Ali Albarghouthi – Manners Of Prophet Muhammad – 2 Humility

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of shaking people, learning about Islam, and finding one's true self is emphasized in achieving Islam's values, including the punishment of drinking alcohol and the use of the operator's name, Mohammed Lipslafe. The speakers emphasize the need to humble oneself and bring oneself down for Allah's guidance, and to show respect and authority for one's actions. The time limit for questions is mentioned, with the reminder that people are being rewarded for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah wasapi were seldom in 109 Amadou who want to stay in who wanna stuff euro hoonah Oh the villa Himanshu roti unforseen our si ti Marina Maja de la la Molina Nana homie usually for her Deanna y shadow Allah illallah wa the hula Sheree calahonda Mohammed Abdul Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in higher on howdy Nikita will light on fire on howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mashallah moving on to her, Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Matata Hakuna Matata Hakuna Valentina

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so yesterday Alhamdulillah by by the grace of Allah subhanho wa Taala we spoke about one of the one of the manners important matters of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is the matter of

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and we're going to come back to it inshallah, towards the end to try to answer the question that we posed yesterday, I'll remind you of that, when we come to it. Today we want to visit

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some other men are one other important character of the Prophet.

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And this character is important as important as a hammer in the sense that it controls a lot of the behavior that we have, as humans. So if we have a hammer, as we've seen yesterday, if we have Rama, that will affect your attitude with your parents, with your wife, with your children, with people around you, with Muslims, with non Muslims with everybody, it will affect it even with animals. So we've seen some examples of that.

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So in a similar fashion, the hurdle of today which is going to be tolerable humility, humbleness, affects also our entire behavior, our entire life. And in fact, we can see that telaga are connected, there is some connection between them How so? Because when you have Rama, and when you have mercy, you're looking at the creation of Allah at other humans with the eye of mercy. You know, so you feel compassion.

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Whether this person you know, is a slave of Allah subhanaw taala. Or even if not, you know, by choice, you look at them with an eye of mercy and you feel compassion. So you want to help. So you don't feel necessarily then that you are the judge who's going to send them to * or heaven, but you feel that you want to help them to aid them to reach Allah subhanho wa Taala. So you're more of a helper. So that is an attitude not of arrogance, and haughtiness, but it's an attitude of talaga.

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that was a feature of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was known for it.

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And once

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to tell us about it to sort of to set us up into this discussion.

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Once an angel

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came down to the messenger, so a lot of you and he was send them

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jabril was was the with the Prophet?

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And he told him about this angel kind of had their medical medical, lemons in it a lot of the mood

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is that this is an angel that has not descended to earth from the time that he was created till this hour.

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He never visited this earth before so so Pamela, you can imagine that Allah subhanho wa Taala has countless number of angels beyond our account, billions and billions or maybe trillions of them. So this one had a special mission never came down to earth. And he was only coming now and he is going to present the Prophet sallallahu Sallam with a choice.

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So this man this Malik said to the Prophet Allah in Arabic in Arabic, Absalon he, like your Lord has sent me to you and he said, ajar Luca medica Mr. della sola, so shall I make you a king, or a slave and a messenger? So a messenger and a king? Who do you want to be this is your choice at King and messenger, or a slave and messenger.

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So the prophets all you send them look to debris and debris and says the world and Europe became Mohammed.

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He says, Bring yourself down in front of your Lord, don't Humble yourself in front of your Lord Mohammed. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said highlevel Adam rasuna been a slave and a messenger.

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So what is the difference between being a king

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And asleep. We all know the difference between a king and a slave. A king will have an army, a court advisors, and a lot of wealth.

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immense wealth.

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Can you give us maybe an example of who was a king and a profit?

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So they manually salami heard something else over there.

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Who? Louder because I cannot hear what you're saying. So a man who's still a man's father, that would add a synonym, so they are in my salon. They were kings. So a man he had an army, he had wealth, he had people so he was a king and a prophet of Atlanta messenger from Allah azza wa jal. So here the Prophet had a choice, this one or that one. But he said debriefs advice was no bring yourself down in front of your Lord, as much as you can lower yourself in front of your board. Why is that? So? Because the more that you humble yourself in front of Allah azza wa jal, and you bring yourself down, the more that Allah will raise you up.

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So I'm going to come back to this Hadith, but we will not understand what is this tomato? And why is it important? Now we live in an age where you know this very well, you know, in an age, what the world would be a sin. Culturally, the world would be a city, you would not go ahead, you will not get ahead. In this world, if you have to. You have to brag about your abilities, you have to brag about what you own, you have to brag about how much you make, I know this, and I make this much and all of that this way other people will respect you can get ahead. So it's a bragging culture, it's a material culture. So to beat half the water in humility that means that you might be think you might

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be lost. Do you have to pretend a lot of times to know things even if you don't know them, because you cannot say I do not know. So that's a culture.

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But here the prophets A lot of you it was enemy's teaching us today. That is that is not the case. That this is not our culture. This is not the culture of Islam. Because the thing that is going to actually bring you up is to for you to humble and bring yourself down for Allah azza wa jal and in front of Allah azza wa jal.

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So in the other Hadith, it says, mentor Waldo, annina Hakka haka, and in the Hadith in the while we narrator describes it, he says, he took his poem, you know, turned it towards the ground and he brought it closer to the ground. So on the wall, the anila, he Haggadah, rocklahoma, Hakka, Allah will lift him like this. So if you humble yourself like this for Allah, Allah will bring you up like that. Why is that? Why is that? If someone asks you

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why have you been created?

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What was your answer? What would you answer? Yeah.

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Good, very good to learn about Allah Subhana Allah Dan and in learning about Allah, what do you want to establish? What kind of state Do you want to realize? Like someone you know, some non Muslims, you know, when you ask them, you know, what's the purpose of our creation or on purpose on our Earth? It says, you know, to be yourself,

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right? That's very vague, what is to be yourself, you don't really know what to be yourself is just as long as you're yourself and true to yourself. That's fine. Well, we can take that in sha Allah, but just explain a little bit more what to be yourself is what is this self that you're supposed to be? So it is to realize? A hoody of Allah xojo right to be asked of Allah. Because Allah is the most perfect is the most complete.

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So he wants to put you on this earth so that you you will realize, established complete this aboudi in front of Allah is this idea that you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala is perfect and complete, am I perfect and complete

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Subhana Allah so you discover your own faults, your weaknesses, and your dependence on Allah, that you need Allah subhanaw taala constantly so when you realize that you realize how small and weak you are, and also you realize that Allah is sending blessing after blessing to you. Yeah afternoon after Nana is asking you for something in return a little bit in return. Don't disobey me worship me. You notice how you reply to Allah? Are we perfect? Are we doing what are we supposed to do? No, we're not. So you realize that sipan Allah Allah is giving me so much and I'm not doing you know half a one quarter of what I'm supposed to do so this you know, brings on the state of inky Saudi you feel

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as if you like your bro

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As if you're in a you're in a state where you're like ashamed, in front of Allah subhana wa Tada, you're always like, you're almost a nothing in front of this great creator. That is the state of obedia. But you need Allah Subhana Allah constantly and you're in need of him, and that you're not good without Allah subhanaw taala that's the state of poverty. So he wants you to realize this. So the wild

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is that realization.

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The other is that realization when you realize that Allah subhana wa Taala is good, and I am weak and sinful and what have you, it chases away arrogance and pride from your heart.

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So when you see someone else,

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right, someone you meet in the midst of someone you see outside of the masjid.

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And you say to yourself, is he better? Or am I better? Because we see, a lot of times we have this in our head, even if we're not maybe conscious. But we measure ourselves against the other person. He's better. I'm better, he's better at this. I'm better at that. Something like this. But with the state of humility and humbleness. You say to yourself, what do I have to be proud of? I know about all of my sins and all of my mistakes, I don't know about his.

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And maybe he is so much closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala than I am.

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Because what he does is hidden from me. So you imagine the best about him. The worst about yourself and universe think that you're better than anyone else.

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It chases arrogance and pride from your heart.

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And when that happens, you have a state of total. When Allah sees that from you, he brings you up and when the people feel that from you that he's not really you know, he's not arrogant. He's not raising himself upon us. Above us. He doesn't think that he's better than us. People will love you.

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That's natural.

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So that is why Manta was the one who raises himself are the one who humbles himself to Allah, Allah will raise him up. But you know, he's a trick here because the shadow is going to play a trick on you.

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The shaytan will come and say, Aha, so if I if you humble yourself, then people will like you. If you humble yourself, then you will be celebrated and loved and liked and what have you. So do it for sake of that. Do it so that people celebrate you do it so that people love you do it so that this has is not the water for Allah. This is the water that people seem to have so people love you.

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It's not as sincere to Waldo but that the water that is truly for Allah is done so that Allah subhana wa jal is pleased with you. What happens afterwards happens afterwards it does not matter. But when that takes place, Allah subhana wa Taala will bring this will bring the certifier and will bring bring this love.

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How is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the other. So we've heard about the first part, that he said, I want to be a slave and a messenger, I do not want to be a king.

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So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said,

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in leukemia, he needs to come he should I do innama and as I

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said, I will eat like a slave will eat. And I will sit like a slave will set indeed a slave

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that there was no arrogance there. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was in demanding when it came to food. He says, any kind of food I will eat, I'll eat the food that the slave would eat.

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That is enough for me.

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And I will sit on the ground, the way that a slave will sit. No special seating, no special arrangement. You know that if we're suppose that if the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was among us today, sitting here by and someone would come from outside

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and look around trying to figure out who is the messengers a lot he would send them here. He would not know who he is.

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You know why? Because he would not have a special place where he would sit, he wouldn't be elevated. There is no corner right? Where he would sit constantly is sit there. There is no throne, there is no chair. He would sit like everybody else. That's why they would say when the rod would come to the masjid. And the Prophet would be with his companions. It asked who's Mohammed among you?

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Who is Mohammed among you initially, because they're just scouting to see who and he can see anybody who's distinguished by seat right by having you know, sort of the center of the Hello. No, he can our prophets Allison would sit anywhere.

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Right? You see, for instance, a lot of specially non Muslim religious leaders, right and you see

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A lot of pomp a lot of the celebration you know where they sit, they sit on sort of semi phones. Everybody has rise around them everybody is standing everybody's humble and you know, you know looking very devout No, it wasn't like that with the messengers a lot he was in

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no special no special place are no no special seats for him.

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And they used to say

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when the profits or if they are sitting and the profits although we send them with come can lay up they wouldn't stand up for him they may Allah moon I mean karate Daddy, because they knew that he hated that.

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If they're sitting the province already send them would come to them. You know how sometimes if there's like a,

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a noble person in a famous person, and you would come and you just feel that you have to stand up in something, you know, circles, right? Or in some places, you have to stand just to honor the person like if a president comes stand up, if the king comes stand up this is standing is for what to respect and honor of this person just by standing. So the prophets, although seldom used to hate that, so they would never stand when he would come.

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And once when he prayed.

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And he was sick,

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he was the man and he prayed as the man sitting down and he looked at them and they were standing behind him. And he said do not do that. Because this is what the kings of Valencia and Pooja do with their leaders. Do not do that. But if the Imam is sitting down all of you sit down.

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So there is no point of privilege over there, where I am different than you are

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in sitting down or in the salon. Or when I come. It's not i'm not different than you are.

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he used to

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sit down

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is once a woman came.

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And she said Lamar it Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam jellison akufo saw. I saw the prophets of Allah Allah while he was sitting and put facade, facade is

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they know how to sit in an empty bar.

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So someone wants the one this brother is sitting in the bar this way? What do you bring your legs to your chest, your knees up, and you hug your legs. This is the jugs of Atiba is very humble.

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I'm sitting down, very humble. She said when I saw him sitting like that, a very humble way of sitting like a slave would sit it's not on a throne, not on a pillow, nothing just sitting like that, on a total two minute,

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like shiver out of fear. Just for when she saw that.

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Now usually what what do you shoot her out of fear? Like if you enter the code of a king, and you find you know, the marble, you find the goal, you find the garden, you're taken, you're overtaken by all of this, by all all this opulence by all this power and authority. Why would this happen to her? Right? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is sitting very humbly like a slave like a miskeen person. Why does that happen?

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Because that comes from Allah azza wa jal who puts that?

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You know, that honor. You know, in the heart of everyone who sees the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which tells you what tells you you do not need to pretend you don't need to wear expensive clothes. Right? You don't need to have them and see the latest accessories for people to respect you. That's a false type of respect. That's a temporary folder type of respect. That is a superficial type of respect. You will gain maybe an admiration of people from the wrong type of people. You want a true type of respect, do it Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did fear Allah subhana wa Taala and have to humble yourself and automatically people will respect you.

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the right type of people if a person disrespect you despite that, don't worry about it. ignore it. Some people disrespected the Prophet sallallahu Sallam even though he was the Prophet of Allah, right? They still distributed like a farm they still disrespected him, then we're not saying that because they still despite this respect, they forget about that the ignorant may still disrespect you forget about that. I'm telling that the right type of person,

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the right type of system to speak into sisters with the right type of brothers speaking to the brothers will respect you. When you have fear of Allah subhanaw taala in your heart, another person came also he was talking to the prophets alone. He said them

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Or he wanted to speak to the Prophet and the Prophet notice that this person was shaking.

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So, he was shaking the fries are the muscles in your chest, like if you really nervous, they can shake, they can see yourself shaking, she was shaking

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and you can you know think that also Panama maybe has every right to shape here is the Messenger of Allah the messenger Allah talks to him and he speaks to Allah of the angels talk to him and he speaks to the angels and I'm coming Come again it's a panel or maybe sometimes if you're going to go speak to chef so and so that he heard so much about it'd be like maybe you know shaken a bit trembling a little bit. She is so and so is coming I'm going to talk to Shake Shack, this is not shaved so and so this is the Messenger of Allah who this chick would be trembling when he goes to see him right

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and if he will go to talk to him if you might be shaking like this and the province or listener says hello when I like he says take it easy in the manner in the manner in Canada I am the son of a woman who used to eat dry meat

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I used to the I'm the son of an ordinary woman in Who do you think I am?

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So he's a lot of you sent him wasn't happy you know with this terror that might fill the hearts and the bodies of people when they see him other people might be it says yes I have power. Right?

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But no, that that's not what he wanted. He wanted to be close to the people. He wanted to be close to their hearts he wants to be loved by the not to terrorize them you want to be loved by them. So he's that's why he says when are they?

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So in a hurry that might be weak. He says when people used to first see the profit awesome they would have that reaction that haber that sort of fear a little bit not not fear, but respect. And then when they mix you spend more time with him they would love it

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but initially they have that type of respect. Okay, can I talk to him Can I approach him later on that will go away dissipate

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the province or send them heated excessive praise

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hated excessive phrase once once person came to the mensagens messages a lot even send them and says young Hamad esa he then I was gonna say ed in our higher on our new Hi, Irina.

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It says oh Mohammed, our master son of our master and our best son of our best.

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Okay, is there anything wrong that he's our best and he's our master right? So you do not get us right? And he's our best but yet the profits are you seldom disliked it and he was also teaching us something. He says yeah, you know, Sally can be taqwa, Camilla is that we and aku shavon. For any no he wanted for only for clemency, the team that the unzila Niala in the manner Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah.

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He says people have the power of Allah, do not be tempted by the chiffon. I do not wish that you would raise me to a level above the level that Allah had given me. I am Mohammed son of Abdullah, the slave of Allah and His messenger.

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So he was teaching us something.

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We love praise or not. innately naturally do we love praise or not?

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Yeah, we love praise especially if it's sometimes even if it's excessive somebody even if somebody lies, or Mashallah, you have a great memory and Mashallah, you can do this and Mashallah, you have a lot of talent and you know, you have a bad memory and you have no talent and you're the worst person but you hear that and you're just happy, right? You're just having somebody saying something nice about you. hamdulillah you know, you know, a lot he didn't mind mistakes from people and show them the best side hamdulillah but you feel still happy with the province Ali Salim is saying that no, excessive praise is dangerous. And also excessive praise of even Hamad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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is dangerous. Why? Because we can have this tendency of raising him above the level of a human, you start to think of him as divine as a semi God or having some divine qualities. That's why that's why he said, Be careful. Be careful, do not do this. Right, do not excessively praise me, in front of the face, especially in front of someone's face. If somebody praises you behind your back.

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You know, that might be okay as long as it not here but in front of your face, and actually, it could harm you. So in once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, you know, in response to somebody praising another in front of his face, the way

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he became he says, You've killed him. By that praise is again, it is the opposite of tallada. The opposite of total if a person starts becoming arrogant because of it and proud and thinking that he's all of that, and then some

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Then it defeats the entire purpose of the praise. You're praising him because he's good. It turns out to be bad because of that praise that you have introduced.

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So that the world of Allah azza wa jal means or in front of a lot to humble yourself before a lot means that you shy away from this shy away from praise, you run away from praise. This is how Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was.

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What else did he used to do?

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Cannot swallow. It was seldom

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your difficulty

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when you deal with our gentleman, Luke,

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he's allowed to sell them used to if he's riding on an animal, right, who would carry people on the back?

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And if he's invited, he would accept the invitation, even if it's the invitation comes from him and Luke asleep.

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And he, what what is the third one that we said? Who remembers?

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where Mr. Good thing I remember, we had kept him on he would ride the donkey.

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Right? So if he's riding on an animal, it's not this is my own right? How dare anybody actually demand from to be seated next to me. Kings don't do that. By powerful men don't do that they have their own right, their own privilege, no partners in it. The prophets Allah sent him somebody needed right behind me, is very humble.

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And then he would accept the invitation. Even if the invitation comes from his scheme, a person who is have no power of no status in society. The lowest person of status in society and power is the slave the man who is doesn't own his own freedom. Yet even if Luke invites Mohamed Salah you send them to a dinner or to a lunch he will go It doesn't say that's below my status. Who there How do you dare think that you can talk to me or you can invite me? No, he doesn't do that. accept the invitation from anyone, no matter what the food.

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He says because he said in another Hadith, lo Dorito in Egypt when o de la kuranda Egypt, Allah kabinet it says if I was invited to go to eat, and the food is a qura the foot of an animal I would accept.

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There's no meat, that feed of animal there's no meat that's the least that you can actually cook and give someone says even if I'm invited for that, I will go and if somebody gives me that as a gift, I will accept it.

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powerful people arrogant people, proud people even I will say some of us today will not take this if somebody gives us something that is a gift that is very modest is as old as they think I am I am a poor man. I don't have this I can't afford this. can afford this and better, that's an insult

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or invites you to food and then you go to the food and you're surprised and say where's the meat? There's no meat. If we went been waiting for the meat waiting for me there's no meat and he says what kind of food does he invite Doesn't he know you know how to cook doesn't know how to honor the guests and doesn't even know this and Doesn't he know that so we stop inviting each otherwise because this person is going to say something about me once he leaves because I did not you know you know lavish on him you know all the things that I can you know afford.

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So it wasn't like that for him. So like

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the simplest of food you want to give me I will take it and be grateful. The simplest of gifts that you want to give me I will take it and be grateful and not desire anymore. And Yakubu came on he writes the donkey.

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Right. And we don't have donkeys today. We don't write animals today. But think of a modest ride. Think of an old car. a modest brand.

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Right? And you're writing that and maybe maybe in today's culture people you know turn to you and they make fun of you look at this junk that you're driving.

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But brothers and sisters I mean it does affect you. I don't know if you've noticed it or not. It does affect you right an expensive car and immediately you feel the difference in your heart where something expensive and you immediately feel the difference in your heart. People are looking at me people are respecting me I have money I have this right. your your your walk is different, right your reactions are different. But on the other hand worse something simples panela and it's different.

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And people are looking at me you think people are looking at me right now, but maybe they're feeling sad for me. But the fact is that you don't have that pride in your heart when you when, when what you have is simple and modest. You don't have that pride in your heart. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wanted to empty his heart. He's a teacher also, but he wanted to empty his heart of all the attractions of this dunya and when you empty your heart of all of these

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attractions of this dunya people cannot manipulate you,

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right? Now, if I want to manipulate you, I can manipulate you With what? praise.

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I can manipulate you with status, I can really manipulate you with wealth and money.

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By praise, status positions money. That's how I can influence you. If you don't care about my priests,

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whether I praise you or not, you don't care about it. It doesn't change who you are. You don't care about money, what do I give it to you or not? Whether you have it or not, you don't care. You don't care about positions, whether you have it or not, it doesn't matter. It doesn't change who you are, how can I influence you?

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How can I tempt you? How can I change you? I can't. So the messengers, oh Lord, send them wasn't a king, he was sitting as a messenger as a slave of Allah Subhana Allah had emptied his heart of the love of this studio.

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So this dunya cannot tempt him cannot attract him cannot move him away from his direction.

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And the prophets Allah you send them, you know, used to now let's talk about people.

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Can you sell them all so be and we also talked about how he was with with, you know, that lowest in society that people with the lowest power and status. But the problem is always send them when he used to meet the children, he would say Salaam to them, and not wait for them to say Salaam to him. He would say Salaam to them and wipe over their heads.

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That similarity and that's also a lesson.

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A lesson for us not to treat the children whether it says it is your children, or somebody else's children as a nuisance, as a burden, as someone who has something to shut them up and say just quiet and to yell at them. That wasn't that either of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam even with the children he had, even with the children, he would go and we'd say Salaam to them. And when spend time to them and would ask them question, how are you doing today? et cetera, et cetera Williams, mahalo. Make them feel important make them feel happy.

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So this is an added that we should have

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an adult with children. Right.

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the messengers of Allah hollywell he was send them also with his family. How is he with his family?

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When I show all the law, was asked, how was his son with his family, and beside his home college can a co op Minna de la had a day job to sanity college.

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He used to be by helping his family in the household.

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This is what he used to do in the house because in the house, they couldn't see what would he do in the house. He said he used to help his family in the house. And then what is that when it is done for the salon? He would leave? So what does it mean that he used to help his family the house, if the animals need milking, you'd milk the animals of the dead animals. And they needed feeding he would feed the animals by he would go and he would patch his clothes.

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He would mend his shoes.

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He would clean whatever needs to be cleaned.

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And this is what he does inside the home salon.

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So he's in the service of his family. He doesn't feel that he's above them. He doesn't mean to feel that even these small things inside the hole are above him. Know the guidance of Mohammed Salim Selim is that no, you can do these things. And it doesn't affect your manlihood it doesn't affect your status. It doesn't affect the should not affect your status in front of your wife in front of your family in front of your friends. Know, if the greatest man of greatest human that humanity has ever known, which is Muhammad Ali was in them was doing these things. It means that there's nothing wrong with these things.

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Nothing is wrong with them.

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So, this is what he used to do.

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And something I wanted to mention that it was also connected the children I was trying to remember it.

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What kind of dilemma he had that the hijab,

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the little girl right? would come to the messengers a lot. He was alone, take his hand and take him and lead him until he can solve her problem. And he would go with her

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until he solves a problem. And then he comes back.

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Then you haven't seen someone more lenient than that. Imagine, you know, a little girl in the masjid is not your daughter. Maybe you feel obligated. Maybe not a lot of that to solve her problem but the daughter like as a little kid in the masjid

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a little girl

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Mr. Cheat comes to you, and says, you know, you know, uncle or Auntie, you know, this boy has taken that in that form, become happy, take it back.

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And she grabs you and she pulls you and you actually stand up and you go with her and you go and solve her problem, and then you come back.

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Not feeling that you're superior to this not feeling that you're above all of that not something that you feel that that is part of the thing that I do. That is the part of the mercy that that I have towards everything that walks on this earth, including children. So you don't want to you don't want her to cry. You don't want her to feel bad. You want her to be happy and fulfilled. So you do what you can until she's happy and fulfilled. So the slightest, you know that the feeling of that, you know, youngest, even is considered by the poverty of cinnamon is not beyond what he's supposed to do.

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Now, with the companions of Muhammad Sallallahu, Alayhi, salaam, how did he also used to behave? What are some signs of his humility and his tilava.

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once in an

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in an expedition,

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the prophets, a lot of you send them with few of his companions got separated from the larger group.

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And they were in need of water. So this is a longer story, but they were in need of water, and they had only little water with them.

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So part of the part of the miracles that the prophets only we send them

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would perform more than once, that there will be a little bit of water that would be enough for a multitude of people. So they had just a little bit of water, but the Prophet Joe sent him said, Come And drink, drink from it. So the province of sent him was the person who would be pouring the water for all of them, he would pour the water and another hobby would hand it to them, then he would pour again and if he would hand it to them and pour again until you had to hand it to them. Until the one only two were left was the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the person who was handing these cups to the rest of the companions. Then that companion said, it is time for you to drink messenger of Allah

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He says no southdale comb as the room should be the one who is giving brings to the people drinks last.

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That's an adverb. Actually, if you're going to give food or drink to the people you drink and eat last. She says, I will drink class so he had had made the companion drink first and then he drinks a lot.

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Now where would you hear about a king or a prince or an important person that he goes and he offers right drink and water to the people

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he's the one who's feeding them and giving them one by one yeah, and if we are in this medalists and he's a lot of them is here it may not be a big surprise if you find him actually going and handing water to everybody or food to everybody he'd be serving.

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Right now we might look at it and say that is below my status below. I mean, I'm all about the young do it a man with a woman do it right I am this let other people do it. I am have this position this title. let other people do it. The messengers only send them was the one who is doing it.

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And this reminds me of a story of a more contemporary story.

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I don't know you know, she's a jacket. I have a lot in front of him. Maybe the shape of Hades is Egyptian shape and Howdy. So he traveled and his thinking was he traveled to Mecca and he entered a library and this library had manuscripts and books and whatever What have you you know the thing that scholars see and you thrive on and study so he went inside and he was speaking to the caretaker and somebody came and he they gave a he gave him tea offered them tea to this to the caretaker and to shave a hammer chakra and left the shirahama check have said you know one of the purposes of why I came here is I truly want to meet a shaved and windy media man. Another she's also famous chef, I

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really want to meet the shape of the media man.

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So that caretaker say you've never seen him before. So I've never seen him before. He said you just saw him. You said How is the person who came and bought the tea that's a shift from condominium.

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So he started crying

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when he heard that he started crying

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because we have this shake was Marley minyama is written books. He's well known shake of Hades also, and the only thing that he does is he brings tea and he doesn't introduce himself. Then say you know no me How are you shake? I'm this No, no, it just brings tea gives it to first person, next person takes himself and he lives that's it. So that's that's the water that Islam teaches. And that is when Allah Subhana Allah sees the sincerity of that of this action from you. He raises we

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You raises your reputation you don't want it but a lot of reasons your your reputation why so that people can benefit from you.

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So people can take this from you and people can learn from you. But if it is false it doesn't last. It's like someone pretending like false gold and false silver you've soon discovered that it's false, right? Even even though it looks like it it's not the real thing so soon discover that it's false but real gold, real silver, you'll find that it will last so is real sincerity with the water. So imagine the prophet SAW this and that's what can be learned from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam serving others is part of our aim and part of our Islam.

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Also, in another way,

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actually it is in the Battle of bedroom.

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And in the Battle of better

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the Muslims didn't have a lot of you know, they weren't wealthy, not a lot of animals to carry them horses or camels that only 70 camels with them. So they used to take turns on them on their way to the battle take turns on them only 70 camels for the entire army talking about 300 or so. Men in the battle have been so each tree would alternate on a camel. Take turns writing the camel. So it was the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Olive Nabil Taliban Abu Baba there, these three share the camel. So I don't even know we thought of in our Buddha Weber wanted to favor a pseudo law with the time to have with the camel wanted to favor him with sitting on the camel that they will keep walking and he

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can just continue riding the camel.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:49

Nor did the prophet SAW you send him says hello man to Morocco, mini Walla Walla Anna big army that

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big on Kuma nontumor, via Kwame

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Nkrumah chemical,

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he says you are not stronger than I am.

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And you do not need the reward more than I do.

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So in terms of strength, you're not stronger than I am. So that I should dressed and you should walk. And in terms of reward, I need this reward as much as you do.

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So the even though you are a messenger of Allah subhanaw taala, but he would not leave an opportunity to please Allah but do it.

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Even if it looks very small. And here this hardship when you are walking

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for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala counts as something that pleases Allah right? So maybe sometimes you have to yourself to go through this hardship. So don't look at it as a burden, as long as it is the purpose is pleasing Allah ultimately don't look at it as a hardship and the burden and what, no, it's an opportunity to earn a lot of praise. Right? Allah has given put this hardship in your way because Allah wants to give you more happiness, more good deeds. So it's an opportunity. So he saw that as an opportunity. So I'm not wasting this opportunity. That's what the attitude of the messengers not let me ride and everybody walks. There wasn't like that. And how old was he? So a lot

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of you said them when that happened. 55

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right, he was 55 years old. And even though we thought it was much

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similar in because what we'll handle right in the trenches was what

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were the people who are digging the trench, right. And

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that is going to act as a barrier as a protection between them and the forces of the coup force. They were they were digging, carrying rocks carrying sand, the province of limits in them was in the midst of it, carrying rocks with them, and you know, transporting and carrying, you know, sense so that they can create this barrier. And he was filled. They said until his chest organic, a theater shot. He was a hairy person, activities, chest was covered with sand. And he was working like everybody else.

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Again, not like a director sitting in the back and saying everybody work I will supervise. If they were doing something he was doing it to them. If they were in danger, he was in danger with them. If they were suffering, he was suffering with them. If they were hungry, he was hungry with them.

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And that is why he was a successful leader. So a lot of you it was in them because people loved him.

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People love the fact that he shared their pain. People love the fact that he was so close to them.

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And he's a lot of your sentiment still today and what he has done is an example to all of us. The closer you are to the people especially the weak, the more beloved you will be and here also there is a heckler here.

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If you are removed if a leader is removed think of a king or a prince. If a leader is removed.

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The rich and powerful can reach him.

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If you are

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A person who is has money,

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you can reach the Prime Minister you can reach the president, you can reach the king. Why? Because your money opens doors for you people know you.

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My right people know you, if you're a person who has an authority in the land, that authority that respect, will open these doors for you, maybe only you need to, you know, pick up the phone call someone, this person will call another person, then you can have a meeting, maybe even a private meeting with this person. And you can tell him about all your complaints, and maybe some of them will be solved or all of them. But how can the poor person have access to that for instant King or president or prime minister, the poor person, the helpless? How will they reach him?

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They can't. There's so many barriers between the between them, and that leader, except if the leader is like masala audio while he was sending who is sitting in the masjid, the rich and the poor can reach him equally.

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And the powerful and the weekend reaching equally can speak to him and spend the same time talking to him.

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Right? We said that children could talk to the prophets a lot. And he would give give them attention and time.

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So because of that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam dawn was completely open to the rich and to the poor, to the powerful and to the weak.

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And that is also one of the benefits of humility to be close to all types of people.

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And in the 100, how much how old was the Prophet sallallahu Sallam carrying all of the you know, these rocks and the sand he was 58. So close to being 60. And he did not feel that his age exempted him for actually hard work. Because he's setting an example and he wanted the edge of from Allah subhana wa Tada.

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these are few examples, from the humility and humbleness of the prophets of Allah, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam. And of course, I mean, we can go on and on because as I said, these touch upon all aspects of behavior, how you deal with people inside your house, we talked a little bit about it, and people outside your house, how do you deal with the powerful and the weak? how you deal with Muslims and even non Muslims, it touches on all aspects of the behavior, much like a hammer.

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But I want to move in Sharla now to something else,

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which is how can we adopt

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the law of the messengers of the law? Do I even send them? How can we actually take them into our lives?

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Now, the first question I want to answer is our law, or manners? Are they innate, created with us? Or can they be acquired?

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They understand that my question, are they are we born with them?

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And only born with them? Or can they be acquired? Or do you think

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they can be acquired? And I heard both also, because also you have some mountains? Maybe they are, you're born with, and they also can be acquired.

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Now, do we have evidence for this? Now we have evidence for this? What's the evidence for this? That the messengers are all using hamsters to drop the case? He says in the fecal hustla thing you had boom, Allah and him well, Anna, you have two features and you two attributes that Allah loves. Hello.

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And Anna Hellmuth translated as patience and forgiveness, you know, it's not easy for you to get angry, not easy for you to be agitated, not easy for you to come to a conclusion, but not until you've studied everything. And you formed an intelligent, wise opinion about something Kenny. And Anna is patience generally is patience. So he says you have these two qualities that Allah loves. He asked the Prophet sallallahu sallam,

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he says, Is this something that I was created with?

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Or did I acquire them?

00:49:30 --> 00:49:54

To be? I'm jevelin 11. A while I was I created with these qualities, or did I acquire them? So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said you were created with them. However Geobella colada, you were created with these qualities, by Khalid Hungary de la de Giovanni and ma boo, la souris and hamdulillah law that a law had created me with qualities that both Alan's messenger love.

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So this hadith tells us that there are qualities that you are born with and qualities that you

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If you notice sometimes even children you can see it in them. Am I right?

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Yes, Sir Charles said yes. So it must be true. So, yes. So, if you sometimes notice it, you know, in siblings, you will see it, this person from his young age is patient, this person not so much. This person from his young age, you know, likes to consult people or the person No, he's determined, he just decides on his own and does whatever he does, qualities as Allah subhanho wa Taala has varied us in color in height, right in Wait, he also had Veritas in our manners created us in a kind of different combinations of them. So, there are some manners that you are created with in different proportions and some manners that you can acquire.

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So from that we understand, you know, the wrong statement that you hear some some people will say, No, I can't change a law created me this way.

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says you know, your your brother, or you say, sister, you have to control your anger, you have to learn. No, I cannot. Allah created me this way, an angry person, I'm an angry woman and an impatient woman I cannot.

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Now it's true sometimes.

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You know, your nature overwhelms you. Sometimes your nature overwhelms you. If you really an angry person, sometimes you cannot control it, but cannot be all the time and it cannot be an excuse for you not to try.

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Otherwise, it would be in an impossibility where Allah subhanaw taala commands us to be patient and some of us are not patient because we can go to Allah and say, a lot is beyond my ability to be patient, You created me and patient and a lot does not command the impossible, right?

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Allah does not command the impossible, we understand that we can acquire it.

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So what is our job with banners? Or what is our reaction to manners First of all, if you find that Allah has Subhana Allah blessed you with some manners, and created you with them, then thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for it.

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As I should drop the case, said, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa wa rasuluh Alhamdulillah. Allah has given me these matters, because he did not want you to struggle with these things. Find yourself patient or a quiet person or a person who verifies news before he hears it. It doesn't just spread anything that he hears, even though it might be a lie, or an exaggeration. Thank Allah subhanaw taala for the next, if it is something that you want to acquire, then that's what we are talking about here how to acquire what we do not have.

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Now these are some of the steps and Shalane You can also add to them and think about them also for your own personal experience or the wisdom that you've collected from reading or talking to other people. First of all, the best teacher for law is the Quran.

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Truly, and we've encoded the Hadith of the messengers, a lot of it was send them before can hold on Koran.

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His manners were the Quran

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which tells us what that the Quran taught the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the perfected manners, taught him how to act taught him how to behave, took him to a great level, and we want to reach or grasp some of that greatness, we have to take the same path of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which is the path of the Quran. So you want manners, you read the Quran and you read it with understanding that Allah is talking to you and commanding you to be patient, to be truthful to be with the people who speaking the truth, to be humble that Allah does not love those who are arrogant. Whenever you hear these things, it says this is a lot teaching me how to act and

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how to behave. So it must be the Quran with understanding and then taking these and implementing them.

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So you want the influence right on you

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to be the Quran. And you want the influence on you to be the Hadith of the messages sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his Sierra, how did he behave?

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In the end, when he encountered this problem? How did he demonstrate this manner? How he did did he demonstrate drama, how he didn't demonstrate humility, and you take that demonstrations and you apply it and you keep reading because we forget. You keep reading because it will keep reminding you that's why we keep reading the Koran because it will keep reminding us because we forget. So you read his Sierra and you continue to read his Sierra you continue to read the study and you will be constantly remember remembering how to behave and why you are doing it. And the details not only in general terms, but the details of it. You remember it in Sharla. So you want that influence

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One sermon to add to it, the Sierra the stories of the Sahaba of the prophets owners, and their followers and their followers and the owner of Islam all of that inshallah will provide an inspiration, so that you can understand and I can understand how to improve our.

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So we want to, in a sense, say create this influence from the Quran, from the center, from the example from the life of the Prophet from the life of the followers of the Prophet till today of how to have this Allah. So this is

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part one, part two, you want to make dua to Allah subhana wa tada specifically about acquiring these noble manners.

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And why not? It was from the heart of the prophets of Allah, Allah, Allah. Allah had perfected his manners. He asked a lot out of that, he said, aloha medini Lisa hidamari will acquire the Sahaba manual Allah laya Devi Sati hawala

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along Matheny, Allah guide me to the best of actions and manners. You are the one who guides to their best and protects from its worst.

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So ask Allah subhana wa tada for those these noblest manners, and in another Hadith,

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he also has a lot of you send them would say Allah McKenna has sent a healthy for has seen Hello

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I'll say it again Allahumma camera has sent the hunting for Huston holy Allah Allah as you have made my creation my outward appearance beautiful. So make my manners beautiful.

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Well as you have made me look beautiful. So also make my manners look beautiful. And this is a beautiful Hadith. Why? Because you're asking Allah by his creation by his ability and by the NEMA that He has given you. So this is the first benefit in that Heidi Yala, you had this ability and you've done something great, you've given me a beautiful body.

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Whatever your body looks like, by the way, right? It doesn't matter. There's no like a standard of beauty. You look like this way or everybody else's ugly.

00:57:23 --> 00:57:32

That's not true. Let's see any one of them any one of those whispers of the shape one that's not true. You're beautiful. You look in you look in the mirror.

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So Aloma as you have made me beautiful.

00:57:38 --> 00:57:43

A lot made you beautiful. Make my manners beautiful. The second benefit in this hadith is

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we take care of our appearance so much we spend so much time on it we spend so much money on it the right dress the right color, you buy this cream so that you can hide your wrinkles you buy this and that so much time on how we look because that's the first thing that people see. That's how people judge you right? The first thing the first impression

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but but the prophets always send them here is alluding to something and the other Hadith that says in the law young guru in our Swati Kumar Sami Kabbalah is not does not look at your bodies and outward appearances and your images. What can you do to Isla kulu be como america he looks at your heart and your deeds

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he is not Allah subhanaw taala is not going to evaluate you based on your body even you know if you have muscles of your thin or if you take care of your body why he's giving you that body is giving you that totality of body and he does not it's not the thing that he's really primarily asking asking you to cultivate and improve you can but it's not the primary thing that he's asking you to improve. So he's not going to look at it or judge you based on it or based on the URL based on whether you are like the most handsome or most beautiful woman or most handsome man or not and then again evaluate you on that. And this life dance and people start on the stand on the right everybody

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else's ugly right in the media right? So everybody you see in the media is beautiful everybody else all of us who did not unlike not lucky enough to be on on TV are ugly. And they are the beautiful though the standard last one is not going to divide you based on this type. You know all the actors and actresses and stars gonna go to have a nobody else is going to help five because you're just too ugly. It's not going to be like that. I was looking at the beauty or ugliness of your heart and the beauty and ugliness of your actions. That's what she how he's gonna judge you. So the prophets always send them is in that sense is moving us from that outward appearance into that inner

00:59:48 --> 01:00:00

appearance. So my my Allah is my true image in front of Allah Subhana Allah Allah so Allah make that image beautiful in front of you. Not what people see them people see is going to change

01:00:02 --> 01:00:12

As we age, right but what Allah what you see in front of you is my, my heart make that beautiful that is the thing that is going to last. So you make dua to Allah subhana wa Taala.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:22

So mentioned the influence and the source who mentioned to make a dua to Allah subhanaw taala, then persistence and consistency.

01:00:23 --> 01:00:25

You try it once.

01:00:26 --> 01:00:32

And the first time it might be hard a little bit, but you try it the second time, and it is

01:00:34 --> 01:00:34

less hard.

01:00:36 --> 01:00:44

You try it the third time to try the fourth time, and inshallah, by the will of Allah and his help, it becomes a habit.

01:00:46 --> 01:00:52

And we know from the Prophet salallahu alayhi, WA he was seldom that he said something like that.

01:00:53 --> 01:00:54

He said,

01:00:58 --> 01:00:58

you're a

01:00:59 --> 01:01:04

woman, you're Stephanie Yoni, Hilah. Woman, you're a beautiful law.

01:01:05 --> 01:01:14

Let me start with the last part of body. The one who seeks patience seeks to become patient, Allah will make him patient.

01:01:18 --> 01:01:31

You seek, I'm not a priest, that patient person you say to myself, well, I'm patient in this part of my life when it comes to wife, when it comes to husband, when it comes to kids, when it comes to my job when it comes to this, I'm not patient.

01:01:32 --> 01:01:54

The Privacy is saying, If you seek to become patient, Allah will make you patient How will the last panel dynamic a patient allows you to strengthen your resolve your strengthen you on the inside, will support you. So the thing that used to bother you before it would not bother you as much, you'll become a stronger person, Allah will make that happen.

01:01:55 --> 01:02:00

will guard your heart to this will guard your body to this, the first part of the Hadeeth omiya staff if you're

01:02:02 --> 01:02:11

the one who wants to attain alpha, alpha is not to ask people for money or help or assistance, to stay away from heroin.

01:02:12 --> 01:02:26

So the one who wants to sit do that to take us off, stay away from heroin. It's difficult, but he wants to stay she wants to stay away from heroin. Once not to ask people or DB depending on them, Allah will help him become such person.

01:02:27 --> 01:02:43

That is Allah will create either will give him money, so that he doesn't need to ask anybody else or he will give him contentment. So even the little that he has is enough for him. If you seek out Allah will make you a thief.

01:02:45 --> 01:02:56

You just have to go. Right? You have to take you know you have to go on that path. And Allah will guide you Allah will aid you, woman yesterday you can eat if you want become sufficient.

01:02:57 --> 01:03:12

not dependent on one not relying on any single human being. You don't want that. But you want your heart only to be attached to Allah and relying only on Allah. And if you ask us only Allah, if you want your heart to be like that, it can happen.

01:03:14 --> 01:03:20

Yesterday, go on, you try it and you push and you ask Allah and Allah will make you like that

01:03:22 --> 01:03:23

in another Howdy.

01:03:25 --> 01:03:28

You know that supports this one says in MLA will be

01:03:31 --> 01:03:34

something that is, you know, factor common factor.

01:03:36 --> 01:03:39

Now, which comes by learning,

01:03:40 --> 01:03:56

right, you're not born a knowledgeable person, you ask, How can I? How can I learn this? This thing? That that type of that discipline, that field of study, how do I learn it, you sit down and learn it? Do it, start doing it, you will learn it

01:03:57 --> 01:04:09

by by learning something, you will get that knowledge. And then he said What the * no, *, having patience being able to forgive people is by practicing it.

01:04:10 --> 01:04:11

You practice it,

01:04:12 --> 01:04:15

and by how long you will have the habit of hitting a

01:04:17 --> 01:04:18

woman yet the heroine

01:04:21 --> 01:04:31

and the one who seeks righteousness and piety will be given that and then one who will see seek protection from evil and wickedness will be given that

01:04:33 --> 01:05:00

so the path is there you go start practicing and you know set the first step along that path. And Allah subhana wa tada will aid you and help you with it. So the guide to this Allah is to start practicing them. ask Allah for assistance and keep doing it and keep going it and never despair another thing No, I will never be able to do it or I failed today. No. And slowly you will become depressed

01:05:00 --> 01:05:10

And that you want to be by the middle of last panel. But you want, as we said, the influence, the last thing that I could think of to assist us

01:05:12 --> 01:05:21

in this, especially when it comes to the huddle to the manner of Russia, and also the other is that we are desperately in need of them today.

01:05:22 --> 01:05:28

The whole especially the Holocaust, Rama, they want to emphasize, we are desperately in need of them today.

01:05:30 --> 01:05:51

As you know, some of the contemporary owner Mao, some of the one of the owners said, he says, especially in this age, you need leniency more than any other age. You need to be compassionate and lenient with people more than any other age because people it's not. The age that we're living in is not a religious age

01:05:52 --> 01:05:58

is not a age where a religion or religion in general has a good reputation.

01:06:00 --> 01:06:28

Or people are flocking in great numbers, to embrace religion. And a lot of places people are running away from religion or are apathetic about it. Yes, it's there. Maybe I'm religious, maybe I'm not. So if we are tough and hard and harsh on people, they have million in one places to run away from us and find friends and find refuge and find, you know, people who would take them in.

01:06:30 --> 01:06:48

A lot of places will take them in, but you want to bring people into the path of Allah subhana wa Tada. And the key to it is ohana and leniency and compassion. So in this age, more than the previous ages, we need to be compassionate, and we need to be lenient, and we need to be kind.

01:06:49 --> 01:07:02

And again, I emphasize it with Muslims and with non Muslims as well. Sometimes, you know, there's an imbalance sometimes we think we have to be like that with non Muslims, but we forget about our Muslim brothers and sisters,

01:07:03 --> 01:07:17

the people that are around us, or sometimes we think that we can be like that with our Muslim brothers and sisters, but then we forget about the non Muslims now with everybody. Because everybody needs this guidance to Allah subhana wa.

01:07:19 --> 01:07:19


01:07:21 --> 01:07:33

Now I want to leave a little bit of time inshallah for questions and answers. And if the sisters do have questions, we did not give them this opportunity yesterday. Please write your questions down a few. There's

01:07:34 --> 01:07:47

some pens and papers and shall write your questions down and somebody will be able to collect them and bring them down to us in Sharla here. But the one question that I posed yesterday, and I wanted you to think about it, which is the home of Islam.

01:07:49 --> 01:08:15

Right, remember the question, the law of Islam, the mercy of Islam, and the mercy of the prophets of Allah, Allah you and He will send them some non Muslims. And some even Muslims will say this, this Rama contradicts some of the punishments that we find in the Quran, and some of the punishments that we find in the sinner. So how can Islam have this Rama and at the same time, be so harsh

01:08:16 --> 01:08:35

when it comes to these types of punishments and these types of sins? And I asked you to think about it. And he asked you, inshallah, to maybe try to come up with few answers to how would you respond to it? So I don't know if you have thought about it. And if you have any answers,

01:08:48 --> 01:09:01

I know you have some answers, because you probably are certainly I mean, I'm certain that you've thought about this issue before. And it came to your mind or somebody have asked you this question. So you have an idea. I know that for sure.

01:09:07 --> 01:09:07


01:09:16 --> 01:09:16


01:09:34 --> 01:09:37

Are you sick, those needs to be killed? Somebody has to

01:09:38 --> 01:09:39

it has to be that sure. Yes.

01:09:42 --> 01:09:43


01:09:53 --> 01:09:53


01:09:54 --> 01:10:00

no. So this is the Sharia law of Islam. What he said is that this is literally our Islam the laws of Islam.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:14

And they have to be implemented and they have to be followed. Right? So even if someone says maybe this is hard for me that is hard. At the same time, this is the law. Right? This is the law that organizes people's life and it has to be followed.

01:10:18 --> 01:10:20

anyone has any other idea?

01:10:23 --> 01:10:44

The question is, how do we reconcile right and understand the mercy of Islam and immersive the prophets of allottee or send them with some of what some people are calling harsh punishments in Islam that are prescribed in the Quran and prescribed in the sinner like for instance, guarding the hand of the thief and flagging flagging the fornicator and it's a tracer

01:10:58 --> 01:11:23

Zakah that's a very good point. That is if you face this punishment here in this world rather than in the next one, it is part of Allah's mercy as well because the punishment over there over there is worse than the punishment right here. So it's actually a mercy or somebody who is if you're getting punished by someone for it, he's doing you a favor in the sense because he is cleansing you from that sin.

01:11:26 --> 01:11:37

Now there is this I thought that I wanted to have you handle Okay, so there is this a thought or a tradition that I wanted to share with you and Shall I hope that it is.

01:11:39 --> 01:11:43

If it's not, then at least, the wisdom in it inshallah is as

01:11:44 --> 01:11:50

useful it's very useful. So in this tradition in this Howdy, Allah Subhana, Allah, Allah,

01:11:51 --> 01:11:52

Allah, Allah Azza, wa jal,

01:11:54 --> 01:12:11

Lehman's editing had been had the laws. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is speaking to someone who punished beyond the prescribed punishment. So, for instance, if it's flogging, let's say, for instance, 100 times he did maybe 105 110.

01:12:21 --> 01:12:22


01:12:23 --> 01:12:24


01:12:26 --> 01:12:47

Allah subhanaw taala is tasking this person who punished more than what Allah commanded Khalid Mohammed laka what is the thing that prompted you to punish more than prescribed punishment that I sent down? And that person says, COVID to that I was angry for your sake. So Allah replies and says, I have an agenda.

01:12:49 --> 01:12:52

He says, Do you think that your anger is greater than my anger?

01:12:54 --> 01:12:55


01:12:57 --> 01:13:08

he had and then he's telling me to I spoke to a person unless you're speaking to a person who punished less than the punishment that is prescribed. So instead of for instance, you know,

01:13:09 --> 01:13:29

cutting someone's hand when they actually deserved that type of punishment, maybe they, you know, forgave them or whatever. So, He punished less than what Allah subhanho wa Taala had already says Mohammed Lagaan, Seneca Valley, what prompted you to do this caught him too. He says, I quote, sorry, I had mercy for him.

01:13:32 --> 01:13:38

Do you think that your mercy is greater than my mercy? And he took both of them and put them in Hellfire because of that.

01:13:39 --> 01:13:41

Now, what is this teachers,

01:13:42 --> 01:13:43

especially the last part,

01:13:44 --> 01:13:59

that this type of punishment is coming from who? Now let's talk to Muslims, who believe in Allah azza wa jal in the last day in the Koran. And in the sooner this punishment, this first prescribed punishment is coming from who from

01:14:02 --> 01:14:33

before every surah we read in the Quran, what do we say? Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, we are invoking the name of Rahim every time reading a surah. This is a message from a Rahman Rahim, Allah could have said an animal would be right. And Hakeem Ali would have been right, all of these names fit the Quran hekman in them in them, all of them. Why did you choose a Mohammed for every surah? This is a message from a Russian man are you reading by the name of

01:14:34 --> 01:14:47

the Russian of Allah? Where is it? It is deposited in the book of Allah in the center of this messenger and in the Sharia itself. That's where you will find the person of Allah, not outside, inside of it.

01:14:49 --> 01:14:55

So when Allah tells us, for instance, that you need to punish this specific punishment, it is not vengeance.

01:14:56 --> 01:14:58

It's not in the karma.

01:14:59 --> 01:15:00

It's not very

01:15:01 --> 01:15:02

That itself is a hammer.

01:15:04 --> 01:15:23

That itself is drama. How is that drama? Because if you leave that thing, untreated, unsolved, it will cause greater pain for that person. And for society at large, that would be far greater than the thing that you are punishing for.

01:15:25 --> 01:15:42

Do we have an example if somebody asks, Do you have an example in real life? Where this is true? Something that is similar to what we said, Yes, we do. You are responsible for a child and the well being of a child, and you tell the child, you cannot eat this food because it's not good for you.

01:15:43 --> 01:15:49

Right, and you have to eat this food, even if they don't like it, you have to eat this food because it is good for you.

01:15:51 --> 01:16:12

So in a sense, you can tell them, You tried to persuade them in a sense, you can tell them because they will be sick if they don't need it, or a medicine, an adult or a child. It's bitter, it doesn't taste good, but you have to eat it. And if you love this person, you will insist on them. You have to eat it, if you don't eat it, the thing that you're suffering right now will not compare to what you will suffer from later.

01:16:14 --> 01:16:40

You have to for instance, you know, go through surgery, they allow you know, you know, give healing to all of us. You have to go through surgery, they have to cut you up, they have to go inside. You say no, I'm afraid of the pain. There's blood, you say yes, but if you don't do this disease will spread and kill either the limb has to be amputated or it will kill you. So you have to decide there's some pain Yes, there is some pain.

01:16:41 --> 01:16:49

But you either decide out of Rama for yourself or Rama for others, that you're going to do it right now and fix it.

01:16:50 --> 01:17:06

Or you decide no out of Rama. I won't let them force them to take any medicine and let them die out of Rama. I will let that foot be amputated or the hand be amputated I will I will let them suffer far greater suffering later. That's not true.

01:17:07 --> 01:17:08

That's not to Rama.

01:17:09 --> 01:17:20

So even when the even when the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was administering this punishment some time. He was a hater. So allow Allah he was. He was really right.

01:17:22 --> 01:17:24

So in one incident, I

01:17:27 --> 01:17:59

A man came and he was sort of found drinking. So the pravachol you sent him says, every boy says, you know, you know, go and remind him by giving him by hitting him. That was the punishment for drinking alcohol at the time of the province. Obviously, it wasn't prescribed. It's just like, whatever is sitting, go and hit him. And it's don't imagine a beating with a person, you know, you know, is bloodied and his, you know, ribs are broken. It's not like that. It's just a beating just to get him to wake him up.

01:18:00 --> 01:18:10

So he said, when the Prophet services go hit him, he said, some of us were hitting him with wood with our hands, some of us with our clothes, some of us with our slippers. That's it. It's just a little bit and it's done.

01:18:11 --> 01:18:12


01:18:13 --> 01:18:16

Then he said, Becky to he says, rebuke him,

01:18:17 --> 01:18:21

criticize him. Then they said, Mashallah.

01:18:24 --> 01:18:34

They said Don't you have Taqwa of Allah? Don't you fear Allah? Don't Aren't you ashamed of doing this in front of the prophets of Allah? Do you it was in them. Then someone said

01:18:35 --> 01:18:39

Zack Allah. Someone said, may Allah humiliate you.

01:18:40 --> 01:18:48

He says, Let the data collector in shape analysis do not say this. Do not help the shape. Well, I can pull you along.

01:18:49 --> 01:18:53

But say well, I have forgiveness for him and have mercy on him.

01:18:55 --> 01:19:07

You in another Hadith? I want to add this to that one inshallah. And another Hadith, a man was brought with the same charge in front of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, same time, Apollo same time type of punishment.

01:19:09 --> 01:19:10

And then someone commented,

01:19:12 --> 01:19:17

after they punished him, someone commented. And he said, Nana, hola macaroni.

01:19:19 --> 01:19:24

It says, may Allah curse him. How many times is he brought for this offense?

01:19:26 --> 01:19:40

This man was called Abdullah. And he used to make the profits a lot himself. So he's bought for this chart. And we understand from that comment, it wasn't the first time or second time or third time it was habitual.

01:19:41 --> 01:19:46

He had this problem. So this person says, Lana, Hola,

01:19:47 --> 01:19:50

may Allah curse him? How many times is he brought to this?

01:19:51 --> 01:19:59

And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says Latin for lahemaa I need to know your HIPAA law sooner. It says do not curse him.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:02

By Allah I know that he loves Allah, His Messenger.

01:20:04 --> 01:20:15

And then was being punished for drinking alcohol once in times and three times. And the Prophet is not saying just he loves, he says, By Allah, I swear by Allah, this man loves his messenger.

01:20:16 --> 01:20:30

So it's possible this wasn't done out of vengeance, right? It wasn't done because why we want to just, you know, punish this person was done out of mercy for him, profit recognizing this man loves Allah and His messenger.

01:20:32 --> 01:20:34

And yet he needed this, he needed this reminder.

01:20:36 --> 01:20:45

So this is for people who believe in Allah and His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in the last day, this is our response. And do not think

01:20:47 --> 01:21:32

when you hear about this punishment, that this punishment will be in an Islamic environment really, will be administered or done frequently? No, not really, because it has to fulfill its conditions. And in an Islamic environment, very few people actually will be committing these things, because of that type of punishment. Because they will be things that will prevent people from committing these these types of Acts. It's not like in non Muslim countries, or even sometimes in Muslim countries where the Haram is so readily available. It's not like that. But in a Muslim context, it will not be actually done that frequently. But if it's done once or twice, the panel light will just stem the

01:21:32 --> 01:21:47

tide of sin stem, that temptation of sin, and you will find that society will greatly benefit from it. So it will hardly need to be done. Hardly, it will be there, but it will hardly be actually need to be administered.

01:21:48 --> 01:21:53

And there's more that can be said about this. But they asked me to leave

01:21:55 --> 01:21:58

about 15 minutes between now and Asia so people that can

01:21:59 --> 01:22:05

be ready. So shall I just read what I can from the questions here and chill and see if I can answer them.

01:22:10 --> 01:22:46

Now to answer the question, yes, if a sin has a sphere of punishment that wouldn't be worth doing in the first place. And that punishment of Hellfire is much worse than a worldly punishment for the same sin and to give that transgressor as a chance to learn from his or her mistake. Absolutely. So the punishment in this life is a reminder before there is no time to remember. So if you get punished for it, if you get caught and you get punished, you get cleansed from that sin, and then you will remember not to repeat it and you will repent to Allah subhanaw taala from it, if you don't get punished for it, you will need to allow that sin without repentance. So this is absolutely

01:22:46 --> 01:22:47


01:22:53 --> 01:22:56

And this is also it's a deterrent. So this is saying that

01:22:59 --> 01:23:38

bad Rafi had the data. So the punishment for instance of anything that is prescribed in the Quran or in the Sunnah will deter other people from committing that. And that was, as we said, will cleanse the society from that sin, people will stop stealing. If stealing if you can steal without repercussion, you know that you can get away with it. Everybody or a lot of people will be stealing from each other. If you know, there is severe punishment. I like with with traffic laws, you know that you're going to be ticketed, you're going to put the seatbelt on. If nobody is enforcing that law, nobody would put the seatbelt on. It has human nature. That's human nature.

01:23:53 --> 01:23:56

So this, can you give an example of how

01:23:57 --> 01:24:01

leniency and compassion can bring people closer to Islam.

01:24:04 --> 01:24:08

People are generally attracted to noble character when they see it.

01:24:09 --> 01:24:38

And a lot of people even if you see them smiling and laughing, and a lot of people also have pain in their history, and they're suffering from something and they need someone to listen to them. They need someone even if they cannot solve the problem, at least they can share their problem with like compassionate ear. So when you exhibit when you show this compassion in your behavior, a person is instantly attracted to you.

01:24:39 --> 01:24:52

A person instantly would trust you. A person instantly would want to share what they have with you. And then they would wonder why. What is this thing that is making this person so good,

01:24:54 --> 01:24:59

so compassionate, so lean into what is this thing and his background and his religion?

01:25:00 --> 01:25:14

It is an experience that is making him so good. So when you share with them that I am learning this from Islam, I'm learning this from Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wasallam and here is an example then they'll be attracted to that thing.

01:25:16 --> 01:25:18

So, no this is

01:25:19 --> 01:25:24

this is common This is common people in fact sometimes are not attracted to the query.

01:25:25 --> 01:25:31

In some religions, they don't convert because of the creed. they convert because somebody smiled and received them well.

01:25:33 --> 01:25:42

They're willing some people in some of us I mean, I don't want to say just other people, some of us are willing to believe almost anything, if the people just treat you nice.

01:25:43 --> 01:25:46

So if you just treat people well, you'll attract them.

01:25:49 --> 01:25:50

I think this is

01:26:01 --> 01:26:02


01:26:04 --> 01:26:06

this is a question about if you

01:26:08 --> 01:26:10

if you hear somebody making

01:26:11 --> 01:26:35

on TV in from the heart um, for instance, and you see I mean, does that do our reach us and will Allah subhanho wa Taala accepted for me that this is a new matter and before at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they didn't have a TV or a radio where do eyes be broadcast live and a person is, is doing that so it's different than if a person is trying to the hot dog or person is saying

01:26:36 --> 01:27:23

after the Holocaust, so it's different from that, at the same time it is that is being recited or repeated. So you know, I don't have a good answer for this. Well, I will say no insha Allah, if you want to do it, inshallah, do it. And ask Allah subhana wa Taala to accept it and we hope that Allah subhana wa tada will accept it from all of us. So it's different so it's like something but it's unlike something so it seems to be so I don't have a very good answer for this, but if you're doing it until you find a reason not to do it until there's somebody tells you No, this is not right. You can continue to do it inshallah, because it resembles something that we do and ask Allah subhanaw

01:27:23 --> 01:27:29

taala by saying I mean after the amounts dropped from the Heron and we hope that Allah Subhana Allah data will accept a lie is generous.

01:27:32 --> 01:28:13

So, inshallah just to comply with the time limits and shall only be able unfortunately to give you a time for more questions, but if you do have questions, I will be available from now till Showtime and after Isha if you have anything Zakouma later on for being attentive audience and for attending, we Allah reward you for it, and benefit you from whatever you hear in this message and elsewhere. And I want to ask also, the Minister thanked the administration and thank everybody who were involved in arranging this does allow higher for making this possible. And may Allah reward you for it was of Mullah hives panic alarm be handed a shadow

01:28:15 --> 01:28:16

to the public.

This second part of the lecture series continues where we left off with a discussion of another feature of Prophet Muhammad’s manners: his humility with family, friends, and the weak and unprivileged in society. The last part of the talk attempts to answer the question introduced in the first lecture: how can we reconcile the mercy of Islam with some of the punishments found in its penal code?

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