Ammar Alshukry – Malik Ibn Anas – The Imam of Medinah

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The history and characteristics of Afghanistan are discussed, including the name officially used and the cultural aspect of the region. The importance of logistical techniques and introducing people from different cultures is emphasized. The tabby culture is also discussed, including the use of narratives and remembering them. A former student named Mr. Merrick was criticized for his conservative views and caused embarrassment among students, but eventually became a leader of a myth hub and teacher. The conversation also touches on the collection of students who use drugs and the connections between Mr. Merrick and his former students.
AI: Transcript ©
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Imam Malik

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is the Imam of what city.

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Medina was too easy for you guys, right? Medina. He was born in Medina, lived in Medina died in Medina, he didn't travel. During that period of time. It was very common to travel for the sake of not everybody traveled everywhere. You would study everything that you could in Houston and then you'd go to Dallas and you go to Minnesota and you'd go to Canada and you go to Mexico and you would travel all over. Okay. And so that's what they would do. They would go to Iraq, and they would go to Syria and they'd go to Egypt and they would go all over the Muslim world to learn and to narrate Hadith. Imam Malik so sharply did that Shabbat he went to Iraq and a Shabbat he went to Yemen and a

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chef and Amma did the same thing. And Abu Hanifa was in Iraq. And Imam Malik famously never went anywhere. Like he was I'm unusual, and that he never left anywhere. And he used to quote the hadith of the prophet Elijah said love and Medina to Hallo la comme la Hello Can we animate that Medina is better for them if they only know the prophets of Allah is and and prophesized that the Muslim world would open up and there would be lots of beautiful places people will say come to our shop people will say come to a shop Have you guys ever been to Medina? Anybody ever been some of you know?

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How beautiful is Medina? Very beautiful. Yes. And like what's beautiful about it?

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Yes, the simplicity what else?

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architecture of the masjid Okay very good. What else what else is beautiful? Do you guys love the waterfalls in Medina

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the parks the parks in Medina

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there's an internal bliss

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anybody visit a lake in Medina Lake

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Okay, so what's there to do in Medina?

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Now, could you live your entire life in Medina? Yes, yes. It's easy to say it's easy to say

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you're gonna have to travel right? Like what's there to do do and Medina just worship

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measure the level we Okay, so you gotta imagine in that way, that's nice. It's nice.

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But what's there to do? Like? So that's what I'm saying. Like at the end of the day, listen, listen to me guys. Mecca and Medina are spiritually beautiful. Otherwise there's nothing

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physically and I believe, I believe that's, that's, that's designed Allah designed Mecca and Medina so that the only people who want to go there are people who go for spiritual benefit. Otherwise, it's just some mountains and

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valleys. That's it. And Ibrahim alayhi salam he says that he says I I placed my family in a while the lady these other she's got no vegetation markers got nothing. And the basic Amara, and Medina is like that. The Wi Fi in Medina, for some reason is horrible. It's horrible. Still, right? The upload speeds, the download speeds and Medina is really, really bad. It's like what's going on guys.

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But my point is, is that even during their time, people started moving out of Medina. And I mean, at the end of the day, you go to Syria, you go to philosophy, and it's just beautiful. You go to Iraq and type cigarettes in the Euphrates and you have all of this stuff, you have all of these distractions you have all of this beauty. And in my mind, we're just nope, not interested. And Medina.

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Medina is better for them if they only know. And so he stayed his entire life in Medina, he didn't go anywhere except for mecca for Hajj. And that's pretty much it. But the world came to him. He was very interesting. The world came to this man to the point where people would come from Muslim Spain and the province and the lady said them there's a hadith. And we don't have time to talk all about Imam Malik. But let's just talk about his introduction as a young boy, he wanted to be a singer.

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As a kid, he wanted to be a singer.

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Yes. So he had a SoundCloud account, because he's telling people you know, I mean, he's like seven years old or eight years old, right? But But his mother, the mother of America, all of these great Imams when you when you study their biographies, you see, you see the hand of their mother in it. And the mathematic was no different. His mother what she did, at six or seven years old, she dressed him, he wants to be a singer. She dresses him in the garb of a scholar. So she's, she's dressing him in the robot scholar, the turban of a scholar, she's got a seven year old boy looking like a little scholar. And then once she gets him excited about the costume, she then goes and tells him go to

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enormous, one of the great scholars of Medina at the time, and she says hold them in here. She says hold them and help me here covenant that culminated, she says take from his forbearance.

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Before you take from his knowledge I eat before you just go and you're sitting there just take notes that their time and every time really the person who you who you learned from, they should be of a person of poise and dignity and, and, and, and refinement, they should have been refined by this knowledge.

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Otherwise, it's just one pair of talking to another parent, if you don't see the effect of that knowledge on that person. And so she says to him, Go and take from him and homos is his character before you take from his knowledge. And so that's a beautiful statement that the Muslim world has repeated one generation to the next that you take from a person's character before you take from their knowledge. And so he goes,

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and he studied with Robin Hood, almost day and night, and even America has a number of famous teachers. I mean, in Medina, Medina was filled with teachers at that time. So he, as a young man, he's studying with Adorama they've been homeless, and I've been homeless, by that time was, was blind. And so Malik young Malik would would take him to the masjid and he would bring him back, and he would stay in his house day and night, studying with him learning from him narrating Hadith from him. And then he learned from a man named Libya, Libya to re Arabia to re re means opinion. And so there were two schools of thought, generally, in the Muslim world, there was what's called a halo of

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light and 100 Hadith. A Hello, right, you were the people of Iraq. And we'll talk about this next semester when we talk about the formulation of these schools early on, but the people have ad hoc, they were known for logical deduction. They would they would depend on reason, a lot, they would depend on on class a lot, analogy, and a by Neva would emerge from that school. And then you had the people of a jazz a jazz, meaning the area of Mecca and Medina. And they were known as added Hadith. They didn't care too much about what your opinion is they cared much about do you have a narration? Do you have a tradition, and one of the reasons why an ad hoc develop that school is because they're

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so far away from the source, they're over and out off, they're far away from, you know, the Sahaba and this and this and the presence of the Sahaba, and the children of the Sahaba and the grandchildren of Sahaba that were narrating these Hadees. So they would, they would, they would depend a lot on logical deduction. And, and, and reason they had to, and then at the same time, and I've had all of these groups,

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you know, emerging and so they had to be even more cautious of a person simply saying, the province level lightest and upset, right. So they were they were way more.

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They were, they were way more

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I guess, critical. They were way more critical of Hadith that would come to them, whereas the people of jazz they depended solely, or greatly on Hadith. In any case, it will be to write was one of the people in Medina even though Medina is a Hadith town, he was known as being a lucky guy, a guy who used a lot of reason. In any case, he was still one of the great scholars of Medina. And one of the great scholars also that Imam Malik learned from was nothing more normal. Now fair, is the freed slave of Ibn Omar ibn Omar is the son of Eminem, hip hop, so you see three generations Yeah, but I'm gonna have a hip hop, great companion, you have the lightning, great companion. And then you have

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mafia who's the generation of the tabby ain't, he didn't see the private civil lobbyists ended up so now if it is the free slave living no matter he was Persian. And then you have

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Malik. So Malik is a young man in Medina. And now there is this old guy who knows all of the filth of an aroma. And never I didn't like to be questioned a lot is like this gruff figure, you know, you asked them two questions you've annoyed them. And so what Malik would do is if he's like, some hotshot, 16 year old guy coming up to them and saying shale, can you please teach me he'll get kicked out of any Halaqa that he goes to? So what he would do is he said that I would go and see, now they're walking to the masjid. And I would pretend like I just happen to bump into him. So I would walk towards him. And then I would just pretend like I just bumped into him. And then I would

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say, what does it mean? And I'm gonna say about such and such. What does it mean to say about such What does Abdullah and I'm gonna say about such and such? And now if it would respond, this is what he said about this position. And then he said, then I would be

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like, I wouldn't overstay my welcome. I would just ask him that one question, then do it again another day, then do it again another day. And now I'm collecting from NAFTA. One of the great lessons I think, that you learn from studying the biographies of Scholars is that you realize how creative they were in getting to what they wanted, meaning knowledge. They didn't approach every scholar the same way and I always tell I

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I always tell people this, I tell them like imagine a lot of people they're like, Man, I really want to study with Chef so and so. But he's not gonna give me any time. Like, he's not gonna give you any time? Of course not. Why would he give you time? Imagine if if he gave, let's say, famous chefs on sewers, or senior chefs zones, or whoever, right people in, let's say, people in Houston, if he gave time to every, you know, 19 year old who came up to him and says, can I study with you?

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How many times when he'd be starting and stopping? How many times this guy comes into the show can actually do with you and you say, he's like a cool, let's let me change my schedule for you for a week. And then you the guy stays with him for a week. And then he's like, Man, this is boring, and he stops coming. And then this guy comes in he and he does the same thing. And then this guy comes in, he does the same thing like how many times in a person's life will they have done that? And so eventually, the way I believe a way that a person does it is by realizing that every person is different. And you you have to figure out how do I unlock this person with nothing that had been

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automatic says, You know what, I just wanted to ask him one question and then I move on. And that's how I benefit I make it as painless for him as possible. Then for others, he would do something else. So this rock star comes to Medina and his name is image you have a God. Even Shahab. zooty is a legend amongst the tabby and when I say legendary, like he's the guy who I met him Abdulaziz who died in the year 100. After they did, he tells events you have he tells him he says Listen, I want you to start collecting Hadith of the prophets. I send them like I want you to I want you to codify this. And every job is like, Whoa, this is this is big

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event you have is considered one of the nodes of the chains of narration. He's like one of the big guys that everybody connects to. He's that famous. He's that big from the second generation. Now you can imagine it'd be Shahab shows up in Medina, how the entire city everybody who wants to learn how to youth is is sitting in his circle, everybody, everybody's trying to narrate from events you have.

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And so where is Malik going to fall in this? If the Holika is like this packed? It means you have Malik is like all the way at the end.

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Because he's a teenager, he's really he's really and medical hemiola to Allah and who he was.

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So what he does, is he's attending the Halaqa like everybody else but he's a nobody, nobody cares. And then on the day of it eat on the day of eat, Maddox says today is a day that even Shahab is going to be

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unbothered. He's going to be free today. He's not from Medina Street. Everybody's with their families. Everybody's in, you know, our help. They're just getting dunked in dunk tanks and all that. They're, that's what they're doing. Everybody's busy on it. And so Mike says, You know what, today's the day it means you have is going to be so he goes and he knocks on his door.

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Just very creative, very smart.

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And they've been she has servant opens the door. Who are you? He's like, I'm here for you know, Zahedi and she comes back and she says, you know, there's a blond haired man out there for you. So magic was blonde haired. And so it means you have

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blonde hair.

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My grandma named

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And so he was blond haired and she said she said, you know, this blond haired man is out for you. And he said he would shop system what do you want? He's like what I want is Disney says narrate to me narrow Hadith.

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And it makes you have this like Okay, sure. And so he narrates 40 Hadith him does like that. And when I say Naira, he's saying I heard this from so and so he names the companion and then he needs for them. Hadith isn't just the Hadith. It's the entire chain. The chain is just as important as the Metzen. You change the chain to them. It's a different Hadith. Like for us, we say, the hadith of Djibouti, and even Omar and Abu Huraira report. No Ebola is narration is completely different idea than almost narration, it's considered a different idea, even if the text is similar or the same. In any case.

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He narrates 40 to him, and Malik is writing it down.

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And then he's done with 40. And then he says to him didn't he says, Give me more. And as soon as he says no, that's enough. He says go and memorize these. If you memorize these, you'll be from the fourth. You'll be like you'll have done great. And so my access to him but how often I've memorized it.

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And so even she had takes the advice from Malik he takes the tablets. And he says to him, narrate to me

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And Marik narrates it perfectly

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and then

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1300 years later mashallah yes Mashallah.

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We don't want to give him muzza Right

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so Malik he's he recites them all to image rehab. And so he says to him, he says come in NACA min Alia till he says Get up, you are a vessel of knowledge. He's impressed basically with this young man. But Malik waited for the opportunity he struck when the opportunity was there, he took advantage of it. In any case, Malik would live his entire life and Medina, like we mentioned, and the world would come to him, everybody would come to him and he was known for his incredible humility, he was ignored for his incredible reverence for Allah Subhana Allah and His messenger. You know, Imam Malik.

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Something interesting is that these scholars, these ones whose names have lasted 1000 years, it wasn't just the information that they knew it wasn't just because they were the ones who were the most knowledgeable. But it was also because they had something between them and Allah Subhana Allah, and you see glimpses of that you see these glimpses. And so when you see for example, that he might make he never used to ride

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a donkey or a mule or a horse or anything like that. And he would say that I will I am too

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embarrassed or too shy to ride an animal over dirt that envelops the body of the prophesizing that he's like, I'm in Medina. I'm not I'm not gonna ride a horse in Medina, this is the city of the prophesies of them. And is that is that haram? Obviously not nobody, nobody would say that it's haram. But this is just his own reverence for Russell Watson and Imam Malik when people would come to his class and in the masjid or not missing his house, he would have the servants would ask them, What are you here for? Are you here for like us right now? And if they said yes, that Imam Malik would come down, no problem. And if they said no, we want Hadith like want to sit down and, and so

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and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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mitoq wouldn't, wouldn't come down until he showered, dressed in beautiful garments, put on beautiful Cologne and came down because of his reverence for Rasul Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah is Allah.

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You know, he wouldn't he wouldn't treat sitting down and mentioning Rasulullah Salam like anybody else. And on one occasion,

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there was another scholar who came to Medina, and he was, you know, people were very excited to sit with him, or it might have been in Mecca, in hajj. But his name was au But sis Diani and Ubisoft the idea had come from a Shem. It come from Syria.

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And he had also studied from the tablet ain, and

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even from some of the Sahaba he met my manager, but and others. He was a kid when he met my new job.

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some of the students they asked in my mind, they're like, can we go in there? He had youth from him. And he mathematics said, you know, let me go check them out. First, let me go see. And so he went. And when he came back to this, he said, No.

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And he said, why not? And he said, because when he mentioned the province of allied, so I didn't, I didn't see his mentioning of the province. But like I said, in effect him like it's supposed to,

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like I didn't see, I didn't see it. And so then a year later, he only gets more famous, he's only more well known. And so Mr. Merrick is asked by students again, can we go and narrow Hadeeth from him? And he goes, and he comes back and he says, yes, now you can, like I saw the effect this time. But the point is, is that that type of

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this knowledge affected them and affected their person and affected the way they carried themselves. It affected their actions and affected what they did and what they didn't do.

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Yeah, so he died in the year 179. He died in the year 179, after the Hijrah, he died. And before that, he became the teacher of the next famous, you know, leader of a myth hub or founder of a myth hub, and that's the mama Shafi mama chef a dyed in the ear tool for Imam Abu Hanifa died in 150, Malik 179, Chevy 204 and the mount Muhammad 240. And Malik was a teacher, a direct teacher of a chef, a chef, he went to Medina to learn from him and a shatter he was a direct teacher of Imam Muhammad. The only one who's different was Imam Abu Hanifa, because he was all the way in Iraq and Malik didn't go to him. But there's a little bit of a connection. Not a little bit, but there's a

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strong connection between Malik and Abu Hanifa through Maddix. Through Abu Hanifa students, Muhammad Amin has an issue Bernie Imam Abu Hanifa has two famous students will use if and Muhammad Amin has an A che bunny and Imam Hamad bin Hassan is one of the narrator's of the north part of Imam Malik. In any case, sorry

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to go on this quick tangent to even start, but I just wanted you to get a glimpse of who this person was in my medical himolla data, his book, which is called and what is his collection of Hadith.

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But it's not just Hadith. It's a collection of Hadith,

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his own felt positions and statements of the companions as well. So this is all in his collection. And it is the oldest book in Islam that we still have after the Quran. There is no book that is more early than the book of Imam Malik,

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again died in 179 Hijra after the Quran. All of the collections of Hadith are after medic. Like I said Merrick is a chef of a chef who's the chef of Imam Muhammad Muhammad and then after him come out of Buhari and that will then the nessa and all those guys

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