Ahsan Hanif – One Ummah Conference 2011 Better Than Best

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The importance of pursuing religion to gain knowledge and knowledge of the creator is emphasized, as well as the need for continuous improvement and achieving satisfaction. The importance of affirming oneself and acknowledging others' opinions is emphasized, as well as the need for individuals to have a clear view of their own success and empowerment. A woman named Connie highlights the need for people to have a clear view of their own success and empowerment.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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in the hamdu lillahi wa ala Muhammad ohana stallion ohana stop Pharaoh who wanted to boo LA, Naruto Billahi min ash orian fusina huaming sejahtera Melina Mejia de la hufa la Mulana woman you follow her Deanna was wa Chateau La ilaha illAllah hola hola Sheree Kara wash. Bianna. wasI Donna Mohammed and Abdo Rasulullah Salallahu been happy Bina yada yes Archie Bashir ohana VIERA, whether you're in LA he be evening he was he Raja monniera sallallahu wasallam albaraka Li,

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Li, B he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira

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ama bond.

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam

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Why have we come out today?

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Why have we taken the time and the effort

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put in some financial

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pulling some financial investment in order to come to this place? What drives us and brings us out to come here?

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Why have we come out in this very cold weather?

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Why have we come out in order to gather together in this place? What is the single purpose that drives us?

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that purpose for me and for you is to study the religion of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. That purpose for me and for you, is to come closer to Allah azza wa jal, that purpose for me and for you is to worship Allah with one of the most beautiful acts of worship, and one of the most beloved acts towards him subhana wa Taala. And that is the act of remembering him of seeking knowledge of learning his religion and his laws of learning the Koran and his the son of the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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But why?

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Why do we want to learn all of this? What is the reason that drives us to seek knowledge? What is the reason that we don't just stay home and go on the internet? We don't just buy DVDs or read books, but we take the time and the effort and we motivate ourselves and come and attend.

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It is because we seek the love of Allah. It is because we seek the pleasure of Allah azza wa jal and Allah alone.

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And this reminds me of a very beautiful Hadith, a hadith which pertains to our situation here, and to the topic that I wish to discuss before you today.

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an Imam Muslim Rahim Allah who tala he narrates this beautiful Hadith on authority of Abu huraira robiola one that our beloved prophet and messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala has angels that are on the earth, these angels scour the earth, their only sole responsibility and job the reason for which they have been created is to journey upon the earth.

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Why? What is it that they seek? What is it that they wish to find? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that they journey upon the earth, looking for the gatherings of remembrance, looking for the gatherings of knowledge, where people have come out, whether in the masjid or other than a Masjid, whether as a small group or a large big auditorium and Hall, they have come out to remember the Lord subhanahu wa taala. So these angels come and they find such a gathering. And we ask a lot of silver gel that he makes this gathering from amongst them.

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They come and they find the gathering. So they surround the gathering, and they place their wings one upon another

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Until they have completely surrounded the gathering. And then another group of angels, who have also been created for this purpose, who also have the same job and responsibility, they to come. And they settle on top of the first ring of angels, and ring after ring continues to set all angels upon angels upon angels, until the earth and the first heavens are filled with angels, that gathering that surrounded gathering between the earth and the heavens, it was filled with Angel, one above another. And those angels remain in their place, and they stay, so long as the people who have come out to seek knowledge and to remember Allah remain in their places.

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And then

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when the people decide that they should leave, and they make their own ways back home, the angels ascend, they leave the gathering, and they ascend, and they go to their lords of Hana who, what Allah who is above the seven heavens above his throne, subhanho, wa Taala.

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And they go to their Lord, and olara zildjian looks at them, and he receives them, and he asks them, even though he is more knowledgeable of them and of us, but he asks them to prove a point, to show us a lesson, to prove to us a wisdom that he has subhanahu wa taala. He asks them mean energy.

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Where have you come from? And so the angels reply, oh, our Lord, we have come from a group of people who gathered for the sake of you, for your sake and your sake, alone. They gathered remembering you and glorifying you, and praising you, and attesting that none has the right to be worshipped except you, and they were asking of you. Yes, my dear brothers and sisters, the reason why we have come out and gathered in this way, in this place, is not only to study this religion, but also to ask of Allah to make dua to him. subhanho wa Taala. And so a lot of xojo asks angels, one mother, yes, Luna Nene. And what do they seek from me? What do they ask of me? And the angels reply? Yes, Luna, aka

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genatech they ask you on law for your paradise. And if you didn't know why we seek knowledge, if you don't know why we remember Allah azza wa jal, then this is the answer. We remember him subhanahu wa taala, in the hope that his act of worship will bring us closer to him. And by this act of worship, Allah will envelope us with His mercy and forgiveness, and he will enter us into His pleasure and into his paradise.

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They ask you a law for your agenda. So Allah asks them, Well, hello, Jonathan. And have these individuals seen my paradise? Have they seen the reward that is awaiting those who have my pleasure?

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And the angels reply truthfully, law, you

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know, over law, they have not seen your paradise. They have not seen your power dice. Not only have they not seen it, but we are unable to imagine it.

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They have not seen it.

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And so a lot azzawajal asks them a rhetorical question. What k follower Oh, janati? And how would they be? Had they seen my paradise? Have they been able to actually see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears and be able to fathom and comprehend with their own minds and believe with their hearts? If they had only seen my agenda, then how much more would this increase them in their love of meaning, in their worship of me, in their remembrance of me, in striving to be better than what they already are?

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And the Hadith, my dear brothers and sisters, doesn't end there. But Allah subhanho wa Taala. After mentioning this, he waits for the angels and the angels say, Oh Allah. And it's not only that they ask of you, but rather they also seek refuge in You. They also seek refuge in You. And so Allah asks, from what do they seek refuge? And the angels reply, they seek refuge from you.

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magnetic from the punishment and anger and wrath of Allah from jahannam.

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And so, Allah azzawajal asks them another rhetorical question. Well, hello, oh janati will hold her own.

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And have they seen my fire? Have they seen this punishment that I have prepared for those who disbelieve in me and those who disobey me?

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And they reply Overlord, no, they have not seen it. So Alonzo Virgil asks, What k follower own Ari, and how much more would they fear me? And how much more would they seek refuge in me had the scene that fire? Had they seen my punishment?

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And then he remained silent. And then the angel say, oh, alarm law. And this is not on a one law. Not only do they ask of you, and seek refuge in You, but they also ask for your forgiveness, that you forgive them for their sins, that you wipe the slate clean.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, to His angels, one of the most noble of his creations, he says to them, bear witness, that I have forgiven those people, and that I have given given and granted them that which they have requested, and I have given them refuge from that which they seek refuge from.

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This is the single reward of gathering in this place. The reward of coming together and uniting in remembering Allah and in seeking knowledge and increasing our Eman. But the Hadith My dear brothers and sisters, it doesn't end.

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The angels continue. And they say, Oh Allah, Fie him or abdomen hapa in Mora be him for jealous amerihome amongst those people, amongst this gathering over law, there is an individual, a person, hopper of many sins of much evil of many mistakes. He didn't come out in order to remember you. She didn't come out in order to seek knowledge, but rather they passed by and they saw the people gathered. So they came in and they sat down,

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they passed by, or they will drive by one of their friends or encouraged by one of their family, begrudgingly not wanting to come, but ultimately deciding to attend. So will will love angels asked what about that individual whose intention is not sincere, who never had the intention to come out to seek knowledge to remember you and he or she is a person of sin.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, One who have fought and as for him or her, then I have also forgiven them.

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In Houma, la Combe la Yash Baba Hinduism. Indeed, these people that have gathered, this audience that has gathered, these believers that have gathered, they are such people, that those who wish and choose to sit with them will not be deprived from their good, they will not be deprived from the rewards that they receive. Subhan Allah, what a beautiful Hadith to come together, to learn about our religion, to seek knowledge about our religion, to remember a law, an increase in a man, an increase in the the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, and Islam that we have.

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That insha Allah we are all forgiven and entered into the paradise of Allah and saved from his punishment and his fire and even those amongst us, who may not have come out willingly, because of the blessed companionship and because of the blessings surrounding and because of the purity and nobility of the intention of these people, then the two are gathered in their rank, they to achieve that status.

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And this, my dear brothers and sisters, brings me beautifully into this topic, the topic of being better than the best, the topping topic of excelling, the topic of wanting to strive and reach excellence in everything that we do.

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Why have we come out? Why do we attend? We attend for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala because as weak slaves as people who have mountains upon mountains of sins as people

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whose sins are vast as oceans, we know, we acknowledge, we recognize that we need to be better,

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that we need to come closer to Allah. That if we only pray the five daily prayers, then we need to stop praying for Yama lane, that if we only fast in the month of Ramadan, we need to fast outside of Ramadan. If we've only performed ombre, then we need to perform Hajj if we only give zakah when we need to give sadaqa as well. Why? Because it's not enough. Because no matter what we do, no matter how much we do, there is no short or to guarantee that Allah azzawajal has accepted our deeds. And so we continuously strive. We strive day from day, week to week, month to month, year to year. And so every single day is a miniscule improvement, a small improvement, a small step that we take upon

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this journey, a small step that we take upon this ladder, hoping to improve, hoping to be better today than we were yesterday. And when we look at the beautiful or on the speech of our Lord subhanho wa Taala and the beautiful sun and life of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the way that he nurtured his companions are the Allahu Akbar, whom we find this methodology, we find this principle, it is not enough for us as Muslims to suffice with what we are doing today. The Muslim is not the one who can simply sit back and say it is enough, I have done enough, there is enough here for me, I need to do no more. And this is why in this conference, you have these

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beautiful brothers and sisters who have taken out their time. And from six o'clock in the morning until past midnight in the night. And for weeks and months before these two days, they have been striving and working. Why? Because they know that no matter how good their deeds may be, they still need to do more. And so they are being selfish. Yes, they are being selfish. And what is the selfishness? What is this thing that they are being miserly and stingy over? It is reward. It is good deeds, it is wanting to come closer to Allah. Because for every single person that attends and for every single person who only learns even a single thing, those people who have that reward. And

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this is why when you look at our beloved Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, every single thing that we do there is good, then ultimately he gets the reward, because he was the one who first instructed us regarding it. He was the one who first guided us towards it. And so we as Muslims need to be stingy. We need to be stingy with our good deeds. We need to aim to be better than what we were before to be better than the best when you come to the masjid. And you find that there is a gap in the first row behind the Imam. It is not right to be fitting that you say to the person standing next to you, you go and stand there. Why? Why should he go and stand there? Do you not need that

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same reward? Are you so rich in your good deeds? Are you so wealthy, that you can sacrifice the reward and give it to your fellow brother? This is the stinginess that I am talking about. And this is the miserliness and the selfishness that is praised in Islam, that we come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala, looking for our own good deeds.

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Allah azzawajal over and over again in the Quran. He speaks in the number of verses and he mentioned a certain word, and that word just so happens to be my name. And maybe that's why they gave me the lecture. That name or that word is

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a four letter word that is mentioned in many a time and many places in the Quran. Allah azza wa jal in Surah tomoki says levy holla pal Mota well hayata Leah Beluga comm au kamasan Romana, it is a law who created your life and your death, so that he may test you to see which one of you is x and inaction.

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insalata Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Jana RBZ Natasha La Nina Beluga home in your home sanwa mala

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within you see around you, from the beauty and the adornment of this earth, the purifications and the temptations of this world of this dunya it has only been placed upon this earth to see which one of you will be asked and inaction. So, what does this word mean? What do we gain from this? My dear brothers and sisters, accent is not simply to be good, it is not simply to excel, it is not simply to be better, but rather it is to be better than the best is to continuously improve so that you reach such a high level that you cannot do physically anymore. And this is why they would say about some of the great scholars of the past or lay him Rahmatullah that if you were to go to the chef and

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the individual and the Imam, and you were to say to him, that you are going to die today, he would be unable to increase in action. He's already doing so much that there is nothing more left for him to do. He cannot find any more time in his schedule, that he can bring something out of it to come closer even more to Allah. He is spending his day and night in constant worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is the methodology of being better than the best. When you look at the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the way that she nurtured his companions are the Allahu Akbar whom, how did he nurture them? What advice did he give them? How was the companions were the

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companions ever in a single day saying that what we have done is enough. We have sacrificed so much for Islam. We have sacrificed our wealth, and our children and our health, and I will lie to us. Today is enough. Today is the day that I retire. Today is the day that I take off, it is a holiday for me. Never will you find this mindset, never will you find this attitude. Amongst the companions are the alarm rang home, because they were nurtured by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who instructed them that they should achieve excellence in every single thing that they do. They should be excellent and excel with themselves, and with their families, and with the way that they interact

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with the wider community, with their fellow brothers and their sisters, and especially in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he was once walking. And he came across a companion, a man who wish to sacrifice an animal. And so the man had placed the animal on the ground, and he had placed his knee upon the neck of that animal. And then he was sharpening his blade in front of the eyes of that animal. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to him, where it would have been better for you, and more better for this animal had you sharpen your blade before you place the animal on the ground,

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excelling in everything that we do, even the way we treat animals, even the way we treat animals. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a very beautiful and famous team in Allaha catabolic Santa Allah coalition. Indeed, a law has legislated and obligated excellence in everything that we do. in everything we do. We need to Excel for either Patel from fascino pitler law, what is the bathroom fascino? Well, the CompTIA fratta will be hotter. If one of you wishes to kill them, let him kill with excellence. And if he wishes to sacrifice, they let him sacrifice with excellence, and let him sharpen his blade and put his animal to rest. This is excellence in the smallest of

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offense. This is excellence when it comes to an animal. So how about when it comes to our religion? How about when it comes to your wife or your husband, or your children or your parents or your fellow brother and your sister? How about when it comes to the rights of Allah subhanho wa Taala to His laws and his commandments, to his obligations and his prohibitions? Should we not have excellence? Look at the companions are the long run.

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rather look at one of them. The greatest form amongst them. The first halifa Abu Bakr rhodiola one

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The greatest Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the greatest individual after all of the prophets and messengers of Allah. After the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Abubakar was one individual who could have said that now I need to do no more.

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He had sacrificed his wealth, and his family over and over and over again in the service of Islam and the service of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he could have said, yes, it is enough for me. Not only that, but he was guaranteed by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he would enter into Jannah a guarantee from the mouth, and the lips and the tongue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Paradise is guaranteed for him. Not only that, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he would be from amongst those unique individuals who will come on your monitor Yama, and all of the eight gates of Paradise will call out to Him. Oh Abu Bakar

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enter through us. Oh, Abubakar, enter through us. Not only that, but he will be the first of this onma after its Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to enter into Jenna.

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He was guaranteed power dice. It was set in stone. There was nothing that he could have done that would have rescinded this after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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but it Abu Bakar will relax with Abu Bakr say that it is enough for me that I don't need to do any more. I don't need to excel anymore. I have done my duty. I have paid my dues. Now it is someone else's turn. No. You will never find the likes of Abu Bakar ever singleness. Rather they would continue to excel. Amaro, the Allahu anhu mentions that he came once to the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the free lava of his best friend Abu Bakr rhodiola when he came to the masjid, and he entered into the masjid for Salatin and he prayed behind Abu Bakar and then when Abu Bakr finished the prayer, and he left the mustard Amaro, the Allahu anhu noticed something

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strange. Abubakar today is taking a path other than the path that leads to his home. Where could he possibly be going? So early in the morning, when there was nothing happening? There is no one to see nothing to do. Where is he going? And so, Amara, the Allahu anhu, a man known for his intelligence, a man known to be very smart and clever. He wanted to go and see what Abubakar on the Allahu anhu is doing, because tomorrow, even though he is not as good, not as righteous not as pious, as Abubakar, he has this competition and rivalry. He wants to excel. He wants to be like Abu Bakar so he has this mindset of excellence. So he follows Abubakar for the long run. An Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu goes

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and he comes out to the outskirts of Medina. And then he enters into a house, a mud hut, a house where no one could possibly live if the hardball

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and he remains in that house for some time. And then he leaves and he goes back home. And more of the Allahu anhu is standing there watching, waiting. And so after Abubakar leaves, he goes to the house, he knocks on the door, and he enters into the house. And what do you think that he finds? He finds an old blind woman,

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an old blind woman sitting there alone.

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And so on one of the Allahu anhu looks at her. And he says to her, who are you? And who was this man that entered upon you? And what did he want from you? Three simple questions. Three simple questions.

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And so the woman replies and she says that As for me, I am no one special. I am an old blind woman. And I have no dependents. No one to look after me. No husband, no children, no nephews, no nieces, no guardian to look after my affairs. And as for this man who just entered. I don't know who he is.

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I have no idea who he is. And as for what he wants. Then he comes to my house every single day after Fazal and he sweeps my floor and he makes

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My bread and he knocks my goats and he sets my affairs in order. And then he leaves. And I don't know who he is. She doesn't know Subhana Allah, that the man who is attending to her needs and is serving her on a daily basis is the most powerful man in the Muslim Empire. Perhaps the most powerful man on the earth at that time, the greatest of people, the greatest of men, the most pious of individuals,

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he doesn't know. And so, the Allahu anhu leaves the house, and he shedding tears and his crying, and he says, a toptal Hola.

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abubaker anyone who becomes a halifa after you are Abubakar, then he will not be able to live up to these standards, he will not be able to meet these standards. This was the way that the companions are the Allahu Allahu wa.

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But it is not just exclusive to the companions. This is not just the mindset that the companions or the Allahu anhu alone have, but rather it is something which each and every Muslim should strive to have.

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It is not easy. Nor is it something which you can buy or download. It is not something which will come overnight, or in the space of a week or a month, or maybe even a year. But it is something which requires struggle, and effort and time. And conviction requires sincerity and wanting to please Allah and knowing your perspective in life, knowing what your goal is, and achieving that bone, working towards that aim towards those objectives to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala to constantly exam to constantly benefit your sounds aneema Mohammed Rahim Allah tala, a great scholar of Islam, he was once coming out from his house. And he wanted to go to Yemen, a country far away to

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meet a scholar of Hadith so that he could learn more about the Prophet so long while he was.

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And so his companions his friends wanted to accompany him. And because they were going through the route of Makkah, because they would pass by maca. They decided that they would perform hunch it was the season of Hajj. So they decided they would go to Mecca, and then they would continue on to Yemen.

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And so Emma Muhammad Rahim Allah, he left with these people. And he arrived in Makkah, and he performed the hunch. And one day one of his friends came to him, and he said, Do you know that scholar that we want to see in Yemen, I have also seen him in Makkah, he too, has come for HUD. So why don't we go to him and take his knowledge here. And that way we can go back home. We save ourselves the journey of Yemen and back, cutting our journey in half.

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And so Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah He said, that if you wish to do so, then you may go and continue. But as for me, as for me, then I will go to Yemen. And I will sit at his feet when he has his books with him. And he is he has the mind and the presence to teach Hadith. And I will take from him there. And then I will return. Mr. Muhammad Rahim. Allah was not an individual who would suffice with anything who would suffice with the minimum, who would just do the bare minimum to continue and to pass, but rather he was a man of excellence. And this is why he would say, when someone asked him, How do you know you have been successful, he would reply, when you place your right foot into

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general. This is the measure of success. And this is what we gauge our excellence by when you set your right foot into Jannah. And until that time, you continue to excel. Until that time, you continue to come closer to Allah until that time you continue to worship Him. subhanahu wa taala. This is excellence. Look at Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allahu taala, who would go to a scholar, and he will take from him hundreds, if not 1000s of Hadith. And after finishing, writing, and subscribing and writing all of those Hadith, he would hear that the chef had some weakness in him, some weakness in his memory, some defect in his character. And so he would leave all of those

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the 1000s that he had written

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He would leave them and he will not place him into his book.

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And when he would be asked why, because he would say that I do not want anything which has even the slightest element of doubt, to be entered into the sayings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam This is a man of excellence, who when he would write down any Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari, he would pray to rockers first, he would pray to rockers first, and then he would write this hadith down, excellence in everything that we do. Email boo boo, higher akima hula was once on a journey later in his life, and he was traveling by ship on the open seas. And as he was traveling, he had a lot of gold with him. And so one of the men on the journey, so the goal that he had, and so he began to

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shout amongst the people that I had gold, and it's been taken from me, there is a thief upon the ship, there are stolen my wife. He wanted the goal of emammal Buhari. And so the people of the ship began to search all of them. All of the passengers, they began to search every single person, yet they did not find the gold. They couldn't find it anywhere.

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And so afterwards, the man came up to him, Mr. Bahari, and he said, Where is that gold? No one could find it anywhere on the ship. No one could find it anywhere on anybody's person. What did you do with a goat? a mammal Buhari said rahima hula, I threw it into the ocean. I threw it into the sea. The man said, Are you crazy? You had hundreds or 1000s of gold coins, and you threw them away?

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emammal bahaya Rahim Allah replied, do you think that this gold is worth more than a single Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? What would the people say about me and about the Hadith, generate and collect if it had become known that I was a thief, if the people suspected me of even being a thief, even if they couldn't prove it, but they had this suspicion, they would reject all of these Hadith. It is more clear to me that a single Hadith and my reputation as being trustworthy is maintained. Then all of these 1000 1000 coins have gone. This, my dear brothers and sisters is excellence.

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The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was once walking past a man. And the man was making dua, and he was asking a law for Jenna for power guns. But he was making the law in a peculiar way. He was making the law and he was asking a law and he was going into detail of a law I want such and such in paradise. Oh, well, ah, I want this color in paradise. Oh Allah. I want these kinds of garments in Paradise and this kind of house in Paradise and these kind of utensils in Paradise, and he was going in to immense detail. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam herders, and he said to them, he said to him, and to us then as well, either ultimune lol Jana.

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First loophole for those. If one of you wishes to ask a law for Jenna, then let him ask for fifth dose.

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ponder over the statement. Contemplate over the statement. Take a moment and pause. Allah xojo the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that when you make dua to Allah and ask for Jenna asked fulfilled dose. What is for those? What is for the dose? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continues for in parallel Jenna will also told Jenna well folk, rock man woman had to fudge on her will Jana it is the highest part of Paradise and it is the middle of paradise. And above it is the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala and all of the rivers of Paradise stem from for those they come from Alfred hitos.

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ponder over this, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the best part of Paradise, the highest station of Paradise, the closest that a person can be to Allah subhanho wa Taala in general. And he is asking me a new to make to our for this. Look at our sins, our misdeeds, look at the way that we are the way that we neglect en la the way that we ignore the Quran, the way that we ignore the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the teachings of Islam

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Islam, that Even so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us, when you ask us for your dose, how many of us truly feels that he has the right to enter for those, that He is worthy of the loftiest station in Paradise, that even so, we are ordered to ask for photos. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wants to embed into our minds this mindset, this mentality, this methodology, that we continuously strive for the best, and a person who sets his goal as for those, then insha Allah, even if he doesn't achieve those, he will at the very least, enter into Jannah whereas a person who the only goal and aim and objective is to just be empowered like to just scrape

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by, to just pass to just get a tick to just scrape by and enter into paradise. Then perhaps such a person, because they have set the goal and the height so low, perhaps the woman's May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the ability to excel in everything that we do. And may He subhanho wa Taala allow us to have this mindset, this methodology, this principle of constantly striving and constantly excelling in everything that we do. And may you know what Allah allow us to achieve an infamous genital for those and may He subhanho wa Taala gather us with His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam under his flood on that day, he enters into his power dies and may we be from amongst those

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people who are the closest people to a large village on that day, just Akuma La Jolla masala la Santa Maria Nabina Muhammad Ali he was big Marian was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

00:42:54 --> 00:43:07

In al hamdu lillahi tala Mehta who want to start you know, who want to stop Pharaoh who wanted to lay when I wrote the villa Hinshaw, Rhian fusina woman sejahtera Molina, miyetti Allah, Allah, Allah Allah,

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Allah, Allah, wa Chateau a la ilaha illallah wa la sharika wash Nabina Muhammad Abdul hora solo Salallahu been happy being at Barcelona VIERA, whether you're in LA he isn't he he was he Raja monniera sallallahu wasallam ah Baraka li

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li he was he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira.

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my dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Why have we come out today?

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Why have we taken the time and the effort?

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Put in some Financial

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Peace putting some financial investment in order to come to this place? What drives us and brings us out to come here? Why have we come out in this very cold weather?

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Why have we come out in order to gather together in this place? What is the single purpose that drives us?

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that purpose for me and for you is to study the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That purpose for me and for you, is to come closer to Allah azza wa jal. That purpose for me and for you is to worship Allah with one of the most beautiful acts of worship, and one of the most beloved acts towards him subhana wa Taala. And that is the act of remembering him of seeking knowledge of learning his religion and his laws of learning the Koran and his the son of the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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But why?

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Why do we want to learn all of this? What is the reason that drives us to seek knowledge? What is the reason that we don't just stay home and go on the internet? We don't just buy DVDs or read books, but we take the time and the effort and we motivate ourselves and come and attend.

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It is because we seek the love of Allah. It is because we seek the pleasure of Allah azza wa jal and Allah alone.

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And this reminds me of a very beautiful Hadith, a hadith which pertains to our situation here. And to the topic that I wish to discuss before you today,

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an Imam Muslim Rahim Allahu taala. he narrates this beautiful Hadith from the authority of Abu huraira robiola one that our beloved prophet and messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala has angels that are on the earth, these angels scour the earth, their only sole responsibility and job, the reason for which they have been created is to journey upon the earth.

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Why? What is it that they seek? What is it that they wish to find? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that they journey upon the earth, looking for the gatherings of remembrance, looking for the gatherings of knowledge, where people have come out, whether in a Masjid, or other than a Masjid, whether as a small group, or a large, big auditorium and Hall, they have come out to remember the loads of Hannah who were tyla. So these angels come and they find such a gathering. And we ask Allah azza wa jal that he makes this gathering from amongst them,

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they come and they find the gathering. So they surround the gathering. And they place their wings one upon another, until they have completely surrounded the gathering. And then another group of angels, who have also been created for this purpose, will also have the same job and responsibility they to come. And they settle on top of the first ring of angels, and ring after ring continues to settle angels upon angels upon angels, until the earth and the first heavens are filled with angels. That gathering that surrounded gathering between the earth and the heavens, eras filled with Angel, one above another. And those angels remain in their place, and they stay. So long as the people who

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have come out to seek knowledge and to remember Allah remain in their places.

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And then

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when the people decide that they should leave, and they make their own ways back home, the angels ascend, they leave the gathering, and they ascend, and they go to their lords of Hana who, what Allah who is above the seven heavens above his throne, subhanho wa Taala.

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And they go to their Lord. And Allah azzawajal looks at them, and he receives them, and he asks them, even though he is more knowledgeable of them and of us, but he asks them to prove a point, to show us a lesson, to prove to us a wisdom that he has subhanahu wa taala. He asks them mean energy.

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Where have you come from? And so the angels reply, oh, our Lord, we have come from a group of people who gathered for the sake of you, for your sake and your sake, alone. They gathered, remembering you and glorifying you and praising you and attesting that none has the right to be worshipped except you, and they were asking of you. Yes, my dear brothers and sisters, the reason why we have come out and gathered in this way, in this place, is not only to study this religion, but also to ask Allah to make dua to him. subhanho wa Taala. And so a large zoologist asks angels. What is aluna? Nene? And what do they seek from me? What do they ask of me? And the angels reply? Yes, aluna cajon netiq.

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They ask you on law for your paradise. And if you didn't know why we seek knowledge. If you don't know why.

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We remember Allah azza wa jal, then this is the answer. We remember him subhanho wa Taala, in the hope that his act of worship will bring us closer to him. And by this act of worship, Allah will envelope us with His mercy and forgiveness. And he will enter us into His pleasure and into his paradise.

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They ask you a law for your agenda. So Allah asks them. Well, hello, Jonathan, and have these individuals seen my paradise? Have they seen the reward? There is awaiting those who have my pleasure?

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And the angels reply truthfully, law, you

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know, over law, they have not seen your paradise. They have not seen your paradise, not only have they not seen it, but we are unable to imagine it.

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They have not seen it.

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And so a lot azzawajal asks them a rhetorical question. We're k follower. Oh, janati? And how would they be? Had they seen my paradise? Had they been able to actually see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears and be able to fathom and comprehend with their own minds and believe with their hearts? If they had only seen my agenda, then how much more would this increase them, in their love of meaning, in their worship of me, in their remembrance of me, in striving to be better than what they already are?

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And the Hadith, my dear brothers and sisters, doesn't end there. But Allah subhanho wa Taala. After mentioning this, he waits for the angels and the angels say, oh, Allah. And it's not only that they ask of you, but rather they also seek refuge in You. They also seek refuge in You. And so Allah asks, from what do they seek refuge? And the angels reply, they seek refuge from your fire,

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monastic, from the punishment and anger and wrath of Allah from jahannam.

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And so, Allah azzawajal asks them another rhetorical question. Well, hi, Laura janati will hold her own.

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And have they seen my fire? Have they seen this punishment that I have prepared for those who disbelieve in me and those who disobey me?

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And they reply over law? No, they have not seen it. So a lot of xojo asks, What k follower owners,

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and how much more would they fear me? And how much more would they seek refuge in me? Had they seen that fire? Had they seen my punishment?

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And then he remained silent. And then the angel see, oh, well, LA. And this is not all over LA. Not only do they ask of you, and seek refuge in You, but they also ask for your forgiveness, that you forgive them for their sins, that you wipe the slate clean.

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And then Allah subhanahu wa taala says, to His angels, one of the most noble of his creations, he says to them, bear witness, that I have forgiven those people and that I have given given and granted them that which they have requested, and I have given them refuge from that which they seek refuge from.

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This is the single reward of gathering in this place. The reward of coming together and uniting in remembering Allah and in seeking knowledge and increasing our Eman but the Hadith My dear brothers and sisters, it doesn't end there.

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The angels continue and they say oh one law fee him I've done haka in Robbie him for jealous amerihome amongst those people, amongst this gathering over law, there is an individual, a person hapa of many sins of much evil of many mistakes. He didn't come out in order to remember you. She didn't come out in order to seek knowledge, but rather they passed by and they saw the people gathered. So they came in and they sat down.

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They pass by, or they will drive by one of their friends or encouraged by one of their family, begrudgingly not wanting to come but all

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tumuli deciding to attend. So will love angels asked what about that individual whose intention is not sincere, who never had the intention to come out to seek knowledge to remember you and he, he or she is a person of sin.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, One who have fought, and as for him or her, then I have also forgiven them.

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In Houma, La La Yash Baba hingedly. So, indeed, these people that have gathered, this audience that has gathered, these believers that have gathered, they are such people, that those who wish and choose to sit with them will not be deprived from their good, they will not be deprived from the rewards that they receive Subhan Allah, what a beautiful Hadith to come together, to learn about our religion, to seek knowledge about our religion, to remember a law, an increase in a man, an increase in the blood, the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, and Islam that we have,

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that inshallah we are all forgiven and entered into the paradise of Allah, and saved from his punishment and his fire, and even those amongst us, who may not have come out willingly, because of the blessed companionship and because of the blessings surrounding and because of the purity and nobility of the intention of these people, then they two are gathered in their rank, they to achieve that status.

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And this, my dear brothers and sisters, brings me beautifully into this topic, the topic of being better than the best, the topping topic of excelling, the topic of wanting to strive and reach excellence in everything that we do.

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Why have we come out? Why do we attend, we attend for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because as weak slaves as people who have mountains upon mountains of sins, as people whose sins are vast as oceans, we know, we acknowledge, we recognize that we need to be better,

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that we need to come closer to Allah, that if we only pray the five daily prayers, then we need to stop praying to Yama lane, that if we only fast in the month of Ramadan, we need to fast outside of Ramadan. If we've only performed Umbra, then we need to perform Hajj if we only give zeca when we need to give sadhaka as well. Why? Because it's not enough. Because no matter what we do, no matter how much we do, there is no short or to guarantee that Allah azzawajal has accepted our deeds. And so we continuously strive. We strive day from day, week to week, month to month, year to year. And so every single day is a miniscule improvement, a small improvement, a small step that we take upon

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this journey, a small step that we take upon this ladder, hoping to improve, hoping to be better today than we were yesterday. And when we look at the beautiful or on the speech of our lots of Hannah hautala and the beautiful son and life of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the way that he nurtured his companions are the Allahu anglim. We find this methodology, we find this principle, it is not enough for us as Muslims to suffice with what we are doing today. The Muslim is not the one who can simply sit back and say it is enough. I have done enough. There is enough here for me, I need to do no more. And this is why in this conference, you have these beautiful brothers

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and sisters who have taken out their time. And from six o'clock in the morning until past midnight in the night. And for weeks and months before these two days. They have been striving and working. Why? Because they know that no matter how good their deeds may be, they still need to do more. And so they are being selfish. Yes, they are being selfish. And what is their selfishness. What is this thing that they are being miserly and stingy over? It is reward. It is good deeds and is wanting to come closer to Allah because for every single person that attends and for every single person who only learns even a single thing. Those people will have that we won't

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And this is why, when you look at our beloved Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, every single thing that we do there is good, then ultimately he gets the reward because he was the one who first instructed us regarding it. He was the one who first guiding us towards it. And so we as Muslims need to be stingy. We need to be stingy with our good deeds. We need to aim to be better than what we were before to be better than the best when you come to the masjid and you find that there is a gap in the first row behind the Imam. It is not right to be fitting that you say to the person standing next to you, you go and stand there. Why? Why should he go and stand there? Do you not need

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that same reward? Are you so rich in your good deeds? Are you so wealthy, that you can sacrifice the reward and give it to your fellow brother? This is the stinginess that I am talking about. And this is the miserliness and the selfishness that is praised in Islam, that we come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala, looking for our own good deeds.

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Allah azzawajal over and over again in the Quran. He speaks in a number of verses and he mentioned a certain word, and that word just so happens to be my name. And maybe that's why they gave me the lecture. That name or that word is

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a four letter word. There is mentioned in many a time and many places in the Quran. Allah azza wa jal in Surah tomoki says Alevi hola como tal hayata Leah Beluga comm au kamasan Romana is a law firm who created your life and your death, so that he may test you to see which one of you is a son in action.

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In surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In Santa Ana de Natal, La Nina Beluga home in your home, San Juan mala, everything you see around you, from the beauty and the adornment of this earth, the purifications and the temptations of this world of this dunya it has only been placed upon this earth to see which one of you will be absent in action. So, what does this word mean? What do we gain from this? My dear brothers and sisters accent is not simply to be good, it is not simply to excel, it is not simply to be better, but rather it is to be better than the best it is to continuously improve so that you reach such a high level that you cannot do physically anymore. And

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this is why they would say about some of the great scholars of the past are lay him Rahmatullah that if you were to go to that chef and the individual and the Imam and you were to say to him, that you are going to die today, he would be unable to increase in action. He's already doing so much that there is nothing more left for him to do. He cannot find any more time in his schedule, that he can bring something out of it to come closer even more to Allah. He is spending his day and night in constant worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is the methodology of being better than the best. When you look at the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the way that he

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nurtured his companions are the Allahu Allah whom, how did he nurture them? What advice did he give them? How was the companions were the companions ever in a single day saying that what we have done is enough. We have sacrificed so much for Islam. We have sacrificed our wealth, and our children and our house, and I will lie to us. Today is enough. Today is the day that I retire. Today is the day that I take off, it is a holiday for me. Never will you find this mindset. Never will you find this attitude. Amongst the companions are the alarm rang him, because they were nurtured by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who instructed them that they should achieve excellence in every single

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thing that they do? They should be excellent and excel with themselves and with their families, and with the way that they interact with the wider community with their fellow brothers and their sisters, and especially in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam

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He was seldom,

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he was once walking, and he came across a companion, a man who wish to sacrifice an animal. And so the man had placed the animal on the ground, and he had placed his knee upon the neck of that animal. And then he was sharpening his blade in front of the eyes of that animal. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to him, that it would have been better for you, and more better for this animal had you sharpen your blade before you place the animal on the ground,

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excelling in everything that we do, even the way we treat animals, even the way we treat animals. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a very beautiful and famous statement in Allaha catabolic Santa Ana coalition. Indeed, a law has legislated and obligated excellence in everything that we do. in everything we do. We need to exam for either Patel from fascino pitler, what is the bottom fascino dibba? Well, you do CompTIA fratta. While you're there be hotter. If one of you wishes to kill them, let him kill with excellence. And if he wishes to sacrifice, they let him sacrifice with excellence, and let him sharpen his blade and put his animal to rest. This is

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excellence in the smallest of affairs. This is excellence when it comes to an animal. So how about when it comes to our religion? How about when it comes to your wife or your husband? Or your children or your parents or your fellow brother and your sister? How about when it comes to the rights of Allah subhanho wa Taala to His laws and his commandments, to his obligations and his prohibitions? Should we not have excellence? Look at the companions of the long run.

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rather look at one of them. The greatest form amongst them, the first halifa Abu Bakr rhodiola, one, the greatest Companion of the Prophet, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, and the greatest individual after all of the prophets and messengers of Allah. After the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Abu Bakar was one individual who could have said that now I need to do no more.

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He had sacrificed his wealth, and his family over and over and over again in the service of Islam and the service of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he could have said, yes, it is enough for me. Not only that, but he was guaranteed by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he would enter into a guarantee from the mouth, and the lips and the tongue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that Paradise is guaranteed for him. Not only that, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he would be from amongst those unique individuals who will come on your monitor Yama, and all of the eight gates of Paradise will call out to Him. Oh, Abu Bakar enter

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through us. Oh, Abubakar, enter through us. Not only that, but he will be the first of this inma after its Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to enter into Jana.

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He was guaranteed power dice. It was set in stone. There was nothing that he could have done that would have rescinded this after the death of the Prophet sallallahu Ali he will sell them

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but it Abubakar will relax with Abu Bakr say that it is enough for me that I don't need to do any more. I don't need to excel anymore. I have done my duty. I have paid my dues. Now it is someone else's turn. No. You will never find the likes of Abu Bakar ever seen this? Rather they would continue to excel. Amaro, the Allahu anhu mentions that he came once to the question of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the philosophy of his best friend Abu Bakr rhodiola when he came to the master, and he entered into the mustard for Salatin, and he prayed behind Abu Bakar and then when Abu Bakr finished the prayer, and he left the mustard Amaro, the Allahu anhu noticed something

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strange. Abu Bakar today is taking a path other than the path that leads to his home. Where could he possibly be going so early in the morning, when there was nothing happening? There is no one to see nothing to do. Where is he?

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going. And so Omar the Allahu anhu, a man known for his intelligence, a man known to be very smart and clever. He wanted to go and see what Abubakar on the Allahu anhu is doing, because Amaro, even though he is not as good, not as righteous, not as pious, as Abubakar, he has this competition and rivalry. He wants to excel. He wants to be like Abu Bakar. So he has this mindset of excellence. So he follows Abubakar de la one. And Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu goals. And he comes out to the outskirts of Medina. And then he enters into a house, a mud hut, a house where no one could possibly live if the hardball

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and he remains in that house for some time. And then he leaves and he goes back home. And more of the Allahu anhu is standing there watching, waiting. And so after Abubakar leaves, he goes to the house, he knocks on the door, and he enters into the house. And what do you think that he finds? He finds an old blind woman,

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an old blind woman sitting there alone.

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And so out of the Allahu anhu looks at her. And he says to her, who are you? And who was this man that entered upon you? And what did he want from you? Three simple questions. Three simple questions.

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And so the woman replies and she says that As for me, I am no one special. I am an old blind woman. And I have no dependents. No one to look after me. No husband, no children, no nephews, no nieces, no guardian to look after my offense. And as for this man who just entered, I don't know who he is.

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I have no idea who he is. And as for what he wants. Then he comes to my house every single day after Fazal, and he sweeps my floor and he makes my bread and he knocks my goats and he sets my affairs in order. And then he leaves and I don't know who he is. She doesn't know Subhana Allah, that the man who is attending to her needs and is serving her on a daily basis is the most powerful man in the Muslim Empire. Perhaps the most powerful man on earth at that time. The greatest of people, the greatest of men, the most pious of individuals that she doesn't know. And so, Amara, the Allahu anhu leaves the house, and he shedding tears and his coin, and he says a to Abdullah Hola,

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Abubakar, anyone who becomes a halifa after you are Abubakar, then he will not be able to live up to these standards, he will not be able to meet these standards. This was the way that the companions rhodiola Huang Houma,

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but it is not just exclusive to the companions. This is not just the mindset that the companions or the Allahu anhu alone have, but rather is something which each and every Muslim should strive to have.

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It is not easy, nor is it something which you can buy or download. It is not something which will come overnight, or in the space of a week or a month, or maybe even a year. But it is something which requires struggle, and effort and time. And conviction requires sincerity and wanting to please Allah a knowing your perspective in life, knowing what your goal is, and achieving that goal, working towards that aim towards those objectives to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala to constantly exam to constantly benefit your songs. Lima Muhammad Rahim Allah tala, a great scholar of Islam, he was once coming out from his house. And he wanted to go to Yemen, a country far away to

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meet a scholar of Hadith so that he could learn more about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so his companions his friends wanted to accompany him. And because they were going through the route of Mecca, because they would pass by Makkah, they decided that they would perform hunch there was the season of Hajj, so they decided they would go to Mecca, and then they would continue on to Yemen.

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And so, Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah

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He left with these people. And he arrived in Makkah. And he performed the hunch. And one day one of his friends came to him. And he said, Do you know that scholar that we want to see in Yemen, I have also seen him in Makkah, he too, has come for Hajj. So why don't we go to him and take his knowledge here. And that way we can go back home. We save ourselves the journey of Yemen and back, cutting our journey in half.

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And so Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah, he said, that if you wish to do so, then you may go and continue. But as for me, as for me, then I will go to Yemen. And I will sit at his feet when he has his books with him. And he is he has the mind and the presence to teach Hadith. And I will take from him there. And then I will return. Mr. Muhammad Rahim, Allah was not an individual who would suffice with anything who would suffice with the minimum, who would just do the bare minimum to continue and to pass, but rather, he was a man of excellence. And this is why he would say, when someone asked him, How do you know you have been successful, he would reply, when you place your right foot into

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general. This is the measure of success. And this is what we gauge our excellence by when you set your right foot into Jannah. And until that time, you continue to excel until that time, you continue to come closer to Allah until that time you continue to worship Him. subhanahu wa taala. This is excellence. Look at emammal Buhari Rahim Allah tala who would go to a scholar, and he will take from him hundreds, if not 1000s of Hadith. And after finishing, writing, and subscribing and writing all of those Hadith, he would hear that this chef had some weakness in him, some weakness in his memory, some defects in his character. And so he would leave all of those,

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the 1000s that he had written, he would leave them and he will not place them into his book.

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And when he would be asked why, because he would say that I do not want anything which has even the slightest element of doubt, to be entered into the sayings of the Prophet son alone while he was telling them. This is a man of excellence, who when he would write down any Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari, he would pray to Iraq as fast. He would pray to rockers first, and then he would write this hadith down, excellence in everything that we do. emammal bahaya rahima hula was once on a journey, later in his life, and he was travelling by ship on the open seas. And as he was traveling, he had a lot of gold with him. And so one of the men on the journey, so the goal that he had, and so he began

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to shout amongst the people that I had gold, and it's been taken from me, there is a thief upon the ship, there are stolen my one. He wanted the goal of the Imam Al Bukhari. And so the people of the ship began to search all of them. All of the passengers, they began to search every single person, yet they did not find the gold. They couldn't find it anywhere.

01:18:34 --> 01:19:03

And so afterwards, the man came up to me, Mr. Bahari, and he said, Where is that gold? No one could find it anywhere on the ship. No one could find it anywhere on anybody's person. What did you do with the gold? emammal Buhari said rahima hula, I threw it into the ocean. I threw it into the sea. The man said, Are you crazy? You had hundreds or 1000s of gold coins, and you threw them away?

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emammal bahaya Rahim Allah replied, do you think that this gold is worth more than a single Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? What would the people say about me and about the Hadith, generate and collect if it had become known that I was a thief, if the people suspected me of even being a thief, even if they couldn't prove it, but they had this suspicion, they would reject all of these Hadith. It is more clear to me that this single Hadith, and my reputation as being trustworthy is maintained. Then all of these 1000 1000 coins have gone. This, my dear brothers and sisters is excellence.

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The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was once walking past a man and the man was making dua and he was asking a lot

01:20:00 --> 01:20:37

For Jana, for Paragons, but he was making in the peculiar way. He was making the and he was asking ALLAH and he was going into detail of a law I want such and such in paradise. Oh Allah, I want this color in paradise. Oh Allah, I want these kinds of garments empowered eyes and this kind of house in Paradise and these kind of utensils in Paradise, and he was going in to immense detail. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam herders, and he said to them, he said to him, and to us, then as long

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as ultimune lol Jenna, first loophole for those if one of you wishes to ask a law for Jenna, then let him ask for fifth dose.

01:20:51 --> 01:21:39

ponder over the statement. Contemplate over the statement. Take a moment and pause. A lot of xojo the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that when you make dua to Allah and ask for Jenna asked for fifth dose, what is the dose? What is for the dose? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continues for in who lol Jenna will also told Jenna well folk who are shamrock man woman had to fudge on how regenda it is the highest part of Paradise and it is the middle of paradise. And above it is the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala and all of the rivers of Paradise stem from for those. They come from Alfred dos.

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ponder over this, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the best part of Paradise, the highest station of Paradise, the closest that a person can be to Allah subhanho wa Taala in general. And he is asking me a new to make to our for this.

01:22:00 --> 01:22:56

Look at our sins, our misdeeds, look at the way that we are the way that we neglect en la the way that we ignore the Quran, the way that we ignore the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the teachings of Islam, that Even so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us, when you ask us for your dose, how many of us truly feels that he has the right to interfere those that He is worthy of the loftiest station in Paradise, that even so, we are ordered to ask for photos. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wants to embed into our minds this mindset, this mentality, this methodology, that we continuously strive for the best, and a person who sets his

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goal as for those, then in sha Allah, even if he doesn't achieve those, he will at the very least, enter into Jannah. Whereas a person who the only goal and aim and objective is to just be in Paradise, to just scrape by to just pass to just get a tick to just scrape by an enter into paradise. Then perhaps such a person because they have set the goal and the height so low, perhaps the woman's May Allah subhanahu wa taala give us the ability to excel in everything that we do. And may He subhanahu wa taala allow us to have this mindset, this methodology, this principle of constantly striving and constantly excelling in everything that we do. And may He subhana wa Taala

01:23:49 --> 01:24:17

allow us to achieve an infamous genital for those and may He subhana wa Taala gather us with his profits on the low while he was still under his flag on that day. He enters into his power dies and maybe maybe from amongst those people who are the closest people to a large village on that day. Just Akuma La Jolla masala husana mala Nabina Muhammad Ali he was a big marine was Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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