Bilal Philips – Significance of Christmas

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and cultural significance of Christmas celebrations in Christians' culture, including the transmission of Christmas trees and the monk's influence on lights. They also touch on the transmission of Christmas celebrations across religion and the importance of recognizing the annual celebration of the birth of Jesus. The segment ends with a promotion for a digital certificate program for students. The transmission of Christmas celebrations across religion and the importance of returning to the straight path of Islam are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters,

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we are within range

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of a classical example

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of innovation in religion leading to misguidance

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and six days time,

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much of the world will celebrate Christmas

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a classical example of innovation leading to misguidance.

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which even in this land,

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Muslims are affected by

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in ignorance,

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not knowing the significance of the rituals

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and the various components of Christmas.

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We even find Muslims adopting some of the symbols

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greeting their workmates, their friends, their neighbors, Merry Christmas. Feeling that since the workmates will tell us happy, eat Mubarak,

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and they don't necessarily believe in our eat.

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Why not? Also tell them Merry Christmas even though we don't really believe in their Christmas.

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There are a number of issues that we need to understand concerning Christmas.

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having understood them

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it is possible for us to help guide our colleagues, our friends, our neighbors, our schoolmates, whatever, to the truth about Christmas.

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Most Christians don't really know the truth about Christmas.

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So, as we Muslims are enjoined,

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to seek knowledge is the province of Solomon said tolerable enemy for it Allah, Allah Muslim, and we spoke about that in previous covers. And in fact, all of our various hoods are expressions of seeking the knowledge understanding the religion.

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Whereas other religions, people are discouraged from seeking knowledge. They are told that knowledge will confuse them.

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Satan will use this knowledge to weaken their faith. So better they just listen to the priest or the monk or the whatever and follow blindly He will guide you

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down the correct path.

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But Islam says no.

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Each individual is responsible to know his or her religion

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as thoroughly as is possible.

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It is the responsibility of each and every individual but of course, there are those who know more. So where do we seek knowledge of the religion? We don't seek it from our ignorant

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compatriots our ignorant colleagues were in the same state of ignorance as we are, so it is the blind leading the blind. No, we do seek it from those who know as I said, First Allah Allah decree in controllato, Allah moon as those who know if you don't know, don't ask those who don't know like yourself, what do you think? No. We need to seek knowledge from the sources from those who have access to the sources.

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So considering Christmas, Christ mass

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Christmas', first and foremost, we should understand, was not a celebration, taught by Prophet Jesus.

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Nor was it done by his disciples, those who are around him, the 12 and others. They never celebrated it, and he didn't teach it. So in fact, it is not from the teachings of Jesus.

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In fact, even if you look in the books of the

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Christians today, in the gospels, you will not find any mention of Christmas there.

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As unknown, not celebrated, even in spite of the innovations of Paul, because Christianity should more rightly be called poly Amity.

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Not associated with Christ, but associated with Paul, because he is the one who molded Christianity into what it is today.

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a different interpretation of what Jesus taught

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an innovation, a series of innovations which he introduced, but in spite of that,

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Christmas was not among them.

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The Paulien innovations did not include Christmas. Christmas was not celebrated

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in the Christian world, until more than 300 years after the time of Christ.

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Why didn't they celebrate it?

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Because, fundamentally, it was known

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that the celebration of birthdays was a pagan custom.

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as what we have to understand fundamentally, why early Christianity did not celebrate birthdays, because, of course, this has its own implication on us celebrating our children's birthdays. So okay, we understand Christmas, but what about the kid's birthday?

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all his friends at school are celebrating their birthdays, he feels left out. The teacher when he goes to school, they get the name, the dates of birth of all the children, and they identify whose birthday it is, and they celebrate, and everybody. But when it comes to my son, or my daughter, there is an uncelebrated they feel left out? Well, we have to say, first and foremost, Brother, you shouldn't have put your child in that school.

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So don't compound your error by now.

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celebrating a child's birthday.

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So that he will be happy.

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You have put him in that situation. Take him out. If you want to correct it, you take him out. don't celebrate the birthday.

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You made a mistake. It's not too late. recognize it for what it is and correct it.

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So early Christians didn't celebrate the birthday

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of anybody.

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Because the celebration of birthdays was known to be a pagan practice. If you look at the Old Testament, in the New Testament, the only place that you find celebration of birthdays was the celebration of the birthdays of the pharaohs.

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The pagan rulers Herod of Palestine, this is only associated with the pagans It was no

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it was based on the belief that the day on which one is born.

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One is weakest.

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This is the day when one is weakest, and most easily affected by evil spirits.

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So they used to burn candles to drive away the evil spirits.

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light in the darkness, the evil coming in the darkness the light drives away the darkness. And that's why you see all of the celebrations has this principle of candles. Well now it's Christmas tree lights. Those Christmas tree lights were originally candles which were placed on the Christmas tree.

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They became lights, modern technology. And sometimes the lights are even in the form of a little flame. Some of them will flicker like a flame and all these other guns because that was the origin of the belief.

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So early Christians didn't celebrate it

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300 years after the time of Christ,

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a monk

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it said escaped the and monk

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suggested that the date of birth of Jesus was the 25th of December.

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How did you come to the 25th of December? No evidence.

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In fact, historians

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Looking at the historical record, according to the Gospels,

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concluded that it couldn't have been in winter. December was winter because of other issues that they talked about in the gospels concerning the time and what was happening at that time. It wasn't wintertime.

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At any rate, 25th of December, was chosen.

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chosen. When Christianity now became strongest were in Rome.

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It had left the Middle East, that left Jerusalem.

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The teachings of Jesus were overwhelmed. In Jerusalem, Paul, in southern Turkey, had become the leader of Christianity. He is the one who called the followers of Jesus Christians, he was the first one to use that name. It was never used before that Jesus never used the term. It was a Paulien term Christianity, Christians. And from there, it was taken to Rome, through Greece, and onto Rome. And as it traveled through Greece, and into Rome, it absorbed a variety of practices, which were pagan.

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In order to win over the hearts of the pagan Greeks and the pagan Romans, they adopted a variety of teachings.

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In Greece, they adopted the idea of the Son of God,

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the Son of God, the logos.

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And in Rome, it was developed to the point where the day of worship shifted from the Sabbath

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from Saturday to Sunday. Why? Because the most popular god of the Romans at that time was Apollo. Apollo, according to Roman mythology, was the sun god, s un God,

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who would drive his or ride his chariot across the sky, carrying the sun behind him.

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Furthermore, he was also the son of Zeus, the son of the main God, so he was also the Son of God, s o n, as well as being the son God su n. And that's why the day for his popular worship was called Sunday.

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So when you say to somebody, I'll meet you on Sunday, you're saying I meet you on the day, that the God the Son, God is worshipped.

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this change had taken place.

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And in this context, where so many pagan ideas were now being introduced, the 25th of December was pulled out of the hat.

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Why the 25th of December? Why not? some other day?

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Well, if one goes back into the history of Christianity, into Christmas, you will find another term associated with Christmas is called the Saturnalia.

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Saturnalia? What is the Saturnalia.

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was the day of worship dedicated to Saturn.

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Saturn is not a planet. Yes, is a planet called Saturn.

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Named after the Roman god of the harvest Saturn. It was the God of the harvest. So

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when the fields were harvested, then rites of worship were dedicated to Saturn.

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That series of worship rights were called the Saturn Alia

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and it involve giving of gifts.

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It involved carrying wreaths

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the holly

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the little red

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berries with a wreath of green leaves which is commonly associated you will see with images of Christmas you will see this and they even sing about it Deck the halls with boughs of holly etc. The song they sing in those, it has to do this Holly this reef, this was directly associated with the Saturnalia.

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as time as Christianity spread into Europe, it absorbed other symbols.

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in Scandinavia,

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the Scandinavians believed in tree gods, that the gods inhabited the trees, they were inside trees.

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So if you wanted to

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talk to your God, you would go to the tree and knock on it.

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And then you would talk to God.

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And this is where the practice we now call knock on wood comes from.

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When people says, things are going well knock on wood, find me some wood to knock on.

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That's what it goes back to the Scandinavian practice of knocking on the trees before talking to their gods.

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This is all pagan.

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At any rate, the Scandinavians were they looked at the various trees,

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all the trees, when winter came, the fall came, they call it the fall. Why, because that's when the leaves of the trees would fall, fall off.

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As you start to get cold leaves turned in color, and then they fell off, except for one tree.

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The tree we now call the Christmas tree.

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This is evergreen, it stays green, all year long. So they felt it was the symbol of everlasting life. Because God has got to be everlasting, he can't be dying.

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So they didn't choose the other trees that chose this one, the one we now called the Christmas tree.

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And they brought small versions of it into their homes, to worship.

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And this is where the Christmas tree came from.

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from a

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basic understanding of what is involved in the rights of Christmas, it is enough to say as a Muslim, it is not permissible for us to celebrate this celebration in any way, shape, or form, with any of its symbols, not acceptable.

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from a religious perspective, purely tauheed aqidah

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monophysite monotheism, our fundamental belief concerning God being one and unique,

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one of his attributes is what? Having no beginning

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as well as having no end is without beginning lamea lead is not born.

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It doesn't give birth, okay. Well, I mean, you lead, nor is he born?

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Neither does he give birth, nor is he himself born.

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So on one hand, he doesn't give birth, you can have a son, because why don't you say, son, you're talking about a father and a son.

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And the father and the son are not the same.

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And if the father was a God, then the son has to be a god. So now you have two gods.

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All kinds of problems come up with that.

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nor was he born,

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God is not born.

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Because for one to be born, one had to first not exist.

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And if God didn't exist, how would he then come into existence?

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So one of the most essential characteristics of God is that

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He is without beginning meaning he was never born, cannot be born. Somebody says to you

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can't God do everything, and anything

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in the law condition, which is a law is Able to do all things which are befitting with him being God.

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not included in that are things which make him no longer God.

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We don't include that that's understood. Those are absurdities. We don't include that in the general concept of a law, being able to do all things.

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So we don't go there.

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Couldn't God make himself born?

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So the idea that God was born on the 25th of December,

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because according to Christian theology, Jesus is God

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is the Son of God, and at the same time, he is God.

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That is blasphemy.

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Law speaks about it in the Quran, saying that the the heavens and the earth was about to be torn apart because of this statement of human beings.

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That God bore a son

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that God was born.

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So when we celebrate Christmas, we are celebrating the day on which according to Christians, God was born.

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Can a Muslim celebrate the day on which God was born?

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Absolutely not.

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Absolutely not.

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So we have to be very clear on this matter.

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That's that for a Muslim celebration of Christmas is absolutely forbidden.

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However, as a Muslim, it is our duty to understand what Christmas is about why Muslims don't celebrate it, and convey this information to

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our friends or colleagues or neighbors, etc, who are in ignorance. They don't know. We tried to do so in the best way that we can we convey that information to them. After that it is on them whether they accept and believe and, or not, this is up to them. But it is our duty to do so.

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And part of the celebration of Christmas is to say Merry Christmas. That is part of the rituals, the customs of Christmas. So don't say I'm not celebrating meaning I didn't buy a tree.

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I don't subscribe to the lie of Santa Claus, because Santa Claus is a

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national lie.

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Something which the whole nation agrees on we're going to lie to our children. And tell them this fat man in the red suit comes climbing down your chimney and putting gifts in your shoe your sock on Christmas. It's a national life.

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And then people wonder why

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they have a nation of liars

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where the President lies he gets caught in lies from time to time. And it's not a big deal. You shouldn't lie but

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they accept it. Why? Because you're taught to lie from the very beginning. You start by lying to the children.

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And eventually the child finds out.

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Did you hear people talking about it that traumatic morning

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when the child woke up early and came downstairs and saw mom and dad stuffing the

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presents inside of the

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Bringing kids to tears. traumatic. It's a big lie.

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So besides that,

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because the fact that we don't actually engage in that practice,

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saying Merry Christmas in itself is a part of the rights of Christmas. So we're not even allowed to do that. To say marriage

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Of course, we might find it difficult because our work makes the countries the same Merry Christmas. What do I say now?

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I'm not supposed to say Merry Christmas back to them, what did I say you know,

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have a happy holiday.

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holiday, have a happy holiday.

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Find some other phrases to use, which you feel comfortable with, which don't include Merry Christmas.

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And those who say, well, they say, eat Mubarak.

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They just finished telling us aid Mubarak for each other. We say there's a difference is a huge difference. Even Aadhaar

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is celebrating something that Christians believe in.

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Christians believe that Prophet Abraham was instructed to sacrifice his son. And God replaced that sacrifice with a ram sacrifice.

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So they're saying either of her in no way affects their belief system.

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In fact, they should feel proud to say invalid, ha.

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Whereas are saying Merry Christmas, that strikes at the very core of our belief system

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to different things altogether.

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Furthermore, if we actually get into the root of it,

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the celebration

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of Christmas

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is like the celebration of Satan's day.

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There are people who are called satan worshippers. There's a Church of Satan in America, recognized by the government.

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There's a Satan's Bible. The whole system is there. You can go on the internet, Google

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Satan's Bible, satan worshippers, Wikipedia will give you their history.

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They are recognized.

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Now if one of those satan worshippers said to you, Happy Satan's birthday.

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Do you have any problems in not saying happy Satan's birthday to you. Also, you don't have any problem with that.

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That's obvious.

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Reality is that Christmas is a celebration of Satan's birthday.

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Because it was not from God,

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then it is from Satan.

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As a general principle, whatever is worshiped, besides God is Satan

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is satanic.

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Of course, when we're explaining to our Christian colleagues, we don't need to go there.

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Right? Because that is going to close ears, nobody's going to hear you after that, hey, you're celebrating Satan's birthday.

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They're not going to be able to understand that a bit deep, right. And this is just for your ears, for you to understand the roots of it, why you shouldn't feel shy about not celebrating or saying Merry Christmas, any more than you would feel, not feel shy about saying merry, Satan's birthday, to a Satan worship Pro.

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putting all this in context, I asked the last one to Allah to give us the strength of faith, to handle this period which is coming before us to renew our faith in a law and in his oneness, and to guide our colleagues and our friends and our neighbors to the truth about the law.

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To remind them of a law of oneness

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and about the fact that he had no son, he has no equal and he was born

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and to affirm that faith ourselves in a lost medalla

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and to fulfill whatever

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Ever that requires of us in our lives aku lokali had ever stopped for lolly Welcome, Mr. million Coulee Dam for stuck through it no Allah for him. I say that asking a lot to forgive myself and yourselves and call on you to turn to Him seeking His forgiveness, as none can forgive sins except him.

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Having understood Christmas,

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it is also important for us to understand

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the Islamic or we should say Islamic, let us call it the Muslim substitute.

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seeing this fervor with which Christians celebrated the day of birth of Jesus Christ, the suppose a day

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felt that,

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since Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, in our belief system, he was a greater profit than Jesus alayhi salam, then Shouldn't we celebrate his birthday?

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If the Christians are making such a big show, shouldn't we do more to better? So 400 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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Muslims began to celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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It began in Egypt

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as a national practice,

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under the fatimids the Shiite rulers of Egypt, they started

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and they they they chose was actually the day historically on which Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam died.

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The day on which he was born, is actually not known.

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Though people say no, but we know it is no

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historians are not agreed on the day. We have no concrete evidence regarding the day on which Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was born.

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The only concrete evidence we have is

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the practice of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to fast on Mondays. And when he was asked about fasting on Mondays, one of the answers that he gave was, it was the day on which I was born.

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He fasted on Mondays. So the only thing that we can say with certainty is that he was born on a Monday, which Monday.

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Allah Allah knows, as a lie hidden. The day on which Prophet Isa was born, he hid the day on which Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was born.

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This was to prevent what has happened

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to make it difficult

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to leave evidence to people that people have gone astray in this matter.

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That the celebration of the prophet SAW sutherlands birthday has no basis in Islamic teachings beyond fasting on Monday.

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as Muslims, this innovation

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which has become widespread, beginning from fatimid

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rulers in Egypt, spreading over the oma today, till now you have huge celebrations, people going down the streets lights, song dance, you know, the whole nine yards as they say, going on in the Muslim world today huge celebration, the molad people writing, poetry, acidity

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Qawwali singing and music and everything all the forbidden things have now been lumped together in the molad.

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All innovation is misguidance

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in tallada

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regardless of people's intentions

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But that's not my intention.

00:35:03 --> 00:35:07

I don't intend to innovate I'm just remembering Prophet Mohammed so as Allah

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09

is it a bad thing?

00:35:12 --> 00:35:15

in the way that you're doing it is a bad thing.

00:35:16 --> 00:35:28

It's not a bad thing to remember Prophet Mohammed says Allah Allah tells us in the Quran in the law melodica who is a Luna Nabi? Yeah he will Edina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Buddhists, Nima calls on the believers.

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To remember Prophet Mohammed Salah by doing what? by celebrating his birthday. Some people say yeah, that's what the rest of it is saying, celebrate his birthday.

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That is not what was understood by the earlier generation. The only generation that heard this verse that recorded this verse, they didn't celebrate his birthday. So obviously that was not what was to be understood from this verse.

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They understood as the verse clearly states that we asked a lot of Peace and blessings to be on Prophet Mohammed Salah.

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In our recognition for what he has done for us, guided us to the straight path.

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We ask Allah to bless him

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to celebrate his birthday, with the fanfare that we do today.

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It being innovation, it is not surprising that it cause deviation.

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So, some of the poetry that is recited proceeded to Buddha attributes to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam the knowledge of a law

00:36:41 --> 00:36:51

they give the attributes of Allah to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in this poetry, which they recite regularly, religiously,

00:36:53 --> 00:36:59

on his birthday on and on other occasions, innovation misguidance

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calling people to the worship of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so we have Muslims today

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who call them

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we see it in the masjid

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where they will put a plaque on one side of the mihrab saying, Yeah, Allah and on the other side it will say yeah, Mohamed

00:37:30 --> 00:37:30

What is that?

00:37:32 --> 00:37:39

Yeah, Allah. Yeah, Mohammed we understand. Yeah, Allah. Oh Allah answer my prayers. Yeah, Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Yes.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:45

But Dr. Mohammad.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:47

Oh, Mohamed, what are

00:37:48 --> 00:37:54

you calling on him to do something for us? People believe that today

00:37:55 --> 00:37:57

that is misguidance.

00:37:58 --> 00:37:59

At the sheikh,

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Muhammad sallahu wa salam can do nothing for us in this life.

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He did what he did.

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Each and every one of us was accepted Islam he is rewarded for because we are a product of his work. So he benefits

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but he cannot benefit us directly in that we can call on Him and He will answer our prayers and do things for us. That is Allah. Allah said, O ne, as the gibler can call on me and I will answer your prayers. Only Allah can answer our prayers.

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This is the true Islamic belief. And this is what we need to renew. Put these practices back in the correct context. No renew our relationship with the last one to Allah.

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I relate relationship of a Baba of worship, in the purest way possible.

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This is Islam,

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worshipping Allah, as he deserves to be worshipped. I asked the last one to Allah to give us the blessing of worshipping Him as He deserves to be worshipped as a lot to remove from our hearts, the innovations and the love of misguidance that has entered upon us as a law to guide our families, our children, our oma to the true worship of Allah alone,

00:39:36 --> 00:39:59

and to bring everything else in submission to it. To return to this oma its strength based on faith to return to this oma its ascendancy and guidance to the world based on faith. ask Allah to forgive us to forgive us our misguiding our misguidance, our deviation and to bring

00:40:00 --> 00:40:25

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