Bilal Assad – 7 Under His Shade

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary ©
The importance of finding one's heart connection to Allah is emphasized in the Bible, and various types of love, including oneided, toxic, and crisis love, is discussed. comfort and misery" is emphasized, and "weAKing" is used to describe the idea of "weAKing" and the fruit of experiencing things without us knowing. The concept of a "we" is not a negative thing, but a fruitful thing that allows us to see beyond the physical world. The speaker provides context for the concept of time and explains that "we" is not a negative thing, but a fruitful thing that allows us to see beyond the physical world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. My brothers and sisters, we sent out a questionnaire on social media and got many different topics that the people would like to hear. All of them were very different and it was very hard to choose which one so I chose a topic that will cover about half of the requests and inshallah I think it was a very good thing that we did. Because coming to Ramadan, I think this will be a very nice topic to start off with Insha Allah, we want to go to the hearts because the heart is the most precious and most valuable thing we have. If the heart is wrong, the rest of the body is wrong as rasool Allah Azza wa

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sallam stood up on time and said, Allah Phil just said the mudra either solo had solo Khaled Jessa do couldn't do were either faster that faster than just a dokolo Halawa he'll, behold, in this body, there is a muscle. And if it is, right, the rest of the body is right. And if it is corrupt, the rest of the body is corrupt. Behold, it is the heart, the rest of the body, meaning spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. If the heart is not right, all of that is not right. All of that is not right. So my brothers and sisters, let's enter into this topic. And I begin First of all, with a little scenario which I want to put ourselves in the topic today, the seven who will be

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shaded under allah shade on the day when there will be no other shade, but his shade. So let us go through them in sha Allah Who Diala the scenario. It is an Islamic belief it is the Muslim belief that after this world there is a day of judgment, a day of accountability. The evil who got away with his or her evil shall be held to be accountable and questioned. For every evil they did. Every injustice they did.

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God help them well, there's no help for them on the Day of Judgment, we're gonna help them now if they are not guided and fix their ways. Every person who did an atom's worth of evil it will be produced, and every person who did an atom's worth of good it will be produced. So those who did good and nobody noticed, and died and passed away, Allah has recorded every atoms worth nothing goes lost. Right now is our work. The hereafter is Allah's work. Now we work now we obey now we worship now we have choice. Now we have freedom, and we have a conscience to choose which way we want to go. But everything will be recorded. In the Hereafter they have judgment. It is Allah who acts and we

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have to receive we are judged no more worship on that animal good deeds, no more saying Yara take me back let me do better it's over. Allah has given us the guidance has given us the Quran has given us the Prophets and Messengers. And now in this modern world, nearly every person in the world hears about the guidance of Allah we have the Quran that is unchanged, and the messenger Muhammad wa sallam has words they shine and they get even bigger and greater and more manifested than any other time. Let Isla de la Mata salsa Salah and did say layer blue layered hair that layer blue hair the Dean Bella Leila one now, this deen of Allah, this religion of Allah will reach whatever the night

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and day has reached, until it enters not a single until it does not leave out a single home, whether it is urban or city, in remote land or in the heart, meaning 90% 99% of the world it will rage and it will enter with either the people receiving it with pride and happiness, or it will approach them and they will reject it and they will receive it with agony or hate and misery, but it will face you the truth will face you. So we are seeing that now.

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And also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us and of course the verses are many in the Quran about the hereafter the Day of Judgment. He said, The hadith is in Imam Ahmed.

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And many similar to what he said, on the day of accountability. The sun will come closer to the earth. How will it come closer? Only Allah knows is that the same sun as today? Most likely not. In fact, the Quran says the heavens will change and the earth will change from what you see now. Therefore, the physics we know today, the celestial bodies and the way the sun is the way the moon is will not be the same. After the world ends and the day of accountability comes says the sun will be so close to the Earth.

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And people everywhere who was standing there shall sweat. The sweat is not normal. It's not like the sweat here on a hot day 4045 or 50 degrees. People will sweat and then he described as follows some sweat will reach their ankles. Others will sweat until it reaches their knees. Others will sweat until it reaches their hips. Others will sweat until the sweat reaches their shoulders. Others will sweat until their sweat reaches their mouth. Others will sweat until the sweat covers them all together.

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from their sweat everyone depending on the amount of sins that they have accumulated in this life.

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Then he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam giving us hope. He said, and there will be on that day seven types of characters, seven types of people.

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And then he describes their qualities. Seven who will be shaded and protected by Allah subhanho wa Taala from the hardships of that day?

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How will he protect them, either by the shade of his throne, or by his own protection in different ways, or whether the angels will come and surround that person and protect him and give him or her the feeling of safety and security. There are many different ways that Allah gives protection. So the word shade in Arabic is a metaphor for protection, support, and looking after you and sheltering you from all of the harm on that day, including the sun.

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And he enumerated the hadith is in Bukhari and Muslim number one, Imam an ideal, a just ruler, a just leader. Number two, a young, a young person or youth who spent their youth in the worship of Allah.

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The youth is from puberty,

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and what's generally agreed among the scholars, up to 35, some set 40.

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And some even went to the extent of 50. But generally speaking, 35 number three,

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a man whose heart is connected and attached to the places of worship.

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Number four, a man or two men, or two people who meet each other, and love each other for the sake of Allah. When they meet, it's for the sake of Allah when they depart, it's also for the sake of Allah. I'll explain it soon. Number five,

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a man whom a woman of beauty and status called him

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or called him to the bed. And then he remembers Allah and says, I fear Allah. Number six, a man who donates so secretly that

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is that nobody else knows. Another Hadith says his left does not know what he's right did. Again, this is a metaphor, but I'll explain it.

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And a man who remembers Allah in seclusion, so much so that the fear of Allah makes his heart weak, makes his eyes weep, and he cries.

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The first thing I want to say about this, number one,

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are there other things that a person can do? Which will cause them to be shaded on the Day of Judgment? Other than the seven? The answer is yes.

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And I will insha Allah say what they are.

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Number two, is this hadith only for men, since Ross also assumes all saying a man to men,

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and I want you to learn this principle rather than sisters forever. Anytime. The Quran or Hadith says Men, by default, it also means women. And this is unanimously agreed by all the scholars and all the Arabs who speak Arabic and whenever a woman is mentioned in the Quran and the Hadith, automatically, it also means the men

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unless there is a specific

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verse or Hadith that tells you know, it is only specified for women are only specified for men.

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An example of where men are mentioned which includes women, is when Allah subhanahu wa ala he mentions in the Quran

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those who are honest and truthful in their worship,

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then there is no harm upon them and no sadness. And he mentioned that in the masculine term, meaning in

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the feminine terms and not me net, but Allah says what meaning that means it is also the women because women also worship and pray. Same thing.

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In another verse of the Quran, Allah mentions women, he says those who accused women of in chastity,

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of indecent behavior, accused them and did not bring for witnesses who I witnessed the fornication then with each one of those who accused her with AD lashes each so they're not accused people. The hadith the area is talking about the women, but it's also true for the men

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Any man any woman who accuses men of Zina or fornication or adultery should also bring for witnesses otherwise, the women are also with AD lashes for their accusation. So these are two examples of verses where men are mentioned, but the women apply and women are mentioned the men are applied. But whereas verse is specific to women's such as their dress code, such as specific matters in divorce, such as specific matters in pregnancy and breastfeeding, of course, we know that these verses are specific for women. And there are others specific for men. We're not going to talk about that today. But generally speaking 90% Whenever you say men, it means women and definitely in all of these seven

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characteristics Rasul Salah mentioned it is for both men and women, let's go through them in sha Allah but before we go through them, I'm promised you there are other qualities which make a person be shaded under allah shade, let's go through them quickly in sha Allah, just to give you a good feeling of Allah subhanaw taala has mercy and blessing. So not everybody can apply all the seven perfectly so Allah gives out of His mercy. Others the Hadith are in fact Halle Berry by Imam Ibn 100. He said, also the one who is shaded is the one who relieves someone's hardship and burdens. There are people who have that quality. They love to help people who are destitute and in hardship.

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And they always go out of their ways to find a way to relieve their hardships, whatever they're going through, whether it's through

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government, debts or bills, whether it's something going on in their family that they are stuck in, whether it's homelessness, whether it's job, whether it's anything, these people go out of their way helping for the sake of Allah not as a job, but for the sake of Allah to relieve these people from their burdens, and even people who take on a job with the intention that it is for the sake of Allah because they like to relieve people's hardships, then Insha Allah, they also fall under this number to

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someone who helps someone else pay off their debt.

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Also, again, these are people who will be under his shade. Number three excelling in good character, a person's character reaches a point where they are amazing, that person will be shaded. Another one is the person who loves walking to the places of worship to the mosques, footsteps. Now another one is defending someone's right and to get their right back someone who

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advocates and works to get the right of somebody who their right has been taken away from them. Another one is an honest and trustworthy businessman, or businesswoman a person who is trading or doing business selling and buying they are honest and fair, and trustworthy in their trade. There'll be shaded under allah shade. And on an orphan sponsor, a person who sponsors orphans will also be under allah shade. Another one is a financially generous person who helps others or spends on others in need. They're not miserly, they're always helping that person beyond Allah shade. Another one is sheltering and protecting a person in need or in fear, giving protection and peace as somebody who

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is in fear. Also, and obviously, justly, not when somebody is in fear because they've killed someone No. But a person is generally in fear when they're oppressed. Another one is making well don't properly even in discomfort and inconvenience, you still make widow and you don't say I'm not going to make will do I'm going to let my prayer go because it's too cold or it's raining. Another one is sheltering and protecting a resistant, a resistance fighter. In truth and justice, a fighter was fighting and juice to the truth and justice who is protecting the innocent. Another one is supporting and assisting a soldier who stands for justice and peace. In Islam, of course,

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all of these brothers and sisters earn a person shelter on the Day of Judgment, so long as they die upon these characteristics. And now let us go to the seven what is the difference between the seven who are shaded and these ones that I mentioned? Why did I salsa, Salah mentioned the seven by themselves and gave so much emphasis and importance to them. And these are the ones I mentioned are scattered Hadees here and there. The answer to that is what the scholars said, The Seven that the Rasul saw Salah mentioned they

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they reside in the core of the heart of a person and they guide your actions, whereas the others, they reside in your actions and they then eventually affect your heart. One comes from within and the actions are automatically shown. And the other ones that come from your actions with some

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with some foundation in your heart, but they improve your heart. So therefore the seven is really who you are to the core of you

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Heart. It's like the CPU of your brain of like the computer, right? It's the heart of it.

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And it governs your actions. Whereas the other one is this for people are blessings and mercy from Allah for those who don't reach that level.

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Let's go through them. Number one, a just and fair leader, or ruler. The scholars described this person in two, the first one and the ultimate one is a ruler of the Muslim land. And everyone under that ruler who was given authority and leadership to govern or to look after the affairs of people. So one who is a leader of people, one who has the people's affairs in their hand and their control, they have the power to oppress, or to be fair, and just if he is if he or she is fair, and just and of course, there are categories, there are some where women are not allowed to be according to Islam, and some women can be so they all can be in leadership positions. So one way or another in

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which people's affairs and fate are in their control. When I say fate, I mean that the fate of what Allah has given them to decide on things for the

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livelihood. The other

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interpretation the scholars gave is anybody who was given a position of leadership, even if it's small, even if it's inside of the home, like the Mother, the Father,

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a school principal, and owner of a big business in which people are working under a person who is a leader of a big organization in which people people's affairs are reliant on that principle, that person has the power to be just to the people who are working under them, or they are in charge up by a date that they have the power to ruin their lives. These people if they are just unfair to them, that Insha Allah, Allah can employee even employer for example, to a lesser, lesser extent, so long as they apply justice, all the way down to the father and mother. Is this understood? Insha Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what ALLAH SubhanA wa ala

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Ross Rasulillah Salam said and Zaha Hadid, Muslim in Malmo city, Anna and Allah here ilm, Anna Brahmin nor those who are just, they will be on the Day of Judgment, on high towers of light on Yamini Rahman, on the right side of the Most Merciful, this is again a metaphor, which means they will be in a special closeness to Allah, because in Arabic when we say right, it also it means literally right. And it also has a metaphoric meaning, which means the close one who will be treated with special favors, that's what it means. And Allah de, and if they don't, if you hook me him, they are the ones who are just in their rulings, and the execution, what a holy him and their own

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families, one would do, and whatever they are in charge of your family is your children, all of that you're the people, whatever you are in charge of.

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Let's move to the next one.

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Or let me just finish that because anybody who takes care of others, and shelters them with justice and goodness, than they deserve on a day of judgment to be treated in the same way, Allah will also shelter them with justice and goodness, just like they sheltered people's affairs with justice and goodness, and they were trustworthy. And the opposite is true. Any person of power, who is in just to or unjust to the people that are reliant and dependent on them, Allah will give them the same reward and a day of judgment, where they will also be denied sheltering and support from Allah on the Day of Judgment.

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Number two, a youth met boy or girl, man or woman, male or female,

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who chose to dedicate their youth in the worship of Allah. Now, there's nothing special about that to dedicate slug sounds really big. All it means is the opposite. We know that youthful people have a high level of hormones, high level of energy, more temptations, mentally, they've got more reasons to go astray because they're thinking I've still got my whole life ahead of me. They think I've still got time. They've got their strength, their health, yes, they have a bit more time than your elder older people. They have less responsibilities and older people, and they have more time to think about so they can be deceived with it. So but I was also said and focused on them and said,

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the youth who spend their time not following their temptations and they're disciplined in the worship of Allah subhana wa Hyla as much as they can. They deserve the shelter of Allah subhanaw taala because, because they sheltered themselves from very difficult temptation.

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And the young people, the younger you are, the harder it is to fight the temptations, the more difficult it is to restrain yourself from haram. Therefore, the equal reward to that is fair because their struggles and their challenges are stronger. Therefore when they shelter themselves from and they tried their best, they deserve the shelter from Allah on the Day of Judgment, more than older person who doesn't have the same challenges as the young people. Does that make sense? Sherpa Nisha Fei Beda Diletta youth who was raised in the worship of Allah Spanner with that

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they didn't let the abuses the teasing, the bullying, the ideologies that came to attack this young person, on the internet, on social media, among their friends, among their peers, at school, at work among their families. They held tight and they stood firm on their identity and their ideals. These people, these young people are special to Allah subhanho wa taala. And that is why Ross also sallam said even though the hadith is weak, but from different angles, the meaning is true, that the young person has shared with Abraham you belong, a young person who's constantly repentant, coming back to Allah, repenting from their sin and coming back doing the sin and coming back and trying, always up

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and down, up and down. And not giving up is one of the Beloved's of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And that is why it was also essential to have young people around him all the time. He loved the young people because he will looked after them and saw them as the future more than older people and their minds need to be cultivated, and they are braver, more courageous ready to accept new innovations and ideas innovation I mean, in worldly innovation not religious innovations. But they are ready and truly the deen was built on the youth, masha Allah, although the youth need guidance or wisdom from the elderly is the deen was built on and there's a whole chapter of the Quran dedicated to the youth called Surah Al Gaff.

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So the bigger the challenge, the bigger the reward.

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Number three,

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a man whose heart is attached to the places of worship, I told you that when you say man, it means also women. There are two interpretations among the scholars and both of them can be merged together with this meaning is that the mosque itself that the hadith is saying the hearts are attached to one interpretation, one meaning is correct. But there is also another meaning that goes with it. Both of them are correct. One, the person whose heart is attached to any mosque, because they're attached to pray, and they love to pray in general. This is more specific to men, because the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, The best type of prayer for a woman, not the only but the best is inside her

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home in her room.

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It doesn't mean that she doesn't go to the masjid. It doesn't mean there's no benefit for her in the masjid. But when it comes to congregational prayer, the men are more encouraged to be there. And when it came to the time of the compulsory prayers, the best place of woman to pray is in her bedroom. However, it also said them said let them know Emma Allahu masajid Allah do not prevent the worshipping women of Allah from the mosques of Allah from the houses of Allah. Even he said Leyland even at night if they want to go. So all other times also, her heart is clinging to the masjid. His heart is clean to the masjid is all virtuous. And the other meaning that is matched to it that some

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scholars took it to mean generally speaking, so that's the specific meaning. The general meaning is that their hearts are cling to the times of praise.

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They're always watching. It's nearly time for prayer. They've got the clocks working, they've got their alarms going, they've got the clockwork in their head, no matter what they're doing. The Salah takes priority to the best of their ability, or at least if they can't do it, their heart becomes at ease until they prayed. These are the types of people to sign where your heart is connected to solid massages, plural for prostration, which means all pray, you're always your heart is going to the prayer you're uneasy without your prayer being done. And the closer it is to its time the better.

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So Rasul Salam said, the most beloved prayer to Allah is the one on its time or close to its time unless you're praying and Gemma in congregation, then whenever the congregation prays, it's the best even if it's half an hour later. The point is a person's heart is clean to the prayer. Unlike a person who is oblivious to pray, doesn't care misses their prayers. It's the last thing on their mind, or it's on their mind, but they're thinking this is a bit more important. They're lazy Daisy with their prayer. Lexie, Daisy don't really care. Don't take it seriously. So the ones who take their prayer seriously. Imam nawawi says, and it's me

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thing is that they have intense love, to sticking to the congregations to the prayers.

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And it doesn't mean sitting in the mosque. It doesn't mean you stay in the mosque, no, it means to the prayer itself and that's why the general meaning is closer. And the specific meaning of being at the mosque is more virtuous. Of course, who doesn't love the houses of Allah subhanaw taala they love being congregation whenever they have the chance and in general, anytime of solid, their hearts are clean to the solid.

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For Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran Fairhall FM in

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about muddy him on foreign oil blah, slide. What about shadow, defense, oh failure, and I'll call on lie

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losses that came a generation who neglected their praise, and instead replaced that with following their temptations. And Allah says, they will find on the Day of Judgment, a terrible misery awaiting so they better change. And Allah Samantha praises those who love the Salah and are connected.

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The next one is two men who love each other for the sake of Allah, and they meet upon it and depart upon it.

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It also encompasses the women, so it's a quality and it's not necessarily to people, some people say, Ah, it's like a soulmate, is it? Is it somebody that I made specifically just to have us best friends?

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You know, BFFs? Is that what he mean? No.

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The focus is on the quality of the person, not the numbers, nor specific people.

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It's the quality that you have inside your heart that shows outside what is that? The type of love that you have four people, how you love them, and based on what what do you love people based on? What is your criteria? What is your measure? What is your balance,

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you cannot decide, your heart decides.

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A lot of people misunderstand love and the heart in all avenues of life, especially in the modern day. Gen Z. They've got love all twisted upside down. And I believe it's because of their lack of understanding of what love is that relationships are also not stable.

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Gotta twist that idea of love, a fantasy of love.

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I don't know where it's coming from. But let me explain something to you brothers sisters.

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There are those who love other people personally

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because of what they've done for them,

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or natural love unconditionally, such as children, parents, like that.

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That's a personal love that is not shared by any criteria except you because you're related to them. Or because they've done favors for you. And this type of a person will only love someone if they find that they're there for them. They love them as well they sacrifice for them. So it's a mutual it's a mutual transaction.

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The love grows based on treatment. That's why you hear the term I'll only love those who treat me well and that don't treat me well. I'm not going to love them and love is based on this. So this is a personal type of love. And that's a good thing. This is the same love Rasul Allah so Allah and the Prophet peace upon had for his uncle Abu Talib, who was a disbeliever. He loved him, because his uncle supported him and protected him and looked after him and sacrificed for him and uphold the religion of Islam and what the Prophet SAW Selim stood for, and he believed him and he said, he is truthful, and I will protect him till my death. Plus, also Sam grew so much love for him. But the

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prophets Allah has sent them wanted the higher love. He wanted the personal love, and the religious spiritual love, the love that will not only make him together here in this life, but the one that after their death, there will be together in paradise as well.

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Unfortunately, also assalam could not get the second love.

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And this is the Sunni

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stance that Abu Talib did not convert to Islam. And that added on his deathbed and also saw Selim from his intense personal love for him. He came up to him and whispered

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my uncle, because the leaders of Croatia were there and his uncle would was too entrenched with and too obsessed with his lineage and his culture and his and his tribalism, and didn't want to look to the in front of the leaders that he died on another belief, and that he was more loyal to his culture and his tribe. So it also saw some clothes some whispered, says Uncle, just say it with your mouth, just move your lips and I will be a witness for you on a day of judgment that you set up my uncle.

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But he said no. On the religion of my

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lineage and forefathers. And he died upon that a disbeliever

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also SLM at that point said because of his personal love for him. He said,

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Let us still feel Anelka. I will continue to ask ALLAH forgive you after his death is an enhancer. unless ALLAH forbids me from doing it, I will continue. Then Allah forbid him. And the verses came down and gave us the example of Prophet Ibrahim added cinnamon also felt love for his father. Even though his father abused him, he wanted the best for his father. But Allah Subhana Allah said, No, you have no you have no say, in the matters that concern them and Allah, you have a say in what's between you two, but not between them and Allah for Allah created them and Allah has his own wisdom and he knows who deserves forgiveness and who doesn't. And he lost my dad said, the disbeliever who

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has made that choice? Allah knows He does not deserve Allah's forgiveness. No, we're not allowed to ask Allah for forgiveness for them. Now of course, there are different types of disbelievers. There are those who have never heard about Islam, for example, God knows who they are. And Allah will judge them in their own way there is a Hadith from Samson, which is authentic, that there are people who never heard about Islam never received Islam on the day of judgment. And among them are the people who are not mentally sane, and so on. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will send out a prophet who will tell them, this is the fire your God commands you to throw yourself in, if they disobey

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their disbelievers, and if they throw themselves it is bade cool and peaceful upon them. Now every test is according to the circumstances and that's the best test for them. Anyway, that's to Allah. But the point that I want to make here is that US also ascertain from his personal love he had for his heart his uncle, except there was another love which is higher than that, that he was guided with. And that is the love of Allah, the love of Allah supersedes everything. And my love to you for the sake of Allah is by the criteria of what makes Allah pleased and what doesn't have what is loving to Allah and what is not what is right by Allah and what is not, not by my standards. I can

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love you personally. You can love your wife, you can love your husband, you can love your parents, even if they're disbelievers, even if they're evil, but evil disbelievers good disbelievers bad disbelievers. Whatever you want to call them, you may love them. But the love for Allah sake is something different. That's special. And some people can love others for materialism, because they want something from them. They look at what they have. And let's say for example, my love is money.

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And I find someone who I know bye, bye take by having a relationship with them in whatever partnership whatever, I can get a lot of money out of them. So I show them love. But it's not because I love them. That's called Fake Love is because of what I because of the love of what I can get out of them.

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Those are two face people, they also show you love. And these are people who will only love your beard so long as they can gain something from you. The moment that's gone, they disappear as well. The third type of love is the one that you love someone for the sake of Allah now who has that the only people who can do that other people already have established the love of Allah already, they already have a love between them and God and Allah loves them, you will find them automatically drawn towards the people Allah loves. Who are they, the moment you see a characteristic in a person that you know, is loved by Allah.

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You find your heart drawn to them.

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I've seen a lot of these people as soon as they see him. They don't know them. And then they find there are signs of religious actions in them. There's genuine religion in them they've, they've asked about them people have spoken about them, they have gone on travel with them, for example, the moment they see characteristics of the things which Please Allah, their hearts are drawn to them. That Remember, there is a difference between your heart being drawn to them, and between trusting them in everything. It doesn't mean that you have to trust them in everything that comes in time. But the fact that you saw these actions in them which you know, as a person who loves Allah and

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Allah loves them

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are in them those qualities you can't help but your heart already be drawn to them and you start to love them for the sake of Allah and these are many different levels. The love intensifies or goes less the prophesy Sam loved all of his companions. Every time he saw goodness in someone which Allah loves, he would love them more. And that's why he loved Abu Bakr Golan are the most out of all the men and there are so so our Salah Mr. Love different ones in different categories.

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And he used to say to

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a brother Wallahi I love you to bow to Allah He I love you

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and so on.

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So I love you if only you would do this. So loving for the sake of Allah means you love the person for the qualities which Allah loves in them.

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That's a special type of love.

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And this my brothers and sisters is restricted as I said, as the prophesy son loved his uncle. Now some people, they do harm to themselves with love. There are different types of love charges want to give examples of which can be detrimental, be very careful about them. Look after your heart. Number one.

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There is a love cold that is based on codependency. Have you ever heard of that love codependency it's a one sided love.

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And that person who has a one sided love will only do the things that make that person they love, happy,

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but they don't care about their own happiness. They will do anything that pleases the other person even if it's wrong. Even if it's haram. Even if it's illegal, so long as they see them love, they will go to prison with them, so long as they're together. While the other person is not really caring about them, they don't have the same love codependency they feel their life is dependent on them being close to them. So it's a one sided love. This is a toxic, terrible type of love. And if a person does have the love of Allah subhanaw taala first, they will find themselves falling into that the only one we have that codependency, which is a loss of planet who have died, for everybody will

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leave us and nobody, even our own mothers and fathers how much they love us, our own children, no matter what happens, eventually

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we will leave each other and we'll be reliant and dependent on our connection with Allah subhanaw taala and Allah is the Most Merciful. So if you lose that connection with Allah, nobody can replace it. The second another type of toxic love is called infatuation. Be very careful about infatuation. infatuation, is a fantasy based attachment. In your mind, you've got this imagination and fantasy about someone. And you've drawn this world in your own head, which is irrational. This is called an infatuation. And your health and well being revolves around their closeness or their distance to you. You'll find people with infatuations they

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can even be a wife or a husband.

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Where it becomes where they just won't let you breathe.

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You're at work if you don't reply to their message within the next 10 seconds

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they lose the plot.

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You feel driving on the road you don't park and then answer it immediately. There's this mental illnesses

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they you don't want to go home anymore.

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Too much called infatuation. Sometimes you're not married to them could be anyone could be a friend, infatuation with this friend, they govern your life. They don't let you breathe. This is haram and this is a person who needs to establish their love to Allah and know that Allah comes before everything. There's also another type of love called the crush. I've talked about that, again, another fantasy that people have irrational. Usually they haven't taught celebrities and famous people. And the last one is very unique and quite dangerous. It's called a trauma, bonding, trauma bonding type of love examples of that there's a disease called the Stockholm Syndrome.

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It's when the victim of abuse develops a love attachment to the abuser.

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For example, a child relies on their parent or their caregiver for love and support.

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And then instead they receive repetitive abuse cycles from their parent or caregiver.

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And the child associates after that abuse with love

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and the child normalizes the abuse.

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And then

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copes by blaming themselves as they grow older so they grow up a type where someone will abuse them, they'll associate it with love, and then dependent on them and then no blind themselves all the way and some of them turned into abusers themselves and think that's love. They interpret tough love as abuse, abuse as tough love

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but they become abusive. And this is a very bad sickness where they are the biller what's why loving for the sake of Allah? If a person can establish that it'll save them from this cycle of sickness while a year they'll be loved. And that is why earlier the Allahu Anhu used to say be happy but Kahana masa and Iacobelli loca Yeoman man, if you find yourself attached or drawn to the love of someone, give his states they a little bit of a distance. Don't love them with all your heart because one day they may be the most hated to you. And if you find yourself hating someone, don't hate them altogether with all your heart one day they might be beloved to you

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Keep your heart at bay.

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This heart My dear brothers sisters is precious and those who attach it to love of material things your car, your phone, your money, your purse, your house, your job, your fame, your reputation, your luxuries, if you attach that heart to and make that the goal, everything in your life is destroyed.

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You pray, you pray for money. You give Dawa, you give Dawa for money. You talk about Islam, it's for money. You associate yourself with people of goodness, it's for money. If you don't get anything out of it, your heart's not with it. This is a big problem. And another type of thing that happens from this type

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of love is called self love. Not self love as in like loving to make yourself better. Until that narcissism. We don't care about anyone else but yourself. Absolutely no emotions or empathy for anyone if you have no benefit from them. And narcissism is called in Arabic in the Quran, Al Jarreau boob enough's. Oh, a Lahore order, which literally means arrogance and pride, and vanity.

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You think you are superior to everyone else. Ross also assalam said a person with that will not enter paradise.

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So his love is for himself not for Allah or her. Because love for Allah is selfless. When you love some for the sake of Allah, it's selfless, or come and meet you. I love with the circle because I love that you love to pray you love to be honest. You love to give charity you love Allah subhanaw taala you love to recite the Quran, you love to worship Allah, I love you for that. I don't want anything from you. I don't care about your color. I don't care about your race. I don't care about your gender. Brothers and sisters, I don't care about how much money you have or don't have fame or not ugly or beautiful. I don't care that doesn't even cross my mind. The fact that I see you a

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person who loves Allah and worships Allah, I know that Allah will most likely love you. So I'm gonna love you based on that. And that's it. And I can love a brother for the sake of Allah and I can love a sister for the sake of Allah with no personal attachment. And so we should all love each other and one of the signs of it is when you hear about your brother or sister in panier, or same pain, you see someone being misguided, you really want them to be guided and you try your best to be around for them. It's love for the sake of Allah subhanahu Uttara

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My dear brothers and sisters

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and that's I want to say one more thing in marriage since we're talking about that. You know, in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala does not mention love when it comes to husband and wife

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doesn't say love doesn't say hope. There's no Quran says we're Jehovah in a coma with the Tamarama he made between you Melinda and mercy. mawatha is from where love comes from my word that is a treatment, a treatment

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of love. But not necessarily in here. So a husband could love his wife but not full heartedly. A wife could love her husband awful huddly. And when you get married, that love can be high and it can

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go lost. Sometimes a person doesn't love and then they love increases depending on how you treat each other and sacrifice and spend your life. But there is something called My word. It is when you love to see your spouse happy and closer by your actions that you do. And you'd be selfless and try to grow together but it has to be mutual.

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So Allah says Melinda, and Rama Ramiz mercy, and from there comes love. And I wanted to emphasize that because some people that that I think too much Hollywood too much Netflix too many romantic movies, too many books, too many social media where they talk about love, and really honestly a lot of them don't know what it is. So they say I don't love you anymore. And then six weeks later, they're divorced. Why is that feel Subhanallah marriage is not just based on that because love rises and falls. And I know that they've put it into our brain love, love love yet. But the ultimate love is only for Allah. Nobody can love someone with all their heart. Nobody even loves themselves with

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all their heart. Do you divorce yourself from yourself? No, you try to nurture it. Insha Allah especially if you have children, nurture it, grow it together, you will never love everybody with all your heart.

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All right. And that's another topic. Finally, brothers and sisters, let me ask you, how can you increase your love for Allah? All right, so we know that loving each other for the sake of Allah, you have to have your love for Allah, how do I increase my love for Allah? I'm going to give you a few tips, how many 12345 Just five tips on how to increase your love for Allah so that your love in your heart for Allah guides your actions automatically without even trying. Number one.

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Since you're all internet savvy, savvy, savvy, so you say

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you go on internet, go on Google and write. Allah loves

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and see what comes up. You're gonna get at least 13 things that Allah loves.

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Try to work on them.

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Then type Allah hates. You're gonna get a list. Try to work on detaching from them.

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And watch how your love for Allah

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will increase

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number to increase your regular zikr you know that there is remembrance of Allah. Remembrance of Allah is in the heart and the tongue. Some people say when they pray for example, they recite Quran in their sight that's called zikr or they say subhanallah and that's called liquor, but they don't move their mouth. They just say it with their heart. No, you have to say it with your mouth. Number one is the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Selim and it's an obligation. Just like if you don't swear with your mouth or lie with your mouth, you will not get sinned, it stays in here. Same if you think of something good then say it that then it will count.

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And as something about the connection between the mouth and the heart, by the way, when you say it to yourself,

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you love your car. Beautiful, but say this, you get in your car and say Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Alhamdulillah Allah zero Saccone heard his car, Oh Allah, allow me to thank you for the blessing of giving me this car. And I wouldn't have gotten it without your blessing. And I am nothing without you. Just saying those words and repeating them remind you to stay at bay and your heart in sha Allah. At a distance? You get new clothes, there's a dua of hamdulillah indica, Cerney how the faux Bourassa cleaning him and how will Emanuela Kawa Praise be to Allah, my Lord, who has granted me and provided me with this new garment without and I had no power in this decision, attributed to Allah

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keeps your heart at bay and not to be attached, and so on. So thicker, what you say in the morning, what you say in the evening, and I've said it a few times download on App Store, fortress of the Muslim, try and take on the critters from there and do them bit by bit. And do them regularly in sha Allah. When you love someone you always mentioned them. You always text them. Isn't that correct? You will call them you like to see them? Because you're remembering how do you remember Allah when you don't see him or perceive him through these words, because it could have been a specialty. Number three.

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Do your prayers on time as much as you can, you might miss here and there a few prayers doing a half an hour later, try to do them on time. Here's one with one thing, get into regular habit as much as you can, if not 100% 70% that when the prayer hits you leave everything you're doing well law, he will be more productive. If you do leave it and go and pray and come back. Number one, you re energize your thought process you get to your wrist number two, you get to move around. Number three,

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you feel more organized in order

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rather than rushing and having something on your mind. Number four, read about Allah's names, who he is His mercy, His blessing, his forgiveness, what His angels say about him, and so on. You'll fall in love with his names and you'll fall in love with Sonos, more than the other some people get more of an attachment to some names more than others. And this is how you start to create a relationship with you and Allah. The Google has a lot of information about it.

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And lastly, number five, you must recite the Quran every day in

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the words of ALLAH is your speech with Allah. Woman Assam in Allah He Poehler who is the best than Allah speech.

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recite the Quran if you don't know how to recite it in Arabic. Recite the ones you've memorized, recite al Fatiha one Sahaba companion, who used to recite call who Allah who had in his pray.

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Always got like no matter what he recited, he recite Fatiha another Surah will always say hello Allahu Ahad in the first two rockers. Let's also as the angel told us was our Salam that you have a companion here who is infatuated. This is halal infatuation with Kulu Allahu Allah had asked him why.

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So it comes up says who is the keeps reciting a philosophy or sort of live? I don't know anything wrong because No, you've actually hit the nail on the In other words, but that can only happen a time the prophets last and he said You recited a little loss. He says why he says I love it. Yeah, Rasulullah I love a little loss. I love how it tells me how God is just so one and unique and the only one and just does something to me.

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He said the angel has come to telling me that he loves you for loving, sort of loss. So you will have an attachment to something than the other. To give you a break. Having said the little loss. I'll tell you about this funny joke.

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There was a three guys three young men. They wanted the same girl

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this girl was very pious and good and everybody wanted them these three boys and her father was so religious says

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the ones who know the most Quran can take my daughter.

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It's the first one comes up and the father goes down what's your name?

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He goes My name is Yusuf

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said yella recite all of Surah Yusuf to me.

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He goes oh, he has gotten recited let me see starts reciting all the way it makes mistakes. He's sweating. Because okay, I've got no hope. Maybe it was alright let me see the other guy the other guy comes because what's your name? He goes you're seen

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recite sort of the scene.

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He recited so that the essay makes a lot of mistakes. The third guy is sweating and He's shivering, comes up goes, What's your name? He goes, my name is blah blah blah

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anyway, just to give you a break.

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Sir brothers and sisters, there is one more long Hadith about getting close to Ala Rasulillah. Salam said the Hadees in Buhari, he said, Who so Allah the Almighty has said, Whosoever acts with enmity towards a closer servant of Mine are willing, I will indeed declare war against him. Nothing brings closer My servant to me than doing of what I have made obligatory upon him to do.

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And my servant continues to draw near to me, with voluntary nowhere filled prayers and acts, so that I shall love him. When I love him, shall be his hearing with which he shall hear his sight with which he shall see his hands with which he shall hold, and his feet with which he shall walk. And if he asked something of me, I shall surely give it to him. And if he takes refuge in Me, I shall certainly granted to him. Of course, the hand in the eyes is a metaphor, meaning that Allah will be in your,

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with you, guiding you, you will feel His presence. Your eyes will hate to look at anything that Allah doesn't like your ear would then start hating anything Allah doesn't like your hands will start loving to do that Allah loves and hates to do the things that Allah hates and your legs will find them always taking you to the best of places.

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How will you know that Allah loves you. I'll give you six number one, you will feel His love daily and you will feel it increasing. It is impossible for you to love Allah and you don't feel His love. Remember that? Number two, you will find love from the acts of worship increasing. You start loving acts of worship more

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you'll just love them more. You didn't even have to try it just mana Why am I loving to pray all of a sudden? Why is it becoming so special to me?

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Number Why do i Why do I love giving donation? Why do I love to do good acts number three, you will find hate and discomfort in disobeying Allah, it will increase the more and more you'll just start disliking I urge the friends that used to take in the bathroom and just I don't feel like going anymore. Why what's happened to you? I just don't like that stuff.

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If it's hard on you, if it's good, then go with those friends number for you. Number four, you will find yourself talking to a lot more often. And without hesitation. I saw a little clip of a worker in Medina who cleans you know these workers, nobody really asks about them. He's sitting there in his blue outfit in the midst of the Nabawi and he's talking like this

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Okay, so you can see he's he's really he's like he's talking to some invisible person in front of him and saying, This is what I kind of said. I said to him that and he kept on doing that and I went this way and that happened and I tried and I don't know what to do like that. That's what it looks like. He's talking with ALLAH SubhanA wa ADAD as if he's talking to a friend do you understand?

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When you can talk to Allah like that. You have a relationship with Allah subhanaw taala

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in a beautiful, beautiful thing for someone to reach that point.

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You will number five you will feel a sense of inner peace. Yes on the outside things don't go your way you'll go through pain. Sometimes you go through worries in fact hum worry

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is a sign of iman. You probably think of what worry is the difference between worry

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between worry and anxiety, irrationally when you don't know what it is you're worrying about. But if there's something real and you worry about it, and you rely on Allah, you get rewarded for it or salsa salaam went through worries him very, very hard, but it was real.

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And you rely on the last man to return to Allah you get rewarded for that. You get rewarded for your sadness, you get rewarded for your little pain you get rewarded for a pic of a needle you get rewarded for your fears, something really then you're afraid and you turn to Allah you get rewarded for your

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something sadness of the past, fear of the future.

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pain right now you get worried from people harming you or hurting you. All of that inshallah get rewarded for and lastly, you will love those he loves a blessing. Not a seeking meaning you'll find your heart drawn by itself. Brothers, sisters, Love is not something you seek.

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Love comes as a blessing from Allah through the treatment and actions. Finally, brothers and sisters, I'm going to go through these quickly in sha Allah.

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Rasool Allah Salam said Versionen zerker Allah Holly and fulfill the Teina

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And a person who remembered Allah in seclusion until his eyes weeped.

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Allah says,

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Men Kashi are often man Ebina ye v1

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morning David.

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Bodell Hono have Is

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he gay?

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Allah says in surah cough, verse 33. To everyone who feared the merciful one,

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though he is beyond the reach of perception to everyone who has come with a heart, ever want to turn to Him, you will be set to them enter it enter paradise with peace and tranquility. That is the true and ultimate end.

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He fears Allah in spite of knowing His mercy, even though he has not seen or perceived Allah

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in spite of knowing he is merciful and forgiving. He feared disobeying Allah nevertheless and refuses to disobey Him. In spite of knowing He is Forgiving and Merciful. That is what it means to fear Allah and to remember Allah. Allah says all

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he can

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know anomala

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Manan OB GYN and

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men Herman I don't know what

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to do about all you email me is all in I mean men had Aina Vanina either taught

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Russian many hotel rooms on Jeddah

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Allah says in surah Maryam verse 58

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These are the prophets upon whom Allah bestowed His favor from the seed of Adam, and from the seed of those whom we carried in the ark with Noah, and from the seed of Abraham and Israel. They were those who we guided and chose for an exalted position. There was such that when the words of the Most Compassionate Lord were recited to them, they fell down in frustration, weeping and crying.

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Now that we've been crying here means literally and it also means risk, like you feel it emotionally.

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Those are the people remember a lot every now and then, in the nights that Rita has, should they wake up in the night and pray to her should. They're in their car listening to something that reminds of Allah, they look at the sky, something happens they remember a lot, and then the hearts weep, the heart shiver, they, you know, they respond and these are the people is a sign that Allah Subhana Allah will shake them and also send them toward us a DA. He said, repeat after me Everyone say Allahumma in the eye with a beaker. Meanwhile, Mila young

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woman, Colombian, la Yahushua warm enough sin le Sha. One in Dawa tiene la use the Buddha Surah Surah assalam nice to say oh Allah I seek refuge in You from knowledge which will not benefit and from a heart, which does not fear, meaning respond and feel Allah.

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The presence of Allah warm enough send letters, and from a body that it never gets enough. It's never satisfied. And from a DUA, which has never accepted and finally repeat after me when when I in in Latin America,

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and from eyes that do not weep or well Muslim. Finally, I will say finally, but the last last one, I think I met I missed it. And that is a person, a man whom a woman with power and beauty and status called him to the bed in Haram and he says I fear Allah. This applies also to a woman where a man of of power and status and beauty also calls her to the bed and she says, I fear Allah.

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A person once asked me what it was just a normal girl.

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Not status or beauty. Well just commit Zina and I'm safe. I'm alright. said no.

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This hadith is talking about the intensity of the situation. In the past, men and women are attracted only to men of power, women of power, beauty and status, because there was also slavery in those days that was known among the world. But what it means, as the scholar said is any temptation that is in

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hence, between two people.

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If you say I fear a lot,

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so anything that attracts you to that person, and you want to, you get the urge to sleep with them. And then you say, I fear Allah.

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There are some people, they never put themselves in that position in the first place. They'll say, Hold on a minute, what if it never happens to me? Does that mean I'll get no shade? I'm the one who's been avoiding all this unhappiness, I don't get that.

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I don't get rewarded for that and nothing. So that's the ultimate character. This person is constantly fearing Allah, not just at a time constantly, but also as Adam is telling us, even if it gets to that, you will find that he or she will say I fear alone, meaning in their heart, they turn away they get afraid of what is about to happen, and they don't get tempted. They get tempted physically, but their heart gets scared.

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They get scared. All they see is the fire. All they see is the punishment. All they see is the terrible stuff that can happen and they walk away while the temptations are urging them. Doesn't that person deserved the shelter of Allah subhanho wa Taala because he or she has reserved that temptation for Khaled. Some people said to me, so do I get rewarded if I

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serve my temptations in Hello, do I get rewarded?

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The competitors were sitting with the prophets of Allah Salim and he said that he said to them, don't take for granted even the smallest of sadaqa

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Sadaqa means charity in English. Some person said to me. So I suppose as Adam said, even in your marriage, with your intimacy together between husband and wife, there is sadaqa.

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One person said to me who's given the sadaqa here.

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I said Nana,

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sorry about that. I had young people say that sadaqa

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does not necessarily mean charity. Sadaqa means goodness, and closeness and good deeds. So I said any kind of intimacy between husband and wife and halal is an act of goodness that Allah rewards you for. They said, Yeah rasool Allah, Allah rasool Allah, even while enjoying ourselves. He said,

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What if you were to use that temptation in Haram? Would you get sinned? They said yes. Said for protecting yourself from sin and channeling that temptation to Halon Allah rewards you for

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because you compensated and you chose the halal instead of the haram. How will these people not be sheltered in the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us among those who are shaded on the day when there is no other shade but the shade of Allah subhanahu wa taala Allah Subhana Allah help us and guide us to a heart that is remembering of Allah. May Allah Subhana Allah connect our hearts and unite our cause in that which pleases Him Subhana Allah subhanaw taala thus, let us see the right as right and that is see the wrong as wrong and they allow last pantalla guide is that which is right and grant us the path to it. And mela is pantalla show us what is wrong

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and grant us the ability to stay away from it. May Allah Subhana Allah guide us to all the actions that lead us to the to Jana, and whatever brings us close to Allah may Allah subhanaw taala save us from all the actions that take us closer to hellfire and away from Allah. And may Allah has power dialer save and protect and forgive now have mercy upon our brothers and sisters in Gaza in Philistine in the Rafah mellows Panther protect them and showered them with shelter and protection. Erminia are alive and well. Salalah Amina Muhammad while earlier Sophia Germaine

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