Ali Hammuda – Enjoy Your Prayer #15 An Unforgettable Journey P2

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary © The concept of Islam is discussed, including its various forms, personality, and language. The importance of mercy and awareness of one's surroundings is also emphasized. The use of the word arrvenue in the Quran and the verbalization of the concept are also discussed. The concept of the Day of Jgment is discussed, where the Prophet Muhammad sallali bin Laden spoke about forgiveness and grace, and the importance of the Day of Jury is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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at then you say a Ronda Rahim,

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the Most Compassionate,

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the Most Merciful.

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The question is why do these two characteristics come after? Al hamdu? Lillahi Rabbil Alameen? The answer could be, because now that you have recited all praises to Allah, Who is the Lord of the Worlds, you are thinking to yourself, what is the nature of this little movie this lordship? He has just told us that He is Lord over everything. So you ask yourself the necessary question, what is the nature of this lord, above me? Who controls me, possesses me, maintains me, nurtures me, what is the nature of this lord? Is it a lordship of vengeance? Is it a lordship of punishment?

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Is it a lordship of wrath? So the Quran instantly answers this question that is hovering in your mind. And he says to you Alhamdulillah Hyrum Bilal, I mean, who is he or Rahman, the most compassionate Rahim? The Most Merciful.

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So Allah Jalla Jalla, who introduces himself in the book of Allah with these two majestic traits, Rahman. And Rahim

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Rahman Rahim and these two names are derived from the trait of Rama merci Prof. Manuel Rahim. They're both derived from the word Rama, Mercy.

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So what does it mean that Allah Almighty is Rahman and Rahim before we speak about the differences between these two names, because they're very similar. And that's why you find in the translation is not clear. The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, gracious, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

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And some translations, the Merciful, the Merciful. There's a difference. We'll speak about that in a moment. But first of all, let's understand that these two names of Allah Rahman Rahim, they're about Rhonda mercy.

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And you and I know what Rama is, in a human sense, or to what part of us even among Dora hippy linguist he says, Rama in a human capacity is a sense of frailty, weakness, compassion, that comes into the heart of a person for another. You know, when you see someone who is broke someone who is hurt someone who is in poverty or hungry, you say my heart just broke to pieces, so I felt compelled to give him or her something. So it's a form of weakness, not in a negative way. But there is a weak element to it when speaking about mercy from a human perspective, it has a weak connotation to it, that is put it like that. So this can't be the definition of Allah's mercy. He's got to be

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different. We have Rama, when Allah is the most merciful but it must be a different type of mercy to be fit his majesty and glory.

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We can't say vulnerability we can't see weakness. We can't see frailty. We can't say feeling sorry. These are for you and I look for Allah. So how do we understand the aroma of Allah ignore him he says this Han Allah. He does or Rana Allah's Mercy is a traitor Sefa

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tackle Toby easlily in binary well now slightly. Ill Abdi you are in curry haha and if so who was your katana? Ha he said the Rama of Allah is an attribute that entails that He will give His creation He will give His servants what is beneficial for them even though they may hate it.

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This is Mark from law,

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when at times he will impose upon you an event or circumstance that you may have falsely ignorantly and myself interpreted as a cruel twist in fate. And you see how come? Why me? I didn't deserve that. Because we are defined by haste, ignorance and short sightedness hooligan in Salamina. Arjun Man was created in haste.

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So there are a lot of Allahu Allah Jalla Allah who is when he in his mind and his wisdom

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puts upon you a circumstance

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that is beneficial for you, even though it may cause you short term hardship or pain.

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And that is why Allah said well you have zero qumola Who and EFSA Allah warns you of himself wala who are often below a bad and Allah He is pitying towards his slaves, as if to say I am warning you of myself because I have mercy for you. So this is the Mercy of Allah.

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And that's why in the story

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of Prophet Musa alayhi salatu was salam ala harder when they were traveling.

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Prophet Musa season harder now killing a young boy who was playing with his friends in a grueling way without going into detail a surah don't care if document

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He says to him, how could you? This is an innocent child who has committed no wrong, how did why. And how did he tells him in the end, that this young boy was going to grow up to be a disbeliever. Allah had told her father that this young boy was going to grow up to be a defiant disbeliever and Allah who would impose his disbelief upon his parents. So he said for our Raja rabuka Ube de la Houma Hyun Min who's the cat and we're Acrobat Ragna so Allah intended to replace his parents with a better child, who will be purer than him

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and who will be nearer to his parents with respect to Mercy Subhan Allah so the killing of the child was in the long run what Rama of Allah listen to the definition of imminent him he's at the mercy of Allah is a trait that entails that he will give his slaves what is beneficial for them even though their souls may detested this drama, it's not like our drama, we call it drama, but it's not really around that at times. So when you see for example your 17 year old son or daughter sleeping at night time for federal comes in. And you know they've got school the next day. You see Mallesh say to your wife Manish let them sleep and obviously got a long day ahead of them and they miss their Salah feel

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sorry for them have some Rama you say to your wife a long day ahead of them is this mercy. This is an accountable human being as an adult, Salah Rama is in waking them up. Russia isn't doing well Oh even if it's with cold water that is rolling on frustrating even if it's two o'clock in the morning. You're not supposed to pray and save yourself from Jahannam This is not saying Have mercy on the child let them sleep they've got along their school, know that I have Allah is Subhan Allah will allow him method Allah to Allah belongs the perfect example. It's a Rama that gives you what is beneficial even though your soulmate he tested

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so you say Al hamdu lillah all praises to Allah rumba, the node of Allah Allah mean everything the world's Rahmanir Rahim we've understood the idea of Rama mercy.

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The question here is the difference between Iran and Rahim Imam with no time he says that there is a difference between the two he says, rarely will you find this benefit in any other book. She also he Rahim Allah thinks highly of this point that he's about to share with us.

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Essentially, he says that Rahman subhanaw taala the Most Merciful letters translated a lot of English also say the Most Merciful just for now. He's Rahman is injectable

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to an adjective.

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Whereas our Rahim is verbal.

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So the first is a description of who Allah is. Whereas a Rahim is a description of what Allah does.

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Yeah, this really solves a lot of problems if you understand it, and that's why even on him he says, look at how Allah uses the word Rahman and Rahim in the Quran and Sunnah, Ramadan, it's usually when describing him subhanaw taala what he is.

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And Rahim is when it's connected to us, the recipients of mercy. So he says, What can I build me Nina?

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Rahima. He was to the believers Rahim. Since the speaking about you and I the subject of mercy, he says he is Rahim because it's a description of what Allah does.

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But when Allah Almighty speaks about himself, he says, Man, so you never read in the Quran or sunnah, that Allah is a man to people, rarely will you come across this. He is the man of sound. So that's a description of who he is. Whereas a Rahim is a description of what Allah Almighty does. One is objective and the latter is verbal, so it's an amazing value the benefit that you can remember inshallah

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Bismillah R. Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen R Rahman.

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r Rahim. Then you say what Maliki only Deen, Owner of the Day of Judgment question for you brothers sisters. I mean, if you think about this for a moment

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why is it that

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Maliki yo me Dean comes after a rock manga Ryan?

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Question. Why is it that Maliki oh me Dean, Owner of the Day of Judgment comes second place to Iraq manga Rahim, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

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Why wasn't it the other way around? So you say

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Alhamdulillah here Amina al Amin, Maliki Yomi, the Rahmanir Rahim Stafford Allah We ask Allah to forgive us if I've committed a sin by but I'm trying to teach something here. Why wasn't it arranged the other way around? One of the wisdoms this was mentioned by Illuminati in his Tafseer Milla Kuta will and others

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that are Rachna and Rahim, the most compassionate the Most Merciful was positioned before Maliki or Medina Owner of the Day

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Have a judgement is because when you say Owner of the Day of Judgment, it strikes fear in the heart of the believer. Therefore to put at rest your heart as a Muslim who is praying to Allah and you are reciting al Fatiha to glorify Him. Allah reminds you that the owner and the master of this mighty and horrifying day, he also happens to be a Rahman Al Rahim.

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And his Rama is mentioned first, so as to set the scene and to put your heart at ease. And subhanAllah. I'll give you an example analogy. To make this clear. And to exemplify what is being demonstrated in the Quran, imagine you are standing

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in court.

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And you don't know whether you've been found guilty, or you've been acquitted of the of the charges.

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And then the judge says to you

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why did we find the evidences of yourself on the scene? Why did we see you there on CCTV? Why did you leave your bag there? Why didn't we discover your, your your fingerprints? How come?

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But we'd like to tell you that all of the charges have been dropped and you've been found innocent

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led to good outcome. But your heart dropped many times before the verdict was finally given. It was fear and uncertainty and doubt. And then there was the reassurance. Imagine if we flip the scenario where the judge says to you, yeah, Mohammed, YALI also. And so look,

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you're not guilty.

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All of the charges have been dropped, you've been acquitted. You've been found innocent. But why would you put yourself in this vulnerable situation? Why put yourself in a position of doubt? Why were you mixing with these people? Why did we have to see you on site and so on? You don't really care too much. You're not too worried about what he then says. Because the judge has already told you that you have no fear, there is nothing for you to worry about. Similarly, to some extent, the same can be said here. You recite a Rahmani Raheem. So you breathe out some areas Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah that he is Aruna Anna Rahim. Aruna Rahim. And then he tells you Maliki on Monday, he's

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also the Owner of the Day of Judgment, the perfect balance between fear and hope, hope and fear and hope becomes comes before fear in this context.

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This is found in the Quran by the way in another area.

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Does anybody know which area it is that follows a similar format of reassurance and then the reproach

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I'm Natalie. He says that this is similar to where Allah Almighty said to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if Allah Who Anka Lima as intellia Allah has pardoned you, but why did you give them permission to stay behind?

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So he says Allah Almighty spoke about the pardon to begin with, or Prophet Muhammad, we have pardoned you, but then the gentle reproach comes, but why did you give them permission to stay behind? If it was the other way his heart would have broken in fear? Why did you give them permission to stay behind? But don't worry, we have pardoned you know, and we are not the same as Lee Taylor. I am sorry Alvin Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This is to protect the heart of the Prophet Muhammad said, from breaking. So Allah says to him, Allah has pardoned you, but why did you give them permission to stay behind the similarly Allah says r Rahmani Raheem, right Rama Merci,

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Maliki Yomi Deen, Owner of the Day of Judgment.

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Maliki immediate question.

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Owner of the Day of Judgment is Allah Jalla Jalla Allahu not the owner of everything. Have we not established in authority that he is there a Buddha Allah mean the Lord of everything? Why now? Are we singling out the Day of Judgment in ownership Arambula al Amin, Maliki Yomi. Dean How come?

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Is the question clear on miroir Hassan clear Malik clear?

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What's the reason?

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What's the question?

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Why have we been told that he is Maliki yo Medina Owner of the Day of Judgment specifically whilst we know that he is the owner of everything what's the significance of the emphasize

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the importance of signify the the signify the importance of the Day of Judgment, okay.

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Yeah, good. Yeah. Anything else?

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Any other thoughts which might have anything?

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Brothers, you have a chance to redeem yourself.

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What do you think? Oh, well, you have something to say

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something similar

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Yeah, yeah. Yeah, very good. Yeah, the might, the possession, the Dominion sovereignty of Allah will be exactly exemplified on the Day of Judgment like no other day.

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Or we may reword it, and say the following, which is, since in the life of this world,

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there have been some deluded individuals who call themselves kings and other names, princes, businessmen, whatever it may be,

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who are given semblances of authority.

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Who in their delusion, thought that they were competitors with Allah in Kingdom since the likes of people the likes of these people existed in the life of this world like for Ireland, who said about a book of Allah Allah, I am your Lord, the Most High a stockfeed Allah around who said Malik Tula, Camila Henry, I don't know of a God that you have besides me. Figure out who said Elisa Lee buku missile

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are the kingdoms of Egypt, not for me, well, how the * and how it will tell you the mentality and these rivers flow beneath my feet. And Nimrod even who can iron who said, I know who you are meat I give life and death. So the same way, because there were some denuded individuals who in the life of this world were given semblances of authority, and therefore they believed in their misguidance that they were somehow rivals or competitors with Allah Almighty in Kingdom and ownership. Allah Almighty singled out the day of judgment by saying, I am the owner of that day because that day, no kingdom will be even in the minute form it exists today, no kingdom will exist, it will always it will all

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be to Allah, all for Allah, all from Allah will will create even Linac Kingdom on that day will be for Allah.

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On the Day of Judgment,

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you and I will not even have our close to where we ask Allah to make us amongst the earliest who will be closed on the Day of Resurrection. People will not even have their clothes

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let alone to think about Kingdom titles, cause and holes authority. So he says Maliki only name He is the Owner of the Day of Judgment. Nobody will have any semblance of authority or rain or kingship on that day.

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And when you look into the descriptions of yarmulke, Jana, you see just that and that's why Allah says that I can now you're moody. What will make you know what the Day of Judgment is?

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So Nana Adela commerial Medina, then what will make you know what the Day of Judgment is? Listen. Jamelia temporally Good afternoon in absentia. Cintia. It's the day where no soul will possess anything for another soul. When I'm with real man, even Lila and the matter on that day will be entirely for Allah subhanaw taala

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Is it clear why Allah says Maliki yummy the Owner of the Day of Judgment

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and Moon Korea will make even a call your Rana and Allah said Kingdom on that day will rightly belong to Allah. Aruna.

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So Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Aruna Rahim, Maliki AMI Deen

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I then you say er can Abu?

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What you can assign. I think we can pause here in sha Allah Allah and try to continue next week in the light Allah on our journey through Surah Al Fatihah. Where we will focus a lot on Idina Serrato studying

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