Bilal Dannoun – Patience

Bilal Dannoun
AI: Summary © The importance of patience and endurance in Islam is emphasized, along with the need for gratitude and endurance in order to achieve one's dreams. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing gratitude towards Allah and finding light at the end of a hardship, while also stressing the need for patientody and finding light at the end of a hardship. The importance of patient behavior and endurance in achieving success in life is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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And we'll make a start in Sharla Rahim

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hamdulillah habla alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa as happy as mine.

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All praise is due to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon all those who follow His guidance, we follow his way

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until the last day, my dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam irrespective Yes, salaam Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Today, inshallah Hosanna. We are going to discuss the topic of patience and perseverance.

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In light of the verses and the Hadees.

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That that's mm nella, we gathered and collected in his book,

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silent in the gardens of the righteous gardens of the righteous.

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And this is the third chapter in this book, in which he in titles, variable, suburb, Bab, a suburb, the chapter, or the dough or the gateway pertaining to patience.

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let us now

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analyze, what is the concept of patience in Islam?

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What is patience all about in Islam, now, the word for patience is Southern.

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And the linguistic definition, or the Arabic definition of suburb

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is to restrain to withhold.

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That's what it means linguistically. Now we come to the technical definition or the definition of sobor in the context of Islam.

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And as I've said before, you will always find a link or a connection between the linguistic definition of a word and the technical definition. When it comes to Islam, there's a link.

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So we said that linguistically subdomains it means to restrain or withhold,

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but when we look at it from the Islamic perspective, it is also about restraining oneself

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and withholding in relation to three matters, as the ultimate have summed up to the scholars of Islam. They said that suburb or patience is required with regards to three areas. Number one,

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that you have Southern when it comes to the obedience of Allah azza wa jal, an act of worship.

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Number two, that you have submitted a patient with regard to the prohibitionists of Allah azza wa jal,

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and those things which are not allowed.

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And number three, that you have suburb and that you have patience, when it comes to the painful decrees of Allah azza wa jal, the painful the great decrees of Allah azza wa jal.

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So, let's now go through each one of these number one, we said the first one was, that we need to have patience towards one

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towards acts of obedience towards acts of worship.

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Because there are some acts of worship that some human beings find heavy

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and they find they have a degree of difficulty. So we could practice patience

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some acts of worship could be challenging on the physical body such as what Hajj you know, you have to travel such long distances. You have to perform certain rituals in maybe clothing that's not so comfortable.

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Maybe there is a lot of congestion a lot of people that that's there's a lot of patience required on you know, with the physical hardship that comes with Hajj and comes with Ramadan.

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Likewise, you have to have patience. For example, if you standing behind an Imam, one leading the prayer, and he stands for long periods of time, such as maybe in taraweeh in Ramadan opia Motorhead God

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You have to have Southern

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there are certain prayers that alone prayers lengthy prayers such as the lunar and solar eclipse praise sonetel. Yousuf, Yousuf. These are praise whereby, although they are optional.

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However, when you do stand in these prayers, the man will stay for as long as the eclipses taking place.

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And there are lengthy recitals and lengthy periods of record and sujood.

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also when it comes to the obedience of Allah azza wa jal having suffered with regards to the obedience of Allah, it could be to do with it could be something that is challenged, that is challenging financially. So, for example, it's a, you know, you might have so much wealth in your bank account, and you need to give us a cat.

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You need to pay that from your money from your wealth, your hard earned wealth, you have to give from that and part with that wealth for the sake of Allah parting with your wealth for hedge. I mean, these days, for example, if you if you ask for a basic package of HUD, you probably need to spend no less than about $6,000.

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We're talking about Australian dollars here.

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So, therefore, the act of worship and obedience,

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mandate patience, you need to have suberb need to have patience with regards to the various acts of worship in order to fulfill their requirements, fulfill their conditions, ensure that they are accepted by Allah azza wa jal

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this there is a universal principle I think, you know, you we use it a lot in, in sport, you know, when they say no pain, no gain,

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you want gains, there needs to be some pain.

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So, a lot of sports people can relate to this. But this is a universal principle that anything that you want in life that you really yearn for, and that you really, you know, want to achieve it will take some sacrifices and some effort and some patience.

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Now, the second area that requires patience is patience.

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As far as the prohibitionist of Allah as origin. Now, a lot of pan with Allah has set limits, we're not allowed to transgress those limits, he has made certain actions and sayings prohibited, not allowed. haram we say Haram.

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So, we have to be patient by refraining ourselves and abstaining from doing those things that are prohibited.

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You see, as human beings, we have a knifes there is a part of us, which is called enough soil America to me soon

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enough, so America TV, so the knifes the person we have, we have a part of us that is commanding us to do evil things to do bad things. And neffs will ammara

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so we have to not submit and not surrender to our desires and to our whims. We have within us

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a software that is trying to make us do that which is displeasing to Allah azza wa jal through the whisperings of the shape on and the agents of the shape of Satan.

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So, we have to have suffered from committing sins. What are some examples that we should be patient towards when it comes to prohibitions? We have things like lying, Islam against is against lying. We have deception, fraud, Riba usury, interest, Zina, adultery and fornication

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and other destructive since many, many sins. So as Muslims, we must be patient from and withhold ourselves from committing and falling into sin and error and transgression.

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And all of this of course requires work. It requires some patience, and it requires endurance. And that's why the chapter here as translated in English is patient.

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and perseverance, patience and perseverance. So we said there are three areas in which we are required to be patient. The first area, we said was regarding the obedience, act of obedience. The second area is prohibitions. The third area in which we are required to be patient is with regards to the painful decrees of Allah azza wa jal, the painful decrees of Allah azza wa jal.

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Now when it comes to the Kaaba and Qatar, you know, as Muslims, we have this belief in the six pillars of Amen, and email below Malaika de Vaca, to be the

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one that will further

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belief in Allah and the angels and the scriptures and the prophets and messengers, and judgment and Divine Decree the good and bad, or the favorable and unfavorable. Therefore, when it comes to Canada and Qatar, there are two parts to cover and cover. There are there is the favorable decrees of Allah, then there are the unfavorable decrees of Allah zomato. What do I mean by that?

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The favorable decrees of Allah are those decrees

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that call for us to be thankful

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to show our sugar and our gratitude.

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So Allah subhana wa tada made decree for us, Allah azza wa jal may decree for us to have wealth, to have children, okay to have many different types of successes. So these decrees of Allah, are they favorable or unfavorable? They're favorable. And so we must have sugar. We must be thankful and a lot of panel with that and it says, one in Chicago.

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That when you do show thankfulness and you do show your gratitude Allah gives you increase. So let us continue always to be from amongst a shake it in or shake your own. Those who are thankful to Allah whenever Allah and douse them and blesses them with one of his bounties is one of his blessings, and not to take any blessing for me not to take any blessing for granted.

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So, we need to be in shallow Tyler, being thankful also being thankful for Pamela being thankful is an act of worship. When you show your gratitude towards Allah towards God,

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that is an act of worship in of itself. So even being thankful requires patience, because we said, All acts of worship require patience Southern, so be from amongst those who always and it shows their gratitude.

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Now, the the other the other decrees of Allah, are those that are unfavorable, unfavorable,

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or they are painful.

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So you might be trialed in life. With regards to your work your health, or your body. You might have an illness, you have a sickness. This is a trial from Allah azza wa jal.

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You know, I had a question raised to me just yesterday, whereby

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a young girl who was being trolled with her health, she is deaf.

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And she's asking, Why is she there?

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She's asking what why has Allah made me this?

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A very good question.

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And as Muslims we understand, that Allah is the all wise

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and there are different responses that we can give towards this. This isn't Of course, the time and place to discuss this issue. But Allah azza wa jal trials people differently, and he puts them through tests. And the harder the test, the more the reward. And perhaps what appears to be a calamity to you is actually a blessing.

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Maybe this calamity, or this trial is what will make you a stronger person, a better person, a more steadfast person, maybe without if you would be a corrupted person.

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So, we should never really question Allah azza wa jal never question the Creator, or the creator's decrease. We say as the prophet SAW Selim, he used to say hamdu lillahi Allah Cooley high praise be to Allah for all state of affairs.

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So with regards to the unfavorable or the painful decrease of allies, so again, you could be trifled with your wealth.

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You could be traveled with also your family members, you have difficult family members, whether it's your spouse, whether you

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For children,

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their sicknesses, their their things that they do that is that is difficult. And there are many other trials and tribulations that we encounter in this life. Once again, with regards to this, we need to have some endurance, perseverance, patience. Now, how do you display your patience, your patience is displayed. We said by refraining. My refraining was by refraining your tongue, your heart and your limbs, from actions which manifest impatience.

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So, we know now that patience is required to three matters as required with regards to the obedience of Allah, prohibitions of Allah and favorable or painful decrees of Allah. Right? That's where the patience is required.

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What are we being patient through through our words through our actions through our heart.

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So, when an unfavorable when an unfavorable decree befalls a person,

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a person may opt to behave in one of four ways. So it could be a person may display resentment and anger. You can as soon as something happens to you, you have the choice, right? You can go on and behave in a very resentful, resentful manner, and angry manner. Or you can be patient, or you can show your acceptance. Or you can show thankfulness and gratitude, we're gonna go through this.

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The first one, you can show resentment, you can display resentment. So, you may show resentment or discontent or anger, with your heart, with your tongue or with your limbs.

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How does a person show resentment through their heart?

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How can it possibly be that a person has resentment in their heart with regards to a decree that they see as unfavorable and bitter and painful?

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The way this happens, is that a person hubbas or has ill feelings about Allah, resentment

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about Allah azza wa jal, they feel that Allah has oppressed them.

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That's not allowed.

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You don't say that Allah is oppressed me because then you're saying that Allah is an oppressor and that is not befitting for the Creator, because he is perfect. Eliza does not oppress a single any of his creation, whether it be

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human beings or animals, Allah is not oppressive. So you cannot accuse a Lazlo agenda or question Allah azza wa jal.

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So that's how you display your resentment with your heart. Some people they display their resentment or their discontent or the anger through their tongue, they start swearing.

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Or they may, you know, utter phrases that are displeasing to Allah azza wa jal.

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That's how you show your resentment with your tongue. Another way that people show their resentment and their anger and their discontent is through their limbs through their body parts. So for example, in some cultures, and some

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people what they do, for example, if somebody dies, they strike their cheeks.

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So not allow them to snap striking of the cheeks. Or, for example, they pull their hair,

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okay, it's not allowed in Islam.

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Or, for example, they tear their clothes. Okay, all of this is not how we deal with a calamity and misfortune.

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So, people who behave in this way, obviously the event or their faith or their knowledge is weak.

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And so they need to start to tend to their amen and nurture it and water it and so that they don't behave in manners which are displeasing to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And those people who behave in that manner, are deprived of the reward and they gained sin. So instead of gaining a reward as a result of their loss, they actually get sense. So they end up with two misfortunes the misfortune

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With regards to the dean and the misfortune with regard to that which they were afflicted with, when they could have been patient, and they could have gained reward instead of sin.

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Now another way in which people behave towards an unfavorable decree of Allah azza wa jal is a display patience, they have Subbu.

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So we said, The first way that they show is, they show their discontent through their, we said, through their heart and through their, you know, words and through their actions, but then there are some people who are patient.

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So, for example, they hate, or they dislike the misfortune, and the fact that they've been afflicted with it, however, they are patient, nobody's telling you not to like it. nobody's saying that you have to put a smile on your face and be happy with a loss are with a misfortune. But what is them is saying here is how we deal with the misfortune. What is our approach towards the misfortune towards the loss towards the calamity

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so that we shouldn't have resentment towards Allah in our heart.

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Or say something that this pleases Allah, or do something that won't that warrants the anger the ref, the heart of Allah azza wa jal.

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So yes, you hate it. Some people that hate it, but they are patient. The third category of people are those who show their acceptance. So some people, they're afflicted with a calamity or a hardship or distress. And they show total acceptance, as if nothing happened to them. No sign of any agitation can be seen on them. That's some people and another group of people, they show thankfulness. So even though they are

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going through this misfortune, they behave in such a way where they show gratitude and thankfulness towards Allah azza wa jal

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because they know that they will be compensated and rewarded by Allah for their gratitude and thankfulness and their patience. In the Hadith, which is found and even measure. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported that is reported that whenever the President was afflicted with that which he disliked, he praised Allah.

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So he says, and hamdulillah he, Allah Cooley had.

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This is the sooner the sooner is the prophetic way is when you are going through a misfortune,

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a hardship, a challenging moment in your life. But you say an hamdu lillahi, Allah coonley Han,

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which means Praise be to Allah for every state of affairs, forever, everything that happens to me and hamdulillah if it's from Allah, Allah knows what is best for me. And again, the ideal Muslim is the one who keeps in front of his eyes, the ayah, or the ad, or the verses, which state well as an tecra, who shy and well who are higher on lakum. It may be that you hate something, you dislike something but there is higher, there is good in it for you. You see, we might, we might like something we might want something that really is not good for us. We might hate something. It's actually good for us. Like medicine, we hate the taste of medicine, we hate to go through certain

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treatments or surgery or procedures, but they need to be done for there to be a betterment Yes, we're going to go through some pain, we're going to go through some suffering, yes, there's going to be some bitterness. But at the end of it, there's going to be insha Allah a better outcome. That's how we look at things, even as Muslims when we add a child, and we are faced with these hardships,

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one of the pious women of the past, she was afflicted with her finger. She had wounded her finger injured her finger in one way or another.

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And it was a serious injury and and the people knew about it and she would just walk about saying it handed in learned handling content. And they say to her look, the people are saying to you have been, you know, you're going through this loss and this injury and you're in pain, you should be in suffering. And yet you are just saying I'm hungry love hamdulillah

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and she said

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she made a statement, saying hello what to actually her

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The sweetness of its reward,

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the sweetness, Danny and Sydney, Murat, Sabra, it made me forget about

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the bitter patience. So she's now looking at the reward that she is gaining. She's looking at the reward that she's gaining by being patient and not looking at the bitter situation that she's in, but she's looking at the sweetness of the reward. So sometimes I'm like, we need to put ourselves into this state so that we can make the pain and suffering easier on us. In any case, mmm nawawi. He has gathered some Hadees from different books of Hadith, which deal with the topic of suburbia, and do with the topic of patience. And he is also in the beginning of the topic, he has gathered some air yet some verses, and one of the verses here that he begins with Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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Dena, Amano Spiro Masahiro Are you have believed in Judah and be more patient so Allah azza wa jal gives us instructions in the Quran, to be patient to enjoy and to be patient.

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and elsewhere Allah subhana wa tada he says in the Quran

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well another one accomplish a minute hopefully well jewelry went up similar mid one emphysema, Samarra watershed a sardine and certainly we shall test you with something of Fie, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and with loss of lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to a solve your own, give glad tidings to those who practice patience, give glad tidings to them.

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And there are other is Allah subhanho wa Taala says a stain on your Southern it was Sona.

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La Hama, savini. Seek help in patience and a solid truly Allah is with a solid urine.

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So there are several numerous verses in the Quran that talks about Subbu

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over 100 verses in the Quran that deal with the concept and the notion of supper of patience.

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Now, let me share with you just sort of some ideas because we won't have time to go through all of them, because there are a number of them and this is what I'll be doing every week in Sharla, when it comes to this series is that I'll just hand picked some edits, which are important had to do with this chapter of patients.

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There is a hadith that is collected here it is the hadith of Abu Sydenham chorea, the Allahu anhu. He reported that certain people have the answer that is the people of Medina, the original inhabitants of the people of Medina. They ask the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he gave them then they again asked him and he gave them until all what he possessed was exhausted everything that he owned, that he didn't have anything else to give.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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When whatever wealth I have, I will not withhold from you. Whosoever would be chaste and modest, Allah will keep him chaste and modest. And whosoever would seek self sufficiency, sufficiency, Allah will make him more alone will make him self sufficient. And Allah will make an whosoever

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would be patient and this is now the moral of this hadith. And why this hadith was selected in this chapter.

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And whosoever would be patient, Allah will give him patience and no one is granted a gift better and more comprehensive than patience. That's the best gift for you to be patient because we said then you if you have patience, you got to be patient with regard to many issues in your life many challenges

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and other hobbies that I want to share with you that mmm no we collected is the hadith of

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Abuja here. So hi, even cnn radi Allahu anhu May Allah be pleased with him. However, he reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this is a beautiful Hadith isn't it?

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Howdy. I genuinely am really mean in Umbra. Who? hula hula who is when I said that he hadn't even learned min in a song but who Sarah? Oh, shocker. Second hi Rhonda. We're in a far better era or sabado Sultana Hira, Allah raha Muslim.

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He said, The prophet SAW Selim has said how wonderful is the case of a believer.

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There is good for him in everything and this applies only to a believer.

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If prosperity is goodness attends him, he expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him.

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And if adversity if a hardship

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befalls him, he enjoys it patiently and that is better for him.

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again, in this Hadith, we see that the true believer is one who is patient and who has suffered

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another heavy for him and Noah we mentioned in his compilation

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he mentions actually the Hadith about

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the boy, the king and the sorcerer. The long Hadith not going to read the Hadith, too long Hadith but this hadith with Derek dedicated a whole lecture for and you can download it from the website

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entitled The boy the king and the sorcerer or the boy the king in the magician.

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So this hadith also shows the patience that was showed by the young boy

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another Hadith that I want to share with you that mmm no we collected is the hadith of Abu hora the loved one who this hadith is originally found the Sahara Buhari.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said Allah the Exalted says, I have no reward other than gender, other than paradise for a believing slave of mine who remains patient,

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for my sake,

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when I take away his beloved one from among the inhabitants of the world,

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that when somebody that is beloved to you dies,

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a close family member, a relative, if you behave in a patient manner, and you don't go about doing the things which displays impatient Allah will compensate you with Jenna, for this patience.

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Whether it's a child, whether it's your wife, whether it's your parents, someone very dear to you. And this is really a great display or sign of faith

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to accept the death as the will of Allah azza wa jal and to bear the love lost with patience with Southern

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another Howdy, howdy, Shara, the loved one

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and the highest standard.

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She reported I asked the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam about

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pestilence and he said

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which is our own or a plague, our own plague.

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He said, it is a punishment which Allah sends upon him ever he wills but Allah has made it made it as a mercy to the believers.

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On a plague, some illness before the believers This is a form of mercy.

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Anyone who remains in a town which is played with our own,

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maintaining patience, expecting the reward from Allah and knowing that nothing will be for him other than what Allah has for ordained for him, he would receive a reward of a Shaheed

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you receive the reward of a matter of a Shaheed.

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So again to enjoy patiently. Another Howdy, Amanda we collected in the chapter of suburbia

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is the haggis of Anna's for their loved one whom Allah be pleased with him. But it's found also in Sahih al Bukhari

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and as he said, I heard the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam saying, Allah, the glorious and exalted he said, when I afflict my slave in his two D things.

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Happy birthday, he,

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in other words, his eyes, anybody who loses their eyesight

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And he enjoys patiently, I shall compensate him for them with gender.

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So the next time a blind man, a blind person asks you about the reward of being blind, then the response will be this Hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever endures patiently, whilst being blind, they reward his gender. That's it, you got to just be patient, do your basic obligations, be patient and you get to gender.

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Because blindness is the greatest deprivation in the world.

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And a lot of handle to Allah will grant reward for a person immensely what for the person who is blind, and other hobbies.

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This is a

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very interesting Hadith as well, it is the Hadith that is found in Bukhari and Sahih, Muslim

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and even our best as a loved one who he asked about even brother,

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whether he would like that he should show him a woman who was from the people of gender, a woman at that time.

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He knew that she is from amongst the women who are the who the prophets, I send a message to go to gender.

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when he replied that, he would like to know who it is. He said, this black woman who came to the prophet SAW Selim and she said, I suffer from epilepsy, and during fits my body is exposed. So makes supplication to Allah for me to the proper size. And then he said, If you wish, you enjoy it patiently and you will be rewarded with gender if you wish, or if you wish, I shall make supplication to Allah to cure you. So either you can be patient with regards to these fits that you have. And you'll get rewarded you get agenda, or I can make that I can supplicate and you'll be cured

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and you will be cured.

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So she said, No, I prefer to enjoy, I prefer to enjoy.

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Then she added but my body is exposed, but my body becomes exposed.

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So pray to Allah that does not happen to me. So the problem is, I said and he made that for her not to be expressed.

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Because she wanted her modesty so Pamela she wanted for her

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self to be covered all the time. So in Islam,

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she could you can go for medical treatment, of course you could.

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And one should not be any ignore any His praise Allah because both have any their importance, but to be patient with your

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with what Allah Subhana Allah has decreed for you. Another Hadith here I'm delighted by Mr. della Juan, who reported I can still recall as if I am seeing the messenger of assassin resembling one of the prophets, whose people scourged Him and shed his blood while he wiped the blood from his face. And he said, Oh ALLAH forgive my people, because they certainly do not know. So he was a prophet of Allah, you know, getting bashed up by his people for calling to let Isla Illa Allah, you look at him he's making. He's asking Allah to forgive them. That is indeed also a sign of suburb of patience.

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yet in another Hadith

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that is sent also in Bukhari and Muslim Abu Zeid in Abu huraira. Allah one Houma, reported that the prophet SAW Selim said, Never a believer is stricken with a discomfort and illness and anxiety, that grief or mental worry or even the pricking of a thorn.

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But Allah will expiate his sins, on account of his patience.

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So, anything that you go through in life, whether it be discomfort, sickness, you have some anxiety, you have grief, you have some worry. Even if you got pricked with a needle, or a thorn or the life Eliza will reward you and He will compensate you.

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So remember, no he has mentioned many hobbies to do with Subbu another Hadith, Hadith Abu huraira Allahu anhu. He reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, he whom Allah intense good, he makes him to suffer from some affliction.

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So troubles of this word like grief.

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In calamity and disease and poverty and loss, loss of life or loss of property, so on

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have a benign aspect for a Muslim in the sense that on account of them, he turns towards a lie and he begs His mercy and His compassion from him because of which his sins are forgiven.

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So there was actually a blessing for him in the hereafter as a result of this.

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Another Hadith, the Hadith, of * of your loved one who, what Allah that is also found in Bihari, and found this Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let not one of you wish for death, because of a misfortune which befalls him.

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If a misfortune or calamity befalls you don't say our luck, I want you to kill me, I will not I want you to bring it into my life not allowed to do this.

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If he cannot help doing so, he should say,

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Oh Allah keep me alive as long as you know that life is better for me. And make me die when death is better for me. So you leave it up to Allah. You say, Oh Allah, if life is better for me, keep me in life, if this is better for me, and bring it into my life. So see, this is your token and this is your, your faith in Allah azza wa jal

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that you know you you are submitting yourself to Allah, Allah knows what's best for you. It could be that death is best for you, but you didn't know that it could be that life is better for you.

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we have to remember that none of us have any knowledge of the of the light of the unseen of the future.

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Whether it is good or bad, so you should never ask for Allah subhana wa Taala to

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kill you as such or to bring bring about death for you.

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Another Hudis remember we mentioned Khalid Abu huraira Phantom Bukhari and Muslim is all authentic hadith.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said the strong man

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is not one who is good at wrestling.

00:42:28 --> 00:42:51

Lisa, a shady Baba surah a NEMA a shady lesbian Nico nafsa, who en de la Cava. He said the strong man is not the one who is good at wrestling but he but the strong man is the one who controls himself in a fit of rage, controlling your anger

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and that's what the products are selling when a man came to him. He said to him give me advice he said don't become angry give me advice then become angry give me advice then become angry three times.

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Because when you become angry, my dear brothers and sisters understand there are many ramifications. Because anger paralyzes your thinking paralyzes your thinking when you are extremely angry and so you make the wrong decisions, wrong judgment wrong assessments of things.

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Another Have you found in Buhari to deal with patients and suffer had if ever heard of a loved one who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked for an advice and he said as I told you don't become angry as a *, just mentioning, and he repeated that several times or three times Do not get angry.

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So anger in Islam is declared as objectionable and

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that which is displeasing to Allah Subhana Allah

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another Hadith found in sorry, in cinema, Timothy, the hadith of Abu Dhabi, a loved one who reported that the messenger of asylum said a Muslim male or female continues to remain and the trial and respect of his life, his property and offspring until he faces a law with no sin record. So let's say for example, you're going through these hardships his trials with regards to your health, or life in general your property your children and you continue to be patient, then you end up meeting a love with no sense because of the way you dealt with those hardships. They wiped away your sense.

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So, this, these were some of the prophetic gems,

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prophetic Hadith

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that I wanted to share with you inshallah huhtala.

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that deal with the topic of stubborn and patience, we ask Allah azza wa jal to make me and to make you

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from amongst those who are aside your own the patient one's always turned to Allah and always asked him

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to make you from amongst those who have patience and sub,

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especially at the first instance of a shock, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said,

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in them a sobro, and the submittal, all at the southern patience is required at the first instance of the shock.

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That's free to be patient, not later on.

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Immediately Be patient, and ask Allah azza wa jal to help you through your misfortune, through your hardship, to give you the strength that is needed to deal with that hardship, and every single one of us will be traveled in one way or another.

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It's just a matter of time.

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It could be the loss of a loved one. It could be your health, could be your wealth. It could be anything.

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It could be a mental challenge, physical challenge, financial challenge. We all will go through one challenge. But the main issue is how do we confront these challenging moments and and humbly left, Islam has given us the notion of Southern and remember there will always be light at the end of the tunnel, that yes,

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that after every hardship, they will come ease, but it's up to us to just hang in there. And this, the victory and the ease could be just around the corner. But it just depends on how we display ourselves. A little tiny island or sallallahu wasallam Amada kalenna Bina Muhammad inshallah Tada. Now, we will

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