Ammar Alshukry – Allahs Beautiful Names #01 A Powerful Way To Increase Your Rizq

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of strength and consistency in businesses, as well as the use of the term Islam for a perpetual provider. They also touch on the concept of "has been" and the importance of personal consistency in achieving success. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to achieve their goals and warns about potential risks of alcohol and Islam in the business world. They share personal experiences of family members losing faith in Islam and the importance of having enough money for retirement and health.
AI: Transcript ©
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As Zack, the perpetual provider, a person has just been laid off, and they're walking out of the meeting with the boss. Absolutely content. That sound impossible. If you wake up safe and sound with good health, and enough to get through the day, you're already being given every worldly thing you could ask for. And yet, he continues to give you more if you want more money, this is the name of Allah that you should use often. Allah calls himself a Rezac, the perpetual provider and it comes in one place in the Quran, Allah subhana wa Tada says, wema HELOC to denote Insightly. laelia don't matter what you do mean Home Minister, what would you do a yoga remote in Allah horizonx Timothy.

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Now reflecting on the names of Allah, as they appear in the Quran, is an incredible exercise and a powerful avenue of contemplation but ALLAH SubhanA Dionysus translating this verse, that he didn't create us because he wants anything from us. We don't benefit him at all. Allah says, I didn't only created mankind of the jinn except to worship me, I don't want from them food, and I don't want from them any provision and Hadith of the prophets that will lie to us and it says that Allah subhana wa, tada said, Oh, my servants, you won't be able to benefit me to benefit me and you won't be able to harm me to harm me. In fact, if the first of you and the last of you, and the jinn have you as a

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human, have you had the most righteous heart that would increase in my dominion, anything? And if the first of you and the last of you and the human of you and the jinn Have you had the most wicked hearts, that would not take away from my demeaning anything, the Hadith isn't Muslim. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is telling us that Allah subhanho data saying that Allah doesn't benefit from our worship, Allah doesn't benefit from we don't benefit him and we don't harm him. Allah doesn't want provision from us. Allah says, I'm the one who provides for you. I don't want any provision, nor do I want them to feed me, Allah says, and then in the next verse, he says, Verily in Allahu Allah is

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the provider Volkova and then Mateen now, ALLAH SubhanA diocese in Allahu Allah rasool Allah, Azza leuco. And then Mateen. So Allah mentioned his name Reza. And then he mentions an attribute. And then he mentioned another name, what is the attribute? The attribute is the Possessor of string Zuko. And what is the name and Mateen? And what does it Mateen mean? The firm, the solid, the unwavering something that doesn't shake, that's called Mateen. This right here is very, very, very shakable. I can move it out of the frame, immediately. But what's behind me is Mateen. The pulpit is my tea, and I can't shake that it's solid, doesn't break. It's unwavering. What is Allah subhanho

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data communicating when he pairs his name? I don't know Zack with the attributes of strength, and, and Mateen, the name you see, anytime you and I are looking for a provider, we're always looking for two things. The first is strength, the strength of their ability to provide. And the second thing is their consistency. Your cell phone provider, your internet provider. What do they always advertise the strength of their network and their consistency. When they're promoting that they have 5g coverage? Their network is 5g, what are they saying? They're promoting the strength of their network. When they are promoting their upload speed or their download speed. They're promoting the

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strength of their provision. Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Allahu wa rizact lu Chua, he can provide with strength. But there's another important ingredient, let's say yourself, a provider can provide you with 5g, but the network is really spotty, you get 5g at home. But as soon as you leave your home, you can't get a signal. People don't like blazing fast speeds. If you can't connect half the time. We don't like strong connection. If it's not reliable, it's just not consistent. So Allah subhanho data says about His provision. Not only is he strong in his ability to provide, but he is Mateen. He is unwavering. He is consistent. He can provide for you tomorrow, like he provided for

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you yesterday. What else does Allah subhana data say about this? When you know that Allah is the Rezac you make decisions based on Allah being your provider and no one else. I know a brother who's an entrepreneur, and developed a fast growing into the car company, mashallah delivering halal and ethnic food all over the country that he's in. And it's became very successful. And it got to the point where he needed to scale he needed to bring in investors, and those investors would be non Muslim at the level that he was. And so he was very worried about a question that he was anticipating that he knew was going to come he's presenting to these non Muslims, it's time for him

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to scale this business, this food delivery service. And he knew the question that was going to come is what about alcohol?

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What about pork? Obviously, the margins on alcohol are very high. And he spent a lot of time thinking about what he's gonna say, is he gonna say no, what happens if he loses out on the investment? And he even thought about what options could he possibly do that might Islamically still be legit? Like, could I bring in a non Muslim investor to handle them? The alcohol side and their shares the alcohol side, like what can he do? Finally, after discussing with his family, and they all said no. And when the guy finally met with the investor, the investor asked him the question, What about alcohol? And so our brother after

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Thinking about it for such a long time? He said, No. And you know what the investor said, when he said no.

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Okay. And he moved on to the next question. He said, I hadn't built up this thing to be so big in my head.

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But when I presented it, and I simply said no to the investor, the investor moved on, he didn't care. You know why? Because the investor cares about making money. And so if you think your business and you know your market better, if you think that they're going to respond better, and our business is going to grow by you not selling alcohol, then that's fine. And he moved on. But our brother he said, Imagine, if out of fear, the imaginary fear of losing out on investment I had said yes, I would have been selling alcohol all over the country. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, A che ha No, you're a Docomo. Fuck, where Moroccan beautify sha Allah says shaytaan promises you poverty, he, he

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threatens you with poverty. And he commands you to do that which is indecent and Allah subhanaw taala promises you forgiveness from him and his bounty. It has an adversity he said, I read in over 90 places in the Quran, that Allah subhanaw taala decreed provision, and that he secured it, and I read it in one place in the Quran that shaytaan promises poverty. So we doubted the statement of the truthful in over 90 places, and we believe the statement of the liar in one, but I want you to also think about something that it is not just money, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he outlines in an amazing Hadith and it's a hadith honestly that we should memorize. It's a hadith that we should

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share with our family members our friends Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in the hadith is reported by Timothy he says man us Mohammed Amin and you see to be whoever Have you wakes up safe in their dwelling well I often fee but then he healthy in their body. Yemeni cuckoo to me they have enough sustenance for the day fucka adenoma he's at Lahore dunya says if the entire world is rolled out for them, so what are the blessings at the province level lightest and dimensions? And this hadith there for blessings number one, the first one is if you woke up today, if you woke up today, there are billions of people in the graves who would trade places with you right away doesn't matter what your

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state is, Are you healthy? Are you sick? Are you are you broke? Do you have money do you have family are you alone?

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Billions of people will trade places with you in the province little light SLM was once walking by a grave in the Hadith was authenticated by shahada inviting me Allah have mercy on him, he said to his companions, to rock us that what have you praised without thinking much of it is more beloved to the person in this grave than the rest of your dunya everything else that we spend our days and our nights seeking, he says to rock a house that you belittle through which you're able to increase in your good deeds is more beloved to the person of the scrape, the opportunity to do one more act of goodness is more beloved to them than the entire dunya. So number one, if you woke up awake number

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two, you are safe. You know, the lack of safety makes the wealthiest people turn into refugees having to start their lives, pick up their pieces from all over. Number three healthy in your body, what would you trade your health for? And then number four, if you just have enough sustenance for today if you don't have enough for a summer vacation or retirement in the future, but you just have enough for today because today's the only day that you've been promised, then it's as if you have the entire world rolled out for you in your pocket. So recognize from this name, our takeaway from a result is that Allah subhanho data is the ultimate provider. But also that it is is not just money.

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It is way more than just what's in your bank account your families it is your health is it is your personality is it is your friends at risk, your your disposition, your cheerfulness is risk. And most importantly, your faith is at risk. So I want you to comment with just one risk that you are happy for that you are thankful for today. Let's inspire each other

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