Bashar Shala – The Prophet of Allah – Dawoud A.S

Bashar Shala
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the history and importance of the United States role in the war of the second phase of the history of Venezuela. They emphasize the need for dedication to the army, testing and showing faith in Islam, protecting scripture at the highest level of authenticity, and working for Islam, including reciting the words of Allah and not overburdening oneself with fasting. The importance of learning to be a good judge and person is emphasized, as well as the historical context of the assignment "has" and the use of words to describe actions or events. The speakers end with a brief advertisement for a book.
AI: Transcript ©
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hearable alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi h May Allah ma live in LA and so now and finally Marlin Tana was in element was a country denier of bellami. Along with the Halina Vic medical insurer, Alena medica, Angela annually Chrome.

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We started in the last session, studying a phase in the history of the children of Israel, of Benny saw it, after Musa alayhis salam. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Al Baqarah,

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that there was a time that Benny saw in went through a

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period of defeat, period of weakness, after they were able to

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be the strong in the land of Philistine at the time of ensure at the time of Joshua. And Allah subhanaw taala opened the line for them. And then years after that, and according to the scholars have to see or maybe centuries after that least more than 100 years, that they went through a period where they were subjected to a series of defeat by the pagans by the non believers of the land at that time. And a loss starts the this story of the second phase of the history of Venezuela eat at a time when they were at their low, where the time they were defeated with a thumb where their children have been taken into prison imprisonment into slavery at a time where they were expelled of

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settlements and and land that they have acquired. Allah says lm Tara illan Mela in indonessia lm embody Musa is called Nabi Lama Bethan and Melaka, Nakata, Sevilla, or * as a term inklusive Allah, Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah de Sevilla, he was originally in India in our in a felon makuti Valley he multilotto illa calida Minho, la Halima volley mean Baqarah verse 246, Allah says, Have you not seen about the group or the group of the children of Israel after the time of Musa when they said to the prophet of there's a point for us a king and we will fight in a large way? He said, Would you then refrain from fighting if fighting was prescribed for you? They said, Why should we not fight in Allah's way, while we have been driven out of our homes and our children? The families have been taken as captive. But when fighting was ordered for them, they turned away all except few

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of them and allies all aware of the wrong doors. So at that point, Allah says that he sent them a profit and the profit they asked the profit they came to their profit and according to the scholars that profit was Samuel or somewhere Shambo. The Prophet told them you are asking to fight in a way of a lot that would would you fight if fighting has been prescribed for you? And they describe their situation and said yeah, we would fight because we've been wronged. We've been expelled with our homes and our children have been taken as slaves.

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And to lead the fight, Allah sends him a leader, Allah sends them a king and that King was pollute pollute. The what is known today in the

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literature, as shall pollute was sent as a medic as a king for the children of Israel. And that's what we went through in detail in the last session that I will recap for the benefit of the brothers and sisters that were not there. And because it is a continuation to what we tried to study tonight inshallah, and that is prophet alayhi salam. So their prophet Samuel L said, in the law of Bath Allah Kampala tamerica Allah indeed has appointed pollute as a king for you.

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And they were surprised by that choice. They were surprised how come pollute becomes the king. They said, Carlo, Enya cannula Holman Carolina, when national government came in, while a mutesa terminal man, they said pollute. How can he be a king over us when we are fitter than him for the kingdom?

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We are fitter than him to be kings. And he has not been given enough wealth. So according to the mentality

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of them was how can this non wealthy person be a king. You know, kings have to be wealthy kings have to be people have enormous resources. But allies, allies of allies all knowledgeable, and allies responding to their prior, they wanted a leader to take them into battle.

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They wanted a leader to free them from slavery. They wanted a leader to return their land that was taken away from them back to them. They did not need a wealthy person.

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They needed a person of different qualities. And that's what Allah has chosen for them. They protested that choice. They objected to that choice of Allah, they said he is not rich enough to be a king. But the Prophet said color in Allah has to offer who Allah, Allah has chosen him.

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You, over you, and above you. And that's enough reason he does not have to explain above that we as Muslims, we as people who submit to the will of our law, we don't need a law to explain his choices for us. We do not need a law to justify and rationalize for us things that we may or may not understand. But out of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala of the enormous and infinite wisdom of our law.

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He many times tells us why things have been prescribed for us, and why things have we have prevented to do a law tells us our prohibition and the things that we are allowed to do. And many times tells us why this and why is that but Allah does not need to tell us that. Islam is all about submission to the will of Allah Subhana

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Allah says, and we obey God to semana well upon kasana Kirpan, ya can see, we hear we listen, and we obey.

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So their prophet is reminding them from that fact. Is you protesting the choice of pollute saline Aloha, stafa Allah, Allah has chosen as chosen him. That's enough. But then he explained out of the mercy of our law, and as the wisdom was that the who best for them filet mignon, Jason, law has increased in abundantly in knowledge and in stature, he was physically strong. He was befitting he was, he was fit to be a leader. And times where there is a battle, there is going to be a confrontation with the enemy. So he had wisdom, he had knowledge, and yet he was physically able to leave the children of Israel at that time. So he's explaining to them that she has a lot chosen him,

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you don't know what's good for you, Allah knows what's better for you. You needed a wealthy person that Allah send you this man who is better and more fitting in this particular situation for you, and then said will allow you to go home a Sha, Allah who was here and Eileen.

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And it is to be understood, that it is not befitting of a believing woman or a believing man, when Allah subhanho wa Taala ordained something that we would have an argument against it, and

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as in an admonishment and a reminder and a commandment to this omega.

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To the Omega of the perfect religion of Islam, Allah says we're makin anymore. Meanwhile, Amina is a coda la hora, Sulu, Emraan a akuna la Mancha to memory him. When he asked Allah how Allah Sula hufa Bala, Bala, Medina, it is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever this obeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed into plain error.

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And then he gets out of the mercy of Allah and other more reassurance to the Israelites. Allah gave them a clear sign. He said, The Prophet said we'll call Allah home Libyan we continue in Surah Baqarah columbium in the ayah temaki at achimota. Go to fi sakeena tomura Pico Baba to me, Metallica, Musa

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mela, aka NFV Delica telecom enquanto momineen and their Prophet said to them

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Verily the sign of his kingdom, the sign that he has been appointed the king is there shall come to you the Ark of the Covenant. Now the Ark of the Covenant is a box where the children of Israel has preserved many of the relics of Moosa and Harun. And the scholar said that in that in that box, there were the tablets that Allah has given Moosa, there were some of the miracles that's been preserved, like the food that has been descended for them when they were in the desert. And when Noah Silva, there are many things, there are clear signs of prophethood and miracles of Musa that was preserved and that arc, and that arc was confiscated by the enemies of the Israelites at that

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time, after they lost it in a battle. And they used to carry their arc with them, the box with them into a battlefield to get the blessing of it, to be reminded of Moo Sally seller to be reminded of the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But yet, they lost that in one of these battles, and he was gone, it was gone for many, many years. Allah knows how many. And the Prophet said that there is going to be a sign and indisputable sign that pollute is appointed as a king because Allah will return that ark for you, and it will descend to you before your eyes carried by angels, huge miracle

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before their eyes to make sure they understand that person followed. Chow has been appointed by a law to lead them. He said in the area Tamaki a taco, taco taco toughie Sakina tomura that that Ark of the Covenant, were in his tranquility, peace and reassurance from your Lord, and a remnants of that which Moosa and Harun left behind, carried by the angels. Verily, in this there is a sign for you, if you indeed if you are indeed believers.

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So after there was just no doubt in their mind, they went on and they were called upon to fulfill what they have promised, to fulfill the covenant that they made with Allah subhanho wa Taala. They said, Send us someone, so we can fight and in the sake of Allah, so now here is the leader. And then the leader started going on with the army, but the army has had to be had to be tested. The army has to be tested in their sincerity.

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So when when people come out to fight in the way of Allah or to do anything for the sake of Allah, if it is truly for the sake of Allah,

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there has to be obedience to Allah. There has to be complete dedication to the Lord, Hannah with that,

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and they have to be tested. Because any one who is with the army

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that is not

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in their hearts, and their sincerity, went out with the army, to fight in the way of Allah Subhana with Allah, they become burden on that army. They don't help anything. Allah said that that Almanack about the hypocrites.

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When they would not go out in the way of Allah, and they come up with excuses in the Battle of 400. They tried, they returned actually, just before the battle, they weaken the morale of the Muslim army by coming back by leaving the battleground even before the battle started.

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Allah says, when they come out with you, if they come out with you, those hypocrites lazy do not come in the Havana. They increase you non but in weakness.

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The strength of the believers does not come from the number of the fighters doesn't come from the equipment that they carry with them. It comes from the heart.

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And if the heart is not strong,

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then the army is weak, no matter how much how many of them they are, no matter how much equipment they have. So this army has to be tested and that test

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was not left as a surprise for them was not a hidden test.

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The king said to them, Fela Mufasa Allah tala to Benji * color in the law hammock tele convener, you will be tested by a river. The test was clear for them they were given sort of you go to a test and you already been given the questions and the answers. All you need to do is to answer the questions right.

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Yet he told them that Allah will send you a river and that river will be a test for you. Those who drink plenty out of that river. There are not of me. Men Sheree by men who fillet salmon Melania pan who say nominee and those who will not touch it. They are of me. They can go with me in lemon in Toronto MBA except those who have a handful of water and they have water in the hollow

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Their hands. So yes, they were allowed, the army is thirsty and they had to pass by a river. So they want to drink out of the river and they were allowed to drink handful, or whatever is, can, can the can the hollow of a hand accommodate.

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But anything more than that is not allowed to test the test of patience. And it's a test of obedience.

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They have to stop your desires and think about obedience to Allah Subhana with Allah. Then Allah said for Shaolin woman who illa calida minimum, the majority of them drank out of that water, except a few of them.

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For that match, I was a who, so everyone who Oh, this obey the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala was left behind was not allowed to continue the army. But Allah says the majority of them did, and only few did not follow magia Hola, Dina. Emmanuella. And then when they cross the river, he followed and those who believed with him, they looked at each other and they found themselves close to that 300 people. That's all what's left out of that army, and they are about to face 1000s and 1000s of their enemies. pallulah Paul catalana Leo may be jealous.

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Today, we have no power was dilute Goliath and his soldiers. How can we find those people they will call an ancient Arabic language, family, the giants, right? They were physically very strong. And they were high in stature.

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And a battlefield where the battle is meant to man. The these people were or have a presence of a commanding presence on a battlefield. So the Israelites needed numbers to fight them. And now after this test of the river, there were only few left of them.

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And the army said to themselves we How can we fight we have no power. It's not enough of a left. And then Allah says Allah Allah Xena is Luna and no moolah, Kumar can mean theoretically let's invalidity I think if he asked me if Neela one law soldering, but those who knew with certainty that they will go into meet a law, those who went out wanted nothing but the pleasure of Allah, their hearts all they wanted to do is to please on law and their their joyous moment would be when they meet Allah subhana wa Tada. One martyrdom they didn't they didn't, they just cared only about obeying a law and fulfilling the command of almost kind of what God so they said. So what can mean

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theoretically Latin alphabet, faith and kathira How many? How many times how often a small group overcome and mighty Group, a much bigger group by a laws leave by Allah's Will?

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And Allah is with the patient. You have to show patience you have to show perseverance. You have to show endurance before Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And according to the Hadith, that when those who actually went with pollute with Goliath, according to Hadith, the authentic hadith in Sahih Bukhari they were the number of the people that fought the battle of better the number of the people that were with Jay lute was equal to the people that actually fought the battle of better was the Prophet sallallahu wasallam only few, and according to the hadith of El Dora,

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without Ashleigh Salah Samia 300, and more and, and 10 or a little bit more than 307 million between 310 315 someone like that. And we know that the majority of Parliament say 314 people are the ones that that fought the battles better.

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And but all of them were believers, all of them were true in their belief. And that's how Allah subhana wa tada test people. And Adam Ron says, Allah says, Well, you my salon Latina woman, called carefree and handsome and that whole agenda Allah May Allah Allah May Allah Allah Allah,

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Allah Allah Subhan Allah may test and purify the believers from sins and destroy the disbelievers. Do you think that you will enter Paradise before a law test those of you who fought and his cause and those and also test those who are patient

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and gentlemen, Paradise is a precious thing.

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And I in Seattle, La Jolla, Allah in silico Mahajan,

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the precious prize has to come to those who are patient

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Those who are dedicated, those who are sincere for the sake of Allah Subhana with Allah, and that sincerity and that patience had to be tested by Allah. And it is the same way it doesn't have to be a battle. A lot this our patience a lot, test our endurance, a lot test our sincerity before him. It is not enough to say we believe we have to show a law that we believe

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and allow with this test with many opportunities we will be tried.

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And we have to think of life as an continuous test and continuous trial. And if we trip and fall on one to one test, we need to stand up and keep on

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and be patient and endure and understand the reality and the sincerity of the test that we have to go through. So they made that army while I'm Julie jelutong. And then when they advanced to need Goliath and his forces, Holly robina Afro Latina sobre was a bit of de mana one sadhana alchemy, Catherine Our Lord, pour forth on us patience and set firm our feet and make us victorious over the disbelieving people.

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And then they defeated them for has a new home Bismillah Wakata da woo dilute. And then David Tao would killed Goliath killed dilute what ah whoa La Mancha when hikmah and Allah gave the wood David the kingdom after followed was gone. And wisdom. And the word wisdom comes in many times in the Koran as Prophethood.

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when when when talking about prophets, when they say I thought alone, it means wisdom, knowledge and also Prophethood. So in this is what tells us that Dawood alayhis salam

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combined two positions, just before that would and the children of Israel, they had a prophet and a king, the prophet was Sham oil, or Samuel, and the king was shower or followed. Right. Now David, Allah says what I thought holy, moly, Colin Hickman, he became the king and the Prophet of the children.

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Why I left my home in nyesha, and told him of what he of what a law what which He willed.

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Then Allah says, Well, no more he knows about Mohammed bomb the facility.

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And if Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, the Earth would indeed be full of mischief. Allah does not let anybody have an absolute supreme and unchecked power on the face of the earth, it never happens and it will not happen. When look at history, they will be dominating cultures, they will be dominating forces, they will be dominating armies, but they are always opposed by others. And eventually, they will go into demise and it will be going to downfall. That's just history.

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The problem is every culture every dominating force of every superpower, and the height of their power, they get to the height of their arrogance. And they think that that's it.

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It's never Whatever happened to other people, though. That's old history. Well, guess what history repeats itself.

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It happens to every dominating superpower. that eventually the wheels will turn and the things that were output come down.

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And Allah says what will kill a Yamanaka will have beaten us, there are the days they are turned in turns amongst people. And that's the way of a law. And the only thing that lasts is email is faith.

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True sincere face to face, Allah subhana wa Tada. That's the only thing that cannot be shaken. You can be faithful if you're poor, and you can be faithful if you're rich. You can be faithful if you're weak, and you can be faithful if you're strong. You can be truly a believer if you live in superpower of this world, and you can be just as much of a believer if you live in whatever is called now a third world backward country.

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Faith does not know an outward appearance.

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But everything else changes. Allah says well Elijah from lioness Ababa home we bound the facility. Well I can no more hasn't fallen Allah Allah Allah me. We gave an example in the last session, think of the Nazis. What would have happened if the Nazis were not checked by other forces. And sometimes the forces that actually check the other force are not better. I mean, the Nazis were defeated by the communists. You can argue which one was would have been better, right? But all along

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Has his way

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of life checks people with other people and hold the arrogance of people by the feet from other people. On my island we do need our advocate. And only a man knows his soldiers a lot, deploy and employ certain people willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, in his service, and his plan. And in his plot, young Karuna am como la la la jolla. McKinney, they plot and a la plot and allies the best of waters.

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That was basically a brief summary or actually a little bit more than brief summary of the last session. But that got us into the profit of a model dallisa.

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We got to the point where that would now is the person that the entire population of the Israelites is looking up to. He is their Prophet, he is their hero, and he is their king.

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He is the one that killed Goliath. And he's the one with the knowledge. And he's the one with the wisdom.

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And he's the one with the power.

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He's the one with the kingdom.

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So we need to see how that would was what was the seed of doubt? What was the life of doubt? How did that would conduct himself what kind of a prophet of Allah chosen person for more and the prophets are the best of creations? The best people that ever walked the face of the earth of the prophets of Allah, no one is above.

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That would Allah His solemn. Allah says in Surah Surah Surah buka Allah movimenti Center at one on one a bonobo Naveen, Allah,

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what a nerd.

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And you Lord knows best, all who are in the heavens and the earth. And indeed, we have preferred some of the profits above others.

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We have favored some of the profits above others, and wood to the wood to David, we gave this a poor or what is known in the Western culture as the Psalms.

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to go over this verse, there are two really, this is one of the verses where the name of the Elisa Lam is mentioned

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in Surah, surah and that there is two distinct ideas here that we need to be aware of number one, is a law of favors some profits overnight.

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And Allah when Allah says Allah favors ally give some books, some revelations a law, some profits do not receive revelations. They have to work with the revelations of others.

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When we had two prophets at the time of Moosa, they were Prophet Musa and prophet Haru.

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Well, who is the one that received the revelation from our last panel? It

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was most

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who was the commander who was the the higher Person of the to this moose

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and Allah favorite moose Alvarado

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and it is a law's position to do so. And it is Ally's wisdom to do so. How do we know that from the book of Allah?

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Moosa said

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at Emory, you disobeyed my orders when he's addressing how to narrow his setup. So Musa was in a position to give orders to Harun although both of them will sell them. Ah ha ha ha una persona. Right. Harun was a prophet of Allah was a great honorable Prophet of Allah subhana wa Tada. But Allah says he favors some profits over another.

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Well, we would say well, how does does that any Is there any contradiction with the last verses in Surah Baqarah.

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What is Allah Subhana Allah said in the final is of Al Baqarah

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m&r Rasulullah sallallahu moppy on what we know colonna la mala katha he was really learn who Federico Pena had a neurosurgery we do not differentiate we do not distinguish we do not make differences between any of their profits. Is there any contradiction between a law favored some profits over another and learn for Covina had a motto Sula.

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There is not

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law can favor anyone over anything. But we, we,

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who's who's speaking in the final verses of social Bukhara, the tongues of whom the words of Allah on the tongues of the believers, we we are not in position to say, I think Ibrahim is better than this or I think Moosa is better than that would I think usually man is better than Isa,

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it is not for us.

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We have to believe in all of them. And we have to accept all of them.

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And whatever Allah favored one over another, we take the way Allah described it for us. We take it how Allah has put one over another, or in custody of another, or in support of another, but we are not in any position to reject one of them and accept another. We are not in any position to favor one over another.

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As a Muslim, as a Muslim, I have to believe in all the prophets of Allah. And all the messengers of Allah lanpher Rukavina had him Ursula, I cannot reject one prophet of Allah.

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If we reject one Prophet, that is authenticated as a prophet of Allah in this book that takes us away from the fold of Islam on a.

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So that question, I think comes up and just needs to be clarified. That Yes, a law favors one prophet over another.

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And we have to accept all of them. And we have to take all of them, and we have to believe in all of them. Now, the second thing is what are the Buddha's a Buddha? We have? Allah says, We, as a law speakings upon Allah, we gave this boo are the songs to doubt.

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I had actually person Tell me, can we read the Psalms of David in the Bible? And just Allah says that, you know, the songs are true Book of Allah?

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Can we go and read them. And there is really most of the songs are just praising of Allah, the majority of it is what Allah described, that would, as we will see, that is just praising the law. And, you know, it's it's sort of a loving melody, to almost kind of attack to the Lord. The answer to that is no.

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The books that we accept,

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are the ones that have been preserved, without interruption with a with a with a solid change of narration. But then whenever a book comes of a law, it abrogates the one that is before,

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even if we get a book that has been preserved, and at this point, it's an impossibility. The any

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part of this scripture cannot even pass the Islamic standards as a weak Hadith.

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It doesn't, and I'm not saying that out of saying that as a scientific fact, that when we look at the way we preserve our tradition, our literature and our in our Deen, it has to be preserved at the highest level of authenticity. And we don't accept anything out of in the religion except as an authentic solid set. So he had it where the chain of narrators not only uninterrupted and known, but they're all have to be added and booked. They all have to be trustworthy and have perfect and and impeccable memory and recite as well. If you look at any scripture outside what we have in Islam, none of them would pass as a weak Hadith.

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So we cannot take anything out of other books and consider it an authentic narration. The second thing is Islam and the book of Koran abrogates the that is before it, how do we how do we bring it? How do we know that is when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam saw a page of scripture in the hands of the Aloha and he became angry. And he said, If Moosa was here today, he would have nothing but to follow what has been revealed to me.

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So if Musa alayhis salam was to be alive at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam himself, he has to follow the final revelation, the revelation of Quran. So yes, we do believe that there would alayhis salam was a prophet and a messenger of Allah. And there has been revelations that were revealed to download to David and his Salah, and it's called an hour. He does boo. They want to be translated as songs. We do believe that they would actually sell and receive the songs or

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But that is just for our knowledge, to know the status of vowed not to go read the Psalms of David.

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But Allah speaks of the favours of doubt and the status of doubt.

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Allah bestowed upon him as a youngster, Allah says, gave him knowledge, gave him Prophethood and gave him made him a king. But there is more for doubt.

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Allah says in Surah, etc.

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Well, according to them enough of law, we indeed bestowed grace on those favors upon them.

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You see this person of our law alayhis salam, as a young man, he dedicated himself to Allah.

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He dedicated himself to fighting in a way of law for jihad. He dedicated himself to cross with the army of john who have followed the face to face Goliath. And he and according to the majority of the scholars, as youngster he was in his teenage years, he faced this giant,

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fierce fighter, with no fear, except the fear of our last panel with that takes a lot of faith takes a lot of FEMA, to do something like that.

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And allow those who come to him with such faith, with such sincerity. And with such truthfulness. Allah tells us how He rewards them.

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Allah says Allah could attain them enough of law, we have bestowed favours grace upon ya Jeeva will be not what pile on mountains, glorify Allah with him, please allow download. So that was that that would was that he would always have the remembrance of Allah. And he would always chant the praising of Allah Subhana with that, it was always on his tongue.

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Yeah, g value Oh, Vina that the mountains were eco and they will they will recite the praise of Allah and the grace of Allah with that what pyre and the birds? Well, Ellen, Allah Hadid and yet Allah made iron soft for him a lot taught him how to have iron work. So he was some of sort of a blacksmith though

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and ml savvy that will cut deficit

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saying make you perfect coats of male and balance well the rings of chain armor.

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Why mailloux saleha and work you righteousness, in Navy, metal metal never seal truly I am all seer of what you do.

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Allah says that that wood, a king and the Prophet was a blacksmith

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was had dad.

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He used to work

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and not as not as soft. I mean, he wasn't like, you know, in a soft

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you know, thing. You know, this is hard. There is fire, there is smoke, there is char there is you know, and he is to what is he doing. He's making weapons, he's making armors he's making things that would benefit mankind to have jihad in the way of Allah subhana wa.

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This is the time where the children were the Israelites were overcome by their enemies, and the things that they need was to be able to defend themselves. Even after they defeated Goliath dilute and his soldiers, the enemies can come back. And they have to be able to defend themselves. And who is in front of of their, of their nation to be to show them an example of how to do that was the Prophet of Allah and their king and their leader and their hero that would Elissa

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any oma any nation that does not want to be stepped over by another nation. They have to be able to make their own weapons. They have to be able to defend themselves and not be dependent on others

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to defend them.

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And the first person that is doing that is their king and Prophet diodati Center. Did he need to work?

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Who's the king?

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all he needed to do is be a king.

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He was the first person he was the one that would make the armors for them.

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It tells you how what are the qualities of leadership in any society and how leaders should be how should they should be an example

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How they should put priorities depending on the time and the circumstances of their time. This was a time of weakness for the Israelites they needed to defend themselves.

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They needed to preserve their dignity, their freedom.

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When they did not do that, they were expelled out of their houses and they were taken as slaves.

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And now here comes pollute, and he gets out of that. And the second King after that immediately is David, that wood and wood becomes the maker of the arm.

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And he would work

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and the Hadith.

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The Prophet sallallahu wasallam tells us these two beautiful qualities of the Buddha in Salah the first quality is his praising of Allah and the most beautiful voice that you can imagine.

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He would beautify his voice,

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bring everyone to the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the authority of Abu Salah, sorry for the long run in Sahih Bukhari and there is also another Hadith in Sahih Muslim.

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The Prophet told our Messiah, a bamboo Salah called ot time is not on meanness me reality down, I will move that you have been given one of the musical instruments of the family of David and it doesn't mean here that there's an actual musical instrument. But the beautiful voice of Abu Musab when he recites the Koran was as if you are listening to the most beautiful musical instrument of

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remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's why it is one of the recommendations and the commandments of Allah is when we read the Quran, we try to beautify our voices as much as we can. We tried to learn the the accommodate read the rules of the citations, because the rules of citations, we follow them, they actually the the internal harmony, and the internal music of the Koran, doesn't need any instruments comes out by itself.

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There is nothing like the vocal for law.

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And you can see people that actually listened to the Quran and may not understand one word of it. But when they listen to the citation, they are all in all,

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and Russia, they are all in humbleness. And just by listening to the words of the Quran, and that is just something that no other book has other than the Quran.

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the idea here is

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that the family of starting with Deadwood and his family, they had a special way they preserve that rite of the Quran. They preserve the rights of Allah's remembrance to be chanted in the best beautiful way in the most beautiful way. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told Abu Musa that he wants time, at night when Abu Musab was reciting the Quran. The Prophet was just sitting there listening to him. And he said, Yeah, bamboo, Salah Ateneo and a seminary, karate kung

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fu teacher, them his mommy, mommy or daddy down. If you just see me when I was just listening to your citation the night before, never moves. I know. You said if I knew that you were listening, I would have just even beautified it more and more of a habit to do that I will just you know, do a lot more for yourself Allah and the Prophet sallallaahu salam used to love to listen to the Quran for many other people that have needed for resuscitation. And they will say I'll assume olalekan isn't it it was revealed to you how can we sit before you and recite it said no, I love to listen to it from other people.

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And that is just some property that is in the Quran.

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Another praise of God is what Allah says in that verse that he used to work and Allah knows that that we did not need to work the king of the Israelites after the victory, right.

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And the Prophet praised his brother that would Allah He center and this Hadith, and this had eternal Buhari,

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said Ana de la Salaam can Li kulu in Lamanna Maria de that the wood would not eat anything that does not come out of the labor of his own hands.

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As a king he should just sit in his whatever palace and things come to him. It's just normal. We do that to presidents we do that the prime ministers to people much us then a prophet and a king and a national hero if you will, of those people.

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There is right but he would not eat unless it is from the earning of his own manual labor.

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And another Hadith this first Hadith is on authority haba Herrera, the second one was on his own authority of a Nakamoto. Very accurate, he said McElhatton parliament, hop Hiram in a column Emelia de

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la sala, Canada kuruman Emily and this is the Prophet saying that no one can eat anything better than to eat out of the manual labor of their own hands, and even the prophet and he said and and the Prophet of Allah would use to eat from the work of his hands. Why that would here. I mean, many prophets actually worked.

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Because there is no more example. Then there would who really did not need to work.

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He did not need to have manual labor. Yet he worked as a blacksmith, which is a hard manual labor

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and he would not eat he would refuse to eat anything unless it's from the work of his own manual labor.

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And then I will just stop here for a few minutes in speak about how the Prophet of Allah subhana wa Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam prophet of Allah Subhana has praised people that work. Work in Islam is not only a virtue it is a requirement

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for a true believer.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala said way too long.

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In our region, I mean her husband Femina Kowloon, or jalna he had genetic

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photography hidden under Yun, Leah kulu means Mr. De Palma Mila to add him, fly ash Kuru.

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Allah tells us how he gave us all of that the acronym infirmary to eat of the fruits of what he has given us when I needed to add him and the works the labor of our hands. And law tells us in the Quran in surah trc to work and to eat from the labor of our hands.

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Our Lady jalila como de Luna and central female Akiba wakulla, Mariska he, while a new shoe, Allah said he made the earth for you. And he put all those bounties for you and the favors but into but you have to go on you have to work into female akeeba walk

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and earth and work what could University and eat of

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his bounty of his favor? And Allah says and sorted for Converse? 20 Well, now our cell cobla came in and Mussolini in the home late coluna piano and

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we have we have sent before you messengers, oh, Mohammed, and they would eat food and they would walk in the marketplaces. What does that mean? They walk they stroll around and not walking in the mall, you know, to kind of check things out. They used to work.

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They used to go to the marketplace and trade. And that's how the prophets eat.

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We know the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was a shepherd. And then he was a merchant. And he worked and he ate out of the fruit of his own labor, Salam Ali Salim

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The Prophet said in an Hadith that is agreed upon

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when levena cvad. The yahooza had to come habla Tati, Bella avari they are TV fapiao they are policemen with a son duchman highroller hoomin, a theologian appa Holloman polyfest Allah Romana. So this beautiful Hadith, and the Prophet is swearing by Allah. And whenever the Prophet makes an oath, by Allah, we better listen. Because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam would not make another list, it's a matter of great importance. And the Prophet said with that, to my soul and his his hand,

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one of you if they would just take a rope, and they go, and they gather wood for the fire, and they sell it. And out of that money they would eat and they would give and charity, it's better for them than to go ask right rich people to give them whether they give them or not.

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So don't be a beggar. If you can do simple things as just take a rope and go gather some wood and sell it.

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Wherever you can do gather cans for recycling, you know, we don't burn wood that much anymore. But whatever, you know, the minimal the most basic of function that most people can do, except those who are less panatela Did not you know, they don't they're not healthy enough to work.

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But that is better to work is better than not to work.

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And Omar was just an example of that. He said in Nila Rajan Pharaoh junie Shukla, phase SL to Allah Malala sakagami nine.

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Omar said I would see a person and I like them. I like their appearance. I like the way they are. And when I asked what do they do they say they they don't work. And he said they just dropped out of my eye meaning you just have no respect for them anymore.

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I almost said he would come to people sitting in the masjid, sitting and the management of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Can he laconian Covina msgid by deselecting Juma they would sit after Juma and they would just sit there in the masjid. And I said Who are you? I said Nana, Nutella calluna Allah Allah.

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We are the people of telecoil.

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You know, we are relying on Allah to send us our risk. And Emma would take his stick, you know, he had the dura. And with that stick he used to really he thought this oma after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam after Abu Bakr of the Aloha and this time straight path. And he would take this and they would hit him, he would poke him. He said move. He said,

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the risky coolala mirzakhani Allah mirzakhani don't sit here and now work and say Oh Allah send me your loss and neola send me he said in the center to the heaven.

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Heaven will not pour gold and silver upon you. Allah will not send the money you know in a basket from heavens for you. And he said in, in Allah to Allah years, NASA Hummingbird, Allah send your sustain your provision from other people, you have to go get it. Yes, Allah guarantees your provision. What is that you want to I don't wanna have this MLS you will have the non Muslim and con Yes, truthfully, Allah guaranteed as our provision, but we have to do our part that is through our code. So they would sit here and then they sit there and then as you said, We are done with our qilu we rely on a law we're gonna sit then Allah will send us a provision and Emma would poke him with

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his stick. So you go and work. And then he said, fadeout, Allah to

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Allah says in Surah Juma when prayer is over, fantastic roofing, move on and spread in the land, what that will mean for Lila and seek the bounty of Allah. He said this for you, but Allah said the

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secret work for it. That is true, Stan. That is our religion.

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We're practical people. We believe in the law. We trust in a law, we rely on our law, but we have to do our part.

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To get the bounty of Allah and the blessing of Allah subhana wa, that

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was one time on the authority of cab.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting along with his companions, and they saw men working, and the man was so strong, and he was good and he was really working hard.

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Just regular labor. And the Sahaba admired that. And they said, Yara sulochana Hanafi sebelah. Only of all that work was in the way of Allah said, you know, we want people like that to work for for the sake of Allah. And the Prophet sallahu wa sallam said in this beautiful heading, he said in Canada, j s Allah, Allah de

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la. We're in Canada, hello, j s and above our initial trainee cabbie Ryan, for our fee, Sabina. We're in Canada, hello JSR. Let's see, he

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is he said you you say you If only if it was for the sake of Allah, if he was working to feed his children, that is in the sake of Allah.

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And if he was working to feed elderly, his elderly parents, that is in the sake of Allah, and if he was working to feed himself, to feed himself, so he wouldn't beg other people to give him that is annoying of Allah.

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The Prophet of Allah redefining the honor of labor for us. So have I said, Oh, we, we wish only that was in the way of Allah The Prophet said if he truly was working to feed his children, to feed his parents or even to feed himself that is in the way of our law. So let's make the intention. brothers and sister when we do something like that, is we are doing it.

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So our hours are long hours, Allah knows this and we most of us handle and the majority of us especially the brothers and you know, Islam, work hard.

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Let's make it in the way of Allah, the snake. He said he didn't make the intention that it would be in the way of Allah.

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The Prophet said men answer Catalan manana, yet he and Santa for Allah, those who when they go to bed, they're tired from the labor of their hand, they're tired from working, they sleep and they're forgiven by Allah subhana wa, as long as the intention is pure.

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And what else profit that would have we were going over the the how are we trying to learn from profit delta is Allah.

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The prophet of Islam, Prophet dealt with Allah.

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The Prophet prays for him being to beautify his voice, reciting the words of Allah. He praised him sallallahu alayhi wasallam by him depending on his own manual labor to feed himself. And then his worship, his dedication and the worship of Allah, Prophet dellwood, as narrated by Abba live number of the loss, that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, I have boo sala de la sala to the Dalai Lama. The most beloved prayer to Allah is that of the wood alayhis salam. And that's in his connection, his dedication and his putting all his effort in remembrance of Allah, as we said, in his remembrance, and his chanting the praises of Allah. And then the Prophet said, we have bootsy

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amela law, sia mudo. So what is the prayer of that wood? What is the fasting? How did he made his salah and how did he made so yeah, the prophet explains in this Hadith, the prophet said, Can I anomalies for late waiuku suneetha Vienna Masuda he would sleep half of the night, then pray one third of it, then sleep one sixth of it. So he would pray, go to bed, sleep half the night, get up,

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play one third of it, and then go back to bed for the one sixth? How much is that?

00:57:15 --> 00:57:16

One half and one third one sick.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:22

This one

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just the trivia here. So he would go one half that that that sums up to the full night obviously. So one half of the nights he would sleep and then he would get up one third. And praise a law and and his do his pmla. And then he goes back to bed and the last one sixth of the night. And then go back up obviously for

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for the morning prayer. So how about his fasting? He said Do I assume

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he would fast one day, and then he would break his fast the next day. He would alternate one day he is fasting. The second way he is not fasting. And that's that came up with when some of the Sahaba came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they wanted to keep fasting every day. And the Prophet said, That's too much. Don't overburden yourself with that.

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And they would say we can, we can Fast Five days out of the week. The Prophet would say don't burden yourself with that. And then he prayed told him the best, the most beloved fate, if you want to just really put all your efforts and you'd love to fast then the best fasting is the fasting of the elderly in Salah where he would fast one day and he will break his fast The second way.

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So Allah Subhana Allah praise that wouldn't suit Assad. He said the LMA aku. Luna was corrupt de nada who doesn't aid in our Be patient on Natalia insulin for what they say and remember our slave that would in doubt, are imbued with power than ad that he he was. He had multiple powers and it all came from that all of that all of that that we mentioned tonight, of his dedication in worship, of his sincerity in the worship of Allah subhana wa tada

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and his sincerity in the fighting in the way of a law and him being an example for his people in his hard labor and in putting the priority

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of what they should be before them.

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In a lab Indeed, he is off returning in all matters and repentance to almost piano with

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a word ever means comeback.

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And a lot praises His messengers many of them as a well being as those who returned to Allah subhana wa tada

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and in the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said a Shabbat habibollah

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repenting youth is habibollah the Beloved of Allah subhana wa tada

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and why the youth

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karasuma because sometimes you know people in their older years they're just not strong enough to even commit a sin

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sending becomes not an option at that point. So and Allah inshallah will accept repentance of everyone. But if someone is repenting to Allah, and they have all these hormones, and all these desires, and all of the abilities to do this in and they refrain and abstain, and they return to Allah, even after sin,

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Allah loves them. A shabu terrible habibollah. Allah loves those who do that. We ask Allah to be of them. And Allah says inessa Hernan de Bella, who is a nebula she was a shock, or parameshwara and con la la. We have made mountains to glorify

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our praises the praises of Allah with him with David,

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in the middle of the day and the sunset, and at the break of day, were played on Ashura, and the birds assembled coolala they all are obedient to Him. So he was a web Listen, look, if you look at the Arabic words, Allah says,

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a lab he was a word to Allah subhana wa Taala.

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In na Hua, and then the birds could not allow a word, they are obedient to David to diodati his center, and there is a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is similar to that.

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That when when the servant of Allah becomes closer to Allah, Allah loves him. The layers Allah DE LA Noire.

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To head it starts is headed footsie that Allah says, There is nothing that will draw my servant closer to you than to do what I have made obligatory for him.

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The best quarterback in law, the best thing that we can close to Allah with is to do our follow up, to do what Allah has made an obligation for us. But then after that,

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the avid will do more will do now often, we ask Allah to be of them. And we do many no effort until Allah loves that person. And when Allah loves that person, Allah says, Our becomes the hearing that he hears with, now becomes the vision that he sees with now becomes the hands that he battles with.

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that wood was obedient to Allah, Allah made everything obedient to Him, even the mountains and the birds.

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That's how Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards those. And Allah says, We're sure that nambucca and we have made his kingdom strong, why they now take metal phoslock hip hop, and we gave him wisdom or Prophethood and sound judgment in speed and indecision. So we see that the kingdom of the Israelites How was weak and shattered and oppressed before the time of pollutes, and now it became at the time of death, because of the wisdom of God, and his dedication. And the example that he put, he was the example he was the worker. He didn't set the set and a palace and told his people to work. He was the blacksmith, that would make the armors for them. That was that would allow his salon as a

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And finally, do you have gone

01:03:43 --> 01:04:36

and sort of saw Allah Subhana Allah to Allah speaks of the story of the things that a lot of practice does as tarbiyah as training of prophets, how Allah teaches the prophets lessons, and teaches the entire humanity the same lessons after that. This is a story Allah says a lot of sites Allah tells us in sort of thought, while attack and about cosmic that's our own mahalo is the Hulu Allah, the Buddha amin home cannula have Hassani Baba Baba, Baba. In fact, I've been happy to split Dena lsua. So Surat, Allah says, has the news of the legends reached you when they climbed over the wall of the merabh of the prayer place of doubt. And they entered upon that. And he was terrified of

01:04:36 --> 01:04:47

them. People that jumped over the fence and walked into the place where he was in in solitude, solitude, praising Allah Subhana Allah as his habit was, as we studied.

01:04:48 --> 01:04:59

So these people jump and they enter with no permission, on into His presence, her fancy I mean him he was terrified of them, or the latter half, so don't be afraid.

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cost money. We are two litigants bah bah bah bah bah. One of whom has wronged the other we have a conflict.

01:05:10 --> 01:05:15

Fact combiner will help you to split why Dena LSI Surat, so

01:05:17 --> 01:05:26

judge between us with truth and treat as not with injustice and guide us to the right way. So one of them started explaining, he said in the head

01:05:28 --> 01:05:37

this is my brother, and it could be my biological brothers but it could be my brother a friend of religion, so they were from the Muslims of the Israelites. In

01:05:39 --> 01:05:44

this run, what is onaga he has 99 sheeps my brother while he

01:05:45 --> 01:05:51

and I have only one sheep. For color XL Neha was anything he thought.

01:05:52 --> 01:06:10

So he said, hand it over to me and he has overpowered me in speech. So he said I have only one sheep, and my brother has 99 sheeps. So my brother wants to take my only sheep and put it with his 99 sheeps. How fair is that?

01:06:12 --> 01:06:28

So that would said look call Allah Allah Maccabee so an energetic a lineage. That David that would immediately said without listening to the opponent, he has wronged you by demanding your you or your sheep in addition to his sheep.

01:06:29 --> 01:06:47

And verily, why nega Theatre in Milan Kolkata, India, bla bla ba boo Hamada Baba Latina men who want me to solve how to call a llama. And they would said, And verily many partners oppress one another except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and they are few.

01:06:49 --> 01:07:09

And that was a test for that with Allie Sarah, the professor, he said this to people that came to him or two angels, trying to test him by Allah subhana wa Taala that was being trained to be in good judgment to be the fair judge, the king, the ruler who sees only fairness.

01:07:11 --> 01:07:27

And what did he do wrong in this position here? Now the case appears very, very simple. The most of us, someone has 99 sheep, and the other person has only one. And here's this one with the 99 sheep wants to take the other person's sheep.

01:07:30 --> 01:07:32

He did not listen to the other person.

01:07:34 --> 01:07:38

And then they would immediately understood what one would do.

01:07:40 --> 01:07:54

And they would guessed that we have tried him that we are testing him for Stella Ferrara, he sought forgiveness will have Araki anger Anna, and then he fell down prostrate, and turn to Allah in repentance.

01:07:55 --> 01:08:14

And in this particular position, there is a such that according to some scholars, it is a not a more academic, this is not a confirmed such depth, and according to others, it is a confirm. So those of you who want of course you already listened to that citation. If you want to do such the after the session Sharla you can

01:08:15 --> 01:08:47

and then Allah Subhana Allah said fella fontanella, who they're like, so we forgave him that were in Allahu Indian, Allah zilpha was never up. And verily for him is a near access to us and a good place of final return. And Allah is showing us how he forgave that wood for his hastiness and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in this Hadith, he warned the owner that when you come and you show your case before any judge, even if it is the Prophet of Allah,

01:08:48 --> 01:09:33

then you have to be careful, the prophet said in the manner or in the conduct of Simona LA I am only a human and you opponents come to me when Alibaba comm a akuna Elena Vika JD min Bob Vila who Allah we may snap, some of you may be may present their case more eloquently better than the others. And I would consider them true I would give them a judgment in their favor femen called itulah who mean happy and fella who's saying Nana Akbar, Allahu Akbar tamina na, those who I gave them any portion of the rights of another person, I only give them a piece of *.

01:09:35 --> 01:09:45

He said, What if you were able to present your case and the judge will will will give the verdict in your favor.

01:09:47 --> 01:09:59

Then that whatever you got is not been a piece of torment in this life and in the year after a lot. So that would rally Sam David, when he was pretty

01:10:00 --> 01:10:44

Presented was these two arguments he gave his verdict before listening to the other side. And Allah is teaching us and teaching the judges and teaching those who listen. And it could be for anything, don't make your mind up. Before you listen to two sides of any conflict of any story, there are two sides and don't be taken by one side, even if it was eloquent, even if it was such a clear and and, and obvious evidence, you have to always look at the other side. Now, this particular story has been narrated in many different ways and there is many

01:10:45 --> 01:10:48

unauthentic and offensive

01:10:50 --> 01:11:21

things against the Prophet of Allah who David that we would even not mentioned in this and although there are all these colors of Tafseer they said you have to disregard all of these things that are offensive and they are they harm the reputation or trying to harm the image of any seller. Whatever those stories are, the story is as clear and as simple as it is mentioned in the Quran. And anything beyond that is not something that would be acceptable.

01:11:22 --> 01:12:08

How would that would David be such a person of what is being portrayed as an evil character somebody who drives he who follows his own desires and then a law says about him immediately after that yeah that will do in Nigeria NACA honey fat and fat can bill Dana nasty bill happy well let's activate our favorable leukeran sebelah we have made you halifa successor on Earth. Allah chose his his successors Allah chose as the people who suffer a lot from the best of people. And the Elisa Lam was one of the best of creation, the prophets of Allah, the messengers of Allah are the best of creation, that Allah admonishes us. And Allah teaches us through the story, as he told that would

01:12:09 --> 01:12:56

fat combiners he will calculate our payable accounts at the law judge among people john bid to judge between men in truth and justice and follow natural desire. So you'll be like Aaron civitella for it will mislead you from the path of a law in a Latina yo yo the Luna answer de la llamada de Don't be man. So Yo man, he said, Those who wander a stray from the path of Allah shall have a severe torment, because they forgot the day of the reckoning. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to bestow upon us the wisdom of that old wisdom of David, the patience of David, the patience of doubt, the suburb and also the worship of may or may Allah make us of those who made tm, the prayer at night like that

01:12:56 --> 01:13:21

would used to do and to make Siam like that would use to do and to be able to recite and praise and chant the praises of Allah Subhana with Allah the way that would was, and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to benefit us with this, whatever good came out of this is from Allah, and whatever otherwise is from my ignorance, and from shavon Walia to be la kulu. Cody has our stuff for LA Latina de la, come, say 1000 stocks every

01:13:29 --> 01:13:41

person that the entire population of these rhyolite is looking up to. He is their prophets. He is their hero, and he's their king.

01:13:43 --> 01:13:49

He is the one that killed Goliath. And he's the one with the knowledge. And he's the one with the wisdom.

01:13:50 --> 01:13:51

And he's the one with the power.

01:13:52 --> 01:13:54

He's the one with the kingdom.

01:13:55 --> 01:14:17

So we need to see how that would was what was the seed of doubt? What was the life of doubt? How did they would conduct himself what kind of a profit of a law chosen person from law and the prophets are the best of creations. The best people that ever walked the face of the earth of the prophets of Allah, no one is above them.

01:14:20 --> 01:14:24

That would alayhis salam. Allah says in Surah Surah

01:14:25 --> 01:14:35

buka Allah movie man is one on one aka bonobo Navy knowledge about what a nerd does.

01:14:37 --> 01:14:47

And you Lord knows best all who are in the heavens and the earth. And indeed, we have preferred some of the profits above others.

01:14:49 --> 01:14:59

We have favored some of the profits above others and are owed to Tao owed to David. We gave this a bore on what is known as

01:15:00 --> 01:15:03

The Western culture as the Psalms.

01:15:04 --> 01:15:05


01:15:06 --> 01:15:14

to go over this verse, there are two really, this is one of the verses where the name of the Elisa Lam is mentioned

01:15:15 --> 01:15:25

in Surah Surah. And in that there is two distinct ideas here that we need to be aware of number one is a law of favors some profits overnight.

01:15:28 --> 01:15:40

And allow when Allah says a lot of favors ally give some books, some revelations or law, some profits do not receive revelations. They have to work with the revelations of others.

01:15:42 --> 01:15:47

When we had two prophets at the time of Moses, our Prophet Musa and prophet Haru

01:15:49 --> 01:15:52

well who is the one that received the revelation from Allah subhana wa

01:15:53 --> 01:15:54

was moose.

01:15:55 --> 01:16:02

Who was the commander who was the the hire Person of the to this moose

01:16:04 --> 01:16:05

and a lot of favorite moose Alvarado

01:16:07 --> 01:16:15

and it is a laws position to do so. And it is a laws wisdom to do so. How do we know that from the book of Allah?

01:16:16 --> 01:16:17

Musa said

01:16:19 --> 01:16:44

at our site at Emory, you disobeyed my orders when he is addressing her own alley seller. So Moosa was in a position to give orders to her own, although both of them were cinema Haruna rasuna. Right. Harun was a prophet of Allah was a great honorable Prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But Allah says he favors some profits over another.

01:16:46 --> 01:16:55

Well, we would say well, how does does that any Is there any contradiction with the last verses in Surah? Baqarah?

01:16:56 --> 01:17:01

What is Allah Subhana Allah said in the final act of alberca

01:17:02 --> 01:17:13

Mr. Sulu be mounted up on what we know kulana Nagila he he kept he was really learn for Rico pain.

01:17:15 --> 01:17:30

We do not differentiate, we do not distinguish we do not make differences between any of their profits. Is there any contradiction between a law favored some profits over another and land in Florida Covina had a masuleh

01:17:31 --> 01:17:31

there is not.

01:17:33 --> 01:17:38

A law can favor anyone over any. But we we

01:17:39 --> 01:17:58

who's who's speaking in the final verses of social baccara, the tongues of whom the words of Allah on the tongues of the believers, we we are not in position to say, I think Ibrahim is better than this or I think Moosa is better than that. I think Musa a man is better than Isa,

01:17:59 --> 01:18:00

it is not for us.

01:18:02 --> 01:18:06

We have to believe in all of them. And we have to accept all of them.

01:18:08 --> 01:18:30

And whatever Allah favored one over another, we take it the way he described it for us. We take it how Allah has put one over another, or in custody of another, or in support of another. But we are not in any position to reject one of them and accept another. We are not in any position to favor one over another.

01:18:32 --> 01:18:46

As a Muslim, as a Muslim, I have to believe in all the prophets of Allah, and all the messengers of a law land for Covina Haudenosaunee, I cannot reject one prophet of Allah.

01:18:47 --> 01:19:05

If we reject one Prophet, that is authenticated as a prophet of Allah in this book that takes us away from the fold of Islam on a subpoena. So that question, I think comes up and just needs to be clarified. That Yes, a law favors one prophet over another.

01:19:06 --> 01:19:24

And we have to accept all of them, and we have to take all of them and we have to believe in all of them. Now, the second thing is what I attained at the Buddha Buddha, we have a law says, we as a law speakings upon a law, we gave this taboo of the songs to doubt.

01:19:26 --> 01:19:34

I had actually person Tell me, can we read the songs of David in the Bible and just Allah says that, you know, the Psalms are true Book of Allah.

01:19:35 --> 01:19:54

Can we go and read them? And there is really most of the songs are just praising of Allah, the majority of it is what Allah described, that would as we will see, that is just praising Allah. And, you know, it's it's sort of fell in love and melody, to almost cannot add to the Lord. The answer to that is no.

01:19:56 --> 01:19:59

The books that we accept

01:20:00 --> 01:20:12

are the ones that have been preserved without interruption with a with a with a solid change of narration. But then whenever a book comes of our law, it abrogates, the one that is before,

01:20:13 --> 01:20:23

even if we get a book that has been preserved, and at this point, it's an impossibility that any

01:20:24 --> 01:20:30

part of the Scripture cannot even pass the Islamic standards as a weak Hadith.

01:20:31 --> 01:21:18

It doesn't. And I'm not saying that out of saying that as a scientific fact, that when we look at the way we preserve our traditional literature, and our in our Deen, it has to be preserved at the highest level of authenticity. And we don't accept anything out of religion except as an authentic solid set. So he had he were the chain of narrators, not only uninterrupted and known, but they're all have to be added and booked. They all have to be trustworthy, and have perfect and impeccable memory and re citation. Well, if you look at any scripture outside, what we have in Islam, none of them would pass as a weak Hadith.

01:21:20 --> 01:21:56

So we cannot take anything out of other books and consider it an authentic narration. The second thing is Islam and the book of Quran abrogates the that is before it, how do we how do we bring it? How do we know that is when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam saw a page of Scripture and the hands of Allah and became angry. And he said, If Moosa was here today, he would have nothing but to follow what has been revealed to me.

01:21:57 --> 01:22:31

So if Musa alayhis salam was to be alive at the time of the prophets, Allah, Allah himself, he has to follow the final revelation, the revelation of God. So yes, we do believe that the old Alayhi Salam was a prophet and a messenger of Allah. And there has been revelations that were revealed to download today Valley center, and it's called an hour RP does boo. They want to be translated as songs, we do believe that that would actually sell and receive the songs or whatever.

01:22:33 --> 01:22:42

But that is just for our knowledge, to know the status of download, not to go read the songs of data.

01:22:45 --> 01:22:49

But Allah speaks of the favors of doubt and the status of doubt.

01:22:51 --> 01:22:59

Allah bestowed upon him as a youngster, Allah says, gave him knowledge, gave him Prophethood and gave them made him a king.

01:23:00 --> 01:23:02

But there is more for doubt.

01:23:03 --> 01:23:05

Allah says in Surah, utsava.

01:23:06 --> 01:23:14

While according to them enough of law, we indeed bestowed grace on those favors upon them.

01:23:15 --> 01:23:25

You see this person of our law allihies Salah as a young man, he dedicated himself to Allah.

01:23:26 --> 01:23:47

He dedicated himself to fighting in a way of Allah for jihad. He dedicated himself to cross with the army of john who have followed to face to face Goliath. And he and according to the majority of the scholars, as youngster he was in his teenage years, he faced this giant,

01:23:48 --> 01:23:57

fierce fighter, with no fear, except the fear of our last panel attack, takes a lot of faith takes a lot of female to do something like that.

01:23:58 --> 01:24:07

And allow those who come to him with such faith, with such sincerity and with such truthfulness. Allah tells us how He rewards them.

01:24:08 --> 01:24:36

Allah says Allah could attain them enough ah blah, we have restored favours grace upon dough. Yeah, Jeeva will be not what pile on mountains, glorify Allah with him. Please allow a download. So that's always that that would was that he would always have the remembrance of Allah and he would always chant the praising of our last panel with that. It was always on his tongue.

01:24:38 --> 01:24:59

Yeah g value always been that the mountains were echo. And they will they will recite the praise of Allah and the grace of Allah with that what buyer and the birds. Well, Ellen nella Hadid and yet Allah made iron soft for him. A lot taught him how to have

01:25:00 --> 01:25:04

Iron work. So he was some of sort of a blacksmith, though.

01:25:06 --> 01:25:09

And near ml Sadie that will cut the facade

01:25:10 --> 01:25:16

saying make you perfect coats of male and balance well the rings of chain armor.

01:25:17 --> 01:25:27

Why mailloux saleha and work you righteousness and needy matter am I doing? Truly I am all seer of what you do.

01:25:28 --> 01:25:34

Allah says that that would a king and the Prophet was a blacksmith

01:25:37 --> 01:25:38

was had dad,

01:25:40 --> 01:25:41

he used to work

01:25:42 --> 01:25:46

and not as not as soft. I mean, he wasn't like, you know, in a soft

01:25:47 --> 01:26:10

you know, thing, you know, this is hard. There is fire, there is smoke, there is char there is, you know, and he is to what is he doing? He's making weapons, he's making armors he's making things that would benefit mankind to have jihad in a way of a loss of habitat.

01:26:12 --> 01:26:44

This is the time where the children were the Israelites were overcome by the enemies, and the things that they need, was to be able to defend themselves. Even after they defeated Goliath dilute and his soldiers, the enemies can come back. And they have to be able to defend themselves. And who is in front of of their, of their nation to be to show them an example of how to do that was the Prophet of Allah and their king and their leader and their hero that would Elissa

01:26:45 --> 01:26:59

any oma any nation that does not want to be stepped over by another nation. They have to be able to make their own weapons. They have to be able to defend themselves and not be dependent on others

01:27:00 --> 01:27:01

to defend them.

01:27:03 --> 01:27:10

And the first person that is doing that, is there King and prophet down Valley center did he need to work?

01:27:11 --> 01:27:12

Who's the king?

01:27:14 --> 01:27:21

all he needed to do is be a king. He was the first person he was the one that would make the armors for them.

01:27:22 --> 01:27:42

It tells you how what are the qualities of leadership in any society, and how leaders should be how should they should be an example and how they should put priorities depending on the time and the circumstances of their time. This was a time of weakness for the Israelites, they needed to defend themselves.

01:27:44 --> 01:27:47

They needed to preserve their dignity, their freedom.

01:27:48 --> 01:27:52

When they did not do that they were expelled out of their houses and they were taken as slaves.

01:27:54 --> 01:28:05

And now here comes pollute and he gets him out of that. And the second King after that immediately is David that wood and that wood becomes the maker of the arm.

01:28:07 --> 01:28:08

And he would work

01:28:10 --> 01:28:11

and the Hadith.

01:28:12 --> 01:28:24

The Prophet sallallahu wasallam tells us these two beautiful qualities of that without any Salah the first quality is his praising of Allah and the most beautiful voice that you can imagine.

01:28:25 --> 01:28:28

He would beautify his voice

01:28:29 --> 01:28:30


01:28:32 --> 01:28:38

bring everyone to the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the authority of Abu Salah Shari

01:28:39 --> 01:28:44

in Sahih Bukhari and there is also another Hadith in Sahih Muslim

01:28:45 --> 01:28:51

the Prophet called Abu Musa Abu Salah kado tetum is not amin missionary,

01:28:52 --> 01:29:10

I will move that you have been given one of the musical wind instruments of the family of David and it doesn't mean here that there's an actual musical instrument. But the beautiful voice of Abu Musab when he recites the Koran was as if you are listening to the most beautiful musical instrument ever.

01:29:12 --> 01:29:45

remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's why it is one of the recommendations and the commandments of Allah is when we read the Quran, we try to beautify our voices as much as we can. We tried to learn the the accommodate read the rules of citations, because the rules of citations we follow them. They actually the the internal harmony and the internal music of the Koran doesn't need any instruments comes out by itself.

01:29:46 --> 01:29:48

There is nothing like the book of Allah.

01:29:50 --> 01:29:58

And you can see people that actually listen to the Quran and may not understand one word of it. But when they listen to the citation, they are all in all

01:30:00 --> 01:30:13

Russia, they are all in humbleness. And just by listening to the words of the Quran, and that is just something that no other book has other than the Quran.

01:30:15 --> 01:30:15


01:30:17 --> 01:31:04

the Hadith here is Elijah Wood that the family of that wood starting with that wood and his family, they had special way they preserve that rite of the Quran. They preserve the rights of Allah as remembrance to be chanted in the best beautiful way and the most beautiful way and the prophets Allah to send them to told Abu Musa that he wants time, at night when Abu Musa was reciting the Quran. The Prophet was just sitting there listening to him. And he said, Yeah, bamboo, Salah, Ateneo and stimula karate can barely hear Nakata Miss Martinez Amiri it down, if you just see me and I was just listening to your citation the night before. And Abu Sena said, If I knew that you were

01:31:04 --> 01:31:11

listening, I would have just even beautified more and more of a habit to do that I will just you know, do a lot more for you.

01:31:13 --> 01:31:30

And the Prophet sallallaahu Selim used to love to listen to the Quran from many other people that have needed for re citation. And they would say all assume olalekan, isn't it it was revealed to you how can we sit before you and recite it? He said no, I love to listen to it from other people.

01:31:31 --> 01:31:34

And there's just some property that is in the Quran.

01:31:37 --> 01:31:39

Another praise of that

01:31:40 --> 01:31:53

is what Allah says in that verse that he used to work. And Allah knows that that we did not need to work the king of the Israelites after the victory, right.

01:31:54 --> 01:32:01

And the Prophet praised his brother that would Allah His Salah, and this Hadith, and this had eternal Buhari,

01:32:02 --> 01:32:13

said another Buddha Allah is Salaam can ally kulu inland in an area that would would not eat anything that does not come out of the labor of his own hands.

01:32:15 --> 01:32:32

As a king, he should just sit in his whatever palace and things come to him. It's just normal. We do that to presidents we do that the Prime Minister's two people much us than a prophet and a king and a national hero, if you will, of those people,

01:32:33 --> 01:32:41

the Israelites, but he would not eat unless it is from the earning of his own manual labor.

01:32:42 --> 01:32:55

And in another Hadith, this first Hadith is on the authority of hobo hurayrah. The second one is on authority of an academic very accurate, he said McElhatton, Parliament hiren a colon amellia de

01:32:56 --> 01:33:16

la ciudad de Sena can a akumina Melia. And this is the Prophet saying that no one can eat anything better than to eat out of the manual labor of their own hands, and even the prophet and he said and the end the Prophet of Allah would use to eat from the work of his hands. Why that would here. I mean, many prophets actually worked.

01:33:18 --> 01:33:23

Because there is no more example than the old who really did not need to work.

01:33:25 --> 01:33:33

He did not need to have manual labor. Yet he worked as a blacksmith, which is a hard manual labor.

01:33:34 --> 01:33:41

And he would not eat he would refuse to eat anything unless it's from the work of his own manual labor.

01:33:43 --> 01:34:01

And then I will just stop here for a few minutes and speak about how the Prophet of Allah subhana wa Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam prophet of Allah Subhana has praised people that work. Work in Islam is not only a virtue, it is a requirement.

01:34:02 --> 01:34:03

For a true believer.

01:34:04 --> 01:34:21

Allah subhanho wa Taala said, Well, I had to learn more or donate to it now how I have done seminary or Kowloon or jalna. He had just met him in Nevada, john Murphy Han and Leia. kulu means Mr. De Palma. Mila to add him fly ash Kuru.

01:34:22 --> 01:34:42

Allah tells us how he gave us all of that. Leah could you mean summary to eat of the fruits of what he has given us? Well, man electrical ad him and the works the labor of our hands. And law tells us in the Quran in surah trc to work and to eat from the labor of our hands.

01:34:44 --> 01:34:59

Our Lady jalila como de Luna and central female Akiva wakulla Mariska he wore a new shoe. Allah said he made the earth for you. And he put all those boundaries for you and the favors but into but you have to go on

01:35:00 --> 01:35:03

You have to work into female Akiva walk

01:35:04 --> 01:35:09

an earth and work, work Calomiris and eat of

01:35:10 --> 01:35:21

his bounty of his favor. And Allah says, and suited for Converse 21 hours. Kabbalah came in and Mussolini in the home layer coluna

01:35:23 --> 01:35:42

we have we have seen before you messengers or Muhammad, and they would eat food and they would walk in the marketplaces. What does that mean? They walk the stroll around and not walking in the mall, you know, to kind of check things out. They used to work. They used to go to the marketplace and prayed. And that's how the prophets eat.

01:35:43 --> 01:35:54

We know the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was a shepherd. And then he was a merchant. And he worked and he ate out of the fruit of his own labor. sallallahu alayhi wasallam

01:36:00 --> 01:36:04

The Prophet said in an Hadith that is agreed upon

01:36:05 --> 01:36:21

when levena CBD, the Ayahuasca had to come habla Fatima avari via TV fair do they actually mean where the sun docman higher lumen a tiara Julian apollomon polyfest Allah.

01:36:23 --> 01:36:43

So this beautiful Heidi, and the Prophet is swearing by Allah. And whenever the Prophet makes an oath, by Allah, we better listen. Because the Prophet sallallaahu salam would not make an oath unless it's a matter of great importance. And the Prophet said was that who my solid is his hand.

01:36:44 --> 01:37:00

One of you if they would just take a rope, and they go, and they gather wood for the fire, and they sell it. And out of that money they would eat and they would give and charity, it's better for them than to go ask right rich people to give them whether they give them or not.

01:37:02 --> 01:37:11

So don't be a beggar. If you can do simple things as just take a rope and go gather some wood and sell it.

01:37:13 --> 01:37:32

Wherever you can do gather cans for recycling, you know, we don't burn wood that much anymore. But whatever, you know, the minimal the main the most basic of function that most people can do, except those who are less panatela Did not you know, they don't they're not healthy enough to work.

01:37:33 --> 01:37:36

But that is better to work is better not not to work

01:37:39 --> 01:37:39


01:37:41 --> 01:37:51

And Ahmad was just an example of that. He said in Nila Rajan, they are junie Shukla phases. Allah Allah Allah sakagami nine.

01:37:52 --> 01:38:05

Omar said I would see a person and I like them. I like their appearance. I like the way they are. And when I asked what do they do, they say they don't work. And he said they just dropped out of my I mean he just I have no respect for them anymore.

01:38:07 --> 01:38:26

I almost said he would come to people sending in msgid sending an image of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Kenny it Lycoming Covina, msgid badassery, it jumaane they would sit after Juma and they would just sit there in the masjid. And I said Who are you? They said Nana, Muto calluna. Allah,

01:38:27 --> 01:38:29

we are the people of telecoil.

01:38:30 --> 01:39:06

You know, we are relying on Allah to send us our risk. And Allah will take his stick, you know, he had a dura. And with that stick he used to really he thought this after the Prophet salallahu Salam after Abu Bakr of the Aloha and the straight path, and he would take this and they would hit him, he would poke him. He said, move. He said, How do you come and rescue coolala mirzakhani mirzakhani don't sit here and now work and say Oh Allah send me your loss and me or loss in me. He said in the summer Allah, Allah,

01:39:07 --> 01:39:32

heaven will not pour gold and silver upon you. Allah will not send the money you know in a basket from heavens for you. And he said in NEMA in Allah to Allah years, NASA Dharma Hummingbird, Allah send your sustain your provision from other people, you have to go get it. Yes, Allah guarantees your provision. What is that you want to do? One of the similarities of the

01:39:33 --> 01:39:59

Muslim and the contemporary con Yes, truthfully, I'm not guaranteed as our provision, but we have to do our part that is through our code. So they would sit here and then they sit there and then as you said, We are done with our qilu we rely on Allah, we're gonna sit and I'll always send us a provision and Emma would poke him with his stick, said you go and work. And then he said fader deity Salatu. fantastical. Allah says in Surah to Juma

01:40:00 --> 01:40:11

When prayer is over, fantastic, we'll move on and spread in the land, water, human family law and seek the bounty of Allah. Hence it is for you. But Allah says the

01:40:12 --> 01:40:16

secret work for it. That is to stop.

01:40:17 --> 01:40:18

That is our religion.

01:40:20 --> 01:40:28

We're practical people. We believe in our law. We trust in a law, we rely on our law, but we have to do our part.

01:40:29 --> 01:40:33

To get the bounty of Allah and the blessing of Allah subhana wa tada

01:40:34 --> 01:40:50

one time, on the authority of cab, Niger over the long run. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam was sitting along with his companions, and they saw men working, and the man was so strong, and he was good and he was really working hard.

01:40:52 --> 01:41:15

Just regular labor. And the Sahaba admired that. And they say Terra sulochana Hanafi sebelah only of all that work was in the way of Allah said you know, we want people like that to work for for the sake of Allah. And the Prophet sallahu wa sallam said in this beautiful heading. He said in Kandahar Raj is Allah Allah de savara

01:41:16 --> 01:41:27

de la y in Kandahar Ajay Sai Baba initial Haney cabbie Ryan, for our fee, Sabina. We're in Canada, hello JSR. Let's see he you refer to her for what

01:41:28 --> 01:41:37

he said you you say you If only if it was for the sake of Allah, if he was working to feed his children, that is in the sake of Allah.

01:41:38 --> 01:41:53

And if he was working to feed elderly, his elderly parents, that is in the sake of Allah, and if he was working to feed himself, to feed himself, so he wouldn't beg other people to give him that is annoying of Allah.

01:41:55 --> 01:42:31

The Prophet of Allah redefining the honor of labor for us, the Sahaba said, Oh, we we wish only that was in the way of Allah The Prophet said if he truly was working to feed his children, to feed his parents, or even to feed himself. That is in the way of a law. So let's make the intention. brothers and sister when we do something like that, is we are doing it feasibility. So our hours are long hours, Allah knows this. And we most of us handle and the majority of us, especially the brothers, and you know, Islam, work hard.

01:42:32 --> 01:42:40

Let's make it in the way of Allah. This make it he said he did not make the intention, that it would be in the way of Allah.

01:42:41 --> 01:42:58

The Prophet said, Men can learn minimally, yet he and set up for Allah, those who when they go to bed, they're tired, from the labor of their hand, they're tired from working, they sleep and they're forgiven by Allah subhana wa, as long as the intention is pure.

01:43:03 --> 01:43:12

And what else profit that would have. We will go in over the the how are we trying to learn from profit bellegarrigue is Allah

01:43:13 --> 01:43:16

the prophet of Islam, Prophet diodati Center.

01:43:17 --> 01:44:08

The Prophet prays that would for him being to beautify his voice reciting the words of Allah. He praised him salatu salam by him depending on his own manual labor to feed himself. And then his worship, his dedication and the worship of Allah. Prophet death Deadwood as narrated by Herbalife number of the loss that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, I have the salatu salam, WA salatu salam, ala, the most beloved prayer to Allah is that of the wood alayhis salam. And that's in his connection, his dedication and his putting all his effort in remembrance of Allah, as we said, in his remembrance, and his chanting the praises of Allah. And then the Prophet said, Well, I have to

01:44:08 --> 01:44:40

see me in a law, sia mudo. So what is the prayer of that wood? What is the fasting? How did he made his Salah, and how did he made that? So yeah, the prophet explains in this Hadith, the prophet said, Can I anomalies for late waiuku suneetha ya know, Masuda he would sleep half of the night, then pray one third of it, then sleep one sixth of it. So he would pray, go to bed, sleep half the night, get up.

01:44:41 --> 01:44:46

Pray one third of it, and then go back to bed for the one sixth. How much is that?

01:44:48 --> 01:44:49

One half and one third one, six.

01:44:54 --> 01:44:55

That's one

01:44:57 --> 01:44:59

just the trivia here. So he would go watch

01:45:00 --> 01:45:17

Half that that that sums up to the full night, obviously. So one half of the nights he would sleep, and then he would get up one third and praise a law and and his do his pmla. And then he goes back to bed and the last one sixth of the night, and then go back up obviously for

01:45:18 --> 01:45:19

for the morning prayer.

01:45:20 --> 01:45:23

So how about his fasting, he said Do I assume

01:45:25 --> 01:46:07

he would fast one day, and then he would break his fast The next day, he would alternate one day he is fasting. The second way he is not fasting. And that's that came up with when some of those Sahaba came to the Prophet sallahu wa sallam, they wanted to keep fasting every day. And the Prophet said, That's too much. Don't overburden yourself with that. And they would say we can, we can Fast Five days out of the week, Prophet would say don't burden yourself with that. And then he prayed told him the best, the most beloved fate, if you want to just really put all your effort, and you'd love to fast then the best fasting is the fasting of that with Elissa lamb when he was fast one day, and he

01:46:07 --> 01:46:10

will break his fast The second way.

01:46:11 --> 01:46:21

So Allah subhanaw taala prays that wooden suicide, he said, The LMA aku, Luna was corrupt another Buddha delayed in our Be patient on

01:46:22 --> 01:46:43

insulin for what they say and remember our slave that would in doubt, or endued with power than ad that he he was he had multiple powers and it all came from that all of that of the all of that that we mentioned tonight, of his dedication in worship, of his sincerity in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala

01:46:44 --> 01:46:53

and his sincerity in the fighting in the way of our law and him being an example for his people in his hard labor and in putting the priority

01:46:54 --> 01:47:08

of what they should be before them in a lab Indeed, he is after returning in all matters and repentance to almost panatela a web as a means comeback.

01:47:09 --> 01:47:16

And a lot praises His messengers many of them as a well being as those who returned to Allah subhanho wa Taala

01:47:18 --> 01:47:23

and in the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said a sham Buta Eva habibollah

01:47:24 --> 01:47:30

repenting youth is habibollah the Beloved of Allah subhana wa tada

01:47:32 --> 01:47:39

and why the youth are also Mama. Because sometimes you know people in their older years they're just not strong enough to even commit a sin

01:47:40 --> 01:48:03

sending becomes not an option at that point. So and Allah inshallah will accept repentance of everyone. But if someone is repenting to Allah, and they have all these hormones, and all these desires, and all of the abilities to do this in and needed they refrain and abstain, and they returned to Allah even after sin.

01:48:04 --> 01:48:25

Allah loves them. A Shabbat table habibollah Allah loves those who do that. We ask Allah to be of them. And Allah says inessa Hernan, Jelena who is a visionary I see you while you're on it Ashura and canola. We have made mountains to glorify

01:48:26 --> 01:48:29

our praises the praises of Allah with him with David,

01:48:30 --> 01:48:47

in the middle of the day and the sunset, and at the break of day. We're parameshwara and the birds assembled. Kula Allahu Allah, they all are obedient to Him. So he was a word. Listen, look, if you look at the Arabic words, Allah says,

01:48:48 --> 01:48:52

a web, he was a word to Allah subhana wa Taala.

01:48:56 --> 01:49:10

In a while, and then the birds cannot allow our job, they are obedient to David to diodati his center, and there is a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is similar to that.

01:49:11 --> 01:49:17

That when when the servant of Allah becomes closer to Allah, Allah loves him.

01:49:19 --> 01:49:20

Les is Allah the Quran?

01:49:23 --> 01:49:33

The Hadith starts his Hadith could see that Allah says, There is nothing that will draw my servant closer to you than to do what I have made obligatory for him.

01:49:34 --> 01:49:46

The best quarterback law law, the best thing that we can close to Allah with is to do our follow up to do what Allah has made an obligation for us. But then after that,

01:49:47 --> 01:49:59

the avid will do more. We'll do the laughing there's a lot to be have them and we do many no offers until Allah loves that person. And when Allah loves that person, Allah says Allah becomes the hearing that he hears.

01:50:00 --> 01:50:07

Well, now becomes the vision that he sees with now becomes the hands that he battles with.

01:50:08 --> 01:50:09


01:50:11 --> 01:50:17

that wood was obedient to Allah, Allah made everything obedient to Him, even the mountains and the birds.

01:50:19 --> 01:51:06

That's how Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards those. And Allah says worship in America. And we have made his kingdom strong, where they now take matter of Islam hip hop, and we gave him wisdom or Prophethood, and sound judgment in speed and indecision. So we see that the kingdom of the Israelites How was weak and shattered and oppressed before the time of pollutes, and how it became at the time of Deadwood, because of the wisdom of the wood, and his dedication, and the example that he put, he was the example he was the worker. He didn't set the city and a palace and told his people to work. He was the blacksmith, that would make the armors for them. That was that would

01:51:06 --> 01:51:07

allow his salon as a leader.

01:51:10 --> 01:51:12

And finally, we have done

01:51:16 --> 01:52:08

I sort of thought Allah Subhana Allah to Allah speaks of a story of the things that Allah does as tarbiyah as training of prophets, how Allah teaches the prophets lessons and teachers the entire humanity the same lessons after that. This is a story Allah says a lot of sites a lot tells us in sort of thought, while attacking me if there's a war on Iraq, is the Hulu Allah, Buddha Professor amin home called the latter half cassani Baba Baba, Baba. In fact, I'm vain and I've been happy to split Dena, Eliza, Eliza Surat, Allah says, has the news of the legends reached you when they climbed over the wall of the drop of the prayer place of doubt. And they entered upon the road, and

01:52:08 --> 01:52:20

he was terrified of them. People that jumped over the fence and walked into the place where he was in in solitude, solitude, praising Allah Subhana Allah as his habit was as we studied.

01:52:21 --> 01:52:42

So these people jump and they enter with no permission on into His presence. Her fancy I mean him. He was terrified of them. Call you later have said, Don't be afraid, has money. We are two litigants. Bah bah, bah, bah, bah, one of whom has wronged the other we have a conflict.

01:52:43 --> 01:52:48

Facts on the internet will help you to split why Dena LSI Surat, so

01:52:50 --> 01:52:59

George between us with truth and treat us not with injustice and guide us to the right way. So one of them started explaining. He said in the head.

01:53:01 --> 01:53:10

This is my brother, and it could be my biological brothers, but it could be my brother of religion. So they were from the Muslims of the Israelites in

01:53:12 --> 01:53:16

Tucson, Arizona. He has 99 sheeps my brother.

01:53:18 --> 01:53:24

And I have only one sheep. For color. Actually Neha was anything he thought.

01:53:25 --> 01:53:43

So he said, hand it over to me and he have overpowered me in speech. So he said I have only one sheep, and my brother has 99 sheeps. So my brother wants to take my only sheep and put it with his 99 sheeps. How fair is that?

01:53:45 --> 01:53:50

So that would said lokala kavala mcebisi Elina jetty kailani.

01:53:51 --> 01:54:01

David, that would immediately said without listening to the opponent, he has wronged you by demanding your you or your sheep in addition to his sheep.

01:54:02 --> 01:54:08

And verily, why NECA theorem Minam colada Ilia bla bla bla bla Hamada bobbin, la Latina Manu,

01:54:09 --> 01:54:20

he had to call a llama. And they would said, When verily many partners of press one another except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and they are few.

01:54:22 --> 01:54:42

And that was a test for the elderly Sarah. The facility said this to people that came to him or to angels, trying to test him by Allah subhanho wa Taala that was being trained to be in good judgment to be the fair judge the king, the ruler who sees only fairness.

01:54:44 --> 01:55:00

And what did he do wrong in this position here? Now the case appeared very, very simple. The most of us, someone has 99 sheep, and the other person has only one. And here's this one with the 99 sheep wants to take the other person

01:55:00 --> 01:55:00

In sheep,

01:55:03 --> 01:55:05

he did not listen to the other person.

01:55:07 --> 01:55:27

And then they would immediately understood what one would do NMS Atlanta. And I would guess, that we have tried him that we are testing him for Stella Ferrara, he sought forgiveness, while harbor Akiyama Anna, and then he fell down prostrate, and turned to a law in repentance.

01:55:28 --> 01:55:47

And in this particular position, there is a surge of debt. According to some scholars, it is a not a more academic, this is not a confirmed sajida and according to others, it is a confirm. So those of you who want of course you already listened to that presentation. If you want to do such the after the session, Sharla you can.

01:55:48 --> 01:55:56

And then Allah Subhana Allah said, fella fontanella, who they're like, so we forgave him that we're in Allahu Allah, alpha.

01:55:57 --> 01:56:20

And verily for him, is a near access to us, and a good place of final return. And ally is showing us how he forgave that wood for his hastiness and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. In this Hadith, he warned, the honor, that when you come and you show your case before any judge, even if it is the Prophet of Allah,

01:56:21 --> 01:57:06

then you have to be careful, the prophet said in them and especially in the context of Simona LA, I am only a human and you opponents come to me with Alibaba comm a akuna l Hana v ha JD min Bob, walk de la huella we may As some of you may be may present their case more eloquently better than the others. And I would consider them true I would give them a judgment in their favor, feminine called a doula who mean healthcare fee and Fela, Yahoo Finance akbar Allahu Pathan, Mina na, those who I gave them any portion of the right of another person, I only give them a piece of *.

01:57:08 --> 01:57:18

He said, What if you were able to present your case and the judge will will will give the verdict in your favor,

01:57:20 --> 01:58:17

then that whatever you got is not bought a piece of torment in this life and in the Hereafter a lot. So that would add a solemn David, when he was presented with these two arguments he gave his verdict before listening to the other side. And Allah is teaching us and teaching the judges and teaching those who listen. And it could be for anything, don't make your mind up. Before you listen to two sides of any conflict of any story. There are two sides and don't be taken by one side even if it was eloquent, even if it was such a clear and and and obvious evidence, you have to always look at the other side. Now this particular story has been narrated in many different ways and there is many

01:58:18 --> 01:58:21

unauthentic and offensive

01:58:23 --> 01:58:54

things against the Prophet of Allah Jabu, David, that we would even not mention. And this and although among all the scholars of the FCO, he said you have to disregard all of these things that are offensive and they are they harm the reputation or trying to harm the image of any seller. Whatever those stories are, the story is as clear and as simple as it is mentioned in the Quran. And anything beyond that is not something that would be acceptable.

01:58:55 --> 01:59:13

How would that would David be such a person of what has been portrayed as an evil character somebody who drives who who follows his own desires? And then Allah says about him. Immediately after that, yeah, that will do in

01:59:15 --> 01:59:59

fact on Bill baneasa will calculate our favorable leukeran sebelah. We have made you halifa successor on Earth. Allah choses his successors Allah chose is the people who suffer a lot from the best of people and the elderly. Salah was one of the best of creation, the prophets of Allah, the messengers of Allah are the best of creation, but Allah admonishes us and Allah teaches us through this story, as he told that would fak on Venus even calculated who can save you the law judge among people jungbub to judge between men and truth and justice and follow natural desire, so you'll be like Aaron civitella Cory will mislead you from the path of a law in a Latina yo yo de Luna and

01:59:59 --> 01:59:59


02:00:00 --> 02:00:46

Ahmed Abu Dhabi man so young man, he said, Those who wander a stray from the path of law shall have a severe torment because they forgot that they have the reckoning. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to bestow upon us the wisdom of the old wisdom of David, the patience of David, the patience of the suburb, and also the worship of may or may Allah make us of those who made tm, the prayer at night like that would use to do and to make Siam like that would use to do and to be able to recite and praise and chant the praises of Allah subhanho wa Taala the way that wood was, and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to benefit us with this. Whatever good came out of this is from Allah, and whatever

02:00:46 --> 02:00:56

otherwise is from my ignorance and from shavon Well, he had to be la Koo Kohli has our stuff for La La, la, come say 1000 stuff sorry. sakala

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