One of the most distinctive features of Prophet Muhammad was his mercy. Yet many may not be aware of this quality and its centrality in Islam. This lecture explores the quality of mercy in the life of the Prophet and why it should be central in our lives today. The lecture concludes with the question: how can we reconcile the mercy of Islam with what some have called its harsh punishments and penal code?
Ali Albarghouthi – Manners Of Prophet Muhammad – 1 Mercy

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The Prophet sallati's name for promoting Islam is emphasized, along with the importance of seeing the way people react to the message and not being like Muslims. Leniency and mercy are emphasized, as it is often used in actions to avoid confusion and chaos. The speakers also discuss the use of negative language and the benefits of practicing Islam, as it is often used to transform oneself to become a person understanding it. The current administration's actions will lead to reform and a mixed life, but the end is yet to come. Practice and delving into the culture is emphasized, and the potential harm of practicing Islam is discussed.
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salatu salam O Allah
in Alhamdulillah in the Guna stay in 1010 the villa immaturely and fusina was the RTR Medina
Mija de la Fernando de la Omar da da wa Chateau La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika wash, Mohammed Abu
Dhabi Acero Ania Karim mavado
inshallah today and tomorrow we're going to be dealing with a beautiful topic
which is the law of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the manners, the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And it's a beautiful topic. And it's an important topic for a lot of reasons.
Allah subhana wa Tada.
When he wants to select a messenger,
he selects a specific person from all of humanity. If you think about the billions and billions of people who have existed and who will continue to exist till the Day of Judgment, from all of those people, Allah subhanho wa Taala will select specific individuals that have specific character and manners and abilities and readiness to be able to communicate with him and also to communicate with the people on behalf of Allah subhana wa Tada.
So it's not just any individual.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala says about Prophet Musa de Salah.
He says, was fanatical enough see he says what he does now I try to alikum hepatomegaly to smile. Allah says about Prophet Musa and he's reminding Prophet Moses Mousavi cinema was favours. He says I wrapped you with my love. I'll pray to Allah and I wrapped you with my love. Meaning what meaning that everyone who used to see Musa alayhis salaam even if he was a child, baby and infant would love
that love comes from Allah subhana wa tada see a close view and my love wrapped up in my love. When he does not lie, or sin our sooner in Arabic means it unshaved means that perfect that doing of something. This is what's the nice. So Allah subhana wa Taala is saying to Moosa, you're going to be completed and perfected in character, in body in manners under my supervision, I mean, under my care. So if you imagine, if you were to say this to a person, I'm going to take care of you, right?
That the care that you give is proportional to your energy proportional to your awareness proportional to your ability. When Allah subhana wa Taala who is limitless, says to Sally Salaam, I am going to perfect your character.
Then you understand how Allah subhana wa tada was innocence grooming new Sally Salah,
equipping new Sally salon with the character that he needs,
with the law that he needs, so that he could convey the message and allows us about him. As I said in the panopticon enough, see, I've done this so that you would be for me,
I've chosen you for with my Salah with my message, and I made you suitable for it so that you will be the one who can communicate on my behalf who can talk to me because Musa alayhis salam is getting low talk to Allah so you can talk to me and you can talk to people on my behalf. Right? So if this is true about Musa alayhis salaam who grew up where did most of his salon grew up by the way anybody knows
musala salon was adopted right when he was a child who adopted Noosa
islands so Pharaoh adopted Musa so he grew up in the court in the palace of Pharaoh so we can imagine them him having teachers and educators right to teach him these things. You You're being raised in the Kings court.
Now, what is more amazing than that is how would an orphan which is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam would possess all of this character that we're going to be talking about? Some of the character we'll be talking about? How would he possess it? As an orphan, you don't have somebody who would you know, constantly take care of you constantly monitoring constantly direct you? Where did it all come from, so it did come from an orphan is even more amazing.
because we understand that the one that Allah subhana wa
chooses to become a messenger must have something special about him via the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and when I say a flock I'm gonna say it means manner and character that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam could be considered as some of the proofs of his prophethood the law
How so? One example is unreliable salam, ala Juan, who was a Jewish rabbi.
So he's saying Jewish rabbi this he's telling his own story. He says, Lama Kadima Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in in Medina in Jaffa, NASA de Vaca Luca de Matos who Rasulullah de masala Salaam.
It says when the messengers a lot even send them arrived in Medina, the people rush to see him. Of course, right here comes the Messenger of Allah, they've never seen him. Most of the people in Medina, they've never they only heard about him. They've never seen him whether they believed or they do not believe but here comes the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, forgetfulness really occurred to him and they have an era so I was among the people who went to see him.
But to begin with j are off to another chair who they said we wish he kept up.
He says, When I really had the chance to really look at his face have a good look at his face. I knew that his face was not the face of a liar.
If I can outwit Mr columnists, you are not operating up to saddam Obama solubility when NASA neon, the total genovesa lab so he said to people, the first thing that he said to people, or people spread a salon salamati come and feed people and pray at night when people are asleep, you will enter Jenna safely will enter Paradise without any problems.
So here is an older shade. Here are the evidence that we're trying to under underline, underline his
film Mr. Terminology after no God said ruchika when I looked at his face, I knew that his face is not the face of a liar because of the lightness and I wanted to know, do I believe in this person or not? And you might have you know that his own experiences you know, where you look at someone, and a no on the condition that our senses do not betray us. When you look at someone you say, I believe so. And so I trust so and so because of his face because of that face. That is a reflection of what is inside of him.
So Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when you see him, you trust him.
When you see him, you know that what he's saying is the truth. And where does it come from? It comes from the sincerity the loss that he has from within. So this is an evidence of his prophethood there's another story also. But this is a story where a person is testing the properties in them to see how he would react.
And this story in sha Allah is Hashanah with with
with all the way up to all generations fought together and Charlize has an It's the story of the Islam of zeta husana. And he is also Jewish belong to the Jewish community who was living in Medina.
So what is his story? And how did the character the Prophet sallallahu wasallam lead him to accept Islam?
He said, Mother tha god minakshi Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Fedora, t na ito? illa haimo
so there's nothing of the description of the messenger sallallahu wasallam that was in the Torah, the Jewish sacred book, it was in the Torah, I have seen all of them. All of the description fulfilled in the prophets, Allah was in them, but what was one thing that was remaining, which is that his his, his patience and forgiveness, I needed to see that for myself.
So he went to the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And there's a sort of background story. Anyway, he lent the prophets Allah who sent him some money in exchange for the prophets a lot. He was seldom giving him some dates at a later date. So money, I urge him now he will take the money. So he took it from that Jewish person is eight.
And he was supposed to repay him a month or two months or three months later in days.
So that was his plan. So he said I came to him before the due date. So before the time for him to pay me anything I came to him and he screamed at him. He held him tightly held the property. Listen, I'm tightly screamed at me. He says yeah, Mohammed is really happy. For him The company
says Mohamad pay me back.
Right? Pay me back. For indeed you, the children of Abdulmutallab do not pay things on time I've known you.
Now, let's pause a little bit before I can
Didn't know the story, pause a little bit so that we can, you know, let that sink in a little bit.
Because this is the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he's the leader of his people, among his companions. Imagine yourself in that situation, you're the leader, and you have followers, and you have all the power that you need to punish this person, if you wanted to punish him, how dare you speak to me in that way, and it's even before the due date.
And he didn't only insult the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
because sometimes if a person insults you personally, he may let it go. If he brings his for your family into it, your country into it, your tribe into it, you're different. You start punching left and right.
Because how dare you bring me my parents into my tribe into a twofer? You and you start giving it giving it back to him if not physically then verbally.
But he wanted to inflame, make the progress on him send him angry.
So who was next to the messenger? salatu salam at that point? Was Omar. So do you think almost reaction was
almost reaction was Yeah. What do you think he was was his reaction?
Yeah, that was in a sense, that is almost reaction, but out of anger, how could you say this to the Prophet? sallallahu wasallam is that we said, Lola McCann hula hula de pinna in it says, if not, for him standing right here, I would kill you. I would have just jumped on you and killed you.
So what was the response of the prophets alone he sent him He says, Hi, they have a house coordinator at Valley College. He says, oh, who helps? We needed something other than that from you. And Tony, enough, oh, no daily 123. It says we needed something other than that from you, that you would advise me to give him back what I owe him. And the prophets are listening. By the way when he borrowed, he didn't borrow for him. He borrowed for the Muslims, if it wasn't for him, so Muslims were in need, he borrowed for their sake. But he was the one who was responsible for the debt. So he says that you advise me to pay him back. And you help him to get what we owe him. This is what we
needed from you. So he said, so take him to garden to the garden.
Pay him the dates that we owe him and add him a little extra because you scared him. So when the alarm went, and he was paying him and he put extra. So that man said What is this? He says it's extra because I scared you thus with the province audience lm command. So the man said, Do you know me? Do you know what I why I have done that. He says, I have I have seen all the prophecies about the hammer solution and fulfilled that we find in the Torah fulfilled except this one I wanted to test for myself. And I found it to be true. And I testify now you know Illallah Muhammad Rasulullah and I also make you a witness that half of my wealth is a sort of top for the Muslims on the oma of
Mohammed. So Omar said no on part of the oma Mohammed your money is not enough to cover everyone the Mohammed services on the part of the Mohammed then he accepted Islam because of this.
So as a behavior, the reaction from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was the magnet that brought this person into Islam.
And it's not easy. This is not easy to do. That's why you see that the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
was praised in the Quran.
So the next step, or the next reason other than that, it is a
an indication of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The next reason why we want to learn about it is that it brings us close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And closer to the prophets of Allah Allah.
the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the Hadith that is famous you probably have heard it before in emigre Studio tamina macadam, Allah Allah I was sent to complete to perfect noble manners and character.
I was only sent so here that's that's a similar, I was only sent to do this.
So it's here tells you as if the prophets Allah we send them the entire mission
was to come to people and remind them of noble manners and noble behavior and noble character and have them practice it.
It's as if the entire mission of the Prophet was like that. And for him to be able to do something like this. First of all, he had to be of noble
Character himself.
Allah azza wa jal says in the eye that it will also all you also know, we're in the Canada
we're in NACA.
Allah did not say you were in Nicoletta, hello penalty. This is when Allah Allah who can help him? What does that mean? You are Indeed, Allah on top of I'll explain it on top of great character and manner. Why did he use Allah is Allah here is a tomato tomahto means
it means he is that he is a fully possession in full possession of good manners, not that he just has,
that you enjoy some good manners, you're on top of it. As if you have control of all of it. That's what other means. And it means the best of character, the best of the best of character, you're in full control of it. So Allah subhanho wa Taala praised him in the Quran for that and equipped him
to be able to communicate that to the people first by example, and also by speech.
Why is it important for exept by example, why was it important for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to come and show us good character in action, not only tell us but in action.
Because things on paper are not necessarily are things in reality, things as we imagined them as we write them down as we hope that they will be, do not always translate into how things in reality will look like and will be. For example, you can have a project you'll say so and so will help me I'll need that much money, etc, etc. When you go to implement, the implementation will be different, you'll find that you'll find different obstacles and implementation that you'd not anticipate. So the character can be commanded in the Quran, do this way and do not do that. But we needed to see it implemented in reality so that we know that this message is a message that is fit for reality is not
a fantasy. But a message that is fit can be actually implemented in reality. We had we needed to see it before our own eyes, and to see how the humans are blind and to see how would a human react
in light or in the face of certain circumstances? How can this human being transcend their own weakness and possess the greatest of character so we needed to see it as an example.
when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here exemplified this good manner, he taught us to his oma. And if his mission is only as if it's only to complement the law or to complete them and reach them to perfection, we should be called or can be called the omo.
Why does this make sense? Because this is his mission. I came for the law he's saying, I came for good character and noble character means that everyone who follows him must have good character, this owner of his must be an omen of character of good character of noble character.
So if we find ourselves missing some of that, we understand from it that we have compromised the mission of Mohammed Salah UID with cinnamon his message that our Eman has not risen to the point where we are actually true followers of Mohammed Salah la audio It was either because we are unaware we have not educated ourselves all we know but we are too weak to follow whatever whatever it is, if we are the overflow, what is the meaning that others have to learn this from us? What had happened nowadays is it's the opposite. We look at people who are non Muslims. And it says sometimes I don't want to say always sometimes notice that they enjoy some that we are desperately are missing.
We can behave better talk better to each other deal better with each other less than Muslims with other Muslims. I'm not even saying Muslims with non Muslims, say Muslims with other Muslims.
So this is not the path of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this is not what he taught. This is not how he lived.
For the UCLA, he said, as an infant, Misa
the heaviest thing in the meezan is good character.
That's the statement Prophet sallallahu sallam, that'd be his thing that when you're going to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala. The heaviest thing that you will find in the museum is if
if we say that we love Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
Of course, it's not just by tongue.
But he said if if we love him, he said
in a minute had become a walker becoming the most recent Yamaha piano has seen
the ones that I love the most of the ones who I love the most, and we will be closely ceded to me on the Day of Judgment are those with the noblest character among you?
So imagine you stop you say I love Mohammed Salah to you, and he was sending him so much. I want to be close to him. He's telling you, I will love you. If your character is good, and on the Day of Judgment, if you want to be closest to me see the closest to me nearest to me. Then you have to enjoy
and practice good character. That must be part of you.
Come on with me, Nina, Eamonn, and I have
to come to Minnesota. Okay, Omaha. It says the best Muslims are those who have good character.
And the best of you are those who are best to their woman.
Why good care? Why? Why are these two things tied together?
This is significant. There is a connection between tying the first to the second, the best of you are those who are good character. And Thiago command, the rest of you are the ones who are best to the woman because women typically are weakest in society, the wife, the sister, the mother, the daughter, typically our weakest, physically our weakest and typically our weakest in society. So the best of Muslims are those who are best, even when it comes to the weak thing they can abuse and get away with it when they can insult and get away with it.
It's not the issue of being nice for the person who's powerful, you're afraid of them. You're afraid of their retaliation or they might do to you, but with the weak How are you? How are you with children? How are you with women, so the best in character with women around him is the best of themselves, is the best or has the best of email.
So to be the close to Allah subhana wa tada and to be close to his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we must have good character.
For him to be an example for us, we must also practice good character.
And for us also, to
tell others about him.
We must also understand the seer of the messengers, hollywood syndrome and his good character to a sale or to attack Islam.
People who
have allowed us
to spread doubt about the message of Islam. They spread doubts about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is not something new. That happened from the time of haematological you send them they used to call them crazy and a magician and this and that. Allah subhanaw taala refuted that in the Quran and replied to these accusations. Today, we need to learn the character of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam so that in reply to these accusations, we can tell him No, he wasn't like this. This is how he was. And we can retell these stories and we can retell these incidents and Rican retell his attitude and his instructions so that when people hear about him, the true message
of Islam, the true reality of Hamas allottee, when you send them they will love him. And it's natural that you will be inclined and love someone like that. If you can hear the truth about him, we will love ourselves, we will love Muhammad Sallallahu it will send a more when you when you hear these stories, or when you hear these a heartbeat. Why? Because it's natural. You hear about someone, someone living today, but you hear that he's honest, sacrifice, the sacrifice to this and that for the sake of others, patient.
You hear all of these things about him or her and you start to love them, you start to respect them. We hear all of these good characters about the Prophet ceylonese and all of this good, noble behavior, coming about the prophets, a lot of you see them and you naturally will start to loving.
So these are some of the benefits of
learning and going through and teaching. The law oversaw the lives of the law anyway. And there's also a lot more to it
for you,
we will today in Sharla focus on one character
one Hello oversaw the lives of a lot of you and He will send them
and I want to ask you first
What is the this whole or this character that you think is most associated and most linked with the profits of the lottery I use of all the characters,
one that is so closely linked to him, so closely linked to his name. So yes
Khurana Quran but it's not a character but it's the Quran that taught him how to react. How taught him how disciplined the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was the Quran as I showed the aloneness it can hold on the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was on to the foot on educated and guided and disciplined the Prophet Sall Allahu Allah you he was so it is true. The Quran was essential in guiding the prophet to good manners and will be essential in guiding us to good manners.
But among the the characters
What do you think and what what type of huddle is most closely linked to Prophet Mohammed so the Lord He will listen and there is no right or wrong answer
if you say the one that I want to discuss and hamdulillah that's good that will be the right answer but if not you still right but I'm still going to be looking for the one that I'm going to be talking about tonight so
I mean, so there is this Amana
someone's typing better like It
Wasn't I
love it, man. Yes. Yes. He does not get mad very easily. Yes, that's true. He was very patient with people around him. Yes. Yes.
Okay, one more or they
saw that. Saw sir also said saying or speaking the truth.
Okay, the one that I wanted to talk about
today, tonight is
And Allah subhana wa tada says,
As if you remember the hoodie that I mentioned in number two will hustle for exclusivity. I always only sent to complete complimented perfect good manners Allah subhana wa tada says, woman officer NACA Illa Rahim Allah Allah mean we have not sent you except as mercy to all.
Again, it's exclusive. We have not sent to you except as mercy to everyone.
So the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can rightly be called never you Rama. Ordinarily you will not Hama rightly be called because Allah is saying, I've only sent you as mercy as Rama to everyone.
And then the deen of Islam can rightly be called Dino Rama. The religion of mercy, because that is the message of His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa he was.
So Dino Rama Nabi Rama and we are also amatola.
As an oma, we are also an omen that is supposed to be merciful.
And if there is a lack of mercy, again, same thing with the flowers, mercy is a hollow, Rama is a hollow, if there is absence or deficiency of mercy
Muslims, or with Muslims and non Muslims, we understand that this deficiency of mercy is because of deficiency in Islam.
As because Islam was not allowed or allowed to flower and spread. It's because Islam was not allowed to be practiced, we did not allow it ourselves, in ourselves, in our families, or others did not allow us whatever it is, it was not allowed to flower and blossom, in a way that this mercy can spread so that everyone on this earth can enjoy it. So if we find that there's a lot of tension, a lot of killing,
a lot of hostilities in the world today, among Muslims and otherwise, we have to understand that there is something that is missing from our Islam itself from our practice and understanding of Islam. Because how can it be the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is only a prophet of mercy? And we find an absence of mercy among Muslims in the Muslim community, in the Muslim family, in the Muslim society, or in the world today. How can it be it doesn't make sense it doesn't compute really well.
A lot of panel data says
30 more it means a lot healing to the whole world.
convenient photo mean howling.
It says it is by the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala that you were made lenient with them
and were you to be full rough Ronnie the harsh hearted with them, they would run away and flee from you.
So the prophets A lot of you send them we understand from this ayah that he was made lenient
Lee with the people around him and that was the thing that attracted people to him.
And we understand from that, that this is the thing that will attract people to you.
Now the opposite. Whether your mission is to attract people to Islam or basically just be a decent good Muslim, the thing that is going to attract people to you is this lien.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says a for you if you were to be the opposite.
Rough with people harsh hearted with people they would run away from you now imagine this this is really really significant run away from home run away from Mohammed's A lot of you send them
in a imagine the most eloquent person he's coming. His face is the face of a prophet.
He's speaking the truth coming from a law so generally speaking, the Koran the footage, there is the evidence that reaches your heart clears out any doubt is Mohammed Salim Selim who is speaking, commanding the good forbidding the bad, but he's saying, if you were to be rough with them and harsh hearted, even with everything that I've given you, they would run away from you.
So it doesn't really it's not really enough for us to say we have the truth.
And that is enough. If a person doesn't come to us, if a person doesn't listen, and it's his fault, her fault. No, they would run away from profits a lot he would send them if he wasn't lenient. So this leniency is important that's one of the one of the prophets of the Lord God sent him was to be lenient with people
very gentle with people.
You know, once they came to the messengers of the law, do you send them and they say yada Sula law he
says he also the law make against the mushriks
you know the Confirm make dua against them. Or the Indian ambassador and what I can do voice drama
because I wasn't sent
to curse.
So I wasn't sent to curse to chase people away from Allah subhanaw taala because this is what Lana is to chase a person other than the mercy of Allah says I was incentive this I was sent as
so even though you might have or the province or center might have had some feelings, what are they doing?
against the data overload are they seeing against me? What are they doing to other Muslims, they are killing them, slaughtering them, depriving them of food and water and all of this and that, and yet they come to the Prophet Allah. Allah make dua against them. He says, I don't want to make dua against them. I want them
to come back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and accept Islam.
In the other. Hadith is also famous Hadith.
I shall the Allahu anhu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she asked messages you send them and Nikita yo Manisha daddy.
Did you witness a day? That was harder on you than the day?
so what happened to the Prophet always send them in the battle with a new one remembers.
But what almost happened to him or what did happen?
It was a battle right? There was a fight.
Just one of his teeth were broken. Okay.
What else happened to him?
So hey, Zack, Allah had Hamza, also. The uncle of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, one of the greatest Muslims was killed in that battle and that affected the prophets only send them severely. Yes.
He was almost killed.
Okay, he was almost killed. They came very close to the messenger so allowed him at one point in the battle, only one person stood between him and the enemy. This is the closest in a battle that they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay, he was physically harmed.
Muslims were killed Muslims that he loved were killed. And he was about to be killed.
So she's asking
Him, did you witness any day that was harder on you than the D word?
And the messages that allowed you to send them says, He says, After I've given this is the summary of it after I've given the doubt with your people, people of Mecca.
And they answered me, or gave me the answer that you know, meaning that they rejected it.
And he went to a party and he spoke to the people in uptight and he presented the message of Islam.
And they did not give him a nice or a soft reply. They rejected it to
Allah, Allah.
Allah driven learner. He says, I came back
and he was saddened, completely sad for the film. He says, I was only aware of where I was he just kept walking.
He was only aware of where I was when I reached that area of
Colorado to Florida. saboten COVID loony he says what I looked and there was a cloud on top of me say that he had debris Elisa Nam you breed any salon Gabriel was there.
Call a Mohammed in aloha semi cola ko McCulloch Kanaka Jabu
waka Murakami medical Jeeva Leonora Mata to follow him. He says O Muhammad, Allah subhanho wa Taala had heard what the people have said to you,
your people their reply, he has heard it. And he had sent the angel of the mountains so that you can command him to do what you wish. So the angel the mountains come to him and he says,
to me, he will actually be the one.
If you command me, I'm gonna cause these two mountains to collapse on them to crush them.
That is, I'm waiting for your command. Tell me and I will allow them
to all die.
So the prophet SAW you send them What did he say? He said, Well, I can't do it alone enough clobber him and Yabba de la jolla what I should say, he says no.
But I hope I wish that out of their children will come people who will worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. And so an associate no partners with him.
So he had the ability.
let's backtrack a little bit.
Because there are some benefits in this body.
The first benefit that I want to highlight
is that some emotional and psychological pain
is sometimes more severe than any physical pain.
Because she asked him, did you suffer anytime or anywhere more than when you suffered on foot? And he said yes.
So know how he was physically injured. Understand.
He was about to be killed, we get that that's not easy to get what he was about to be killed, and others were killed. But he said that the day that he suffered more than all of that was not a day when he was harmed physically in the same manner when he lost Muslims in the same manner. But when he presented and kept presenting this message of a lot of people were not accepting it. So we had this emotional physical pain, emotional and psychological pain inside of him. So sometimes we have we have to be aware of that. You may look at your brother or sister. Physically, they might be fit. But inside of them, you don't know what is inside of them. They really might need your help even
though they don't look it
they don't look that they are you know limping grinds or something is broken, a limb is broken, but something inside is hurting something inside is broken.
So that is why you will need we need you know to take care of each other.
As the prophets of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala says about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam patties on alikoum he worries about you. So it's one of his character that we want to bring up is Harrison aliko la cumbre suderman and fusi come as easily Imani to hurry Sonali combi. momineen are all for your come to your prophet Roman yourselves that you know him meaning that you know him
as he is and Allah Hema and if there's if something saddens you, he becomes sad.
If something burdens you, he's burdened.
Now we asked ourselves, do we feel like that with other Muslims?
And this is my brother, right?
This is my sister. This family is like my family. This is my alma, we say, are we saddened by what makes them sad are we burdened by what makes them burden?
The province autism was like that.
seasonality mannitol How do you sound alchemy cares about you.
So we have to care about each other.
So they're the profit in the in the midst of the most anguish most emotional and psychological anguish he was in.
He Here comes a
messenger from Allah He an angel from Allah saying that if you wish that we destroyed the people who rejected this method, we can destroy all of them.
And hear the mercy of the prophets. A lot of you it was Silla makes itself very apparent when he says no, let them continue, let them live, because I have not lost hope. Despite their, you know, stubbornness, despite their harsh replies, I still hope that if not from them, and at least from their children, they will come people who will worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and have no partners.
There was another attempt at the life of the prophets of Allah, Allah, you early will send them
what to do from a woman presented to him some poison food.
Right, there was a Lamb that was presented to the prophets, a lot of you send them and put it a potion was put into it. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam ate from it. And he told his companion stop, do not eat because this Shah or this de la, this lamb is telling me that it's been poisoned. Then they found out who had put that poison in it was the woman who prepared the food, she was a Jewish woman. They asked her, why did you do this? She said, if you are a false prophet,
then he will die.
And then we will just be ready to review. We don't have to worry about you. If you are a prophet of Allah, you will be saved.
So it's like a win win for her. If you're lying, then Good riddance, we don't care about you. If you are profitable, then you'll be saved.
So they said as the profits already send them to do ha, shall we convert Carla?
So no.
Should we cover these oligomers into articlehappy. The hawaiki Rasulullah sallallahu usen says I continued to see the effect of that poison, right in the tonsils of the prophets of Allah and he was.
And that poison boy did not kill the prophets of Allah, we send them immediately, its effects continued with him. There's not really exits his body.
So again, this is a sign of the run of the messengers of the law Do
you have the power, you have this person who didn't just simply take your money,
then just simply insult you, but have put poison in the foot to kill you. And you've had eaten this poison, and that poison has affected you.
And you have all the power that's that significant thing. You have all the power and you're not afraid to punish you have all the power to punish and you're not afraid to punish.
Shall we kill her? And the messengers the lawyer sentiments of the law Do you I do send them said, No, do not kill.
So imagine here Do we have this you know this Rama in us?
This sort of humaneness
that we can restrain ourselves
and put our ohana before anger.
Put in our dealing with our families with our children with our neighbors with non Muslims put this right in the foreword so that we'd be imitating the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and be really among the oma of Rama.
The problem sometimes is that we think that violence or harshness solves the situation
and sometimes we think or we allow ourselves or our ego to take the best of us
but that was wasn't how the messengers have allowed you it was send them live
alimenta comma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam enough see here
in the bottom Informatica xojo. So prophets, a lot of you it was sending them and never avenge himself
took revenge, retaliated for something that was done for him personally.
Can you imagine something like that? He said exception. The only exception is if you love Allah subhanho wa Taala. A commendable law is violated. That is different than he takes action. But when it comes to him so Allah How do you it was send them if he is wrong himself.
Personally, he never advantaged
when will it be possible for us
not to avenge ourselves?
Right? When we believe that we are all slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala First of all, and that we owe people rather than them owing us,
because we only become angry when we say How dare did so and so say that to me.
I, it begins with I, who is this an AI who is that
cannot be taught to like this, cannot be approached like this.
So how can So and So talk to me like this, or do this to me, but only begins with an eye, without without grant I. But if we do not think of ourselves as this grant I but a simple and humble and sinful slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala, whom if anything happens, happens because of their own doing and their own sin,
then you don't see for yourself possessing rights.
But you see yourself possessing obligations.
I don't know if this is very clear or not.
But if let's just give an example.
Let's suppose for instance, you know, the night after you leave the message, you're going, you're walking and somebody insults you, or calls you a name. Right? You can start and you can pick a fight with them, and you can hit them and they can hit you back, or you can insult them, and they can insult you. But the question is, what if you start thinking about this, as what was this insult? And you say that every thing that this pleases me, in this life is brought by a sin that I committed?
Man isn't allowed in
any any discomfort that comes down comes down because of a sin I introduced. So in a sense, I deserve this, I brought it in on myself.
So instead of actually sending more, I reply, or I counter this the consequence of that sin with asking Allah for forgiveness, by turning away from that sin and its consequence, by so showing mercy to that other person. If you show mercy to that other person and ask Allah Subhana Allah for forgiveness for your own sins, then you stop the cause of that sin.
And you don't begin to I don't you don't see yourself as somebody who is possessing rights upon other people. Right?
How come so and so did not greet me. When I came into the messaging? How come he did not stand? When I came into the masjid? How come he did not get sold? Because we think we have so many rights and other people are violating the rights, but who we think as all of us, myself and others are as humble sinful slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who needs Allah's mercy at all time, then you will give that mercy to other people.
So McKenna was an ally and a willingness to never avenge himself whatever they say to him.
Except if it is a command of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is violated.
And when he would speak,
he would speak the most comforting most merciful words
that Do not insult anyone or upset anyone MCE not a sort of life action one on
one align. And when I said Baba, he wasn't or he would not say anything vulgar. He was in fact, he would not use vulgarity, something that that would break or violate the innocence of people around him. He wouldn't say it well,
and would not seek vulgarity.
In speech, you know, some of us are not vulgar, but we start admiring vulgarity because we hear it right and we think that what other people are saying seems to be cool and interesting. So we seek vulgarity we search in you know,
injected into our speech injected into our life we start practicing it
like literally like forcing it, practicing it until it becomes part of our
habit to say, so what kind of, he would not seek it?
What are the and what is the Baba and he would not curse? And he would not insult anyone.
What can I afford it he had the Mind and Matter but the man who delivered Urbino.
He would use to say he would say to someone when he wants to gently remind him this is the item a tub is you want to criticize someone or point out the mistake that
They have, but you love that person.
This is the HR data bits between a HIPAA between those whom you love.
No, no hatred is there. But between those that he loves
and him if he wanted to gently remind them they're doing something wrong. What would he say? Man who teddy bear God know what is with him teddy bear giovinazzo teddy bear vino, who is either as a phrase in Arabic That is softens, softens, whatever you want to say.
It just softens it. So you can you can think of any English equivalent to it. I can What is wrong with my brother, for instance?
What is wrong, you know, with with our buddy? What is our loved with our loved one, whatever it is.
But it is a phrase that softens whatever comes out from the Tung Manor hotel budget Dino.
And if he finds that someone is so is saying something that is wrong,
or has done something that is wrong, he doesn't highlight this and pinpoint and say you Why did you do this? Why did you say that? But he says my bad walk woman phalguna Kanaka? Why are people doing this and that generally.
So he doesn't insult he doesn't alienate
anyone's feelings.
So let's take that and see if this is something that we were doing. If we find someone who's committing a mistake, we think that they're committing a mistake. How do we approach this person? Do we approach this person with Rama?
Or harshness?
Do this idiot
you're supposed to do but you're supposed to know better.
You're supposed to do better. And immediately we alienate that person and cause them to run away from us because of the language that we're using. Even if what we're saying is true. They run away from us, because we insult they run away of us, because we chastise they run away from us because we bring them down.
But is that the purpose? Is that what we want to do? Or we want them actually to love Allah subhana wa tada and love the religion of Allah. I love the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If this is what we want to do, so we have to use the best free speech and think, what are we spreading? Is it the Rama?
Or is it the opposite.
So if we find friction
among Muslims, community, in the community or in the family, or globally, we have to reintroduce this drama into our speech, and introduce this drama into our actions and introduce this drama into our life. So we can attract people to the truth and not have them run away from it.
And the messengers will allow you it was cinnamomum what he used to teach his companions. It says McKenna ritvo fishing in in lezana Museum in Shanghai, in in lashana. In a law you have to remember you have the unknown.
He says kindness, if you put it in anything, makes it beautiful. Take it away from anything. It makes it What?
What's the opposite of beautiful,
Take this the opposite of kindness by
being rude being rough, take it or put it in something and it makes it ugly, whatever it is, put kindness in something that makes it beautiful. And indeed, he says it continued Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala gives,
you know,
for kindness as a consequence of using kindness, he would give you what you want.
But not so when you use violence.
Or maybe it's use roughness rather than violence, roughness or being rough.
So it would give you if you needed something, if you use kindness, you would get it more so if you were rough.
This he says a lot he what he said
when when a man came and some people used to do that and then came and they said a sample or a coup
Assam are equal.
So what is assembly that we're not saying a stellium are equal stones close to a cinema, but they were not seeing a Solomonic. They were seeing a Somalia, Assam is what poison or death.
Death be upon you. That's what they're saying. But they're hiding it.
So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says we're all equal
and upon him
I heard what they've said.
And she started insulting them while he concanavalin. May this be upon him this on you and this on you and this on you? He says, Man, yeah, she says I should stop. says this mama calls why she said to the province awesome. Didn't you hear what they ordered? They said that they're wishing you death.
My death beyond you they're making against you.
As an empress Marianne equal to aliko. Didn't you hear mistake on you?
There is there was enough. Meaning if you are seeing a cinema or a Kobo, then on you and to YouTube, if you are seeing a Somali content to YouTube, and nothing more was needed. He didn't need to insult
by he didn't need to curse he didn't need to say anything other than that there was enough. And this is what he said mcenery Cafe in Indiana what Amazon chain in the Shanna, he says kindness, if you put it in anything makes a beautiful and take it away from anything. It makes it ugly. So we think sometimes, and maybe this is a sign of the time, we think that if you want something you want something in this life, you have to fight for it. You have to show that you're strong. You have to scream at people. If you don't scream if you're not loud enough, nobody listens to you.
Not all the time, and not with everybody. And we have to start believing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he says no Be kind,
not weak. There's difference between being weak and being kind of weak. You can insist on your right but you'd be kind, you'd be polite. He says no, be kind. Because Allah will give you what you want, more so than if you were rough and violent with people.
They will willingly give it to you. They will help you get your objective or get whatever you wanted more so that if you are rough, they may give you something, but maybe not all of it.
So this is you know, the madrasa or the School of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what he used to teach the people
he was also Salatu it was send them kind with animals. So that kindness is not kindness with we describe kindness with Muslims. What is our kindness with non Muslims?
Or mercy with Muslims mercy with non Muslims? There's also was merciful with animals.
And there is this hadith
where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you know, and and with a group of his people, the camp somewhere. So one of his companions, he took an egg from a nest by Tamara. So an egg from a nest of a bird
called Tanya 34. Dice A lot of us and so that bird came was flying around the profits of the lottery, what do you send them?
So he said you can fudge the biodata
Which one of you caused it so much distress over its egg.
So he says wanted the person who took it he says Anna has to I also have a license and I took this egg messenger of Allah,
Otto Dolly have a beer, he says return that egg to it out of mercy for it.
So this person wasn't committing something that was how long? Right? He took an egg, something that he wanted to eat.
But the original the last panel with the ad and the run of the messengers of the law do you send them extends all the way to include animals. So even this small complaint that is coming from a bird returned my child to me.
And we understand we know from this that animals have feelings.
Dogs, even if dogs are not clean in Islam, they have feelings, cats, birds, bigger animals, smaller animals, they have feelings.
So this was a mother worried about its child. And when it came to the prophets, a lot of cinema is asking what happened to it. So the mercy of Islam extends to animals even.
And you know very well the bodies of the messengers will allow you to send them
of a person
who entered heaven because of a dog.
What did he do to the dog?
anyone remembers?
Yeah, he gave it drink the
dog was very thirsty and he gave it water. Allah subhana wa Taala
compensated him for that heaven
and also you know the story of a woman who entered Hellfire because of what animal a cat What did it do to the cat now think a cat
What did it do to the cat
right it put it into its put it in prison did until it died of hunger. So the prophet SAW he sent him says phenomena
such as it did not feed it that woman did not feed it and did not have the flu so it can feed itself. So either if you're going to put an animal in a cage you feed it or if not let it free so that it can feed itself. Now this another dead animal the cat died because of that it entered hellfire.
You see some of us
you know nowadays thinking that these animals have no feelings. I don't know if you've seen some videos or not of Muslims. Have you seen it? Muslims studying animals on fire by Muslims are talking and the Muslim country right they put this animal they put some gas on and they light it
on fire. These are Muslims. They're not doing it as Muslims, they are Muslims and they're not doing it because of Islam. But there's these are members of our own. They're doing this for fun.
For fun
and there is some stories that people share. I don't know if I've mentioned this story or not.
He said
one person he was saying he says when I was a young reckless boy
I used to run after lizards or whatever bite or smaller animals and run them over my car intentionally.
One run this first run this animal with my car run this animal my car run this animal my car, just intentionally just to have fun. Right? So kill these animals. He said when he got married,
had a daughter the daughter died.
And another daughter the daughter died had another daughter the daughter died. It says the only thing I can connect this to is all the animals I used to kill needlessly.
Another person tells another story similar to it. He says I used to collect lizards like a bob. I used to collect lizards take their eyes out. Just that take their eyes out.
Just Just for fun.
And guess what? When he had children, that child I think it was a daughter
had noise.
So we think these animals don't pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala when we torture them, we think that these animals when we take their children they do not pray to Allah subhana wa Taala so and so has done so and such and such to me. And Allah doesn't listen.
But instead of you know doing you know refraining from hurting animals because we're afraid we have to do it because we're merciful to them.
Right because we want Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us because we want heaven and it is this software that will take us to Allah and take us closer to his prophets of the law he was he was setting them
for a Muslim has no barrier
has no restrictions. You are Rahim
with the animals you are him with your neighbors you are Hey when you come to the message you are Haman, you leave the message in your home at all times.
That is our Hammer of the messengers of Allah Allah you aneurysm
and whatever we say about him so a lot of you and He will send them is not going to be enough even you know this topic of Rama is not enough to describe some of the prophets A lot of you are using them because all that we have our reports
right things that we hear
but the Prophet himself says Lisa Hubbard who can lie in a to hear about something is not like seeing it.
Okay, we can say he was about to be killed yet he forgave someone that's a story that we're here to see someone about to be killed and then forgive
his killer or the one who wanted to kill him that is different. That is very different.
So, that is just a glimpse of the amount of the profits will allow you to send them
and I want to ask a question, inshallah for tomorrow, because we will continue this tomorrow. But I want to ask a questions that you can think about
and inshallah helped me answer
What is that?
If especially non Muslims, maybe even some Muslims, they say they hear, okay, we know that you talk about the mercy of the prophets of the law, God was seldom at the mercy of Islam.
Yet we find in Islam what we consider to be very rough punishments.
Right. Very rough and harsh punishment punishments. We see Muslims can be meaning something's very harsh and violent acts. You tell us something, but also your Islam is teaching something else. That's what they're saying. I want to leave you with the question what would you say? How would you reconcile this with that? There was no Islam version of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam with what some non Muslims or maybe even some Muslims are calling very harsh and rough punishments in Islam, and the harshness and violence that we find some schematic How do you put this and this together? So this is not an answer for today, but this inshallah I want you to think about it, and
see what answers if you can research it and having done the research and because I can benefit you, but definitely you can benefit me, and let's see, inshallah, how we can answer that.
That question. And there was just one thing I forgot to mention, it was just beautiful. One thing that I wanted to mention, but I did not in the beginning,
about really the entire Hello, the entire character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
So once
the movie or the Allahu anhu on a on an expedition, so he comes to a group of people.
And their leader says, certainly Mohammed and sallallahu Sallam he says, describe have metal allottee when you send them to me.
Firstly, the fella
he says to give it in detail, I cannot.
So how to throw the law on who said to get that in detail. I cannot
know it doesn't say there why he said I cannot give it to detail. But we can you know, speculate,
you know, another component of how much of allottee or to send them last He said, If I were asked to describe the prophets of Allah, Allahu Allahu wa sallam, I would not be able to, because I would not look at him directly out of respect. Out of the Haber process, only Selim had a haber, right.
Like he had this this dignity is this already called meeting this gravitas. That you'd be a little bit you'd be aware that he's in the room. So he had this hyper says I wouldn't be able to look at him directly. So maybe it was the same for harlot anyway.
Just to take in detail, I cannot. So the man said regimen he said say generally, he said our Rasulullah Kudrin mercy
He says, the sender tells you about the sender.
The sender, the status of the sender tells you about consent
is that clear, that if you want to know the status of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam know that Allah has chosen him
because he did not just choose anybody. And he did not educate just anybody. Right? He chose the best and he equipped him with the best so you want to know how he is physically and in manners, just think of the status of Allah subhanaw taala and whom he would choose that some hammers allottee or use of them in general. So this is something that we keep in mind ties to the two I talked about, Musa alayhis salaam in the beginning, that always was Allah subhanho wa Taala who discipline.
So, inshallah we will stop here. And I will want to open the door for questions if there are any questions or comments or if you want to add anything and you are more than welcome to do so shallow and have about 1015 minutes or
so remember the question for tomorrow, right?
And all of you are going to be here tomorrow right to help answer the question, right. That's the promise right?
Looking at everything,
Don't attack the religion?
always attacking the Prophet?
Is it because of the qualities? So they want to make sure they get
Okay, what is the bigger message? Do you have
sort of an idea what the bigger message might be?
And definitely, I mean, attacking the messengers a lot he said them, as you said, is to discredit the message itself. Because to them, and this is not something new is something that is very ancient.
Almost from the time, as we said, from the time that the kuffaar heard of the message of haematologica, it was settled and
they started attacking his him personally, there's something wrong with you, you're crazy, or you're magician, you're a fortune teller, or whatever. When you're starting to hear about Islam, or Christians will say started to hear about Islam also, they had a reaction reaction that was similar to the reaction of the kuffaar to which is also to attack the messenger sallallahu wasallam. They repeated some of these accusations and they added to them something that we still see till today.
The reason is, as you said, if it's possible to discredit the person who brought the message and point out flaws and his character flaws and his behavior, contradictions between what he had preached, and the message, then you're able to bring the downfall of the entire religion. Right.
of course, most of what they perpetuate about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is not true, it's not based in reality.
Because we're to be based in reality, and we're to be balanced, they would be in some of them are, they would be able to present an image of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, that would be attractive,
even if they insisted, for instance, that we disagree with one or two or three points. But overall, they will present the present a, an attractive assessment of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam because of all what he has done,
or they want to do, on the other hand, they want to conceal
the good that he has done, right, and inflate whatever they think are his mistakes, or the weak points in Islam or weak points in his life,
to undermine the entire message of Islam and say that the one who brought it if he behaves this way, or he has said that one, or if he had commanded This must not be a true prophet must be a false prophet, or must be a person who loves violence, who must be a person who follows his own desire, etc, etc. So it does indeed center around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And that is why it is important to know, not just generally, but also to delve into more detail, to know what he did, what he commanded, how we behaved, what he did not do. And in some points when he did something, why did he do it? Or when he didn't do something, why didn't he do it?
So that when you encounter
these accusations, you're ready to respond? Or if you're not going to respond verbally, at least they don't shake your own email. That's why I say it's not only non Muslims who have these doubts, find also some Muslims to who you know, cannot reconcile these ideas of, yes, Islam is a religion of mercy, but at the same time, why does it command this? So we don't understand these two things together. So that's what we will try inshallah to do tomorrow. But it is true, that the attack of the province against the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had been, you know, since its inception since the
beginning of Islam, the inception of Islam and will continue unabated. Right, until Allah subhanho wa Taala gives, you know,
dominance or victory, to the evidence and to the truth.
I remember
Now we can
we met.
We went in
the session people are Muslim.
What's wrong?
no, no. So the question is, you know, when we we started making for a Palestine, then we do offer a pianist, and then we do offer a Roth. And it's just the list keeps growing and growing, right. And so the question is, you know, what is wrong? And all of us know, I mean, that there is something that is wrong, and has been wrong for a while. And what is happening right now is the outcome, it's the consequence. But things were brewing. Things were not right for a very long time. And unfortunately, we're seeing the consequences, the
catastrophic consequences right now with so many refugees, so many people killed so much, so much destruction, loss of life, loss of property, and then it moves on from one country to the other and the use of Hanalei, you know, we don't know when it's going to end, but also at the same time will allow them it's it's a wake up call for Muslims not to be complacent and not to feel that, you know, we're okay. As long as not we're not being touched as long as I'm okay, right now, as long as my country is safe right now means that everything is fine. No, not everything is not fine. We have to embark on a mission of reform of Islam, and everywhere and every place, you know, so if you are in
your own community, in your own family, you have to embark you have start this mission of Islam, of fixing yourself and fixing your family because you cannot wait.
Some of these countries who are witnessing, you know, one of the most horrific things in recent years, years before they were just comfortable, safe watching other countries being afflicted, afflicted watching other refugees, you know, collecting money to other refugees, Muslims, now they are the refugees tomorrow, Allah knows maybe we will be the refugees we never know. So we cannot wait till there that tsunami comes and takes all of us. So there is something that is wrong. And you know, basically basically it is that where is this Islam? Where is a man in our lives? How close are we to Allah? subhana wa, Tada. That's what it is.
Where is our line our lives? Is he actually there? Are we committing haram? How much? How long are we committing? Are we doing what Allah wants from us? What type of life do do we live a life of a man or is it a mixed life? Or is there's life of a man but there's also a life of sin in the country overall, you know, how much of the Sharia our last panel data is being implemented? Because it is this Sherry? Is this these laws of Allah subhanaw taala that provide security and safety.
And it is the opposite of it. It is shocking. To discover on the lights, the rejection of the chiral law that brings hunger brings famine, brings destruction takes away the vodka. So for a lot of these countries, I mean, things were not right for a long time, but what we hope is happening. So it's bad. But what we hope is happening is Allah is reminding us
it's telling us that no, you're on the wrong path. Your country wasn't trying to fix it, fix it. And it's not it's not the gentlest of reminders, we wish that we would have been reminded in a gentle way that we would have woken up by other gentle gentle reminders and we had those gentle reminders. Just seeing what is happening to these other countries is a gentle reminder. It's like somebody you know, nudging you and saying you know wake up, don't you see what's happening? You don't have to wait till it happens to you. So this is a gentle reminder so if we do not wake up because of that gentle reminder we will wake up because of the rough reminder when it happens to us but all of them
are reminders that maybe we will change course and become closer to Allah subhana wa tada and love him more than this dunya
and worship Him alone. So panel data with no partners, then maybe then inshallah things will start changing. So we hope we hope between make dua to Allah subhana wa
Well, I mean the problem like that can be solved. If we're if we can have
have a hand in solving this problem can be solved by first pointing out that,
you know, this is not what our last panel data is messages, a lot of you send them love. That is not the true implementation of Islam and the true practice of Islam. And these types of groups, they have to go back to the owner, they have to go back to the scholars, their problem is, is that they have instituted their own selves as scholars. And they're not listening to anybody else. Right. And that's one of their problems sites. So they are the reference, we decide what's right and what's wrong, no one else. So an exclusion of the automa of the Omaha Salatu was Salam and subpanel Lyon, if even somebody you know, it tells you that, tell them bring me one alum from the Omaha masala, you
send them who agrees with what these groups are doing in Iraq and in Syria, right, with ISIS or whatever, one island, then you will not find a single item or
a symbol either a scholar of Islam, true scholar of Islam, who says I agree with what they've done, or what they've done is wrong, all of them condemn it. So you understand from that, that this is not Islam. This is not jihad, you know that this is not what Allah loves. That's not what the prophet soldiers have commanded. The next thing you know, is maybe to bring that mercy into our understanding of Islam, because one who notices what they're doing. It's very rough. It's a very harsh and rigid implementation of Islam, you don't do this, you get executed, you don't do that you get executed, there is no,
Mohammed salesianum wasn't like this wasn't a person who would execute people left and right.
No, we can also include that in the AMA, too, which is what
when he knew that there was a clear hypocrite,
right, a clear hypocrite who was conspiring against Muslims working against Muslims. And Muslims told him, you're a prophet of Allah, let's kill him. He says, lay at the head of NASA hamadani to Ross harbor. He says no, because people will start saying that Mohamed is killing his companions.
Meaning they will use that incident against me and against you to stop people from from accepting Islam. So they will say if you go there, they will kill you, I'm hammered will kill you, if he disagrees with you. They'll make a big deal out of it.
And that they're at a time when they didn't have like a big media machine. Like today. I an organized structured World Finance media machine. And I tell him what, it was a lot simpler. But even this, that reputation of Islam and Muslims and his reputation matter, so out of Rama, so because
hypocrite, you know, operating within Muslim communities like cancer, right? It's like cancer because he corrupts from the inside.
So they were asking him, you know, take him out, is saying, No, he will stay, even though there is harm in him staying let him stay, because the harm in taking him out is greater.
Right. So if you just think about that, how does that score with, you know, if I disagree with another Muslim, I executed just because we belongs to another group. And a person, for instance, a person who disobeyed what I said they get gets executed, just because he disobeyed my command. It's not that that's not Islam, there's no harm at all, and what is happening over there.
So all of their actions, all of the all of the actions that we do matter, because they reflect on how Muslims and other Muslims and non Muslims view Islam, we will not only start turning people turning non Muslims away from Islam. And I could almost swear Muslims will start running away from Islam, and they say, this is what it is. This is what people with beards are going to be doing. I don't want to be around those people.
That's the same thing as he's talking about ISIS dash, they're the same group, the same group, and it's a very mysterious group, its origins are not well known, or who finances them who is going to control they were before affiliated with al Qaeda, and then they broke
broke off from Al Qaeda and they they both accuse each other both of them are wrong. And he's still both of them are accusing each other of this and that so that's what you're saying. I mean, that that's not that's not the implementation of Islam. That's not the Quran is not the sinner Mohammedan does not have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So one of the message of today was
Basically this, that we have to read the disclaimer, right? in our lives among everybody, so that you know, we would live it and we start enjoying it ourselves.
So that our young question or come up with the question Go ahead.
Thank you, God. Okay.
What is the health benefit of the prayer? Okay?
Now I don't have the health benefits of the prayer with me right now but I can just tell you,
what are the psychological maybe health benefits of the prayer and then the physical inshallah you can
review that elsewhere, I remember reading it, that the pasture, for instance of Roku does this and that your body the posture of sujood does this and that your body
at least psychologically or emotionally, the prayer you know, brings serenity and peace to you. Right? So when you're standing, that when you're standing, you know, you're very peaceful, directly pointing yourself towards the Kaaba praying to Allah subhanaw taala brings this peace to you. So it is in it, there's cure for anxiety, kill for worry, q for stress, seem very stressful.
Okay, so cure for stress and all of that. So that is something that the prayer does so one of the health benefits, maybe if you suffer from high blood pressure, let's say or any other disease brought on by or amplified by stress, by anxiety by worry and all of that.
So now lo and behold one of the keys to bringing this down but of course the type of soda where you as they say empty are part of everything and allow Allah subhanho wa Taala to enter where you are aware of what you're saying to Allah and what Allah is saying to you through the Quran. So that communication you are aware of that communication and of the gravity of what is taking place I'm speaking to a lot of lies talking to me so it is something to
appreciate something to look forward to something to love. So if you do something like that, it has I would say immense you know psychological emotional
benefits and you can see that in yourself you know with the First Solar second solar the more that this becomes a habit The more that you would feel it's effective become a more calm person, a more calm person so you're not easily agitated you're not easily worried set off balance you have your center become a center person
What is repeat please keep practice for Rama. So what is the key practice for Rama? Is it how to acquire Rama you're asking me how to become a person who has Rama inshallah I want to leave that inshallah till
tomorrow a little bit because part of part of what we'll be discussing is to how to acquire the Allah how to acquire a flock, because we talked about some of law, but then we want to discuss how to acquire a lot, but just to give you an Shall I short answer today.
One of the ways to acquire Rama is first to learn about it you know, because we would not know what Rama is, you know, what is what constitutes drama and what is not until we learn about it and we learn about it, you will find it in the Quran, you'll find it in the as we talk today you will find it in the behavior and the words of the prophets of Allah you it was sort of So, this is the first key or the first step to actually becoming a person who has a hammer and the next one is to start practicing it. So to take it from paper or take it from the tongue into the body and the body starts practicing this Rama right. But we will talk in Sharla more about that how to transform from you
know, a person who knows to a person who does inshallah tomorrow.
do we have any more questions or inshallah can let you get ready for Asia?
inshallah So, I hope to see you tomorrow and remember our question shall, I hope be able to answer it tomorrow. So panic alarm or behind the shadow law either