Ahsan Hanif – Ramadan The Season Of Genorosity

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The importance of morality in Islam is emphasized, including the need for individuals to pursue their generosity and personal development. Fasting is also discussed as a necessary activity for building up optional deeds and achieving goals. It is emphasized that individuals should know themselves and their level of sincerity in order to achieve their goals. It is also emphasized that giving oneself a moms and leadership position in the church is crucial for building up faith and character.
AI: Transcript ©
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England from the realizada schmidhuber Sterling you know who want to stop euro when I will do billahi min sharoni and fusina woman sejahtera Marina mejor de la for LA Molina woman Yulin fella howdy Allah, or shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa hola sharika will shadow under Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira you are living in LA haka to party, while ottimo to nyla one two c mon yohannes, Bakula de hakomi nuptse wahida.

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Amin hezonja Oba thermen humare geralyn casiano manisa watagan la la de de Luna b1 or ham in Malacca and rdquo merkiva Johan Latina Amano, takoma Hakuna Ponce de de la cama de como la Koo back home monitor la hora Sula, who

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Nikita Bala eterna,

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Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Mashallah mo de moda wakulla modesetting VEDA wakulla bedrocan Bala Bala Bala latifi now,

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the companions are the Allahu anhu much Marine, they describe for us the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to be in this month of Ramadan. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would approach this month with a sense of determination, a sense of ambition, a sense that he wanted to excel in his worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we have those ahaadeeth that describe to us the worship and the rebirth of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during this month of Ramadan. But there is also another aspect that the companions of the Allahu anhu Marine they also described to us concerning the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in this month of

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Ramadan. And these sets are this set of narrations and these particular texts. They describe to us the personality of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this month. They describe to us his mindset. They describe to us the way that he would approach other people and the way that he would deal with them. So in this month of Ramadan, it is not just about our worship of Allah subhana wa Taala, meaning our personal worship of salah and fasting and giving charity, which is very much personal to us. But also a major component of Ramadan is the way that you treat others the way that your character comes across. And just as you excel, and you're better in this month of Ramadan insha

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Allah tala, when it comes to your plan, and your prayer and your fasting and those personal acts of worship, then it is also part of Ramadan, that you also improve your character. The famous illustrious companion Abdullah abass are the Allahumma. In what is collected in sight and Buhari he described to us this aspect of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Ramadan, his character, and instead of the Allahu anhu Martin and Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam merge with the nuts. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the most generous of all people. He was the kindest of all humans and all people will kind of edge with omega colouful Ramadan Hina yelapa who jabril but he

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would be at his most generous, or his most generous in the month of Ramadan, when gibreel Ali Salam descend from the heavens, and he would revise the Quran with him. And then he describes his level of generosity and he says he used to be like the real masala like the free blowing breeze. The breeze that when you open your window on a day like this when it's stifling and it's hot and it's stuffy, and you feel that breeze coming in through the window through the door, it is a sense of relief and ease. It is a breeze that touches everything and anything within its path. It is a breeze that gives them it doesn't hold back. That is how our profits on a low while he was psyllium used to be in this

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month of Ramadan. He was the most generous of people anyway, job it'll be a long one described him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said kind of nebulous Allah Allah wa alayhi wa sallam, la usando unshaken Allah, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was never asked for anything. And he said no. In another narration and is not the only one also affirming the same thing. The same lifestyle or the same mentality of our profits on a lower he was seldom, he said Cana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now you said what it is Islami Sheehan in the upon our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was never asked him at anything when it came to this religion for the sake of a large

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Except that he did it for jeho Rajan Falco Hanuman Bina jobaline, until a man once came to him from another place outside of his city, a traveler, and he asked for a while, so he gave him all of the flock of sheep, between two mountains, everything in the valley, he took for Roger de la toma. So this man went back to his people and he said, You have sdmo my people accept Islam. For very the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the man who gives, and he gives any doesn't feel poverty. That is how our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to be his sense of kindness, his sense of generosity. It is something that used to us to touch everyone around him, irrespective of the

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different demographics of his community, the elderly, and the young, the poor, and the rich, the male and the female, the people who are of status and the people who had low status within the community and society, our profits on a low hourly or sell them would spend time with each and every single one he would give to each and every single one they do, to the extent that even a stranger would think that he was more beloved to the profits on a lower hourly or sell them than anyone else. So the profits on a low hourly was selling his generosity and His Highness would start at home. He would be at home with his wives and his family and his wife out in Chateau de Allahu anhu was asked

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later on after his death to describe how he was a home. How did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam behave. And remember, this is the man of Prophet of Allah, who not only has a family and is a father and has children, but he's also the leader of a community. And he's also the Messenger of Allah who has to convey the message of Islam. And he has people who are attacking him, and people who are trying to kill him and assassinating people who are trying to destroy his message, people who are persecuting and oppressing his followers. Yet, despite all of that pressure, despite all of those issues going on around him. She says that when he came home kind of early, he was a man who

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used to be in service to his family. He would come home, and he would serve his family sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wouldn't just stop there with his wives. But even when his daughter Fatima rhodiola, Juana would come and visit her father, when she would come to his house, he would often get up and walk to the door to greet her, and he would take her and he would kiss on her forehead, and then he would take her by a hand, and he would make her sit in his own place solo and he will sell them. Look at the level of attention and care and detail that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would give to a single interaction. The Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam the companion say, would sometimes be walking on the streets of Medina, and a young girl would be able to come and take him by his hand, and walk with him wherever she wanted, in any of the streets of Medina, and he would just follow, he would just go with him, because she's a young child, and she wants to take him or she wants to be with him. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do that for her. So it wasn't just the generosity of wealth. It wasn't just that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would give people money. But it was the generosity of personality as well. The generosity and the kindness of character, that each and every single person

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is treated in the right way. The poor companions, they would have their station with the profits on a low quality or similar, despite the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, being relatively poor, in the manner of speaking, didn't have much that he possessed didn't have much wealth. moons would come and they would go and he wouldn't like to find his house. They would survive on dates on water. But when someone would come and give him a gift of food or drink or milk, he would go and he would share it with the homeless companions. First, he would go and he would give it to others, before he would start with himself and his own family sort of lower than he was set it up. The

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profits on a low while he was sending them would even be kind to a stranger that would come we'll just a companion that he wasn't especially close to, but just a member of his community. The profits on allowed he will sell them was on one occasion, given a cloak that someone had made for him. Someone has specially tailored this cloak for him. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam It is said in the narrations of Buhari that he was in need of the cloak, didn't have much he was in need of the cloak. And it was a beautiful tailored cloak. But when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out with his companions, one of those companions, he said, O Messenger of Allah, that is

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an amazingly beautiful cloak. So why don't you give it to me? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, despite his need of the piece of cloth, he gave it to that companion. And then he left those companions and he went back home. The other companions there, they became upset. And they began to rebuke him and said, you know, that the prophet SAW Allah while he was

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And then was in need of that. So why did you ask him for it? He said I wanted it so that I would be able to be shrouded in it at the time of my death. But look at how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wouldn't say no, he would give and he would give and he would give. And that is the meaning of this Hadith, where it was a buzzworthy, the one who might describe the personality of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, it is an aspect of Ramadan, that we also need to train ourselves upon these 30 days or these three odd weeks that are left of this month of Ramadan. We need to train ourselves not only in those aspects of worship that this

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month entails. But also when it comes to the way that we look upon others, the way that we treat them, the way that we deal with others, not only those people who are in need, or come and ask for our help, for even with our own families, that we spend some of our time in this month of Ramadan, helping the elderly members of our family, we have those people within our family who are ill or sick, or those people who genuinely need some help. We spent some time in this month of Ramadan, paying attention to our own children, teaching them the beauty of this month of Ramadan is not right that the month of Ramadan should come and go. And our children get don't understand. The amazing

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nature of this month is status and its virtue in Islam. It's many benefits in this religion, they should know that it's not just about eating and drinking for some reason that they don't understand. Well, that we come at night and we pray thoroughly. And again, it's something which is on to them, they should understand and appreciate Islam, that is part of Ramadan, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have this generosity of personality, because of his rabada. It is because he was reciting and revising the Quran with jabril Ali Salaam, that he would become more generous. And it's unfortunate that we spend time reading the Koran, but it's at the expense of being generous and

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kind. We're so tired from our ibadah that we have nothing left in the tank for anyone else. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it was because of his extra worship, that he would be inspired to be even more generous, and even more good. This is what Ramadan is about. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was generous all the time. Anyway, these narrations that I mentioned to you, they are genuine narrations. This is how he was throughout the year, this is how he was day in and day out just the way that he was. But in the month of Ramadan, that level of generosity would increase that character. And that good personality, he would increase, he would touch everyone. And

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so charges they see begins at home, our profits on a low while he will send them told us then when it comes to this aspect of generosity and personality, there are certain things that are an obligation upon us certain things that me and you as Muslims were obligated to do in terms of our generosity, and in terms of our kindness. And the first of those obligations that it is extremely important to remember, especially in this month of Ramadan is the pillar of zakka. That pillar of Zakah which unfortunately is often neglected by by mass swathes of the community. The car is a pillar of Islam, Allah subhanho wa Taala in on me the 30 times he links it with Salah, mentioned the

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two of them together in the same verse, the car, it is something which a large that was obligated upon us. So as we're generous in our sadaqa and in our ibadah and in everything else that we do in our personality, we always begin with what Allah obligated upon us. Our Prophet told us a little while he was seldom in the hadith of our beloved nor our bus for the Allahumma when he sent him why the Mugello, the Allahu Akbar, to Yemen, to teach those people and to bring them to Islam and to convey the message to them. He said to him in Makati home Allah kita you are coming to a people who follow the scriptures. So that the first thing that you call them to be let me be La ilaha illAllah

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Muhammad Rasul Allah, none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, for whom apart Oh, Kelly garlic. So if they accept that and they agree to it, and they follow it, then let them know that Allah has made obligatory upon them five prayers every single day and night, five prayers and if they agree to it for no matter

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if they agree to it and they submit to it, then let them know that Allah has obligated upon them as a car that is taken from their wealthy and it's given to the poor. That is what the prophets on a lower hourly will send them sent him with that pillar of Zika. It is an extremely important component of Islam. And I mentioned this today, because the vast majority of Muslims will give this a calf or aim to give this a cut in

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Ramadan, so in this month of Ramadan, if yours is due and you haven't paid it yet, use the care is due and you haven't paid it. It is now the time to pay that sucker. Ramadan is the carries an obligation upon you whenever it is due upon you. Our Prophet told us all along while he was selling in a number of ahaadeeth the punishment of those people who withhold as a car, they don't give them a car, they don't pay there's a car. For whatever reason, it may be that you've neglected this major pillar of Islam, which in the time of Abu Bakr, radi Allahu, and he was willing to go to war for because there were certain people in the Arabian Peninsula who rejected the Zika they rejected the

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principle and the pillar of Zika he went to war against those people, because they rejected a major component of Islam. We inshallah don't reject Zika. But there are unfortunately many Muslims who are very lazy when it comes to this occur. They're very lacks when it comes to offering this occur. Many years have gone by, and they have yet to offer this occur. Our Prophet told us on a low while he will sell them in the head ether is collected in the center of Ubuntu. Imagine, when he spoke about the evils of Napoleon's attack. He said, and those people who don't give zakah a large soldier withholds the wind from from them and we're not for the animals in the land, they will receive no

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rain, meaning the blessings of Allah that come upon us as a community, upon you as an individual, upon your family. It is because of that solder on that sucker that you give. In yet another Hadith, the prophet Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in what is the origin Bible for a rhodiola one, and collected in Sahih Muslim Mammon sahibi they have been well i fitball la you at the haka, Illa de Cana Yeoman, Yama, Sophia Lucifer ekomi. Now, for me, I really have inadi jahannam. For you. We have jabeen who were genbu

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calama barra de la film in Canada who have seen alpha Santa Hector jacobina, very bad fire rasa de la gente Ola. Now, he said to sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there is not a person who has gold or silver meaning wealth and money. And they don't give it to you right meaning the writeups aka, except on the Day of Judgment, that same gold and silver that seemed wealth and money and cash, he will be made into sheets that will then be placed on the fire of how in order to make them hot. And when their cast iron hot, this person will be used those same sheets will be used and they will be pressed upon their face and upon their back and upon their side. Every time they'll shoot some iron

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although sheets of gold and silver cool, they will be placed in the fire of how again to burn. And then again they will be placed on that individual on a day film in Canada dot o Thomasina alpha center on a date its length is 50,000 years that will continuously happen to that individual the Day of Judgment is 50,000 years, for 50,000 years, until Allah finishes that counting of his creation. And then that person will know his place whether it is towards paradise or towards the fire. by not giving us a car by withholding your money by not paying the 2.5% only a year that are large that were generous, obligated upon your wealth. There is only one of the many punishments that our

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Prophet told us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about in the sooner he was a car is an obligation. In another Hadith the Prophet Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, likewise concerning those people who have the wealth and Allah gave them the blessing of wealth, Allah gave them wealth and he gave them money and they're comfortable. And yes, they may not be rich, they may not be millionaires, but they have enough to be able to give this occur. And there are people within the community and within the world who are more in need of their wealth, who need the help needed financial aid, but they withhold it. Our Prophet told us a little while he will send them in the hadith of Sahih Muslim

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Manasa hula who Marlon film you add these akata masala who Yama Yama Tisha and Accra, the Jose de Botton, you

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should pay him a pool and a consult and among the person who has water Allah gave to them. That's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah gave that wealth to you. People have wealth that Allah gave to them, but they don't give it zetta on the day of judgment that wealth, it will turn into a boneheaded snake, a poisonous venomous snake and that snake will come and it will twist itself and unsettle itself and squeeze that person and then it will begin to bite it with his venomous bite upon his cheeks and he will say, I am your wife, I am your money. I am your treasure and that will take place on the Day of Judgment.

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ahaadeeth are there to tell us how serious this issue is of the cap to tell us that we as Muslims, we have to fulfill these pillars of Islam. Allah azza wa jal has a major obligatory upon you to give your sadaqa. voluntarily to give it to any aid project if you don't want to what a large surgeon has made an obligation upon you, is to give us a car. So if you have gold or silver, if you have money in the bank, if you have shares, or you own a business, and it's over the nisab, that minimum amount upon which the car is due, which is only a few 100 pounds these days, then you must give 2.5% every Islamic year, every Islamic calendar lunar year 2.5% is June. And if you're someone who hasn't given

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the car for the past few years, this Ramadan is the time for you to make Toba is the time for you to turn back to a large religion and show the generosity of spirit that our profits on a lower legal psyllium used to have realized that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is described in the month of Ramadan, those descriptions don't speak about the Pillars of Islam or his obligations, because they went through that same they were part and parcel of the life of a Muslim. So those that have you don't stress those issues, rather than stress those voluntary issues, because that's how we should be in Ramadan excelling in optional deeds. But when we're falling short in some of our basic

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Pillars of Islam, and our obligations that Allah has placed upon us, it is important that we go back and we see and we assess ourselves in terms of this month of Ramadan. And what it is that a large social wants from us barakallahu li walakum phylloquinone asuna when a craniotomy mefi mammillaria to a polo pony hada Mustapha la hora de welcome Malaysia Mira musty minimalism infrastucture Pharaoh in law who can offer

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the hamdulillah here

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wa Shukla Sofia de mantanani Masha de la ilaha illallah wa ala sharika lahu talim Alicia, Moshe Nana blcu Donna Mohammed Abu Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa quani was seldom at the Sleeman kathira about Allah subhanho wa Taala when he describes the month of Ramadan and describes his great obligation of fasting he says, Yeah, you live in Amman quotevalet camassia mocha makuti bernadina mean, come

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on. Are you who believe or you who prescribed to Eman fasting has been made an obligation upon you, just as it was made an obligation on those who came before you so that you may attain taqwa. This word taqwa and this concept of taqwa that is loosely translated in the English language has been called fearing or having piety. It is one that is repeated many times in the Quran many times in the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And what taqwa means that is most basic level, this great objective and goal of the month of Ramadan of fasting, what he means at its most basic level, is to construct between yourself and the punishment of a lot of barrier to place between you

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and the last punishment, his wrath and his anger, a barrier that will save you from the fire of *. And you construct that barrier. By fulfilling your obligations. you construct that barrier by praying your face on Earth, by fasting this month of Ramadan, by giving us a car by performing hajj, if you have the ability to do so. That is how you construct that barrier. And then once you build that foundation of that barrier, then you increase in all of those other optional deeds that we always hear about. That is the essence of taqwa. And that is the meaning of taqwa. And the importance of that point this month, is especially realized in this amazing act of worship, that is

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fasting. Because fasting from all of the acts of worship that Allah has placed upon us, is one of the most secretive and personal acts of worship. When you pray, people know that you're praying. When you give a cow you give charity, people can see you dipping your hands into your pockets and you're giving money. When you're performing hajj, people can see you making power up and say they see you on the plane of alpha, and in minimus deliever. They see these things, but when you're fasting even outside of the month of Ramadan, no one knows that you're fasting except you and Allah subhana wa Tada. It is an intensely private act of worship. And what it helps you to do is build up

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that component of dakhla because one of the main components and cornerstones of taqwa is to know that a large soldier knows you better than anyone else that relies on hearing and seeing and all knowing that a large soldier knows what is in the deepest recesses of your heart.

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knows your intention and he knows your level of sincerity. And that is why in the month of Ramadan or even outside of the month of Ramadan, when we fast, we don't hide at home we don't close a locker door, and then eat and drink in secret, because no one else knows and no one else will see and no one else will hear or be able to tell. We don't do it because we know and Ramadan builds within us this component of taqwa that Allah knows that Allah sees. So even though we may deceive everyone else, we cannot deceive ourselves. And more importantly, we do not deceive Allah subhanho wa Taala. So in this month of Ramadan, as we come to the masjid, and we worship, as we stay at home, and we

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worship as you fulfill these pillars of Islam, and as we help people through our generosity of spirit, through our kindness through our good character and our personality, it should always be done with that component of taqwa in mind. The month of Ramadan is a training round, it is once a month out of 12. Because a large religion wants us to take these lessons on for the remaining 11 months. So we need to take stock of ourselves towards this beginning of Ramadan. And we need to think about what it is that we want to achieve and the goals that we want to take off insha Allah tala in this month of Ramadan, so not only do we utilize this month of Ramadan as we should, but

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also that the month of Ramadan is something that helps us for the remainder of the year. And On a final note, and in that sense of generosity of spirit. I asked you once again, with your generosity on this blessed day of Joomla are the first Joomla in this month of Ramadan, that you give generously to this question, and that you spend in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala helping your local Masjid this Masjid is your master. And for more of the people that deserve your charity, and there are many, and I know that there are many, your Masjid has a place within that hierarchy. And not only does it deserve your charity, but one of the things that I want to stress upon you in this

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month of Ramadan is that you make dua for this ministry, as well. It's the moms and its leadership, its management, and all of you the people that come to this mission, we often neglect in our daughters, our moms and our leaders and our massagin but they often are mostly in need of our doors because of the responsibility that they have upon the shoulders of Allah subhanaw taala that he blesses us that he shows his mercy and forgiveness upon us in this month of Ramadan, that a large social accepts all of our good deeds, and that he makes this a month in which we are emancipated from the fire of *. That alarm xojo takes us into His mess and into his paradise and saves us

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from the punishment of the Fire. Alarm God gives cure to those of our family, who are ill and who are sick in this month of Ramadan. The alarm soldier showers His mercy upon those of our family members who passed away before this month of Ramadan wrestlers to ease the suffering of all people across the world and that a large religion makes their affairs easy for them in the explicit month of Ramadan. Subhan Allah because the phone was Santa Monica mousseline. hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

Jumuah Khutbah at the Green Lane Masjid

2017-06-02 – Ramadan 2017

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