Ahsan Hanif – Tafseer As-SaDi #06

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the importance of having a mind that is active, alert, and smart to see intentions of Allah. It also describes a woman who is married and has children, and who is planning to have a child. The transcript also mentions a woman who is married and has children, but had a history of being patient during trials. She is planning to have a child because of her mother.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm only going from A to La yo barakato Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen WA Not able to clean water or underline the mean or shadow Allah Illallah Hua hola Sharika hola hola Winona here in Washington NBN a Muhammad Abdul Hora solo stuff and I mean, olam was somebody was sending money who are the or suffer big marrying them back.

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So today's the sixth day of our reading and commentary of the book of Tafseer known as t zero Karim Rahman V to see the Colombian man Nan morphemes. Do you notice that the fear of a Saudi shahada Rahmani brahmastra Saudi who died in the 1376 of the Hydra Rahima Hello Tara barometer USA and today we begin with the 50th chapter of the Quran which is Surah Kahf or as it is known in some generations in the books of sunnah powerful Quran Majeed and this is a name that is agreed upon in the books of narrations and in the books of our thought. Another name that is Surah is also known by and that you will find in some of the books of the Quran, the scholars of the era to the Quran is

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Surah to basepath. And it is a mucky Surah according to some of the companions and according to the consensus mentioned by Toby Arabic kefir and others, and it is a Surah that consists of 45 verses this surah is a sort of that the profits that allow it was selling more often on his site, and he would recite it in solitary Jumar in the odd man in the Surah. And we have narrations from some of the companions who said, that we used to memorize we memorize Surah path from the Juma of the Prophet sallallahu. It was stunning because of how often he would recite it. And so it is a Surah that he would often recite because as we will see, it was a surah that contains many reminders of

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the akhirah the Day of Judgment and afterlife.

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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah he while he was here to mine, a lot of muffle alarm off Ilana reshaping our Valley Dena will hold it in almost any photo hammer en la feet Acetyl Co de la Tala powder OB la he Nina che Utah neurologie Bismillah Hera Manurewa

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in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

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off while

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Maggi feed off mother Glorious Quran are you You Oh Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam are indeed the Messenger of Allah

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Bella Jabil blue

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coil calf you che onlije But, but they deem it strange that a warner has come to them from among themselves and the disbelievers say, this is a strange thing indeed.

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Either I meet now according

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to law, the their legal Rajan buried

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what, when we have died and have turned into dust, will we be brought back to life? This is a far fetched thing. This is far fetched. This far fetched indeed. God

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goes, booming, worrying

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Ankita haffi you steel.

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Indeed, we know what the earth consumes them with us is a record what that preserves everything. Here Allah swears by the Glorious Quran that contains deep meanings and great concepts, discusses various issues and brings much blessing Baraka. The word translated here is as glorious indicates that it has numerous great attributes. The best thing to be described in such terms is this Quran, which contains knowledge of the earlier and later generations, and speaks with the highest and most perfect, perfect eloquence the most beautiful and concise words, the most comprehensive and beautiful meanings. This makes it obligatory to follow it in the most perfect manner, to hasten to

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implement his teaching and to show gratitude to Allah for blessing us with it in this verse as Rahim Allah Tada mentioned

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Allah subhanaw taala takes an oath by the Quran for the Quran. Allah azza wa jal takes an oath by the Quran well Quran Majeed and it is to show you the importance of the Quran and to show you the importance of adhering to the Quran and studying the Quran, as the author mentioned here, that it is therefore obligatory, to follow it in the most perfect manner, to hasten to implement its teachings and to show gratitude to Allah azza wa jal for the blessing that he gave to us in the Quran, the Quran all of his benefit and all of that is good. All of it is Nora and all of it is Rama and mercy. As Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the other verse, will be from the law he will be Rama de familia

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Attica Lee from seeing the grace and the mercy of Allah let them rejoice, and according to a number of the scholars have to see the grace and the mercy of Allah, Allah, Islam and the Quran. And so the Quran is from the greatest blessings and the greatest blessings that Allah azza wa jal has bestowed upon this ummah, that we have a speech of his, in our presence that you can read, that you can study that you can memorize, that you can act upon, that every time you need to connect to Allah azza wa jal, you have the book of Allah subhanaw taala. Before you

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know most people do not appreciate the blessings of Allah as they should. Hence, Allah subhanaw taala says, but they there is those who disbelieve in the messenger sallallahu alayhi salam, the most strange that Warren has come to them from that from among themselves, that is to warn them of that which will harm them, and instruct them to do that which will benefit them. And he is one of their own kind, so that they will be able to learn from him, and they know his character and his sincerity. And as we mentioned before, this was one of the major issues that prophets had that people had the nations had with their prophets, that they will people like them or that if they came

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from them that they went from the nobility from amongst them. And there are many, as we've mentioned before, many benefits and many wisdoms in Britain taking a profit from their own people from their own nation, because then they know that profit they know is history. They know his lineage. They know His character, they know it's honesty, integrity, even before he calls to Islam before. He's endowed with prophethood and the messenger ship. So like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even before Islam, they used to call him the trustworthy one and the honest one, they knew him by his character, and through his integrity. So now that when he comes and speaks about Islam, then

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they're going to accept what he says, or they're going to at least know that is not someone known for lying and being untruthful. And that's why in the Hadith, women are best for the Allah one woman said Buhari, the long duration of Abu Sufyan when he met Iran, and Iraq had asked him a number of questions the leader of the Byzantine Roman Empire, from the questions you asked him is that this man who claims to be a prophet? Was he a known liar? Before? Did you know him to lie? You said no, you didn't know him to be a liar before this call. He said someone who doesn't lie about the people is less likely to try about Allah, someone that doesn't lie in their everyday speech, but me you

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everyone else, is going to be less likely than to lie about Allah subhanaw taala see, when the Oracle understood this, and so it is from the wisdoms of Allah azza wa jal that Allah sends a Prophet from that nation people know him, they understand him. They know his background, so that when he comes and he calls, at least they know there is a personal honesty and integrity. It seems strange something that they should not have found stranger or whether one should wonder about the rationality of those who deem it strange and disbelievers whose disbelief and rejection made them do that. It was not because of any lack of intelligence or wisdom on their part, say, this is a strange

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thing. Indeed, that is, is most odd. This attitude of theirs stemmed from one of two things, either they genuinely found it strange, which would be indicative of extreme ignorance and weak reasoning on their part, like the insane person who finds the words of the same person strange, or the coward who find it strange that a courageous horsemen, horsemen could could meet others in battle, or the miser who finds the generosity of generous people strange. What does it matter if someone like that finds it strange, this attitude is indicative of nothing but extreme wrongdoing and ignorance, or they found it strange, yet knew that they were wrong. This is this is one of the worst kinds of

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wrongdoing, because it stemmed from nothing but stubbornness.

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Then Allah mentioned what they found, so strange, as he tells us what that as he tells us that they said, What when we have died and have turned into dust, will we be brought back to life? That is, this is that is far fetched, indeed, does to compare the might of the one who has power over all things and his perfect, perfect in all respects with the power of the human being who is in the who is in need, and is hopeless in all respects. They compared the ignorant person who has no knowledge with the one who has knowledge of all things. Who knows that who knows what the earth consumes of their bodies during their stay in Alberta, and has recorded and has recorded in his book which is

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with him, protected from any change or altercation, or alteration at all that will happen to them in life and in death. This is indicative of his perfect and comprehensive knowledge that no one could have. No one could have except

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him, and that he has the ability to bring the dead back to life. As we mentioned in his opening passage, Allah subhanaw taala in his opening few verses, larger dimensions towards the accusations of Quraysh, or the reasoning of Qureshi in terms of rejecting the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam in the Quran. And as we've said before, this is a theme that is repeated throughout many of the stories of the prophets, the people of disbelief throughout the times throughout the different generations and nations, the prophets will send to the use to often reject based on three major issues. Number one, they couldn't accept the principle of debate. They thought it strange, as a lot

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as a door mentioned elsewhere, and sort of sudden, we've covered that already, that they used to say that it's that it's something which is strange, or jargon earlier to ILA and wider Has he made all of the gods into a single god. So they couldn't understand this concept of Tawheed. That's one of the reasons why they would reject. The second reason is because they will reject the Prophets and Messengers themselves as Allah mentioned, Sina they find it strange that a man from amongst them will be a color to Allah azza wa jal found it strange, so they would reject. And the third reason is what is mentioned here also, and that is that they didn't believe in the actual on the resurrection.

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How can Allah bring this back to life after we're dead, returning to bones and dust? How's he going to resurrect us and bring us back to life? These were the three major issues that they had the knowledge of Allah azza wa jal often repeats them here within the Quran. And these are therefore the three major principles of our religion in terms of even our faith, belief in Allah belief in the prophets of Allah where he was selling belief in the Accra. These are the three major cornerstones of your Eman and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam often in his speech used to say mankind middleby Allah he will you will ask him, whether he believes in Allah and the Last Day so

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that people can understand the importance of belief in these issues on articles of faith Belka The Boo will help in

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home film The Mary Page, rather they deny the truth when it came to them. So, they are in a state of confusion, rather the words that they utter stem from stubbornness and rejection of truth concerning which there is no doubt when it came to them. So, they are in a state of confusion, that is, they are uncertain and confused and cannot settle on anything or agree on something to say regarding the prophets of Allah said and

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something they say that he is a sometimes they say that he is a sorcerer, sometimes they say that he is insane and sometimes they say that he is a poet. Similarly, they had various views concerning the Quran, each of them each one of them saying what he thought on the basis of his own corrupt view, this is applicable to everyone who rejects the truth he is confused, does not know what direction to take and cannot settle on anything. Therefore, you see you see him contradicting himself by the same token the one who follows the truth and believes in it is steadfast his path is straightforward and his deeds confirm his words

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Flm young guru in a sermon

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info column K for Bernina was a

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K for Bernina was a

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to have they not looked at the heavens above them how we have constructed it and adorned it and there are no flaws in it.

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Well, my mother then a little coin fee last year um fi

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Lizo doing that he and the earth we have spread out and set there in mountain standing from and cause to grow there in beautiful plants of every kind.

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the Quran equally.

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Mooney but all that is all that is a source of insight and a Reminder for every slave turns to Allah reflects upon his his signs. Why does Zen lamina

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MOBA Lankan

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that Nabi Jun

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but um but Nabi he couldn't

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have been healthy. We sit down,

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we sent down from the sky blessed rain with which we cause to Grow Gardens and the green that is harvested one lab so you're caught in pollen nobly we'd

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love to date palms with with space containing tightly packed flower clusters. This is

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what a hyena be by that I'm

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eater gather logical Hooroo as provision for people, and we give life thereby to that land, and like, in like manner will be the resurrection. Having described the situation of the disbelievers and explain and explain why they are blameworthy, Allah subhanaw taala. And now it's caused them to look at his signs in the universe, so that they may reflect and see the conclusions to which they point, as he says, Have they not looked at the heavens above them that is looking at it does not require any effort or travel rather, it's very easy, as we mentioned before, also in this book, and that is Allah subhanaw taala often mentions when speaking about the importance of Tawheed, he

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mentions two types of signs signs in his revelation and signs in his creation. And this is an example of that the first five or six verses, Allah subhanaw taala. In this surah spoke about Revelation, and how the people deny Revelation, the signs of Allah azza wa jal in the Quran, Majeed, the Glorious Quran all of it that all that contains or signs the point of that or heed of Allah subhanaw taala. And then, in these verses now, signs in the creation, if you were to look at the universe, you were to look at this the sky and the heavens and the earth, and the mountains and the oceans, the signs of Allah azza wa jal is ability in his power subhanaw taala that He is the

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Creator, the Sustainer and the lord and master of the heavens and earth. And so Allah azza wa jal mentioned to us the signs of the universe and this is often done in the Quran. As we mentioned, Allah subhanaw taala. When both of these things are mentioned together, creation revelation, Allah always begins with the revelation before creation, because even the signs of the creation are found within the revelation, what is the Quran that tells us to look at these things or to ponder over them, let them see how we have constructed it, like a smooth dome. Well built in adorned with stars stretching from one horizon to the other in the most beautiful manner, no defects, gap or flaws can

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be seen in it. Allah has made it a rule for the people of the earth, and has placed in things that serve essential interest for them, and the earth, how we have spread it out, and made it spacious so that every animal can settle on restaurant and find all their needs. Allah has made it stable with mountains so that it will not shake or sway and cause to grow there in beautiful plants of every kind. There is every kind of plant that is pleasant to the eye, and brings delight and joy to the observer, as food for the sons of Adam and their livestock and bringing other benefits. Among those benefits. Allah singles out for mention the gardens that contain delicious fruits such as grapes,

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pomegranates, Citron's apples, and other kinds of fruits. And he mentioned lofty deep poems, which give lasting benefits in which reach towards the sky until they reach a height that many other trees do not reach. From the space containing tightly packed flower clusters come provision, nourishment, staple food and food for people. They eat some and store some for themselves in the flux and Allah subhanaw taala often when he speaks about the vegetation or about the crops and about the different plants that Allah azza wa jal has caused to allow to grow up on the earth. Allah azza wa jal, often in the Quran mentions a novel The de poms, and that's because Arabs Obviously we're very familiar

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with the palm trees, but also because of the benefits that it contains. It is one of the most nutritious of fruits, and it is one of the only if not the only food that was used as a staple by people, because fruits are not normally a staple item of food. But the dates amongst the Arabs are staples, and that's why we have in the Hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sometimes spend a month not eating nothing other than surviving on water and dates, because it was a staple of the Arabs, they would eat it like we would eat rice and bread and other things. And so, Allah azza wa jal often mentions the deep palms, there are an amazing amount of benefits in it in

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its lofty height in the shade, that is leaves give in the way that you can use those branches as they will do to build the roofs. The roof of the mysteries of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was built from those deep palm branches and leaves and trees, loads of benefits that you can get from the single tree.

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Similarly, Allah brings forth by means of the rain and the rivers that flow on the face of the earth and beneath it as a result thereof. Their grain that is harvested, that is crops that are harvested, such as wheat, barley, corn, rice, millet, and others. Looking at these things, is a source of insight that allows one to see after having seen blind due to ignorance having been blind due to ignorance, and a reminder of that which is beneficial in both spiritual and worldly terms. Thus, one is reminded of what Allah and His Messenger Salah and his messengers have told us, but that is not for everyone. Rather, it is for every slave who turns to Allah. There is everyone who turns to him

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with love, fear and hope and response to his call look at Harmon law subhanaw taala mentions it as a reminder

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Mostoles children to be

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the Lazarus had mentioned that it is a reminder tub Syrah, but not for everyone. Not an insight and a Reminder for everyone no liquidly Abdi Muneeb only for this

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Names of Allah azza wa jal that turned towards him, because everyone sees the same signs me You, muslims, non Muslims, everyone sees the same signs of Allah azza wa jal in his universe, everyone sees the same heaven, the same earth, the same oceans, the same trees, the same plants, for only those whose hearts are open to the guidance of Allah azza wa jal, and whose hearts are attached to Allah subhanaw taala do they see them and they tend to Allah azza wa jal and they glorify Allah and they praise Allah and increases the money man, and it makes the heat and Allah azza wa jal stronger. And as for those of the people who don't remember Allah the heedless of Allah, the ignorant of Allah

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azza wa jal, they see those same signs and they turn away and for them doesn't make any difference to them doesn't bring them closer to Allah doesn't make them remember Allah or glorify Him or prison.

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As for the one who disbelieves or turns away, the signs and warnings are of no avail to people who do not believe in conclusion, everything that haven't contains of dazzling creation, and well built construction is indicative of the perfect amount of Allah subhanaw taala. What it contains with beauty, precision, and brilliant, brilliant design and creation indicate that Allah is Most wise, and that he has knowledge of all things. Where he contains of benefits and things that serve the interests of people are indicative of the mercy and generosity of Allah, compass. All things, while contains of mighty creations and amazing systems indicate the that Allah subhanaw taala is the one

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the unique, the eternal, who has no spouse or offspring, and there is none like unto him, no worship, humanity or love should be directed to anyone, but him what it contains of the means of reviving the earth after its death, in the case that Allah will give life to the dead in order to requite them for their deeds. Hence, he says, and and we give life thereby to their land, in like manner will be the resurrection. Every reminded them of these heavenly and earthly signs. Allah Now warns them less there before them before other nations of punishment and tell them that they should not persist in their current disbelief less there before them or be felt their fellow disbelievers

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as he says, Look at the amusing signs that the author mentions here in the creation of Allah subhanaw taala signs and Allah azza wa jal is power and his ability in his creation, signs of the many blessings that Allah azza wa jal bestows upon us that we benefit from we eat from those fruits, we benefit from the season the oceans, we benefit from the rain, we benefit from the mountains and what they do for the earth. We benefit from many of those different things and from those signs is the resurrection. Allah subhanaw taala causes many of those things, those plants and those those other types of produce of the agriculture to die, then come back to life season after season, to

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show Allah's power and his ability to resurrect and bring back to life.

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Get their beds Cabella home Komono what else Hubble see what mood before them that people have? No, the people of the well, and the mood also disbelieved. Why do

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it why No? As did I had Pharaoh and the brethren of Lord what else have we got a kitty well como to bar could get the bottles will never have clowning need. And the dwellers of the woods and the people of Tibet, all of them rejected the messengers and my warning was

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My warning was totally not duly fulfilled. My warning was duly fulfilled. FYI in Bill halting, while beldholm V lab esim in halting Jedi, did we fail in the first creation, so that they think that we are unable to recreate them on the Day of Resurrection. Rather, they are in doubt about the resurrection. That is those nations who came before them rejected their know their noble messengers and prophets such as Nora, whose people rejected him the mood reject disorder, so I either rejected hood, the people of Lourdes rejected loathe to do the wonders of the word rejected Schreib and the people of Tibet. Tibet was the was the title of every king of Yemen in ancient times before Islam,

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rejected the messenger who whom Allah sent to them. Allah does not tell us who the messenger was, or which of the kings who bought the title of Toba is referred to here, because that

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and because because that and Allah knows best was well known to the Arabs, for the people of Yemen were the original Arabs, whose stories were not unknown to the Arabs, especially stories such as a significant event. So Allah azza wa jal in this verse on these two three verses, he mentioned a number of the nations that rejected the prophets they were destroyed as a result. And most of these nations are well known towards the people of Iran nor more than the people of Sri or even note that Allah azza wa jal mentions the people of us hub Ross, and the scholars have to see a different as to who these people were, who is us harbor Ross. Which nation is that referring to? And Ross means a

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wow. These are the people that dwelled and lived by a world that they would draw water from

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Hold these people position of some of the companions, which has to be an ambassador for the Allahu Anhu. Uma is that these people were a village from the villages of the mood. So the Prophet is solid, or the Salem. So they're from the villages of the mode. And so Saudi Hadees CERAM was sent to a place where they were the main people and then they will village that was scattered around the main place that he was in. So he was calling all of them and inviting all of them. That's the position of Ibn ambassador, number of the companions are the Allahu Anhu. Man, as I said, they differ over to exactly who these people are, because as the author says, they're not mentioned as a

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story in the Quran, nor are they mentioned in terms of the profit, I will send it to them. They mentioned just in passing like this, alongside the other nations that were destroyed, and likewise similar, as we spoke about before, the people of tobacco, tobacco, or people of Yemen, Kings of Yemen, Kings of Yemen, as the scholars have received, mentioned, however, exactly who they are, and which time they came to and what happened to them and how they, Allah azza wa jal knows best but the author takes the position that the stories of these people will known because as we said before, some would add the people have talked about their own Arabs. So the Arabs knew the history of the

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Arabs we may have lost over time, but are also familiar with their lineage and with the history and with the tribes, all of these people rejecting the messengers whom Allah sent to them, so they deserve the warning and punishment of Allah. And you who disbelieve in Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam are not better than them, and their messengers are not dear to Allah, then your messenger SallAllahu sallam, so beware of committing their sin, less the same fate before you as we fill them. Then Allah subhanaw taala cites the first creation as proof for the second creation, which is the resurrection just as it is, He who created them from nothing in like manner, he will recreate them after they

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have died and turn into dust and bones. Therefore, he says that we fail that is where we incapable of where we incapable or did our strength falter. And the frustration that is not the case. It was not beyond us, and we did not fail in that day. The disbelievers do not doubt that rather they are in doubt about the resurrection. This is what they are in doubt and confused about, even though there is no room for confusion because recreating recreating is recreating is easier than the initial creation. As Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere is he create Who is he who originates creation then repeat it and that is even easier for him.

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When I call the holler corner,

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Santa Ana lemma to a Swiss will be enough. So, one afternoon, Robbo la him in her belly weary that we have created man, and we know what he saw whispers within Him for we are closer to him than his jugular vein is yet calling him out.

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I mean, you Arnie Shima, and you're crying. When the two recording angels record his deeds constantly accompanying him, one on his right and the other on his left myall funeral woman calling in lady Rafi will naughty need, not a word as he other but there is with him watching ready to record it.

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He Allah subhanaw taala tells us that He is the only creator of humankind, male and female, and that he knows man circumstances where he keeps in his heart and his thoughts. He is closer to him than his jugular vein, which is the closest thing to a person. The jugular veins are the veins on both sides of the neck. This is a reminder to men to remember that his creator is watching him. He sees wise in his heart and mind and is close to him in all situations. So they should feel shy. Let's Allah see him where he forbade him to be or he not see him where he commanded him to be in this verse is one of those verses in which Allah subhanaw taala brings within us a very important

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principle in our religion and that is the principle of Baraka man taqwa, to be mindful of Allah azza wa jal unconscious of in my old times to know that Allah azza wa jal is ever watching, or hearing or seeing, because that is one of the greatest ways one of the greatest ways that a person

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stays upon the straight path and remain steadfast and stays away from sins and major sins especially knowing that Allah azza wa jal is always watching them always seeing them, always hearing them. And that's why this is something which is a very important principle to teach to ourselves also, especially our youngsters, our children, that they know that Allah azza wa jal is always watching them. It's amazing when sometimes we want to correct our students or our children, our youngsters, and we make them afraid by different things we tell them to fear their parents or to fear that teachers would feel some type of punishment, but very rarely do we say fear Allah azza wa jal, Allah

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is watching. Even if no one else sees you, no one else hears you known us knows, Allah knows and Allah sees and Allah has and Allah azza wa jal is always with you. And Allah subhanaw taala knows what you can see in in your heart and what you make apparent. Allah knows you in the depths of your heart and what you can steal from everyone else, even from yourself sometimes. And so Allah subhanaw taala knows all

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And he is aware of all Subhana wa Tada. This thing of Baraka is mentioned in different ways in the Quran and the Sunnah. This is one of those ways to know that Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein. Meaning that is closer to you than anything else knows you more intimately than you know yourself is aware of everything, even your most hidden and deepest thoughts. So Allah knows your intention knows your actions knows your speech, knows what it is that you want to do what you want to achieve your ambitions, your dreams, Allah knows all of that Subhanallah Tirana, Emily, similarly, he should bear in mind the angels, the noble scribes, he should respect them and be aware

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of doing or saying something that may be written down of things that are displeasing to the Lord of the Worlds. Hence, he says, When the two recording angels record his deeds constantly accompanying him, that is the record all of a person's these one on his right, he records his good deeds and the other on his left records, his bad deeds, each of them is constantly accompanying him, ready to do the work that is assigned to him? Not a word does he other good or bad, but there is with him watcher ready to record it. That is he's watching him and is always present with him. This is like the verses in which Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, indeed, there are watchers appointed Oh view

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honorable scribes, you know all who know all that you do. And then Allah azza wa jal says that there are angels that are recording everything meaning that if you're not one of those people that's conscious of Allah. You are one of those people that's aware that Allah is always watching you. There needs to be aware of the angels on either side that are recording what you do and what you say those angels they don't know everything. They don't know the unseen, but their job is to record your actions and your words what you do in terms of your deeds, they record everything, so be conscious of them also, but Allah azza wa jal begins by himself subhanaw taala now that Allah is closer to

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you, because that is a greater form of Taqwa and a greater form of, of being aware of Allah subhanaw taala but also be aware of those angels that are recording everything that you do every action every day that you do, they have been assigned to record it.

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at Sakura, to remote even help called Valley karma.

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Tammy knew that he did. The throes of death will bring the truth before his eyes. This is what you have been trying to avoid.

00:32:15 --> 00:32:26

One of your hobbies so that he can ye read and the Trumpet will be blown that will be the day where of warning had been given module

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at Kelowna sim

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equal share he read, every so welcome, accompanied by an angel to drive him on and another to bear witness

00:32:41 --> 00:32:47

Locodoco Duffy off letting her fucka chef

00:32:49 --> 00:33:29

or cafe abasolo, Kenya uma Heidi will be said, You are heedless of this. Now we have removed the veil for you and your vision today is keen, they will come to this homeless person who rejects the signs of Allah, the the throes of death, which will bring truth which will bring the truth before his eyes that cannot be warded off or avoided. This is what you have been trying to avoid. That is what you have been trying to delay or run away from. And then Trump will be blown that will be the day where of warning had been given that is the Day when they will before the wrongdoers the punishment of which Allah warned them and they will come to the believers the reward that he

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promised them, every soul will come accompanied by an Angels to drive him on driving him to the place of standing and he will not be able to refuse and another to bear witness and testify to all his deeds both good and bad. This indicative of Allah's care for his slaves, and that he recalls the deeds and will require them justly for them. This is something that one must bear in mind. And this is the position of a number of the scholars with their seal because they different what is the same? What is the Shahid what is the one that drives? What is the one that is a witness they differed over some positions the position of a number of the scholars with the seal including the author, but

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while before him and he mammoth poverty, Rahim Allah Allah is what he mentioned here that these are two angels one drives a person to the police of their accounting when they will be held to account for the deeds and other one will bear witness over him in terms of the deeds that he performed because Allah azza wa jal for the disbelievers, they will reject what was written and what was recorded and so they will demand witnesses. And there are numerous verses in the Quran and Hadith that speak about this event that there will be witnesses that will be called the larger deposits also in the Quran, that Allah will seal their mouths, and that the limbs will testify against them,

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that the prophets will testify against them, that they are different people that will come and testify the earth will testify against them. And so from those that are called to testify on the angels, the angel will come and testify against the person and his evil deeds, but most people are heedless, Therefore Allah says, it will be said, You are heedless of this that is, this will be said on the day of resurrection to those who do

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turned away and disbelieved by way of rebuke criticism and blame. In other words, you disbelieved in this and did not act upon it. But now we have removed the veil for you

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that covered your heart so that you slept a great deal and persisted in your heedlessness. And your vision today is keen, he will look at that which will alarm and frighten him of all kinds of punishment and vengeance. All this may be addressed by Allah to the individual, because in the world in this world, he is heedless of this of the purpose for which he was created. But on the day of resurrection, He will be alert to that and will awaken from his sleep, but that will be at a time when he will not be able to make amends or make up for the for last time. All of this is an alert from Allah to slaves to warn them by telling them of that by telling them what will happen to the

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disbelievers on that momentous day.

00:35:52 --> 00:35:54

Well coil Cory You know who

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the Yachty need

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his companion the angel who recorded his deeds will say here's a record of his deeds ready with me.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:15

ltft Jehan McCulloch if you're in need, it will be set to angels throw into help every obstinate disbeliever.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:26

Men in Hawaii more Attorney Jim Murray. But every withholding of good transgression of the Transgressor doubter

00:36:27 --> 00:36:40

a lady AGI and law Hina. And Hara failed the whole thing neither I wish the who set up another god, who set up another God besides Allah throw him into this fear, punishment.

00:36:42 --> 00:36:43

All Akari

00:36:47 --> 00:37:04

Otto ye to gain what I can can I feel by learning by read his devil companion will say, Our Lord, it was not I who misled him, he misled, he misled. He himself had already gone for a street.

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the moon removed, the year we'll call the caught them to La can we will ye Allah will say, Do not argue with one another in my presence, when I had already sent you warning.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:23

Man bad coluna the year

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an IBM one learning lobby the work cannot be changed.

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And I'm never unjust to my slaves. His companion that is a companion of the of this disbeliever who turned away from among the angels whom Allah appointed to watch over him and record his deeds, he will bring him on the day of resurrection and he was he will also bring his deeds and say, here's the record of his deeds ready with me. That is I have brought that which was entrusted to me the record of his deeds for which he will be required. It will be said regarding those who deserve * throw into throw into how every obstinate disbeliever that is everyone who disbelieved a great deal stubbornly rejected the size of Allah committed any sins and had the audacity to dread transgress

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the sacred limits of Allah, every withholding of good that is, who withheld the good that he had the grace of which is believed in Allah, His angels, his books and his messengers, and he withheld the benefit of his wealth and physical effort. transgressor who transgress against the slaves of Allah transgress his sacred limits, doubter, that is, he doubted the promise and warning of Allah so He had no faith, or good DISA, his credit, rather Allah describes him as a disbeliever transgression the other COVID is and has taken God's besides the Most Gracious hands, Allah says, who set up another God besides Allah, there is he worship Allah, He worship others alongside him that had no

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power to benefit or, or benefit or harm themselves, or to cause death give life or resurrect, throw him

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or you to companion companion angels into the severe punishment, which is the greatest worst and most terrible of punishment. Anantara mentions here the different things this person did in terms of the evil Allah azza wa jal mentions, the last of them has been shipped Allah Azza doesn't begin with that. And Allah azza wa jal mentions that at the end, he begins by mentioning that they will obstinate that they used to prevent from God that they were a transgression and that and then Allah azza wa jal speaks about them, associating partners with Allah subhana data, and this is from one of the ways of the eloquence of the Quran, that you begin with something which is of a lesser form of

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evil, and you go towards what is the major form of evil and that is shipped with Allah subhanaw taala. And all of this obviously is stemming from their ship is because of their ship, that they will obstruct that they will transgressors that they were doubters that they prevented or God from taking place. And so Allah azza wa jal, that is part of the reason. But Allah subhanaw taala mentioned those other attributes first, and then he mentioned the major

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Isn't anger is the disbelief for the show is devil companion will say disavowing him and blaming him for a sin. Our Lord, it was not I who misled him because I had no power over him and no proof or evidence. Rather, he went for a straight, so he went astray by his own choice. This is like what Allah says elsewhere. And shaitan will say, when the matter is decided, Verily Allah give you a true promise. I also gave you promises, but I betrayed you. I had no power over you, except I called you, and you responded to me. So they're not so they're not blame me, blame yourselves. And from the benefits of these verses that we see that there are two types of guardian that the believer that the

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Muslim or any person has. One is from the angels and accordion is a companion, someone that is very close to you what touched you. One is from the angels, and the other one is from the devils. And so from the angels, they are the angels that record your deeds, they are always with you, wherever you go, wherever you may be, whatever you may do, that, then they're recording. And the other one is the devil that runs within you and whispers to you and tempts you away from the path of Allah subhanaw Medina, as the Prophet told us that Allah Artie was sending him, he said that indeed che on runs in the body of Adam, like the way blood flows, and so very close to you whispers to tempt you to do

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Allah subhana, Allah subhanaw taala will say responding to the dispute, do not argue with one another in my presence, there is there is no benefit in your disputing within with one another in my presence, when in fact I had already sent you a warning. That is my messengers came to you with clear signs and proof and definitive evidence and thus my proof was established against you, and you have no argument. Now you have to come to me with the deeds that you did. And the time has come for required. My word cannot be changed. That is not it's not possible to change what Allah has has said, For no one is true at speech and Allah and I am never unjust to my unjust to my slaves. Rather

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I require them accordingly, according to their deeds, good or bad, nothing is added to their bad deeds and nothing is detracted from their good deeds.

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Yo man aku Yo man, Elko lowly Jehan, Mo Hallym tele Teva Turku Hallym mezzi the one of them of the day when we will say to * are you full and it will say Can there be any more to come? What was Leafa telogen Turkey you know how Euro buried Paradise will be brought within sight of the righteous not far off, had to wind on and equally been happy. It will be said this is what you were promised is for everyone who constantly turned to us and reminded and remained dutiful.

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Men hos your loyal eBay

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and fear the most gracious unseen, and came with a sincere heart.

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Odor holo

00:42:59 --> 00:43:07

Valley kn who would enter here in peace, this is a day of eternity. Now home Yasha

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Nephi ha Well are they in the there they will have they will have all that they wished for and with us. And with us there's yet more P Allah subhanaw taala says to to alarm his slaves warn them of the day when we will say to * are you for that is because of the large number of people who will be thrown into into it. And it was it will say Can there be any more to come? That is it we'll keep asking for more evildoers as soon as of anger for its Lord's sake and in fury against the disbelievers. Allah subhanaw taala has promised to fill it as he says elsewhere. I will certainly fill * with jinn and men altogether. alpha will be will take its fill. And so Allah azza wa jal

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is quoted as a vast creation, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam done on the Day of Judgment with how Fi is brought out. It will be brought out with 70,000 chains upon every chain will be 70,000 Angels. That is how many angels will be required just to bring out the Hellfire on that day may Allah azza wa jal save us from it. And it will be given its film as Allah mentions in the Quran. I'm Lana Jahannam, immunogenicity oneness huge Marine. I will fill the Hellfire with men and the jinn, all of them the disbelieve will be thrown into the fire. And in the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Jana and the fire disputed, the fire said, the arrogant and the

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hotel and to me and Paradise said that the weak and the humble will enter me. So Allah azza wa jal set to the fire and TRB will see mobikin Manisha You are my punishment I will use you to whomsoever I please. And he said to Jana, you are my Rama will see mobikin Manisha you too will have those right please will enter into you and for each one of you will be its fill for the fill of Johanna mas Allah azza wa jal mentions here. The fill of Jahannam is from the humans and from the

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And there'll be entered and entered entered. And there will be so many verse numbers as the prophets of Allah Allah was sending me the Hadith on the Day of Judgment that Allah azza wa jal will call Adam and Adam will sila Baker was our date he will say here mo Allah responding, and Allah azza wa jal will say to him take out from your children, bath and now the portion that will go into the fire. So Rosco Allah and what is the portion of the fire? In one narration, he said from every 1999 and other wording from every 199 and the meaning is similar. 999 go into the fire, and only one goes into agenda from every 1000 and that's why another Hadith when it comes to the fill of Jannah the

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prophets of Allah where it was seldom that after the believers enter, there will still remain space. So Allah azza wa jal will bring forth a creation, to fill up that space meaning another creation that will come Allah azza wa jal knows best who and what they are and how they are. So that shows just chewed the discrepancy between the numbers between the fire that is full and full and full, so that Allah azza wa jal keeps asking it Are you full and he keeps saying, Is there any more to come until as is mentioned, the Hadith and Behati Anasazi Allah one, I will note subhanaw taala places his foot above it. And he says, not enough enough. And that is when the last of the people will have

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entered the fire.

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They will continue to the glory to the Lord of Glory will places holy foot which cannot be compared to anything in creation on it, where upon it will shrink into itself and will say Enough Enough, meaning I have had enough and I'm full Paradise will be brought within sight of the righteous not far off. That is all we brought close, close enough to look and see what it contains of eternal delights, joy and happiness. Rather it will be brought close for those who fear the Lord and avoided associating others with him in both a minor and major sense who obey the commands of the Lord as ability. It will be said to them and most of them that are mentioned in this verse. Look at how in

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this surah Allah azza wa jal often speaks about the issue of Taqwa maraca, being mindful of Allah unconscious of Allah azza wa jal, Allah azza wa jal says here, the Paradise will be brought forth and close to the Turpin. The people of Taqwa Allah azza wa jal uses this description of them, meaning that these are the people that are most worthy of Jannah. The people of Taqwa the people in this world, we're mindful of Allah and conscious of Allah and feared Allah azza wa jal worship Allah subhanaw taala that the most worthy or normal piano to receive the greatest reward from Allah azza wa jal will be sent to them by way of congratulations. This is what you were promised is for

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everyone who caught who constantly, constantly turned to us, that is, this paradise and what it contains of all that one's soul may desire, then that may delight the eyes is what Allah promised to everyone who constantly turned to him and came back to a lawyer or times by remembering him, loving Him, seeking his hope, calling upon him theory came up putting his Pope in hip and obeyed, dutiful that as he adhered to what Allah enjoyed upon him, obeyed him sincerely or carried out his duties towards him, perfectly, keeping those limits

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and fear the most gracious unseen, that is, he feared him on the basis of his knowledge of on the basis of his knowledge of his Lord, in the hope of His mercy and fear Allah and seen in all in all situations, even when people cannot see him, this is true fear of Allah and Allah azza wa jal mentions his description when Hashem Ramana believe the one who fears Allah in private, when he is unseen, when he is alone, that is when he feels Allah azza wa jal the most, when no one else can see him no one else knows what he's doing, he can hide and and this is why this month of Ramadan, Allah azza wa jal said I look into the own, perhaps you will gain piety through it, because even those

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things that are usually harder than that you could hide at home and eat and drink and do other things in the month of Ramadan. You stay away from even when there's no one else around. Why? Because you're conscious of Allah, aware of Allah azza wa jal, it is that same consciousness that you take forth throughout the rest of the year in other things, you stay away in Ramadan from that which is usually halal. Eating and drinking is halal. But in Ramadan, you're told stay away from it. So what about those things that are usually haram? Allah made them haram at all times? Isn't it more worthy that you stay away from those things? As a Fae him in the presence of others when they are

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looking at one, this is showing off a secure reputation and it is not indicative of fear of Allah rather beneficial fear of Allah is fear of Him, when one is alone and one one is with others.

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fearing Allah and seeing these stems from belief in the unseen, as opposed to believing when one sees some matters of the unseen, in which case and fear of Allah becomes inevitable and are not voluntary, because the person will see with his own eyes, the punishment and the sight of Allah.

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It came with a sincere heart, such a person described as turning to his Lord and as being motivated to please Him He called but Muneeb the word Moneyball in ABA means to constantly turn back to Allah subhanaw taala. So this is a person who always turns back to Allah azza wa jal in terms of ease

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times of difficulty when they do good deeds that praise Allah when they do evil deeds they repent to Allah azza wa jal. This is a person who is always attached to Allah subhanaw taala. We said to these pious and righteous people, and to hear in peace that has entered in peace, say from troubles and ills, and secure from all distressing matters, there will be no end to their bliss and there will be nothing to spoil it. This is a day of eternity, which will never end there will be no death and nothing to spoil it. There they will have all that they wish for that is everything that they want, they will attain. And in addition to that, they will have yet more namely, a reward bestowed upon

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them by the most gracious most merciful, such as No eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it ever crossed the mind of any human, the greatest and most the greatest and best of that will be gazing upon the noble countenance of Allah and the joy of hearing his words and being close to him. We ask a lot of data to make us among, among them.

00:51:00 --> 00:51:21

Welcome, like Nemean welcome, like now Cabela whom, Colin whom I should do minimum bottleshop kaaboo Philomela ad Furneaux kaaboo Phil will be glad he helped him he is how many nations we destroyed before them. Quraysh

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for them for Quraysh who were strong in power than them. They venerated they ventured through many, many lands but they but they but did they find any escape? In Nephi Valiquette IV Quran Iman Khanna who call one cos sama who was sure he well in that as a reminder for anyone who understands and this is attentively attentively with full presence of mind to Allah Spano. Tata says, Warning the politics who rejected the messenger SallAllahu sallam, how many nations were destroyed that is, we destroyed many nations before them Quraysh who was stronger in power than them that is they were more powerful than them and left the greater mark on the land. Hence, he says they ventured through

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many lands that is in various lands, they both strong fortress fortresses and tall building, planted trees, dug channels formed from the land and constructed and destroyed much. But when they rejected messengers of Allah and denied his side, Allah infected them with a painful and severe punishment.

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But they but did they find any escape, they had no escape from the punishment of Allah when it befell them and they had no one to save them, their strength, wealth and children do not avail them anything very in that as a reminder for anyone who understands that is who has a mind that is that is active, alert, and smart, and who has pure intentions. Such a person if he sees any of Allah signs will pay heed to them, and will benefit from them and be able to advance. The same applies to one who listens attentively to the revelations of Allah and listen to them by way of seeking guidance from them with presence of mind for such a person there is also a reminder, excellent

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exhortation, healing and guidance. In this verse, he says it is a reminder for those people who have what a heart that understands, or is that listen attentively, we tended Allah azza wa jal begin with began with the heart even though in order for it to reach the heart, it has to go through the ears. But Allah azza wa jal mentions what is most important because that's the difference between the believer and others. everyone hears the message everyone listens to the message, but only the believers understand and contemplate and believe, an increase in Eman so Allah azza wa jal often in the Quran begins with what is the goal? And that shows to you the goal of the Quran is to understand

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it, and to contemplate it and to ponder it more than just to listen and to recite even though that is something which is virtuous in and of itself and rewarding. But the golden objective is Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran affiliated, the Barone Quran, will then contemplate over the Quran as we mentioned, in the introduction of surah Muhammad. And so this is the goal of the book of Allah subhanaw taala. And one of the greatest things and that's why not only what what Allah says, this is an amazing verse that speaks to the believer in terms of what they need. In order to benefit from the Quran. We need an attentive heart and attentive listening. And if you have those two things are

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present heart attentive listening, then Allah azza wa jal will open up your heart to the book of Allah, and it will be easy for you to understand it easy for you to Charlottetown to contemplate it. But as for the one who turns away and does not lend an ear to the revelations, they will not benefit him at all, because he is not receptive and the wisdom of Allah did not dictate that such a person should be guided.

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what are called the hilar corners, where you will have been a Houma if he said 30 a year mu must mean no job. Rarely we created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six Days and No Toil or weariness touched us for speed.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:22

If colonna was a big bit him they are bigger Cabela to lowish MC workable Oh, so bear patiently what they say and glorify and praise your Lord before the rising of the sun and before it's setting. Well, I mean I lately first a bit, who was sudo and glorify Him in the night and after the prayers.

00:55:23 --> 00:56:00

He Allah subhanaw taala tells us of His great mind and his will that is always done, by means of which he bought into being the mighty creation, the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six Days, the first of which was Sunday and the last of which was Friday, without any toil, weariness, exhaustion, exhaustion, exhaustion, or fatigue, and is more appropriate that the one who brought them into the interbeing despite their great size, should be able to give life to the dead, so bear patiently, what they say of criticism and rejection of the message you have brought, distract yourself from from them by focusing on your Lord and glorifying him at the beginning and

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end of the day, and during the night and after the prayers for remembering Allah subhanaw taala consoles and brings comfort to the to the heart and helps one to be patient. The position of a number of this positive series the verse number 39. In Allah Azza dem says, glorify and praise your Lord before the rising of the sun, and before it's setting that includes all of the obligatory prayers. So before the rising of the sun, or the nine prayers that we pray Maori Fajr, Marguerite Patricia Fajr, and before the setting of the sun, the day prayers of the one answer, and then Allah Azza, it says will mean the Lael and then during the night pray even more. For even more meaning

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pray preamble, Elaine pointed to as the Prophet used to do so allow it was salam, as he would spend much of his night or at least a portion of his night, awakened salah. And in this verse, Allah azza wa jal says, Be patient upon what they see meaning the enemies of Islam and those people who try to detract from your religion. And then Allah azza wa jal mentioned the Salah, and that's why the teacher of our teacher Sheikh Mohammed elimina Shah, KT Rama Tara says is the field that Allah azza wa jal is telling us in the Quran, that one of the best ways to overcome difficulty and hardship is through Salah, the obligatory Salawat first and foremost, but the optional Salas as well. And that's

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why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told from the very beginning of his prophethood Allah said to him, put me later in LA Calida spend your nights a week in prayer, except for our little of it, because that's one of the greatest ways of strengthening yourself in terms of your Eman, coming closer to Allah subhanaw taala than making dua asking Allah azza wa jal seeking his help and his assistance

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dill Munna demon Macedonian Cody but listen on the Day when the caller will call out from a place nearby. Yo man smelliness say hi to Bill help call the legal Hooroo the day when they were here the second trumpet blast and truth that will be the day of resurrection in national Nasai want me to Elaine and mostly very is We Who give life and cause death unto us is the return of all the old metal shop Coco Duan Sierra, the Lika has shown Eileen, you'll see on the day on the earth who will be sent us will be rent asunder from them as they haste and forth from their graves, there will be a gathering that is easy for us. National Lemuel Bhima yaku on one

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lay him the job,

00:58:40 --> 00:59:26

further carrier Bill core and Iman Johar for IE that we know best what they say and you are not sent to compel them to believe but I'd admonish with the Quran those who fear my warning. Listen, with all your heart to the core of the caller, namely Salafi lay Salem, when he blows his trumpet from a place nearby that is near to people, The Day when they will hear the second trumpet blast in truth. That is our teachers will hear the will hear that Friday frightening blast in truth concerning which there is no doubt whatsoever, there will be the Day of Resurrection, when all people will emerge from their graves, which Allah alone, who has which Allah alone who has power over all things will

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bring about hence he says, rarely is We Who give life and cause death. And unto us is the return of all On the Day when the earth will be rent asunder for them, that is for the dead,

00:59:38 --> 00:59:48

as they Hastin forth from their graves. That is, as the hastened to respond to the call to the caller who calls them to the place of standing on the Day of Resurrection.

00:59:50 --> 01:00:00

That will be a gathering that's easy for us. That is it's easy for a lot with no toil or effort. We know best what they say have to you have a

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If talk that grieves you, as we know best about how much trouble they cause, you know how much we care for you, and the extent to which we have made things easy for you, and support you against your enemies. So let your heart be filled with joy and reassurance, and know that we are more merciful and kinder to you than your own self. Therefore, there is nothing left for you to do but wait, but to await the Promise of Allah and follow the example of the Messenger of the messengers of strong will, and you are not, you're not and you are not sent to compel them to believe that as you do not have power over them rather, you are a winner. And for every people there's, there is a guide. Hence

01:00:38 --> 01:01:12

Allah says by admonish with the Quran, those who fear my warning, and munching me to remind of something that is already instilled in people's mind as sound, nature of loving good, giving it presidents and doing it, and of hating evil and avoiding it, those who benefit from the admonition or those who fear the warning of Allah. And as we said at the beginning of today's lesson, Eliza just says in this verse, And remind to admonish with the Quran and the Prophet SAW Allah Allah He was telling us to often recite the Surah, this particular Surah on a Friday and other times and places when the Muslims would gather, and they will be a good number of them, he will recite the

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surah because of what it contains of these lessons and reminders.

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As for those who do not fear the word did not believe it. The benefit of the admission in his case is establishing a proof against him, leaving him with no excuse, let's see, say, no bear of glad Glad Tidings a low work ever came to us.

01:01:32 --> 01:02:10

This the End of the cabinetry of Surah Surah to cough or praise the thanks are for Allah and May the blessings of peace of Allah be upon the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his family in his capacity that badly abundantly until the Day of Judgment will not come to the to zero the 51st Surah of the Quran and that is Surah two there yet. And it is by this name that it is known in the vast majority of the books of the Sunnah and FCO and in the narrations of the companions and it is a mucky Surah according to some of the companions, which has been our best and other scholars such as knocklyon, in order to be the receiver said there is by agreement of the scholars of their seal, and it

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consists of 60 verses and there is a Surah that speaks about the Majesty of Allah subhanaw taala and his powers and his abilities subhanaw taala

01:02:20 --> 01:02:21

Bismillah he

01:02:23 --> 01:03:15

or he, in the name of Allah, the Most gracious the most merciful was that he did a little by the winds that scattered the dust, federal Hermina it were caught off and by the winds that carry the heavily leading clouds fell Jerry to use soror and by the stars that move gently feathermoon Cosima tm ra and by the angels who just distribute blessing by Allah's command in to La La saw their core very that was your promise is true. We're in Dena while they are in verily judgment will surely surely come to pass. This an oath from Allah who speaks the truth, swearing by these mighty Creations which he has made to be of great benefit and of service to people to confirm that his

01:03:15 --> 01:03:18

promise is true. And that the day of judgment,

01:03:19 --> 01:03:57

which is a day of required on reckoning of these will inevitably come to pass and no one can work it off. As the truth as a truthful Almighty has spoken of it, sworn an oath to confirm it and establish proof and evidence for what is the disbelievers disbelieve in it and turn away from striving for it. What is meant by the winds that scattered is winds that scattered the dust when they blow gently and when they blow strongly and cause disturbance and by the winds that carry the heavily laden clouds, that is clouds that carry a great deal of water by means of which Allah brings benefits to land. And the people. Some of this qualitative she had mentioned that ALLAH SubhanA data here takes an oath by

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the winds because the wind there is cold wind and hot wind and wind that blows from the north and the south and the east and the west. The wind itself is a sign from the signs of Allah subhana wa Tada and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no so to the Saba, we're only Qatar with the ball. I was gifted or aided by a Saba Saba is the Eastern the blowing wind. And the people of Earth were destroyed by the Buddha which is the Western the blowing wind. So Allah azza wa jal can take that same bliss, that same wind, it is mercy for some people, and it is gentle and cool for some people. And Allah azza wa jal uses the same wind as punishment and destruction for the people.

01:04:37 --> 01:04:59

And so Allah azza wa jal takes an oath by the wind and the one who created the wind and controls it subhanaw taala and by the stars that move gently, there is the stars that move easily with which the heavens are doing, and people navigate by means of them in darkness or land and sea and may benefit from them by noticing signs from Allah subhanaw taala says in this verse was three

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Algeria to use raw, and the author and then the translation as well, they say that it is the stars that move easily. And this is one difficile from amongst the different diversity. The other sea, which is the Tafseer of the majority of the scholars is that it's referring to ships upon the sea. That which moves gently is the ships that move gently upon the season the oceans, and both of them are similar in meanings. It looked to me the global human, some of the other scholars, they chose the position of the author, and often picks their position in these issues and other than these issues. So they chose the position of, of the stars and both of them move in the way that Allah

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subhanaw taala was prescribed for them to move, one upon the earth, the other one in the heavens. And so some of the scholars said that the scholars who chose the ships is because there is a it is a form of the smaller blessing and those who said that it is a spouse, it is an example of the greater blessing of Allah subhanaw taala.

01:05:58 --> 01:06:13

And by the angels who dish who distribute blessings by Alaska bed, there is the agents who distribute distributed control batters by Allah's Leave. Allah has appointed each of them to control some matter in this world and the Hereafter, and none of them goes beyond the limit set for him, or falls short

01:06:14 --> 01:06:15

was served

01:06:17 --> 01:07:02

either till book, by the Heaven with its tracks in Nakhon levico limb waterleaf Valley, you are confused in your beliefs, you fake one woman Orphic because of which, though those who are diverted away from the truth, truth are diverted by the Heaven with its tracks. That is the way with tracks the way the sky was tracks that look like the ripples made on sand or water by the wind. And this is a position that women are battling, toppling others that Allah azza wa jal me when he says by the heavens with his tracks, it is the paths that have been made in the heavens. And that tracks the ripples that are made in the heavens. And other scholars said that what he means is the beauty of

01:07:02 --> 01:07:40

the heavens that Allah has revealed is taken off by the heavens and the beauty that it contains. Fairly you who reject Mohamed Salah Salem are confused in your in your beliefs, for some of you say that he is a magician. Some say that he is a soothsayer. Some say that he is a madman and various other statements that are indicative of their confusion and doubt. And what they follow is false. Because of which those who are diverted away from the truth are diverted there is they are diverted from faith and from the evidence and proof of Allah that gives certainty. The differences in their views indicate that they are flawed and false. By the same token, the fact that the truth brought by

01:07:40 --> 01:07:52

Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is harmonious in that some that some of that some parts of it, confirm others and there are there are no differences or flaws. It indicates that it is sad that is from Allah.

01:07:53 --> 01:07:58

If it had been from anyone other than Allah, they will surely have found that there are many contradictions.

01:07:59 --> 01:08:30

Coccinelle Horrell also pay those who base their belief on conjecture be doomed. A lady you know whom feel I'm writing, sir, who? Those who are steeped in ignorance and are heedless. Yes. Aluna yearner. Young Dean, they asked McCulley when will the day of judgment be? Yo Mel who myelin you've done? It will be the Day when they will be tormented with the fire.

01:08:31 --> 01:09:17

Zuko fifth Netta comhair the levy can be here the strategy alone will be set to them. Taste your torment, this is what you were seeking tasting. May those who base their belief on conjecture be Doom, that is May Allah destroy those who tell lies against him realities, science and resort to falsehood in their attempt to refute truth, who say of Allah, that which they do not know, those who are steeped in ignorance that is they are immersed in disbelief, ignorance and misguidance and are heedless, they asked mockingly, that is by way of doubt and disbelief, when they will be resurrected thinking, thinking it unlikely. So do not ask about their situation and their bad fate on On the Day

01:09:17 --> 01:09:44

when they will be or the Day when they will be tormented with the fire. That is, they will be punished because of what they did of evil, both hidden and visible, and it will be set to them taste your torment, that is the punishment and the fire. There are the consequences of a disbelief this punishment to which you have ought typically come is that is what you were seeking tasted so now doing all kinds of punishment vineyards change fetters wrath a dupe

01:09:45 --> 01:09:56

in Turkey Nephi Jen, you are Oh you don't very The righteous will be a miss gardens and springs. TV

01:09:59 --> 01:10:00


01:10:00 --> 01:10:36

I'm in gang Cabela Gernika singing, receiving what their Lord will bestow upon them because before that they had been doers of good. Can Colleen and Mina Laney magic rune they used to they used to sleep a little at night or bill as her you still feel too soon. And before dawn, they will seek forgiveness or fee am learning him How can Wolfie am learning how

01:10:38 --> 01:11:20

elite one room and in their wealth, there was a do share for the beggar and the deprived. Here Allah says mentioning the reward of the righteous and the DS that brought them to the to that reward very the righteous. That is those who fear Allah and we're very pious and obedient. We'll be a bit gardens containing all kinds of cheese and fruit, that have equivalents in this world and those that have no earthly equivalent, such as such as eyes have never seen the lack thereof, ears have never heard of them. And they have never crossed the people's minds and springs that is flowing springs that irrigate the gardens and from which people drink, making them flow as they please, receiving

01:11:20 --> 01:11:46

what their Lord will bestow upon them. It may be that what is meant is that the Lord has given the people of paradise all that they wished for, of all kinds of delights, which they receive with content word with contentment, and which bring them joy and delight. And they do not ask for any alternative or seek any change. All of them will have attained bliss to such a degree that they will not ask for more. Or it may be

01:11:47 --> 01:12:26

in this verse Aquilina Mata boom, receiving what the Lord will bestow upon them the scholars will see a difference as to whether this is referring to the reward of the believers in the akhira in the afterlife, or whether it's referring to the reward in the dunya in this life, that they benefit from the blessings that Allah bestowed upon them and gave them an otter woman, as he often does. Both. What seems more apparent is the first that Allah azza wa jal is referring to the afterlife because Allah says in the verse in the Latina feature natural or human, they will be in Jannah. So Allah speaking about your monk Byam and hereafter and then he says, that they will receive will take from

01:12:26 --> 01:13:00

that which Allah azza wa jal gave to them, but the position or some of the scholars have seen such as a demand for poverty or Hamlet, Allah is other position. And that is that is referring to what they were given of the good in the dunya before that reward of Jana inna or it may be that this is a description of the righteousness world. They as they accept that they accept where Allah gives us commands and prohibitions. In other words, they welcomed them open heartedly and submit to what Allah commands complying with it in the most perfect manner, and they respond to his prohibited prohibitions by refraining for the sake of Allah, the most perfect manner for what Allah has given

01:13:00 --> 01:13:25

them of capacity prohibition is the best gift, which is, which deserves to be received with gratitude and submission to Allah. The forbidding is more appropriate to the context because the following verse gives a description of them and their deeds in this world, as Allah says, because before that, before they attain that bliss, they had been doers of good. This includes the Excellence in worship of the Lord, for they worship him as if they could see him.

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And although they could not see,

01:13:29 --> 01:14:06

although they could not see him, he sees that includes their kindness towards other people by benefiting them in terms of wealth or knowledge, or using them or using their status to help them or showing sincerity towards them, or joining what is right off the bat what is wrong, or other ways of showing kindness and doing good. That also includes speaking Kalia gently showing kindness to slaves at the animals, whether they are owed by people or not. One of the best kinds of doing good is worshiping the Creator by praying at night, which is indicative of of sincerity, out of harmony between what is in the heart and the words, what others heads Allah says they, namely the doers of

01:14:06 --> 01:14:44

good use to sleep a little at night, and that is their sleep and I was little. Most of the night was spent in devotion to the Lord by praying reading Quran remembering Allah calling upon him and besieging him, and in the position of the majority of the scholars cannot call either minion lady manager on that they would spend very little of the night sleeping, because they would spend the most majority of it if not most of it in Yama laden praying. And it is reported from some of the companions that the fear of this verse is that they would pray between Maori Benicia make nothing between Maori by Russia that's also from the prayer of the night and it's a sunnah that is neglected

01:14:44 --> 01:14:59

because the reporting of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and more than one occasion, the Companions would come, and he would stay in the masjid between Maghrib and Aisha, and they would just pray to after two after two of the two between the two Salas, that is also from the prayer of the night to some of the companions men

01:15:00 --> 01:15:32

And especially for those people that find it difficult to break the mundane. You're not going to wake up at night difficult for you, you have work and so on. But you have to stay awake. It's only like an hour or so between Maori Venetia, especially in the summer when the time isn't so long between the two prayers. And so this is something that the Companions is to also do. And so some of them said, that's what the law means here. What is meant here, but what is meant here is the knight in general and that predatory mode of inertia is just an example of it. No doubt the prayer, towards the last third of the night is more virtuous because of the many a hadith that speak about its

01:15:32 --> 01:16:06

virtue and reward. What are the what are the best kinds of doing good is washed with the creative by praying at night, which is indicative of sincerity and of harmony between what's in the heart and the words when others hence Allah says, they, namely the doers of good use of sleep a little at night, there is the sleep at night was little, most of the night was spent in devotion to their Lord, by pray, read the Quran. Remember, Allah calling upon him embassy check him and before DOD, that is the time just before dawn, they will seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. This is also someone that has been elected for those people that prayer night, often people pray all the way

01:16:06 --> 01:16:42

towards Fajr time when they pray their withdrawal very close towards Fajr. But the Sunnah of the prophets of Allah, Allah was sentiments that he would know he would give a gap between the time of Atlanta between his return he would have a gap between them, or at least the end of his family unit was going to pray with the later between the end of his career Moline and between Fudger, they wouldn't be a gap that he would rest that he would stop because as Allah says, we'll build as hard on the work of all the time of Sahara is the time before fragile, where you have to use the whole comes from the same word, that 20 minutes or so 25 minutes between before Fajr that is the work of

01:16:42 --> 01:17:17

all the time of Sahaja. What do they do that they make it still far, they don't pray, they make us the fall so they pray during the night. Then in that short gap between all that short time span between the federal the spending seeking Allah's forgiveness. And so this is also something which we found a number of our teachers used to really play late at night, half an hour or so left, 20 minutes left, they would stop. And they would just sit and make liquor and make your stuff out. They will make their prayer last until the time just before dawn, then at the end of the night, but then at the end of the night prayers, they would ask Allah Subhana Allah for forgiveness in the manner of

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a sinner seeking forgiveness for a sin, as you often get in many of the acts of worship, even the Salawat when you pray your five daily prayers and you say you make the decision was the first thing you say stockfeed Allah staford Allah staford Allah. So these people have spent the whole night in prayer look how Allah azza wa jal honors them. He says to them dedicate a time 1520 10 minutes making still far after what is one of the greatest acts of optional worship that a person can perform. Praying for forgiveness before dawn is an act that has a special virtue and a character and character that is not present present. At other times, as Allah subhanaw taala says, describing the

01:17:53 --> 01:18:08

people of faith and obedience, those who pray for forgiveness before dawn, and in their wealth, there was a do share, whether obligatory or recommended for the beggar and the deprived, there is for the needy, who ask of people and those who do not ask

01:18:09 --> 01:18:11

what fill out the

01:18:13 --> 01:18:29

painting in the earth there are saw in the earth science for those whose faith is certain, what we foresee come, fly, to build your own, and also in your own selves, we not then see

01:18:30 --> 01:18:31

what this

01:18:33 --> 01:18:43

is going to do. And in the heaven is your provision and all that you are promised for our business.

01:18:45 --> 01:18:48

You will be in who will help

01:18:54 --> 01:19:36

you to learn by the Lord of heaven and earth. This is certainly certainly true, as true as a fact of your speaking. He Allah says calling his slaves to think and reflect in the earth or science for those whose faith is certain. That includes the Earth itself. And all that is on it, of mountains, seas, rivers, trees and plants that direct direct the intention of the one the direct the attention of the one who reflects upon them and ponder their significance to the greatness of the creator of their Creator, the vastness of his power, the comprehensive nature of his generosity, and how his knowledge encompasses all things, both visible and invisible. Likewise in the individual, himself,

01:19:36 --> 01:19:59

there are lessons and signs of Divine Wisdom and mercy which indicate that Allah alone is the one the the unique, the eternal, that no one creates, but he and then Heaven is your provision. That is the origin of your provision, in the form of rain and whatever decrease from a decrease come down from heaven provision, both spiritual worldly and automatons often does

01:20:00 --> 01:20:33

as he takes it there see that is the most general in the heaven is your provision, meaning that there is provision in terms of the rain that is sent. And that's a form of provision, but also what Allah has decreed for your provision in terms of your wealth and other things. That's also there. And also in terms of your Eman, that's the type of provision what Allah azza wa jal gives you in terms of faith. And in terms of Eman, that's a provision from the provisions of Allah subhanaw taala. And so rather than choosing one position, instead of the other one has one opinion instead of the other, the author his methodologist, we've said interfere is if the verse can accommodate all of

01:20:33 --> 01:20:36

those positions, what are those opinions, then you use all of them.

01:20:37 --> 01:20:58

And all that your promise of require in this world and the hereafter it comes down from Allah like all other decrees, having pointed out the signs in such a way that the smart person would pay heed, Allah subhanaw taala swears that has promised and Ricardo are true. And he likens that to the most obvious thing to us, which is our speech. And Allah says, by the Lord of heaven and earth, this is certainly true.

01:20:59 --> 01:21:05

As true as the fact of your speaking so just as you do not doubt your speech, you should not doubt the resurrection after death.

01:21:06 --> 01:21:19

* attack Ahadi through the fable or he may Mukuro me has ever come to you the story of the honored guests of Ibrahim is the hollow lay folk or lose

01:21:20 --> 01:21:34

color Salah Kang, I'm Karen, when they came to him and said Peace, he said and upon you BPCE you're strangers to me, for all Isla

01:21:36 --> 01:21:37

de federal

01:21:39 --> 01:21:46

ABA joining salmon. Then he went quietly to his household and brought a fatted calf.

01:21:48 --> 01:22:08

According to Robert, who you lay him call Kulu to he placed before them and said will you not eat fat? Oh yes, I mean, FIFA called Lulu of Wabash through the mean Holly Halle

01:22:10 --> 01:22:13

Wabasha rubeola Amin Ali,

01:22:16 --> 01:22:23

he can see he can see the fear of them. They said Fear not engage and give him the glad tidings of Sun endod With knowledge

01:22:25 --> 01:22:28

for our Cabela team, to feel sorry

01:22:29 --> 01:22:41

for soccer towards your head, we'll call it June it is his wife cried out loud, struck her face and said how can that be when I am a barren old woman?

01:22:42 --> 01:23:30

Kalu can cada Alec a call or book in who will hacky Moon Isley. They said they said this says your Lord. Well, he is most wise, all knowing has come to you that is has not come to you the story of the honored guest of Ibrahim for his a strange and wondrous story. They were angels from they were angels whom Allah sent to destroy the people of Lord. And he commanded them to pass by Brahim. So they came to him in the form of human guests. When they came to him and said Peace, he said in response to the greeting, and upon you the peace, you are strangers to me, that is your people alone. And I want to tell and I want you to tell me who you are. He did not know who they were, they

01:23:30 --> 01:24:08

weren't until after that. Hence, he went quietly to his family. In other words, he slipped away discreetly, to bring them to bring food for them and brought a fatted calf. He placed it before them. That is he presented the food to them. And that is one of the etiquettes of Ibrahim Ali salatu salam. And the herbs are known for the generosity and for the hospitality. And look, I brought him on, he saw to some group of people that are strangers to him that he doesn't know that he has no idea who they are. But as they are guests in his house, he goes and he gives them what is probably something precious to him. And he goes and he brings to them not any type of animal or a fatted

01:24:08 --> 01:24:41

animal, one that is well fed, so that he can present it to them stored the whole car for them, so that they can eat from it out of hospitality towards them. And said, Well, you know, he received a fear of them. When he saw that their heads, they're not reached out for the food. They don't eat because the angels in the forms of human so even though they've taken human form, there's two angels and the angels don't need to eat and they don't need to drink. And so when he saw this, because it's a strange when you go to someone's house as a guest and they give you food, unless maybe you're fasting and you tell them that you're fasting, but you don't eat anything. That's strange behavior.

01:24:41 --> 01:25:00

And so he feared that there's an ulterior motive that these guests have completely they're strangers. So obviously they're not from the town so they must have traveled a great distance to come. And now they must be hungry. So he's given them this food and his good food is nice food is fresh, and they don't eat so he feared from them that they came for some other reason. Yes.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:38

said feared and they told him what they had cub for. It gave him the glad tidings of a dog with the knowledge they believe is help. And he said, This is the position of many of the scholars with difficile that the child that is being referred to as we mentioned that there's zero Surah Hood. The child that has been mentioned in this particular incident and story is hack, or a Salatu was Salam. Banaras Marielle is married as described in the Quran as olam Halleen the forbearing son forbearing means patient why? Because he was patient upon the trials that his father put him through Minister number one to start to you takes a great deal of patience to submit to that type of, of instruction

01:25:38 --> 01:26:17

from your father. So Allah azza wa jal calls him Helene calls him the patient forbearing one is what is referred to as being Earlene. And we mentioned when we did the zero Surah who the reason for that, because then the angels gave them the glad tidings of his heart when we were out, he is happy, and after him, there will come Iacob so Allah azza wa jal gave three primary Islam beforehand, the glad tidings from the Sunday will come a grandson by the name of Jakob, so then, if it was is married, is married Ali Salam, if he was the one that was going to be stopped, because it's called as different as to which of the two sons of Ibrahim was the take to be slaughtered, the position of

01:26:17 --> 01:26:53

the majority is in the stronger position is that it is married, because this marine is the one that he doesn't know his future. So it makes sense that he's going to stop him, he's already been told that it's hard to live, grow up, marry, have children, Yakubu comm so to start a child that you know, is going to live with have children of his own, isn't the same as slaughtering a child that you haven't been given that guarantee for, and that is a position, as we said, the majority of scholars and anyway, it is a position where some of the scholars different models best when his wife had the glad tidings, she cried out loud, with joy struck her face, which is something that women do

01:26:53 --> 01:27:23

when they are happy. And they say, do other things that are contrary to ordinary behavior, and said, How can that be when I am a barren old woman? That is how can I have a child when I am an old woman who is past childbearing age, and moreover, I am bearing in my womb has never been fit to bear a child. So there are two impediments, of which each of which, on its own is sufficient to prevent me of having a child. A third impediment is mentioned in sort of Hood. What she said.

01:27:24 --> 01:28:04

And this husband of mine is an old men, that that would be a strange thing indeed. They said, The says your Lord that is that is is Allah who has decreed and ordained that and there's nothing strange about the mind and power of Allah subhanaw taala. Rarely, he is what most wives are knowing that as he does or is appropriate and encompasses all things by His knowledge. So submit his decree and show gratitude to him for his blessings. Smiley's salatu salam was already born. Smiley slam is born before it's Huck. And it's Magadi Sam is the one that is left as we know with his mother Hydra in the valley of Mecca, is left there that is Brahim Ali Salam goes to Sarah Sarah is is his wife.

01:28:04 --> 01:28:30

He goes on he settled in the area of Hashem. That's where he settled out in salatu salam and that is where he's given the glad tidings of is how poly salatu salam says Huck is the second son of Ibrahim Ali salatu salam. And with that we come to the end of the 26th jewels of the Quran. So inshallah Tada we will pause here for today BarakAllahu Li Ka masala betta Muhammad, where are the major marine cinematic

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