Ali Albarghouthi – Heart Therapy 31 – Removing Hatred From The Heart

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The upcoming presidential election is discussed, including the potential negative consequences of holding onto one's beliefs and the importance of transmission of knowledge and sharing it with others. The speakers emphasize the need to adhere to the rules of Islam and practicing their own actions to achieve the ultimate benefits. The importance of protecting individuals from harm and bringing moral reform to their lands is emphasized, as well as avoiding one's own opinion and being aware of one's emotions and behavior. The speakers stress the need to adhere to the Prophet's teachings and practicing their own actions to change others.
AI: Transcript ©
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so we now have the de la Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah hawala, adios Aviva Ceylon. In Al Hamdulillah. Madam minister, Minister Pharaoh, now the Villa haematuria, fusino crtl, Marina Maria de la, la la,

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la la de la, la la la la la la Shadi calahonda Mohammed Abu rasuluh. So tonight inshallah is the 31st Headey in Charlotte headed wide with Sarah soon.

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And in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will give us three things, that if you do them, Allah subhanho wa Taala will remove hatred and betrayal and he siana and he will remove both hatred and betrayal from the heart if you are able to accomplish three things. So we'll see what these things are inshallah so in this Hadith, which is reported by Ahmed nomada, and Timothy Keller, a pseudo weisel Allahu alayhi wa sallam

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another alohomora and semi anonymous Akala t favela. Haha follow the homily in radio 41 all of that how many 1311 who have a home in

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Salah soon llevando or you can also read it later in lieu so now you will know or lie or a new ally called Boomer in Muslim in his lawsuit Emily Linda was holier in Mattila muslimeen what Zulu Giamatti him for in our home to Hato minhwa him You can also read it men Voila. Okay.

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So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says not not alohomora answer me an apology for Bella ha May Allah subhana wa tada beautified the face beautifies someone who does what semi amakhala t he has heard what I've said.

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McCarthy is what is said. So he has wrote what I said further Lucha, and he conveys it.

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And another generation sister Bella haka, Masami, aha, he really conveys it, as he has heard it.

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Then he says, follow the harmony thing.

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And it perhaps it may be that there is a person who is carrying understanding knowledge, but he's not, he does not understand it. So it's possible for him in fifth and he carries knowledge but he does not have an understanding of it. What of the how many 1511 who have common and perhaps there might be a person who's carrying knowledge.

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Right, but to someone, he's going to convey it to someone who has more understanding of that than he himself.

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Then he says telethon, Allah Hina album re Muslim, he says three things that will remove hatred from the heart of a Muslim

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or the woman remove betrayal from the heart of a Muslim. First, a philosopher unbelieving, having a floss sincerity in action to Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's also dominating. When Musalia in Mattoon Muslim in giving advice to Muslim rulers, the leaders what is Zulu, Giamatti him and adhering staying close to the drama of the Muslims

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being the drama of the Muslims for in our home to hit home and voila, for indeed their call their

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surrounds everyone who's behind them, meaning includes all of them. Right? Even Sharla we'll see what all of this means. So

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in this Hadith, the prophet SAW a lot he was sitting down here saying what to begin with?

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Another lahoma and en la de la vida en semi I'm a polity so May Allah subhana wa tada de Navarra or another Ah, to someone who does something we know what it is. But let's focus first on this not

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala will give what what is this mean? It means beauty,

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shine on the face happiness.

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So when like when you look at this individual, you will see as Allah Subhana Allah says about the people of Ghana tatical he will do him not often, you will recognize in their face, the nada the beauty of the blessing that they're enjoying just from their face. Even Wi Fi if you don't see anything else from them, you will understand how much

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They are a blessing they are in Why? Because the face reflects it as the people of gender.

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So for the people of gender, if you just look at their faces, you will see a beauty. Right? And then a light and then that reflects all of the nine. So the prophets of the law you send them here saying you do out for someone. Now this not the law, right is a result of what is the result of holding on to the truth in general. Okay, although it had to be specific, but in general, holding on to the truth, keeping it inside, sharing it with other people living this truth, all of that imparts on the person in Naga beauty radiants.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says Sima and he will do him in athletics to do

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so their mark is on their face from the trace of frustration.

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A lot of us think when we read this ayah what do we think this means? That we call this Viva rice on that spot? Right? So it's not that's not that's not the actual thing because you could pray all your life and never get that one. Right. And it says in the Tafseer, maybe a person has their own his forehead, and his heart is like the heart of Pharaoh that like it, that does not mean that this is a reflection of any email that you have. What is this similar that our last panel data is talking about? Sima hoppy with Julian, the effect of the trace of taqwa. right that is you can see it on their face the effect of tequila on their face, the effect of the water on their face. The effect of

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staying away from the harem and obeying a loss of power to Allah puts radiance on the face of a believer. I

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also says in the Quran, this is about the Day of Judgment but can take from it that this also applies here. Allah says you're motivated to do what is taught to do on the day when some faces will be whitened under some faces will turn over will be made black

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family in a sword that who to whom as for those whose faces were made black, I thought about the monochrome Did you disbelieve after your Eman

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for those who

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don't so then receive the punishment because of your disbelief.

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So Allah subhanaw taala on that day, what is it what is he do to their faces?

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Anyone with me?

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Let Allah yamata sorta bill doo doo doo doo family leanness wanted to do a warm, he blackens their face. They blackens their face Why?

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Because of their disbelief. So their disbelief which is darkness on the inside now is reflected in darkness on the outside. And the Day of Judgment. Full correspondence between the inside and outside darkness in darkness.

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What happened to the believers? One Lavina we have been through June

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30 2011. As for those who has faces have been whitened, they are in the mercy of Allah subhana wa tada and they will live there enjoying it forever.

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So is this only for the hereafter? No a portion of that happens in the dunya as well.

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A portion of that happens in Virginia as well. That is the person who has the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We'll see. Right? The effect of that in their life of course but also in radians. In a pleasant personality in the love that people will have for him and a feeling that they will have that one they see him even sometimes they may not know him, but there will be this appeal. That they will have this love that they will have for him and this shine on his face. Where does that come from?

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It doesn't have to do with the skin color by the way. That darkness and whiteness has nothing to do with the skin color the person could be on skin, the widest of people but you look at him and there's darkness from the face. can feel it you can sense it. Or a person could have the blackest the darkest of skin tones. But when you look at him so panela this as it is nor coming out from his face

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they don't have it on the TV. Okay, so in the sisters section so I'm supposed to announce and the sister section they don't have it on the TV the monitor. So if there's any brother who can take care of it is that my lucky.

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So again, they don't the sisters don't have this on the monitor. So if there's anybody upstairs from the brothers who can shut law take care of

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With that would be great.

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this happens on the Day of Judgment what also happens here. And as we said somehow a lot that this reflection or this, nor or radiance of the person will have is a reflection of what they have on the outside on the inside.

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So if the person has a slum inside and Islam brings what brings the truth brings happiness and the knowledge that comes from Allah subhana wa tada is light.

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it illuminates your life, it illuminates, you know, your decisions and everything else. That also brings with it a light on the face a light in your entire life. And Allah subhana wa tada makes this connection between the inside and the outside, in another area where the last panel with dialysis for Hello shuttle Danica Leone welaka, home nadarajah surah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of judgment will protect them from the evil of that day, and will give them another otter was surah. radiance, and happiness. So this radiance is on the outside or inside,

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outside, and this happiness is on the inside. So it's this happiness that produces this radiance,

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following its happiness that produces radiance. And in this life, so panela every believer will have a portion of this, an eye on you, or anyone who believes will have a portion of this, depending on how much a man you have.

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So if you're a man is great Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant you more of this happiness plus radiance.

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And if the man is less than a person will have less of that emotion and radiance. And if a person is far away from Allah subhanho wa Taala they will have darkness, both inside and outside. Right.

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So one of the things for instance, that

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are some of the olema hometown is say that you will know that as Muslims as the people have progressed in age, they'll get inshallah, and they will get more beautiful.

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I don't know if that is your experience or not. But that's what they said that, as the people progressing age are the people of the man, they'll get more beautiful, why do they get more beautiful because there is more of a man in their hearts? More hassanal? Right?

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They're closer to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So select the best beauty queen that you can have is what?

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You follow what I'm saying? Yeah, the best beauty cream to ha is really eema he says on the other hand, you will find that the people have this belief. And the greater the disbelief, the greater of this as they progress an age the uglier they will get. You will see that towards the end, not there. And when they get older, you look at the face, you see some pauwela This is the person then when they were young, everybody was saying that they were beautiful and attractive and handsome and whatever on this planet and this and that as they progress you will see the effect of that sin on their face.

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So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is saying making a special dua in this Heidi. And this question is for who is for those who transmit the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and it may Allah beautify your face. If you hear the Hadith, right? And you transmit it as you have heard it, you teach it, you spread it, you write about it, whatever it is, but you're involved in this. The prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam had made a special deal for this person. And Sophia Marina, one of the people involved in Hadith he says momina hadn't yet lol Hadith a lot of what he knows, there is no one who seeks the Hadith studies that Hadith transmits the Hadith, except that you will find on

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his face radiants

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a result of the doubt of the prophets of Allah and he was right.

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So, of course, an A person, just as a side note would not like say, Well, I want this radiance, you start you know, a week of Hadith seeking or month of Hadees seeking you look at you know, gaze at yourself in the mirror and say, I look brighter today, you know, must have been the heavy the lead that it will come naturally when it comes but it's not that you should do that, to seek it. And you See also panela now people can really see and admire, that's not the intention that you should have.

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So the next thing we're going to talk about in sha Allah is this conveyance of knowledge that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is talking about.

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There's a great incentive in this hadith to transmit knowledge, right? Especially the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam but anything else and will be three reasons. three reasons that creates happiness in the heart are always

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incentives for a person to share knowledge as inshallah I'll tell you shortly, but if you want to do, if you want that honor, you want that beauty that the prophets a lot of cinemas talked about you will be spreading knowledge and especially the Hadith of the messenger, so a lot he was in

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because it has it contains the truth in it. It contains what people should do with their lives, it saves people from confusion, it saves people from chaos, etc, etc, etc. So it's the truth. So when you spread it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, You deserve this honor. And this is in fact was the task of the Sahaba the task of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because they transmitted his heading. So when you are doing what they're doing, you know, as a shepherd, Abraham, Allah said, he said, he said, If I see one of the people of Hadith, it says, If I saw one of the companions of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, because they're doing their job, the job

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of companions. So, what is the importance here of transmitting knowledge, the prophets of Allah Hollywood, so let me say, perhaps, a person who carries this knowledge will transmit it to someone else. So while the first person does not have an understanding, the other person has it, or the person has an understanding, the other person may have a greater understanding of it.

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So I have may have memorized the headache, or an area or anything,

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but I may not have the full in depth understanding of it. superficial understanding a little bit of understanding filter is an AMA from our last panel.

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But when I teach it to someone else,

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what happens, they may have that understanding, they may be able to unlock the benefits that are in it, I'm not, but they can

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see the prophets have a lot he was sent him says, keep spreading this knowledge, because there will always be people who will understand and extract benefits from it.

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And even if you have some understanding of it, perhaps Subhana Allah, you will give it to someone else. And they will be able to figure out things from it that you did not pay attention to. That's why you're supposed to share stories, sometimes with other people write stories about the Sahaba or the setup, or what have you. Something that you've heard about an idea because this person might realize something from it that he did not realize.

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And we may be able to come back and teach it to you.

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But there was an incident. I don't recall the Hadith. But where someone came and asked an amateur Rahim Allah about something,

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you know, a ruling. He said, I don't know.

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But Abu hanifa Rahim Allah was there. So honey, forgive the answer. So he said, he asked him, Where did you bring this answer from? He says, from the Hadith that you taught me yesterday.

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Right from the Hadith you taught me yesterday. So the fifth sometimes doesn't always correspond to memorization, you may know something, but somebody else may be able to extract something from it. That teaches Subhanallah humility,

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no humility. You know, I may know this Hadith, you may know this Hadith, you may

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convey that share with someone else, that should not stop you from learning from them. If they're able to find something in it that you have not found,

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then they should be able to be or teachers if they've actually have something to teach. So as a person who's supposed to be doing this for a loss of Hana with data, conveying knowledge, learning and then conveying this knowledge, and Charlotte, there should be no arrogance, right, that you will receive this truth from wherever it comes. It doesn't matter even if from your student, even from a person who yesterday did not know this thing. But today knew it. If he teaches you something you're supposed to be able inshallah, to learn it from them.

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Now, some of the other man explaining this Hadeeth they're saying that convey knowledge, right? And the three things that the prophets have a lot he seldom talks about these three things are all motivations, or conditions for a person to transmit knowledge

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to share it with others. The first one is a floss.

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Right? And we'll come and talk about them in detail but just in relation to transmitting knowledge. The first one is a floss that you're supposed to learn and share with others for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada not for the sake of fame, or any monetary reward or any worldly reward, it should only be for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah data that was the greatest motivation and incentive for you to teach.

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Because that is in what a never ending intention, never ending motivation, every other motivation ends, except the motivation of doing things for Allah subhanaw taala that never ends. So the first condition right or motivation is effortless. The second thing that will

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam mentions of the three

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Amazonia imitating Muslim in giving advice. But your intention when you're teaching is desiring the best for the other person. That's what you're teaching them, because you want to share with them the benefit that you have, and protect them from any harm that your knowledge specifies. So that is also the second motivation for sharing and teaching in general. So the first is it loves doing it for Allah, the second you're doing it for the benefit of this person. And the third thing that the prophets A lot of you send them as mentioned, zero, adhering or staying close to the amount of Muslims, they say dour typically happens in isolation or among people,

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among people. So to be able to commit yourself to this, you have to be patient with people in their midst, not separate from them, but in their midst, understand them, be patient with them, and teach even the most rebellious among them, and not let your personal likes or dislikes stand in the way of teaching people. So, this is how these three things. These are some of the Automat relate to what the prophet sallallahu Sallam has talked about teaching or conveying knowledge.

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we move on insha Allah to the three things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talks about and how they relate to cleansing the heart. How do they relate to cleansing, the first thing is sincerity. Having this loss, when he says a lot to us, and then if loss or damage de la having sincerity

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to a loss of Hannah without

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even attaining Allah, He says that there is another Hadith that resembles this one.

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And this other lady that is reported by Muslim, it says in Allah higher gala,

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and taboo,

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one taco sing, Linda hit me and voila, who want to gnostic woman when LA LA and Morocco

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rocks a lot he was sending them says, Allah is pleased for you to have three things or last panel data is pleased with three things for you to have for you to worship Him alone, and have no partners with him. So this is the first the second that you hold altogether to the rope of Allah subhanho wa Taala and you do not divide. And the third is that you give advice to those who have authority over you. So he says Rahim, Allah, these three are like these three in this Hadith,

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right? These three are like v3, in this heading. Then he says, I want to quote him in sha Allah, but I'll just say it in English. So that to save time, he says, and these three, combined are solo de la vida combines the principles of religion, and its basics, and also called combines or includes the rights that belong to Allah to the slaves. The three things that we've talked about here in both Hadees. And they organize or include in them the benefits of the dounia. And the

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and the explanation of this is as follows. That the benefits or the rights

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are of two kinds, I want you to pay attention with me in Sharla to this because this will help you organize your thought when you think about Islam in general and the rights that belong to who and what

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rights are of two kinds rights that belong to Allah and rights to the slaves. rights are two kinds to Allah and to creation. Right? So the right of Allah is that we worship Him, and associate none with him, as the wording in this Hadith, the second honey that I mentioned, and this is the meaning of a colossal amminadab This is the meaning of having sincere sincerity and action to Allah subhanho wa Taala as the Hadith that we're talking about today. So if losses emanating that having sincerity in action to Allah doesn't mean that you worship Allah alone, and have no purpose with him.

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And he says and the rights of the slaves are of two kinds,

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personal and public,

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as to the personal This is like being kind to one's parents, or the right of the spouse or the neighbor. These are from the branches of religion, because the responsible person may not they could be free from these obligations at times. Right. So he's saying that the rights of creation are of two kinds. Right? rights and creation are of two kinds, personal and public. personal meaning that they pertain to me alone.

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rights that I owe to my parents vise that I owe to my spouse to my children to my neighbor, is saying that this is of the branches of religion. Why because not everybody has them all the time. You have passion.

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parents when they die, sometimes you don't have neighbors are very, very close by name or sometimes you're not married, you don't have children, you don't have this and you don't have that. So not everybody has them all the time.

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Right? This is Hoss,

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okay. So, he says, This is some of the responsible person could be free of them, and also their benefit is private, or personal, okay. And individual.

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He says, As for public rights, people are two kinds, the rulers and those who are ruled. So is the rights of the rulers is for the for you to give advice to them, and the rise of the rights of the rule is for you to stay close to them in there.

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So, people in general, are what

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are the rules, right? The subjects, and you have the people who have power and the people who are being ruled. So it says, Would the people who have power the right that you owe them is to give advice to them, remind them when they give missing when make make mistakes? correct them? Right? the rights of the people in general right, what is their rights upon you is for you to adhere to their

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will see what that means in Shell Book, as it says their benefit only happens when they are united. And they will not all be united upon falsehood, indeed, the benefit of their religion and dunya is in them being united, and in holding to the religion of Allah subhana wa Tada. So he's saying all of these attributes, the three combined are sort of the foundations of religion.

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So somehow, I just wanted to share that with you. Because they are just brief statements for the prophets a lot he was in them but what he's saying is that if you really go and think about it, they include everything, the rights of Allah Subhana Allah and the rights of creation, and then even the rights of creation that divides them into the rights of those who have power and the rights of those who are beneath them, and what she was supposed to do with each.

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So the first right that Allah subhana wa tada are the prophets of Allah He was cinema talked about here is loss of emulating.

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Meaning worshiping Allah subhana wa tada alone and worshiping no one else, having this loss having the Hadith Allah subhanho wa Taala. We mentioned before, that the greatest purification of the heart is a purification of the hate.

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And the greatest corruption of the heart is

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the ship, corruption of ship, and that there is no remedy for the heart after ship. If there is sugar in it, there is no remedy after there is no medicine, unless the person what eradicate that shirt from the heart and then the heart is receptive to the medicine to the revelation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But if not, it will be diseased no matter what happens, no matter what happens, no matter how much he or she tries, they'll always be diseased, because their Lord, there

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is not a loss of power with data, the owner is not a loss of panela data. And the owner of the heart is not a law, it will have multiple and different owners and each owner will torment the heart, send it into pain and misery and conflict because you will have one owner, but not only one, how many owners would you have, your boss will be your owner of your heart, your spouse will be an owner for your heart, your child will be an owner for your heart, the political authority will be owners of your heart, the dollar will be an owner for your heart and so on and so on and so on and so on. And each owner has different demands. And each owner right is not going to be merciful with you is going

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to demand everything from you and not give you much.

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So when you enslave yourself and of course the Shakedown will never for not forget about the shape and so when you enslave yourself to anyone other than Allah subhana wa Tada, you have enslaved yourself to someone who's not merciful with you and will torment you, if you deny the ownership, the Lordship of all of these and just submit to Allah subhanho wa Taala The result is that you have submitted to the Most Merciful who will clean your heart and Subhana Allah take the burden away from you keep protecting you when you need protection. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, just to illustrate

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how Allah subhanho wa Taala protects those who have to pay and happy floss. Allah subhanho wa Taala says about Yusuf Ali Salaam after the temptation, you know he went through gallican industry fan who Sue our fracture in a bad enough flossing. So we have done so that we will save him from Sue evil and fashion in more morality, the cinema morality

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In who indeed he is our chosen slaves more closely.

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In the other para in the home in a bed in a democracy?

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What's the difference between metallocene and metallocene? What is worthless in

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those who have lost?

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What is lacing, those who are chosen selected?

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So it means that Yusuf Ali Salaam had a class is he's from the Holocene, right?

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He's from the Holocene, because he had a class to hate in his heart. Last penalty. Allah was the only Arab in his heart The only Allah and His heart because he had a loss, Allah selected him so he became more loss.

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So because he was more or less, he became more loss meaning Allah selected him and because Allah selected him, Allah protected him from that temptation

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and pushed it away.

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So it means that the person who has a plus in their heart Allah subhanho wa Taala will keep protecting them even when they're not aware of what is being plotted against them, or the next test that is gonna come but when it actually comes because of their IQ loss Allah subhanho wa Taala what strengthens their heart strengthens their Eman and

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saves them

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and even the shape Thank

00:31:31 --> 00:31:34

you know from the beginning, the shavon you

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when he was speaking to Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, delay me till the Day of Judgment and Allah subhana wa tada says in the Camino Mongolian you're going to be delayed. You're going to be postponed you're not going to be punished immediately. What is he say color BB ma boydton lo z nosey nella hang out with him in the coming home flossing. He says Oh Allah Mayra

00:31:59 --> 00:32:28

and it's interesting that shaytan is speaking to Allah subhanaw taala as my color be my rock right the nose of the Allah is his color. Because he has misled me. Because I'm in a situation that I'm in right now. I'm gonna make this earth beautiful to them. And he said beautiful to them. And I'm gonna miss guide all of them. Elijah coming home flossing, except you're the slaves among them, who are moflo seems selected.

00:32:29 --> 00:32:35

Like the previous idea, there's another offer this in the coming home

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in the listening, except for those who are devout sincere, as I have no power over them, I can't tempt them. So I'm going to misguide everybody else, but when it comes to those who have a strong connection to you strong to hate and reliance upon you, and because of that you selected them, I have no power over them, I can misguide them, but everybody else I can.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:18

So this tells you that the cable shape on the plot of tissues done is strong or weak. Weak, indicate the shape and you can apply for the plot of the shape on and whatever he tries to trick you in, its weak. What makes him win over us.

00:33:19 --> 00:33:59

There we are where we are. It's not that he's strong. It's not that he's strong, but that you are weak and I am weak. So the shaytan comes and just whispers pushes, right? None nods into somewhere and then we do it. But otherwise he's weak. That's why he says I can't do anything with them. When they have a loss, everything will fail. So except at times when our email is weak or attempts once upon a while just by human nature, a person has to commit a mistake. Otherwise the people who have to hate in a class and are close to our last panel with the either or not of the party that the shape on can mislead.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:01

So this is the first thing

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that is a loss of panels to Allah would be the greatest in our hearts. This next next thing

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what does it say when Mr. Da Mateen muslimeen giving advice, giving advice to Muslim rulers, people with authority.

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00:34:23 --> 00:34:45

advice in general and I'll go back to Nazi hanau advice in general is the right upon us to give to every Muslim right of the rights of the Muslim that if he asks you for advice on Sahaja and cansado like if I asked you for advice if you asked me for advice. One of the rights that you have upon me is that I give you advice and sincere one

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and zero no Abdullah Al the Allahu anhu he says viacomcbs Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Elon Musk at Cooley Muslim. I've given the pledge to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I would get nothing

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Every Muslim

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right when they gave the pledge the prophets have a lot of you send them one of the things that they pledged. I give them I'll see how to every Muslim.

00:35:10 --> 00:35:17

What is the word Nazi Ha. mean in Arabic, they say it's a comprehensive word that means

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in order to add muscle haina, wishing the best for the person next to you. This is not the highest, wishing the best for the person who is next to you, which includes then giving advice.

00:35:35 --> 00:35:42

But it's not only advice, what is it? What all what else does it include? I'm gonna ask you a little bit so I can rest a little bit.

00:35:43 --> 00:35:48

What else does it include? So you're not wishing the best for this person

00:35:50 --> 00:35:54

includes an included in that is advice. But what else is included in it?

00:35:56 --> 00:36:01

support so you support them, right? If they need support, you support them, but else

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00:36:05 --> 00:36:07

you're concerned you're worried about that right?

00:36:09 --> 00:36:21

out of out of making throughout so said making dua and then reminding them of the truth when they forget it. So commanding what is good and speaking out against evil, but else does it include

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if lost in the sense of

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best interest that you want the best for them, regardless of how that may affect you. Right? Regardless of that may affect you, but that you want the best for them. It means

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all of what you said, to love for them what you love for yourself, that you don't harm them, you don't cheat them, you don't lie to them.

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You help them against their enemy, when they are oppressed, you guide them to the truth, you protect them from harm you ask about them, etc, etc, etc, etc. Right? So meaning that if you can benefit them with something, you will benefit them, whatever that benefit may be. And some people sapan the law, you know, some of the alumni have said, if you want to be among the truly righteous, wake up every day and your intention is to benefit the creation. Now, if

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you wake up every day and happen, it should be the intention, of course should be for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But that you wake up every day, and I want to benefit a lot creation

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in whatever way possible in the way that was handled that had made it possible for you. For some, it's just removing harm from the road for others is by teaching for others is by spending whatever our last panel data makes possible for you. But he says if you want to be among the truly righteous, you have that intention. So you want to actually then perceive all the benefits that you can send their way and protect them from all the harm whether it's your harm or somebody else's harm. This is really easy to see how and of course giving advice is an essential part of it. And here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says one must Alia imitate Muslim in giving advice specially to

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Muslim rulers now everybody, right deserves advice.

00:38:16 --> 00:38:22

But why does he specify immigrant Muslim enormous Lee immature Muslim and why that specifically?

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Everybody will benefit Why?

00:38:31 --> 00:38:33

Right? Because the ruler has authority, right?

00:38:36 --> 00:38:49

So if the ruler is righteous, by it's likely right that everybody else or at least the laws in the land will be righteous, the way that the government is running is going to be righteous and that the ruler is corrupt.

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Slightly also that everybody else will be corrupt, or that, you know, the way that the government is will be corrupt.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:05

And I don't know if I mentioned this before or not that, you know, one of the people who wrote in history.

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He traced some of the Muslim rulers and what they were most focused on.

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And he noted that panel law as the rulers, so are the people. So it says For instance, you know, this particular Muslim ruler at that particular time, was interested in game hunting. So he said that also spread among Muslims. So you thought a lot of Muslims also were interested in that, as is another Muslim ruler was interested in learning.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:55

So then a lot of Muslims were interested in learning as well and so on. Right? So it says there is really a correspondence between what the ruler is and what they're doing, and how the rest of the population is the copy. We seem to be copying or trickles down a lot.

00:39:56 --> 00:39:59

So when you make do out for them, or maybe when you get more senior

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have them write your hope is for them to reform. So they make a mistake, your hope is for them to reform. And if they reform, that's the thing that you want. Okay, that's the thing that you want. And here, you know, a lot of the stuff will say that that is one of the best ways to bring righteousness and reform to Muslim lands, which is the ad if you detect a mistake that people of authority are doing, rather than mock them and broadcast it. Right? And what follows that typically, typically, all the time, but sometimes right, what follows that is, you know, opposition public opposition to the ruler, and then you know, armed conflict and revolutions, and all of that they're

00:40:43 --> 00:40:48

saying that this a lot of times brings more harm than benefit.

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00:40:51 --> 00:41:02

And, of course, the panela. I mean, it's a sensitive area, because when you see so much corruption, we lose patience. And we want change as soon as possible.

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But the problem is that if you don't take the prophetic path in the path of the prophets of the law, he was in them in correcting mistakes, these things could backfire. And you could end up with a greater harm than the one that you're trying to prevent

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a greater harm than the one that you're trying to prevent. So if you go for instance, publicly and condemn the king or the president or whatever it is, right? are they likely to accept your condemnation and mockery? Because sometimes that's condemnation comes also in the sense of mockery and making fun of them? are they likely to accept this? or become even more arrogant, right in their ways? what is likely to happen?

00:41:47 --> 00:42:16

No. So there's the reward opposed to whatever you were saying, because it didn't come in the right way. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was saying, I'm Muslim, a Muslim, Muslim, meaning go to them, find a way to go to them, transmit your message to them, maybe I won't be able to help them, but I'll go to shit so and so or to representative so and so I say talk to them, so that my complaints or this injustice can reach them, and they can do something about it. And I try to transmit that to them.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:20

And so panela you know, we

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this is like a sidetrack a little bit. We our impatience is a result of our misunderstanding of why this injustice isn't there in the first place. In all I can hustle and bustle I'ma holla there's great wisdom in it for the hustle and bustle when they used to come to him, and they say, shouldn't we should we not rebel against a head judge? A judge is known for, you know, shedding blood and killing and a lot of injustice. He says, should we not rebel against a judge carry arms and fight that hijab? And he says, No, be patient and pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala because soon that will be removed. Soon he will remove but I'm afraid if you go out against them in rebellion armed

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rebellion, the harm that will come will be greater than the one that you're trying to remove the same thing that 100 of November, Rahim Allah right when they came to them and they say should we not rise in arm against the Khalifa because he's saying all these despicable things that oppose the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, No, he be patient because Allah Subhana Allah will soon remove this and will bring something better. But we don't understand is that this injustice is a reflection of our own injustice.

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You follow what I'm saying? Yeah, Allah subhana wa, tada had put this person right there as a reflection of my deeds, my misdeeds, and our misdeeds. And if you want to change them, there is no better way to change them, tend to change ourselves. And then give advice to them as the prophets of Allah He was said, so someone will say, they're not going to listen.

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He said, they tell me I like you've done your job, they're not going to listen, keep trying. But if you're not going to listen to data, let the alakija you've done your job towards them.

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Now do your job towards people around you and yourself and improve and change and the loss of Hannah with data will either improve them, reform them or will remove them and bring other people

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so it's an important you know, piece of wisdom in sha Allah, you know, considering everything that is happening.

00:44:29 --> 00:44:40

The last thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says here, what is Zulu, Giamatti him adhering to the agenda of the Muslims being close to them being part of them.

00:44:42 --> 00:45:00

And here, the GML of the Muslims, right? typically means all the Muslims, by default, it's all the Muslims, right? And nothing or no one should be taken out of that gym, unless with with some evidence, evidence that they believe or they have done

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Something that is taking them out of the gym out of them slimming otherwise, all of the Muslims belong to this gym.

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But also we need to understand what is it that forms this Gemma. And how do people leave it?

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So how did the first Gemma the first hour is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? and his companions? How did the first Gemma form?

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The first Gemma are formed by believing the truth

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and following it, worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala according to it, so in includes both belief and practice. So for the gym to be formed, when you ask what is the domain of the Muslims? Right? You understand what that means, right?

00:45:48 --> 00:46:18

Yeah, it's clear for everybody group, the group right. So what is the domain of the Muslims is formed by belief and practice. So if your belief is the belief that Allah revealed in the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then you have the belief of the Dhamma. And if you adhere to the practice of Muslims in their Juma the Juma and the ayah, and in Ramadan, and all of that, and you're upon the sin of the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there is no big,

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no deviation, that is the Juma and that is the drama of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is asking everybody to adhere to a Jamaat, that is sound in belief. And that is sound in practice, right?

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And why is that the case,

00:46:36 --> 00:46:38

because when you adhere to the,

00:46:39 --> 00:46:48

to the Muslims, you will love them, you'll not have any hatred towards them. When you separate yourself from them, you'll start to hate them.

00:46:50 --> 00:47:08

Even though you still are calling yourself a Muslim, but you'll start to hate them how, in belief in practice, suppose for instance, a person introduces an innovation or starts to follow a bit in Islam. And he is typically among the minority historically, and in the presence.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:18

What does he feel about the rest? And what does he feel about himself, he will feel or she will feel that they are superior, because this bit, they believe it to be true, right.

00:47:20 --> 00:47:33

So I am different, and everybody else is better or worse, worse, everybody else's worse, but I and the few people who believe it are exceptional, and the best.

00:47:34 --> 00:48:18

And you will start seeing that emotionally. And also in practice, they will start separating from the rest. They'll pray by themselves, they'll meet by themselves, they'll form their own group, they will like and hate love and hate based on who espouses this with and who doesn't. So if you are, if you share my video with me, I will love you. And if you don't, I will hate you. Even if this person that I'm loving, has less than one. And even if this person that I'm hating has more declaw. So the standards become the standards of Vedanta, the standards of the Muslims, but the standards of Buddha and they'll also start separating and dress sometimes you will just start noticing they will dress

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differently. They'll talk differently, they'll have their own messages, etc. So the separation starts small, but it keeps growing and growing and growing and growing. So the prophets of the law he was in them is saying no, you have to adhere and stick to the amount of Muslims stick to it in belief meaning my belief should be the belief of the Sahaba above the level and

00:48:42 --> 00:49:28

so there are my heart towards the Sahaba is the purest should be the purest of my heart. I have only love in my heart there was this hollow the prophets of Allah and all the love in my heart towards the center. Those who followed them and righteousness and all the love in my heart towards every other Muslim. That's how it's supposed to be not the opposite. I have hatred. But the exception is I have love. I have love in my heart towards every other Muslim in proportion to the EMA and the closer they are to EMA and to Allah, the more that I love them. This is how it's supposed to be. If that's not the case, you will feel that you're alienated alienated from the Sahaba. Because they

00:49:28 --> 00:49:45

have a different belief, right? Like if you believe something other different than the Sahaba person will feel alienated from them alienated from this elephant alienated from the rest of the Muslims. I alone and few people around me are the people on the truth. Everybody else is dumb and stupid.

00:49:47 --> 00:50:00

So it will be alienated in belief. And what follows is alienation in practice and what follows after that is even harming other Muslims right and seeing that this term is justified because they're not

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Good Muslims or they're not even Muslims anymore. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says no, you're not to be alienated in belief, your belief is the belief of all Muslims from the beginning till now and also your practice is their practice. You don't have a separate meeting you don't have a separate Salah you have not have a distinct mystery. Right? You attend the Juma Juma with the Muslims, the Muslims in Ramadan with the Muslims, you have care concerns for them. You love for them what you love for yourself and you hate for them what you hate for yourself. That's how your situation or your attitude should be with other Muslims.

00:50:39 --> 00:50:48

This is adhering to their Gemma. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says for in our home to pay to minhwa him for indeed their

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covers all of them.

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Meaning that and they're here, our daughter home could mean two things. They're

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all the Tao of Islam.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:08

It means whether it means this or that, that this Islam covers all of you.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:23

And that you are that you give a new make to each other covers all of your like offense. So if you are part of the domain of Islam, Islam will protect you and that will reach you

00:51:26 --> 00:51:27

Subhana Allah you're making dua

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to every Muslim whether you know it or not in

00:51:33 --> 00:51:35

a ceremony in our

00:51:38 --> 00:52:06

hand whether you know it or not, you're making for every Muslim in New York the shadow dry. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is saying that if you are part of this German other drought will reach you and that will protect you another drought that you make to Muslims right in Juma whatever, allow Muslim Muslim in your part of the demand that drought will reach you. And then the fence of Islam will protect you from error and harm and fewer enemy. If you step out of the gym, I

00:52:08 --> 00:52:09

get no protection anymore.

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You don't have any protection anymore.

00:52:16 --> 00:52:19

So if you step out of the gym or you have any protection anymore

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so the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam he says adhere to it and be part of them. And Allah will keep protecting you. Don't isolate yourself from them. Love for them what you love for yourself and hate for them for what you love, hate for yourself. So

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later on in Calgary in Muslim as he said, sal Allahu Allah, yo Ceylon, that if you have all of these things in you, they will be no real in your heart. That is ill will be removed.

00:52:52 --> 00:53:05

The real is hatred, animosity. I kept Davina that will go away from your heart. Because your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is good.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:15

And your relationship with those who have authority over you is good. And your relationship with everybody around you is good. So what is left,

00:53:17 --> 00:53:43

nothing is left. So there is no place in hatred anymore. But if your relationship with Allah subhana wa tada is not good. That is really the fertile ground for all type of corruption and hostility and anger in your heart. Plus, what it will lead to is that your relationship with those who have power and authority will also be solid. And of course your relationship with people around you will also suffer.

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So the prophets of Allah He was sending me saying that you want a heart that is happy.

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And as our as a reflection as an extension of it also a face that radiates a man have these three things in worship Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and protect yourself from

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the second thing given us see how to all Muslims, and have love in your heart towards all Muslims, the rulers and those who are beneath them, right? wishing them the best, and giving them the best of advice. And you stay in the midst of Islam and Muslims. Right? The right belief the Sunnah of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you don't separate in belief and also you don't separate in practice because the more that you separate, and by the way, I don't know if you felt it or not. You stay away from domestic for a while for Juma for a while for Muslims for a while and you start having these feelings. I don't know if I want to go there. I don't want if I see them. I don't want

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to see you have that. The province allows me to see you be part of it. And don't isolate yourself from it. You'll have a one belief along with ad that you sort of Subhana Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah right. You love

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People and you hate people based on it and you will start seeing that you go to a mistake and will begin to hate most people in it because they don't believe this specific thing that you have. You're our yardstick. Our means and our scale is not our own personal reason and yardstick is the measure of Allah subhana wa tada and the Museum of His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you have this, your heart will be pure, your heart will be happy, if not continue to suffer with it. So in sha Allah will ask Allah subhana wa Taala now and always to make us first to make us of those who the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had made. This has been an hour for our faces, to be beautiful and for

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them to radiate. Because we have conveyed the knowledge of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we shared it. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala second to give us an understanding of what we memorize and think of what we hear and an application of it. And we ask Allah Subhana data to grant us these these three things that the prophets of the law he was talking about first grant is lost. And to grant is also this is the highlight for every Muslim and giving advice to them, and also to make us of those who are within the demand of the Muslims that Allah subhana wa Taala is happy with and upon the son of his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

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this is in sha Allah the conclusion of the lesson for tonight desikan La Jolla for listening to panic alarm I will be having the shadow Ada in that regard today. If you have questions in sharp

Explanation of the 31st hadith in Heart Therapy Series:

The Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam said: (May Allah beautify the face of someone who hears my words and conveys them, for there may be a carrier of knowledge that lacks understanding and a carrier of knowledge to another who has more understanding than he does. There are three things because of which no hatred will be in the heart of a Muslim: sincerity to Allah in action, advice to Muslim leaders, and adhering to the Muslim jama’ah, for indeed their du’a includes all of them.)

Reported by Ahmad (13350), ibn Majah (3056), and al-Tirmidhi (2658). Ibn Hajar, al-Albani (al-Silsilah al-Sahihah 404), and al-Wadii (al-Sahih al-Musnad 358) declared it to be sahih.

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