Ali Albarghouthi – This is Love #18 Iman is Loving the Prophet

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of love for the Prophet Muhammad Ali Salatu is emphasized, including the natural love of Islam and the natural love of partners. Prayer and communication with partners is crucial to achieving goals, and pursuing one's interests without harming others is crucial to achieving success. The speakers stress the need for personal and professional growth, personal friendships, and music therapy for individuals.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilodon hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. While early he asked me he was salam

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ala Malema info now and find me my Olympian I was in that element autobill al Amin, Allah mine decreto Shoukry cow has neighboured Attic.

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So we begin in sha Allah.

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The second section, which is about loving the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

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And we mustn't think that really about these sections as separate sections, they're all connected. So the fact that we let's say finished one entering into the other doesn't mean that the second is separate from the first or the first is separate on from the second in fact, they're all are connected. And you will see Inshallah, why they are connected because as we will explain now, insha Allah loving, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam is a consequence of loving Allah.

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And the more that you will love Allah and the more that you will have the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and the more that you will have the prophet The more that you will love Allah Himself. So there's no disconnection between them. But the focus will be on the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

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And to begin with, let's read the Hadith.

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And in this hadith, the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this is Hadith 18 la Yamuna hydroclimatic Hakuna have Bailey he knew where he was aware that he he will not see a Jemaine

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la you Amina huddlecam Hattah, hakuna hubba era him Why did he he wanted to he wants to see a Jemaine he says one of you does not believe until I am more beloved to him than his parents, his children and all people.

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All people, right. So one of you does not have Iman. Until

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and again and again. And again. We see here the connection from the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam between Eman and love and love and Iman. In this particular Hadith, it's about loving him at a Salatu was Salam is saying that you do not have Eman until you will love him Allah His Salatu was Salam. And not only you love him, but now you love him and he is Salatu was Salam more than you love your parents and your children and everybody else around and will understand this hadith Insha Allah, Allah will alanine in depth as we go on. But what I want to start with is to say that everybody has a prophet

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did we're talking about Prophet Muhammad Ali salatu salam and messenger says everybody, as a messenger.

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You say you're even if that person does not believe in God, he say, Everybody must have a messenger and a prophet. As we say that everybody must have an ILA.

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What is the ILA Yoda is the one that you worship, the one that you are devoted to? The one that you love the most, the one that tells you what to do and what not to do. That is an ILA. Even if you don't believe in the divine as a supernatural divine, that exists outside of the world. Even if you don't believe in that a person is an atheist. They still will have an ILA. So Allah Azza does say in the Quran, a thorough eater many, that EDA, who, however, have you seen the one who had adopted his desire as his ILA,

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that desire meaning whatever you like you do whatever He tells you to worship you worship. So if there is nothing else, you'll take your desire your own likes and dislikes, as dictating what you should do or not do that becomes your Illa. So everybody must have an ILA. Because it's a vacuum.

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So if you take Allah azza wa jal out, you must replace her to something else, right? Like just food. If you don't eat chicken, you must eat what?

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Something else maybe beef, right? And it's another type of meat, anything, but you've got to eat something. If you don't drink water, you got to drink something else. So you can't live and sustain living without having an ILA. And in the same way, you cannot live without having a profit.

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And only mean by your profit, necessarily someone who you believe is communicating from the Divine to tell you what God wants from you or not. A prophet is one that tells you how to live

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that you listen to who sets the moral standards for you, is the one that you adore so much that you want to listen to more than anyone else, the one who sets the stage for your life. So

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your love, your heart is with them. And your mind is with them. They tell you right from wrong. They tell you

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how to live. That is a prophet, who do you admire? Who you want to be like, who you follow? That is a Prophet? Who do you emulate? Who tells you what your worldview is? And isn't? What are your priorities. So

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if it's not, Prophet Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam, then it has to be somebody else. So if you think about it, who are the prophets of the modern age?

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The prophets of today,

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right, so all take all these descriptions and criteria that we talked about, and search for our prophets of today. So the prophets of the days could be superstars, entertainers, athletes, influencers, people that you admire so much that you want to copy, and they tell you what to do, and what not to do, what to buy, and what not to buy. So you copy them, and you follow them. And they also set your intellect, they tell you that's important than this is unimportant, that is a messenger and that is a prophet. You can't wait to dress like them and talk like them and move like them. You can't wait to meet them.

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And if they tell you that you're going to meet them, you're you will faint, can't believe yourself. That in a sense, is a person who had replaced the prophet as a prophet, even if though we do not give them that title, it will understand why, because when you understand how they reacted to Prophet Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam, you will see how we now in the modern contemporary age have taken that and given it to somebody else. Now, also your profit could be a scientist, right?

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Because science could be your God. And Muslims understood that science always had a place but they always understand that it's always secondary to whom

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Allah azza wa jal always it's always in service of not in competition with but in service of Allah azza wa jal and what Allah wants, that's how they understood science. So science was never to be the, what sets morality and what determines right from wrong, entirely. Science was never reserved, or it was that was not reserved for science, but for Allah as though did science helped and aided.

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So if you don't believe in Allah azza wa jal, but rather you say the famously, as people say, we believe in science, meaning that's the only the only path of knowledge, the only thing that I believe in, the only thing that I could put my trust in, then scientists, if that's the only mode of belief, then scientists become what

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the prophets, whatever they say goes, whatever they say, doesn't go, this is right, then it's right, this is wrong, this is wrong. And scientists by mean by the natural sciences, but you could also talk about the social sciences. So if a psychologist says it, economist says, a biologist says it, as long as they are a scientist, and I'm gonna take it and believe in it wholeheartedly, but if the divine if Allah if the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, they say something, I believe, lesson it or maybe I dismiss it, that you understand if that is the attitude, do you know who the prophet is? Right? And you know who God is. So the one that you elevate the highest and you listen to is the

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ILA, and the one who communicates that to you and you listen to and you submit to us. Yes, you're right. This is right. And yes, you're right, this is wrong. And this is how I'm going to live my wife, that becomes a prophet, even though the title is not a prophet.

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And if we find, if we find that it's difficult for us as we go through this, to love Mohamed alayhi salatu salam, as he should be loved may be one of the reasons is that we have given the love that we owe him to somebody else.

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So we are not available to love the Prophet alayhi salatu salam as he should be loved because we also have other prophets as well. So there is in us, there is Shrek in following.

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How you know how if you worship somebody with Allah azza wa jal, the love will be divided.

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Right? It's divided because your heart is not exclusive.

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And if there's shirk in following should call metabo. shakin following up not only are we falling Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam, but also somebody else. He can't love Mohamed intensely as he deserves to be loved, because you also love somebody else equally and you follow somebody else equally, so we have become unavailable

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multilocular Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And

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we also may not know the Prophet. The reason why we don't love him as much in addition to that emotional unavailability is that we don't really know him very well. And we don't understand how important it is to love him.

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Now we don't know the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam very well and I think

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let's see, do I talk about this learn more about him. So Allah, we will talk about this inshallah shortly. So we need to know more about him and how important it is to love him. And that's the question that we're going to ask is, why should we love him Allah He salatu salam, the immediate answer is because Allah loves him.

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Right? And if you love Allah as Odin, and that's the connection that I wanted us all to have in mind that this is not disconnected from Allah as love.

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If you know how much Allah loved him, you will naturally love him.

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Because if you love Allah Azada naturally, anything that Allah loves would become yours. Something that you love, and anything that Allah hates would become also something that you hate. It has to be like that. This is true with humanity. And this is true with Allah azza wa jal. This is how we react to anyone that we love, whatever you love, I love if I love you.

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So if you really love Allah as though did you look at all people and you'll find them on all of His creation? He loved Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam so much, then you will understand that you need to love Him because there is something special about him and he is Salatu was Salam that made Allah love him so much that he had the purest of hearts. And he had elevated himself in servitude to Allah azza wa jal and submitted to him in full and incompletion more than anyone else. When Allah asked him to sacrifice his sacrifice to give he gave stand back, he stood back. He said, la Salatu was Salam. Allah decides and I follow. Allah decides and I follow up, and he gave all of his life to

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Allah azza wa jal, and so he was pleasing to Allah, in the best of ways more than anyone else.

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And that is why we love Muhammad Ali, his Salatu was Salam because we love Allah as origin. And we understand that he communicated this message of Islam and sacrificed for it. There's a quote here that I bring from

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even Roger Rahim, Allah where he said, and I'll just translate it, he said, muhabba, to Navy loving the messenger Alayhi Salatu was Salam is from the foundations of iman. And it is coupled or linked to loving Allah azza wa jal, Allah had coupled both, right? But you need to have both to have Islam. And the shahada is not complete until you have both. You mentioned allah and You mentioned Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam. And Allah He said, Allah had warned those who had put natural love ahead of it, meaning their natural love, if you put it ahead of the love of Allah and the messenger, Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He said, Allah had warned us of the following. Because he said, subhanAllah, what

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the Allah, Allah is saying, say, if your parents and your children and your brothers and your spouses and your families and wealth that you have earned, and a business that you will, fear would decline, and houses that you love, if all of this is more beloved to you than Allah, and His Messenger, and jihad in his sake, then wait until Allah brings his punishment.

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Alright, so you understand that all these things are natural. It's natural to love all of these things, especially the beginning of that your fathers and your kids and your brothers and your families. It's natural to love all of this. But the prophet Allah has the word it is saying what is saying, If you love all of these things more than Allah and the messenger, and if you receive a command for jihad, so you don't go for it, but you stay back because of this, because of that, then anticipate the punishment of Allah coming to you, which tells you that you need to love Allah and the messenger more than you love according to the Quran, your parents and your children, otherwise

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you're blameworthy.

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Now you say to yourself, well, this is very hard because all of us love our children to death love our parents to death. And I love Allah and I love the messenger. Alayhi Salatu was Salam because without that basic love, I wouldn't be a Muslim. Right?

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So I have that love but not to that extent. So what do I do? How is it that I can love them more than I love? The natural love that is around me which is natural, but Allah and His messenger Allah is Allah to a sinner more how was it that I

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can do this. It says when you realize and when you push yourself and you realize that loving Allah and the Prophet is more beneficial. And it is the basis for every other love when you are a bear that increases when your Eman increases. When you sacrifice for the sake of Allah and push yourself to offer that sacrifice, then the love of Allah will increase, and it will top other loves. So it's a struggle. You have to push yourself, it's not just gonna be handed to you.

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And you have to earn it.

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And it does not come without sacrifice. But going back to what we were talking about here, Allah azza wa jal said in the Quran, that you must love the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, more than these things that we all love to death, as we said, but the love of Allah and the Prophet needs to be higher. So

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Allah who loved him the most, and also Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam loved Allah the most. And he was the example of how to love Allah and how he taught to sacrifice for his sake, some going through the reasons of why we should love him, because he loved Allah zoton back, and he struggled and strived and he sacrificed everything that he had for that. So you think about it, what did he give up any his Salatu was Salam to deliver this message message to us? And what did he get back?

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So a homeland, he had to give up, give that up. family, the love of his people, the respect of his people,

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to receive their persecution, their attacks, verbal, physical, and also non physical, against him, his reputation, his families, for family members to be lost, were the ones that he loved in Mecca, and then in Medina to be killed and tortured.

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For him, to lose his wealth, lose his property, peace of mind all of that.

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And to never be assured that you are going to be see, you will see, especially in the beginning, that you're going to see the fruits of all of that you may die before it, but just deliver the message.

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And he kept at it, and he kept doing it. But what did he get back?

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Because typically, right? If you sacrifice so much, you want to get something from the dunya. What does he get from the dunya for all of this? Nothing.

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He kept losing it. And even when he got it, even when it came to him, he gave it away.

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So you understand that this is a man who was not after the dunya in the least and this is what He taught his companions, may Allah be pleased with them. Don't be deceived and deluded by the dunya. What is this world to me is its example is like someone who attacked or taken a nap under the shade of a tree than he had woken up and kept traveling. He says that's the dunya for me. So here LA is Salatu was Salam didn't desire it didn't seek it didn't run after it, and he did not get it. And he gave it up. So he sacrificed for us to receive this message from A to Z.

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And he also said Alayhi Salatu was Salam. I did not leave a thing that will bring you closer to Allah but I told you about it. And not a thing that will take you away from Allah but I told you about it and I've left you upon things that is as white as they are, you will not deviate from it.

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That is very clear. If you follow the Quran and the Sunnah you will not deviate from it. So he did his best Alayhi Salatu was Salam to the last moment to teach and educate that is how much he had sacrifice.

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Allah azza wa jal also praised him for his character.

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He said subhanho wa taala. We're in luck Allah Allah Julio Karina Aleem and you are honest of outstanding character, you have the best of character. So you will have a person who is humble you love a person who is generous you love a person who's forgiving you love a person was smiling. When you read the description of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam and his Shema, IL, and how he lived and how we behaved and how we forgave all of these things individually and combined will push you to love the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, for his character for the beauty of his actions and the beauty of His words

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for his wisdom, for we taught you to do and what not to do.

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loving Him because all the good that we have came through him.

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You will not be able to enter heaven unless through Muhammad Ali salatu salam because the Quran came through what

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and the explanation is through him and salah, and vicar and dua, and all information about the afterlife through

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him and about our soul and what saves it about a successful marriage about a successful raising of children about a successful society, about diseases of the heart diseases of the body, how to cure them who told to talk to you all of this lawsuit Allah is Allah Allah, Allah wa salam. So you understand how dependent you are on him. From the moment that you wake up till you go to sleep, the thicker that you begin your day with, and the salah that you begin with and the Quran that protects you, and the thicker and dry that you say to immunize yourself and your family, all of this ad comes from Medallia. Salatu was Salam. So you're constantly depending on him for wisdom, you don't realize

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it, but you need him more that you need any other human including your parents.

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You see how much you love your parents. You need them more than you need your parents and he is more beneficial to you than your parents are.

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Key is he is at benefited you with much more than your pie your parents could possibly do. So that is the amazing thing about Muhammad Ali salatu Sinha, that he is very close to you, but you don't realize how close he is to you. Every time you pray as if he is standing teaching you every time you're making dials if he's standing, teaching you every time you're seeking a solution to a problem from the Quran and Sunnah as if he is teaching you. So you're really completely a student of his dependent on him Allah Salatu was Sinha and also you don't understand how influential he is,

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and how much he had influenced you. And your life. Right to begin with your name.

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Your name would not have been possible.

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Without Muhammad Ali salatu salam, most of us right, I don't know all of your names. Right, but your names, your name would not have been possible. Mohammed Mohammed Al Assad was

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the place where you were born.

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Right, how you were raised

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the food that you eat.

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Because if you to imagine that Islam not exist, and Muhammad Ali salatu salam did not exist. Can you imagine that you'd be a very different person than you are today. Not only your name, but even the food,

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even the location,

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even your head will be very different. So the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam in his present historically and what he thought is part of what constitutes you as a person.

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That's why you also we love him, and he is Salatu was Salam.

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And in the Hadith here is just a quick comment about that eloquence that is mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. The Hadith that says that you do not have Eman until you love Muhammad Ali salatu salam more than the parents and the children and all people. So here on page 198, one of the in the commentaries on the Hadith, they said that this is an eloquent comprehensive statement from the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam because he distilled in that hadith, that three different types of love that a person could have, because you have a parent, a child, and other people, it is saved. The love of a parent is one that is based on reverence and

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The love for a child is one that is based on care and mercy. And the love of other people is love among equals about suitability and connections between them. So it says these are the types of love that the prophets Allah Azza wa sallam was referring to one, two, and three. So even one, two, and three, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam deserves more than all of that. And we explained some of the reasons why he does Alayhi Salatu was Salam. You will love him also because of the religious benefits and the worldly benefits that he gives you, which we alluded to. So, if a person is going to save you from hellfire, does he not deserve your love?

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And a person comes and offers you heaven? On a plate does he not deserve your love? And he tells you not only generally but in detail how to avoid hellfire and every small mistake, how it can be avoided and also how you can get into heaven and all the other deeds that help you get into heaven.

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Would you not love a person who is guiding you to your own benefit and protecting you from your own harm, which is something that we ourselves fail to do with ourselves and also worldly benefit that we talked about? So how to stay married to your spouse how to solve your problems. He tells you at a salon, how to raise your children he tells you how you protect your business he tells you how to resolve conflicts. He tells you how to have good character so that you are

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Not and you're not abusing other people and they're not abusing you even in the dunya. So if we implement with the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam actually taught you would have this ideal society, or close to an ideal society as we could have. And that in itself is anathema that when you see, you would love the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, because of the benefit that he had brought to you not only in the athy Allah, but in the earth here and the dunya.

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So, loving him, Allah, His Salatu was Salam is a

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religious love,

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initially. And you may see that, or say that it conflicts with the natural love that we have. But the more that you know him, and the more that you make dua, and the more that you understand him, then that religious love will grow until it will eventually Eclipse and be stronger than even the natural love that we have. And it is possible. And this is how the companions of Muhammad Ali salatu salam,

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behaved around him felt around him. So I'll share with you few of these things in sha Allah. So the arm beginning on page 199, onward.

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So it says a man comes to the messenger, Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And he tells him he says to him, he says, O Messenger of Allah. He says, Wallahi I love you more than I love myself.

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And I love you more than I love my family and more than I might, and then I love my children.

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And when I'm home, and I remember you, I can be patient until I see you to look at him.

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You see, that's the type of love that he is experiencing towards the prophet and a salon to us, I love him more than myself, my children, my family, everybody, and when I'm home, when I remember you, I can't wait to come and see you. And he says, but when I think that when I die and you die, I know that you will enter Jannah and be raised and elevated with the prophets. And if I enter Jannah if I were to enter it, I'm afraid that I will not see you will not get to see you. So the Prophet sallahu wa salam did not give him a reply. He waited until Gibreel Alayhis Salam came with the following area, or Miyota, ILAHA rasool Allah, Allah Ikoma, Medina and I'm Allahu Allah him, Mina

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nabina was the one who obeys Allah and the messenger will be with those who Allah had favored from among the prophets and the Saudi.

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Meaning that if you obey Allah, and the messenger, and you enter Jannah, would you be able to be with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, yes, even though it's not the same level, but you will be able to see him at his Salatu was Salam. So that is the answer to the anguish of that man, you worry about not seeing Muhammad Ali's Salatu was Salam in heaven, because he can't stand without seeing him in the dunya. How about the HERA? He said, No, if you obey Allah and the messenger, you will be in the company of the best of the best the prophets of Allah and the Saudis and so on and so on.

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I don't even know if you thought about the Allahu Anhu he said, How much did you guys love the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam are those who didn't see that or witness it? He said, All of the Allahu Anhu he says, well, Allah, he he was more beloved to us than our wealth, and children and parents, fathers, fathers and mothers, and from cold water when we are thirsty.

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It's a kind of that's that's the beauty of it is you'll only appreciate that. If you're experiencing hot summers in Arabia.

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Or maybe some of them here, right? When it's really hot, and you're looking for not just water, but really cold water, and nothing else will do except cold water. And when you drink it, the satisfaction that you receive

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from drinking it. How much would you love that? So he said that the Allahu Anhu we loved him more than we loved all people and even any material thing that we have

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a worker Radi Allahu Anhu. He said to the messenger, Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He says, I swear by Allah who had sent you with the truth.

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The Islam if Abu Talib were to accept Islam, I would be happier with this than if my father would accept Islam. Because the Islam of Abu Talib is more beloved to you.

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And Omar Radi Allahu Anhu. He said that about that Abbas would accept their buses, the uncle of a Prophet alayhi salatu was and he said if the Abbas would accept Islam, I would like that more than love it more than if my father will Hapa would accept Islam because they know that the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam would love that more.

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And these are true sentiments. So think about Abu Bakr and Omar.

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They're talking about their fathers

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So Abu Bakr says, I want my father to accept Islam so you understand how intense that desire would be on one my father to be in *.

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But then he looks and he finds that the uncle of Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam with Abu Bakr, it's Abu Talib. Now, of course, the prophet would love that. We Buckers father would accept Islam, right.

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But when it comes to Abu Talib, he would love it as a person accepting Islam, but also he loves it as a relative as well as a person close to him. So Abu Bakr notices, where is the love of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, it's here, he says, Because of it, I love it more. That's how they rationalize it. And once they realize it, it settles in the hearts. Because this is how you process it. Which thing does the Prophet love more? He says, I think he would love that he'd relative would accept Islam.

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He still would love my father to accept it. But my Rella his relative says for that, I will love that more. So if you push yourself,

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you could go in that direction. And Omar said something similar, Al Abbas more than my father. And that is only because the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam would love it more. And as part of the Allahu Anhu said this on page 201. He said, I saw the messenger Alayhi Salatu was Salam and the barber was cutting his hair.

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And the Sahaba had surrounded him hoping that if any piece of hair would fall, it would fall into their hands.

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Right, so that they would keep it

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and they would not go to waste.

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Now, this is in part also because there is something special about the hair of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, what is it?

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You there's Baraka in it.

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Now our hair doesn't have Baraka right?

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Does it

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right? Otherwise you'd be collecting all of your hair and keeping it selling it right? I mean, our hair doesn't have Baraka by you. Just Just to clarify anyone alive today with their hair have Baraka in it. Anyone alive today?

00:32:12 --> 00:32:20

No, so zero Baraka so no one's hair, or sweat, or saliva, we'd have Baraka except

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Muhammad Ali salatu salam, not even Abu Bakr and Omar because how do you know he says because the other Sahaba did not treat them in the in that way. Nobody came to Oberon O'Meara and say give me your hair. Give me your sweat. Nobody did that. So we know that that is what a quality exclusive only to Rasul Allah Hi Sal, Allahu Allahu Allah setting up. So if you see images, pictures, videos of people seeking the hair or saliva or sweat of somebody who's alive, you understand that? That's not the right practice. So keep that in mind. But here there is baraka in the hair of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. But it's not just that only. There is that intense attachment that they had

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to him at a Salatu was Salam that they would just want to keep that to themselves. That's the love that they had Omraam No, Laos.

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All of the Allahu Anhu Hado a few see up but in most honorable house is his hobby who accepted Islam later. On his deathbed, he said what he said I didn't love anyone more than loving the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And I did not respect anyone more than I did the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And for that I could not gaze fully and keep looking at him.

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Right? I couldn't keep looking. I couldn't stare at him. And he says, If I were to be asked to describe him, I wouldn't be able to describe him in full Alayhi Salatu was Salam because it I would not stare at.

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So you know that that's the amount of respect he had for the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. You know how sometimes with parents, maybe, maybe that's the closest thing if you really respect someone, you really respect someone. And you can look him, look him in the eye.

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You have to look down. That's how much respect you have. So when it came to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he says so much love and respect, I couldn't like to look at him for too long. He would lower his case.

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And that is someone who accepted Islam later in comparison to other people.

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By the last thing we mentioned and this is coming from Malik

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Rahim Allah

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and Malik, this is the Imam Imam Malik. He says Ghana Malik would either do Kieran Nebby use of Allahu alayhi wa sallam yada yada will own Hawaiian honey. That is oh boy Valley CA La Jolla. Sir, he says Malik. If the prophets Allah Allah wa salam would be mentioned. His face the color of his face would change.

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And he would bend he would bend an incline.

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Until that would be difficult to witness and people around would feel

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Sorry for him. Right they kind of pity him for this. So they advised him about it This is why do you why do you react so strongly? Like whenever the Prophet saw you send him his mentioned, you know the your color changes, you kind of bend

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forward a bit. You feel you see him fully affected by that every time it happens. He said Rahim Allah He said, If you were to see what I saw, you would not blame me. He says I used to see Mohammed Norman Qaeda, and he was the best of scholars. We whenever we'd ask him about a hadith ever, he would cry until we would feel sorry for

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the way it does that come from that is from attachment to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

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That whenever the men of the prophets name is mentioned, and he's going to talk about a hadith, you feel on one hand, the gravity of what you're going to do, because I'm quoting him Medallia Salatu was Sinha. But also you have that such love for him that when you start, just like if you're going to start quoting, a dead parent

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of yours, that you love so much. And as you do that, the lip starts to quiver. And tears start to drop because you what that would go saying reminds you of him. So they had that attachment to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam that as they say it, they feel that longing and he starts to cry.

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That separation becomes hard.

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That's the difficulty that they experienced. And it is what it is all a consequence of loving MIT Salatu was Salam. Then the question is, how do we love him? How do we love him? How do we translate everything that we know into something that we do and something that we feel? So we have to start increasing the love for what we have for him LA is Salatu was Salam so that it didn't contribute, displace other love.

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So again, it's nothing that's going to happen immediately, instantly. But it's a process and it's a struggle, but the more that you have this His love, the less that you're going to have that other human love. Right? And no one is asking you to stop loving humanity, stop loving people stop loving your family. We're just saying have more of the love for Muhammad Ali. He's Salatu was Salam. So the first thing that should be done is to follow him.

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Follow him. Okay. Even if that love is not entirely there, you push yourself to follow Him. Allah is Salatu was Salam. And it will urge him again, he says in NAMA, the team will muhabba to be da Gama Carlita, Allah for income to people in Allah factory only become Allah. He says, Love is only fulfilled through obedience is only completed through obedience as Allah said, Say If you love Allah, then follow me and Allah will love you.

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So it's all tied to Allah following Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam. So you say I want to live in more. What's the first thing that I should do? Follow Him,

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follow Him in big and small matters, follow him. Because the more that you follow that practice, will open doors of love for you, will push you closer to him to how he lived and what he said and how we slept and woke up all of these things. You'll start behaving like him, moving like him, talking like him. And that will make you love him more. So the more that you obey, and listen, the more that you surrender to what he said, the more that you will have Muhammad Ali he are Salatu was Salam.

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The second thing is to learn more about him

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to study his life.

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And who, frankly me to be honest, we don't really know Muhammad Ali, his Salatu was Salam now really now? Well, we know certain things about him, here and there. Sometimes it's very superficial.

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But if someone were to ask you Do you know him and a salatu salam, like do you know two things here? Do you know his life in detail, his biography,

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what he lived, how we lived, what he went through the struggles,

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the battles, the sacrifices, so his biography, do you know it's in detail?

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So if you don't know him, how will you love him?

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Right? Doesn't that make sense? How can you love someone that you don't know?

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Is that that's the first thing we need to study his life and he's salatu salam. The second is we need to read his wisdom and words.

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So again, how can you love him at a salatu salam, while have not listened to him? So you don't read the Hadith? You don't have a book of Hadith.

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You don't understand what he said. You don't appreciate his wisdom. You don't know what he said about A, B, C and D. So you're distant in terms of d

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tails of his life distant in terms of his wisdom, how could you love Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam. So we need to fill that gap with studying his life and studying his sayings, the Hadith, the more that you read his Hadith, the more that you will get connected to him. You feel closer to Him, be able to quote what he said. And it will influence your mind and will influence your heart and then you will start to also change because of it. And then you will start to love Him and His Salah to a sinner.

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The third thing is asking for it because this is something

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that is a gift from him Subhana wa Tada this is this is an honor. Loving Allah unloving the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam is an honor. So ask with that love and ask for ways to attain it and ask for waists for it to be preserved. So DUA and also Salah and Suriname upon the Prophet alayhi wa Salatu was Salam.

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And he said that he is Salatu was Salam. As a motivation for us mon Salah Allah Yahweh Haider sallallahu alayhi, Ashura, the one who says Salah once for me, Allah says Salah 10 times for him. So if you say sallallahu alayhi wa salam.

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How many times does Allah say Salah for you? 10 times and Salah is praise in elevation. Then when you say your Allah, give Salah to Mohammed Ali Salatu was Salam means elevate them. And if Allah does that to you, Allah is elevating you. So the more that you do it to the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam, the more that you get from Allah, but it also keeps you connected to him. It has Salatu was Salam you keep mentioning his name. And the more that you mentioned someone's name and you feel close to him, the more that you will end up loving him bead Nila.

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There are a couple of Hadith here that we will talk about when it comes to saying salah, Salah and Santa upon the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. So I'll come to them in sha Allah, but before that, but just briefly

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talk about what it means to love him.

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What loving him means

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even even if we're not at that level, but we are striving, what it means is that you want to be completely like him.

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Right? You want to copy everything that he has done. And you know that he presents the best guidance and example, no other human has that status. And you shouldn't give any other human being that status. So the words of Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam are the ones that are always accurate. No other scholar that comes after achieves that status, and no other human being living today, whether they are Muslim or non Muslim should ever be awarded that status. But only Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam. Everything that he has done big and small, are things that take you and lead you to Allah azza wa jal, so appreciate him as the best guidance giver. So if he tells you to do something, even

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if it goes against what you like, you take it

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and if he tells you to avoid something that you like, you accept it from him, because you know that his choice is better than ours. Otherwise, our love for him is flawed and incomplete, then we love ourselves more. So loving him means to be like him. And there is no by the way, there is no minor sunnah. Or big sunnah. There is no if you love Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam. You're not going to filter the Sunnah. Based on what is this an obligation? Or is this only recommended? Because sooner could be an obligation as well, right? I know that stuff, different terminology. But I'm using suna here to mean his example. So his example sometimes could be an obligation. And his because example

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sometimes could be only recommended. So they said something about the Sahaba, which is really curious, which is different than what we do today is that when they receive something from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, they don't ask for it. Is this an obligation or a recommended act?

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Because what do you mean when you're asking is this a an obligation or a recommended act? What you're implying?

00:44:34 --> 00:44:47

Should I do it? That's the question. Like, do I have to do this? Is this an obligation because somebody tells you Nobody said okay, it's an obligation, then I have no choice. What if they say it's only recommended? What's the reaction?

00:44:48 --> 00:44:59

I don't have to do it. Right. So they didn't ask that. If the Prophet did something, they do it. And only when they fail, that I won't be

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able to

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is this an obligation? Or is it recommended? Then they get their answer. But their attitude, the default position is what? He did it, I'll do it. That's love. That's emulation. Alright, that's free sharing his guidance could not investigate and tell him Do you know? Do I have to do it? Do I really have to do it? And why did he ask you to do it? Why did he recommend it unless that it is to your own benefit. So that's what it means there's nothing called minor or small sin.

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What it means if you love him, that you stay very close to his practice, very close to his guidance, very close to the way that he lived very away from what he avoided. An E Salatu was Salam. What it means also, is, as we just said, and this is where we come to Salah and Suriname upon him, is to always remember him.

00:45:56 --> 00:46:18

Right? So it kind of works both ways. You don't have love for the Prophet to remember him to get it. And if you love naturally you will remember him because that's the consequence of loving him. So remembering the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam is also a means but also a fruit of loving him at a Salatu was Salam. So a couple of Hadith that maybe could motivate us to do this.

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He said la Salatu was Salam. He says inna lillahi Mata Yucatan, say your Hanaa field or you build your own Eman, almighty Sinha. He says Allah has zoton has traveling angels on earth that convey my OMA salam to me.

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So there are angels roaming this earth. And if you see salaam to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. They convey that Salam and how it happened specifically, he said that a salatu salam in the following Hadith he says at Feroz sala de la increase Salah for me say a lot of that for me because Allah had appointed an angel at my grave if someone says that Salah for me that angel will tell me Oh Mohamed so and so son of so and so had offered Salah for you at this hour.

00:47:10 --> 00:47:14

Right? So you get mentioned binding

00:47:16 --> 00:47:22

you and the only understand that privilege that there is that Angel

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and he's appointed just for that. So you say okay, well the Prophet, no mining,

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okay, you're going to be mentioned by name, as many times as you offer the Salah and salah,

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your name and your father's name, your full name. So that's the honor

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to be heard by the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

00:47:47 --> 00:47:59

And by the way, this is the case to if you're next to the grave of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam and you say, Allah wa Salatu was Salam ala Muhammad wa salam ala Rasulillah. Does he hear you directly?

00:48:01 --> 00:48:02

No know through the angel.

00:48:04 --> 00:48:13

Right through the angel, right. So you don't communicate directly with the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, he hears you through the angel. That's why some of the ad will bait

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when they saw somebody next to the grave of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam and he is spending a lot of time there. A lot of time there. So he grabbed him and he said, What are you doing there and he's like, communicate and communicate communicating with the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam sending Salah and Salah for him. And so you mentioned this hadith to him about the traveling angels. And he says solve for that. You and someone in southern Spain is the same from an Under or member woman Bill Andalusi ilyasova You who is right next to the grave giving that Salah and salaam to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam and someone in Al en de los, you're both are the same because it

00:48:55 --> 00:49:09

happens through the same medium, the angels of Allah Allah xojo Right. So it tells you that that is the privilege wherever you may be, you could be mentioned to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, right?

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And loving him also means loving to see him,

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loving to see him.

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And he said to his salatu salam and this is in Sahih Muslim, a says of the people who love me the most in my ummah are ones who will come after me one of them would love to see me even if it were to cost them their family and wealth in them in Russia dinner sick openly that they will be people who would love me so intensely, love me to love me with among the most people who would love me and they will come after they haven't seen him at a Salatu was Salam. But they read so much about Him and they FOLLOW Him so closely, and they miss him so much he is Salatu was Salam that if they were given that choice, I will leave my family and leave my wealth just to see him and he is Salatu was Salam

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at sacrifice them just to see him do

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As to be right next to him.

00:50:02 --> 00:50:11

And just imagine, again, the newcomer of being right next to Muhammad Ali, his Salatu was Salam right now and asking him all the questions you wanted to ask everything.

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What is what will happen to my parents? What will happen to this? Is this halal? Is this haram? Should I do this? Should I not do? He answers all of that, all of it?

00:50:22 --> 00:50:24

And that's the final answer. Imagine that nema.

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So just imagine, right? If you were to see him, Sal, Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and just give him all of your burden. You know, what's troubling me this, and this, and this, and this. And he gives you his beautiful words, and he takes it all away. That's better than the best advice that you would ever receive from anybody else. Just imagine the comfort.

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So that is why they would love to see Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam because every time they hear, he said, he said he did. He said, he advised, and they follow and they follow. And they follow and hit that love has penetrated every cell in their body, and they can't wait till they see Muhammad Ali here. So that was Sinha. And if you think that's an exaggeration, think of people today who will travel 1000s of miles to see a celebrity. And when they see that celebrity, they will scream and they will faint. And they will pay 1000s of dollars just to have what private counsel with them private meeting with them to 1000s of dollars, and they will keep paying more just so that they will

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have that with those private meetings with them. Why would they give so much money? Because they love them? Why would they travel because they love them? Why would they sacrifice because they love them. So this love for Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam is more intense.

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And the last thing insha Allah that we will say and then we'll take your questions. What does it mean to love him and he Salatu was Salam. It means that as the Sahaba migrated to him, and the left everything behind. We also have an obligation on us a hedgerow a migration to the Sunnah of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Because wherever whatever you inhabit, in terms of habit, custom, culture,

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preferences, this is where you are. And Muhammad sallahu wa salam imagine him is residing there in Medina, and your obligation is to migrate to him.

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So you consider, I have this bad thing that I'm doing migrate to him. There is good, this good thing that I'm not doing migrate to him. I put other opinions ahead of his nor migrate to him. So that his opinion or his counsel, his advice is that is the top advice. That is a Hijra. And that Hijra is at times as difficult as the initial Hegira because you're going to leave things behind things that you are used to. But we need another hero to Muhammad Ali his Salatu was Sinha so if he says something, he settles it, okay.

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as he as Allah azza wa jal said in the Quran, where you said Limitus Lima, that there is no homage in their hearts, but our big Allah you know that that you had chemotherapy, Masha Jabba, you know, so malaria you do fucile Dori him ha Jemima Otto you Salim with a slim, it says By Allah, they do not, will not accept or have Iman, until they make you the judge in their disputes. And then after they hear their judgment, they find no hesitation in their hearts against your judgment. And they submit to it completely.

00:53:41 --> 00:53:49

That's a migration to Muhammad Ali his Salatu was Salam where, oh, he decided this. That's it. That's for me.

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Even if my hearts resists it, you still your heart, you'd understand nothing. I'll follow Muhammad Ali's Salatu was Salam. And by the way, there's something I've been glad that I

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kind of did not skip it.

00:54:07 --> 00:54:08


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now I'm so loving the profits of a lady who was sitting them is belongs to kind of two typical grades or two levels.

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The first level is the level that the Hadith talks about, which is the obligation. You do not have Iman, until you love the promise and Rasul Allah, Allah was Silla more than parents and children and everybody else. That's an obligation.

00:54:35 --> 00:54:37

It doesn't mean that if you don't have it, you're not a believer.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:44

No, you're still a believer. You still have Iman, you still have Islam, but your iman is not complete.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:59

You get it. So Eman is not complete. Until this happen. If it's not, then it's deficient. And it's an obligation for you to complete this Iman it must be completed. You must strive if we fail

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And we die without it, that's fine, but you strive to complete it. So it must happen this way. So what is this obligatory level, you stay away from the Haram and you do the obligations, and you will love him it is Salatu was Salam more than you love other people, and you submit to his sunnah and you believe necessarily believe that his guidance is better than any other guidance is an opinion is better than any other opinion. And his example is better than any other example. If you don't believe that, then it's deficient and may be even

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contradictory to Islam, you cannot believe that somebody's guidance is better than Muhammad that would contradict Islam. So these are the obligations, the obligatory level, there is another level, which is the recommended level. That's the higher one. What is this higher one, the two you do the recommended acts that the Prophet salatu salam recommended you stay away from disliked acts, and you love them more than you love yourself.

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That's the recommended act. And that is here the meaning of the exchange between the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Omar and you know, the Hadith, I think, right? So the Prophet once was holding Omar's hand.

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And Omar, he himself says or messenger of Allah, you are more beloved to me than anything else except myself.

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Meaning I love you more than anything else except myself. So the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam he said lo Allah Dean fcbd. At the Hakuna habitually come in of sick he says no, by the one who has my soul in his head, not until are more beloved to you than your own self. Not until So Omar said for in the whole no hola hola enter hub boy em in FC says then now you are more beloved to me than myself. So he said la Salatu was Salam now Omar.

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That's recommended.

00:57:04 --> 00:57:23

But one is also to understand this and maybe we conclude with that. So Rama Radi Allahu Anhu was very honest. He says I love you more than anything else meaning my parents, my children, my wealth, everything else. So why is it that the prophets Allah was sentimental to him? No until you love me more than you love yourself?

00:57:24 --> 00:57:27

Because that is the station that befits Omar.

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That's what he's supposed to reach.

00:57:31 --> 00:57:44

Because Omar is right here at the top. And if you want to deserve that station of being a hallmark is you got to push yourself until you love me more than you love yourself.

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So Umar Radi Allahu Anhu was so pliant you know when you have Iman, you're very flexible. You know, if you do stretching your body is very flexible. So if somebody tells you do this and do that it stretches because what you've been stretching it so for your iman is that strong. It could push it. So he's writing or he has his residing at the edge. And the Prophet said no, until you love me more. And Omar immediately retreated thought about it. And he understood that this is where he is supposed to be. And then Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam benefits him more than he benefits his own self. So he says, Now I love you more. And he says, now you've achieved the status that you're supposed to

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achieve the status of being Omar, the second best in this ummah, after Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu Of course, excluding the Prophet

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so that is a recommended station, but it's a possible station. And we simply saw something that we could strive for. So we asked Allah azza wa jal for it right and we'll talk more about loving the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam but I hope that that was enough as a dose to help us in sha Allah

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and motivate us to know him better and to love Him more inshallah. Allahu Allah.

00:59:02 --> 00:59:08

And in sha Allah if you have questions, I will receive them and let me check into them if there's any anything online

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but feel free to raise your hand if you have inshallah anything you want to ask.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:33

For the look, they're in the back. Yeah.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:35

Yeah, it's your Yeah.

00:59:36 --> 00:59:37

It comes salaam Roehampton.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:16

Now I'm in sha Allah I only only couple of exotic things come to mind in sha Allah but I've tried to think of more.

01:01:41 --> 01:02:20

Okay, okay, Zach Allah here. So if you want to pray to head good and the purpose is for you to make, do and ask Allah azza wa jal to grant you His love and love with the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. I mean, is praying for that purpose for that dua. Is that bad? Is that a bit? No, it isn't. Because gaining the love of Allah has Zoda, as we said, is the best of the best. That's the aim of our a Buddha. So if you're praying, in order to increase your love for Allah and for Allah to love you more, and for you to love Him more. And if in your DUA, you're asking for the love of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, then you're doing what you're actually supposed to do with this

01:02:20 --> 01:02:24

absolutely nothing wrong with it. Inshallah, so that answers your questions. And

01:02:25 --> 01:02:44

the first one is about recommendations for books to read about the CRO, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, I'd have to get back to you on that, so that I could kind of sift through some of them the only thing that comes to mind, if you already because you mentioned the sealed nectar. So in addition to it, if you read a Shema in

01:02:46 --> 01:03:27

by Tirmidhi, a Shema il by a Tirmidhi, which is the description the physical and non physical description and attributes of the Prophet alayhi. Salatu was Salam written by a Tirmidhi, and it's translated to English, that would tell you a lot about the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And it's not overwhelming because it's just a hadith and traditions. So if you read that, and a book like The eldest son hain, which is not difficult to process widely available, but how Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, if it's not in your library, than obtain that insha Allah because it will give you a good general view and the Hadith are easy and simple to understand. So, that will give you a

01:03:27 --> 01:03:41

good connection to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam sorry Abu Salah Hain and a Shema L by A Tirmidhi and if I think of something else in sha Allah whether now or next week in sha Allah I will share that with you in schomp

01:03:42 --> 01:03:43

there was a sister right here

01:03:44 --> 01:03:45

and it can be said on Rahmatullah.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:02

So like the hair of the Prophet and the sandals of the Prophet and that's in a museum, right?

01:04:04 --> 01:04:07

Or we don't have them here, did you see them on tour here?

01:04:08 --> 01:04:40

Okay, because I think that someone's somehow brought something on tour here. So, of course, so the question is that you see in museums or people claim that they have the hair of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, or the sandals of the prophet or the cloak of the Prophet and all of these things? Do they actually belong to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam or not? So it's important to remember that the way to affirm a connection, like how do you know take a hadith How do you know that the hadith is a Hadith

01:04:42 --> 01:04:55

you know, through a chain, right? So and So narrated that so and so narrated that this is how this the rope by which you know that this hadith is a Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam if it doesn't have a chain, what do you say?

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

That it isn't, it can be said

01:05:00 --> 01:05:06

There needs to be a verification. Now, how do I know if I were to verify that this hair is the Prophet's hair?

01:05:08 --> 01:05:09

It needs what

01:05:10 --> 01:05:57

chain? It needs a chain. How is this his cloak? How is this his sandals? How is this any of his? It needs a chain? What if you just present it to me like this cut off from history? And he was printed? And this is his? I'll tell you how do you know? Where did you get this phone? From this person? How did where did he get it from? Or where did he get it from? Where did he get it from? So the likelihood the likelihood is not these are not his. So the Sahaba had traces of the hair of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and things that he owned that either inherited. Right? But then from when you come into the era of the Imam Malik Ahmed, they said we used to hear about someone who had them.

01:05:59 --> 01:06:38

We used to hear about someone but there's just the parish they got lost, they just no connection to them anymore. So even if somebody comes in says, hey, you know what, I had a secret stash. And this is a where's the connection? Right? So the connection is lost. And because there's a theater that we built on it, because this is baraka in it see can be based on what hearsay right or what a museum claims. A museum is very different. The idea of a museum that just collects things of the past is very different than collecting things of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam that needs chains and verifications. So Jacqueline, Allah here for that question, it was important, yeah.

01:06:39 --> 01:06:39

When it comes to cinema

01:06:57 --> 01:07:06

so what is the limit of defending the prophets, Allah, he was salam, if you are having a discussion, and you hear something inappropriate about him, what is the limit, right?

01:07:07 --> 01:07:18

The limit, of course, will depend on who the person is and what you can do. I mean, the least that you could do is defend him verbally, and he is Salatu was Salam. And if they refuse to stop you leap.

01:07:19 --> 01:07:39

So that is, that's, that's what's within your means, as I can imagine, because I don't imagine that you will have physical means to enforce, right? That they should stop or they should retreat or anything. So absent physical power, right, which typically, it's only people with power, the Imam and the Khalifa.

01:07:40 --> 01:07:46

But absent that, the only thing is you have is your words, power of persuasion, or removing yourself from it.

01:07:48 --> 01:07:50

That's the best that I could recommend.

01:07:52 --> 01:07:52


01:07:54 --> 01:07:57

try I mean, and there's a difference between the ignorant and the stubborn.

01:07:58 --> 01:08:10

The one who's ignorant, who needs education, you'd be patient with them. And the one who knows but it's stubborn and purposely is attacking that there is no wisdom and benefit in talking to them, you just

01:08:12 --> 01:08:13

that would be the wisest

01:08:15 --> 01:08:16

anybody on the men's side for them

01:08:19 --> 01:08:20

when it comes crimson?

01:08:39 --> 01:09:16

Zakah Okay, that's a good question. So is it based on what we said? Is it recommended that when you go to Medina, you visit the grave of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Yeah, it is recommended. So how, why do we know that it's recommended? That's what the Sahaba would do. But how often would they do it? Right. So when you do it, when you're traveling, you come and you do it once you say salaam to him. And before you leave, you say salam and you leave. So when you arrive in Medina, you do it. And before your departure, you do it. That's what the Sahaba that's what the tab you're in. That's what Maliki also and the scholars of Medina they would do. It wasn't their custom because

01:09:16 --> 01:09:48

they will be in the masjid every single day. So it wasn't their custom every single day go to the grave and say Sudan, Suriname upon the Prophet he says that's not what we saw the people of Medina do, the people of Medina and the tambourine would do is that if they arrived from outside of Medina, they would give the Sudan Suriname to him and if they want to leave, they give Salah and salaam to him so that is what is recommended. So that's what you do inshallah you enter from Babel Sinha? He goes st Salam and you leave you did your part when you arrive before you want to leave you do the same thing and you'll leave

01:09:49 --> 01:09:52

so we do it why because they did it. Yeah.

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

Now that's what she mentioned. The Sealed nectars, Zakka Lucha

01:10:00 --> 01:10:06

Yeah, okay, anyone here? The sisters okay just have I think I'll go ahead

01:10:29 --> 01:10:29


01:10:30 --> 01:11:15

Okay, so what can you tell us the state of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam in terms of after his death as he goes through all the states stages that we go through sort of like the trial of the grave, right and something similar to that. So the prophets of Allah azza wa jal are very unique and very distinct. So no prophet of Allah is going to be questioned in his grave. Because we know that the martyrs Shaheed doesn't get questioned in his grave, right, and the Prophet is better. So he doesn't get questioned as his grave. And also they have an other worldly other worldly life in their graves that is superior to every other, every other person. So the level of consciousness the level

01:11:15 --> 01:11:22

of life, right they have is very different than other lives. So they are superior in that.

01:11:23 --> 01:11:24

I'm trying to think of

01:11:25 --> 01:11:26

other differences

01:11:29 --> 01:11:35

Well, let me see if I think of more insha Allah I'll let you know but if you have something particular in mind asked me

01:11:36 --> 01:11:40

but that's just that what immediately comes to mind in sha Allah

01:11:43 --> 01:11:44

or there's more okay.

01:11:46 --> 01:11:48

So let's tend to insha Allah

01:11:52 --> 01:12:09

Yes, that's the thing I had in mind and Zack Allah here that his body doesn't decay. So the Shaheed also his body doesn't decay. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said that Allah had forbidden that Earth would eat the bodies of the prophets, says a very different, very different than the rest of humanity.

01:12:14 --> 01:12:16

So he said, Can you explain this?

01:12:17 --> 01:12:47

Saying just Allahu Anessa heathen, I'm humbled and sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Bhima who Hello? It means that may Allah reward the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for what he added to us with whatever it's fit for him. That's what it means. May Allah has to reward the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam be my word. Hello. So yes, that basically is making dua for the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And you could do this if you want, right? When you feel motivated to, to do that,

01:12:48 --> 01:12:57

but in terms of kind of repetition, one after the other one after the other, so that answer, but if you just want to say May Allah reward the Prophet, you definitely can.

01:12:59 --> 01:13:08

It's a dua so says, Is this a dua or a type of Salah, it's a DUA, so just Allahu Anessa. Now Mohammed is just May Allah reward him, that's what it means.

01:13:16 --> 01:13:16


01:13:18 --> 01:13:33

so very quickly here, how did they tell you and teach the children to love their soul? Allah Hi, Sal, Allahu alayhi wa sallam who the things that we talked about through an example, to being an example of practicing that love, connecting him to his son, Ali Salatu was Salam early on.

01:13:35 --> 01:14:13

making dua for that sunnah. The more that you practice, the more that you know, the more that you are connected to him, because they used to teach them a Razzie I just remembered. They used to teach them a vazhi of Rasulullah sallallahu. I do send them to children at a very young age. The Mikaze is kind of a condensed Sierra, it's the battles, but think today's in terms of the Sierra is a very young age, they would teach them the life of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. So if you introduce that early, and it's detailed, and you connect it to especially the emotional sides of that, and how it relates to them, they will be connected to the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam for years and

01:14:13 --> 01:14:14

years to come in sha Allah

01:14:17 --> 01:14:55

what are the right approach is to guide our children to do the recommended at enticing them, telling them what they get when they will do it, then from that Allah will love them because see, that's the thing. We don't tell them that Allah is going to love them when they do this and that they will get so much that Allah is going to grant them such and such tofield success in life and in the next when they do this extra thing and that extra thing that's how you motivate them. So you have them love Allah and they will want to do more for him. Subhana wa Tada. So increase that love as we mentioned it before, and talk to them about the benefits of those recommended acts.

01:14:56 --> 01:14:57


01:15:00 --> 01:15:04

Now this is something that I did not want to get into.

01:15:06 --> 01:15:06


01:15:10 --> 01:15:11

This about the Molad, right?

01:15:13 --> 01:15:23

And is syncing the Salawat in the sheets permissible? So Allah wa Salatu was Salam ala Muhammad, so is singing the Salawat in the sheep permissible? You want to see if that machine is

01:15:24 --> 01:15:31

there? Is it a music or not? Right? So it's empty. If it's empty of music, it's just acapella. Just people.

01:15:32 --> 01:15:38

And also, people have not used their sounds to mimic music.

01:15:39 --> 01:15:51

Right? Because he could do that, right? See, you're getting me in trouble. I didn't really want to get into all of that. They, okay. So if people ask about, about musical instruments and about

01:15:52 --> 01:16:05

digital mimicry of that have those sounds? If I produce the same sounds through a computer, right? Is it as bad or better or worse than the musical instrument itself?

01:16:07 --> 01:16:08

The effect is what

01:16:09 --> 01:16:49

is the same right? So exactly the same slug of musical instruments a musical instrument? It's not bad because the drum, there's something wrong with the shape of the drum, or the guitar or whatever. It's not the string that the problem or that letter? That's the problem. What's the problem? The sound. So if I produce the sound through a computer or a digital format, it still would be a problem, right? Okay, if I bring someone who's very talented, and they mimic those sounds with their voice, and I put them together and listening to it, you would swear that this is a musical instrument? What's the ruling?

01:16:51 --> 01:16:59

It's the same thing. So music or let's say in the nasheed in Islam is supposed to be sad, that naive, simple

01:17:01 --> 01:17:35

meaning what? A person just sings it, right? So it's not so professional, and artificial. That is going to capture the hearts like that is supposed to be simple and naive. So that's how it is. So if you're singing the salah of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, salam, Allahu Allah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam things like that. If there's no music in it, then you're okay. Right? If there's music then that's a problem or anything that resembles that sound. Okay, well lo Anna. The only thing I want to say about the molded insha Allah so that it doesn't derail whatever we were saying

01:17:37 --> 01:17:38

is that Tada?

01:17:47 --> 01:17:48

No, no No

01:17:54 --> 01:17:55

See ya

01:18:12 --> 01:18:23

it is, it is difficult, and I don't think I'll have time for it now, but when we will get to it inshallah. But for it for the Molad only thing I want to say about the moment it is that

01:18:24 --> 01:18:28

you ought to love the prophets of Allah and he was salam, the way that the Sahaba loved it.

01:18:29 --> 01:19:09

Right. Now the way that you want to love them, right? So if I want to, like draw a picture of the prophets, Allah listen, and based on the descriptions that are in the Hadith, which should that be allowed, but I love him, why won't you let me I know, that's an extreme example, I understand. But I'm just want to make a point, which is that love Him the way that they loved him because no one loved him more than Abubaker and Omar, and with man and Ali, and Fatima, and his wives, and his adult bait and all nobody loved him more than they did. So when you look at it, that nobody missed him more than they did. So if you look at it, if they express their love through the things that we

01:19:09 --> 01:19:50

talked about his sunnah, and promulgating the Sunnah and spreading it and learning it and then absorbing it and living it then that his love at a Salatu was set up one day a year where you gather and you do whatever you want to do this and that and some of it is inaccurate in terms of the things that get preached, not saying everything. But some of it isn't accurate in terms of the things that get preached. If you're going to do this. You're not misplacing the love of the prophets of the Lord. He was in them by restricting it to a day or a night and thinking that is sufficient and then entering the rest of the Euro that love we say no, your loved one I love Muhammad Ali Salatu was

01:19:50 --> 01:19:52

Salam. The love that we talked about it should be every single day.

01:19:54 --> 01:19:59

Not just one day, so shouldn't be a point of conflict, right? rather ask yourself

01:20:00 --> 01:20:17

The first generation, second generation, third generation, fourth generation until Allah knows one until the fourth term, it's come if autoimmune in Egypt and then they make this up. So if they did not do it, why should I do it? And I understand, by the way, the argument that says,

01:20:19 --> 01:20:39

Today, people don't love the prophets a lot, he was setting them as much so we have to use that day and the attention of on that day to bring them into the Prophet alayhi salatu was Sinha kind of like we have special circumstances. So we need the day for that, to treat it. So you understand that the Sahaba or the Allahu Anhu. And maybe this is something that we don't

01:20:40 --> 01:20:54

understand. The Sahaba were facing multitudes that have defected, read the apostate it and lands that have just came into Islam. Allah knew Muslims.

01:20:55 --> 01:21:25

And they don't have the facilities and the advantages we have today. We have Quran. Everybody has Quran in their home, right? They did not. You have books of Sierra even online, they don't books of Hadith. We do. They didn't. They had much less than we did. And they had populations that have just come into Islam. And if they thought about it, they don't love Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam so if they needed to, they should have invented them over that they did not. So their need was greater than ours not the other way.

01:21:26 --> 01:21:58

Does that make sense to their need was greater than ours? But they didn't see that celebrating? The day where he was born was a good idea. So again, right, following this Harboe the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam is best follow their guidance and that would be the best or lower. And I think we should stop here in sha Allah, Baraka Lo Fi calm and inshallah See you at the same time in sha Allah next week. Subhanallah long behind the shadow Allah either in stuff we will go to Bali can be reliable and Amin Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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