Ali Albarghouthi – The Disease and the Cure #21 There is such a thing as heaven on earth

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding negative impact of sin on one's life and the need for everyone to be aware of its negative impact on their lives. They stress the importance of listening to oneself and avoiding giving oneself too much information. The speakers also advise against feeling anxiety and focus on achieving their goals and accomplishments. They stress the importance of finding a habit and staying committed to what is happening, praying and fasting to achieve a spiritual state, and staying prepared for anything. Overall, they emphasize the need for everyone to have a habit and stay committed to it.
AI: Transcript ©
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But early he was so happy he was salam

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ala Hama alumna million for one hour and fatten Bhima Lampton hours in Monroeville al Amin Allahumma. In the creek, our shoe Creek was nearby the attic.

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Inshallah, we're gonna continue with whatever your claim said. And towards the end insha, Allah, we're going to make few, and we're going to make few remarks about Ramadan, insha Allah and how that connects to the theme of the book itself about the disease and the cure.

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So the last

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thing we talked about is how sin or the outcome of sin is fear and terror in the heart of the sinner. So that's the last thing that we mentioned.

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And connected to it. He says, from the punishment or the outcome of a sin, whenever a sin is committed,

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is that another doctor will wash it allow the metaphysical, that it is causes great loneliness,

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or alienation in the heart. So

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as a human being where you always want to feel connected, right? So you think about all the connections you have you have connections with your parents, your children, your neighbors, your job, you always have to have a connection. So what happens if you cut these connections? You feel alienated you feel alone. And that time that thing could happen, could happen, even if you have people around you, that alienation, that feeling of unease,

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of not being able to connect with people.

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So he's saying here, Rahim, Allah Allah that the sinner finds himself alienated, alienated between him and Allah azza wa jal, because he's naturally distant, alienated between him and his creation, people around, he can fully relate to them, he's not comfortable around them, and they're not comfortable around him.

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And you could have a big family but feel alone, right? Be in a big city, right? And feel alone

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and feel ill at ease around people, you can connect with them, you can't approach them, you they cannot approach you. You're not happy with them. They're not happy with you. That's the kind of alienation and Subhanallah even to the extent where he said Verbania, who have been NFC even himself. He's disconnected from himself. He doesn't like himself is unhappy with himself. You look at yourself and you look at yourself with this with disgust or with shame.

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You don't like what you see. So he says that sin

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and that's the alienation that it brings. And he says, well, coulomb Agatha to do Nobu. He said that in Russia, the greater the sins, the more the sins, the greater that alienation, that disconnection from creation. And he says that's the most bitter of fear of feelings and the vast bitterest of lives and the best of life I should muster and he's seen

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the life of a monster and he says, The one who's connected, he's never alone. And he's never alone. Because who's always with him?

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Allah azza wa jal, so he doesn't feel abandoned. Right? Like desolate in a desert. You're not abandoned. All somebody is always with you. Even if there is no human around you. Someone is always with you to comfort you. So there is ons, there's no that English word for it owns, but you're surrounded,

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you're connected, someone is close by that owns. You're not bored, you're not alienated. So, he says if the intelligent person thinks about it, you'll find that that pleasure that comes with sin, and the fear that sin leads to the alienation that it leads to, he saw he knows that he had been mistreating himself and he had lost in the trade where he had sold his soul and his happiness. For that feeling of fear and alienation is about our own society was her wahala with the hub we watched it in Marcia. So sin brings all of that. Whereas obedience of Allah as a surgeon brings what brings that connectedness and comfort and nearness to Allah azza wa jal, and that brings its own sweetness.

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So he says he's sold all of that to get a temporary joy of sin, but the outcome of it all is alienation and fear and wretchedness. were settled. miscibility he says kind of the secret of the matter is, can if you want to understand why this happens. And the thought today will orba mean Allah subhana who were to add I've done Corbeau Cowell in so it says because obedience brings you closer to Allah as urgent so the closer you are to Allah, the more connected you will feel to

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him, so you're comfortable, right? You feel pleasant on the inside. Whereas the Maaseiah sin disconnects you from Allah azza wa jal, the more disconnected or distance, you are from him, that alienation creeps in, it has to. And when you are alone, no one can come to your aid and no one can comfort you, right? It's like a person who's experiencing sadness, but no one can make him happy, experiencing experiencing fear and no one can bring him security. A person who's experiencing hunger but nothing can feed him you understand that feeling is like you're alone and disconnected and wretched, wretched. And the only thing that you think can bring you some joy is your habit of sin.

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So you go and sin again because you're feeling miserable. So you go and sin again, maybe you'll find some comfort, and it makes it worse. See you soon again. And it's bottomless because he keeps sinning and he keeps keep feeling worse and worse and worse. And there is no end to it. Unless you abandon that and come back to Allah azza wa jal has a thesis What do you have a beautiful updo? I put the Washington Boehner who Urbina? I don't know he will put a deal at the Bay nahama He wants to illustrate that distance creates that alienation. He says you are disconnected and repelled by your enemy, even if he's physically close. Right? Your enemy. If he's around you, you're disconnected

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from him, you are repelled by him. Whereas if you have a friend who lives overseas, you connect it to him even though he's physically not close to you. So the memory

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Okay, or the mention of that friend brings you comfort even though he's not around. Right? He's not around but brings you comfort brings you joy. You feel connected, you feel you belong to someone, you can wait to see them. Whereas the presence of your enemy repels you and brings you alienation you want to run away from them. And you want them to run away from you. So that's what he's talking about that this the sense of alienation that you're alone, and he says will wash to silverbow hijab he says that alienation is caused by the veil between you and Allah and thicker the veil, the thicker that alienation and desolation. And he says then that disconnection from Allah azza wa jal

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what the alienation that it brings, it says has causes. One is ruffler.

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heedlessness meaning you're not aware of Allah as a little distant, you don't pay attention. You don't think about Allah as Jen so you're alienated. That's one degree. Another one is that alienation of sin.

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What is worse also the alienation of shirk and kufr and you can even put foot in between the bid as a major sin. So there is ruffler there is this general sin there is bitter and major sins and then there's sure can go for and the greater the sin, the greater that alienation. He says you're not going to find anyone who engages in one or any of these things except that he is somewhat disconnected distant from Allah xojo and alienated from him and feeling alone.

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So he can find his way back to the Quran, he can find his way back to the Salah, he can't find his way back to the ticker. Right? There's like kind of repulsion

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between him and that and why is that because of the distance and if you just simply quit that sin or ask Allah azza wa jal for support and push yourself you will regain the sweetness of the Quran to regain the sweetness of the EVA with some struggle because you have to overcome the gap.

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Okay, and I know that could seem theoretical to some people but just notice yourself when you do something you feel that you fallen

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and Kenny have to put effort to climb up again. Right Do you feel it fallen way I'm distant. I'm not comfortable as comfortable as it should be with the Quran or with the salah or with the Quran with do I have to force it? That is the distance that he's talking about. And in addition to it that wretched feeling that the people have

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Halloween Obata and from also the punishments of it, and not only fulfill bouncer hottie he was the karma healer Model D when hair off is that it diverts the heart from health and straightness, to disease and crookedness because he said, It is sins are the diseases of the heart. So the heart continues to be sick. And anything that is supposed to nourish it doesn't work because the heart is sick.

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So you give it Quran but it doesn't want to listen to the Quran. Why? Because it listens to music.

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Right? Because music right if you saturate your life with music, you will have less place

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In your heart for the Quran

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you'll have less that applies by the way to all these enter sheet that are supposedly Islamic. But in practice, they're not Islamic because they use the same thing as music as as other popular songs, which is they use music

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So if you if you are addicted to that, try if you're addicted to it to listen to the Quran and you will find that your heart is now moved by. It's hard. There's distance. So that causes a disease in the heart so sin causes a disease in the heart. So he says, sins affect the heart, like any disease affects the body. In fact,

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a Lenovo Amerasian holo builder overloaded our whole letter, that they say that sins are the diseases of the heart, and there is no medicine except leaving them waka Dejima as a Runa in Allah to Allah and this is a beautiful sentence. And I want you to Allah to try to remember it, that those who are moving are going to Allah azza wa jal are all of the opinion that an Kuru wll to otter Munna ha ha. Tata, sila, Ilan, hola. That's beautiful. That the hearts are not given what they want until they reach the Lord.

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Right so you're marching I mean, everybody is sad. By the way everybody is walking. Are you walking

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depends on what your destination is. Jana or otherwise, you're walking to get a job or you're marching to get a job you're striving to get married, you're striving to Halal you're striving to Hara. Everybody is marching, going somewhere. So he's saying that all those who are marching but to who were to Allah Zoda they're saying that the hearts have desires, you're not gonna reach your desire until you

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reach Allah azza wa jal. Your fullest desire is with Allah and Allah with you not in this dunya

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what does he do? Even Allah had that Hakuna so he hadn't Salema it says you're not going to reach your Lord until you are healthy and sound. And they are not healthy and sound healthy and Alibaba. Whoever your pseudo Nuff said they were here until that disease of it becomes its medicine. You turn it upside down, and the disease becomes the medicine. So explain. It's what I said. Hola, hedonic. Ellerbee. Mukalla, fatty Hawa. And that is not happen until you combat and disobey your desire. That's your house.

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So your house is detrimental. Your house kills you. I will feel like that. There's nothing worse than I feel like this. I will do it.

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I think this I will do it. There's nothing worse than that.

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Because if you let yourself tell you what to do, it will destroy you.

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Do you feel like studying?

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Know right. You don't feel like studying? Do you feel like waking up early to go to your job?

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Sometimes, sometimes maybe. Right? But do you? Why do you force yourself?

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The result? Right? Do you know that if you're going to listen to yourself you will be homeless, penniless, jobless in the dunya in the dunya. Right. Do you eat everything you feel like eating?

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Do you say you say no to yourself? I'm talking about worldly

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just considerations, nothing else. Everything you feel like eating? I'm going to snack at midnight? Am I going to eat this whole cake? I'm going to do that. You know it's gonna make you sick, right? You know that you're gonna gain weight you know? So you're saying no to yourself? This is more colorful However this isn't saying no to yourself

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like this obeying what it's telling you. So he's saying that that thing which is your illness, if you say no to this becomes your medicine.

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Right? And if it becomes your medicine, then your knifes will be sound and healthy. Your soul and if your soul is sound and healthy and rich, Allah azza wa jal and if it reaches Allah, it will get everything that it wants that it before us to say no to. Because in general, you can eat as much as you want, right?

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There's no There's no bad diet in general, you're not going to get fat in general, you can get whatever you want. You can do whatever you want. You're not going to say no to yourself in general, but you have to say no to yourself here in order to say no then and in either not to say no. Then. So here

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where she felt Homolka to fit in his data and moderate Carcillo ACOTA cartella. Okay. He says if you let your desire drive you it will kill you. It becomes your disease, and it will kill you or about will be about to kill you. He said we'll come out in nomina Hannah

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So Anil, how can I tell Jana to Allah? Forget the call we're gonna call woof he had the dirty if he didn't naughty Nigella

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he says as it is the case as the fact that the one who disobey is his Hauer and stops his however, he will go to Jana and that is here he is coding Allah zodion What a moment half and upon Mata Biggie when I had enough sir Anil however in agenda he Elmo, if you fear the time when you're going to be standing before Allah has xojo and you'll forbid yourself from following its desire, then Jana will be your abode will be your home. That's what Allah has it himself. So he's saying that since that is the case, he says so also that his heart in this world will be in Jannah as well before he visits the actual Jana, his heart will be experiencing heaven on earth. And it will be unlike any

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other joy that the people of the world will be enjoying. And the difference between the joy of the heart is experiencing Jannah and any other worldly joy is like the difference between Heaven and the next life and hellfire.

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Right. So it's saying that the joy of the believers is not only in the next life,

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right, the next life if you are pious, where do you go? Jana is saying this Jana here to the way is this Jana?

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Jana of the body? No. is Jana of the heart, the heart can under that. Jana. What is this Jana is is that joy that you receive from knowing that Allah azza wa jal is near you, and you pleasing Him, and He will take care of you and that you can trust him. And nothing that ever will happen to you. And if something that looks like it's bad happens to you, when you go to Allah azza wa jal, he takes care of it. And that what awaits you if you obey Allah is heaven and heaven without any disease without any fear, without any terror, nothing. So if you have that, and you're close to the Quran, and do and Dhikr you it's be feels as if you're in Jannah. That's joy, he said.

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And you are going to be very comfortable, very secure.

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Very secure. Mrs. That's joy.

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People of this world will have joy as well. He drank alcohol, he says, that was fun. He gambled, oh, that was fun. He slept around, he'll say that is fun. He says there is no comparison between these two types of joy, that joy is complete and perfect. And there is no shame there is no dishonor, there is no fear there is nothing that follows it is that taints it. Whereas the other joy is not joy at all. There's always something wrong with it.

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There's always something wrong. And even Potamia Rahimullah has this beautiful saying he says man if that EB in agenda to boustani Fuseli

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he says what could my enemies do to me? My Jana is in in my heart.

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Where's my agenda is in my heart. So imagine that you could reach a level where you say what can you do to me?

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Because my agenda is already inside.

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Because you all your efforts, then all your harm. You want to put me in jail. You want to take this and that for me? It doesn't affect me because this is not my agenda.

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And when that's the case, your enemies become powerless. They can do nothing to you. Nothing. They can physically imprison you but your soul is never in prison. You fall is your soul is in heaven with Allah azza wa jal happy with Allah's decree, calling on Allah azza wa jal to reword it, calling on Allah azza wa jal to save it. So for you, it looks for them, it looks like they have one and you are in prison for you. There's nothing sweeter than being with Allah, Allah zodion. Whether you are in the masjid, outside the masjid, in prison, outside of prison you with Allah azza wa jal all the time, sin takes all that away, takes all that joy away, and you're left alone, right?

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And he says, Well,

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I says don't think that when Allah azza wa jal says in a broader ladyfinger aim, the righteous are in name, that this is mean that the righteous are in, living in blessings in and are being blessed. Don't think that this is only about the next life. But this is in the three homes, the homes in the dunya, the home of the birds of that is in between and the home of the Ashira their three dwellings. So in the dunya, they'll be in nine

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in the Barossa in the grave, they'll be in nine, there'll be blessed, and also in the next life they will be blessed as well. And he says, while in a wilderness aim will probably be while other will in the other

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is joy or a bless

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Same is it other than the joy and the blessing of the heart, and is torture anything but the torture of the heart.

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And that is beautiful if a person can remember it, and you can base your life on it, right? So what is the advantage of being rich, so you have all the means of physical happiness, but your heart is tortured and wretched

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is that is punishment, right? You're never happy. So Allah gives you this. But because you abuse it,

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you sacrifice the comfort of the heart. So if the comfort of the heart is not present, you're being punished even if you're the richest person.

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If you find someone who's rich, who's abusing their money, know that they're being what? rewarded or punished.

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punished. If someone has all that money, and they wasted, you know that they're spending it in Haram, they're being punished right in front of your eyes.

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And even if they're smiling, know that inside, they're miserable. It has to be

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it has to be they are miserable on the inside.

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So he says the name is the name of the heart, the joy is the joy of the heart. And if you have it you have everything even if though physically you may seem lacking a lot of the means of physical happiness, it doesn't matter. But the joy is the joy of the heart.

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What are you either been ushered luminal hope he will have mutual has any old equals somebody where all the Angela he would Daddy earthhero What the elope Hebrew lady Allah He won't get why he and Allah he because he was in a new show. But it says what punishment is greater than fear and sorrow and sadness and the tightness of the heart and being away from Allah azza wa jal and being attached to someone other than Allah and being disconnected from Allah, His heart is every in his in every valley. It is every path. He worried about the past and the present. You are worried about this child and this child and that child, you're worried about this company, you're worried about

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everything and everything.

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He says, Where is the comfort of a heart again, to come to such a heart, such a person?

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That is punishment, even though you're not supposed to because you're living comfortably but you're not supposed to. But your heart is miserable and wretched because it's away from Allah azza wa jal.

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And he said,

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welcome Luminita Aloka beaucoup Lucia interlock hubba hubba hubba homing Dooney la Haifa in who we assume who saw a ladder.

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It says an everything that he loves,

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other than Allah azza wa jal or you can translate it mean Dooney Allah without Allah

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without the presence of Allah zodion Everything that he loves, without Allah azza wa jal or instead of Allah punishes him. Right, punishes him, you assume who saw torments him. Right? That is an interesting observation is thing to keep in mind. Everything that you love, if Allah azza wa jal is not an ingredient in that love torments you.

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Do you believe that?

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tormin su punishes you for that love. How could you not follow Allah in it? You get tormented? He explains khulumani Habashi Allah here ODB selesa Maratea the heat does anyone who loves anything other than Allah Zhou did it torments you three times in this world for all your other will be here Pablo has already had diarrhea so before you get it you're tormented because you don't have it.

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I need it I needed to can't live without it. When will I get it? Right? That's torment. And because you got connected to it. Without Allah, if Allah asserted is with you there Allah azza wa jal can direct these emotions compensate you tell you how to feel and how to feel. But because Allah is not there now as the bus of the beginning of the tournament I needed I needed when can I get it? When can I get it? What? Until you get it? I'll fit the hustler of the baby. He had a hustler, he will help him in cell behemoth Awatea bottom. Let's see what the key the alley. It says. You are tormented until you get it and then when you get it, you're still tormented, because you're afraid

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that you're going to lose it. And people will come and try to take it from you. And the thing itself that you have itself it's imperfect so it will torment you because of its imperfection. You love someone and they don't love you back. You love someone and they are mean to you. They love you love some and they ignore you right? So that's torment for at

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least say what the media Allah Who Anwar al more out of the people oppose you. They try to take it away from you as well.

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I love someone what if she loves somebody else? What if he leaves me right? What if I lose this company? What if some of the stocks fall? What if What if so, you tormented while you have it because you're afraid that somebody will take it from you or you will lose it for either Saliba hosted data here. Otherwise, it says when it's taken from you, then your torment is complete? Right?

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fairly thorough to environmental other if you had to hit done

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right. So, if you love Allah azza wa jal How do you avoid that torment?

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Because it's you're bound to love other things, right? Your children, your spouse, things in life, how do you avoid that torment when Allah azza wa jal is involved? Yeah.

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Sorry, go ahead.

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Try not to force it possibly Yeah.

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Yeah, if you love Allah as well and your attachment is to Allah azza wa jal, you by necessity will love other things less.

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So you have less attachment to them. That makes sense. Less attachment to them. And then you also know I want this to happen. And if it doesn't happen then what that is that's Allah's will. Not gonna die. And if it happens when I have it, I'm afraid if I'm afraid that I'm going to lose it, what do I do I ask Allah to protect it. And if I lose it, then that's Allah's will.

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And if it happens, and I lose it eventually Allah's decree,

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then because you love someone more than that thing, you're not going to turn be tormented by it. But if that is the thing that you love, besides Allah without Allah azza wa jal, it will torment you. But the love of Allah zodat is not tormenting. Why

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can anybody take it away from you? Except you, no one can take it away from you? Does it end it only increases so the love of Allah as a real is only the only love that is non tormenting

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is only love that is blissful all the time.

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And he's the only one Subhana wa Tada that when you go to He doesn't say, I'm busy. I don't have time for you. I can't help you. So Allah's love is complete, right? He says, he continues and we also when you love something besides Allah azza wa jal.

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You get tormented in the bursa in the grave, because you've left it, so you're not going to meet it. Or at least for that duration, you're not gonna see it.

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And then eventually, also, when you are resurrected,

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there's the greatest separation because you love it so much. But if you're another people, if both of you are not of the people of heaven, then that's the greatest separation, you're not going to be joined. He says, find her there. How do you compare that torment? Me now? Amy, mon yakusoku, Thorburn Wafra handwoven San Vera Bay. He says, Where is that torment compared to one whose heart is dancing, figuratively, dancing out of joy and happiness and comfort of the nearness of being near his Lord, longing to see him subhanho wa Taala comfortable with that with His love and feeling comfortable with mentioning him had a report about the home via holiness. He worked on ABA. Until to

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the extent that some of them would say why they're about to die. Oh my happiness.

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Right? That is attributed it's weak, it's attributed to be learn of the Allahu Anhu so it is weak, but it doesn't this kind of convey an important message. It is said and remember it's weak but it is said that wouldn't be loud or the Allahu Anhu was dying in regard to who his wife was saying yeah, well EULA. Oh my misery and Bilal was saying well for a ha oh my happiness.

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Now who when he dies, he's saying I'm happy.

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The one who's worth waiting to see whom? Allah azza wa jal right, like all my life I've been waiting building up to this moment.

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Building up to this moment I'm going home.

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I'm finally going to leave all this behind and meet Allah azza wa jal Oh my happiness. So is why you've naturally so all my misery Oh my sadness you leaving us with the saying no. I'm gonna be meeting Allah Allah. So to that is my happiness. Okay, I've been in this life separated from him. I've been praying and making dua and you know, fighting all of these temptations, all of these ills, my knifes, my weakness, this person, that person now we're gonna receive that comfort and be with Allah xojo. That's my happiness. And

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then they'll call our Heba Mohamed and or Sahaba at a Salatu was Salam, as he said, also, while he was dying, that's more authentic. He says, tomorrow we will meet the loved ones Muhammad and his companions. All right, the ones that have died before us and now we're going to meet them so death did them now that's the most terrifying thing that you could ever think of. You say to someone you're going to die nothing shakes them more than that. And this person is receiving it with joy and happiness a I'm gonna die that said, I, I'm gonna meet Allah azza wa jal. I'm gonna see Muhammad Ali salatu salam and all look at who's coming because companions

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so that is

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The joy that he is talking about which is the joy of being close to Allah as a surgeon, way accorded Arthur, and he's bringing you hear statements of the cell of

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the whole earth.

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He said, If the people of Jana are as happy as we are now, indeed this as a beautiful living,

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like there are moments, right moments where you would experience such joy and happiness and comfort and satisfaction that I that speak, or you say, if the people of Jin Neff feel what I'm feeling right now, this is really beautiful.

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This is like after a night of reading the Quran, a lengthy session of dua, a day where you're really close to Allah ascertain, and you just feel whole and complete. Like nothing is missing. And so satisfied that you don't we need anything else and you will feel like nothing bad could ever happen. And you say, if the people of Jana feel like what I'm feeling right now, this is really beautiful. And that's the Jana that the scholars have said you should experience before you die.

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Because that's the beauty of it. Right? You can't just wait till then. No, you should experience it when you were alive. complete satisfaction and complete comfort. While you're kulula Haru. Another says, masa quinoa, hello duniya A says, you know, the people of the dunya are such poor, a specimen. I, I feel sorry for the people of the duniya people of this world, they left it and they did not taste the sweetest living in the dunya. Right. And the sweetest living in it is knowing Allah has zoton.

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So he says, I feel sorry for the people of the dunya, who are the people of the dunya. There are people who are writing these fancy cars, and living in these palaces. And they traveled to almost all these exotic destinations and they can do whatever they want with all the money that they have. Everybody admires them and everybody wants to be them. And he is saying I pity them because they have not experienced the sweetest living in this life. And you say to yourself, what else do you want them to experience? They have everything.

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But I don't have anything compared to them, right? Nothing. They have everything. Whatever the wish for they can get whatever door they knock on it will open. What else do you want them to experience is the sweetest thing in the dunya which they missed is knowing Allah azza wa jal that's the sweetest thing because you are completely satisfied. If you are a person who reaches that level, if somebody comes and tells you, should I give you Maurice, I don't need anything from you.

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I don't need anything from you. Right?

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Because I as a person was in tawaf,

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right. And he was one of the setup one of the scholars or one of the worshipers of Allah azza wa jal, so one of the princes or the Khalifa, I forgot, met him. And he says, Do you need anything? Well, in throw off, he says, we're in tawaf, right now, this is not appropriate for me to talk about the dunya meet me outside when we're finished our tawaf the cabaret. So after you finish, you know, the exit, and they say, now, do you need anything? He said, so and he says, Listen, I was inside asking Allah subhanaw taala, for everything that I want. If I did not ask you, then I don't need you now.

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Right? If I did not ask you, then I don't need you now. And you understand that type of request, like a millionaire would come to a billionaire with come to you and say, Do you need anything who would resist that request? Who has the heart to say no, to that request, but he said no to him, because why he says, I don't need anything from you.

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I'm completely satisfied, even if I don't have much, but I'm completely satisfied. So you want to reach that level where you are a bar that gives you complete love and complete satisfaction that you say to yourself, I don't need anything from anybody or anything from that dunya I'll take what I need to live. But my art is known to be attached to it. That's the sweetest type of living, which is to know Allah azza wa jal in full, and you know that you only need him but nobody else and you rely on him but nobody else might.

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Well Ebrahimian with Adam, he said, Lo anima na and Monica Webnode manakamana Hanafi Heda Jalla Duna Allah He see you if he says of the kings and the sons of kings, they know the joy that we experienced, they'll fight us over it with Sorbs because they'll fight you over anything that is precious and valuable. They want it for themselves, is as if they know the type of joy that we are experiencing. They'll fight us over it. But Allah azza wa jal keeps it for the Select. Okay. Well, your puluh somebody also says in the feed dunya Jana Malamute hola the miracle genital Earth era he says in the dunya there is a

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If you don't enter it, you don't enter that next wordly Jana.

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That's what we talked about here. It's not just then but here. So if you want to enter it, then he must experience some of it here. And he is saying here if you do not witness it, if you don't feel it here, you're not likely to feel it and witness it over there.

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So he asked yourself, Where is your heart when you read the Quran? Or when you hear it? And that connects it by the way to the month of Ramadan? We're gonna be hearing a lot from the Quran, where would a god Where are your heart be? Will you experience in that month? That joy that they are talking about here? Be so close to Allah azza wa jal that you reach that you have, you know, ascended to levels of Eman unprecedented you did not experience before or they don't happen that often. You feel I don't need much of this dunya I don't need anything of anyone. I only need Allah azza wa jal when you feel that, then you've experienced some of that, Jana, okay. I'm not afraid and

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I'm not sorry. I'm happy and fulfilled.

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So he said, he said are haimo Allah.

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He says, If this is could be your portion from Allah azza wa jal and from this life, if you sell this, because of worldly joy, you are indeed have wasted the merchandise and the merchandise is your soul. Because your soul will be sold to either gain Heaven or gain hellfire.

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Your hours will be used for this or for that. So if you sell your soul, okay, for hellfire, you really have wasted that transaction. Or he said he then EMEA conduct libratone Beauty mat is still alpha male mocha will mean it says if you don't understand how valuable the merchandise is, ask those who evaluate or set the prices. Meaning ask people how valuable are my days and hours how many available is myself? How valuable is heaven? How valuable is * so that you know if you're selling your soul for something that it's worth it. So don't sell your soul for hellfire, or don't waste it for things that distract you and take you away from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada because this is open. This

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is a false or a losing transaction. Yeah, I didn't mean we'd love it man. My cases, you know, marvel at the fact that you have a merchandise that is with you, and Allah who wants to buy it, and the reward or the money or the price for that is heaven, Jana to Mattawa was a funeral lady Jeremiah, the lady here are the meaty the mediator, the one who brought information of that transaction, and the one who guarantees the price is Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam. So you understand what that transaction is. Allah offered heaven. He says the price is your soul and your devotion. Muhammad Ali Salatu Salam is the witness to that transaction who told you about its details and guarantees you

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that if you do this, Allah will give you Jana? He says if that's the transaction, why would you waste your soul and degraded so that would go to hellfire, right? Come upon Allah, as the poet had said, that Canada fit a little outfit a little Aberdeen BNF Sihi from the home and by the Delica you karamo from him then for Mandela who mean Daddy, Daddy, can you cream. He says if this is what a servant or a person is doing to himself, who can honor him afterwards? If you dishonor yourself with your own hands, who can honor you? And Allah azza wa jal woman he said when we're using Allah HuFa Allah will mean Makarem, the one whom Allah azza wa jal humiliates no one can honor him, right?

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So let's inshallah just briefly talk about Ramadan and its connection insha Allah to everything that we've been talking about. So there's nothing

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more potent in treating the cells than what Allah has obligated.

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So Primary among them is the Salah as a cow, and fasting.

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So the cat treats the illness of greed and love of money. And some of that is in Ramadan, by the way because there is a cat in Ramadan. Plus in addition to all the voluntaries at Akkad the Salah the daily Salah keeps you connected to Allah azza wa jal and cleanses you of sin, et cetera, et cetera. But let's just focus on fasting and what it does. Fasting if you understand it as

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an objective that is supposed to change you. It is supposed to treat all of us by detaching us from the dunya

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the chat, detaching us from our habits and attaching us to Allah azza wa jal and attaching us to better habits. says, Why is it that we sin and then why

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Why is it that we find it difficult to stop sinning? Right? We sin because we love the dunya. Right? We love the dunya Allah, suite of money, we love women, we love ourselves, we love the dunya Allah. So how do you treat this? So Allah azza wa jal throughout the month of Ramadan teaches you. It's a course in patience, but not just that teaches you

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by detaching you from the dunya. So you're supposed to eat less and drink less. And these are the main features of the Shaohua of the desire. What feeds desire, what you consume. So the more energy you have, the more likely that you're going to commit acts, that bring you closer to the dunya. The Allah azza wa jal goes to the basics of that basic of the love of the dunya and he weakens it. So you eat less and you drink less and you detach yourself from the dunya because of it.

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But Allah does not leave you without an attachment. So now he attaches you to him Subhanahu wa Taala by urging you by recommending that you do what there is Quran, and there's tarawih and there is dua, and there's asking for forgiveness. So he weakens the dunya

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and weakens the enemy that beautifies the dunya in your eyes, which is the shaytaan weakens it, and strengthens the ephemera.

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So he moves you, he redirects you.

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And if you say habit and it's hard to break a habit,

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Allah isodiol allows you in that month to break all of your habits. How much of your life changes in Ramadan? Allah right, your sleep what you eat when you wake up, your whole routine changes. So Allah azza wa jal replaces all of your habits with a new routine, and gives you enough time to let go of past habits and to form new ones.

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So if you say I have bad habit, but in Ramadan, you can let go of it day after day, day after day, day after day, by the end of the month, you're supposed to be able to leave it

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and be replaced by better habits.

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Because now you have a habit of Torah we have a habit of fasting habit of reading the Quran of all these beautiful habits.

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A third thing?

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Why do people after Ramadan? Why do all of us let's say after Ramadan, find it hard to maintain the good things that we've learned in Ramadan, because after Ramadan, you go back to your same old settings, same old company, same old people.

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And so Allah as it will also wants you and this is something to keep in mind that if you want your change to be successful, you have to change the people who are around you. So in Ramadan, you attend the masjid, you get to know the people in the midst of that makes it easier, you are filled with greater righteousness around you that makes it easier. So when Ramadan is about to end, Allah also wants you to do something which is to inhabit a place and habit, have surroundings that motivate that transformation.

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And also, I want you also to think of fasting in light of everything that we said today also specifically, which is that it should be done

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to find the joy of fasting, to find the joy of the Quran, to find the joy, the sweetness of the DUA, the sweetness of being in the presence of Allah zodion at a time that is unlike any other time, you can climb in Ramadan into a levels that are not easy to reach outside of Ramadan. Right. And you're completely surrounded with the Quran bombarded with it all the time at night and if you choose during the day as well. So there is detachment there is definitely there is you abandoned sin and that leaves you open to be reformed. So that's why it's important to leave it leaves you open to be reformed, your heart kind of starts, you know, recovering. And if you inject more of a brother in it

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more of Allah has mentioned listening to the Quran reading it, do they care? Do they care sadaqa everything that is that is dear to Allah as a volunteer to you because of the that's dear to Allah, your heart changes and your heart heals, and you begin to feel better.

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So the disease in the cure. One of the best ways to treat your heart is Ramadan and is fasting. But you have to give yourself to it. And you have to ask Allah azza wa jal for it. Is it

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difficult to fast to a degree it is. And to a degree it isn't you just not eating and drinking. That at the basic level is very easy. But at a higher level, it's not that easy. Because you also need to stop everything else that upsets Allah zodion Right. So you need to now say saying things start saying to yourself, Why am I saying these things right now? This is haram, this is doubtful. This is wrong, you stop it. Why am I looking at these things on the bad? I should stop? Why am I listening to this thing? Isn't it bad, I should stop? Why am I going to that place? Isn't it wrong, I should stop. So you become conscious of Allah azza wa jal, and all the things that you are doing. And you

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become very sensitive to what is wrong and sensitive to what is right. And you open the most half and you read and it fills your heart with iman. And you see that next life as it's right there in front of you. And the Day of Judgment is right there in front of you and you are standing there before Allah you're being asked, Do you remember all the bad things that you have done and then you ask Allah for forgiveness. And the Quran keeps transforming you and the fasting keeps transforming you day after day after day after day.

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So there is something bad that we have that we want to get rid of using Ramadan for it. And if we have a heart that is not inclined towards Allah as zodion, use Ramadan for it, say to yourself, I want to feel the joy of fasting. So the mouth can fast the body can fast. But I want to reach a level where my heart is fasting.

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Where my heart says, I don't need the dunya I need Allah Masood.

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I'm not going to rely on people. I'm going to rely on Allah. I don't need people to make me happy. Allah is the source of my happiness. So it's not money that is going to make me happy is not fame is not worldly fortunes. But only Allah has origin. And you say to yourself, is that possible is a yes, it's possible. It's natural to be happy with the dunya here and there, but I'm talking about real essential happiness, then we're going to be happy with Allah as urgent and it's not until you feel completely satisfied with Allah and dissatisfied with everything else created.

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So that is the fast of the heart. You stop eating and drinking the dunya

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it's not just eating and drinking food, right water and food and water, no, eating the dunya

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and your heart now is attached to Allah azza wa jal.

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And you know that the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam has reached a level where right when he would not physically need to eat and drink.

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That's always solid, which is disliked for everybody else. But he could fast two consecutive days three days in a row without eating out of choice.

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And he is not hungry

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and doesn't feel the need to eat and why. He said Alia Salatu was Salam in the ability to interrupt vos, immune Myasthenia, I'm with Allah as a surgeon, he feeds me and nourishes me and gives me what I need to drink. And it's not physical, because some people have, you know, tried to interpret that. Is it physical, that the prophets Allah is being fed and he drinks something physical, but other worldly and that's why he doesn't need anything from the dnasei No, it's not otherwise he wouldn't be fasting. But it's what spiritual.

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Right? So that's the level of Muhammad Ali Salah there was, no one can reach it, but it touches tells you about the possibilities that a human heart can be so attached to Allah azza wa jal that it does not need the dunya anymore. And after you feel that you can still be in the dunya but not out of need.

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You will marry and you will have children and you will have a job and you can be very successful. But you're not of the people of the dunya. You're doing it for the ephedra right. So that's a person who has fasted from the dunya and only needs Allah azza wa jal. So the fasting here we want it to heal us. So don't take Ramadan as Oh, it's just a month I'll stop eating and drinking and I'll have nice food and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat and the month will be over. We'll have eight I can't wait for eight because I cannot get it to enjoy this and that know Allah azza wa jal had put this month because there's a lot of benefit in it.

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And the lease of the things that you want is Ramadan, is to be totally forgiven,

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can earn a minimum level in the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He said once when he was on the mimbar I mean, so they said oh prophet of Allah, why did you say I mean, he said, because you really came and he told me, he said to me, when other ACARA Madonna fell on mute for Allah who further Hala Nava than LA who call Amin

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According to I mean, he came he said, Gibreel came to me and he said, The one who witnesses the month of Ramadan and he's not forgiven, and thus he enters hellfire. May he be castaway. Say I mean? So I sit down me. So that a basic level, what do you want from the month of Ramadan? Because that should be an objective that's a goal is not just oh, I just finished the day of Ramadan let's have fun. No What is your goal to be forgiven?

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He can't leave the month of Ramadan unless you are forgiven because if not, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, you know, said I mean today, may you be castaway.

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That means you've lost so everybody has to leave Ramadan been forgiven. So you say that's the minimum wage, what's the maximum? The maximum is up to you?

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The maximum is a fair dose. Maximum is to be rewarded so much that no one can count it except Allah azza wa jal, that's the maximum. The maximum is so you'll be changed so much, that you're not the same person anymore. You re Are you are reborn

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into a believer that does not resemble the believer that was before Ramadan completely transformed.

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That you could give your heart completely to Allah azza wa jal and Allah keeps your heart with him. doesn't come back to you. It's his now. You do what he wants. Now what you want what he wants, you move how he wants.

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For whom phobia sama. I'll come to some outlet IESNA OBE Woba, will let the Ube Sohrabi alpha be Yes, ma'am. What do you observe? This is the value of Allah xojo Right where Allah as it says, in the Hadith, that he will, Allah will love him so much, until I am his eyes and I am his ears by which he hears, and I am his eyes by which he sees an eye in his hand by which he grabs an eye in his foot by which he walks and of course, that does not mean that he becomes God, but he moves

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by God. Right? Imagine yourself, a person who moves by God and for God alone.

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And if Allah tells you, you do it, and if not, you don't do it. And if something is wrong, you say it's wrong and you're in fear, no human, because you know, Allah has lived it is with you. So that's what fasting is. detach from the dunya that do you see the extent of it? That's what I'm trying to explain. you detach so much from the dunya and you enter Jannah already in Ramadan.

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So yeah, now your purpose based on what we said, you want to enter the agenda of Ramadan. So you push yourself, you push and you ask and you push and you ask, I want to feel that joy, that pinnacle of joy in Ramadan, the pinnacle of UN's being comforted by Allah in Ramadan, that's what I wanted.

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So all the rest are mechanics important. You have to follow the Sunnah of Satoshi follow the Sunnah of Iftar. Follow the Sunnah of tarawih. This is all what the frame the vase, right? Or the cup. But it's not empty. If you just leave it empty, it's empty. It's just a cup. What are you going to fill it with? The cup is there to hold something without it, it can't hold, nothing can be held, right? So you need the form. But then what fills it? Where's your heart, when you're reading what is your heart when you're fasting? What is your heart when you making dua.

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So pull your heart back in and push your heart to experience that and don't get frustrated.

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Don't get for that's important. Don't get frustrated. The first day, the second day, the third day, the fourth day, you're going to find some difficult days in Ramadan, right to remember best past Ramadan. Or this wasn't really a good day, that's fine. The next day you make up for it, the next week you make up for it, but you keep pushing. And one of those days you're going to find a breakthrough.

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When you're fasting is going to break through Allah will reward you with it. A breakthrough your father you heard would be so gentle, so soft, you start crying, you make dua, it will start crying.

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And you feel like I don't need anything else Alhamdulillah that I'm feeling this. That's the feeling that you want to have and you want to grab on to that feeling and remember it later to say to yourself, I want to be that person again. So Ramadan is invaluable opportunity to reach that. And again, there's what I'm saying this, I don't want you to feel anxiety that I need to do this or something is wrong with me. I don't feel I need you to be

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agitated, like what happens if I don't get it. Just push as much as you can. As much as you can not be on and importantly keep asking Allah has a budget and don't give up. Right? So that's what I wanted to say. About the month of Ramadan Of course I mean, our halacha will stop during the month of Ramadan.

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And we'll return with Nila xojo After and we'll announce it in sha Allah

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let me know in sha Allah if you have any questions about what we said yeah

00:55:16 --> 00:55:28

now I'm in sha Allah so once the time changes and welcome back insha Allah I hope in April in sha Allah will be after maghrib so that's a good question after mcglue Not after Isha because I think he will be too late

00:55:37 --> 00:55:37

well yeah

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00:55:50 --> 00:55:58

Uh huh so a reminder for the brother in sha Allah that time changes on Sunday and that is likely to be like

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when we called Sunday night likely to be the first night of Ramadan so just remember to change all the times all the clocks in the house so that you don't accidentally follow the old time. So hope insha Allah that's to keep that in mind

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or meaning like after like this one or oh, this just like the hotbar Well, I mean, every Friday there's going to be a hotbar and then probably will will be concentrating on Ramadan but not exclusively. So deal with other things as well. Okay.

00:56:38 --> 00:57:09

Okay. Okay, let me just meet then in Charlotte, some of the questions here online and they'll come back to you Inshallah, what do you advise for the one going on Hajj being not fully attached to Allah as described in the lecture having some attachments of past sins, or recognize we talked about a very high level of iman shouldn't detract you. So if you're going to Hajj or any other Islamic obligation and you're still in, you're still attached, you still weak you still It shouldn't derail that intention. And that

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effort. When we say insha, Allah is that especially if you're going to Hajj let that precede all of that, with repentance from everything,

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with an intention that I'm going to go because you want to go and you want to be cleansed completely, and you're going to come back pure of sin, this is what you hope that is going to happen. Because the righteous Hajj, a reward of that is heaven. Right? So you are going to be cleansed. So go there with the intention that I want to be changed. I'm going to ask Allah azza wa jal for that change, and I'm going to work on it. So go with repentance. If you go back, as if you go with a sinful person and come back as sinful person, you haven't learned a lot from it, you still get rewarded from it, but you haven't been changed. So you do want to seek every opportunity that

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you have that brings you closer to Allah as the origin to change and be a better Muslim. So don't waste the opportunity of Hajj without going there with some repentance, complete repentance from those sins.

00:58:15 --> 00:58:20

Are we held accountable of our family members immediate and extended are doing lots of Buddha

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because it's been taught in the family as well as community, I've shared talks, etc. but it caused some issues. And they think I'm extreme. Therefore, nowadays, I keep quiet about those matters. If you tried your best, it doesn't affect you if they are committing sins of committing badass. So Zack Allah here for trying and you must understand, of course, anybody who's trying to advise family, that's one of the most complicated things is to advise family, right? One of the most complicated things because it's family and because of proximity, that nearness to them. They don't really take you seriously. Right? They will take the words of a stranger but not you. And he sometimes you

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wonder, he said, But I told you the same thing. How come you're not listening to me? But you're listening to a stranger, but an A there's a proverb, and I think it could be biblical, is it a prophet is not a prophet in his in his own hometown.

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A prophet is not a prophet, in His own hometown, meaning in his home town, they don't consider him to be a prophet why he is he's not valuable. He's not special. You just need some stranger to come and tell you these things. So it's a handicap sometimes being a member of a family and trying to give them advice. So understand that it's difficult, so don't be discouraged by it and understand that. Once you've given advice, you've done your job. The rest is dua or seeking the best opportunities to give advice, but it does not affect you in show.

00:59:52 --> 00:59:53

Okay, sorry.

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01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

What is the time of this lesson and Ramadan we're gonna pause this lesson and Ramadan insha Allah will come back

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after inshallah

01:00:10 --> 01:00:53

if one hasn't found that firmness and determination to repent not doing with complete repentance, what does one need to do? At least understand that what you're doing is wrong? That's really important. And keep asking Allah as legit for assistance even if you have not found as it said here the determination to stop but recognize that it's a mistake and keep asking Allah Allah help me, help me help me and be serious about that request. Like how much would you ask Allah as of just to give you a job or for you to pass an exam? Or to get married if you really want to get married? How much would you ask? Persistently without stop? So you do the same? You do it in every sujood you do

01:00:53 --> 01:01:21

it in every time we'll do it is accepted and you do it every day. That becomes your mission. If there's a sin and you can't let go of it your mission then becomes I need to leave this I can't repent now but I want Allah to give me the strength. So every Friday between Arsalan McGraw you ask, you sit and you ask and Ramadan is coming every day, day and night day and night you ask and every salute you ask

01:01:22 --> 01:01:23

until Allah gives it to

01:01:24 --> 01:01:50

you Allah make me hate this. As I love it right now make me hate this year, Allah azza wa jal, you know, make it ugly in my eyes, to my ears to my body to my mouth, make it ugly. Take away the people around me who invite me to do that sin, take me away from that sin, just make that and in one of those times, your data will be taken. One of those times that will be taken will be accepted. And in some way.

01:01:51 --> 01:01:53

You will find that you don't like that anymore.

01:01:55 --> 01:02:10

But you have to keep asking, asking, asking until Allah azza wa jal gives you that way. So don't ever give up. Don't ever give up the Mercy of Allah azza wa jal is near those who are fearful of Him and who keep asking him.

01:02:12 --> 01:02:51

It is said that one should make the intention to fast the night before in Ramadan, how should this intention and Ramadan fasting be done? You could do two things you could have a general intention before at the first night of fasting that I'm fasting for the rest of the month. Right general intention, I'm fasting every night of the month, every minute of every night, every day. And that is sufficient to allow. You say, Well, I mean, do I have kind of like to remember it every night? If you remember it, it is good. Because it's an intentional fast. By the mere act of waking up and eating Satori, that's an intent. Because somebody asks you, Why are you eating Soho? What's the

01:02:51 --> 01:03:19

answer? Because I'm fasting the next day. So that's an intention. So that's sufficient. But if you kind of like Remember again, that you're fasting, and then we resolve too fast and too fast, well, that makes your fasting better and better, because you're asking yourself, Why am I fast? And only I'm fasting, but why am I fasting? But if you have a general intention, and the first night defeats the whole month, that is sufficient or the will of Allah Zuge.

01:03:21 --> 01:04:00

How can I ensure that the habits we build during Ramadan, stay with us after Ramadan, what you can do from day one? So you want to think about it if you wanted this to be a habit, you're thinking about how can I maintain it as a habit? So usually habits will break on the first night or day of Ramadan, they have eight that's very dangerous, because that's the first time where you're going to break all those habits, right? So you have to maintain that happen during eight and during the next day, and then the third day, and then say to yourself, how can it continue so you don't fall back into the same crowd fall into the same routine that you did before? You say no, after Ramadan from

01:04:00 --> 01:04:32

the first day if I want to read the Quran, let's say let's say for instance, take an example of reading the Quran and you decide you're gonna read 10 pages of the Quran every single day. You can't miss it on the delivery because if you break that habit and read it's very difficult on the second day, right? So what do you say to yourself on E on the day of a 10 pages 10 pages when you schedule a time, right after fajr as I'm waiting for Salah till eight between this and that, but there's 10 I will not go to sleep unless I read those 10

01:04:34 --> 01:04:46

Right. And if the crowd the people the friends are a problem, you don't go back to them you replace them with something else and throughout the Ramadan you keep asking Allah give me better people. Give me a better crowd.

01:04:47 --> 01:04:59

So you think about that habit that you want and you say to yourself here is how am I going to maintain it? And you keep asking Allah Allah, Allah Allah help me maintain it. Right

01:05:00 --> 01:05:16

And if you have enough, right if you have enough fuel in Ramadan, it will fuel months after Ramadan. I don't know when it will start but it will fuel months after Ramadan so you will find Sure well okay that will hedger, you're still going

01:05:17 --> 01:05:21

okay. And it all depends on how good your Ramadan was. Right

01:05:28 --> 01:05:30

How do we have pure intentions?

01:05:32 --> 01:05:33

That requires a lot more

01:05:35 --> 01:05:56

to say than we have time for insha Allah but just doing things privately in secret for Allah sake develops good intention. So develop that habit in Ramadan sadaqa in secret, helping people in secret prayer in secret dua in secret no one knows that that develops good habits. Like if loss

01:05:58 --> 01:06:05

can someone fall into sin after Umrah says we are not infallible? Absolutely. Absolutely. And

01:06:06 --> 01:06:10

you just have to come back to Allah azza wa jal and ask for repentance. So yes, of course.

01:06:12 --> 01:06:18

Is it more important throughout Ramadan to focus on pondering over the Quran, or to read as much as you can?

01:06:20 --> 01:07:01

Pondering takes precedence? Now what you want to do in sha Allah is not in the name of pondering end up on the month with reading just few verses because you're saying I'm just pondering. Right? So that becomes what a trap. So what you want to do is do what read, like give a portion of the Quran that you want to read with the intent it depends on how fast you are. But you know, let's say finishing the Quran once if you're at moderate speed, right finish the Quran once you can very difficult than half of the Quran. I had people who couldn't. I mean, I said 1/3 of the Quran, that's fine. But you finish the portion and you ponder finish the portion of the pond is so hard what you

01:07:01 --> 01:07:41

have the best of two worlds you are reading because it's important for the math to move. And for the ear to hear and the house to be filled with Allah's words. It's important. And then when you finish that, then you think about what you read. So we are in a time where we are in desperate need of understanding the Quran. So no, you give that precedence over reading more. So if you can just read once the Quran, but think about what you read that is better than finishing it two or three times, right, two or three times or you don't understand what you're reading versus once where you understand the second is better read it with understanding right

01:07:49 --> 01:07:50

okay, I'm sorry, you

01:07:55 --> 01:08:19

some of my friends, don't pray at all. I'm committing a sin by not telling them to pray. If they don't know, then tell them right? If you don't, if they don't know tell them and if you want to be sure tell them anyway. If you don't know if they know or they don't know tell them anyway. And tell them that the month of Ramadan is coming how Allah has noted is going to accept your fasting if you're not praying,

01:08:20 --> 01:08:57

right? Just tell him that how is Allah isn't going to accept this fast of yours if you are not praying. So if you want to be close to Allah as if you don't want to face waste all these hours of fasting pray why not start in the month of Ramadan you don't know it could be one of the good things that you pick up in this month but pray, right and it's so easy because it's so beautiful because you can just come to the masjid and pray you can come to Asia and pray Fajr and pray there is a feeling in Ramadan some available outside so if you want really be close to Allah establish this habit of Salah and not feel guilty all the time and ashamed because you're not praying. Let's start

01:08:57 --> 01:09:04

this in Ramadan. So you have a golden opportunity in sha Allah to remind them and maybe have them listening to you

01:09:06 --> 01:09:07

I think we answered everything here.

01:09:09 --> 01:09:13

If I missed anything online I apologize right? As easily could miss

01:09:16 --> 01:09:22

Okay, anybody here has anything Shala Do you want to add? Was there any hand over here over there?

01:09:24 --> 01:09:25

Okay, let's go with the first

01:09:33 --> 01:09:40

also takes a lot of mouths because what I'm seeing my personal feed, he's

01:09:44 --> 01:09:45

gonna watch the

01:09:47 --> 01:09:50

feeds finish. Okay, shall

01:09:52 --> 01:09:52


01:09:59 --> 01:09:59


01:10:00 --> 01:10:00

We're really

01:10:07 --> 01:10:10

it said in terms of knowledge, or something else

01:10:21 --> 01:10:22

you do the prayer, thank you

01:10:33 --> 01:10:34

never really,

01:10:35 --> 01:10:45

it doesn't kind of propel you to the next level. Yeah. And then do you include that in it as well? Right. So the question of the brother here is that, you know,

01:10:47 --> 01:10:55

he thinks sort of speculates that there is something, you know, extra that the level of devotion and Eman that we talked about that a person can reach

01:10:56 --> 01:11:35

is good, but it kind of needs something missing sometimes from some of us, which is that you could pray you could fast you can make thicker you can make the art but kind of it doesn't reach that level. Right. Yeah, something that is kind of seems missing from this. And I agree with your assessment, if you're saying it needs knowledge, because if you don't know about it, and that it's possible, and you should feel like that you would never know that you should seek it. You think it's enough that I would just do this, this this and move on. And I think a lot of people don't think or don't know that my heart could feel like this or should feel like that. So they don't push

01:11:35 --> 01:11:36


01:11:37 --> 01:12:09

Despite that, maybe some people are kinda, though gates are open to them just simply because they are present and they ask Allah azza wa jal, and they are in such a state of need of Allah azza wa jal that they do reach that level, even if they don't really know that. So I think knowledge is one important thing. Persistence is another. Right? So I think, a person or all of us, right, we could spend months or maybe even years trying to reach it.

01:12:11 --> 01:12:50

But as long as we don't give up, there will be an opportunity, there will be a level a time when we will be able to reach it. So I think persistence, with that develops that Eman and as it develops that email, and it tackles some of the problems that we have that we may not be aware of, because all of us have these shortcomings. Either we are born with them, or we acquire them and sometimes they are hidden from us. They are there but we don't know about them. I think I'm humbled but I'm not. I think I'm relying on Allah but I'm really not right. So you get to discover that as you kind of dig deeper, you read more, you make more dhikr you

01:12:51 --> 01:13:25

make more DUA and Allah as it just starts revealing more and more things to you, teaching you more and more until the heart fully opens. And one of the things beautiful things about affliction the any of of being tested, is that it does throw you right towards Allah azza wa jal in ways that divorce you from the dunya or mixtures make you feel that I can't trust this anymore. So when you feel so lonely and abandoned because of the dunya the only one that is available is Allah azza wa jal so you turn to him wholeheartedly with all of your emotions and that's when you discover more of it

01:13:27 --> 01:13:28

Yeah, you wanted to add something

01:13:38 --> 01:13:38


01:13:40 --> 01:13:43

do and all those people that were making the

01:13:44 --> 01:13:54

time when in reality there are things they can do and they are not doing it so what we got accepted there are some Egyptians I'm not complaining

01:14:02 --> 01:14:22

No, so you're talking about the DUA that is used as an excuse or at least we're making dua but you're not doing anything else. And it should always be there but if Allah enables you to do something to change evil, you should change it now simply sit back and just say I'm making dua so I think that we need to change right so it was like a locker for that for that comment.

01:14:24 --> 01:14:28

You wanted to we stop I don't know I think we need to

01:14:30 --> 01:14:32

you want to just add something

01:14:37 --> 01:14:37


01:14:43 --> 01:14:43


01:14:47 --> 01:14:48

saw a sign

01:14:55 --> 01:14:59

continuously, continuously write and trying

01:15:00 --> 01:15:26

To push your heart to feel more and to ask Allah as odilia Allah, let me feel the sweetness of Salah, the sweetness of the Quran, the sweetness of the the sweetness of dhikr bring me closer to you make me rely only on you and so on and so on and so on. And that type of persistence right removes those barriers that exist between us and Allah azza wa jal zag ALLAH SubhanA Calamba Hamberger shadow Allah in and testify

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