Bilal Philips – Quranic Reflections #20

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a verse from the Quranic reflection series that addresses the all encompassing aspect of Islam, including belief in Allah, belief in the day of judgment, and doing whatsoever. It also discusses the importance of belief in the last day, the day of judgment, and doing whatsoever, as it is the responsibility of belief to believe in Islam. The message is not a excuses, but rather a message that is applicable to all believers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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This is another verse from the Quranic reflection series. And it's from Surah Al Baqarah. In Alladhina amanu well leadin ha hadou oneness aura was sabe in min Armineh Billahi, will EO mill are here, while I'm Ella salejaw, follow whom I drew whom in the rugby him. Indeed, those who believe those who are Jews, Christians and idol worshipers, Whoever among them believes in Allah and the Last Day and does righteousness will have their reward from their Lord.

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This verse addresses the all encompassing nature of Islam, based on belief in Allah,

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the day of judgment and doing righteousness.

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So the first point of reflection is that Paradise will not be restricted only to those people known as Muslims, from the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW as Allah

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and before Prophet Abraham for example, or Allah says my cat neighbor or Hema, yah hoo, Dee, and well I know serrania Well, I can can hanifin Muslim Ah, who am I can aminal Mushrikeen Prophet Abraham, Allah says regarding him was not a Jew, or a Christian. But he was an upright Muslim, and was never among the idol worshipers.

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That was not his faith.

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Though his father, as we know from the stories of Prophet Abraham,

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was an idol maker.

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Prophet Abraham, was free from that.

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So Adam,

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like Prophet Abraham, cannot be claimed by Christians and Jews, as being a Christian, as Christ was not born in his time. Nor could Jews claim that he was a Jew, from the tribe of Judah, among the 12 tribes, or sons of Jacob, also known as Israel. However, Muslims can, and do claim that Adam was a Muslim.

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And so was Abraham. Both of their religions was submission to the will of God, as outlined in the Garden of Paradise and the forbidden tree.

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That is, Prophet Abraham. If were to say, what was the religion of Prophet Abraham, we'd have to say that it was to do what Allah commanded him to obey a laws instructions to him.

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That was his religion. If he decided to obey Allah as instructions, then he submitted to Allah. And that is known as Islam is not known as Judaism, now known as Christianity, but known as Islam.

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Now, the second point, the reflection

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is that the main points

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of what constitutes being

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a true believer were outlined in this verse.

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They're outlined in such a way that they're applicable not only to Muslims, but to Jews, Christians, and even idol worshipers.

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The first of those points is belief in Allah.

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The second is belief in the last day, the day of judgment.

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And the third point is to do righteous deeds. Faith and good deeds are combined here for success. Regardless of whether you are known amongst people as a Christian or a Zoroastrian or whatever, as long as you had, believe in the one true God, whether you call him by whatever words we're using your language to refer to that one true God,

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and you believed in the day of judgment.

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And on top of that, you did righteousness, then a law of promises, that, that faith and good deeds combined, you would be rewarded,

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along with all of the believers

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The third point of reflection is that Muslims believe that prophets and messengers with books of revelation were sent to humans all over the world.

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They were sent to humans, through all

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periods of time,

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from the time of Adam,

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till the last of the messengers, Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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And that, because of that,

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the responsibility of believing in Allah and following the ways of righteousness taught by the messengers of Allah, wherever they may have been in this world

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and their teachings were handed down into society, people are expected to not only believe but follow those ways of guidance, which the messengers of Allah brought to humankind based on a loss commandment to them.

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So we are responsible.

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No excuses can be made. The message has been sent

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BarakAllahu li comes Radek. rahmatullahi wa barakato

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