Connect The Dots 01

Boonaa Mohammed
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the benefits of poetry and its use in protecting animal species. They emphasize the importance of learning from examples and not just achieving perfecting levels. They also mention famous figures who use poetry in their work.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam, ala rasulillah. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Brothers and sisters, this is your brother Bono, Mohammed. And I have a very special momentous occasion happening in my life, I'm actually going to be celebrating my 10 year anniversary of being a professional performance poet what I started out when I was 19 years old in 2006. And now I'm 29. And we're in what 2016. So this is going to be 10 years coming up this September for me. And I just, you know, I feel so grateful to Allah subhanaw taala that he's given me the ability to do something that I love, and make it a means of paying the bills and actually taking care of myself

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and my family, but at the same time sharing a message, which I hope inshallah will be a bigger reward on the Day of Judgment for myself. And, you know, one of the things I wanted to do to celebrate this momentous occasion is to start trying to give back to the community, because I know there are a lot of brothers sisters out there, who are poets who are closet poets, and who've been emailing me and asking me for years, Brother, you know, give me some tips. I'm a poet, can you read this, keep telling me what you think. And I teach a course actually called connect the dots, which is a one day full, on course, on effective communication, specifically, but also looking at how to

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improve as a writer, as an artist, as a poet as a creative person. And so I thought, why not just take this course and put it online for free, alright, I've had a good run at it. I've taught in many places around the world, but I want people to actually benefit and I want to create a generation of creative artists and Muslims inshallah, that will go out there and change the world. And if I can be a part of that inspiration from the very beginning, then inshallah It's enough of an investment for myself. So this is going to be a video series, it's going to be many parts. I don't know exactly how many parts yet, but we'll find out at the very end. So before I begin, you should know that there

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actually is a PDF that you can download. And you can follow along the entire program in Sharla, the entire video series, it's in the description box where everybody was pointed out, it's in the description box, if you want a shout out, you can download it and follow along. But first things first. Is poetry permissible? Yes. Okay. Why not write, I've never come across any scholarly discussion or debates that actually states that poetry is how long, there are certain things that we should look at in terms of speech, because this really falls under the general ruling of speech. Right? poetry falls under the general ruling of speech, and there's a, you know, a statement by one

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of the sons of urban Zubair who said that poetry is like speech, what's good is good, what's bad is bad. Meaning that if you say something, which is, you know, good, it's, it's calling to good, it's enjoying the good and forbidding the evil, it's helping society, you know, maybe draw attention to some sort of social ills or helping to encourage you know, something good or positive or praising a Lost Planet Allah or speaking about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in a positive manner, then not only is it permissible, but it is must have meaning it is actually recommended and is a deed which insha Allah, you will be rewarded for. Right? On the flip side, if somebody is saying something

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which is wrong, which is impermissible, they're calling to something which is out on their, you know, in their speech or their poetry, they're making shirk, or they're overpraising somebody, including the profits on the lower end, they're saying things about him, which are incorrect or not true. If they are, you know, speaking ill about women, or they're, you know, degrading other people. In this particular instance, this speech would be impermissible, thus, their poetry would be wrong. So, the general premise is that poetry is fine, it just falls under the ruling of speech. So whatever good speech comes about, if you're saying something good, then you could be rewarded by it.

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inshallah, if you're saying something which is wrong, then obviously, there's not anything within it that will be rewarded by most panatela. So what about the person who reads or writes poetry surely out of entertainment, with absolutely no kind of Danish benefit to it? So you know, you're just writing or reading poetry about, I don't know, like, butterflies on your window. So all right. That's your genre. That's cool. That's fine. But this particular type of poetry, there's no major kind of Danish benefit to it, right. But at the same time, there's nothing explicitly haram within it. So this takes the ruling as something which is more back meaning something which is neutral,

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it's not going to be rewarded, and you're not going to be punished because of it, it just is completely fine. It's halau. You can enjoy it, you can do it. Unless of course, you indulge in it so much that it takes away from your, you know, your deen related duties, like if you start missing your Salah, because you're just, you know, reading or listening to poetry continuously where it's keeping you awake, or it's preventing you from remembering a loss panatela correctly, then, of course, it's something that you should be careful with, and it can fall into the category of something which is impermissible. But generally speaking, if it's speech, if it's fine, if it's done

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for entertainment in Shaolin and, you know, halau pastime, there's nothing wrong with it, but hopefully inshallah, what we're trying to do is inspire all of you out there to pick up your pen and use it as

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as a tool to not only benefit the people in this world because of course inshallah, we want to benefit everyone around us, but also benefit ourselves by doing something which is pleasing to Allah as the agenda which we will be rewarded for on the day of judgment in ChildLine. And you know, when you actually study Islamic history and you look at how arts played a role in the Islamic Revolution, the renaissance of how Islam was spread, I mean, during the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. There were poets, this is not a new phenomenon, there's not a new thing that we're making up, right? There were people around the Prophet is not to say that who were poets and who were very

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good. In fact, one of the most famous companions known for his poetry is has ended the Sabbath or the lawn, who was the poet of the prophets of Allah who is and he's one of my favorite companions. And what's interesting about him is that he wasn't known for his military genius, okay, he wasn't some, you know, fantastic warrior on the battlefield. He wasn't known for his, you know, love of the Quran or memorization of the Quran or teaching of the Quran. He's not known for those things in particular, what He is known for his his poetry is his art, so much so that he used to actually go out into the marketplace. And when the people were speaking ill of the prophet SAW Allah harness and

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when they were saying that he was a madman, he was a magician, he was a poet, he was a soothsayer, he was all these things have said even said that he would use his talent, use his skill set to combat those people and teach them the truth about Islam. Right. So you can see from the infancy this art form was used as a tool to defend Islam to defend the honor of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam so much so that the prophets have a long way to some actually encouraged us to continue on what he was doing. Right? When he was telling us and go out and meet the goddess be with you. May jabril be with you. So imagine the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is doing, you know, not just saying

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it's permissible, he's actually encouraging herself to go out and use his skill set for the sake of a las panatela. So, you know, with this in mind, we inshallah are going to embark upon this journey and you know, try and relive that that legacy of Hasidic Sabbath and the many, you know, poets and companions who came after him who use art as a tool to help further the cause of Islam inshallah, so stay tuned to this video series. This is just the first installment I'm going to keep these videos coming inshallah. I'm going to try to open up the comments section in YouTube. I really don't like to but inshallah this will be something beneficial. Tell me what you want to hear in these videos,

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segments, something if you have any questions inshallah hopefully we'll see you on the next video does not look at for watching us today Mr. de la he bought a cat

The Fiqh Of Poetry

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