Ali Albarghouthi – Gratitude (Shukr)

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of being patient and thankful when facing challenges, as it is a human tendencies. They also discuss the use of the symbol "will" in Arabic to signal attitude and attitude towards others, and the negative impact of society on people's well-being. The speakers emphasize the importance of gratitude and appreciation for everything in one's life, and offer advice on how to be grateful for one specific person and not just thanking them in general. They also emphasize the need to be grateful for what one has and not make it difficult for others to do so.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulilah who want to stay in

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one of the villa Himanshu Rory unforseen our senior tiara Marina de la phenomena, woman you blame sala de la la la ilaha illallah wa una de Cana Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

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in higher and

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higher on howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shut down

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to Hakuna Matata to

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infinity. All praise and thanks belong to Allah the Most hi we thank him, asked for his help and aid and asking that He forgive us and we seek His refuge from the evil of ourselves in the sense that we admit, indeed who serve Allah guides no one can lead us astray. And whomsoever Allah leads astray, no one can guide neither witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah alone. And that will have met some Allahu Allah He will send them his his slave and messenger. The best to speech is the book of Allah. And the best of guidance is that of Hamlet, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and the worst of religious matters are those that are innovated and every religious innovation is a bit on

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every bit is misguidance that we miss guidances will be in hellfire.

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yehudah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the messenger says, Our Japan The ambreen moment equals one very cool and rahila What a lovely moment. He says how wonder is the affairs of the believers are the affairs of the Mormon are and this is only for the Mormon in

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Why not? Saba

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when he or she encounters what pleases them, what delights them, they are thankful and that is good for them. And when he or she encounter what is difficult for them, they are patient and that is good for them. And this howdy the messengers of Allah, Allah you are you're sending them says that whatever the moment and only the moment, whatever they encounter in life, by their attitude and how they react to it, it turns into a bounty that benefits them with Allah Subhana Allah, so they move between two stations in life. Either it is visitations of patients, with patients with something that is difficult or unpleasant, or it is the station of gratitude and thankfulness with what

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delights us. We

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moving between these two stations, and that is why some have said that Islam or that a man is made of two halves, one half is thankfulness. And the other half is patience.

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And of these two stations, it is likely that the station that the reaction of thankfulness and gratitude is the hardest of the two. And why is that? So? Because when we are afflicted and face difficulty, we are moved to ask questions about why did this happen? And how can we end it, this is not normal, not a state that we wish to continue in. So we normally or we have the tendency then to go back to Allah to repent and change our ways so that we can change the situation that we are in. But when we are delighted, when we are happy when things are going our way, we tend to forget we tend to forget about Allah subhanho wa Taala and think that we deserve this number that we have that

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it is the normal that it is our right.

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And we forget and we become distracted.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala confirms that in the Quran, Allah says VEDA is an internal bullrun deonna when the human is touched, is afflicted, he prays to us, meaning he turns to us. So made

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me nacala in number 82. But when we give him a promise, what does he say? When we give them a NEMA promise? He says, I've been given this because of my own knowledge. I've been given this because I know how to earn money. I'm wise, I'm skilled. I know how to interview I know how to create opportunity, I am deserving of this. I lost this belly I think No, no, this is a fitness This is a fitness for you while I can.

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But most of them do not know.

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Can we execute the people before them have said the same exact thing. And it did not protect them what they used to earn and accumulate did not protect them. So Allah is saying this is not the reaction of an individual. This is not the reaction of a generation. This is a human tendency. When you are afflicted you go back to a lot but when you are fine and well. You forget about a line attribute that to yourself and to your own ability and do not thank Allah subhanho wa Taala and Abdul Rahman. Allah Who says something that confirms this.

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He says to Lena with the riahi Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of savarna to Lena Surat even by the fella Mossville, he says, we were tested with afflictions and difficulty with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we were patient. And we were tested, with delights. After the prophets a lot he was sent them, and we were not patient. And there's great humility in that statement from the romantic novel, but it does highlight the difficulty, the hardship, of actually being patient, with the delights with the pleasures when doing the pleasures of this life when they come our way. And Allah says, What can illuminate the few from among my slaves are those who are

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thankful. And if this is true, and it's always true, it is probably even tour in our times, it is for an hour time because it is harder to practice this a bag of sugar, the more that we are advanced.

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The more that a country or society is advanced technologically, the more affluent it is, the less satisfied does it become the index of happiness, they score low on the index of happiness, but a society is actually not as advanced not as rich, you find them to be happier. Why is that the case? Why are they not content? Why are we not content? Why have we missed this a bag of sugar? So we have to remind ourselves that we are worshipping Allah by being thankful to him and to understand what this ibid of sugar as we understand what is the iPad of patience? And before we explain it, we have to know something that is very interesting. Do we know that one of the names of Allah subhana wa

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tada is ushiku and also a shachar. Allah is thankfully thankful. You find that in the Quran, what does it mean that Allah subhana wa Taala is a Shaku. Shaku is an intense form in Arabic, it means that he thanks repeatedly and often and immensely when it comes to Allah subhana wa Tada. It means what? It means that Allah rewards immensely.

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For the little that we do, Allah subhana wa Taala rewards immensely, even though what we give to him is flawed, even though what we give to him is incomplete. We are forgetful, we are lazy when we pray and we get stuck on all of that. It's not befitting of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yet Allah despite these shortcomings, he takes it from us and he accepts it from us. Not only does he accept it, he multiplies it.

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That is the root of generosity. That is a shocker. When we commit a sin it's one sin. When you do something that pleases Allah multiplies it 10 times to 700 times two many more about that. A man came once to the Prophet Solomon he had a camel and he said, This camel is for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. The Prophet replied and said

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to me, You will have instead of that 700 camels on the Day of Judgment for one camel that you gave to Allah 700 camels on the day of gentlemen, that is a shocker. That is Allah subhana wa Taala that you give him a little bit and you Allah subhana wa tada immensely rewards you for it. And we learned something from that. We take it benefit from that which is what never to belittle anything that you give for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala, even half a day, even a smile, because it does not go unrecognized and unnoticed, Allah will notice that Allah will count it

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and compare that to humans around you to humans that you know, as generous as they can be.

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You may have a boss, you may have somebody you're trying to please, and you do something small and something little and they don't recognize it and they do not appreciate it.

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You do something nice and they do not praise you. They do not acknowledge it. They try to reward you but they cannot really fully reward you and sometimes because we are selfish and competitive and hate that others would exceed us and Excel, we deny all of their qualities, all of their sacrifices. That's the situation that's how people react with each other. But that is not how Allah subhanaw taala Shepherd is whatever you do however, no matter how small it is, Allah subhana wa tada rewards for it.

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So never to belittle anything that you give to Allah subhana wa Tada. That's one thing that we learn from it. And another thing that we learn from it is never to feel too proud of what we do. What whatever we do is deficient. Whatever we do is not enough. So we're never arrogant. We are never proud. We never think that we are doing Allah subhanho wa Taala a favor by praying and fasting and giving sadaqa it's all falls short of what Allah deserves. it all falls short of heaven. It's not a price for heaven. Even the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that even my actions are not enough to earn me heaven.

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It is only the mercy of Allah subhana wa Taala to take me there.

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That's Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's the meaning of as an incentive.

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So, what is this quality sugar? What is this a shackle.

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In the Arabic language,

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it is said that if you feed an animal, and the animal shows signs of that feed, by getting fatter, it is dead, but

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it is an animal that is shackled. It reacts to what gives it what you give to it, by showing it by manifesting it, it has a reaction to it. And if the data is not sure cool, if you feed it, it doesn't get fatter. If you feed it, it doesn't give milk back. So there's a reaction to what you do.

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And it is the same thing when it comes to human beings. That is if you are sick, you will be given near miss from Allah subhanho wa Taala and that will be manifest you will have a reaction.

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The opposite of that is cook or Alka food. And the capital was called the capital why because the capital conceals. Then you

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can see his covers up in Yama does not recognize that this is from Allah does not thank Allah

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and does not show it. So by not attributing that to Allah not thanking him, he can seal that name of Allah that is why he's called the Kappa and COVID is the opposite of sugar. Allah says yadi foon

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goon our total capital, they know the name of Allah but then they reject it and deny it and most of them are the capital.

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So the sugar of Allah subhana wa tada is the reaction that we have. And this reaction that we have includes all of us, every entire part of us.

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We think Allah subhana wa tada with our hearts. That's the definition

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Shall we thank Allah with our hearts and our tongues in our body. These these three parts, how does that happen? We think Allah subhana wa Taala with our hearts by recognizing that this is from him, Allah says will not be coming.

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I mean a law, whatever that you have, it comes to you from Allah subhana wa tada whether it comes from him directly or through someone else, it is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when the heart knows believes is certain that Islam is from Allah and Allah alone,

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starts thinking a lot internally through the heart thanking Allah subhanaw taala getting close to Allah and loving Allah, that is thanking Allah through the heart.

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Then you move on. And you think Allah Subhana Allah to Allah with your tongue, praising Allah subhanho wa Taala for any damage that you have.

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And then thirdly, your body now starts also reacting. That's why I said it's all of us, the body also starts reacting. And your whole hand starts thinking a lot and your feet starts thinking only hugging how you know that this number has come to you for a long time. You do not use it to displace a lot but you only use it for what pleases Allah. It's like some borrowing somebody's car or borrowing someone's money. You do not use it to harm them. You do not use it to displease them, that is the maximum of ingratitude. You take something from someone and you use it against them. We have taken all of these numbers Vania novacyt. Allah is the one who has given this and a lot of giving

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you this so they can use it in what pleases a lot to take it and use it in what angers Allah is in gratitude is not sugar of Allah subhana wa Taala and the same thing with the hands and the same thing with the feet and the same thing, every part of our body. And the combination of all of this is thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala

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how do we thank Allah subhana wa tada and how do we apply that in our life? to show us how important that is? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam told me when he says Yama in your head book Yama I love you for that. The hula hula is for that do not leave saying at the end of each Salah Allahumma

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Yala helped me to remember you and to thank you and to worship you Well, she had made thanking Allah subhana wa tada something and advice that they had given to us and to us. So that we would say after or at the conclusion of each pillar, he helped me to thank you.

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Because it is not easy to remember that.

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It's not easy to wake up from our state of Godzilla, heedlessness, and say, Yes, I am enjoying the nomos of Allah subhanho wa Taala, this and that. And this.

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Let me thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for them. So we have to wake up

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and start noticing the names of Allah around this, beginning with the small ones, the food and the drink that we have.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the law and in the end he couldn't. Medallia why Shabbat Shabbat, Medallia. Allah is pleased with his slave, that he would eat something that says hamdulillah for it, and would drink something and says it hamdulillah or it

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something is common as eating and drinking.

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But because we eat and drink all the time, we start to forget that this is a NEMA. But we have to reacquaint ourselves with the fact that we are enjoying so many of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala around us.

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And the best way or one of the best ways to remember these numbers is to read the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says repeatedly or in more than one time, I met a lot and I can remember the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you, and you read the Quran and Allah numerate this name and that's why one of its benefits and has many benefits is to bring it back to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to confirm amen in our hearts and start noticing Yes, this is a new method I've been enjoying but not noticing. And that is an AMA that I've been enjoying and not noticing. And you notice it also and you're reminded of it when you notice someone who does not have

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you and you recognize the name of shelter when you know that there are people in the cold and do not have something to protect them from it, whether in this country or in Muslim countries. And you look at that and you say and how many

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you have to say 100 enough for that?

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You look at the GMO food and that you're able to eat what you want and there are people who cannot eat what they want, they have trouble, even though the food is available and those who would want to eat that the food is not available. And you have to thank Allah subhana wa Taala for it, we have to be grateful for something like that.

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And then you have security and then you have peace and then you have health and so on and so on and so on. And you will keep thinking and encountering these demons of Allah until you feel that you are drowned in them, you will not be able to count them. When

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you will try to count the numbers of Allah you will not be able to it will overwhelm you as you move from one to the other from one to the other. And even the ability to remember it is in Yama and even the ability to thank It is so you will recognize how how inundated we are with the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that will cause your heart so be so close to Allah subhana wa Taala and for you to love and like you have any human being who is good to you.

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Any human being who is great is good to you. You will be grateful naturally you will be grateful Your heart will be grateful your body will be grateful. This is Allah subhana wa Taala who have given you everything good in your life including life itself.

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And for that, you will love Allah subhana wa tada and you'll naturally will be grateful, naturally will be grateful as Hamlet sal Allahu Allahu Allah, he was telling them was grateful.

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When they asked him when they his feet used to swell, but

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then become a doctor, all your previous sins and past sins and future sins, all of them had been forgiven. Why do you exhaust yourself so much? In worshipping Allah, then let's imagine ourselves. If Allah informs us if we somehow know that all of our sins are forgiven, we don't have a sin. If you don't have a sin means that you're going to heaven. That's it, it's done.

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So you may take it easy, do the obligations, but nothing more than that because you already are going to have it. So the question to what the Mohammed's a lot of incentive is, why do you exhaust yourself so much? So that's what he said a fella aku adventure Cora Helena, be thankful slave of Allah. He had moved from that station to a higher station to station when he's worshiping a lot of loving a lot out of thankfulness to Allah subhanaw taala. Now I'm not worried about sin, but still I am worshiping Allah. Why? Because naturally you will be grateful naturally you want to think naturally you want to be close to the one who had given you all of that because you love him. That's

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why you spend time in Salah even people will try to pull you away from it. You say I don't want to be pulled away from it. I want to be close to Allah subhanho wa Taala I want to be so intimate with Allah subhana wa.

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That is the state of thankfulness of Allah subhana wa Tada. So as we worship Allah, out of fear sometimes and that is valid, absolutely valid. We worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. Also out of love and thankfulness by being attracted to him. And by noticing the number that He has given to us, and thanking Allah subhana wa Taala for a whole holy cow that was the law.

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Shangri La jambalaya, and I mean, don't get me wrong, even Mubarak and he also lives in the manasu li Mohammed.

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He also he was

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one of the benefits of being thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala is that if you have an Yama it gets protected and multiplied and blessed. Allah says Allah insha Allah as he then

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if you thank me, I will increase I will increase you in what you have. So if you are have an Yama and you want to protect it, and one of the drama of the prophets A lot of you earlier send him a llama India to become inzone ametek he Allah I seek your refuge from the departure of your Nana, because then the AMA departs brothers and sisters that departs whatever we have around us, please look, take a look in your life, whatever you have around you, whatever you enjoy and delights you that is not permanent, it can depart it can leave you

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think about it. So we used to say I seek your refuge from the departure of your NEMA. So one thing that you can do to keep that in place to keep enjoying it is to thank Allah subhana wa Taala for it

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They used to say shukokai dunia shackles. minyama keeps it in its place so you do not lose it. As long as you're thanking Allah for it, it will stay in its place. Not only will it stay in its place, but it will be blessed and multiplied.

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And if we fail to do that, and we get the names of Allah subhana wa tada what will happen is that we will lose it. But over the long

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term, we

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are given the example of a city and that city is in Mecca, but the lesson is general,

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It has security and peace

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and its provisions used to come to it from everywhere, but cannot be anomala it's rejected then yeah, Mr. Bhalla.

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You will have a lot of panel dynamics made it taste, fear and hunger because of what they used to do.

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They were in a situation and brothers and sisters, this applies to individuals this applies to communities and this applies to countries and societies, a country and society can have peace can have security can have affluence, and what is it receiving? nimas of Allah subhanaw taala it rejects them at takes another path, the path other than worshiping Allah and doing Allah will Allah can take all of these blessings away from them, and they will take hunger and fear and need

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so this could happen to us. So if you want a lot to bless you and to bless the things that you have, keep thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala for it, but if not, these numbers can even can either depart and leave or they can be transformed into a curse into our lives. And how many people do we know for a lot given the money had given them delight and because they did not think a lot more of these things turned into a poison into in their lives turned into something that like a poison children like a poison in their life spouses like a poison in their life, money like a poison in their life.

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So we think need to remember to thank Allah subhana wa Taala for it. And Allah had made thanking people part of thanking him.

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He said, my name is Karina Salamis karela manda Miss Kareena Salam escuela The one who does not think people does not thank Allah subhanho wa Taala Why is that? So?

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one of two things, either because Allah had made it so that it is part of his right, for thanking him to be complete and fullest for you to thank the people around you who had made this possible for you. And his family when he when he de galeon maaseiah thank me and thank your parents, he didn't say just thank me. I was the one who created the parents and put them in those emotions, and that ability and that instinct into their hearts, that he said thank them,

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you have to thank them. So you have to find the people who are around you. So either Allah had made it part of thanking him. So it's not complete until he thanked humanity until we thank the people around you. Or because what people do to you is physical and immediate. They're right there around you. Allah subhana wa tada is invisible. And his numbers that he gives to you are not readily immediate to you, not discernible, not visible.

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So if you fail, if we fail to thank the physical and immediate around us, we are likely to fail even more in thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is not visible to us, whatever it is, Allah subhanho wa Taala had commanded us as in the Hadith, to thank the people around us.

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And we should do so to thank our spouses to thank our children to thank our parents to thank our neighbors. We want to be thankful to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, we have to thank the people around us, and that will improve our relationships with them that will improve our life in general. And brings us that much closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I would like to conclude by another statement in that howdy men, the Korean Peninsula them Yes, Korean Kathy, the one who does not think is unable to thank the plenty. The one who does not think the middle is unable to thank the plenty. Sometimes when we talk to some of us to ourselves, sometimes our own heart sometimes and you say

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thank Allah for his blessings, we sometimes are in such state of agitation, you say what blessings you know, look at so and so I'm looking at me, so and so has a b c and d i like a b c and d i have nothing everybody else has everything

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in that state of agitation is that the state of this country

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let us remember that statement man, let me ask you if you are under

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able to notice the small valuable things in your life, the blessings that you have, and you do have blessings in your life, you have joys in your life. But at that point you did not notice them, you notice what other people have. And that is the source of your misery. So no, I say to yourself, if I am unable to thank Allah and be grateful for the little bit I have, even if it is little, what if he gives me all of that there are men being a noticing with other people, will I be able to thank him, if I do not start thanking Allah subhanaw taala. Now with what I have, I should know that I will fail what I have more. So don't look at what other people have, it could be a test for them, it

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could be a trial for them, it may not even be in for them, do not look at what they have. But look at what you have. And see Are you thinking a lot for it or not, and if you are allowed to keep it, and will bless it, and will guide you and will make you happy. But if not, if you're not thanking Allah, Allah will make you miserable, you're making yourself miserable, even the valuable things that you have, you will not enjoy, thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for them. And either they will go or they will stay, but you will never be happy with them.

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So in this day and age,

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we have to revive this a battleship. And you hear sometimes the non Muslims you know, even saying recognizing that we need to be grateful. He said, we need to be grateful for what we have, we need to be content with what we have. And that gratitude that they have is incomplete. Why is it incomplete? Because are you grateful for whom or towards whom you're thanking whom you're not simply just content with what you have that is incomplete, you have to be content, thanking the one who has given it to you has to be connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala to the to the giver.

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So let us revive the burden of sugar in our lives and remind each other of it when I met you, because I had mentioned the name of your Lord so spread it among other people among each other. Let's talk to each other about the names of Allah subhanaw taala given this to me, and given this to me and blessed me with this, so that this other person who hears you can say yes, this is a reality Allah gives it to him, and he can give it to me.

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So we ask Allah subhana wa Taala In conclusion, to make is of those who are thankful to Allah makers of those who are thankful to you, for law makers of those who are thankful to you, Allah make us of those who are thankful to you, Allah because of those who remember your names and thank you for them, your law makers of those who remember your names and thank you for them. Your lawmakers of those who remember your names and thank you for them, he allowed do not make use of those who are neglectful and heedless, do not make use of those who are neglectful and heatless a lot do not make use of those who are neglectful and heatless allow maintenance

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One of the most elusive things in our modern life is to live a happy and content life. As we fail to recognize the many beautiful things we have in our lives we also fail to be grateful for them. The path to increased contentment is to start remembering all the blessings we have and to thank the Creator for them.
This talk explains what it means to be a grateful person, how to be a more grateful person, and the indispensable benefits of adopting this attitude into our lives. It also highlights how our relationship with our Creator and fellow humans can be enhanced when we become more thankful.

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