Allah subhana wa, tada, allowed us to live at this time. And this is the best time for us

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to be here. Why? Because if we believe no and Hamdulillah, remember, there's no guarantee that we would have believed at that time, you know, and this brother is pointing out a really good, you know, point here. And that's exactly what I really wanted to get to was, we don't know, if we would have been able to go through the hardships that they went through. And we don't know, if we would have been believers, we may have said, You know what, this is nonsense. And Alhamdulillah, we've been blessed. For the most part, most of us, I would say, have been blessed with the ability to be born and raised in born into and raised by Muslim parents.

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And it's a Muslim family. That's raising us as Muslims. So we don't really have that choice. We're not making that choice, either Islam or another religion, right? It's like Islam. And then we're like, okay, Hamdulillah, Islam is good for us. Let's live it right. And then some people will leave, right there are some people who rejected, like, know how to his son and his son rejected. But the interesting thing is, my brothers and sisters, we don't know if we would have believed at that time, because those hardships, those challenges were so difficult. And as much as we'd say, I wish I could be with this prophet. I wish I could see this. You know, this time, I wish I could have lived during

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that era. But we don't know if we would have believed so Alhamdulillah we need we live now. And then hamdulillah we are believers, and we are thankful to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, because we don't need to live then or now in order to attain genda it's what we do while we're living that will get us to agenda so we need to continue working at that. inshallah Tad And lastly, my brothers and sisters who went to Angkor Wat, of course, we need to look at the parable that is being given here. I can't wait to add as shows us the parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of a spider, spinning a shelter so that the solar is called uncovered the spider right?

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And so Allah is giving us the example of those who seek, you know, protection from idols or they commit shifts, they seek protection from other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's as though they've they're clinging on to the home of the spider, the web, the spider web? Is the spider's web a strong home? No, it isn't. Yeah, it is. Of course, we can debate it and say yes, it is, you know, the strength that it holds and so on. But us as humans, we could just, you know, flick it away and it's gone. Right, so it's very flimsy. Wind can come and blow it away. Rain can take it down right, it can easily be destroyed. The House of the spider is the web and the web can be destroyed very very

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easily. But my brothers and sisters on loss of habitat is showing us that when those who worship other than a loss of data they cling on to their statues or idols or false gods and so on. It's as though they've clung on to you know, this, this very flimsy house of the spider the web that can easily just fly away in the wind and they would be lost forever. And that's exactly the example that Allison had without is given to us here. In the sutra We ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us to continue to learn from the ayat of the Quran. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to open our hearts to him to grant us complete and full forgiveness to make it easier for us to reach tomorrow,

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which is the last 10 nights of Ramadan and to seek out the Knights of Labor took other amongst the last 10 nights, I mean, which is I can locate on some level or send them all of our Canon abena mahamadou either earlier or sell them or sell them or adhikam

In this lecture we learn about the 20th Juzz / Part of The Quran, which begins from Verse 56 of Surah An-Naml (The Ants), Surah Al-Qasas (The Stories) and the first 69 verses of Surah Al-‘Ankaboot (The Spider).

Items we cover are:
– Allah asks the Mushrikoon about the creation on earth
– Advice to travel the world
– Stories are a good learning tool
– The pious from among the people of the book agree to the truth of the Quran when they hear it
– Allah is the only One who guides the hearts of those we love so dearly
– Warning! Just because we believe, doesn’t mean we will be free from tests
– Success is with those who believe and righteous deeds
– From the best deeds is being respectful to our parents
– Prophet Nuh invited his people towards the Truth for 950 years
– The spiders web: Is it the strongest home?!

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