Ali Albarghouthi – Reflections From Surat al-Kahf

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of humility and determination in achieving success in life is emphasized in Islam. The shavaon is used to manipulate people to act differently and lead to problems, and the importance of finding the right person for advice and guidance is emphasized. The shavaon shuts a woman and damage her body, and protecting health and family is emphasized. The importance of learning from mistakes and avoiding harms is emphasized, and protecting one's health and family from evil behavior is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah he no matter who want to start you who want to start a funeral, when do we let him in show Rory and fusina I will say Dr. Molina Maja de la vida movie nada mejor link Fela ha de la la la la la la la la la sharika one of Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

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in hiral howdy ticket Allah tada wa Hira de * Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or shadow moving to Hakuna Matata 13 bidda Hakuna Matata Ilana akula gonadotrophin are all praise and thanks belong to Allah, the Most Merciful, we thank him and we asked for his help and aid and we asked Him that He forgive us and we seek His refuge from the evil of ourselves in the sins that we can at. Indeed, whomsoever Allah guides, no one can lead astray, and whomsoever Allah leads astray, no one can guide and I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah alone, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his slave and messenger. The best of speech is the book of

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Allah. And the best of guidance is the guidance of Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the words of religious matters are those that are innovated and every religious innovation is a bit every bit dies misguidance every misguidance will be in Hellfire

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today by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala we will continue with some reflections stemming and coming to us from sola to get and we will specifically focus today inshallah on the story between Musa and Khalid Allah He Mr. Nam. I want to emphasize here before we begin, that the book of Allah subhana wa tada is a book of tetherball is a book of reflection is a book that we explore for lessons and benefits for our lives. And the more that we take from it, the more that we will get an even as much as we get from it. The deeper that we go into the book of Allah and the more time that we spend with it with it, we will be surprised with new facts were surprised with new reflections

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and benefits that we derive from it. And that is the extent or this is the state of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala that it is almost endless, the benefits that we get from it, and the lessons. So no matter how much we will say today or how little we will say today, the more that you go back to that story, the more that you will get from it by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala and it's all a blessing and a mercy from Allah subhanho wa

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Taala begins that story in the Quran

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without giving us the background, but just telling us that musala histogram is speaking to a young man with him. And he's saying

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hi, Neil on the hakuba I will not quit, I will not stop until I reach the point where the two C's meet, or I will continue to walk in definitely.

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Now the background is actually supplied by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Sahih Bukhari

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where it says that once Musa alayhis salam stood as a hottie delivering a lecture to when we saw him, and that lecture was so effective, that their hearts moved. And they were teary eyed. tears were dropping from their eyes. That's how it

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fact that he was under his thumb. And at the conclusion of the lecture just before he left, someone comes to him from the audience and he says Yasuda la

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Sultana had an alum of the alum I mean, he says, Do you know of anyone on this earth who is more knowledgeable than you are? That's the question that he posed to move Saudis center. And Moosa said.

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He said and

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he says, No, there is no one who is more knowledgeable than me on the face of this earth.

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So the head he says, Halifax have Allahu Allah.

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La la semana with Allah was unhappy with that answer, because Moosa did not refer back the answer to Allah subhana wa Taala. That it is, it is perhaps, that there is someone who's on this earth who knows more than musante cinema. Remember, though, that Moosa was the best person on the face of this earth at that moment, he was sort of lying to when we saw it, and one of us, he was the best person. And yet Allah subhana wa, tada did not want him to give that answer. So he revealed to him Allah in the punakha kulana. There is a person who is more knowledgeable than you are. And what was his response?

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He says, Robbie anelli B. He says, Yeah, how can I reach him.

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So he said, you take a fish with you a dead fish. And whenever you find the location, you will find that like, we'll come back to it, that is the location where you will find him.

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And that is the reason why he says

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this is the first lesson that we will learn from musala is determination and resolve.

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That knowledge

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was so valuable in mooses eye. And when we say when we say knowledge, what type of knowledge It is, it is the type of knowledge that will bring you closer to Allah subhana wa Tada, we're not talking about accumulated knowledge, with no effect with no action. That's a testimony against you, not for you, the type of knowledge we're talking about is the type of knowledge that will make you look a lot more, and fear a lot more and follow a lot more and follow the Prophet of Allah. So it's a lot more. That's the type of knowledge we're talking about. So because you want it to be so close to Allah subhana wa Taala, he did not wait to Allah, how can I reach him, Allah told him

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and he said, declared his intention, either I will reach my destination, and I will continue to walk indefinitely until I find that man. And we need that type of resolve, especially at a time when our own man needs us. We're so many Muslims are in need of every dedicated and sincere effort, we need to be inspired by that type of determination. And we also equally need to be inspired by that type of humility. Because Moosa was the best. And Allah did not tell him there's someone who is better than you. He told me Is there somebody who knows more than you in some aspects, he knows more than you. So if we find someone else next to us, no matter what our title is, no matter what our ages,

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who can teach us something that we do not know. We learned from Lucy alehissalaam that he was humble enough that he said, and when he asked him

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to eliminate Donnie as the mother and when he met him, how did he asked him? I said, Let me follow you. I Mussa Teach me, he gently asked him, would it be possible for me to follow you?

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Would it be possible for me to follow you so you can teach me some of the things that you were taught?

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So this is the humidity that also we need to learn especially in seeking knowledge but also in other affairs of our lives?

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Now, the next lesson

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comes from the actually companion of Mussolini's

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because now we know that machale salaam had a young companion with him.

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And then after he meets,

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so he sort of is not mentioned he drops out of the story.

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So what happened to him?

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It look at the Rahim Allah says that because the focus was on Masonic order. They were the only two that were mentioned. But that boy was a tuber. He was a follower. So he was with them. But the focus was on the two.

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what lessons can we take from that boy,

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or girl from that choice?

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Now who is that boy? In the Hadith that says he is you shall have known

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Joshua son of Nun, who is Joshua son of Nun, after musala his salon, he will become a prophet. And he will lead them

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and lead them in battle and lead them to victory. So one lesson that we can get from that, first of all,

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companionship moves and knew how to choose. If you want to reach your objective,

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there's no better thing other than the aid from Allah subhana wa Taala and then to choose the right companion, and that the right companion could be the spouse or could be a friend, but to select the companion that will take you forward, not the companion that will stand in your way.

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And we knew that very well right?

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Because he asked Allah subhanaw taala before that, for Harun, to be our companion it was to be as your love support you with Aaron Nola accepted his. And here he took a young boy with him so that he can support him.

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So he was insightful alehissalaam

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companionship and also mentorship that you should have known who was not a prophet Allah knows best was not a prophet at that moment. So everything so Musa alayhis salam on his journey. samosa as Elisa Lam's interaction with others learn the lessons from Allah rather than later on, he developed and he became a prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So to select someone for advice for companionship, so that later on you can transfer you can transfer your knowledge you can transfer your experience to this person you make and you can make sure that they are on the right path, that they are guided that they are protected. So that later on maybe after your passing, they can take

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your place or they can guide people or they can be leaders in society, whatever good that they can do that is mentorship. So the extension here you shall have known is an extension. The benefits of use afternoon is an extension of Musa alayhis salam and his effort. So the choice of companion and how it can benefit people even after your death.

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Now Philip was

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at Nevada and when they passed that point

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where they were supposed to meet,

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they said or Moosa said it Nevada and Latina Mr. Farina, how the muscle Bay says bring our food to us for Indeed,

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we were exhausted because of our travel.

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And the other man said that there is a beautiful benefit here. What is that? They said musala is through his travels from the beginning to the spot where he was supposed to meet the other wasn't tired.

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When he passed that spot, he got tired.

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So what was the benefits here? He says Other than that, it is a sign. He says, if the person is in the pursuit of the pleasure of Allah and what pleases Allah subhanaw taala is aided by Allah.

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And when he stops he's not anymore.

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So if you are or if you want to seek the pleasure of Allah subhana wa tada and the task seems to be great, and surmountable. Can I do this, this is so great, I don't have the patience, I don't have the power. Know that if it is for Allah, and it pleases a lot in the way that you're doing and the law supports you.

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And Allah will make it easy for you and it will take obstacles away from you.

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And this is also we can see it even in the sphere of the prophets of Allah Allah you it will send them in some of them as a 100. For instance, he sent the prophets logs into one central de familia man, he said, Who can go out and be a scout, a very cold night who can go out and be a scout and bring us the news of the people. Nobody volunteered. It was very dangerous, and also very cold. So when he sent to the familiar man, he said, from the time that I left the Prophet till I came back, I wasn't cold at all. I didn't find the touch of cold on my body, so that if you are doing things for Allah azza wa jal, Allah will support you in whatever way Allah will support you and make it easy

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for you. And you think about the amount of Islam what Britain so much and did so much. How did they were they able to do all of this?

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They were able to do all of that because there was a class.

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Really, there was a class in their hearts, they were doing it for Allah and they were so attached to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah supplied them with help, so that they could do and they did things that we look at and say, That's almost impossible.

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But it can be repeated, and it can happen again by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is one benefit that we can

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take from it.

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One other benefit

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that when Lucy Ali Salaam knew that his lad has forgotten, or that boy Lucia has forgotten, and you should have said to him and said he will have a fun one as Cora I forgot to mention to you that that animal had come back to life and garden or sort of slipped from me into the waters. I forgot to mention that to you.

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Because he saw that happening, and he did not want to wake musante cinema. So he said, I will wait till he wakes up. When he woke up, he forgot. And he continued to work until the time that Moses said, Where is it? Where is that fish. And he said, I forgot to mention that it came back to life. That is the sign that a lot had given them. So Moosa did not scream and yell at him.

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And he accepted from him. And Allah repeated that the shavon made me to forget it. And what the lesson that we can get from that is that the shavon can have that effect on us. It's not an excuse, of course, it's not an excuse for us to say I forget all the time, and it's the fault of the shavonne. And that is it. I bear no, no responsibility. That's not it. But it is to also to remember that the shaitaan is active in our lives, but she is active in our life, sometimes when we forget, it is actually because of the shape.

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And to remember back, you remember Allah Subhana Allah to Allah so that you can bring that memory back to you. And the more that you remember Allah, the less that the shutdown will have an effect on you.

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You know, similar to this is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says that if you for one of you and the meaning of that Hadith is

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if some of you you know, have one of you mean a husband, goes you know, on Inspect his bed about to go to sleep, and he finds a needle or something, you know, that is going to injure him or upsets him, let him not rush and go and accuse his wife because the shaytaan places these things to spoil the relationship between the two of you.

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The shaytan can intervene and put things so that he can spoil the relationship between you and your spouse with the search that she's done is active in your life and in my life. So you have to remember that and we can attribute some of what happens to the shape bond of course, without abdicating full responsibility for what we do, but we understand also that the shavon is also there.

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Now after the meeting, without other

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and the other other accepting on a condition of course, that he will give me Sally salon. I will teach him as long as Moosa does not ask anything.

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And imagine here you know, Allah subhana wa Taala could have just supplied all of that information to Musashi Salaam, he did not have to ask him, travel, and take that sign with you, and meet this person and accept that condition and go with him. This is after all, musala Islam, as Khalid himself says, Allah have given you the Torah. Allah has given you either way, what more do you need, but I have some knowledge and you have some knowledge, why do you need more?

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Musa insisted because you want it to learn more, he was eager to learn more.

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And from that, we understand

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that seeking knowledge or tolerable has some difficulty in it even for a profit like new Sally's sentiment that that difficulty must be induced.

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But the consequences of it, of course, is immense.

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And this is a way that Allah subhana wa tada distinguishes between who is sincere and dedicated and who is not.

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Who is the one who's actually going to give part of himself for all of himself to please Allah subhanho wa Taala and the one who pretends to be so so a lot of places some difficulty there in the beginning, and only those who are sincere will be able to persevere and continue and musante said I'm definitely was like that. So if you are wanting, and you desire to seek knowledge of Allah subhana wa Taala and you encounter some difficulty, I have to go to this person. Sometimes the manners for instance of the shake are not optimum. Sometimes he doesn't pay attention to you. Sometimes he's not teaching you fast enough or is slow or whatever you have to do you have to be

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patient to get whatever they have

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as Musashi cinemas.

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So, the first incident is when musala his salon and

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they bought a ship and they wanted to cross cross from one bank of the river to the other or one bank from the CEO to the other.

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And because they recognize the other and this is how nice they were, they said you will write for free your companion and you you will write for free for free.

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So to honor him, he was writing for free. And when he wrote he tore out one of the blanks of the ship after he left the ship tore out one of the blanks and they are musi Ali Salaam forgot. And he says How can you do this? They allow us the transporter to transport us for free and yet you damage their ship right that and of course we understand later when he explains that there is a oppressive King and that King will confiscate any ship that he likes. So to order to prevent that will have the best is that he disfigured that ship so that the king when he's inspecting

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As it is passing in front of the king, he would not be attracted to it and will let it go. And those poor people will be able to keep that property and it will not be confiscated. And we learned here an important principle,

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which is death.

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This is a famous principle in Islam.

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If there are two harms, and one of them has to be committed, one of them has to be done. Which one of them should we choose? If we are in a situation in a bad situation and an extreme situation, and all of the options that we have are bad, which ones do we choose? Is the least bad, the least harmful one, the one that can minimize evil? This is the one that you choose? What does this principle come from, because actually disfiguring the ship is harmful, isn't it, but the harm is not equivalent to the harm of confiscating that ship, because they can fix that ship later. So Heather was confronted with a choice, I will let this happen, I will let the ship be confiscated. Or I'll

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reward them for the good, the good that they did, by damaging a part of that ship, and saving it eventually.

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And we might be individually or community faced, sometimes with these types of choices, and less than optimum situations.

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And these are difficult choices, and assessing what is harmful. And what is really harmful is difficult at times. That is why we need to consult people around this people have knowledge, people have wisdom to know, if I have to choose between these two bad choices, which one do I choose? And sometimes in less than optimal choices, we have to do that.

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Another lesson that we can take from that is that Allah subhana wa Taala does not charge us with something that is beyond our own ability.

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Because someone can ask,

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you've saved one ship? How about the rest of them?

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Right? You've saved one, how about the rest? How about that King, who's going to I'm going to stop him who's going to stop his oppression, etc, etc, etc. But neither of them nor lucianne is

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able to stop him. They have no power. They had no mandate from Allah subhanaw taala to go and stop him, and he had no power. So in a situation, you have to do what you're able to do. And Allah does not tax you with anything extra, even though it is evil, even though that King is evil or doing something that is evil. But a lot did not charge you to do that. So take care of what you can do within your limited ability, limited circumstances, limited context, and do not transgress or do not trespass into areas that you're not able to fix that are beyond your ability beyond your knowledge and beyond your context. And that is a very valuable lesson. And we will make mistakes at times

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individually and communally. Can we stop this or can we not. But this is something that we can learn from it and take from it by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that do what you can, within your ability and within your knowledge. And the thing that is beyond it, don't worry about it so much because there will come a time. If you take care of what you can do right now.

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There will come a time where Allah Subhana Allah will change that major thing for you.

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And oppressive ruler, Muslim or non Muslim, you cannot change that right now you have no power to change it. What should you do? Should you be idle? No. Do what you can within your own limited ability in your own circle myself, my family, my community, my neighborhood at such a time where all of us if you are able to do this, there will come a time where Allah will change that person, he will lead us into a way where that person will be gone. So don't worry about what you do not or cannot change worry about what you can change. And that is a very valuable lesson.

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The next

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story is the story with Musa alayhis salam and

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they find this young boy

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and he's actually described in the Hadith Okinawa, Okinawa they allege not only was he young, right? He was beautiful or cute, right? He was a boy maybe if you see him, you'd be attracted to them. In a sense, for instance, that he's so beautiful.

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And that was makes it difficult, because mu says observing

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lover comes. And among all the children. This beautiful boy he goes, he kills him.

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And he had moved to LA Salaam did not forget.

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did not forget he that he promised that he's not going to ask him but he was so overwhelmed. How could you do something like this and kill an innocent child like that.

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And we understand here when the other explains that this boy, if he were to live he's a disbeliever. He's going to be at

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believer and not only will he a disbeliever that the love that their parents have for him will push them themselves to be disbelievers.

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For kushina, Yuriko, Houma, Louisiana

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but they themselves because of him, they will become disbeliever if he were to live. So Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted to protect them.

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And he took that child away.

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And someone can ask

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why did Allah subhana wa tada? Why did he even give them that child to begin with?

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He couldn't have simply had not given them that child and give them the one that will come next. The one that Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and the Hadith says, the one that will be better a better Muslim, and closer to them has more piety and more beautiful to them. Why didn't Allah give the first one, the second one and not the first one.

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And first of all, Allah knows best but we can speculate we can guess we can try to derive some wisdom from it, which is that Allah subhana wa tada wanted to teach them a lesson wanted to elevate their station and paradise wanted to transform them, you go through experiences, because a lot wants to change you and transform you. And they are after the loss of the first child better than if they did not lose it. As parents. After the loss of the first child, they will be better parents, they will be better believers, they'll be better human beings. And it could not happen until they will have a child they must have a child and a child that they love and the child who is young and a

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child who is cute, it's hard to lose him It must be like that way Allah knows that it must be that particular way. And he must die on that day and he must put dye on the in that way. And only when it happens this way that they will change they will be better. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is taking them on a path of Eman.

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Allah subhanaw taala is taking you on a path of email. So you have to notice that path. You know some of the stuff have said and it could be you know, part of a hadith that Allah after that child gave them a female

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and that female gave birth to a prophet of the prophets of Allah.

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So they were grandchildren to a prophet of the prophets of Allah so they had to endure that pain to a daughter to gain something so valuable from Allah subhanho wa Taala had

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a full stop Romani.

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If hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen.

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Mubarak and fi will suddenly will send the monado Sunni Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam about

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in the last story

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briefly, a lot tells us in the Quran

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that Allah,

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Allah he said I'm and by the way, a lot in the majority of the opinion of the scholars is a prophet of the prophets of Allah, according to Joomla. So how did Allah He says, goes and stabilizes and fixes a wall that belonged to two orphans in the city.

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Because there is a treasure buried beneath that and if he were not to do that, then it would be uncovered and people would take it.

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And what I want to emphasize or the lesson that we can take from that is one of the reasons why Allah subhanaw taala said this was done.

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He says, What can abou masala

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their father was pious.

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So now only there's Allah subhana wa Taala protects you yourself. When you're pious, as in the second story, what Allah protected there Amen, because of a child, that would be a disbeliever and only what Allah is going to protect you. But even after your death, right with your progeny, especially if you're worried about your progeny, what are they going to get their money? Where are they going to live? What is going to happen to them if I died today, the best insurance that you can have is the insurance of taqwa because Allah will take care of them. And that third story teaches us so few one last panel data to take care of your children, when you're not around, when you're not

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watching them when you're absent,

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or after your death, to take care of the children of your children. Maintain the taqwa of Allah subhana wa tada so that Allah can do the same. And what is amazing about all of these stories is that you know to protect into these children whom does Allah subhana wa tada send our lessons Moosa and

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these children are not going to know that musen ohada did this.

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These these two parents are not going to know that the moves are pseudo law and how the Prophet of Allah did this for them.

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But Allah subhana wa tada does that

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Lives panel Israel Haman Latif and Allah does the same thing to you.

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Allah says in the law you def Iran in the deen and so on in the deen and Allah protects, defends the believers. Allah subhanho wa Taala defends you in ways that you do not know and understand like he did in these stories, you may not be aware of it of how much harm Allah subhanaw taala protected you from you do not know it. But if you notice this is how can I thank Allah if I don't know how much harm notice your afia notice how well you are, then you know how much harm or loss one had pushed away, notice your health. Notice your money. Notice the piece that you have noticed your family. Notice everything that I've given you that is how much harm a lot pushed away and protected you from

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in the law you definitely run into Dean and his model with more email that you have there will be more difficult and more protection. So have email in Tacoma and trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala This is a general lesson that we can gain from it. Another general lesson that we can gain from it

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is the infinite knowledge of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. A bird was standing on that ship. When a hunter and Musa alima salaam were sailing and that bird took took two drops of water from the sea or that body of water. And others said to Moosa, do you know what that bird is saying? He says, No, he says, I will tell you what it's saying. He's saying that my knowledge and your knowledge and the knowledge of everyone that Allah has created compared to the knowledge of Allah is like these two drops compared to that big body of water.

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Everything that we know compared to what Allah subhana wa know doesn't even compare to those two drops compared to the sea. Allah knowledge is infinite Allah wisdom is infinite. And what we know is very little well that will determine an enemy in the hunt in a very little knowledge you've been given. So we cannot challenge Allah subhanho wa Taala is destiny in which one what He commands, he shows us into these three incidents, we think something and it's the opposite thing, something is the opposite thing something and it's the opposite. So he's giving you a taste of the law so that when something bad happens to you don't think that Allah subhana wa Taala intends harm, that Allah

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subhanho wa Taala cannot give that Allah Subhana Allah does not listen, do not think these things go back to these stories and similar stories and know that Allah is protecting you. It's protecting you it as it says in the Hadees as you find a sick person, a loved person who is sick, and you prevent him from drinking water because drinking water is harmful for him. You protect him from what harmsen so Allah subhanaw taala protects you from what harms you so hard trust in Allah subhana wa tada and his infinite knowledge This is one of the valuable things that we learn from these stories. So I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make use of those that he blesses with their with his knowledge and to

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make us of those who appreciate the knowledge of Allah subhana wa Tada. Allah make us of those that you blessed with knowledge. You're allowed to make use of those who seek knowledge for your sake, Allah make us of those who seek His law in the form of Mohammed, Allah make us of those who seek is nothing the Mohammed Allah make us of those who seek and perform Islam, the Mohammed II Allah protectors and forgive all of our sins and protect our families and forgive all of their sins and protect all Muslims and forgive all their sins. But Allah, we ask you for all the good in this life and in the Hereafter, and we seek your refuge from all evil in this life and in the Hereafter along

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mananas ethical hierarchy when I became in a circle a circle

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in cold environment when becoming a narrow Makarova in a common cold environment. When I saw you coming at Masada, Mohammed Ali he was alarmed when we came in Sherry musta come in to come hamato Salalah Ronnie you send them along my Hulu with a bit lubaina Allah, Allah, Allah,

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Allah, Allah the cricket, cricket evatik alumina NASA Lucas offer will fear defeat dunia along the feeling he was eating Muslim in our Muslim alone Modena, Isla de Nicola Janina Allah kita because when Athena de casa de la Ali he was a child to be nothing, nothing nothing.

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yada yada you can study

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Nakula kina in an fusina

Some of the most interesting stories in the Quran can be found in the chapter of al-Kahf (the Cave). In this khutbah, one of those stories, the story of Musa (Moses) and al-Khadir, is explored for the lessons and wisdom it can teach us today.

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