Bilal Assad – My Ummah
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. My brothers and sisters today inshallah I'm going to talk to you on the topic which I called my alma. My alma is what the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to repeat on his tongue. Ever since he was sent as a messenger. He understood that ALLAH SubhanA wa Allah was sending him to the world, and that there are those who are going to accept him follow him and those who reject Him and fight him. Just like all the messages and prophets that came before they had those who followed them and those who fought them. And Mohamed Salah levada he was sending them is no different to the other prophets and
messengers in that he comes from the same God with the same message, except that he is the last and final of all the prophets and messengers, and he was honored the most by being sent to the world and receive the final revelation from Allah the Quran, which confirms the scriptures that were sent before to the prophets before Him, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and the rest.
And there isn't a prophet that was sent to the world, except that they were sent to a nation and a community specifically to them with their own language, and from among them who was born among them. Allah subhana wa Allah says this in the Quran, Allah Allah administrate on rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim or they'll call their balance and fee only on metal Razon and now born on long damnable ball wat Firmino.
Men heard of long well I mean,
men help quite tiny boy
for see or feel
or gay for again, I think about doing it and look at the baby in
calasparra dialer says we surely sent a messenger to every community, saying worship Allah and shun and false gods. But some of them were guided by Allah, while others were destined to stray. So travelled throughout the land and see the fate of the deniers, meaning see the ruins of the ancient people before
and what became of them.
My brothers and sisters,
my alma, my nation, what does an alma mean? And OMA means a large group of people.
A community that is so big. I think the closest meaning in English is community, but not a small community, a large global community, a community that you belong to, throughout the world, wherever you are.
And a lot of people they base their one on several different identities. Some base their own community, in their identity,
on their race,
just which race they're from, and they only acknowledge the people of their race to be their community and their identity, others on their culture
and their nationality. Others they base it on financial status, or a caste. In some countries, where the culture of caste systems, others they base it on their position in life. Are they have an affluent position? Or a poor position? Are they from rich families, poor families? Are they people who are monarchs, the kings and the queens and they only associate with them. People associate themselves with all sorts of communities, and beliefs. However, the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a totally different type of onma.
The amount of every messenger and prophet or only those who followed that Prophet and Messenger, supported him, fought with him, stood up for him and died with him on the same belief, and on the Day of Judgment, every prophet and messenger will rise with their own Ummah with their own community, who did we say the community is the community who believed in the Prophet and Messenger followed his teachings from Allah and died upon it.
Musa alayhis salam Moses had an ummah, who were the called the children of Israel. They are the second largest Ummah after the Ummah of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. The last and final Ummah, is the Ummah, of the Muslims. They are called Muslims by name but it's a description, which means those who submit and surrender to the teachings of Allah and followed the messenger Muhammad Salah Salem is the final prophet and all
All the other prophets before him, we make no distinction between them as Allah says, and they all said we hear and obey.
And this OMA also carries a constitution a Book from Allah which is called the Quran. Every person that holds on to the Quran from beginning to end believes in it, whether it fits their desire or not, whether they make sense to them or not, whether it pleases them or not. They love they must love every verse of the Quran and believe that is from Allah and not reject any of it. And anything that came from the messenger of Mohammed Salah Salem authentically, and they follow it and they love the prophets Allah sent them and believe in Him as the final messenger with no other messengers after Him and follow that therefore the Quran and the Sunnah is from the Ummah of Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, regardless, regardless of their color, regardless of their race, regardless of their gender, men and women, old and young, rich and poor, high status, low status kings are no kings, leaders or followers, people who are known people who are not, it doesn't matter free person or slave person, to Allah and His messenger. All of this means nothing except piety and righteousness. Now we're going to go through insha Allah this evening, with all the different scenarios, and statements and reactions, and feelings and emotions and thoughts and advice and care and tears of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa send them for the most beloved people to him
in the world even more than himself, his own man,
almighty, almighty, my nation, my nation, we ask Allah to make us among his ummah.
My brothers and sisters, Allah how data first of all describes this prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his relationship to his alma to us in sha Allah. In the Quran in surah Toba verse one to eight, Allah says
lo Croydon.
forcing compromises on no lie him need to hurry so no.
More meaning out oh for Rafi de Allah says firstly, that has come to you a Messenger of Allah,
you people, the world that has come to you a Messenger of Allah, from among yourselves, he is like you, he is a human being. He feels what you feel, he gets sad, he gets happy, he gets tired, he gets sick, he gets healthy he lives and he dies. Who is distressed? Allah describes him he says, Who is distressed by the losses you sustain?
Who is ardently desirous of your welfare? And is tender and merciful. To those that belief.
The scholar said, There is no other messenger and prophet
in the history of the world, whom ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala described him with these two qualities, which are also Allah's names,
but are often Brahim
tender and merciful.
And in the same verse of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says that he is tender and merciful. In another verse what Allah mentions Mohammed says, I'm tender Massimo straight off the bat Allah mentions himself as tender and merciful. There is no prophet or messenger or any human which Allah subhanaw taala coupled his own two names in the same verse, and describing a messenger with the same qualities. Of course not the same code as as Allah. We're talking about the meaning of the name in a human form. Bravo for him. Tender Merciful of course, Allah is editor of a Rahim, the Most Merciful, the most tender, but the prophets Allah said lamb is tender and Merciful, the human
not like Allah, but as a human. And that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned this about him saying the Messenger of Allah this man which I have sent,
anything he sees you going through of pain and agony, any distress, you go through any loss that you go through the moment he sees you in pain, he is distressed. The moment he sees you sad, he is said, the moment he sees you joyous, he is joyous, and not only in this life, but his worry for is onma extends beyond this world to a future in the afterlife. Here
He will not leave you until you make sure that he has guided you in every way in shape or form he can for you to enter paradise and not go to hellfire for you to have a good life here and in the Hereafter. And that is why Allah said also in the Quran
gain in Rafi, nail me, Allah says in chapter 21, verse 107, we have sent you forth as nothing but mercy to people of the whole world.
This is because
he aroused the neglectful world from its heedlessness
and gave it the knowledge of the criterion
between truth and falsehood.
He is merciful because he wondered very clearly about the ways of salvation, and ruin.
The fact that
he has been stated here
to tell the disbelievers of Maccha
that they were quite wrong in the estimate of the Prophet peace be upon him, that he was an affliction and distress for them because they said, This man has sown seeds of discord among our clans and separated near relatives from each other. They have been told here in this verse by Allah, other people,
you are wrong to presume that he is an affliction for you.
But he is in reality, a blessing and mercy of Allah for you.
That is the messenger of Allah Muhammad Sallallahu either us Edna
at one time,
he was seeing crying very heavily
until his tears, soaked his beard
and the Companions around him,
saw his tears reach his closed and then to the ground.
What was making the resource are settling, crying so heavily, I wonder.
The hadith in Bukhari and Muslim
the companion Abdullah ibn Massoud, he says, the Prophet peace be upon him once sat me down. And he asked me to recite to him from the Quran.
I said to him, O Messenger of Allah.
You want me to recite the Quran to you, when the Quran descended upon you? It's revealed to you that messenger of Allah, your meter recite,
and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam replied, sometimes I like listening to it rather than reciting
because there's a different effect.
recited number so and, and of course, our beloved when Assad was chosen because he was
among the best of reciters and the prophesies aim is to say whoever wants to recite the Quran as it was sent, as he was revealed recite it like Abdullah muscled
sadhana Mossad began to recite from the Quran
from Surah An Nisa he says until I reached a part of Surah Nisa, which says,
Forgive me for
being che Hadeel Jeton Vika hola shaggy the verse 41
which means
and how will that day be?
When we bring all of these people you're on your nation on the day of judgment to be held accountable and judged?
And we bring you a messenger of Allah to stand witness for them or against them.
Sahabi companion was sitting there and he got Abdullah nosodes attention and winked at him.
Told him look at the Messenger of Allah
was also sending them was crying heavily. He looked up at him no matter what and said. That's enough of a muscle. That's enough.
I can't handle more than that.
What was the Prophet sallallaahu Selim crying about his hospital urn.
And Abdullah the Mossad looked at him. I found he said his beard soaked with tears and reaching the floor.
Also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was scared, was afraid
for his one
He's going to have to stand on the day of judgment as the messenger to be a witness for us.
And he has to be a witness. If we did wrong against us.
He wanted the best for his ummah. He is afraid of that stand because it only wants to ask Allah something else and we're going to get to it. Insha Allah, we're going to get to it. What will the process send them say, on the Day of Judgment?
In another incident, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked by his wife I Isha one night, but the Allah Juana
she said, the Hadith in Bukhari, by the way, she said, Dr. Sol, Allah,
tell me about the worst time in your life that you went through, I'd like you to share with us maybe it's something about women, a wife,
a mother or daughter.
They like their husbands or their sons or their brothers to share. One ruble moments maybe, or to go into their emotions and share with them. It's something about that. I also saw Selim understood that about his wife, and this is how they connect. So he shared with her, he shared with her a deep emotion. However, he did not say it in detail. And that's the best thing to do that if he had gone through something really bad, just give reference but not in detail. So that you don't turn it into a mental illness or almost like a pity or something like that. You gotta be patient. But he mentioned to her, he said to her, she actually said to him, I forgot to say, was there a more
terrible time that came upon you? Worse than worse than a battle of offered we all know in Ohio DeRosa and almost got killed. He was injured and went unconscious. So one of the worst battles in which Hamza is uncle was the Allah Allah was massacred, was killed and cut to pieces. And so ways, companions, that also sounds horrific. And I shared that and says, was there more of a horrific time than that?
And he said, Yes.
I found from your people. Now in Arabic, Chinese say your people, it means our people, but it's just a matter of speech says I found from your people one of the worst times.
In a place he mentioned that was near a place called topic. But it were also ascendant had been sent to them as a messenger, and he had become homeless in Mecca, and his wife Khadija Garner had passed away, and his supportive uncle had passed away. And there were hardly any Muslims around him. And he, his he was, there was a bounty on his head for anyone to capture him dead or alive. So I saw some left Maccha looking for a home he was destitute. So he said, they told me to go, if I thought maybe in five, there were Arabs there who would have some compassion to me when I reached over there. They were very harsh to me. And they said this, and that to me, he didn't mention that. I
don't know what they said. We know what they said later on when he is formally adopted sons a hypno. Third through the Allahu Anhu.
Sent what he heard, these men said the most horrible of words, the prophets, Allah set it up, and they treated him with the worst bullying and treatment you can ever imagine. Across our cinema was alone and vulnerable. And he left he said, I left with my head filled with worry, filled with distress. And I said to myself, why would they do that to me?
And he said, as I was walking in, and when a person is so distressed, you walk and walk in, you don't realize how far you've walked from the pain and agony. If you've ever been in a situation, you don't you just realize what kilometers, maybe 1050 kilometers, you don't realize how far you've gone because your mind is so occupied with the stresses and worries. So you had been
what he got from them was terrible. He says, suddenly, I came to my senses and found myself in a place called artwork,
I think was called artwork.
Or somewhere in another name there. Were there were two mountains behind me.
Suddenly, Gibreel Alehissalaam came to me. And he said to me out of Seoul, Allah, Allah has heard what they said to you and did to you. And with me is the angel of the mountains. He seeks permission to speak to you says, Let him speak. The angel of the mountain says y'all rasool Allah, Allah good, what had happened to you.
Command me whatever you want me to do to them. If you want, I can grab those mountains behind you and crush them.
I can destroy them all and annihilate them. Just vote for me
and the prophets of Allah it was sell them replied
but original a new fridge Allah
A woman slubby him many Abdullah Wahida who will you should read Kobe he che?
He says, Oh no, don't do that. For I hoped that if not them, but the next generation out of their loins and lineage in the future will come out
who will worship Allah alone and not make any partners to him whatsoever.
But also sal Allahu alayhi wa Salam
is not thinking about himself. And even if this generation doesn't want to accept, he is feeling mercy and compassion for the future generation that is not even born yet.
Why not feel for the generations that are to come, who also may have a chance of entering paradise and believing in Allah after his death sallallahu alayhi wasallam
and such as the reason why Allah called him you are a mercy sent to the world.
And another time also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sat with his companions.
And he described himself in how he is to us.
He said to them, the hadith is in Buhari, my example. And the example of the people, the people of the world is that of a man who made a fire.
And when it lighted,
and when he lit it up,
he saw what was around it. He saw moths and insects started falling into the fire, because we all know that insects and moths when there's light or fire, they fly towards it. They think it's food, they think it's good, but it's actually fire.
Electricity, it'll kill them and I don't know it. He says the man tries his best to prevent them from falling into the fire the butterflies and insects, but they overpower him and rushed into the fire anyway.
The Prophet peace be upon him then added. Now, similarly, I take hold of the knots at your waist belts to prevent you from falling into the fire, but you insist on falling into it.
That how is how rasool Allah Azza wa sallam viewed us and that's his mission. He saw himself towards us. Can you imagine? I'm holding a year running away and all I can grab is your belt on your waist and I still try to the end. In other words, are a source I'm saying I will not give up until every person has a potential. And I will not judge you until I have tried and tried until my last breath. I will not let you fall and I will try it my endless way.
Also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to cry a lot. But he only cried for four reasons no other fifth. The first reason I was also isolated Mr. Crying is for his Alma
for his nation.
For the nation that existed then and the ones in the future, and the ones who were to count to come on the day of judgment he cried now in this world, thinking about them in the hereafter.
The secondaries are also La Silla, Mr. Cry, he used to cry out of love and fear of Allah whenever he mentioned, or he recited or he remembered, a mercy compassion, a gratefulness for giving the blessing from Allah He cried. And whenever something made him fear Allah he cried, Sal, Allahu Allah, you were setting him whether he was praying, reciting Quran in dua Bozic The third reason our followers are seldom cried, was when he remembered death, but not in a way most people think of it. Most people when they remember that they cry because they're scared of this. They think my life is gonna be over. I'm going to leave family behind No, no, no Rasul. Allah says him did not cry for
that reason, for he knew that death will soon come and that this world is nothing compared to their own fact. They look forward to meeting Allah Spano ATOD. In fact, when he was dying, he said to I said, Allah, Allah, I look forward to meeting my beloved Allah. But he cried, remembering
the punishments, the hardships, what other people will go through after this? He cried as a human being fearing
that maybe
the fearing if he would go into that, or there is OMA will go into that. He cried like a person. When I look at something fearful they cry, even if they know it's not going to happen to them. But he cried out of compassion and fear as a human. Number four. He cried, but light tears. He winked, not wailed. He cried when someone passed away.
When he was burying someone or someone passed away, he would cry. But this type of crying was a cry and cry called Rama. He used to call it these are the tears of compassion.
Hi shadow the Aloha now once said The Rasul Allah
He said to her once yah Aisha, allow me tonight to worship Allah subhanho wa taala. And she said by Allah, I love to be close to you and I also love what pleases you. So the problem someone might have sent him stood up and performs will do. Then he stood in solid in the house. And he started to pray and did not stop weeping until it was until the floor and His beard was moist with tears. And he kept going until close to Fisher
biller or the Allah who I know that
he came and announced that what Ross also sell them is still praying.
When he saw the Prophet salallahu it he was sent a letter with the effects of weeping on his face. He said, O Messenger of Allah, why are you weeping, when ALLAH has forgiven you for what you have done? And what you will ever do? And Allah had told you, he has already forgiven you. You don't need to weep about anything a messenger of ALLAH and he know what the process is silence reply was, he said,
a corner hub Densha Cobra,
shall I not be a grateful servant then?
Six or seven hours Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam stood up his weeping in Salah.
Just with the emotion of being grateful, grateful. Allah had forgiven him and his crying, being grateful.
And then also law send them said, a verse has been revealed to me tonight. And woe to the one who reads it without reflecting upon it and he recited in no fee of one and oh, please
do one Oh, they'll have Tina Fey Lainey one
lawn out the walk or auto drone or we
go going on yet. I've got one final piece. Where do you want to? Rob Ben Fidel, but the Lena Silva. Hi Nick. I felt the
chapter three verse 190. Allah says, Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day as science, for those of understanding the ones who remember Allah standing sitting on their sides, and they think, in the creation of Allah, and his signs and they say, Glory be to You Allah, surely you have not created all of this in vain.
In the Battle of better whether Muslims are only 300 and so and the disbelievers the enemy is coming to annihilate them. 1000
Aleyda the Allahu Anhu says I looked among our
soldiers, and all I could see was one single horse.
The Sahaba UNMIK dad was riding on no other horse and the enemies had everything.
Ross also sent him in. He said, I saw the promise I was semalam go and sit at a tree.
And he started to make dua and lift his hands up crying
and saying, Oh Allah.
Oh Allah.
Bring about what you have promised to me. Oh Allah if this small band of Muslims is destroyed, you will not be worshipped on this earth. Oh Allah give me what you have promised. He kept on calling to Allah and weeping and crying until his arms reached upwards and for about hours until our bucket of the Allahu Anhu came along to him. And he saw that the rose out of Sam's cloak had dropped off his shoulders, and also saw Selim was shivering and crying, saying if they're gone, there is no more on my left. There is no more nation left. There is no more people left to worship you Oh Allah. And so Abu Bakr the Alonso came along gently and lifted his cloak complete through the process and
shoulders, and he hugged him from the back and said to him in his ear. Yeah rasool Allah corfac Take it easy on yourself. Take it easy on yourself a prophet of Allah, this prayer of yours to your Lord will suffice you and He will fulfill for you what he has promised you
in one season wha wha. And then Allah sent shivers down. When you appeal to your Lord for help. He responded to your call saying, I will help you. With the 1000 angels coming in succession. My brothers and sister or salsa said LEM is calling to Allah and weeping and making dua for hours and hours to give him victory. And with us, we make dua for a minute or two, over something that happened to us something that's just really about ourselves, somebody hurt us with a word, and that's about it. And then we expect ALLAH SubhanA wa Dyana, to give us everything and rain upon us the blessings as we want and as we wish, and if it doesn't happen, some of us we complain, and we
think that Allah has betrayed us, and some of us even move away. He says, Where's the DOP? I asked, like what he said to ask, but you've only asked for a minute, or maybe with your heart, not really into it, maybe there's no patience and he there was also was our sentiment for hours, about to be possibly killed, and the entire on Magon and perished crying to Allah and His dA. So the dua to Allah and sisters to be from the heart, as much as we can Insha Allah, but also our Salem cried at the loss of children. He wants there was a baby girl, which he was present at. And he saw her taking her last breaths and breathing heavily. So he carried her and brought her close and realized she was
dying, and put her near his chest. As as he watched her, his tears began to drop from his eyes. The Sahabas looked at him and he said to him, ya rasool Allah, you're crying at the decree of Allah Yanni crying, that's what they meant. They didn't say the cry, but I said, You're crying when he told us not to cry. And he said to them, hate is not the tears of rejection. It is the tears of mercy and compassion. Another time his grandson, it was only about a few months old. He was dying, and he went to see him. He also carried him in his arms as he took his last breaths and he cried salaallah Salam. They said Yeah, Rasul Allah, you're crying. He said, they are not wailing, but
tears of mercy and compassion. Yet at another time, the companion saw Dibner Oba he was also dying and he went to visit him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he found him unconscious for sale and started to cry. And they said, You're crying Rasul Allah. He said, There is not wailing, but tears of compassion. For we are judged over what the tongue utters not what the eyes tear. We're not just over the tears that fall, but over the tongue, what we say without telling them what we believe,
are also Salah Salem out of love for his own man.
He advised us about everything there needs to be known. Among the compassion and mercy of the process of selling to his own man is this. He said in the, in the Hadith, which is in Sahih, Muslim, by the one in whose hand my soul is, when led the nap, CBD, you will not enter paradise until you believe, and he will not believe until you love one another. Shall I tell you of something that if you do it, you will love one another spread the grading of peace among yourselves. In another Hadith he wants sat down, and he said, to his companions, Wallahi there is nothing that brings you closer to Paradise, except that I have informed you about it and shown you and there is nothing that brings
you closer to hellfire, except that I have told you about it and shown you there's nothing left that will
do you any better than that. And that is also from the mercy from South Salem, he made sure that everything we got that would make us have the manual and the key to paradise and to be saved from the fire.
So much so that one time when I saw the lights Allah send them made dua to Allah for three things and Allah gave him two and denied him one. He sat with his companions one time and said to them, I asked the ALLAH my lord for three things, and he has granted me too,
but has withheld one. What are they are rasool Allah, He said, I begged my Lord, that my Alma should not be destroyed because of famine, because of feminine and he granted me this, the OMA does not get wiped out because of feminine.
And I begged my lord that my Alma should not be destroyed
by an enemy that is outside of them.
And Allah gave me that, then I suspect that my Lord that there should be no bloodshed among the people of my Alma meaning they kill each other and fight each other. But he did not grant me that he did not grant me that
the OMA
cannot be an unmet of Muhammad Salah send them if they turn on each other and they kill each other. Otherwise you are not an unmapped anymore. And the name or map comes from the word in which means mother.
And what does the mother do?
She encompasses her children.
And Rasulullah saw Selim called us in Omaha encompasses us.
Then Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He mentioned three things that he fears for his own we met in the future. We said of course our son cares for us. So he fears three things in the future. What are they? The first one Rasul Salah Sanlam feared for his own men the future is minus Schilke
minus sherek is called also to the rear Miss to show off your good deeds only to please people and not do them for the sake of Allah.
He said some Allahu alayhi wa salam, one of the biggest fears that I fear upon you, my Alma is minus shidduch. They said O Messenger of Allah and what is minus Sheikh? He said at RIA I service showing off your good deeds and worship, a person gets up to pray notice as people are watching him or her and they beautify their prayer to please them not to please Allah subhanahu wa add
the hadith is in Muslim document and authentic in different ways. The second thing Rasul Allah assassin and feared upon his OMA is the tongue,
the tongue the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
the hadith is in terms of the
one companion and Sophia and a third copy says, Yeah, Rasul Allah, what is something that you fear a lot upon me, and, in, also, extension to the OMA.
Then the Prophet SAW Selim grabbed his tongue. And he said this, most of the sins of the children of Adam is because of their tongues. In our modern time, you extend this, it's not just the tongue. It's on the internet. I repeat this all the time. Anything that comes out verbally or written is speech. So in other words, he said your speech, your speech, you see a person probably very nice in front of you. They wouldn't say a single bad word, put them on the internet and watch them go.
No boundaries. And they think somehow they're hiding. You know, in America, the ostrich, ever seen the ostrich? When the ostrich gets scared? You know what he does? Puts his little tiny head how big is his body? Little tiny head in the sand and what does it think? things no one can see it. That's exactly these people go on the internet and go away talking rubbish. They talk things Allahu Allah model is sinful, not sinful. And they think nobody sees them. It's like the ostrich putting its head in thing but the whole body is showing. We ask Allah to forgive us. The third thing Rasul Allah Sanlam. Obviously the tongue is about gossiping, backbiting, making fitna talking false things about
the deen and so on. The third thing of course is Allah they will send them feared is materialism, that the world enters into our hearts we begin to compete for it and fight each other for it and make our whole endeavor and goal for this world and competing together. Plus also our Selim says, it is not poverty that I fear upon you might onma But it is abundance of wealth and treasures falling upon you that I fear not that it is haram you can enjoy the abundance what he feels is that this abundance enters your heart. And then you begin to compete each other toward until you annihilate each other just as people before you were tested with it and they destroyed each other and forgot
their Deen.
There are three more, although some of them are weak and some of them are strong, and I'll mention them anyway. The fourth one is misguiding leaders. The hadith is slightly weak it is narration but some compact some scholars have lifted it to acceptable that the Prophet SAW Selim said, I fear upon my ummah in the future leaders who will misguide the people away from the deen which I taught them. And of course, obviously this meaning is in the Quran as well. Number five, the hadith is authentic. He says I fear upon my ummah killing and oppression among themselves. The hadith is integrity. And lastly, he said,
he said, I fear upon my own malware, people are going to follow idolatry in some parts of the world, and that there will be among my own my 30 at least 30 liars, each one of them will say I am a prophet. While I am the final prophet. There is no prophet after me. But there will always be a group of myeloma scattered in the world who are standing on the truth and following my way.
We live in a time now where people are making up religious beliefs of their own. Have you seen them on the internet? They come up making up their own beliefs. I am the messenger of God.
I am
This and I have come to you and this sounds like sit aside man seriously as false prophet, another one. I am a messenger of God I am the malady of this Alma
Where did you get this from? Another group, fear Allah Muslims and don't believe in Hadith only the Quran Subhan Allah we spoke about this last time we spoke about it, I'm not going to go into it as well. They call others kofod For taking Hadith.
All these false are also Salah Salem spoke about the foretold future he said, The Jews before me separated into 70 different sects, and the Christians separated into at least 72 sects. And this amount of mine will in the future, in the future, separate into 72 Six, all of it is in the fire except one. They said O Messenger of Allah, which one is it? And he said, however, is on the same thing that I am my companions are on. And another Hadith he says, however, still sticks to the GEMA the community that I and my companions are on,
the Hadith in Sahih, Muslim and others. Now I don't know the exact meaning of what they six mean. But I do know that the scholars have a few opinions the first opinion which is a minority and incorrect, he was talking about the people before him, but that doesn't make sense. But in the future, there will be among the Muslims or separate into 73 sects. Some scholars said they are completely in the fire many the disbelievers except one and others they said no, they will separate with different ideas, but they may go to hellfire for a while and then be saved.
All of these are scholars opinions, what is unanimously agreed upon them is that a disbeliever who calls himself a Muslim, if they do not follow at least the fundamentals the tenets fundamentals of the true Quran and Sunnah than they are disbelievers. You reject the Quran, you reject parts of the Quran, you reject authentic hadith from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his command, you reject the commands of Allah or his prohibitions, you start making Highlander Haram as you please these people, you know making all these claims. They call themselves Muslims, but they are disbelievers.
My dear brothers and sisters
are full size send them also tells us this hadith is sahibidir Alberni, he said,
to his companions, one time, you are now my companions in a time where there are so many knowledgeable scholars, but not many who speak not many speeches, because people didn't need to sit down and listen to speeches, they were knowledgeable enough to sit in little classes, and talk. And he said,
but there will come a time where those who speak or more than those are knowledgeable.
He said in our time now those who who leave out one tenths of knowledge
are on the path of destruction. In the future, however, we're knowledges lists and speeches a mall if you follow 1/10 of this Dean, then you are on the straight path inshallah you are safe 1/10 meaning of practices, of course, your beliefs have to be right. And there is good news in that in that we live in a time when knowledge is less when he said knowledge he meant, I'll say in Arabic, at the football. The football is a little bit deeper than just the knowledge knowledge is real and means to know things. So we know a lot of things today we have ample information. As for football, it means to understand and comprehend and know how to apply. Many people today are not doing that.
And we live in a time where
and when he said speeches doesn't mean that people give hopeless doesn't mean public speakers on day in and day out to nananana there was also a senator saying too many people talk about the religion without knowledge. Everybody talks, everybody gets straight to us. Everybody jumps and you see the knowledgeable people that don't jump they don't go online and start making fat was left right and center. The people who are not knowledgeable they claim to be an ultra start talking about the Dean as they wish. They criticize their sarcastic they say things they don't know about. They call halal, halal and haram Halal not knowing
says Hadith from the prophet that they don't know if it's authentic or not quite verses in their own way and fight about it and think that they know it all. This is what their source hasn't talked about too many people talk not many people are knowledgeable in the tunnel promises sell them too many people are knowledgeable not many people just throw things around. Have been Massaro describes this so the Allah Allah he says, You are living at a time and his time he says you are living at a time when there are many men of understanding and few operators
There are a few who ask, and many who give. Few who asked means that not many people need to ask about knowledge because they're so knowledgeable in it, there is more action than diversion people are practicing being productive, more than just lip service. After you there will come a time when there are few men have understanding and many are writers, there will be many who ask, and few who give meaning many people they ask questions about every little detail today we live in a time where they're asked Does God exist? That ask about
intricate detail tiny, irrelevant, insignificant questions and lots of time is wasted upon things and some things are so lost that a person is so confused they need to ask upon, it's not a bad thing. But asking, but because of the ignorance and the lack of understanding the questioning is a lot. There will be many who asked him few who who give guidance in to direct action, guidance in it. Direct Action, know that right guidance at the end of time is better than some action. And he also said there will come a time where people's desires guide their actions rather than the guidance of the Sunnah, guiding directions so a time of desires are time of whims and people making up things.
Finally, brothers and sisters, the last bits that I want to talk about the process and His mercy and compassion. They are close to my heart. So here we go.
When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam finally return to his hometown in Makkah,
and we all know the conquest of Mecca after he was kicked out of Mecca. Driven out with his companions and persecuted he finally came back after the enemies that fought him and his companions and killed many of them and tried to annihilate the Muslims and tried to kill the prophets, Allah Selim and everything they did to him. Finally, he returns back to Mecca. And he takes over MCCA and the enemies are in there thinking that the Prophet SAW Selim and his companions are going to slaughter them and massacre that because they said we deserve what we did to him in the past decades.
But instead, the Prophet peace be upon him stood up in front of the Kaaba
to show you the process and truly wants the best for the people and his Oma. And he made the hook but I'll just say parts of it, he said, Verily, Allah has abolished the arrogance of Jania, the ignorant days before Islam, the hierarchy of tribalism, all of you are from Adam, and Adam was from the earth. And then he recited oh people, we have created you from a single pair of male and female, and we made you into nations and tribes so that you may come to know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly all knowing, all aware. Chapter 49 Verse 13, then the process and lamb turn specifically to the inhabitants
disbelieving enemies in Makkah, who had fought him all these years, and he said to them directly, Melvin nakoma, NIFA, I don't become what do you think I am going to do to you now? You are all now with me prisoners. So what are you going to do?
And they replied to him, the disbelievers in Makkah, they said to him,
You are a man of mercy and forgiveness. You are a man of kindness and tenderness that's all we've known you as they spoke the truth. And the Prophet peace be upon him replied
I will say to you what my brother prophet to use of Joseph said to his brothers, when they tried to kill him, and he became a king in the end or treasure
ladder three Bama de como near will mail fatal long welcome over HaMoed or oh, he mean, no blame or harm will be upon you today. Allah will forgive you. Then he said to them, it hobble frontopolar call go for your free people. That is the messenger of Allah that is what a messenger of allah does. And then after that, there came a moment
of great fear and sadness by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
that one time
the Prophet peace be upon him was reciting from the Quran.
And he came across the verse, which resides
about what Prophet Abraham
supplicated to Allah. There was a verse in the Quran, which talks about Prophet Abraham praying to God for His people. And in the verse it says the Prophet Ibrahim was saying, Rob be in Nelson
Now blender Naka Thea
nurse if
the Fed in no mean me, woman now Sawhney for in knuckleball for the washing sort of Ebrahim that primary center one sat down and said, Oh my lord,
many of the people that you sent me to have gone straight. However, if then follows me, then he is one of me. But whoever has disobeyed me, oh my lord, then you are the most forgiving, Most Merciful.
He didn't say oh Allah destroy them, punish them. He said, Oh Allah, you were the forgiving most merciful messenger wanted good for his people. Then also says and I've read on and he passed by another verse, which talks about Jesus either he said, I'm a Saudi Salah where it says, in Doha they belong in neighbor dog, or
doll theater Alohomora in Naka.
Aziz on hacking team, sort of no matter where Jesus is, as I said, I'm more saying about his own people, Oh my Lord, if You punish them, they are Your servants. But if you forgive them instead, then you are the most wise the honorable.
Suddenly Rasul, Salah Salem lifted his arms up to the sky, and he began to weep heavily. And then he said,
he started to weep heavily. And then the Hadith says that Allah subhana, Allah sent Gibreel
and he said OSHA Breen. Go and see what Muhammad wa Salam is crying about although Allah knows, so the Green said, a messenger of Allah, Allah sent me to ask you, what are you crying about while he knows? And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam replied, years Gibreel he said to him, it is my own man, my alma, all these prophets sought prayers for their ummah. And what about my mama? I want my ummah to be safe. I want Allah to forgive them and to save them. And then Allah said to Gibreel he said, Go back to Mohammed, Salah Salem and say to him in some Arabic a few medica wilderness Oak, OH Mohamed, we will make You pleased and we will not harm you or bring you any grief or sadness in seeing harm
to your man. Don't worry, we're going to look after them. Doesn't mean none of them will go to * for you will be punished. Some of them might. But Allah subhanaw Diallo will eventually look after them, in a way they don't deserve. But because the peroxide seldom he will look after this insha Allah hinder the editoral sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he described the Day of Judgment. And he began to cry saying on that day is a long day very hard day. And that people will go to every single prophet after another prophet seeking help. And every prophet will be scared himself and say, Please go away. Please go away. We can't do anything for you. Each proper will say we're not deserving of
this stance today. He says until they reach me Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the final prophet, and they say to him a messenger of Allah you are the final prophet, ask Allah and intercede for us to salsa Selim says, On that day I will prostrate to Allah on to the ground. I do not know how long I will make my search before and I will make a prayer to Allah speaking words I have never said before. Only Allah knows how long I will say that prayer for and then Allah will say to me, Mohamed Arafat sick was far too far was a lotta Oh Mohammed, lift your head up and intercede. I will give you intercession and ask for anything. I will grant it to you. It says I will lift my head up.
And the first thing I will say is you're upbeat. Yeah, or be a mighty mighty, my Lord by Lord, my nation, my nation, have mercy on them, forgive them, look after them, don't let them fall my Lord.
And then he says, I will see groups of my onma coming to me out of fountain which Allah had given and some of them the angels will not let them come through. And I will say oh my lord, the promise. And Allah will say to him, you don't know what they did after you. They changed they changed the OD and they changed they went off at our source our send them said then away with them away with them a lot not make us among the ones who go away but the ones who drink from it. Insha Allah, my dear brothers and sisters, I know the salah does come in, is that then still there about five minutes so we'll finish these last bits insha Allah
does also send them then stood and was happy with that.
His last sermon three months before he passed away, what did he do? He stood up and his last sermon and I'll just read excerpts of it just a little bit. He said, Oh people, addressing all people, oh people it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah's trust and with His permission,
and then he moves on SallAllahu sallam, because it's a long sermon says do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed to help us and that is you're right that they do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well, never to be unchaste Of course not approve many those who will harm the family. Then he said, oh people, listen to me in earnest. Worship Allah, say your five daily prayers faster during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in zurka perform Hajj, if you can afford it. And then he said, all mankind is from Adam and Eve, and Arab and Arab has no superiority over a non Arab nor a non Arab has any superiority
over an Arab. Also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood and OMA, nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim, unless it was given freely and willingly to them. Do not therefore do injustice to yourselves. Remember, one day you will meet online and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. Oh people, no prophet or apostle will come after me. And no new faith will be born. Reason Well, therefore, oh people and understand words that
I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and the Sunnah. And if you follow these, you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others, and those two others again, and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listened to me directly. And then he lifted his arms up to Allah and he said Allahumma in the UK, beloved fresh head, oh Allah be my witness that I have conveyed your message to your people. Then he recited the verse and leiomyoma commanded the dollar golden day in a coma at mem Doyle Aiko now Mati you are the doula Komodo is Dina. Today I have perfected your religion and blessed and completed my favorite
upon you. And except that Islam zero the gingers Allah says, and then there's also a lot wider you are seldom said, oh people have I faithfully delivered on to my message, a powerful murmur from the people was raised. Oh Allah, yes, you have an Rasul. So I send them said, Oh, Allah, yes, I have. And finally said, Oh, Allah bear witness that I have conveyed your message to your people, finally to a source of Allah idea was salam.
He gave a speech that are where he cried in and he advised his companions in the masjid. And they said, You are a solo, it's as if you are farewelling us. He said, Perhaps I am. Stay on the clear straight path which I have left you one and don't go astray. And in sha Allah, my meeting with you is at the fountain. Then he went to the graves of the Muslims, and over there it made dua for them and greeted them, and said to them, You have beaten us and we shall follow in sha Allah to the goodness, and then with him with some companions, and also set them then cried and said, The only thing I would have loved to meet are my brothers.
They said to him out of soul, Allah.
What do you mean? Are we not your brothers? He said, You on my companions. The brothers I'm talking about have not are not born yet. And they said, how will you know them? We are a soul Allah. He said, Well, if you are having a few heard of a man who has many horses, among them are horses that that have different colors on them. And there are horses that are just one big black color. And you just one big color with no other colors. Isn't it easy to tell them apart? They said yes, they are awesome. They said on the Day of Judgment, myeloma will come with white faces and white arms and white legs, from the effect of they will do and they're solid, and that is how I will identify them
and I will tell them to come and drink from the fountain. My dear brothers and sisters Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died on these words, always wanting the best for his own man. And even on his deathbed. In his last breaths. He used to say to the people or Salah to sauna, your prayer, your prayer, your prayer, and those that have been entrusted to you, people who have been entrusted to you, Asana, Asana, and those entrusted to
You. So the summer is where it begins. And our trust is what matters. We have to fulfill the trust with honesty. That is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we are the owner of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we are proud of this identity. You are my brother, and I am your brother. You're my sister, and I am your brother and your sisters to one another. You are brothers to one another. No matter our race, how color, her nationality, how our status, our finances, whether you can get something out of them or not. We are brothers and sisters in Islam, we greet each other with the same greeting. We sneezes say, in 111, we say or hammer Kamala, we pray
together, we stand shoulder to shoulder, no difference between any person. That is how the one MA The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam truly is, we lift each other up, we praise one another, we advise one another in goodness and in secret. We want the best for one another, and we want for each other what we love for ourselves. And that is truly the honor of brotherhood and the honor of this own man may Allah subhana wa Allah be pleased with us all. And may Allah subhanaw taala keep us united on the rope of Allah has won on the best one. The greatest online mail was Fanta Allah bless you my brothers and sisters was set online equal what Allah Allah he will better card over solid law
and you know Muhammad died earlier. Hi