Bashar Shala – Jumuah Khutbah – 10-22-2017

Bashar Shala
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the manners and etiquette associated with Islam, including respecting others' opinions and following etiquette. They also mention the history and significance of the title, which is recognized as the title of Islam. The speakers emphasize the need to be prepared for any situation and acknowledge the significance of the title in the region.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Haitham Al Hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah Hi Lizzy Hidin Ali has our Ma canal in the Allahu Allah and Hidin Allah

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Al Hamdulillah Anna Maria who wants to you know? Not me to be who you want to talk Hello La Nina la Hill Kira Kula Muhammad who want to handle the whole hula and UK photo when UCLA wanna trachoma left Europe

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Why should I do hola ilaha illallah Hua hula actually Keller was shadow no Mohammed Abdullah who are a pseudo or Salah who will who they were Dean inhaca Luthra who Allah de Nicola he will carry Hamas raccoon

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Allahumma salli wa sallam Sallim wa Barik Allah you are early age nine what are the Allahu Mang Jimmy is a habit you are tapping in woman to be at home be son and he laomi de Allahumma Jalaja mana has a gem and Mar Houma what a Farrakhan I'm in the federal coma Summa whatever TJ Fein our mana Shafi

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Roma, Allahu mulata. Darla Neff, he has a Luma lovely Nizam been in LA for a while Manila for Raja Wallah Corbin Ilana festa, wala Maria, Don Electra feta, wala hydroton, McAfee, Haribo Whelan, Fe Hiren, Illa, Kobita, hireable Alameen.

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Allah he will see come on FCB taco Allah, wa hookah malata it on Italia Omega he wished he Nabi Noah, he was Stephanie hability, Ohio.

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Your brothers and sisters,

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we sometimes turn around and we hear a lot of conflicts and debates. And especially in these times, we see many disagreements that may escalate into arguments and arguments may escalate into enmities and major problems

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and that happens, even within the Ummah within the Muslim community.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala warned us and His messenger Muhammad Sallallahu, you will send them

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from the danger the risk

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of creating any cracks, any problems,

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any conflict,

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within the Ummah within the society. And the key to a strong and solid community

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is to work on avoiding

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problems, avoiding conflicts, avoiding issues that

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can lead to enmity.

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Disagreements can occur and will occur. But disagreements do not mean that people would be enemies of one another.

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Allah Subhana Allah says, Walton as FATF shallow waters Habari Hohokam, do not fight amongst each other,

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you will fail,

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you will have no success,

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you will be defeated.

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What does have to come your strength will be gone way you will have no power,

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the strength of this ummah, the strength of the community is by having United heart by having solidarity,

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even if people disagree

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on some issues and few things.

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So, it is important for us to understand the manners and the etiquettes of what do we do, when we have a conflict, when we have a disagreement.

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Because these things do happen,

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and it can happen within our community, it can happen between us and other people, but our manners of disagreement our manners of dealing with conflicts should not matter who we have the conflict with.

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Because it is they are the manners that are based on the teaching of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and his messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So this is how the Muslims how a Muslim person should behave when we are in conflict with someone when we have disagreement with someone.

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The first

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etiquette the first manner is

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taught by the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself.

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And it is something that many of us, I want to start with myself, we don't have

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a great ability to do.

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And that is to really listen to the other side.

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When there is a conflict, when there is a disagreement,

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we always try to show what we think,

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trying to give our Hoja our right our opinion.

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But rarely.

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People want to really listen and understand

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where the other side is coming from.

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And that was not the way of our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He used to listen carefully and thoroughly.

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when the argument and the person who's speaking to him is at clearly at wrong.

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When the argument is completely false. He wouldn't say, I know what you're all about. I have no doubt what you're saying. You believe what you're saying. But it's totally wrong. He had a talk with routes that you have no Robbia. Now Oh, Tibet

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is one of the worst enemies of Islam. He's one of the first three people that were killed on the battle of Baba of beggar in the duels.

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It's that

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want to come to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and debate him and talk to him. So what does the Prophet salallahu Salam do?

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He said, You go first. You tell me what what you have to say.

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So oh two that continues to say things about Yeah, Mohammed said that early Head Hana, etc. You are putting our gods down and you're doing this and you're doing that and,

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and the messenger Salatu was Salam. The person who narrated the Hadith he said, Well, Allah He He did not interrupt him one time.

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He did not interrupt that nonsense. One time.

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And then when oats were finished, the messenger said SallAllahu wasallam. If Bharatiya Abell worried. Are you finished yet a bit worried he called them with his Kunia he called them with all respect.

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And this is a mushrik This is a mushrik that is coming to argue for idol worshipping for paganism, in front of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said Are you done with your presentation? Are you done with your opinion?

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And the mess and then I will I will delete all artwork? No, Robbie, I said yes. And then the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam started reciting Quran in response. So he would listen first. If you want people to listen to your argument. If you want people to listen to your opinion, learn how to be a good listener, learn how to listen to them. First. The second thing is to be ready with some facts with some evidence with some things that you are ready to present. Just like that first example of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He did not start arguing logic and no, he didn't deny things he that would be a futile argument. He just started presenting his proof the Quran

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the words of Allah subhanho wa taala. And in every debate and every argument, we should be ready with some we'll facts with things that are not just our opinions and beliefs, but some facts that we can present for the arguments that we're making. Allah Subhana Allah Allah says Paul had to go to Hana calm In Kuntum Saudi teen so bring your proof if you are truly truthful, if you are truthful.

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So we have to always be ready with these facts. The other thing is we have to always keep our calm and that is SubhanAllah. Is it something that again, I remind myself, I remind everyone with it is very

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hard for a lot of people

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to be calm during an argument

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and that is Allah He Nam and Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, when you can do that. And and it is the way of the messengers Allah Allah, how do you listen?

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That he would never raise his voice

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in an argument?

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Allah subhanaw taala says Idro Elizabeth Rebecca Bill Hekmati. Well my wife will tell her Sunnah wa Jai ideal home bility here as an

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Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. Call on to the way of your Lord for your master Allah subhanho wa Taala Bill hikma by wisdom will know a lot Hassanein good advice good admonition, which I didn't home and when you argue when you debate with him with them, do humility hear us and do it in the best, gentlest way.

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This is the way Muslims debate. And that's when the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was debating and arguing with the Mushrikeen with the pagans with the kuffar with his enemies. So how about when we debate amongst each other? When we talk amongst each other? How should we do it with our brothers with our sisters?

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The other thing is, always mention the points of agreement. Always bring things that we agree on, in matters of debate. And this is the adverb of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. When Allah subhana is debating is arguing with the kuffar debating the Mushrikeen

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he would mention the things that they believe in first.

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They were, they were idol worshipers, but they actually believed in Allah subhana wa Tada. They believe that He is the Creator of heavens and earth. So Allah would say, Well, I insulted him, man, halacha sama what you will Ebola canola, ask them who created heavens and earth. Start with the things that they believe in. Start with the points. There are mutual start from a base that you both

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can agree on.

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And then when you

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respond to them, Be modest, be humble. Don't do it in a matter of of arrogance. If Allah subhana wa Taala

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is saying to the kuffar and no Quran, we're in our ear comme la Allah Hooton, Alfie Boylan. Mubin.

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It's either us or you.

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Guided or in clear misguidance. Allah is teaching us how to talk to people that we disagree with and people that we disagree with in our Theda in matter of creeds and belief.

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He said, one of us is wrong. If we can't agree on this,

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Allah Subhana Allah to Allah Allah had that I had. And we have no doubt who's right and who's wrong.

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But Allah is saying here, well, one of us is wrong, one of these two groups is wrong.

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So he's giving them

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a very

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good way to start receiving that argument, not putting the people in a corner.

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And then, when there is a matter of conflict

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related to things that is above and beyond our realm of knowledge,

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that is beyond our realm, and sphere

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of influence and what we know we should always return it.

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To those who know Salah decree In Kuntum letter Allah moon

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and if it is a matter of Sharia, if it is a matter of halal and haram and Deen, then there is no question that this collar is the dilemma the people that we trust, not the layman like myself are the ones to be arguing back and forth. In these matters and Subhanallah we see this one of the most common arguments and the Muslim ummah, when you see just come and people sit in a in a gathering and an evening on a cup of tea or coffee and start arguing matters of Sheree back and forth

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and it is not befitting

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for believers to do that.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says St. Anna zetten fishy info to do who will Allah he will result in contemptible nebula who will Yeoman

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and, and it is very important that we also accept

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the hokum of Allah subhanahu wata Allah and His messenger when it is a matter of conflict, we can't argue when when that ruling comes

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we'll make any movement Minuten is a club Allahu wa rasuluh who am Ron and

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it is not befitting it's not for a believing man or a woman, when Allah and His Messenger

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ordain and create something, that they would have a choice in the matter.

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And one of the

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etiquettes and manners of disagreeing and having conflict with with other people is to be fair,

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to be fair to the other is to show

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Allah subhanaw taala says well, age remain Netcom, Shana and Coleman aletta D Liu, who are Acropolis

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don't let the enmity of others towards you.

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Don't let their hostility that they show you.

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swerve you and sway you away from being fair and just to them.

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De Leeuw who are Acropolis Taqwa be fair and just it is better and closer to be in pious NP being closer to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And that's how the Sahaba

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were in their debates and their conflicts. And even when they were conquering and starting new territorial

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I'm referring to the US is one of the Sahaba Radi Allahu Anhu. He was the one that was fighting the Byzantine. So he was asked by

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the Allahu and what do you think of them? What do you think of those enemies? They didn't say they're, you know, he can say all the bad things that he can say it's their enemies. He's fighting them. They're finding them back.

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What he said.

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He said they have four traits. Yeah, I mean Momineen that are very good traits. They have four things.

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They assume they have four things that are there are good things that we can learn from

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in the homeless, nursing in the fitna. They take their time. When there is a fitna when there is a calamity or a conflict, they have forbearance.

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What extra

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burden masiva when a when a mostly bad calamity occurs, they are the fastest to recover from it.

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What Oh, shoot, oh shackle home camera by the FARA. When they're defeated in a battle, they are the fastest to regroup and come back.

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Well hydro homonymy skin and weigh a team in Herbalife. And I saw them that they are good to the orphan and to the poor. And those were the Christians of a sham.

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And then he said well, hon, we sat on jameelah and there is a fifth one. And now home mill mill MODOK. They will not tolerate the tyranny of their kings. They will not accept their kings the rulers to be tyrannical.

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So he

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was fair to the enemies this student of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam so how about we become fair to our own brothers and sisters, and be respectful of one another, even in matters of debate, in matters of conflict, and in matters of disagreement. Jen ebony Allahu Allah Yakko Mozilla well, he left according mattes noun was stuck for Allah La Vie Mellie welcome. Hey folks, I'm Steph Curry

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come forward.

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Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen

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I mean, salat wa salam ala Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain

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Allah Subhana Allah to Allah created us different,

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created our manners in a different way. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that mean it costs him what you will, what he left for us in Africa.

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It is one of his signs that Allah created you different. You have different tongues, you have different complexions.

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And Allah subhana, Allah created us from this earth, and it's different colors.

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So we will have differences, we will have conflicts, that's normal, that's natural. That's the way it is. And don't think that the Sahaba Ridwan Allah hate him did not have conflict, don't think that the best of the Sahaba did not have some arguments.

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But they always resolved it. Based on these manners and these etiquettes

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they always kept the love

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between one another

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without any problems, even in the house of the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would have some time a conflict between him and his wife.

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And then you know, he said yeah Isha. I know when you're mad at me, and I know when you're not. And she said, How come how Surya rasool Allah. He said, When you pray, and you say, You're a Brahim, I know you're mad at me. When you say Yara, Mohammed, I know you're happy with me.

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So, he would just joke with her and lovingly

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is in conflict conflict conflicts do occur, arguments do occur, and we can make them escalate or we can smooth them out.

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And it is

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important for our own math for our community. For our unity, that if we have conflicts disagreement, is to follow these manners look at matters of agreement, look at what we can do to resolve the issue and respect one another. Listen to the others opinion and follow this enough Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Allahumma fill in what me Nina me net and Muslim ina well Muslim man, Allah here a minimal am word in Acharya Mowlana semi young Korean would you would die word Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ah my aim about Allah insha Allah Allah will actually send you a Tehsil CORBA or enhance your fascia you won't monkey you will belly Yeah it will come Lala come to the karoun Alchemist Salah in the solid 10 Hani fascia it will mancha all ethical law he Akbar Allahu Allah Mata stone

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