Ali Hammuda – Celebrate or Self-Harm on The Day of ‘Aashuraa

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the implementation of Islam in Afghanistan and the killing of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad Ali by the insurance company. The importance of the Prophet's teachings during times of disaster and loss is also emphasized. The Shia's teachings are discussed, including the importance of grieving and waiving, and the importance of not denying one's belief in a culture or religion. The transcript also references Shia references and emphasizes the importance of not downplaying the killing of Al Hussein and the use of the holy month for passionate deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah subhana wa Dayanand said

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in that the shahada and Allah Hefner, I shall Russia Hara, the number of months with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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12 in number. This is how Allah ordained it to be on the day he created the heavens and the earth

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minha araba altoon Haoran from those 12 months, Allah says four of them are sacred. We pause here for a moment. And we'll return to the rest of the area in the end of the hotbar.

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What are these four sacred mats from the 12 is the seventh month of the Islamic calendar Raja.

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And then three consecutive months back to back, the month of the old Tada the 11th, the month of your hijab, the 12 and the month of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic Hijri calendar, this is our current month

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and the 10th day of this month of Muharram the sacred month is known as Ashura

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a day which we as Muslims hold in very high esteem, which will be in the coming Monday Inshallah, how come and what is the story of Ashura?

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Imam Ahmed Buhari generates on the authority of Abdullah Hypno Abbas who said buddy mana Vu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Medina Ferrania who they are so Munna Ashura, prophets, Allah Allah Allah He was telling him when he arrived at the city of Medina, he saw that the Jews were fasting on the day of Ashura.

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He said to the MaHA that what is this?

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They said hada yo Masada This is a righteous day. For sama who chakra nila, this is a day where Prophet Musa alayhis salam was saved by Allah from the Pharaoh and the Muslims. So Prophet Musa fasted this day in gratitude to Allah subhana wa Tada. So our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said national, I will not be Musa minicom our Anna Huck will be more Salman Khan, I am worthy of Musa than you.

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So he fasted the day of Ashura, and he instructed the Muslims to fasted as well.

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Here are the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam was by no means imitating the religious practices of the Jews.

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And one of the evidences for this is that he made the intention that should he live until the year after it, he would fast Ashura and the day before it has to to create a mark of distinction.

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And it is also important to note that the Prophet Muhammad Ali, who Salatu was Salam was fasting the day of Ashura from as early as his time in Makkah, well before he even met the Jews.

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And it's important to note as I Isha said, Radi Allahu anhu, that even the Arabs of Quraysh prior to Islam were fasting that day of Ashura.

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But when he came to Medina, Alayhi Salatu was Salam, the fasting of Ashura, it became an obligation.

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But then, when Ramadan was mandated, I showed up became optional, and Ramadan became the obligation.

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And when he was asked about the federal the virtue of fasting on the day of Ashura, and I believe every one of you is intending to do so. He I think he stood out to us and said as Muslim narrates on the authority of Abu Qatada. He said, You can Pharaoh said attend mabuya Fasting that one day of Ashura erases all of the sins of the previous year.

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And most of them in the rates on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Daniel crme, bad Ramadan, sha Allah He Maha Ron were of those celerity by identifying Salah to lately, the best thirsting after Ramadan is fasting on the month of Muharram. And the best prayer after the five obligatory ones is praying the night prayer.

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And there are other narrations that suggest as a human rights in his Muslim that the day of Ashura was also the day where the Ark of Prophet nor Alayhi salaam settled on a God, the amount of God after the flood had ended, and the enemies of the Muslims were taken away. So Prophet Muhammad Ali Salam fasted on the day of Ashura in thanks to Allah Jana, Julianne so it is a righteous and noble day

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The Order of Allah however, there is also another happening that took place on the day of Ashura in this month of May.

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And that was the brutal killing of Al Hussein. Eventually, it'll be Allahu Allah and Muhammad.

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In one of the most heart wrenching and heartbreaking and tragic incidents in history,

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the killing of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad Ali, he salatu salam happened on the day of Ashura.

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First of all, who are al Hassan and Al Hussein in the eyes of the Sunni Muslims, people will ask,

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we say that they are the noble grandchildren of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whom he treated exactly like his own children and he said they are my sons.

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And he would say about Al Hassan Al Hussein, who now Rihanna Jaya Mina dunya. They are both my two sweet smelling roses of life.

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And he would say about them both al Hassan Al Pacino, sekedar Chabad. Jana, and has an unforeseen are the two leaders of all of the youth in paradise

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and our Abdullah he even no matter what he said, Whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be in Salah, and he would fall into prostration al Hassan and Al Hussein as children usually do, would mount his back.

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And the Sahaba would come to move them to dismount them, and he would indicate with his hand during his salah, to say to them, leave them, let them play leave them then when he would finish his sunnah he would take them both and sit them on his lap. And he would say men have done evil you hit the herding whoever claims to love me

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must love these two boys

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asked for his killing. She called Islam you know to me or Hema hula. He said, Well, you know, what are the Allahu Anhu Accra Mojave Shahadat, if he had a young girl for saying was honored by Allah with martyrdom, on this day, even though Tamia said the day of Ashura of

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what 100 be the only common Khattala who will be able to cut Li

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Li and Allah disgraced and humiliated those who killed him and those who conspired and plan for his killing, and he humiliated those who are simply happy with his killing. This is our RT they are a belief with regards to these two noble companions of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and family of Our Messengers, Allah Allah Allah He was

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each year.

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During this time, when we near the day of Ashura of neuron,

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we will see the Muslim world divided usually into two groups.

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There will be a group of Muslims, who will pass the day of Ashura, ingratitude to Allah that Musa was saved from the Pharaoh. And there will be another group of Muslims, who will use this day to commemorate the death of Al Hussein, and they will mourn and they will grieve. Some will well, some will put blade to body and draw blood and flog themselves and engage in all forms of self harm. And this is what I would like to pause out for just a moment in gentle and sincere communication with our family, members of our ummah.

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How do we behave during times of bereavement?

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Our religion has not left us without guidance in the basic matters of life, let alone the huge ones like tragedy and bereavement. It has given us a fine example and instructed the believer how he should react when he is struck with adversity and grief. It hasn't been left for you on AI to decide how we believe on how we mourn our deceased

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and that is why Allah has said in an unambiguously clear area in the Quran will enable you wanna come, be sure you in mineral coffee will draw we are going to test you with something of a hunger and fear when some menial Emmalee will unfussy with some rot and some loss in your money, some loss in your life some loss in your crops. Well the sheet is slightly lean, but give the news to the patient ones Alladhina either also a bit who mostly by the patient ones are those who when they are affected with adversity, they say

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what do they do? How do they react? Or in alila when

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they say we belong to Allah, to him, we shall return.

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So we ask those amongst us who behave during moments of bereavement in a way that is

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Different to this is your way better or the way of Allah agenda Jannatul

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an hour Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was no stranger to bereavement.

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The tragedy was a common feature of his life. And he said the finest example of human perfection how to cope and how to behave. How did he behave? When he lost his son Ibrahim, who was still a toddler, and he was suffocating, going through the pangs of death, but then he became still What did our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do? He looked at him and said in the line at hand, man, the eye weeps when killed by a husband. My heart is grieved, while on aku NAMA, you will be Rabona but I will only say the things that would please My lord.

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Were in before erotica, Ibrahim Lama has renewed and I am very saddened by your departure, Ibrahim,

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look at the balance between the human impulse sadness grief and pain.

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And on the other side, patience, composure, contentment with the decree of Allah and moving on, not dedicating the death of his son as a time for repeated mourning and wailing and self harming. He didn't do that.

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And what is interesting is that this exact same narration with respect to how he dealt with the dying of his son, the same narration is found in the Shia references of Hadith. alkylene is vocal Caffee that some of the scholars of the Shia they say is the most authentic compilation of Hadith. According to them, this same narration is found, he said in that interview in La urogen.

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And Boca unerase on the authority of Abu Musa in rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mary Amina Salia it was highly it was Sherpa. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam freed himself from the woman who screams when she is bereaved, or rips into her clothes or shaves her hair. In sadness, he is free from them,

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and will carry in rates on your authority of economics or hold that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, ladies me Nam and La Parnell who dude were shackled job,

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Leah, whoever tears into their clothes during bereavement or slaps their face, or cries with the crying of G before Islam. This person is not one of us.

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And what is interesting is that the same narrations are found in some of the Shia references as well. Alkalete in his book I'll carefully the same reference I quoted earlier sites of the following lie and that is to Yahoo Alan Mae et voila, and to Chaka Thea, they cite in their books, it is not appropriate to rip your clothes when you are sad, nor to

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scream and wail. And in a second narration in the same book, Assad is narrated to have said Mandara that yeah Dehiwala TV here in Delhi mostly but if aka The Hobbit or whoever strikes his thigh, during a calamity, his good deeds are rendered null. These are not our references, these are the references of our brothers and sisters from the Shia community. So what then do you make of an individual

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who will put blade to body

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who will flog himself or herself? Who will draw blood

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from male and female and sometimes from young and old? In suppose it morning? For the death of Al Hussein Radi Allahu taala. And who

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is this the essence of our religion? is the essence of Islam this or is it a religion that does not intend for you to intentionally remember and relive the tragedy of the past but once you do move on with strength, this is Islam as far as we understand it.

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And that is why Allah He is not in need of your suffering. He is not in need of your pain. Magi Allah Allah confit demon horridge, he has not placed any burden upon you in a religion Allah said, and when the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam saw an old man hobbling between two young men, the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam said what is this? Why is he not writing? They said this is our father neither and the MCU Allah Jakob, he's vowed to Allah that He will walk and he will not ride. He said to him in Allah and daddy we had an if

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Allah does not need him to punish himself

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that does not need you to punish yourself. Instruct your father to ride.

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This is how we behave

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during times of bereavement.

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If the Muslim was going to grieve

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on every

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De where I write this person from the past had died.

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It would mean that we would be grieving on every day of the year.

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Because on every day of every month, there has been a righteous person from the past who has died or was killed. So when will grieving stop? Or is it a matter of selective, mourning, selective grieving?

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After all, who is the greatest to have died, other than the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yet none of our predecessors whether Sunni or Shiite, have taken the day of his death, assuming we know it. Nobody has taken his death as a day for annual mourning.

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We know that Prophet Zakariya and Yahia Allahu wa salam were brutally killed. Yet we have no instruction to take their days of killing for morning.

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We know that Hamza or the Allahu Anhu from the family of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was brutally killed by a spear we have no instruction to take his death

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for morning.

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In fact, we even know that al Hassan the brother of Al Hussein Roby Allahu Anhu man was killed in a brutal fashion. We have no instruction to take his death for a yearly morning. Rather the father of i o al Hassan Al Hussein, Ali Radi Allahu anhu, Jimmy Han, whom none Sunnis and Shias are unanimously agreed is superior to Al Hussein, he was killed,

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you have no instruction to take the day of his killing, for and you will move in or to visit the site of his killing on a yearly basis and to relive the pains and the tragedies of the past.

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So with that, we ask the question again, what is the day of Ashura?

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Is it a day of celebration? As has become the situation in some parts of the Sunni world?

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Is it a day of grieving and wailing and Aza

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and we say it is neither this or that.

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It is a day of sugar. A day of gratitude to Allah for having saved Musa and Benny is right yield from the Pharaoh. And when we say this, this is not to downplay the killing of Al Hussein or the Allahu Anhu as we have established. This is not to downplay his killing, walk at Lahore, mostly, but to Navina as even though Tamia, he said the killing of Al Hussein was an enormous tragedy. We're not downplaying it, but we are simply being as Allah intended, grateful to him during times of goodness, we are patient during times of adversity.

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How do we move on from this?

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The religion of Islam can be summarized in two principles.

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The first principle

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is that Allah is to be singled out in Washington.

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Principle number two, that we single out Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in learning how to worship.

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And both of those principles are captured in the statement of faith. La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, none has the right to be worshipped by Allah. But Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. In the first statement, you identify the creator, the Lord who is worshipped. And the second statement identifies the way to that Lord who was worship, and that is behind the footsteps of our honorable Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Allah He was,

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every other door is shut in the religion of Islam is complete.

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Conclusion I promise to share with you the completion of the idea that we started the hotbar with. There is a message for us as Muslims in that the Schoharie and Allah Heath now Shara shara, the number of months with Allah are 12

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Yo Ma Halacha, CML, it will erode on the day he created the heavens and the earth minha arbeiten forum four of them are sacred. That's where we paused, continuing the only Kadena Canyon. This isn't the correct religion fell out of only morphine and full circle, so don't wrong yourselves during these months.

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That was the year the message of Allah during the 12 months of the year and specifically the four sacred months, this is one of them. Muharram Allah said don't commit an injustice, don't commit.

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During the season, good deeds are amplified, and sins are amplified as well.

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And so notice how the beginning of the Islamic year begins.

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With a sacred month

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and it ends with a sacred month, they will hate you. And so if you exert yourself in a bother in Muharram and again in their hijab, it is hoped that Allah Almighty will document you amongst those who have worshipped Him all throughout the year.

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So make a promise to Elijah, Elijah Daniel who their things will be different in your life. Show Allah Almighty a bold and courageous change in your ways.

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Because if Ramadan was about charging your reserve of Eman, if the month and the season of Hajj was about building your fortress of iman, then this month of Muharram is about the interlock. It's about the launch. It's about the release of the new committed, refined practicing version of yourself. This is the intention behind the month of Allah Maha ROM. And whenever you are in doubt, whether you are able to change because some sins have been lingering for so long, remember the words of Prophet Musa who said on the day of Ashura, he said to those who doubted Canada in the modern era be sad, absolutely not. Allah is with me, and he shall guide me and every Muslim

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has an internal battle.

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Inside his dungeon. Inside his deepest chamber, there is a battle, there is a struggle, there is a temptation, there is a doubt and whenever you are unsure whether you can overcome it this month and be a different person, once and for all. Remember the words of Musa on this day of

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these days of Muharram Absolutely not. My Lord is with me and he shall guide me We ask Allah to guide us

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