Ammar Alshukry – The Guide To Wisdoms #4

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The importance of disfiguring behavior and causing people to become satisfied and upset is emphasized in these segments. The speakers emphasize the need to avoid disfiguring others, finding the best, consulting people, and finding the best. The history of the Battle of bed is discussed, including the use of armor and armor fleet, and the use of "harappening" and "harvesting." The speakers also touch on topics such as "monster syndrome" and "immature birth", as well as the benefits of travel, language, and home. They end with a brief license statement.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alright guys, let's begin in sha Allah hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah highlighters like descendancy MACURA should Allah Allah Allah Allah, they will actually they can actually do Amazon Abdul Rasul smarter of this and MIT.

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So you see it, you know, we were at

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we last week. So for those of you who are just joining, we're going over a poem on and maybe somebody can send it, resend it, the center Gmail or anybody resend it into the announcement group, because it's been updated. I don't have my phone if anybody's messaging me also.

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no, we did that.

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last edition.

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So the author Rahim Allah said Bismillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah Salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah.

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Let Darshan, the mouth leewards Ha defatting fell below the shoe Matlin one a year.

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Let us stash your urine at B Heisey Mihnea. Praveen has been has been has he mean to even call this tower fee if.

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So he says, the author of the book D says, Don't disfigure your good act by making them wait for goodnesses disfigured by an attitude that's lazy and lame. And don't consult other than someone who is helpful organized and awake, whose personal and public state is the same, whose private and public state is the same whose private and public state is the same. So his first advice is don't disfigure a good act. By making the person waits latter condition not remotely watching. He says don't disfigured dishes to scratch up

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a good deed that you're doing beam up MCL is delay.

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Meaning I promised somebody a gift. Secret Santa,

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my mind I was expecting the gifts. And or I promised somebody a service, I'm going to do this for you, or I'm going to do this for you. And they weren't expecting it. They didn't ask for it. But you offered it, you promise them something. And so now everybody has a window of happiness, people have a window of excitement. And that's a window to be appreciated and to be protected. Because what happens with delay is that window becomes smaller, and that window becomes smaller, and that window becomes smaller, to the point why you might delay a promise to the point where even after you deliver it, they're no longer happy about it. Because they've been expecting it for so long. And so

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or even worse when you turn them into an asker where now instead of them being somebody who's receiving a gift from you or a favorite from you, they're coming up to you every time they see you. And they're like, When can you do that thing that you told me that you were gonna do when can you so now you've turned them into an asker it's your disfiguring the beautiful thing that you that you wanted to do, that you promised to do. And so I feel like appreciating that window of happiness of people is so important. Because you might offer something, and then you might still suck out the enjoyment of the action by making that person today I give you an example you have

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a spouse, okay? Make this gender neutral. You have a spouse who promises the other, that they're going to make them an amazing meal.

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Like, cool. What time is it going to be ready? Five o'clock. Cool. Now this person is fasting.

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Because they're waiting.

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And then five o'clock comes and it's not ready. And then six o'clock runs, and it's not ready. And seven o'clock comes and they're not ready. And so now that happiness and that excitement has turned into one frustration, anger, hunger, annoyance. And even if it's become ready, eventually that person is still I mean, it's just not the same. Or a person who says I'm going to come and visit you. I had this happen to me. I had a

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family member who came. I was I was traveling, I was in an international city. And that family said family members said to me, I'm going to come from such and such to visit you. I say great. I know Santa. What time are you going to be here? Two o'clock in the afternoon. He came at midnight.

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And to his credit, he took three or four buses and trains. But my man I've been waiting for you all day. So by the time that he ended up coming was was I overjoyed and excited. No I was excited at all.

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o'clock in the afternoon.

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And I was still excited at three. But by 45678, you know, so again, he says Don't, don't disfigure the gifts that you do, by making, making people wait for them. When you promise someone, something, do it as soon as you can keep protect that happiness that they have. And it's even worse if a person has the ability to fulfill it muscle loss of the lightest, and I'm says he uses the same word. And he says a muffler honey loom,

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that the delay of a person who is able to is oppression. Specifically, this is talking about the payments of services, that when I have the ability to pay somebody for a service, or I have the ability to repay someone for a debt, I have the ability to pay someone financially for something that I owe them, whether it's a debt, or whether it's for a service, and I don't do it, I'm just procrastinating. I'm just delaying. He says that's oppression. That is a form of oppression. Islam is beautiful. If Muslims actually cared to practice what we're instructed to do, we would not point to any other society and say, look at how these guys live and look at these guys practice and look

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at these people's character. Let's kind of look and feel Rasulullah he also then has an Allah says in the province of Elijah Sydenham is an excellent example. So the province of licen and teaches us that the delay for you to delay paying somebody if you have the ability to do so, and you simply delay out of laziness or carelessness or what have you, because that's a pressure, okay, and it's to be avoided. And then he says, Let us tell Sheetal ye Rana bin has him in to you when are these? Fee he is wrong.

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So he says don't consult other than someone who's helpful, organized and awake, whose private and public state is the same. And so, who are the people that you should consult? Number one, you should consult people?

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Allah Subhana Allah tells Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, what shall we do home Phil Emery, Allah says and consult them. That's a command. He says consult them and your affair. And by the way, this verse came down after the Battle of hurt, and the Battle of a hood, Allah commanding the province level it sent him to consult is particularly telling because the Battle of hurt was after a consultation Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had wanted to fight the battle of hurt in

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Medina, that's where he wanted to fight it. He didn't want to fight it outside and he wanted to fight it. Guerrilla warfare in the city of the province of Elijah said, let the machine come in, let the Mexicans come in. And we'll fight them from the rooftops and the windows and all of that. That's how he wanted to fight it. That was his suggestion.

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But the young Sahaba specifically wanted to fight

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outside, I want you to imagine that you are a young man who is able bodied during the Battle of bed did and you weren't there.

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You were in Medina, you heard that the province of Elijah said and wanted to go and fight or to go and raid a caravan. And just 300 people went, it's just the caravan. It's no big deal. And then a couple of days later, people are coming back and you're hearing about the Battle of budget just took place. And the angels had descended and Gibreel was there and talk about FOMO. Like, that's the greatest form, whatever the Sahaba were there, there were young Sahaba they were physically able people who just were not there. And so the next year will erode that. And they've been hearing about credit for an entire year. And then when that happens, the angst however, like there's no way out of

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sort of lower fighting in the city, no way. We have to go and meet them in open combat open plane, we're warriors too. And so Rasulullah sallallahu de Sena gets overwhelmed by the young Sahaba and then he goes into his into his house, and he puts on his armor. And then as he exits again people are like Del Sol Allah, maybe maybe we maybe we overwhelmed the province a little light instead of you know that hesitation people back and forth. And so after he comes back out, they again ask the province, the licen and what he thinks and they're like out of school, Allah, whatever you want to do, and then the province of the lightest and teaches us an incredible leadership lesson.

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Incredible. He says it is not befitting for a prophet, that after he has placed his armor after he's put on his armor that he ever take it off until Allah subhanaw taala has judged between him and his enemies. What does that mean? That means that if we made a decision, we just made a decision, we made the decision that we're going to go out and meet them.

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Even though the province of allied SLM is the one who has the most sound judgment, the province of all lightest Adam is the most wise he has the sharpest intellect. He still surrendered his opinion to the opinion of the people that he was consulting, even though they were younger than him.

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And yeah, when rasuluh

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la salida Salem comes out of his house, and they're willing to submit now to his opinion, he says, No, we made a decision, we need to move forward with this decision, the decision that we made is binding, I'm not taking my armor off. And this teaches us a lesson and that is that when we have as a community or as a group, or as a family, or what have you, when we have our time for discussion, and then when we all agree in that moment in time, and we make a decision, Allah says either ASMs for two o'clock Allah Allah when you when you when you, when you commit to something,

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rely on my Subhana data go forward. Because the hesitation and paralysis that comes into they call it paralysis by analysis. This person goes, he didn't like the the conclusion of the meeting. So he starts making private phone calls, and then this person over here, and then they sabotage the agreement that we just made in all together yesterday. That paralyzes communities. I've seen communities where massages have become abandoned over 20 years, because one group had a property and they said that it should be a youth center. And another group said it should be an Islamic school. And they were not able to agree to agree for 20 years, based on whether it should be an Islamic

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center or a youth center. I mean, an Islamic school or youth center, and neither did become an Islamic school, neither did become a youth center, it just became an abandoned building, right? That's what happens when people don't get to agree. And if they agree, they don't commit. So in any case, sotto la salida syndrome.

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When the Sahaba of the lion home,

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intended the Battle of better acts of the battle or hurt, the prophet consulted them. And then he went and he went and fought the battles. And it was a loss, right? In the scheme of things, the big scheme of things, it was a victory. But initially it came up it came across as a loss. And yet Allah Subhana Allah still tells the province I said, I'm gonna shower and Philip continue to consult them.

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So here's my point. My point is, is that anybody who follows us and of the province of Allah, Islam should consult you should consult

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and a leader who doesn't consult his community, a husband who doesn't consult his wife, parents who don't even consult their children, but I noticed that I'm consultants

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about a dream that he had to slaughter him. lasuna Lhasa light SLM consults from sedima, the one time the Sahaba, ever, ever, ever did not rush to fulfill his command, was the most awkward moment that I've seen in the state of the province level by discipline when it comes to his command. And he didn't even know what to do. So he went to his wife from Selma.

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And he consulted her, and she told him how to get out of it. Right. And so this exists in the son of the province, the lesson, the question then becomes Who do you consult. And so he says, whose you should consult is, you should consult a net. Net is someone who is quick to help. You shouldn't consult somebody who's who's lazy, lethargic, who, if you tell them your dreams, they bring you down not to reality, but they just they just suck the life out of you. He says, don't consult that consult somebody who will who will give you energy, someone who will assist you, someone who will help you. That's the number one and then he says has him, someone who's organized and someone who's

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Yes, yeah, please means awake. Someone who's awake, someone who is aware of how to give good advice, somebody who's able to direct you. And then he says someone who's private and public state is the same, meaning that they are sincere to you on the outside, or they're truthful to you on the outside and there's zero to you on the inside.

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How do you know if somebody has that type of character, you'll see it in the way that they talk about other people.

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You know, we I think we all know people who are very truthful in their statements, they are truthful when they like somebody they're truthful when they dislike somebody and if they like you, then they're going to give you sincere advice. So those are the people that you should seek to get advice from. Those are the ones that you should consult people who know what's going on people who are energetic, they're going to inspire you, they're not going to demotivate you and people who inshallah to Allah are sincere to you. Yes. Forli be fools, either on caribou Fie, who manual how to be photos.

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While Morishima happy to move on Dara toon work Hello, Emery, who had to me is new. So he says because for strategy, there are nights that when they engage, they engage well, just like there are nights for war. And all affairs have a time that are pre written and every affair has a limit and a measure in store. So he says there's you should consult the right people. Because strategy has nights. Just like there are nights for war there are nights for strategy. Just like there are generals for war. There are generals for strategy. So you should find people who will help you plan your life people who help you strategize people who are skilled in that

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People who are people who are trained in that. That's number one. And then number two, he says, and all affairs have a time that are pre written. And every affair has a limit and a measure in store. So now he's switching to the idea of destiny.

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And he says everything has a time.

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Everything has a time.

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And he's going to talk about how it is not good when you try to force things before their time. Everything has a time and of the beautiful two hours of embodiment. Abdulaziz is used to say Allahumma me as a Luca or he says Allahumma Rabine via Derek Oh Allah make me please with your other hat. Allah Rida, the ID la che in a Horta or a lotta Farah che in a delta, he says, are che in a delta, he says, oh, Allah make me pleased with your destiny,

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to the point where I do not want to hasten something that you've delayed, or to delay something that you've hasted that's a beautiful, beautiful,

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oh, Allah make me so pleased with your destiny, that I don't want to delay anything that you've hasted.

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You know, a lot of times in English when people

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they know, they're not much be thinking of the connotations, but they'll say things that we don't believe. So they'll say things like, Oh, they're gone too soon. We don't believe anybody's gone too soon. Nobody's ever gone too soon.

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That's a problematic phrase for us, theologically, because everything happens in its appointed time. Nobody ever leaves too soon, nobody stays too long.

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And so he says, I'm gonna do that, as he says, Make me pleased with your destiny, to the point where I do not want anything that you've hastened to be delayed.

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I lost a loved one

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years ago, make me so pleased, Oh Allah, with your destiny, that I wouldn't want any of my script to change, because you chose it for me. And I realized that you are more merciful to me than I am to myself and you are more knowledgeable and you are more wise. And something beautiful that shifts I am coming to you mentioned on this is just reflect on the idea of this phrase ready to be lifted up. But I am pleased with Allah as my word that that you make you say it will lead to be like, I am pleased with Allah as my Lord. What does that mean? When you say I'm pleased with Allah as my Lord, meaning Oh Allah, I am pleased with the script that you wrote, for me. I am pleased with the

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destiny. I don't prefer anything else other than what you have written for me. And if a person is only pleased with the things that they are naturally inclined to, then you're not pleased with Allah as your Lord, you're, you're pleased with your intellect as your Lord.

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But I choose Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, so he says, ready to be liable. But anyway.

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And I'm really mad that as he says, and I do not want for anything that you delayed to be hastened.

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Look at all of the things that we want in this dunya. And a lot of it doesn't happen, the first moment that we want it.

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Whether it's a job, or whether it's marriage, or whether it's children, or whether it's whatever it is.

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But Oh Matt is asking a lot that he doesn't have that yet he's so pleased that he doesn't want anything that ALLAH SubhanA data has delayed to be hastened.

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This reminds me of the

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there's the story of the brother who made a guy and he said, Oh Allah,

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he's making godless the Hydra and he said, Oh Allah.

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If so and so is good for me in marriage, then write her for me. And if she's not good for me in marriage, then make her good for me and marriage and write her for me.

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Like, kind of drives that

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you ask Allah subhanaw taala for what is good for you and that you be content with that? Okay.

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All right, and that's the act that we make. By the way when a person dies, we say Lila him I would allow him to Allah belongs where he gives Unto Allah belongs where he takes or Kula che in and the whole big Musa and everything with Allah has an appointed time. This was their time. First midwife, that's it. So be patient and seek the reward. Yes. Further, conergy Lower. Fee Phil Amrita LuBu ferlay Sir Matthew Cordell and Luigi on GAFA Amina shinpiden Mathcad said Danny Nawaz in fafi he'll hold me in how Doctor wounds.

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So don't be hasty regarding a matter you seek. Because the matter before being right gets no praise, whatever fulfills your need.

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It is enough to live by and is enough for a noble man for all of his days. So he says, Don't, don't be hasty regarding a matter you seek, don't be hasty. Regarding the matter you seek, don't rush, realize that ALLAH SubhanA data gives everything it's appropriate time.

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I used to have an Arabic teacher that I used to, I used to go to after work. So I would have,

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I would take like a couple of trains after work. And I would go to his apartment, and I would sit with him to like midnight. And I would have these texts that I wanted to read with him with the chef. And we would sit there for hours. And sometimes he would not go over a single line of the text. You just be conversing with me, like he's happy to have a guest.

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And he would talk about the most random things. And I'm sitting there with his book in my hand for two hours. There's waiting for him to, you know, and he wouldn't do it. And then when I would, when I would tell him, I'd be like, Jeff, you know, hubba hubba. You know, I'm great. We talked about your family. We talked about Selaginella. Up, we talked about every random topics that you wanted, but I'd really like to go over the * with you. And then he would say to me in momenta, louder than PATA whatever.

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So beautiful phrase, he says in the moon, but the hasty one, the hasty one, la, da, neither do they traverse the land, do they get to their destination, whatever have an app or nor does their ride remain? Meaning I want you to imagine a guy who's driving a car, he's in a rush, and he's trying to he's doing like 120 on the highway to get somewhere. He gets into a car accident, because he's going too fast. So neither did he get where he was going, nor did His car survive the right. That's what that statement is saying. He's saying to me, like, don't rush, you're going to get to where you're going. But you need to have that patience, you need to need to be, you need to be a little bit more

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measured. And so a person who is who gets ripe and the word that he's using his boron, and boron is specifically a medical term, I don't know what it's called in English, but it's when a person who's sick becomes well, but it's like a fake wellness before they get sick. Again,

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I don't know if the doctors have a term for this. I looked it up and they said there was one that was called terminal lucidity, which is right before a person dies, but it's not necessarily about a person dying. But it's just about a person getting better. When he says if a person isn't truly becoming healthy, and it's just like something that's that's fake for a little bit of time. He says that's not something that's praiseworthy. So that's the example that he gives.

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He's going to sit, we'll honor all the Murray Shetty, he was able to see in a falafel

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by the way, so about being hasty regarding a matter that you seek. Because the idea of, of stepping into something before you're actually ready and ripe, is something that manifests in so many different avenues.

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of them is obviously the issue of, of expertise. You know, so many people before they actually have expertise in something, they present themselves as experts. And one of them that's obvious is the teaching of Islam itself.

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A person who's 1617 I don't want to give a shout out names, because it's not just about names, but it's about qualifications. So you can have a 17 year old who's qualified, and you can have a 27 year old who is not qualified. But this idea of, you know, especially with social media and what have you, i There's no gatekeepers anymore. So I'm just stepping in and I'm teaching, and I'm sharing, and I'm you know, for some reason, I'm always amazed how the most viral stuff is the weakest ahaadeeth. Like if you see something that's got like a million shares and stuff like that, and if you get like goosebumps, and it just makes your heart feel all flutter and stuff. Those are all red

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flags that you're it's a weak head.

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Because it's just Yes.

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Imposter syndrome, you should feel like you're

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Well, it depends on impostor syndrome. So her question is about impostor syndrome. It's a great question. The question is, who is saying that you're qualified?

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Okay, well, I mean, if no one is saying that you're qualified, then that's not imposter syndrome. That's an imposter. If no one is saying you're qualified, that's not imposter syndrome. That's a that's an imposter. But if somebody is saying that you're qualified, a degree to some level is qualification, right? That is the University of Houston or whoever is saying you are qualified to be an engineer. If I lost, then I shouldn't have impostor syndrome, or to some degree, people are always going to have impostor syndrome. And that's healthy. But the problem is the person who doesn't have impostor syndrome, that's what I'm talking about right now, where a person is going out

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and they're, and they're, you know, nobody said they're qualified. Nobody's nobody. Imam Malik. He said, I didn't sit in the middle of the province of Allah Islam to teach until 40 or 70 of the scholars of Medina said that I'm qualified to do so. And we're not trying to get 40 or 70 people to qualify to say anybody's calling

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Five but 123 Like if somebody holding your hand and saying, you know, you should do this, right? And if not, did you go and ask somebody and say, Should I do this? Do you have a mentor in this field? Who you're bouncing ideas off of? Or who's guiding you? And are you willing to submit to what they say if they tell you take this down and have it and social media is obviously one platform, but this idea of, of trying to take advantage of something or trying to do something before it's ripe and ready, you know, there's a phrase the scholars, they say, men that jelly che and Fulani, okay, but before money, that whoever Hastin something before it's time, they are punished by being prevented

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by it. They are prevented by it. That's their punishment. So for example, you have the, let's say, the person who's unqualified, and they end up creating a platform for themselves online, unqualified, their goal was to be for example, a teacher of Islamic sciences or what have you, but not because they rushed. Unfortunately, they've already positioned themselves as somebody who's unqualified,

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or worse, they got themselves into trouble that might disqualify them for the rest of their life. Because of the fitna that comes with fame or the fitna that comes with this or the fitna that comes with that and that's all because they rushed into something or that you see this a lot, unfortunately, with issue of relationships right to people who are in love. And instead of going the highlighted route, they went the Haram route. And because of that they went the Haram route, it caused them all sorts of problems that made it impossible for them to actually be together right. So whoever rushes something before its time, they may be punished or as a consequence may be punished

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as a harsh word. But as a consequence, they might be prevented from it and Allah knows best Okay, keep going

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on all the minima Murray shirting he was able to see in aflofarm.

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hassle factor a clue on your sheet who is that?

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One thing

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he says and the content are satisfied with their living and the greedy, even if wealthy are enraged, it's enough for a noble person to have their intellect as a friend, even if their brothers and loved ones disengage. So there's nothing like contentment, the province of Allied air sending them he says

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Kenya can be content and you will be the wealthiest of the people.

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The mama Chava is this is a country that Calvin Cano and for anto America dunya, Soweto. If you have a heart, that's content, then you and those who own this world are equivalent. Who has more than you have your content.

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If you you know, what does the word does it mean?

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My Arabic speakers tell me what does it mean?

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Rich? Excellent. Lenny. Lenny. Lenny means rich, rich, rich, rich, rich. What does * mean?

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Poor Excellent. Now money doesn't mean rich and frankly it doesn't mean poor. Ready?

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have any means to be self sufficient? To be not in need? I know I sure I know.

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Of any means to be not in need of any means to me. Not indeed Allah Subhana Allah is a lot of money. Yes, obviously there's a connotation of wealth and richness. But Rena is to not be in need.

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And FAAC is to be in need. Alpha Pharaoh ala Rahmatullah the one who is in need of the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. And so what that teaches us is that fuck, Angelina both have nothing to do with a person's assets, what they have in their bank account, but it has everything to do with their state of mind. Because if I've got a million dollars in my bank, but I feel like I need 2 million or 3 million or 4 million, then I'm not in a state of winner. I'm in a state of fuck. I'm in a state of impoverishment. I'm in a state of need. But if I've got nothing in the back, but I've got $20 in my pocket, and to be honest, I only need five today.

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I'm in a state of cleaner. I don't need anything. You know, there's a famous, not a famous Rahim Allah, righteous tycoon in Sudan.

00:29:16 --> 00:29:40

Use a very righteous mantle Hamill, like to Allah. And he used to have many, many businesses. And he went to a village that is a farmer's village, very, very small, very poor village. But he had some relatives there. And so he would go to that village to give Slava and to connect his ties of kinship and what have you. So he went, and he said that

00:29:41 --> 00:29:54

when such a person comes to the village, obviously everybody's coming to see him. And so there was an old lady who came with her cane. And he said to her, a Sidamo, I take your hijab

00:29:55 --> 00:29:58

and she said, Why are they gonna send me a hatch?

00:29:59 --> 00:30:00

They're greeting each other.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:05

And he says to her because he's been doing this all days. How are you? She's like, good. He's like, What can I do for you?

00:30:07 --> 00:30:19

What do you need? Everybody's been asking him for how my my family members sick, my this person needs school registration, all that type of stuff. That's what he's been doing. And that's what he came for. And then he says to her, What can I do for you? And she says nothing.

00:30:20 --> 00:30:30

Because I just came to give you set up. She said to him at hamdulillah Anna Vania. She said, I Hamdulillah I have no needs. I'm completely Emelina

00:30:32 --> 00:31:07

this man, this tycoon. Initially, when he thought that she needed something from him, he was over here and she was over here, right? The province lesson said that the hand that's giving is better, the upper hand is better than the lower hand, the one that gives us better than the one that takes but when she didn't need anything from him, they became equals, immediately they become equals. But not only that, if she feels a richness that he himself might not feel because he's a businessman and he's still trying to grow and she might actually be like this.

00:31:08 --> 00:31:26

And so he became impacted by her and he would go back telling people this woman had a richness that I myself am looking for, and the province of of whiteness and them says that Lena richness is not in having a lot of resources like in a linear enough's but richness is the richness of a person's self.

00:31:27 --> 00:31:41

And so contentment and then he says the author says, and the people have of health of desire that we talked about in the past couple of weeks, even if they have money, they're upset.

00:31:42 --> 00:31:47

They're upset because they always feel like they need more love protect us all okay?

00:31:48 --> 00:32:02

So then he says it's enough for a person of nobility to have their intellect as a friend, even if their brothers and loved ones disengage. So even if a person's at some point in time you're alone in your life for whatever reason, even if your family and your your your community

00:32:03 --> 00:32:27

I am will do and these are like this you know, the interchanging of the night and the person's life there might be times when you're you don't have the support system around you but he says you know what, enough for a person is their intellect is their wisdom is their knowledge. Yes. Whom out all the burning Hikmah to call was Kena water wanting

00:32:28 --> 00:32:29


00:32:30 --> 00:32:31


00:32:32 --> 00:33:20

be Carrie mean mo clean fella who wild wild or who feed beslis will be our bar No. So these are beautiful verses he says they are to nursing twins. Wisdom and Taqwa and wealth and transgression also together are sown. If a person's life becomes constricted in their homeland, then the vastness of the Earth is all potentially home. So he said, There too, he gives us the metaphor of nursing twins, meaning they're both came from the same womb. They're both twins basically. What are they hikma and wisdom? hokhmah and Taqwa wisdom and Taqwa, they go hand in hand, like we would say, they go hand in hand. But that's not absolute. It's not absolute wisdom and tech will go hand in hand,

00:33:20 --> 00:33:55

there are some people who are wise. And they don't even have Iman, much less Taqwa. And then you have some people. And he also says, and also go hand in hand, our transgression and wealth. But that's not absolute either. There are some people who have wealth, and they don't transgress. But undoubtedly, wealth can cause transgression. Allah subhana, Allah says, in the insane ultra, ultra husana, Allah says that human beings have the tendency for to be on transgression, when they see themselves to be independent.

00:33:56 --> 00:34:28

As soon as a person feels independent, they got a lot more bass in their voice. You see yourself when you're a teenager, how you start talking back to your parents, because you start to see yourself as being independent, you're a lot more different than you were when you were a child, the first time you've been wrestling your dad your whole life, and he's been beating you your whole life. But then when you become 15, and for the first time, you out, wrestle your dad, or 16 or 17. And then of course, you know, the rule, as soon as you beat your dad once you never wrestle again and never happens again. But when, when that happens, the person might feel and then when they

00:34:28 --> 00:34:31

become financially independent, oh, that's when the attitude really comes out.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:59

In the inside, I let her around Sterna Allah says, but that's not always the case of a worker on the line who had wealth after him and him now we've had wealth, and it didn't create transgression, it only increase their righteousness and we've talked about this before, how money magnifies what's in a person's heart. If righteousness is in that person's heart, then money magnifies it, it magnifies their ability to do good. And if transgression is a person's in a person's heart or

00:35:00 --> 00:35:10

sins are less or desires or any of these things than money simply magnifies what is in that person's heart where they have to be less. So money is a great enabler. It's a great enabler, but he says

00:35:11 --> 00:35:33

they are to nursing twins wisdom and Taqwa and wealth and transgression also, together are sown. If a person's life becomes constricted in their homeland, then the vastness of the Earth is all potentially home. If a person's life becomes constricted in their homeland, for whatever reason, politically financially, the idea of the entire earth

00:35:34 --> 00:35:40

the entire earth belongs to Allah subhanaw taala this idea of people belonging to certain

00:35:42 --> 00:35:45

you know, the Muslims have always, always always traveled.

00:35:46 --> 00:35:50

And Imam Shafi was a huge proponent of travel huge.

00:35:52 --> 00:36:08

He traveled to Yemen, and he traveled to Egypt and he traveled to an airlock. And he traveled to obviously he he's from he grew up, he was born in Malaga. And he grew up in Makkah, and he traveled to Medina, I mean, he went everywhere, right mo Allah to Allah, and he loved travel.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:19

And he, he says about travel. He has a poem about travel. He has a lot of poems about travel, but one that I particularly love.

00:36:22 --> 00:36:23

He says,

00:36:25 --> 00:36:27

Okay, there's a little bit of Arabic just a little bit.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:55

Let me just do the English that he says. He says, there's no rest in residence for a person of culture. So travel and leave where you're residing travel, you'll find a replacement for what you've left behind and strive the beauty of life is in striving, I've seen that water become stagnant it still becomes pure if it runs but not if it doesn't flow and a line without leaving its then count and an arrow won't strike without leaving its boat. I mean, if water stays that it becomes stagnant.

00:36:56 --> 00:37:11

And if the sun stood still in its heavenly course in all the world it would bore and gold dust is like dust when it's commonly found and in its land root is just another word in store. Gold Dust is average, where it's found. And rude is average, where it grows.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:23

You know, in Houston, your accent is very unimpressive. But if you go to the UK and you start saying y'all, they're gonna say Say it again.

00:37:24 --> 00:37:48

Pop Texas again. That's the way that it goes. When you travel. He says what when one travels, they become sought out. When one travels, they become honored like gold. There's so much benefit to travel he says unsub insulated mafia McCamley, the athlete with the IDB, Marathi for de la part of therapy, says travel, you'll find a replacement for what you left behind. A lot of times people hesitate from travel, they're like, oh my goodness, where am I going to find?

00:37:49 --> 00:37:55

Burritos? Where am I going to find tacos? Like Calm down, you'll find a replacement for for

00:37:56 --> 00:38:01

for whatever is keeping you here, you'll find a replacement. Yes. My mom and dad travel.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:06

So not to travel. But it depends on what type of travel we're saying. Is your mom right here?

00:38:07 --> 00:38:47

Okay. Yeah, but travel? Definitely. Yes. I mean, like, I remember one time you were giving a lecture back in the MSA days, man, that was like, usual. Okay. So you said that you can make sleep rewarding depending on the intention. So like, technically, if you made traveling, like a period of self reflection and reflecting on the greatness and what he created, technically make traveling, of course, travel can be a great act of worship Allah commands as a score zero, fill out, go and travel in the length look and reflect and learn. You know, one of the beauties of travel, quick tangent on travel, one of the beautiful things about travel is is that it allows you to see being exposed to

00:38:47 --> 00:39:33

other cultures, you start to see the weights that other cultures give to certain values. And you start to think in different ways. So for example, my personal experience, I don't have a lot of travel experience, but I grew up for a good portion of my life and Sudan, I grew up a good portion of my life in the US. So I have both brains. And when I flip over to my Sudanese brain, sometimes I'm shocked by the things that my American brain sees, okay. I'm shocked. I give you a quick example. There's American English because culture is infused or language is infused, or language is, is an extension of the culture itself. So for me, I'm amazed at the shamelessness of American

00:39:33 --> 00:39:45

English as well as the the conflict that the American that American English has with with authority and the elderly. As far as the shamelessness,

00:39:46 --> 00:39:55

Americans and by Americans, I mean Muslims to everybody. They won't just tell you that they're going to the bathroom but they'll tell you what they're going to go do in the bathroom.

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

It's insane. Like

00:40:00 --> 00:40:38

An adult Muslim male or an adult Muslim female will go and tell you what they're going to go do in the bathroom. Now the Sudanese side of my brain kicks in, and there is no way there is no way in the world that that's going to happen. In fact, we have these beautiful euphemisms. The Quran is not explicit when it comes to these things. The Quran uses euphemisms is used as metaphors. And the Muslims who absorbed the Quran, they also use euphemisms, a person will say something like, I'm going to go and renew my elbow. That's it. That's all I need to know you're going to the bathroom to go renew your cool, whatever, whatever you do before and after. That doesn't matter to me. Right.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:43

But that's just a beautiful, as opposed to that explicit vulgarity. Then you have the issue of

00:40:45 --> 00:40:48

conflict with authority. You know,

00:40:49 --> 00:41:02

I remember Dr. Les Brown, not Is that his name? Leonard Sachs, sorry. Leonard Sachs, Dr. Leonard Sachs, he he gave a lecture to the Muslim community a couple of years ago during COVID. And he's he's written a lot of books on child psychology. And

00:41:04 --> 00:41:43

he was he was on Zoom. And he was telling us that he was giving the example of the importance of learning languages. And he was saying whatever language is your speaker home, you guys need to speak it at home, make sure that you keep that language. And he said, he gave the example of Syrian family and he said that there was a Syrian family that had came to him and they had complained to him about their kid, who by now is 13 years old, or 14 years old. He had been in America for around seven years. And they said that when he speaks to them in English, he's like a completely different person than when he speaks to them in Arabic. In English, he becomes very aggressive, very disrespectful,

00:41:43 --> 00:41:48

all of that type of stuff. And he was like, only speak to him in Arabic that don't let him speak English.

00:41:49 --> 00:42:24

In English, we learn conflict with our parents very early. You watch the Disney Channel, and, you know, your favorite character shows up at the beginning of the show. And she's like, Hi, this is me. This is my mom. She's so cool. This is my dad, he's an idiot. And that type of language is being summoned. Right and being introduced to you. I can tell you about my expertise. I can't speak of everybody's experience. I don't know if this is the whole you know, region. But I did not even know how to say my dad is an idiot in Sudanese Arabic because I've never heard it said like, I know how the sentence structure is, but I've never heard it said I've never heard my friends say I've never

00:42:24 --> 00:42:55

heard obviously TV set right so language influences culture or no culture influences language. When when you get exposed through travel, you get exposed to the different values that people have for or the different weights that you give to these different values. Right so you're able to compare not to say that everything about American culture is obviously there's a lot that's great. And then you when you go overseas, you're able to compare what's great about American culture to what you see over there as well right? Yeah.

00:42:59 --> 00:43:07

The Chevrolet Paul he says Marfil mocha Amelia clean with the Adobe Marathi for the AOPA Anna was terribIe that's my

00:43:09 --> 00:43:13

little car. Yeah Marfin mocha AMI Murphy mocha me.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:17

Don't worry. I'll send it in the chat later inshallah. Tada.

00:43:18 --> 00:43:21

Yes, how can you survive on sickness? Which

00:43:23 --> 00:43:25

was I think my stomach thinking that

00:43:26 --> 00:43:28

this word scary, like

00:43:30 --> 00:43:44

crying Yeah, I just feel that all the time. Even when I have friends. It was when when all feel attacked sometimes to use it. But there are moments that I need to get back to. Where's home?

00:43:46 --> 00:43:52

I'm probably wrong. Okay. Yeah. I actually got some great lava shock from Iran yesterday.

00:43:54 --> 00:43:57

You're getting homesick right now. She's about to start crying.

00:44:00 --> 00:44:01

Lava shock is

00:44:02 --> 00:44:04

fruit. Fruit rolls. Yeah.

00:44:06 --> 00:44:12

Well, you guys tell her you guys. How do you get over homesickness? What do y'all got?

00:44:16 --> 00:44:16


00:44:21 --> 00:44:23

Ron, yeah, nobody could hear you. So we're passing you the microphone

00:44:30 --> 00:44:30


00:44:32 --> 00:44:33

do you want to elaborate

00:44:35 --> 00:44:37

if you're looking for the familiar

00:44:42 --> 00:44:43


00:44:44 --> 00:44:44

you know,

00:44:46 --> 00:44:49

that feeling helps me get in.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:59

Yeah, 100% on the prayer issue, because let me just comment on that. Even the Sahaba when they left Mecca, they were very homesick. They were very home.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:13

Think of Mecca living in Medina. What was homesick he was sick biller was homesick. And when the province of Eliasson heard about the poetry they were saying missing Mecca, he made dua and he said oh Allah make us love

00:45:15 --> 00:45:23

al Medina like our love for Mecca or even greater and so you asking Allah Oh Allah make me love Houston more than I love Iran or even greater

00:45:25 --> 00:45:42

you're like No, I'm not making that drought okay. I that similar Okay, so let's just wrap this up because we have five minutes left Charla so? He said if a person's life becomes constricted in their homeland, then the vastness of the Earth is all potentially hope

00:45:44 --> 00:45:47

the vastness of this earth is all potentially home keep going as it

00:45:48 --> 00:46:05

volumen fairing home realizing so the who in koonta Fie see nothing ting Roya cove on master Maura volume soft kill who was

00:46:06 --> 00:46:09

Mother Paloma hood

00:46:10 --> 00:46:30

so he says oh oppressor who's pleased by the power that's assisted them if you're in slumber time is awake. No oppressor truly enjoys its taste and how could kalo since be pleasant for those who intake Okay, so hold on. It's a very bitter, very bitter

00:46:33 --> 00:46:36

vegetable or fruit or like a

00:46:37 --> 00:47:21

something very bitter to ingest okay? So he says oh you who oppresses others and you're deluded by your strength, if you are in slumber include the vicinity for dodarka donno. If you are asleep, time is awake. Laughter who Cena tune well I know. Right? And of course, he will say slumbered does not touch ALLAH SubhanA data nor sleep. And he says if you are in Siena, if you are in this slumber, you're deluded by the fact that you have power. Time is awake, time is awake here can mean a number of things. It could be a Buddha, that the Lord of time Allah subhanaw taala is not asleep even if you sleep. Or number two, it could be that time itself it's a metaphor for you see how history

00:47:21 --> 00:47:32

treats oppressors. You see they're the consequences of their actions, whether it's in this life or the next you see what happens to them. And so if you are in cinah, if you are in slumber than times a week

00:47:33 --> 00:48:13

and then he says no oppressor truly enjoys its taste, no oppressor, meaning truly enjoys the taste of oppression itself. Because how could something that's inherently not pleasurable? How can it become it's not can't be something that's considered to be delicious, unless a person has completely their fitrah has completely changed to the point where that which is sour taste sweet to them or a person has been there they become so corrupted, that that which is sweet has become or that which is bitter has become sweet for them. And so this is where we'll end here inshallah to Allah and then next week, we'll finish the poem in sha Allah Allah. In the meantime, any last comments, and if

00:48:13 --> 00:48:28

there's any comments still about the travel in the homesickness, that's fine in sha Allah Tala otherwise, we'll call it a day inshallah and I don't have the live ask so if anybody has the live ask and if there are any questions in it, then let me know inshallah. Any last comments or questions in sha Allah.

00:48:31 --> 00:48:33

Quinta vicinity and for Dawa codon?

00:48:37 --> 00:48:54

I'm actually I just want to say, um, I didn't think we'd survive the poem. To be honest. I didn't know how we would react to the poem. So I'm glad that we're still going strong. hamdulillah Yes, I should. So on the live as someone asks, asked, What's the difference between energetic advisors and yesterday?

00:48:56 --> 00:49:16

An energetic advisor, somebody who tells you the truth, they'll tell you at times, no. And he asked man never says, No, they just tell you. Yes, yes. Yes, yes. And so an energetic advisor is somebody who supports you, someone who encourages you, someone who will give you a plan, but will also tell you know, that's wrong. No, don't do this. No, this isn't the way right. So

00:49:18 --> 00:49:28

they don't just say yes, unconditionally to you or support you unconditionally. They support you, but they also direct you and they'll tell you when you're doing something wrong. Yeah.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:31

It's a great question. Anything else?

00:49:34 --> 00:49:39

Okay, I lost the Charlotte Allah we break here, Zack, do we have any other announcements that we're going to make?

00:49:41 --> 00:49:43

No. All right, guys. I'm gonna have a little license.

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