Ali Albarghouthi – The story of book 40 Hadith on Loving Allah with Dr Ali al Barghouthi #2

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of finding sweetness in relationships and finding joy in life. They stress the need for patientism and guidance to achieve success and finding the joy in life. They also emphasize the importance of knowing one's love and understanding it through actions and characteristics, as it is crucial for everyone. The speakers stress the importance of following Allah's teachings and not being angry at him, as it is a fundamental part of one's success. They also emphasize the importance of taking Jesus azza wa jal away from everything and finding a home to live in in hardship situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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So you don't want him to be nervous about the Sonos soothing, do you want to hear sigh behavioral syndrome, Loma Linda moon, fellow number one fan, and I've never been able to name a lot better I mean, a lot of them in the kick should go see but a tick.

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So by the grace a little Allah has origin after finishing the introduction of the book, this is love.

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We begin in sha Allah with today's lecture, the first Hadith, when he asked him was did to facilitate and give a season give us Slomka and benefit us with what we are learning and enable us to absorb it and to apply it and to transmit it. And maybe it'll be something beneficial in our lives.

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So the first hadith

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is were the messengers of Allah, Allah, Allah you are your symptoms, and by the way, and the book is available outside for both males and females in sha Allah. So in case you want to follow

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and I do recommend that you do that, that you follow because it's easier to pay attention, concentrate, take notes, and taking notes, by the way is really important. And it's important to listen. But at the same time when you take notes, you will remember and you will see engaged and you'll be able to ask questions.

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So the first hadith is where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Earth woman couldn't Nephi water the * outta Iman, there are three that they are available and someone by that they will find the sweetness of iman.

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The first is a Hakuna low water Sue who have Bailey healing mercy well know that Allah and His messenger are more beloved to them than anything and anyone else. What you have been more under your head boohoo in Derrida, and that he would love someone only for the sake of Allah. While you're gonna have a difficult free brother in law men who can grow up

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and that he would hate to go back to disbelief after Allah had saved him from it, as he would hate to be thrown in the fire.

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this hadith is a foundational Hadith as the quotation, the explanation tells you that a couple of songs of Islam have said that this hadith is foundational, Oslo middle so that Islam, which tells you that it is important on its own. And it's important for our purposes, because it encapsulates

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what do we want to say, encapsulates love and what it is what it means what it entails, like what are the consequences of love,

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especially here the love of Allah has his origin. And it ties Amen to love, which is something that we should

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memorize. It ties and connects EMA to love and love to EMA because all the things that the prophets of Allah Azza wa salam talked about in that hadith, when he counted how many, three all of them are about love, even the last that you would hate to go back to disbelief as you hate to be killed or burnt alive in fire. That's also about love, and we will inshallah talk about that shortly.

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But maybe the first thing that strikes you in that hadith, and maybe that's something new and maybe it isn't that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Eman has a taste

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and that taste is sweet. So Eman has a sweetness to it

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has a sweetness to it. And maybe as I said maybe we've lived our whole life unaware of that fact that it is actually Iman has a taste. There's another Hadith where the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam says Val automall IMANI Monrovia Bella hirato Islam Dena or we will have Medina Rasul Allah Alayhi Salatu was Salam says he had tasted that Eman if he is or she is content with Allah as,

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as the creator provider and sustainer and with Islam as a religion and Muhammad as a messenger says if you have that contentment in your heart, with regards to Allah azza wa jal meaning you're happy with Allah, in his decrees in his commands, you're happy, you don't object. You're not unsatisfied. So if you're happy with Allah, happy with this,

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you believe that it is the best and you submit to it whether you understand that

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particulars at that moment or not, but you believe that come to you from the old, wise and all knowledgeable, you submit and surrender to it willing me happily, this is Reba. And the third one arriba happiness, contentment with Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam as a messenger, you see him as the best model and the best teacher, it's follow his sunnah and you take it and you avoid anything that would take you away from it. It says if you have that in your heart, then you've tasted EMA.

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And in our Hadith, if you have the loves of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam talked about, you will taste the sweetness of EMA.

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So this tells you that Iman should have a taste should have a consequence, you should feel it. And that should be an objective for all of us is not simply I believe, I have Iman, but you have to feel it and taste it and enjoy it just like you enjoy food and even more. If you ask yourself why you eat,

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you probably will come back with the answer of I eat for a couple of reasons. One is to satisfy my hunger, nourishing the body. But also we eat for enjoyment by this you find or you eat something that you like, and you eat it or continue to eat it because of the taste. So when Eman has a sweet taste, it would ask you to get more and more of it because you crave it you want it you feel the consequence of your ima. And that's the sweetness of it. Now

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this love and this sort of contentment and happiness of Allah azza wa jal is primarily a worship of the heart.

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And where do you feel love?

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In the heart, rhythm contentment is in the heart. But that does not mean that it's exclusive to the heart meaning that it's the heart alone without the body, because we need to correct that misunderstanding. If someone were to ask you, where's Iman is exclusively and only in the heart?

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What would you say?

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A See, no, it originates in the heart, but it covers the body as well. And without the actions of the body without the submission and surrender of the body. Your and my email would be incomplete. So when we're saying that love is primarily a worship of the heart, we are not saying that you exclude the body because the body needs to submit to Allah azza wa jal and adds loving be in love for Allah azza wa jal for amen to the complete and for love to be complete. But it does still go back to the heart. Because loving Allah loving the Prophet loving other people hating to be a disbeliever is primarily a action of worship and belief of the heart.

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So a man has a sweetness

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and each act of a VEDA,

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also, as a component of a man should also have a taste to it, a sweetness to it. So we should start demanding that from ourselves. That is, if I'm praying, it's not enough that I pray, I should require from my salah that it produces a sweetness, it produces an effect that I would taste the pleasure of conversing with Allah as the origin of asking him are listening to his idea to His words, to being in the company of Allah Zhou did it to be in the position where I'm closest to him. When I am in solitude, when you contemplate these meanings, it leaves something in the heart, right? You feel close to him, you feel affection and love for Allah, you feel His love coming back to you,

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you feel that you're close, your drive is stronger, your sorrow is going away.

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You have greater trust in Him greater reliance on him, the anxiety of the world starts to disappear. All of these things are the effect of an increase in Iman and the effect of whether there was cognizance of Allah aware of Allah Zodac and demanding that from the data itself. So

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what is the thing that stops us from finding the sweetness in our A Bella? And this is important because if we say that a man has a sweetness, and somebody may say, I've never tasted this in my life, or I've never found this in my life, then there is something missing and how we are approaching each other. And how are we understanding our iman, so what is stopping us from finding the sweetness of ADA and the sweetness of email? Well, a few things. One is that

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If we're not aware that that is something that we should seek,

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we're not aware that this is something that is available to us. So basically, we treat data as something that is a part of our life, but doesn't influence the rest of our life. It's time for Salah, I go, and I pray, and once I finished the Salah, I disconnect from it, and I started doing other things. So it doesn't kind of cross over into the rest of my affairs, daily affairs. So I'm not asking this from my salah, so I'm not getting that from him. Just like the Quran. If you are reading the Quran, without seeking guidance from it, you're not gonna get the guidance that you need from it, because you simply what you are reading it as a repetitive Surah that you we, and that has

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baraka and that has done it, and that has protection. But for you to gain guidance from the Quran, you should look for it. And if you look for it, Allah gives it to you, if you're looking for lessons, Allah teaches you, if you're thinking about something else, while you are reading the Quran, you don't get the benefit of the Quran lessons. Right? So we don't know about it. So we're not seeking it from our sada our first thing, ours again, will tell you also, we look at worship as a chore, not as an act that supposed to produce something meaning that it's a burden. Let me be done with it as quickly as I can finish it, like an undesirable act that has to be done. So I'm doing it.

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But once I'm done with it, I'm glad that it's done. And now I have an opportunity to do what I really like. So when our love is somewhere else with not with the ADA, ask yourself, How can I find it sweetness? Because I'm loving something else. And you think think about it's just simply, what is the thing that gives you joy? Every day?

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What is the thing that is giving you joy now, or maybe you're planning after this lecture, I'm going to go to this and that, and that's going to make me happy. See, because you're connected to it emotionally, you are waiting for it, and you expect it to give you something. So if you're disconnected from the Salah, you look at it as an obligation and as a burden, it doesn't really have the opportunity to give you much. So we have to change perspective. Also, because the hearts may not be ready to get the effect of that either. Because the heart could be weak, sinful, because of its sins and attachments. Its disease,

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meaning sick, not dead, but sick.

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And its love for the dunya keeps it attracted to them. So the example that they give is a sick person,

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whom you present it in their favorite food. And they say, I can't even stomach this, or smell it, I'm going to throw up, take it away

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is the problem with the food or with the person who cannot tolerate what otherwise when he was healthy, he would crave

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it, it's your ability to process right? It's your ability to experience that determines that this could be really fully wholesome and good Salah Quran, but some people can't wait to finish this or that can't wait to finish their portion of the Quran. Or if you ask them to read the Quran, it'd be like placing a mountain on their shoulders. So why is that? Because the heart is not there. Whereas if you ask them to do something worldly, they would do it and willingly if you ask them, Hey, go make money. They will do it. Go watch a movie, they will do it go out and have fun. They'll do it. Why? Simple. There's no mystery here. Your heart is there and enjoys it. But your heart is not with

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the Quran. Not with the sunnah to why is it I'm trying? Well, because there is sin. And the sin cripples, keeps you tied up. You're not free. So you need to let go of those sins and ask Allah for forgiveness for the heart to be strong enough to be able to transcend and absorb

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the message of Allah xojo absorb the benefits of sadeh fasting, this, this, this and so on and so on. Or also you're not patient enough. If we're not patient enough, you're not going to be able to reap the benefits of the idea that because guess what, like everything else, it takes time. So if you go on a diet, do you expect to see results the second day? If you go to the gym, do you expect to see results the second day or in a week or do you have to be patient, you go to college unit

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receive, you expect to graduate in a day or a week, or it will take you years for you to actually have that knowledge. So a bad in the beginning will be a struggle will be a test.

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The more that you continue, the more that you're patient, the more that you ask Allah for assistance, the easier it becomes all in all a better. So here in the

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in the book when I quote tablet, and this is on page four, when he says to him, I would like to solder to actually send out an arm to rehab Shereena center, when he said I struggled with the performance a lot over 20 years. And then I enjoyed it for 20 years. It tells you that that is a long term project. Now he could be talking but I think a whole lot about pm would leave ninth grade. That is I had to struggle with myself push it for 20 years to wake up and pray. And some days of course are going to be easy and some days are going to be difficult but every day I needed to push myself and push myself and push myself. Did he give up?

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That's that's the key. Because Allah has voted in the beginning will test you to see are you among the result and the strong or among those who will quickly give up because they are not really interested? He said Do you really want to gain the favours of Allah azza wa jal sacrifices needed, but it handed in other good news. And what he has said is that eventually you start to enjoy it. And he's not saying I didn't enjoy it at all in the first 20 years. But he said it was always a struggle. And then when it became a habit, when ALLAH blessed him with it becoming a virtuous habit, waking up is easier, enjoying the Quran became kind of the the best part of the night, the past part

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of the day, something that you would wait for.

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So, one of the Sahaba, if I'm not mistaken, or other YouTuber, or the Allahu anhu, he said, when he was close to his death, he says, I am not, I'm not going to miss the dunya for anything, except for fasting on hard, lengthy days long days, and praying at night. And seeking knowledge is this the only thing I'll miss from the dunya.

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So included in that is what is our missing PM, I'll miss out here. Just imagine that you could reach that level where you're not saying, I'm going to miss my money, and I'm going to miss my fortune, am I gonna miss my friends, he's not that he says I'm going to miss clear, I'm going to miss fasting, which tells you that for the likes of either Bucha or the Allahu Anhu. It was beautiful, and was sweet. And no one had to force him to fast or force him to pray, or force him to seek knowledge. He wanted all of that. And if he could live longer for that he will.

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So when you eventually taste Iman, and its sweetness and the taste of the individual acts as a badda those will become your objectives, those will become your joy, those will become the things that you seek and you will never give up. Because without them something will start to feel missing in your day.

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Where where is the tranquility of the Salah? Where is the tranquility of fasting? Wherever it is, if you're used to reading the Quran, and you skip it for one day, the rest of the day, you'd feel awkward, out of balance. Why? Because Allah and could you with the Quran? You know, I mean reading the Quran, specially at the beginning of the day, you know, like if you eat a heavy breakfast, and you have energy for the rest of the day, and you're not hungry, kind of like an anchor. Right? So when you read the Quran, it anchors you. So the rest of the day you will find yourself calm, collected.

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Close to Allah Zhou did not easily swayed not easily tempted. And if you say Well, I'm not feeling this read more. Eventually in a week in a two in a month you will feel it. And then in a day, if you skip it for whatever reason, you will feel what is missing today slug it in.

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So that is the beauty of it because you feel it on the inside. It's an action of the body. But the feeling is us on the inside and it kind of permeates every part of you. Right.

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So the three conditions that the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam mentioned for getting the sweetness of Eman as I said they kind of encapsulate the book or at least they introduce all of that to us. The first is that you would love Allah and His Prophet alayhi salatu salam, more than anything else. And this love is the beginning of all love

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And the end of it, right? And it is through this love that Allah will teach you what love is, and will teach you how to regulate your love and how to understand it. So you may know that I know what love is, but not until you love Allah azza wa jal would you really understand and appreciate what love is similar to people who will say, well until you have children, you will not know what it feels like, how much you could actually love? Well, not until you love Allah azza wa jal will you actually understand what it feels like to love someone more than anything? Because Allah has origin is the origin of all love you so think about it, if Allah is the

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origin of all beauty, right? So look around in the universe, anything that is beautiful, so who created that?

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Allah has Zoltan and look at another thing that is beautiful. And a third thing that is even more beautiful, who created that? Allah as origin? So the creator of all beauty must be more beautiful than his creation, right? Does that follow?

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So Allah azza wa jal who gave every person the capacity to love and be loved,

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to give love to others, right? And to feel this love Allah, Allah gave it to every single human being and to animals and to the jinn.

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So that means that Allah's love is greater than all of their love and better. So the love that is available to you from Allah azza wa jal is greater than the love that is available to you from your child, and from your spouse and your best friend.

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Because Allah slough, Allah's loves the capacity for love, without limit, and there is no limit to how much you can love Allah Zota that's why we say it's the beginning. That's where it comes from. And it is the end. And how do you love Allah azza wa jal?

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You know you love Allah by knowing him.

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And how do you know him? You know him through the Quran because in the Quran, all of it, Allah is revealing himself to

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through His names and attributes, Allah is this and this in this, Allah does this, Allah does that. Allah is telling you who he is, how he treats those, whom he sleeps with, and those whom he's angry with. The messengers of Allah, how, why He created all of this, he's telling you who he is, the Quran, all of them, as about one liners. So you know him through his names and attributes and his actions, you know, through His creation, that when you look at his creation, you look at relationships, you look at sunset, sunrise, the moon, the planets, its magnificence, how minut it is all of this testifies to Allah as though it is. So this is how you know him. And you also know Him

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through His bounties. And we alluded to that last time to the bounties of Allah xojo.

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What does that mean? It means that Allah has xojo is the one responsible for giving you everything that you have, from A to Z.

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and anyone else who gave you was only x acting as a mediator between you and Allah azza wa jal because Allah gave it to them.

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Allah created them. Allah gave them the ability to give and the desire to give to you, otherwise they wouldn't.

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The love of your parents, a love of your children, the love of yourself who created that and made them love You, Allah azza wa jal, so all the bounties that are coming your way come from Allah azza wa jal. That's why, by the way, when you learn these things, you also learn not to hope from anybody except Allah. Because no one in reality is a giver, except who

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Allah has, of course, people give them that's why you have them right. And when somebody gives you something, you're supposed to thank them. And of course, they're involved in that given, they're responsible for it, Allah will reward them for it in the dunya or in the Alpha or both.

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But in reality, if you look beyond, you understand that Allah has facilitated that, and you understand that if you want to hope from someone or if you want to fear someone, don't fear except Allah Xeljanz because no one has the power to harm you except to

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Allah and no one has the power to benefit you acceptable, Allah so you don't need to hope from your friend or foe for an from an employer or hope from a president or a king or any powerful person. In fact, when you look at them like that you would be their equal because you understand that they have no power

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Our that's what we say the Howard our whatever

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that is you have no power, Allah azza wa jal has all the power.

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love and this is that what Mauritania, Rahim Allah that quotation definitely cutanea Rahim Allah, He says

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you could love Allah azza wa jal because of the things that he had given. And that is typically the way that you start loving Allah azza wa jal because this is as a child, this is what you learn, my parents gave me my teacher gave me my friends gave me I liked them because of what they gave me. So that's absolutely natural. And he calls this the love of the masses, or the football arm, meaning most everybody when they love Allah xojo, they love him because of that, because of the bounties. But he says, if you stop at that level, okay, you've only loved yourself. And he says that that's not necessarily bad. But he really only loving the gifts. Right? So if you're just starting there,

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the problem is that if these gifts stop, what's going to happen to you?

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So if you love Allah zodion Meaning you know, if somebody asks you Are you content with Allah, you said handed in that you say why? They say, Look at what he had given me, I have health, I have a car at a house, I'm safe, I have children, I married a this, I make that 100 In all these are Nemours. And you should be thankful. And you should be pleased that Allah has voted favorite human, all of this. Now, what happens if some of these things disappear?

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Would you be still happy with Allah? And would you still love him?

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So you find that a lot of people, a lot of us, like when Allah takes away some of the things that we love. And we start to what question here, and our love starts to decrease, and our emotion starts to degrees, because it's based on a transaction you gave me, I love you, you don't give me then there's a problem.

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So he's saying that's the first step. And that's the love of the masters. And by the way, you're not asked in Islam, to eradicate the love that you have for yourself. You just regulated. And that's important, right? Because if somebody asks you, stop loving yourself, that would be an impossibility.

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would mean stop loving yourself, that'd be an impossibility. Otherwise, why would I work for genuine, because when you are working for the sake of genuine and to receive hellfire, you're working to save yourself, and it's based on love for yourself. So we're not asked to stop loving ourselves. And that's important because it does affect your EDA, and how you see your relationship with Allah as his origin. So he says,

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the love of the masses is sufficient up to a degree but there is what the love of the select, hope will hustle. And this is loving Allah has eroded because of his perfection because of his excellence because of who he is. Because now you get to know him through his names and attributes. He's a Rahman Rahim. You love him because of his drama that he had showed you. But because he has so much drama for everybody, that Allah azza wa jal is all forgiving. So you love that in him just hand over to Allah, because Allah is so wise and so knowledgeable, so that attracts you to Him, because He is the one who listens to you all the time when you need anything from him. So because of this

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closeness and the proximity, just like you like a best friend or you love a best friend, because he's always there for you. Because Allah is always there for you, you will have Allah azza wa jal more than anyone else. And though your friends could tire of you, and they do if you keep complaining, because that's the nature of humanity, Allah, this is another never titles. And you can complain to Allah about the same problem over and over and over, and he listens. A human being who will tell you Come on, I'm done with this. How many times are we going to still talk about this having to solve it already. I have my own things to worry about. But Allah zodion Has this infinite

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capacity to listen to you and to solve your problems. If that's the case, Allah will be closest to you. And when you start to rely on Allah and trust him and love him so much, denying Allah I mean, in a sense distancing yourself from Allah azza wa jal becomes unbearable.

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Just like a person today, I was so attached to their phone, and somebody tells them, give me your phone. It's the old day without this. That's how I live by every minute of every day. That's how I communicate or he tells you stay without yourself stay without your child stay without your parents. He says no, I love them so much. My life is incomplete without them. So our attachment to Allah azza wa jal could be such that it

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There's distance or somebody wants to put distance between us and Allah azza wa jal that will kill us. Because who am I going to talk to? Who am I going to complain to rely out on ask for guidance, just feel his proximity and nearness.

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If I can't read the Quran, then what assurances do I have? What comfort can I bring to my heart? What things can I say to myself to feel better? So that distance from Allah and from his words becomes unbearable, that you always have to be in the company of Allah, you always have to be remembering Allah azza wa jal, Subhan, Allah will hamdulillah Allah because you say without it, my heart can't live. It's completely agitated. And by the way, that is not weakness.

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If you discover that, that's not weakness, because if you're not doing this, you're doing something else, but you're not aware of it.

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You're sitting in watching a movie, or you're going online, or on social media, because there has to be something that is talking to you. Or if it's not talking to you, it's distracting you and it's numbing the pain and there has to be something all the time. But if that thing is not from the dunya but it's Allah as though did you hide yourself having to say, not feeling okay, sounds a little bizarre.

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And after five minutes, you feel better. And that's because you brought Allah as loaded into your heart and into your surroundings. So that tells you how much you need Allah subhanho wa taala. So

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let me see that quotation on

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page eight. Now, so here the known Rhino Allah, He says, that I had in my head by fed up the marks of the people who Allah, Allah azza wa jal, they do not find peace acceptable to Allah, and they do not feel estranged. While we're while they are with Allah azza wa jal. So while they are with Allah, they're not alone. Right. And when they were Allah xojo, they have sufficient company, this is so because once the love of Allah settles in the heart, it becomes comfortable with Allah, for Allah is greater in the hearts of the knowledgeable than any other than loving him for the sake of another. So what that means is that

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think of the great love stories, right? That people have written poems about Madonna, Lady Gaga, or cafe utilize or anything like that, where if this person is with his beloved, he could spend hours with her talking to her, and he'd be unaware of the passage of time. This is not make believe this is actually true. And he would not need any other company except to accompany in any other words except for the words of that's, of course, when it comes to human love is exaggerated. But it does actually take place, but it's inflated and it's really not healthy. But the fact that it happens tells you that if it can happen with a human being, it can happen when

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Allah has, right. You're with me, anyone, anyone who objects to what I've seen so far, okay. So that tells you that you can actually spend time with Allah Zoda and you wouldn't need anyone else or anything else. Because Allah is so big, and so fulfilling, that you don't need anyone else or anything else. And nothing else can take his place, because everything else is smaller. And what they can give is limited but Allah is so genuine, he can give his promises are complete and eternal.

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two things Insha Allah, just one thing I want to say before we leave here, discussing the love of Allah as noted for tonight, the love Allah is also going to be divided into two levels. One that's an obligation and one that is recommended. The obligation is that you love Allah Zodac enough for you to perform His commands and stay away from the Haram and be patient with the fishes. That's the minimum. So when we falter in a bad or we commit sins, or we object to all Allah's commands and decrees, there is something wrong with our love. Right? We favorite something else, instead of Allah azza wa jal. That's why typically people said why we sin, because at that moment, you love something

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more than Allah. And it would be impossible if Allah's love at that moment it was supreme for you and I too have sin. Impossible, but you love yourself or you love the dunya more than Allah so sin and that comes from what neglect heedlessness forgetfulness or

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In the recommended part of loving Allah as it takes you a step higher, where you're now doing the voluntary acts that Allah loves staying away from things that are mcru disliked, and you are happy with Allah decrease, even if they are, unfortunately, meaning Allah takes something from you, and you're happy with that not only patient.

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But yeah, so can you imagine reaching that level? Not only that I'm okay with losing this, I'm happy that I've lost it. And that, of course, is a conversation to be had with people who have reached that level. And who could say, I can see Allah acting. When he takes this away, I can see that Allah Zoetic is behind this. And I'm not wanting to object to Allah and say, I disagree with your choice. If this is what you want from me, I'm happy with that. But that takes Iman and surrender and conviction that this is happening and Allah azza wa jal is behind it. The love of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And we're not going to highlight it a lot today because it's going to come in sha

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Allah, but loving the prophet should also accompany the love of Allah azza wa jal, because the Prophet is the most beloved to Allah has.

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So you under whom did he love most Muhammad Ali Slava, Samson, naturally to love it. And also you would love Mohammed Ali Salatu was Salam for the same reasons that you love Allah

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for His favours. So who's the one who taught you all the things that you need to know about how to come close to Allah and save yourself from trouble in this life and the next, Muhammad Ali salatu salam, who was the one who sacrificed to bring you this Soran, who is the one who explained it, who is the one who teach talk to everything have relevance in your life? Right, meaning real relevance, humbleness. And the also you would love him for who he was. So the more that you know about Him, His character, His sacrifice, his bad how he was with his children, wives companions, how he fought, how he tolerated and how he forgave, the more that you know about him, Allah is salatu salam, the more

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that you will love him. And that is supposed to be more than anything else, because that's the condition for the Iman to be strong. So the greater the email, the greater your knowledge and attachment from Hunter Medallia Salatu was set on and the greater that you increase attachment to knowledge around the Prophet salallahu Salam, you'll find that that will affect your Eman and elevating.

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The second thing that Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam talked about is loving another for Allah sake, what Amala now your hippo who is the leader that he would love someone, only for Allah sake for nothing else. Now you ask yourself, right, we love people for a variety of reasons.

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And if you remember the two things that we said people love, Allah for love the Prophet alayhi salam Salam uses them for, that's also the reason why we love people like so I love another person, or at least I like them. Because they're very nice to me. They're kind they gave me they will give me I expect. So I love them because of that, or I love them because of who they are. They're simply nice. They're simply exemplary. They're simply kind. They're simply generous. So you love them because of that. Now, these things could be simply for the sake of the dunya. And in fact, if you think about it, most of our love is simply for the sake of this world.

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Then why why do people befriend each other? Why do people like each other, hang out with each other? Or they say, I like the same as person? I dislike this famous person? Is it based on email? Typically,

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it's based on the duniya The why is it based on the duniya for most of humanity, because it's this world that matters to us, so we look for it sick, right? What matters what is essential? What is central to most of humanity today, I'm not saying all but most of humanity is this world, money and fame, and everything else that follows and surrounds that. So that's what's important, because that then becomes the value that is going to determine your love and your friendship and your respect. So hey, so people today like and build connections, associations based on benefits and based on the dunya.

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But if a person loves Allah,

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and the person is focused on the hereafter, meaning that the value that matters to him is the hereafter and Allah's love, then they will start loving people based on that

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based on loving Allah

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So did so if they know someone is pleasing to Allah, they would love and whether this person is going to help them or not benefit them or not. Now there's some human beings.

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So you still gonna like someone who is nice to, you can never rid yourself of that emotion or that reaction. But we're seeing here that your love has evolved. So it's not just about the dunya but you will have for the sake of Allah azza wa jal because Allah is central. So you see, somebody prays somebody fast, somebody remembers Allah, somebody's helping another, they are righteous. And they are close to Allah, He said among them, naturally.

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And if they're doing the opposite, the opposite.

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And it's only natural, right? That if you love someone, that you would love, what they love and whom they love.

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And that you would dislike, what they hate and who the right.

00:41:04 --> 00:41:45

It can be that somebody could come and insult your parents, and you'd be neutral about them. So am I right? Can be neutral about them, they really insult your parents. And you say, that's fine. I have no feelings. If you have no feelings about that act and the actor, then you question the love that you have for your parents, because it has to move you somebody attacks your child, and you say I'm neutral about it, I don't like them, I don't dislike them, I don't neutral about this. So the better you don't really love that child. So if you love someone, naturally, the things that they love, you would love the things that make them happy, you would love those even they don't make you happy

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yourself. It's not your favorite food. It's not your favorite joy. It's not your favorite activity, but I can see how happy it makes you. So that makes me like it because I like you. Right? So if that connection with Allah has is exactly the same, Allah loves this. And I'm not going to love it.

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But my whole life is supposed to be about loving Allah as we did. And Allah loves this, and I'm going to be neutral about it, or Allah hates this, and I'm going to be neutral about it and you can be so the more that you're upset with Allah is Allah is angry, the more that there is a sign that your Eman is alive and well. How can i How could this happen that Allah is angry. That's why Muhammad Ali's Salatu was Sudan. Right? If you know from the Sierra, he would not avenge himself but if he insulted him, right he wouldn't be angry. You cannot get angry that way. Personal Injury and you also have to pay me back my money you will manipulate your mind what amazes me people is

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insulting me and assembly right? It doesn't become angry because of this so fine will pain but upset Allah xojo violate his commands in front of him and you will see how he acts as a different is face becomes red. Not because you insulted me were the opposite. If you insult me, my face becomes red. How dare you say this about me? If you insult Allah azza wa jal, what do we say? Yeah, so be patient. You know, take it easy with them, maybe listen to maybe that and this is not a call for you to be impulsive and abusive, and all of this, be patient. But I'm telling you, the reaction tells you a lot about how much love we have for ourselves versus the love that we have for Allah, and we

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don't become angry for him but we can angry for ourselves.

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if our love

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for what Allah loves is weak, it tells us that the love of Allah that we have is weak. And if our love for Allah, whatever, for whom Allah loves is weak, it tells us also that our Eman is weak. So it's a necessary consequence, a necessary coordinated connection. And that's why the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said, once you have one, you really have to move to the next one. Unless you have that you cannot have complete love. And

00:44:09 --> 00:44:13

yeah, a couple of quotes here I think we should just quickly go over

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so one of them this is really nice, so I don't want to leave before actually including it. So I'm gonna knock the place he says that I love Allah azza wa jal is such a love that has eased every affliction for me and made me content with anything that Allah has decreased. So I do not care as long as I love him, what the morning or the night brings.

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Right? So I mean, I loved Allah azza wa jal, right. And if you think this is a fantasy, I want to really want you to rethink this because at this moment, you could feel it meaning if I tell you that whatever Allah is there is going to bring to you that night this night and tomorrow morning, it will always be good for you. And you should trust Allah Azza didn't love him with all of your heart. You

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Say to yourself that I don't care what's going to happen as long as I know that Allah is behind it, and he's with me.

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If you actually absorb this, you will start to understand what he's saying is saying, I love him so much that it doesn't really matter to me what the morning is going to bring, or the night is going to bring because I know that if there is difficulty, his luck will make it easier. I know who's behind it. And I know I can rely on him to take it away, or at least bring ease to that hardship.

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So that's a very different relationship than anxiety that says, What is tomorrow going to bring? And maybe it's going to be difficult. But you say, there is no difficulty with Allah azza wa jal, how no difficulty is greater than the power of Allah azza wa jal. And so agreement with Allah azza wa jal is essential. So hear it from you know, January, oh, Lord Hagen. When a neurotic he says as a team we do need to do if love is incomplete without obedience. Because if you love Allah asserted, you can't say I simply love him, and you disobey Him until He will be him, right?

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And he said that the companions of Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam. They said, Oh, we love Allah azza wa jal, Allah, so Allah who wanted to put a mark and indicator of how much they love him, so he said, if you love Allah, then follow me and Allah will love you. So not just to claim that's really important because we could, you know, be engaged in wishful thinking and deceive ourselves and we say, Oh, we love him so much. says what is the proof that you love them? You follow Muhammad Ali's Salatu was Salam which essentially means that you're following Allah as legit. So

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and the knowing the unknown, so he was asked, it says, When When do I know that I love Allah. So did he says it again, I know you believe the who are in the camera Romina self. He says, when what Allah hates is the most bitter thing in your life, then that means that you don't want allies.

00:47:06 --> 00:47:29

So both the love of Allah has ordered and disliked or healing when Allah azza wa jal hates are essential in complementing and completing the last thing that he had a Salatu was Salam mentioned is to hate to be become a disbeliever to go back to it

00:47:31 --> 00:47:33

as much as you hate to deeper into life.

00:47:34 --> 00:47:36

Right? Exactly.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:53

And that if you think about it, that's kind of the worst way to die. It's not just to death, but to be burned. And of course, you know, who was threatened with that, and actually was subjected to it, but was safe, Ibrahim, and

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so it's not just imaginary, actually, this is something a threat, that a prophet the Messenger of Allah azza wa jal faced, either you leave this overborne your life, and they tried, but they failed. So here the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He says, this would be so distasteful, so bitter, so unimaginable that you could go back to disbelieve that you would favor death over it.

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And again, if you say, Well, how could a person reach that level? Because the first one was their Allah and His Prophet and more beloved, than anything else.

00:48:34 --> 00:48:45

Because if a person kills you, destroys your physical body, that's the end of this life. Right? But you believe that there is something to follow.

00:48:46 --> 00:48:48

So you still have hope.

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And you still have comfort, and you still have a promise. But if someone takes Allah away from him, what do you have?

00:48:59 --> 00:49:04

Right if you think about it, it's it's all it takes thanks Allah from what do you have? What promise? Do you

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what what assurance do you have? What comfort Do you have what comes next? Nothing.

00:49:11 --> 00:49:24

So taking Allah azza wa jal is the end of hope. And the end of everything, death is the end of the body, the soul continues to live and you'll get another body. So it's not a big deal. Right? Right.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:59

But taking Allah azza wa jal away is taking the most important thing in your life and money. Because Allah asserted is the thing the one that gives it meaning. Without it there is no meaning there without saying why am I living for what comes after death? And one night Why not die now? Right? And if I build and do everything right, and it's all gonna go away with meaning is there anything take Allah asserted away and there is no meaning. So a person cannot

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They are the fact that they can be distant with Allah from Allah azza wa jal with this belief.

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And in fact, even with sin

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and the reasons why some people will avoid sin is what this Wascher This is an estrangement distance, because you feel it. As long as you're pleasing to Allah azza wa jal. You feel close and near. And your heart is soft. And it's easy to remember Allah as it did with your time. And with your body. Your sin, and heaviness descends on you. You feel distant from Allah as it takes you a while to come back. Your heart is not right. Your body's not right, the day is not right, your mood is not right.

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And by the way, right, having a bad mood after a sin is good,

00:50:49 --> 00:50:58

is really, really, really good. It means that your body's still have at least a little bit of a light still has some life in it. You're not okay with it.

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And there has to be, by the way, a consequences sin. There has to be bitterness and darkness and gloominess, there has to be

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difficult difficulty that follows it. And as long as there is difficulty, remember what brought it so it'd be what a lesson.

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if you love Allah azza wa jal, then you don't want to be distant. And you'd be actually willing to sacrifice your life for His sake, because your life would be minimal, compared to what Allah has zoton

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is and what he wants from you, and what He had promised you. And

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you can see that in the story of use of Ali salaam, that's the code that if, at the end of the chapter, when he said, earlier, he sought to sit down or have decisions or have a memory and

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he says, Your law, imprisonment, the jail is more beloved to me than what they're asking me to do. Right? So think about it, that you sit on a Sudan put aside that he's a prophet for now, you still a human being, right? So you safaris Sudan was young, was the bachelors so he is not married. And so he's being asked to commit Zina. And when that comes all, or come all the perks that will follow from appeasing and pleasing that woman because she has power, and she has money. So if he commits this, a, he's naturally as a man is inclined to, and also he gets all the benefits. As he said, doors will open, he'll have power, he'll have money, he'll have authority. So all of that he leaves

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aside. And he says, being in prison is more beloved.

00:52:56 --> 00:53:28

So I asked you about the sacrifice. And this is not a five star prison, not a prison in a Western country. This is a prison where people get punished for it 1000s of years ago, so you can imagine how terrible that location is, and how terrible the food is, and how terrible the carries, that is a place to be punished. So imagine, he says, I love this. More than that. What resides in his heart, that is a law that was set down for him to say, I genuinely love this, more than that said.

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Or the people of the ditch,

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whom they were offered. Either you disbelief or we're burning online.

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And the woman was carrying her child and she hesitated because of her infant

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because of how much love she has for him. And then he spoke Allah made him speak and he said, Oh Mother, you're upon the truth. Proceed mean judgment.

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Because if you destroy this body, you just only destroy your body. But if you lose your ima, you cannot retrieve it.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:19

So this is the Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam and that is the conclusion of it and will ch online if you have questions because I imagine we have time and we started a little bit late so let me know if you have any questions

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so no one on the men's side.

00:54:30 --> 00:54:37

Okay, so give you a couple of minutes to think of questions or you can write them down in general and again should I want anyone to want to come lay

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the books are available on both sides for the men and for women.

00:54:44 --> 00:54:47

So as you exit just want to make sure that you grab a copy.

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00:55:02 --> 00:55:35

What's the equivalent of use of saying that I would prefer to be in jail rather than commit that sin? What's the equivalent? So, any sin that calls you away from Allah as urges to divide and you crave it, you want it you have a desire to committed and you say, oh the villa okay. Oh My Allah exactly as he said, May Allah protect me. I will not do this to upset Allah azza wa jal, and I prefer to be in hardship, rather than commit this thing, any such sin?

00:55:38 --> 00:55:44

What's the problem? Well, I mean, it's general right? So I cannot specify so can be a job that is haram.

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And living on limited means until we find a header job, or somebody calling on suggesting Xena and you saying absolutely not even though marriage at this point is difficult. I'll continue to be chaste and look for 100 wife until I find her this easy but not even going that way. So anything that calls him to away from Allah azza wa jal and doing it seems to be easy. And the opposite has some hardship would fall under that category.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:26

So on the men's side of Z enhance on the sister site, so we're good

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article low FICO sources handle all behind being a sugar and they suffered. Everybody could handle it. I mean, Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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