Ahsan Hanif – Quran Tafseer – Page 60 – Only Worship Allah Alone
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Santa Monica mitula he or barakato Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allah Akbar to remove the pain Allah Organa Illa Allah Allah demean or shadow Allah Ilaha illa Allah who had the hula Shikara Illa who Oberlin Allah He didn't wish to do and then the Vienna Mohammad Abdu hora, su Mustafa Al Amin Allahumma salli wa salim Mubarak and I'm Dakota Seleka Muhammad Ali, he was a huge marine and back Welcome to another episode of relative sea page by page and inshallah Allah. Today we are on page number 60 of the Quran, which is the third Jos surah. Two earlier Imran, in the previous episode, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned to us a number of principles and a number of
etiquettes the way that the Muslim should be. And one of the things that we said at the beginning on the outset of our two zero Surah to earlier Imran is that the surah speaks about many of the of the principles that the Muslims should have, especially when it comes to dealing with the outside world. So Surah Baqarah spoke a lot about belief and so on. This surah speaks about a lot of the etiquettes and the way that a Muslim should be an Allah azza wa jal gives us these examples in a number of ways from them in these passages that we can see in terms of the the discourse that is being mentioned. And the the topic that is mentioned concerning the people of the past scriptures.
So the Muslim as we're going through these episodes, and these pages and these verses of Surah Al Imran, you must constantly remember that when Allah subhanaw taala is telling you to have integrity, telling it to uphold your pledges didn't get to be truthful and honest and so on and so forth. This is the way that the Muslim should be, because this is what will strengthen them in terms of the Eman in Allah azza wa jal and a person who has the type of integrity and the type of strength is more likely to be a person who uphold the laws of Allah subhanaw taala and the pledges of Allah azza wa jal as opposed to a person who doesn't necessarily have that strength of character. And so, Allah
azza wa jal gives to us a number of examples in this surah of this. And today's passage or to this page is something which continues within that same topic if you like, well, that same theme in verse number 78. Where we begin today Allah subhanaw taala says
our although bIllahi min ash shaytaan the regime
we're in I mean, whom left very quickly, Ilona and Senator Bill Kitabi data Cebu Meenal kita be one man who I mean Ankita be known or Elko, Luna who I mean ring de la UMN who Amin de la he was known and Allah He didn't care the Bologna Allah moon, there are some who twisted scripture with their tongues, to make you think that what they see is part of the scripture when there is not. They see it as from Allah when it is not the attribute lies to Allah azza wa jal, and they know that that is the case.
Allah subhanaw taala says that there are from amongst those people and again, this comes to this issue of integrity, the issue of honesty, when you come across revelation, and this applies to us as Muslims as well, we come across something in the Quran and the Sunnah, that maybe doesn't really mesh or go with our desires, what we want what we feel more comfortable doing or what society is doing at large. And so therefore he makes us stand out, makes us stand apart makes us look different. We have a choice that we make, and there's a conscious choice that we make, either we believe in the Quran strongly enough and the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and
were devout and Western seer and the love that we have for Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam overcomes everything else. And so therefore with pride and with confidence and with Eman, we stand and we complete a we perform and uphold what Allah azza wa jal wants from us, though, the second choice is that actually, we're not so sure that we have this thing where we would rather twist and change or try to find a way out, I'm not speaking about valid differences of opinion that exist amongst the scholars, because those have their place in our religion. I'm speaking about issues that are from the fundamentals that more or less one of the scholars accept and agree upon.
But it doesn't really go with what society is saying what our desires want, or what we feel comfortable doing. And so therefore, we're kind of going to find a way not to do that. That's something that you hear very common, when it's whether it's to do with a woman's head job, or a brother's beard, or whatever it may be certain things that we will just kind of say x is not really part of the original milk. Well, we'll try to find a way out because we don't feel very comfortable.
Those issues, we make a conscious choice in the way that we're going to behave. And yes, one of those choices may be more comfortable in the dunya
But in terms of our integrity and character and Eman, it is the least of the two choices that is the worst of the two choices. The other one may make us more uncomfortable in the dunya. But it is something which upholds our integrity in terms of our belief and our duty to our Lord and Creator subhanho wa Taala Allah azza wa jal, therefore in this verse 78, he says, that from the lack of integrity is people who therefore change the Scripture. And just as that happens amongst other people and other nations and other religions, that are amongst the Muslim, those who attempt to do so that's why the Scholars play an important role, when they remove those, those those
misinterpretations those those those 14 interpretations from the religion, and they say actually, no, that is incorrect. The true understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah, the way that was understood by the companions and early scholars of Islam. This is the true stem that we should follow. Allah azza wa jal, it says that from amongst the people of the book are those who twist the Scriptures with their tongue to make you think that what they see is part of the scripture when there is not to make you think that something is part of the scripture or the answer is not or to remove something from the scripture when there is a part of it. Both of those, either you take
something and remove it or you add something to it which is not from it, and they say it is from Allah, even though it is not from Allah subhana wa Tada where poo Luna and Allah He Kevi but welcome your Allah moon, and rather what they're saying about Allah azza wa jal is they're attributing lies to him, and they know that what they are doing is false. And that is why the role of the teacher the scholar, the Imam is so important in our religion. People have trustworthiness, people have true knowledge, people have fear and piety of Allah azza wa jal, people of integrity is something which is so important. And therefore for me, I knew as average Muslims as the Muslims, these people, we
have to be very careful in terms of who we choose to take our religion from. And the general phenomenon that we see in our time, I'll just take down religion from any YouTube clip, or any social media post, or anyone that may dress and look like a scholar, we don't really know their credentials, we don't need to know that bonafide, we just simply take from them, and accept what they see as being the truth, and our religion. There is an extremely dangerous methodology in terms of seeking your knowledge of your religion and knowing what the religion states. And that is why from throughout history, our religion has this this tradition of knowledge going from teacher to
student student becomes the teacher, then you pass it on to the next student, and so on from generation to generation. And those people even until today are well known. And they are visible, and they are known through their knowledge through the character through their piety, through their ibadah, their worship, and so on. Those are the people who don't necessarily seek fame. They're not the ones that maybe have the most likes, and the most greatest following on social media, the most views, sometimes they may and sometimes they may not, but that is not the criteria by which they are determined. But rather when you go to the people of knowledge, they will point you towards the
people of knowledge. And when you see the sincerity in terms of they're not looking for what is popular, or what is something which will draw the crowds, but they're looking to call people to Allah and to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They're not calling towards their own ego or to their own name or to their own brand, but they're calling to the brand of the religion which is the Allah said, His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The scholars of the cell have said are the Rahmatullah. That is how you notice who these people are.
And that is what Allah azza wa jal it says in verse number 80, Allah azza wa jal will give us this principle, which is extremely important Mercan and evasion in order to hula hula Kitab I will talk now when Naboo from my opponent in Nursey corner a Baddeley MS Dhoni Allah He was working, working corner of Bernina Bhima can to earn the Moodle kita by will be makan to do soon. Now person to Allah has given the Scripture wisdom and profit or whatever say, be my servant and not Allah's, rather they would say you should be devoted to Allah because you have taught the Scripture and studied it closely. It is not befitting no prophet of Allah, no true scholar of Islam, no person who truly
knows the religion would call to themselves to their own brand to themselves who would say for example, worship me besides Allah azza wa jal worship me and follow me and don't follow the revelation. Take my understanding of Islam, for example for us as Muslims, and oh take the understanding of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions of the Allahu Allah which mean, but rather what they would say is cool, no Rabbani and be people who are dutiful in your worship to Allah azza wa jal, and some of the scholars said the meaning of Rabbani is that they are scholars true scholars with understanding under the said that these are the people who when they
teach knowledge, they start with the foundations before they go on to the more advanced issues. They want people to come closer to Allah azza wa jal, so they're not looking for the most popular method, or the one that will give them the most fame or power or influence the
They're looking at the way and the methodology that we're calling them to Allah azza wa jal in the best of ways. And that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he starts, he doesn't have mass appeal. It doesn't have mass following. He starts with a few people. But he stays true to his principles and true to his core. He doesn't say, Oh, this story, the issue is a problem, right? If I caught you through Haider al Qaeda is going to make people go off me, because that's what was happening amongst Quraysh. So let me focus on things that everyone can accept. And I'll deal with this later. No, he focused on what is the most important thing and this is sometimes what we hear
today amongst Muslims. Why are you teaching it the way you're teaching to hate is such a dry, archaic subject, people have bigger issues, called them to other things that we all can unite upon. And these things aren't so important. And that is a gross misunderstanding in terms of our religion. There is a way that we call people to Allah subhanaw taala. And if we don't correct the foundation of our religion, in terms of its belief, then what is left after that in terms of everything else. And so the true people are those who call to Allah azza wa jal based upon what they study from the scripture, and the knowledge that they have been given. In verse eight, Allah azza wa jal says that
a prophet and the angels will never therefore call to themselves besides Allah, Wallah. Moral that you don't matter. You gotta be in our Baba, Moroccan mill Kufri.
To Muslim on, he will never command you to take angels and prophets as Lord, how could he command you to be disbelievers? After you have devoted yourselves to Allah azza wa jal? Does it make sense that Allah subhanaw taala would tell and command the prophets and angels to call to themselves besides Allah azza wa jal?
And if that doesn't make sense, and there are prophets of Allah and the noble Angels of Allah subhanaw taala, then how can it make sense for anyone that is below them in status and station? How can it make sense for a scholar or for an acronym, or for an Imam, or for a shackle, whoever it may be, that they according towards themselves, besides Allah subhanaw taala and that doesn't always necessarily mean obviously at the at the greatest level, there is referring to shift and referring to call for that they want to be called besides Allah azza wa jal, but it has also manifested in much smaller ways. When a person says follow my way as opposed to the way of the scholars and the
Companions follow my understanding as opposed to what we find in the sunnah or I will change or I will give to you my interpretation of the understanding of the Quran and the Sunnah. And that is what you must abide by. That is also greatly problematic. And that is why one of the signs of a true scholar is that they don't call except to what Allah said and what His Prophet said, some Allahu Allah will send them and if you find someone who's constantly saying this upon their tongue, Allah said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, This companion said, that Imam said, from the well known accepted Imams of Islam, from the time of the companions, all the way until our time
today, that is a sign inshallah to Allah of goodness, and of sincerity. But really, the only way for you to be able to determine that is for you to seek knowledge for yourself, for you to learn, also be from Monster abahani. Go to those people who teach the foundations of knowledge, and then they build you up, just like all of us sought an education in terms of our schooling, you go and you start a kindergarten or nursery, and you build your way up through primary and secondary secondary levels of education. Because you start with the basics and you build yourself up. And you've reached a certain level and understanding maturity now that if someone wants to come to you and see
something like, oh, gravity doesn't exist, or two plus two conical four, or whatever it may be, you have enough grounding to be able to differentiate between what makes sense and what doesn't make sense, what is true and what is incorrect. The shame of the issue is, however, when it comes to our religion, many of us are still very ignorant. We lacked that ability and that knowledge to differentiate between what is correct and what is incorrect. We wouldn't know if someone was to send us a YouTube video or a social media post or someone was to come and appear to us and say something, and they were to quote Quran and Sunnah, because many of those sects that are misguided, just as the
Jews and the Christians and others use scripture, they use Scripture as well amongst the Muslims. But we can't differentiate between is that the correct understanding or not, is that what the Imams really said, and the Companions really stood for or not, we don't know the difference. And it is difficult to know and determine until you've reached a certain level of knowledge, even if it is a solid foundation of knowledge so that people can't just come pull the wool over your eyes deceive you say something that is flashy, or say something in a certain way that is maybe moving and hot softening, and you just follow it not really knowing what is correct or incorrect.
Allah subhana data says concerning the prophets in verse number 81
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30 KM is Li Ka LW a Corona call f a shadow an American Manisha he Deen Allah azza wa jal took a pledge from the Prophet saying, If, after I have bestowed scripture and wisdom upon you, a messenger confirming what you have been given, comes to, you must believe in him and support him. Do you affirm this and accept my pledge as binding upon you? They said we do. He said, Then bear witness and I too, shall bear witness. Allah subhanaw taala is mentioning in this verse, something which we spoke about earlier in the previous episode, and that is one of the covenants that Allah azza wa jal took from all of the prophets and this is one of the major evidences and reasons and justifications
as to why we believe that the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam abrogates everything that came before it. And that is not permissible for a pastor to say yes, I accept Muhammad as a prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but I would rather prefer to follow Isa he was a prophet as well. Or Musa he was a prophet as well. Od Brahim. He was a prophet of who as well. I don't follow them is I accept the prophets of salaam as being a messenger of God, but I would rather be upon the way of Isa or Musa that is not something which is enough, it is not something which is sufficient part of believing in the prophets of Allah who it was sending this not only to believe
that it was the final messenger of Allah, but that the only way to salvation unto Allah azza wa jal is through the pathani left sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is the pledge that Allah took from all of the profits from the time of Adam, until the time of reciting salatu salam because Lisa Ali Salam was the prophet the last prophet that came before our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Allah took the pledge from them, that once I have anointed you as prophets and messengers, you have received revelation and wisdom. And then if there was to emerge in your time, a messenger that confirms that which you have been given, meaning you know that the Messenger of Allah, they confirm the same message, the calling to towhee, the calling to Allah, they have the signs of a Prophet from Allah azza wa jal, the pledge that Allah took from them is let me know Nabi you will believe in him. accept him as being Allah's Messenger, not only that, but also one atom Sona you will support him and aid him meaning that you will be from his followers. And this is why as we said before, in a
previous episode, in the Hadith of the Allahu, when he wants appeared before the prophets of Allah while he was setting them holding parchments from the Torah, and he was reading them, the prophets on Allah where it was sending became angry and he said to Mr. That if Mousavi Salam was to be alive today, he would also have to follow me. Meaning you don't need to seek revelation or guidance from the Scriptures The Quran is sufficient for you. Because if Mousavi salaam was living today, he wouldn't be following the Torah either. He would be following the Quran, the revelation that was given to me. And as we mentioned before, also, that is why towards the end of time towards human
piano, when Allah azza wa jal decrees that the Prophet Ricciardi Sam will descend to earth again at the time of the John. Once he defeats the John and his army, he will become the leader of the Muslims, and he will judge not according to his own laws and Sharia, or according to the gospel that he was given, but rather he will judge according to the laws in the Sharia of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will use the Quran and the Sunnah. That is what he will judge upon it, his Salatu was Salam, which shows to you therefore, that these messengers of Allah, Allah Azza, wa jal is telling us very explicitly in this verse, that this is the covenant that Allah took from them. If
the messenger is done, Allahu Allah, he was sending us to come in your time in the role of them, were therefore aware that our time will soon come, when Allah will cause a will, will, will will, will bring out a final messenger. And after that Prophet and Messenger, there will be no more. And this messenger, his religion will be universal, as opposed to every prophet that came before that was sent specifically to only his nation. So therefore, if he emerges in your time, you must accept him, because we know that there were times when multiple prophets lived at one time, Ibrahim and Lord and His heart and he's married, and they are all brand new stuff. And as we mentioned before,
Zakariya yeah here is that. There were times when multiple prophets lived in the same time they were alive at the same time. If the messenger said Allah, what are you selling Muhammad comes and one of those times, then you must follow Him and accept Him. Whereas before each prophet would have its own nation, his own laws, and they were distinct from one another, even though they call the overall Paul was the same in terms of the heat of Allah, its origin, Allah subhanaw taala said to them, according to my, to my daddy chemistry, do you accept this and bind that this pledge is binding upon you on a Corona? All of them said we accept Karla fish who were an American Minister he then so
therefore the followers of these prophets and messengers it's not sufficient for them to say no, we follow
Jesus we follow Moses we follow know Abraham know, if the prophets of Allah made the covenant, then surely those who claim to follow them must also accept the covenant and follow it through as well. And that is one last words and then says in verse 82, fermentable Labranda decaf Iike human fasting on. Those who turn away after this are the ones who break that pledge. They are the ones who have done evil. Meaning if this is the pledge given to the Prophets and messengers of Allah and you claim to follow them, but you're not willing to take the pledge that was made by those that you claim to follow, then that is something which is tantamount to evil and corruption. And that is when Allah
azza wa jal then says in the investment of 83, the last verse that we will take in today's episode of A hero de la he Yerba Buena wala who Islam mn wa T one all the time on how la he'll Gerawan do the Sikh, anything other than submission to Allah, for indeed everything in the heavens and the earth submits to him willingly or unwillingly, they will all be returned to him. Allah subhanaw taala says in this verse, that what do they want other than to submit to Allah azza wa jal and to follow the religion the true religion of Allah and Allah azza wa jal as he mentioned earlier on in Surah, two earlier Imran he tells us the true religion is Islam in Medina in the law in Islam,
indeed, the only religion acceptable to Allah azza wa jal is Islam. So therefore, if all of the prophets were on the scene core message of Tawheed and all of them agreed and affirmed and made a pledge with Allah, that they would follow the messenger of Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, what more do you need? And what more do you want? Do you want to submit to other than Allah? And if you want to submit to other than Allah, then know that everything in the heavens and the earth ultimately submits to Allah azza wa jal, either willingly as the Muslims do in terms of all of the free choice and options that we have. We choose to follow Allah, over and above not following
Allah azza wa jal or unwillingly meaning that everyone comes under the universal decree of Allah no one can escape death. No one can escape Allah's judgment. No one can escape what Allah azza wa jal has prepared in terms of reward or punishment. These are stages that everyone has to go through. So whether you wish to or not, Allah azza wa jal is the one who ultimately you must submit to, but Allah azza wa jal has given you free choice in this life, to choose willingly to submit to Him in matters of belief and in matters of worship, and following the messengers and know that you will all return to your Lord and Creator Allah subhanho wa taala. And with that, we come to the end of
today's episode of Ask Allah azza wa jal that he keeps his firm upon the street pattern of Allah azza wa jal gives us an understanding of the Quran and allows us to contemplate and reflect over its versus the meanings and that Allah subhanaw taala mixes from most people who take the knowledge and apply it and mixes from the people of the Quran. Those people that Allah azza wa jal has favored and honored that Allah subhanaw taala that he makes the Quran a evidence on our behalf and not against us, and that Allah azza wa jal makes the Quran and intercessors an intercessor for us on the Day of Judgment and you mix us from amongst those people who want to Yama will recite and read the Quran
and elevate in status with every verse of the Quran that they read. We ask Allah subhanaw taala that he shows his mercy and blessings upon us and our families and that Allah azza wa jal krytus All and keep steadfast and grants us His reward and His mercy and forgiveness BarakAllahu li wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ultramarine wa salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah. You
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