Ali Hammuda – Enjoy Your Prayer #12 Unravelling The First Words of Prayer

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of achieving hang of the Salah, greeting one's own mind and not giving an apology to others. They also touch on the history of Islam, including its use of apologizing and using specific sentences in narratives. The transcript describes various popular titles and their origins, including Subhan and Al Hamoni's words. They also discuss the use of "verbal" and "verbal" in the title "verbal" and "verbal" in the transcript's context.
AI: Transcript ©
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We spoke about how the topic of for sure ie praying Salah in a humble and attentive state is an international compaign complaint, ie the lack of kosher and salah is a worldwide phenomenon, Muslims across the globe and across cultures and across time will all complain that we are struggling to pray a Salah that is meaningful that is humbled and that is attentive a Salah that is effective and then we moved on to speak about what is in it for you. If you managed to achieve this treasure called kashua What can you gain and what is there to lose if you miss out on a lifetime's worth of Salah with for sure.

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And then we moved on to speak about case studies examples nama adage from our pious predecessors how they prayed their Salah with kosher

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and then we started to add a few layers

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creeping towards the Salah. So we haven't yet spoken about the Salah,

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a mindset a shift in the mindset before coming into solder. We said we're going to build the layers to assure what was the first of them do you have it

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to ya to pray in a focused way to be attentive to keep your mind focused on masala and we said a lot of people make the false assumption that this is consumer. Ie This is the be all and end all of course Sure. As long as I keep my mind focused on the Salah, it means I have heard you We said yes, this is part of who you are. But this is entry level for sure. This is the first step of a much longer ladder

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to keep your mind focused when you are in Salah. And then we added the second layer above that what was it?

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Is it understanding correct? The concept of fam to understand what you're saying, to understand the wisdoms of the Salah to understand the motions to understand what you're saying, to understand the account of the remembrance is to understand Surah Fatiha. So the first is to keep your mind in the solder and then what is better than it in terms of Yahushua is to understand what you're doing and what you're saying. And then we added another four layers on top of that, what was the layer after it

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to have Raja hope in Allah subhanaw taala and we elaborated upon the importance of this mindset of hope, when coming into salah, and how to attain that idea. And then we added another layer which was what

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fear and hope mean Allah subhanaw taala to be afraid of Allah Jalla Jalla when coming into your Salah, we elaborated upon this, we spoke about how to attain it. And then another layer which was what

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the the Mahatma, the love of Allah subhanaw taala and we elaborated upon this, and we spoke about how to attain it. And then there was a sixth layer,

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which was what

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the lair of

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Mauna Kea

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Mauna Kea is the idea of experiencing that intimate conversation and beseech judgment of Allah subhanaw taala. To feel that you are in talk with Allah subhanaw taala and Salah to feel that you are within a private space that is shared between your Lord subhanaw taala and yourself, this is more Nyjah

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then after that, what did we speak about? We now reached the borders of Salah. We spoke about wool, the pre prayer at washing everything to do with a little

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and then we spoke about

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going to the masjid

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and we spoke about getting dressed for Salah and we spoke about the Quran, the history of Sudan understanding the Sudan understanding the econo

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understanding all of these things is part of building your whole sure to whole build up to a huge grand finale that begins with Allahu Akbar when you begin your Salah SubhanAllah.

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And then we began speaking about the turkey year,

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saying Allahu Akbar, we spoke about the positioning of the hands, the right of the left and where it is to be put onto the torso. And why when we spoke about the dropping of the head to the ground, like a humble worshipper of Allah, fixating your gaze on the ground and the wisdom behind this posture,

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and now we're beginning to reach the very borders of Salah. We've started the prayer, we have said Allahu Akbar. And now we're going to discuss what happens thereafter. So you can say Subhan Allah.

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All of the five weeks or so, was a build up to this moment.

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To the moment where now you are standing before the mighty al Malik the sovereign ALLAH SubhanA wa ADAD

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were many things

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Things that used to be halal permissible are all of a sudden haram

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movement, looking around, talking, eating, drinking, speaking with others going to the bathroom without necessity and so on and so forth. You can't do any of that you cannot interrupt your Salah you have to finish it what como de la he can't eat in Allah said stand to your Lord in a state state of silence.

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So, everything has changed. We are now in the thick of our Salah and let us speak about what is happening here.

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What is the first thing logically speaking you think should happen when you are now standing before the king Allah what should happen here

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logically speaking,

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what makes sense should happen here. Tell me what you think.

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Give me an answer.

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What do you think?

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What should happen here?

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Okay, so, praise Allah subhanaw taala any other key words that come to mind?

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Is sincerity. Yeah, good.

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Anything else?

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Clarify your intentions.

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Okay, if I meet you, after a period of separation,

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what do we usually do to begin our conversation we

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we greet one another Exactly, we greet one another. So, the very first thing that should

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start here is there should be a greeting from the slave to the master.

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A greeting

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and how do you greet the king al Malik subhanho wa taala. It has to be different to how you greet human beings. Because you are standing before one who is very different to say the least used to chemically he she

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the ideal way

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to greet the king now that you are standing before him is with an apology

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is with a confrontation of your weaknesses and your deficiencies to acknowledge your mistakes. This is how the king is to be greeted

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and apology. And he it dar repentance.

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Because now you're about to ask a lot of things from him. And before you should have the audaciousness and the boldness to ask if you ask of him of these treasures, you need to first along them with an apology. I want you to imagine there is another person from your life whom you've fallen out with.

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This is a person whom you love immensely, and it's a person whom you need. It's a friendship you require you can do without it.

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And then you've fallen out with him with her. And you know, deep down that you are the culprit. You are the one who was at fault. And you know that apology. An apology is pending.

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But you haven't given the apology yet.

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So every time you meet this individual in the street, every time you rub shoulders with them every time you cross paths what happened, you want to hide your face.

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You want to conceal yourself. Why? Because you're shy.

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Because you know that you cannot resume this friendship that you want to need only after you've done what

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only after you've apologized

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or the law he met alluded to Allah Almighty belongs the best example.

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You are about to stand before Allah. And you're about to ask of them of him things that you need things that you want things that you cannot function without, you're about to ask him in a certain was takim the greatest of all requests guide this keep us firm upon the straight path. You're about to ask for forgiveness, you're about to ask for the erasing of sins, you're about to ask for Jana. So before you can make all of these requests, you have to first do the inevitable. You have to confront your shortcomings and you have to give an apology to Allah SubhanAllah.

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And that is why imam or Muslim generates on the authority of Abu Huraira. And I want to share with you now some of the DUA that we say when we begin our Salah and we want to understand them.

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And there is immense wisdom as you shall see and the logical progression of these dua. You will never see them the same way again.

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Muslim narrates on the authority of Abu Hora era. He said Karna rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yes go to is scattered and Hoonah yet and bainitic Marathi while Kira.

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He said the Prophet of Allah Alayhi Salatu was Salam used to observe a small period of silence between Allahu Akbar when he begins his salah and the resuscitation of Quran. Between these two things, there was a short period of silence and he would say something he would matter something. So it will Herrera Radi Allahu Anhu decompile

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Onion he said O Messenger of Allah, what do you say? Be Me and our OMYA rasool Allah He is scared to Kadena Technorati well Qurani Mata Kulu he

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may my mother and father be ransom for you or messenger of Allah Buddha Buddha era he said, The spirit of silence between your tibia Allahu Akbar and the recitation of Quran what do you say?

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Teach me?

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And he said to him, I say the following words memorize them. Three sentences.

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He said Allahumma by the new abena Hapa AI came about the vein and maturity when Maghreb Oh ALLAH distanced me from my sins. The same way you have distanced the east from the west

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Allahumma Athenian club I can now you Nakata will appear to me that Dennis Oh ALLAH purify me from my sins the same way you purify the white garment from dat

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Allahumma casita Kotla Yeah Bill Mackay with LG well Bharat Oh ALLAH wash away from me my sins, with water and snow and hail.

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The Illa in Allah phenomenal dua. You begin your Salah with what with an apology. Allah forgive my sins. Allah pardon me. Allah forgive me Allah subhanaw taala I have made the mistake.

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Let us rewind and I want to unpack this hadith for a moment. It's phenomenal La Ilaha illa Allah remarkable. What was the first sentence remind me

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I sent Allahumma buried mainly will be in a cup it came about I mean, a missionary went, Oh Allah distance me from lessons. As you have distance the east from the West, the scholars of Hadith they said that this part of the hadith is in reference to the sins that you haven't committed yet.

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You're saying Oh Allah, sins as a genre

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distanced me from them.

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The same way you've distanced the east from the west. The idea of disobeying you Oh Allah

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create a separation between me and sins that I have not committed. The same way you have separated Eastern West. Is this clear sentence number one.

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And then you get to sentence number two look Subhanallah it's a buildup of intensity. This one is even more emphatic. You say? What sentence number two is a Do you remember?

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Malik Do you remember?

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Yeah, Allahu monokini minha you cannot Yuna Casa will be omitted. Danis Oh ALLAH purify me from my sins the same way you purify white garments from that. So now you're asking Allah to forgive the sins that you have.

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The first part of the Hadith separate me from sins as a genre, the sins that haven't committed, distanced me from them.

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And then Oh Allah, second sentence, the sins that I have committed, erase them from my life. Oh Allah subhanaw taala. And what type of erasure Subhan Allah, the same way that a white garment is purified from that. They say in Alba Carlinville Han Lily Denis, Tennessee. white clothes show up. They show every blemish. This is the problem with white shoes, and white Air Forces and white Jordans. And why you thought and why a man was and why it looks so nice. But any blemish shows up. You are saying Oh ALLAH erase my sins to such a level that it looks like a brand new white garment that has been washed away when it was blemished with impurity.

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more emphatic, then you get to the third sentence, which is even more emphatic than the previous two, which is what Allahumma oxenhope Kappa you Bill, you were 31 Baron Oh ALLAH wash away my sins with water and inhale and snow.

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People will ask what does that mean?

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I say to you SubhanAllah.

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Water is what washes away sins, but then since they have an aftermath, and what is the nature of that aftermath? is bitter regret. And what is the nature of regret? It has a heat to it. That almost literally burns away at the core of the sinner. It's something we've all felt, I hate it. So you are saying oh Allah with the water wash away from me the sins and when the hail with the Snow Wash away from me their regret, allow it to cool down the heat of regret, allow it to cool down with the snow and then all I bring the hail to remove every trace of heat of regret that may remain.

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What an introduction to solace and what an apology

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So in that sense, this is a dua that covers every one of your sins. And what an apology to Allah and what a greeting.

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There is a second dua that we are recommended to say when we begin our salah. I think this one will be a little bit more familiar with us here. What is it?

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I can hear it

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Subhanak Allahumma won't be Hambrick wa

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Baraka SM Aqua. Darla Dakwah de ILAHA. Yura

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this one is perhaps the most famous of the two.

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Which Muslim generates on the authority of Omar Radi Allahu Anhu

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where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say in the beginning of his salah, Subhana Allah whom Allah be Huntik how perfect you are, oh Allah and I praise you. What about raka smoke

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and bless it is your name. What are allergen duck? And Ha is Your Majesty? Wala ilaha yuroke A nun has the right to be worshipped but you

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Abdullah Hibino Massaro de companion he said in have the Kerala me Illa Allah He Baden Qurani and Yehuda Labdoo Subhanallah Houma will be hounded waterbar customer quota and agenda Kona Illa. Has a look. He said that those following words are the most beloved words to Allah subhanaw taala after the Quran

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to say Subhana Allah morganatic the baraka schmuck methodology.

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And Imam even claim he said that this is Eduardo matar. This is the dua that we have chosen. He said, What does he mean by this is that that we have nominated or chosen doesn't mean that he is of course canceling out the other dryer, they are authentic, of course, you should use them in your Salah, but he's saying this is the dua that we should say the most in our Salah from any other dua. Why? He gives several reasons.

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One of them is that Omar Oribi Allahu Anhu. When he would leave people in Salah, he would always use this dua and he would raise his voice with it publicly. So he would say Subhana Allah who now will be handy quarter Baraka smoke Wattana Jukola elaborado. See, imagine if the Imam did that today we'd be baffled or would do that a lot. Why to teach the people this to

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enable him he says that this dua was the most common between the sahaba.

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And here is a third very important reason. This dua

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encompasses and includes the most beloved of color to Allah Almighty after the Quran, which is what Subhanallah Alhamdulillah la isla in Allah Allahu Akbar, in the Hadith which Amma narrates, on the authority of summer. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, have Boone Keller and in Allah He basil Quran Allah Subhana Allah Al Hamdulillah Allah and Allah Allahu Akbar, Allah guru KV Hindemith, the most beloved of speech to Allah after the Quran, is Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allah Ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar, he said, it doesn't matter which of the ones you begin with, you can begin with any of the four.

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All of these declares all of these statements of praise. In the Quran, they are described as what about the heir to

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a sunny hat, the good deeds that remain Allah calls them without the apple slightly how to hide on anger because however, these are about the year two, slightly hard to say subhanallah Alhamdulillah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and they're all found in this dua.

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How are they found in this dua?

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Subhana Allah Houma there's your Subhanallah

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then you see what behind it, and I praise you, there's your Al Hamdulillah

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otter Baraka, smoko otalgia, Declan, you say what? Wala Inaho Rokinon has the right to be worshipped you that you're totally in your La ilaha illallah where's your Allahu Akbar?

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Well, a moment ago, you said what? Allahu Akbar and you began your Salah. So that's all for COVID. So it will tell you and he says, this is the chosen dua.

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Let us break it down a little bit. And take it again sentence by sentence because we want to feel an experience and enjoy our salah. And since most of you as you just said to me, this is the dua you've memorized. Let us at least understand it.

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So you say sube Hanukkah, Allah whom

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Subhana Have you Oh Allah, how do I translate Subhan by the way, do you remember what did I say?

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Perfect you are on line. What does it mean when we say Subhan? Allah by the way, we all say subhanallah

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and usually we say we are amazed at something we say Subhana Allah

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is an expression which means a declaration that Allah is free from deficiency. He is far from deficiency underline the word far.

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And that's why even last year

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Rahim Allah He said at this be who who will color mu A lady. I don't know Allah, tansy healer here and Kulina goddess, this me to say subhanallah. He said, It's the idea or the speech that involves declaring the transcendence of Allah above and far away from every deficiency.

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The Spear has the idea of saying Allah is far from deficiency.

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Far, and that's why a sub which is the origins of this word, Subhana, a Sabha, it means a board distance, distance. So when you engage in tests be that you are engaging in tab eight meaning you are distancing, distancing, what you are distancing your Lord, from all of the ignorant and false deficiencies that were attributed to him subhanaw taala, that is Subhan. Allah to declare that he is far from these deficiencies.

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And that's why when you look into the Quran, this is the context that Subhan Allah appears him. Whenever there is a false association with Allah Almighty.

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Or something negative that someone has attributed to him, the Quran will usually go on to say what Subhan Allah or Subhana? Who, as if to say no, he's far from this claim. So Allah said, We're called to talk about Allah Who? Well, they said, Allah has taken for himself a son, what is the idea than say

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Subhana? Meaning how far is he from that claim?

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And Allah Almighty, He said, What do I do Linda Hill Bennati.

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They have claimed that Allah Almighty has daughters. What is the verse after it say?

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What is the next part of the verse say? Subhana? How far is he from that claim? So when you say Subhan Allah, what are you saying? How far is Allah Almighty from the deficiencies attributed to him?

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So that is the beginning of the DUA, you have said Allahu Akbar. And then you said Subhana, Allah whom?

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What's the second part of the DUA?

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Wa behenic And I praise you Oh Allah.

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And I praise you Oh ALLAH.

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So look at how they are coupled and by the way, this would be Hunter Hamid, they are always coupled.

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They're always paired together, wherever you find Subhanallah especially in the Sunette usually find Alhamdulillah right next to it and it makes sense why they should be next to one another. Any ideas why?

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What do you think?

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You can get we haven't heard from you.

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Very good. Yeah, correct. When you say Subhan Allah, this is a negation. You are negating deficiencies from Allah. When you say Alhamdulillah this is affirmation. You are affirming that All praise belongs to Allah. Do you see why they come side by side Subhanallah you are free from old deficiencies. What behind the can I praise you meeting and all goodness all praise or hair or majesty belongs to you, I affirm it that it is yours. So it makes sense that they should be next to one another. That's why you find Subhanallah and Hamdulillah. They are usually together and La ilaha illallah and Allahu Akbar, they are usually together.

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So you say Subhana, Allah Houma will be Hamitic and then what do you say the third sentence? What about aka smoke, and bless it is your name. Tabarak from Tata on? Tabarak full of Baraka is your name, Allah.

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And Baraka is something as we said, when it mixes with something, it allows it to grow. And when it mixes with something already used, it becomes beneficial. This is the nature of Baraka, How blessed is your name, and that's why we use the name of Allah before eating before we before drinking, before driving, before even marital relations when closing our doors when covering our vessels when tying our water skins as they used to do in the past, we say Bismillah in the name of Allah because it's a name of baraka and when this name of Baraka is invoked, it becomes beneficial.

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And if this is the baraka of the name, Allah, what then of the baraka, the blessing of the Lord of the name Subhana horadada in Allah so you say what about a custom book? Full of Baraka as your name. And then what do you say?

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Water Allah, Jen duck. And Ha is Your Majesty to Isla and Hi, Jen duck is Your Majesty.

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When I use the word Jed for those who know Arabic what other meaning can it take?

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Grandfather, the father of the father or the father of the Mother, this is a judge.

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So literally just from a linguistic perspective, it could falsely be translated as high as your grandfather are stuck futile Lucha to really because Jed means grandfather. And another one of the meanings of Jed is majesty.

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but since we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala has no

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similar Allah subhanho wa Taala has no parents. He has no children who have Allahu Ahad and as the believing gene, they said no to Allah Rabina not DECA dosa, he button Walla Walla Hai is the judge the Majesty of our Lord, he has not taken for himself or wife or children. Since we know that this is the reality it must be the other meaning which is What majesty. So you see what are all Dukkha is Your Majesty. Pa is your majesty above every Sultan, high use your majesty above every kingdom and dominion high is your majesty above every plot, every government?

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High is your majesty above every king and Prince to judge, you are above them all, Your Majesty is above them all.

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And then what do you say in the end, we're now in Iraq, none has the right to be worshipped. But you

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again Subhanallah these sentences they come one after the other like a beautifully aligned and arranged String of Pearls, they come one after the other so logically, because in the beginning, you have negated from Allah or deficiency. Subhana Allah home, and then you have affirm that all praises for Allah will be Huntik. And then you have affirm that his name is blessing, and then you have affirm that his might is the highest, and what is the conclusion of all of this? Anyone who has these characteristics must be who worthy of worship, while ilaha eurocon has the right to be worshipped but you

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so this is a second law that we should think about using and more importantly understanding when we begin our salah.

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Why are these dua so important when you begin your Salah

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because there is a particular barrier which if it exists in my life and yours it will prevent us from hearing the truth. It will prevent us from understanding the truth. It will benefit us it will stop us from benefiting from lectures from Salah from Quran what is the nature of that barrier? What is it called?

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Kibera I heard it. Arrogance.

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Allah Almighty has told us effectively in the Quran that any arrogance that may be in your heart is effectively a blinker that sits on your eyes you will not be able to see hate or act upon the truth.

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That is why Allah Almighty He said so sorry for it a lady in Attica baru nothing.

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I will turn away my signs from those who show arrogance upon the land without without right. What you're alluding to it now you will be

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an even if they were to see every sign they will still not believe that's the nature of the one who has Kiba arrogance. He will not heed the truth she will not see the truth they will not act upon the truth because they are arrogant.

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And what had these two dua effectively done as you introduce your Salah, they have crushed ego. They are ego ego crushing dua.

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Praise is Allah's perfection. is Allah's majesty is Allah's glory is Allah's apology is for me back to Allah. So what room is there left for ego and pride and arrogance. So you come into your Salah, You've crushed the arrogance, and now you're ready to recite Quran and grow because of it. The ego has to be crushed. That's your internal enemy.

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Now you have to deal with the external enemy. What is the external enemy?

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Who is he? He is a shape on that regime. So now you've introduced your Salah with this dua you now say, who will be nagging me to shaytani R rajim. I seek refuge in Allah from the Cust Shangela

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