Ammar Alshukry – Allahs Beautiful Names – How To Receive Allahs Forgiveness – Al Ghafour

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of forgiveness in obtaining Islam's forgiveness. They explain that good deeds can be forgiven, but bad deeds can also be forgiven. The speaker also discusses the importance of good deeds in avoiding harm and achieving victory over one's they've experienced.
AI: Transcript ©
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All three names have to do with the

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forgiveness of sins. Ghafara means to conceal,

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And so Maghfira is the concealing of sins.

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Ghafar is the one who covers and conceals

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the sins of his servants.

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Afu is the one who erases the traces

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of sins. So the Arabs would say

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that the wind erased the trace. And these

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beautiful names have to do with the forgiveness

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of sins. Our relationship with Allah

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is 1 where we are creatures that sin,

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and Allah

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is a lord who conceals

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the fault of our sins, conceals the harms

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of our sins, forgives our sins.

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That every son of Adam is a sinner,

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and the best of those who sin are

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those who repent. There's no scenario where you're

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gonna go every day of your life and

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not commit mistakes.

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But know that you have a Lord who

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forgives you when you seek his forgiveness. The

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says, sometimes in hadith is in Muslim, he

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says sometimes I feel a veil over my

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heart and so I seek Allah

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over a 100 times a day. That's the

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So what about us? So what are some

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of the ways to obtain Allah

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forgiveness? Number 1, goodness to his creation. The

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prophet said it says in Hadith that said

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bukhari that while a dog was walking around

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a well about to die from thirst,

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a prostitute from Bani saw it and then

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took off her shoe. She went into the

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well, got water from the well, and gave

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it to the dog and Allah forgave her

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sins because of that. And also in another

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hadith, it's also in Bukhari, the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam tells us that there was a

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merchant who used to loan people money. And

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whenever he would go and send out his

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collectors, he would say to them, whoever

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you find not able to pay, forgive them.

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Allah forgive us. And so Rasulullah

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, so Allah

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forgave him. One of the ways that we

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engage with this name is to ask ourselves,

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are we forgiving people? Do we forgive?

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And I wanna give you one of the

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difficult things to forgive.

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Abu Bakr

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had a relative named Islam,

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and he used to spend money on him.

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He used to support him financially. There was

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a moment in the seal that would become

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a very painful moment

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in which the hypocrites of Medina began a

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rumor, a slander really of Aisha

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that the wife of the prophet they

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accused her of adultery. Unfortunately, it wasn't just

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the hypocrites, but some of the believers lent

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an ear to that slander and some of

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them even spread it themselves. And one of

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them was mistar. Could you imagine

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the insult to Abu Bakr not only is

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the honor of his daughter being disparaged,

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his honor being disparaged, and the honor of

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the prophet

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who Abu Bakr cared for even more than

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himself was also

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being attacked. And it's being attacked by who?

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But someone who Abu Bakr literally supported before

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this was getting involved.

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I mean, this person is literally biting the

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hand that feeds him. So when the verses

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in Surat An Nur declaring

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our mother Aisha's innocence was revealed,

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Abu Waq did what anyone of us would

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have done. He declared

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that he was gonna cut him off and

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he was never gonna help him again. And

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then Allah

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revealed, let not those of virtue among you

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and wealth swear to not give to their

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relatives and the needy and the migrants for

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the cause of Allah

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And let them pardon and overlook.

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Would you not love that Allah

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forgive you? And Allah is forgiving and merciful.

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Abu Bakr's response was immediate. Yes, I would

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love for Allah

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to forgive me. And he immediately began to

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financially support him again.

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Ask yourself this question.

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If by forgiving that person, no matter who

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it is,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would forgive me, would

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I forgive them?

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We have to remember that even as we're

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seeking Allah's

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forgiveness for our shortcomings,

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our mistakes, and sins, we should manifest that

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forgiveness in our old capacity towards others. Number

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2, doing good deeds

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doing good deeds forgives sins. Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala says,

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Allah says, and establish the prayer at the

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two ends of the day and at the

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approach of the night. Indeed, good deeds do

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away with misdeeds. Good deeds erase bad deeds.

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One of the greatest ways that sins can

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be forgiven is by simply good deeds. And

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we all know that Umrah to Umrah and

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Ramadan to Ramadan and Jum'ah to Jum'ah and

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the prayers one after the other that they

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all erase the minor sins. And so good

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deeds continue to erase bad deeds. And that

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brings me to Al A'afoo. And the Al

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A'afoo is to pardon sins, to erase them

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And Aisha she asked the prophet

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in the hadith is reported by if I

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experienced laylatul Qadr,

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what should I ask Allah

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for? And he taught her to say,

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Oh Allah, you are You

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love to pardon sins, so

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pardon my sins. And so we ask Allah

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in these last 10 nights to pardon our

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sins, to erase the trace of our sins.

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A person might then ask and say, hold

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on a second. If is to erase the

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sins, and

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is for the sins to be concealed but

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they're still there. Why would I ever ask

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Allah for

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I should always ask Allah

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for for the sins to be erased. That's

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the higher level. Right? Well, the answer to

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that is you wanna ask for both. Right?

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You wanna have all of your bases covered.

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If you don't get then at least you

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get that you are protected

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from the harm of your sins. And then

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the last nugget that I wanna share with

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you is the concluding verses of Surat Al

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Baqarah. That du'a that you make at the

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concluding verses of Surat Al Baqarah you say,

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And you're starting from the highest. You're asking

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Allah for

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Pardon our sins. Erase the trace of our

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sins. Make these sins not on our record

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And conceal our sins. Protect us from the

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harm of our sins. So if they're not

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erased completely, then let us not be harmed

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by those sins on the day of judgment.

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Have mercy on us. Now let's say that

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we're not protected from the harm of our

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sins. Let your mercy envelop us. So I'm

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asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. I'm trying to

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cover all of my bases with regards to

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this dua. And then you say,

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oh, Allah. You are our protector.

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So give us victory over the disbelievers.

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You might ask yourself,

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where does the shift happen from asking Allah

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for forgiveness to asking for victory over the

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You have to understand and appreciate something that

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Umar ibn Khattab

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taught us and he knew very well. And

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that is that you are not given defeat

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except because of the cause of your own

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sins. That our sins are the cause of

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our defeat. And so one of the things

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when we're trying to bring victory so much

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to our brothers and sisters all over the

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Muslim world, all of these problems that we

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see, one of the causes undoubtedly is our

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sins. So we ask Allah

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to forgive our sins, that Allah

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give us victory over the disbelievers,

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and we ask Allah

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to accept from us our deeds and to

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forgive us our sins. Oh, Allah, you are.

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You are the pardoner. You love to pardon

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sins, so pardon ours.

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