Bilal Philips – The Best In Islam #15 – Deeds (2 of 3)

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The importance of faith in Islam is emphasized, including the use of the name Islam in relation to deeds and hedge mobroamps. hedge mobroamps are a result of hedging hedges and are not a means to achieve hedging goals. proper prayer practices and the use of deeds as a means to achieve success are also emphasized. Prayer should be in a correct manner and the Lord's peace and blessings will be upon the person. The importance of faith in Islam is emphasized, and the use of deeds as a means to achieve success is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. I'd like to welcome you, their viewers, to another in our series, the best in Islam, where we are looking at what Allah and His Messenger have said, with regards to what's best for us, and the deeds that we do the things that we say, the thoughts that we hold the events that we're engaged in, in life, what are the best from a perspective of Islam? And in this episode, we are continuing to look at

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the best of deeds,

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things which are related to deeds, which Allah and His Messenger have said, our best.

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And the texts which we'll be looking at in this segment, first is that which was narrated by Mies, in which he quoted Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was saying, of the Imam Ali Al Imam who Billa bada some al Jihad sama had jetten be rotten, tough do lotsa evil man come by namak la Shamcey Illa Marie Bihar, the best deeds are faith in Allah Alone, then jihad, then Hajj accepted by God, the superiority of which is like what is between the rising and setting of the sun in relation to the rest of deeds. So in terms of best of deeds, is faith in Allah Alone. Normally we think of faith, not as a deed. This is

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what we have in our heart. This is a thought, a belief. But from the Islamic perspective, Faith is an action. It is a deed is a deed of the heart. But that deed of the heart is also connected to the tongue, it is expressed by the tongue,

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and the tongue and the heart are connected to the rest of the body. So that deed of the heart should also be manifest in the actions of the limbs. So all of that is what constitutes faith in Islam. So faith in Allah is not just what resides in the heart, but what is expressed on the tongue, and what comes out as deeds and actions from the limbs. And all of this should be done with a

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firm commitment to Allah alone,

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that he alone deserves our worship. And our worship is manifest in our hearts, manifest on our tongues and manifest on our limbs. The best of all of that is the deed of faith in Allah.

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Then jihad, this is an expression beyond the self

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where one offers one's most precious and most beloved

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element, which is the self itself. We're offering ourself,

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putting our lives on the line

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for the sake of Allah,

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in defense of the OMA, not

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what people may classify as Jihad today, where they're engaged in acts of terrorism, blowing up buildings, supermarkets, malls, massacring students, you know, all kinds of things going on in the world today, which may be called jihad, or in the newspaper, they say this was done by jihad, this, etc, etc. But really, it has nothing to do with Islam. It is terrorism.

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It is displeasing to Allah. It is evil. The true jihad

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striving in the way of Allah, striving to do what Allah has commanded not to do what is displeasing to Allah,

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what Allah has prohibited what His Messenger has spoken against. Unfortunately today there are many in different parts of the world using the name of jihad, and in fact committing atrocities for which Islam has no part in relationship to the rest of deeds Hajj accepted by Allah is superior to the rest of deeds, like what is between the rising and the setting of the sun in relationship to the rest of the world, Hajj,

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which is accepted, you know, this is the condition

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halogen mob roar, as I was usually referred, hedge mob roar. This accepted hedge is one in which the conditions which have been set for hedge have been fulfilled. It's not merely one in which the deeds of hedge were done, because many people will do the deeds of Hajj, but it's not accepted by God. Because they're doing it for the wrong intentions. They're not doing it properly. They didn't care to know they're doing what they call, you know, five star hedges where they just fly in at the last minute they only spend a couple of days and they're out again, you know, not real hedge. They don't experience hatch. So it is a true hedge in which,

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as Allah said Paula Rafa Allah for Sukkot, a large dollar hedge, there is no corruption in what we say and do no evil acts, harm done to others.

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The Hajj is a clean hatch, one

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in which every person who seeks to gain that benefit has to be patient. Patience is perhaps the greatest characteristic, which can carry one after faith, which can carry one through Hajj to achieve that hajj mob rule, the hedge, which is accepted by God, because it has you come in contact with so many different people. Under so many different circumstance, people will step on your toes, they will elbow you. They will push you. Not necessarily intentionally, sometimes it might be intentionally, but how do we respond? Do we scream? Do we shout? Do we hit back do we? This is the point. Once we do that, we have lost the divinely accepted hedge. It's not to say that we don't have

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any reward for hajus There is still reward, still benefit. Whatever we have done a bit which was sincere.

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Then we do we are rewarded, but we lose out on getting that accepted hatch, the one about which the Prophet SAW Selim said

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it would erase our sins.

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So we would return home from Hajj, pure from sin, clean from sin, like the day we were born.

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That hatch that is the hatch.

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That is the one that we should strive for. We're going to be taking a break at this point

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after our reflection on the Hajj as well as jihad, what Jihad really is

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and Eman Billa

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true faith in Allah. And we'll be continuing to look at further deeds which the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon them told us our mighty good deeds, the best of deeds. We'll see you after the break. So now they come by Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

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Money money money is hooked up at the mention of money. Bank Account growing investments increasing but way very high you getting all this money from? I assume this is halal,

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or your dealings Hala? Are you aware of the legislations of transactions

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seem to be lost? Don't worry. We have just the right thing for you. Money Matters and Islamic perspective on finance. An exclusive course on money matters in Islam, presented by Brotherman su Dhanush.

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This course is unique. Why? Because it will enable you to understand the prohibited transactions in Islam whereby in Islam, the ruling of transactions affecting us in our daily lives, examples home low Carlos personal loans, credit car insurance, interest from banks, etc permissible alternative to prohibited transactions, requirements for a valid sale contract and many more. To no more be a part of this groundbreaking code and extract maximum benefit.

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Salam Alaikum. Dear viewers, welcome back from the break. And we will now continue to look at some further deeds which the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him described as being the best of deeds. In a narration from fo Bahn.

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He quoted the Prophet SAW Salem as saying, is the chemo willing to sue while Mo and nemen of the family come as Salah while you're halfway through Ireland will do ie a lamb movement, be upright, although you will never be able to be virtuous all the time. But know that the best of your deeds is prayer, and that only the true believer will guard his ablution is will do.

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Sad is collected by images and authentic hadith as all of the other Hadees that we have narrated. So in this hadith, the statement of the Prophet sallahu wa salam.

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He instructed us to be upright is to

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be upright, in all of our affairs, being upright meaning that we strive to do the right thing, what is pleasing to Allah, in all aspects of our life, we should strive for it. However, reality is that we will not be perfect, we will not be virtuous all the time, there will be times when we are up at times when we're down. Therefore, the Prophet SAW Salem recognize that and told us not to worry, because oftentimes, you know, we feel that when we have weakened, when we have done some things we shouldn't have done, you know, we start to lose hope. We start to feel that we are hypocrites or things like this, you know, those who are sincere, they get that kind of a feeling. However, this is

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not the case, we strive to do our best, but know that we're going to falter at times. That's the reality. No one is perfect. The Sahaba they came a knave and complained to the Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him. You know, when we are around you. We feel Eman, we feel strong, we feel we want to do the right thing. But then when we go home and we play with our children, our wives etc. You know, we lose that drive that motivation, you know, we become more attached to the dunya. So what does this all mean? They wondered, they felt this was maybe some form of hypocrisy. He told them know that it's time for this. And this time for that. That's the nature of life. No

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matter how hard we strive. We do have those times when our faith will not be at its peak. I will be concerned with other things which are maybe not as important. That's the way life is. So we don't seek to try to be so good. That no wrong ever comes from us. Of course we should try. But we should know that we will not achieve that. Perfection belongs only to Allah and the prophets makers PC plus be upon him told us very clearly Kulu Benny Adam Hapa every descendant of Adam commits mistakes. Every last one of us will hire Hatha in a toa boon. But the best of those who make the mistakes are those who turn back in repentance regularly.

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So whenever we commit our errors, we turn back to Allah and repentance. But we still keep striving as much as we can.

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Following that the Prophet SAW Selim went on to to identify for us the best of our deeds. And he said it is prayer.

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Of course, one could say but the Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him.

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earlier said, the best deeds are faith in Allah Alone. But

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what was said here was deeds, this was a combination, a group of deeds. Now,

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the prophets or seller was talking about single deed, the best single deed is Salah.

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But for Salah to be the best outward action, we must have also that best inward action which is Iman.

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So the two are related Eman is the best deed of the heart.

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So Allah is the best deed of the limbs. And we said, these two are in fact, inseparable. So Salah should be protected to the best of our ability, we should make sure we do not become lakhs lazy when it comes to Salah because the Prophet SAW Salem informed us that the first thing we will be asked about on the Day of Judgment will be Salah that will be the first thing and if we fail Salah

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then that's it. There is no second okay after Salah What about fasting? What about Zika? What about how we failed salah. This is not like the examinations of our world where you might fail maths, but you pass science and you pass geography and the others. So your overall average is passed. So you pass no. In the case of judgment on the Day of Judgment, believers and disbelievers. The first thing they will be checked on is Salah. If they failed Salah nothing else matters after that.

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So that's why Salah is considered

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the best of deeds. If we get that right, then everything else follows. But of course the salah we're talking about is proper salah, it is not just the physical, external acts, because a man came into the master. On one occasion, when the Prophet SAW Salem was

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in a circle with his companions, he prayed and he came to sit down with the Prophet. And the Prophet SAW Salem told him go back and pray because you didn't pray. So the man went back. And he made two more units of prayer, as we should do before sitting down to the mosque. And he came to sit down again and the Prophet SAW Salem told him go back and pray because you didn't pray. The man went back and tried again. When he came back to the Prophet Muhammad Salah before he could sit down and prophesize Ivan said, go back and pray the mindset of I don't know any other prayer than this, or messenger of Allah telling me what am I supposed to be doing? What should I do? So then the Prophet

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SAW Salem told him how the prayer should be, because he was praying, you know, a very fast prayer, standing up after Takbeer is bowing up down.

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And some narrations he described him like the chicken, picking, at the

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grain, corn, whatever, just back and forth prayer like that. It's not prayer. Yeah, you've done the movements. You've done them, you know,

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fast style. But that's fast style. What is the value of it? What did you say in your prayer? What did you know of what you said in your prayer? Where was your mind? So this is the point, the prayer, what he's talking about as the best deed is the proper prayer. And he took everything back to do because the prayer begins rarely with will do. And that is why he said

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only the true believer will guard his ablution while your half eagle island will do ie in law movement.

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Only the believer will guard will do. What is the guarding will do mean?

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It means that when a person washes themselves preparing for the prayer, they do so in a correct manner. Not just literally Okay, you've washed your hands in the correct order hands, mouth, nose face, or that is done completely that you make sure when you wash your hands and your arms that you watch the complete arm not just one side and you leave areas that you don't watch. Okay, that's also not correct. But it goes beyond that.

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into the realm of the spiritual. So when the Prophet sallahu wa salam talked about guarding will do, he is not referring merely to the order, make sure you do it in the correct order. Or that you wash the parts properly. You don't leave dry spots and you know, splash water here, they're everywhere. But he's talking about the inner aspect of the wudu. What is that inner aspect that the will do itself purifies one from sin. He said, that, with every drop of water, which falls from our body parts, as we wash ourselves in preparation, sins drop off.

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If one is sincere, sins drop off with the drops of water that leave our bodies. And as we make wudu,

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washing our hands, we should reflect on the sins that our hands have done and seek forgiveness, our mouth, we wash out our mouths, think about the sins of our mouths, what we have said, the sinful things we have said, and we seek forgiveness from Allah from it. What our eyes have seen, what our ears have heard, what our feet have taken us to all of this, were we making wudu in this way we are guarding the woods. So we'll do then becomes a great spiritual cleanser, which prepares us for the salah. And then we enter into prayer, properly prepared, cleaned, and that's why we make the DUA at the end of wudu. We say Allama Jana Mina Tobin, which I laminated multiple hearing, oh Allah make us

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of those who are constantly repentant, and make us amongst those who constantly purify themselves. So this is what do we have to guard that will do, and only the true believer will guard will do, and in doing so they will do the right Salah to Salah, which is the greatest of deeds, which will earn them the greatest of rewards. So this was the recommendation of the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him, for us to be upright and to seek to perfect as much as we can. The greatest of deeds, the best of deeds, our prayer, our daily prayers. And keep in mind that we are able to do that by praying what the prophet called a farewell prayer, a prayer in which we believe that this is

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the last prayer we have to do in our life. So if we pray in that way, as we would pray, knowing that it was the last prayer, how sincerely we'll pray, we tried to put that in each and every one of our prayers. With that. I'd like to thank you for being with us in this segment of our program on the best in Islam. We hope to see you in the coming weeks, days months, the rest of the year. In our program, the best in Islam slavery calm rahmatullahi wa barakato

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