Ahsan Hanif – One Ummah Conference 2011 Surah Al Hashr

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of planning ahead for life, including buying for the next year, taking care of one's life, and building a barrier between oneself and others. They touch on the concept of taqwa, which is the ability to hold onto a person and not drink water or eat in a safe environment. The importance of working together to achieve success in the future, including preparing for the Day of Judgment, finding one's unique attributes, and working with customers and suppliers to ensure the right solutions are provided. A strong balance sheet and a strong financial position are essential for future growth.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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hamdulillah he to Allah, Muhammad Shahada saphira who wanna to boo LA, Naruto Bella Himanshu orian fusina woman siata Molina Mija de la hufa Malala a little further howdy Allah, wa Chateau a la ilaha illallah wa The hola Sheree Kala wash Nabina Muhammad and Abdo Rasulullah sallallahu been happy being able to use it bashira whenever you're on whether you're in a la he isn't he will see Roger monniera sallallahu wasallam Oh Baraka Lee. He was he he was, he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira I'm about to call Cara McCallum Allahu taala

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Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam well, Sharon Moreno to her wakulla modesetting Buddha vaca la, la la la, la la la la, la now, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

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part of the hook bottle hajah part of the sermon of necessity, that our beloved prophet and messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite each and every single time he stood upon a minbar or each and every single time he addressed his community. Part of this beautiful sermon says that indeed, the most beautiful, the most truthful, the greatest speech is the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the best of guidance is the guidance of our beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so it is with this in mind that I want to present to you my fellow brothers and sisters, a passage from the many passages of the Koran. And the passage that I have chosen is a

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very famous passage, something we often hear being recited in the Salawat. Our local imams in the masjid will often recite this portion of the Quran. And it is the last few verses of surah. to rehash of a beautiful surah from the many beautiful sources of the Quran. Allah subhanahu wa taala. In this passage of the Quran, he says,

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obey the law he minashi banyuwangi Raji

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Yo, yo, hello, Vina.

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Dermot Lee hado. What? law in law hobbie

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Allah subhanahu wa taala, in this beautiful passage of the Quran, is drawing our attention to a number of very important principles, principles that we as Muslims cannot afford to neglect that we as Muslims cannot afford to think ignorance of, we need to be reminded of them in our daily lives. One of the many things that we do as Muslims, and even as non Muslims, things that people humans do all the time is plan ahead. We plan for tomorrow, whether that be on a small miniscule scale, or whether it be on a large, much grander scale. We're constantly planning our lives. We're constantly thinking about what we need to do tomorrow, what we're going to eat tomorrow, who we're going to

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visit tomorrow, what we need to buy for our children tomorrow. And then we constantly think and plan what we need to do over the next week, or the next month, or the next year, or for the next decade. Also, each one of us plans. And it is human nature to make such plans. And part of the way that we are is that we're always looking forward. We're always planning ahead. We always have some idea of what we want to do tomorrow. But even though this is something innate in our nature, even though it's something which we often do, one of the mistakes that we fall into is that we limit this scope and this vision and this future forward looking to this world only. We don't progress this to the

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era. We don't look at our lives in the perspective and through the glass and the lens

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of the hereafter. But it's always about what we're going to do tomorrow. It's always the smaller things in life, never the major things. And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala is drawing our attention to in this beautiful verse of the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh, you who believe those of you who claim a man, those of you who claim that you believe in a law that are test to have this faith, a lot as our agenda is addressing me and you, the famous Companion of the librarian, Mr. rhodiola, when he would say that when you hear in the Koran along saying the statement, or you will believe then how can you hearing, pay attention, listen to the statement that will come after this,

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because Allah azzawajal is drawing your attention, either to something, an order which he wants you to obey, or report he bishan which you must refrain from. So in this beautiful verse, what is the law as our general drawing our attention to there are two things The first is a law, Fear Allah, has piety of Allah be righteous for the sake of Allah. And this is a beautiful, comprehensive concept in our religion. The concept of taqwa what is taqwa? What is this beautiful concept that is repeated hundreds of times throughout the Quran, and mentioned countless more times in the sun lava Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a lot as our journal is asking and telling us to gain taqwa. And taqwa

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is such a beautiful thing is not something which you can buy from the market. It's not something which you can download from the internet. It's not something that you plug in. It is something which you attain something which you achieve, something which takes dedication, it takes time, it takes effort and it takes sincerity. taqwa, as some of the scholars have mentioned, it is to construct an erect a barrier between you and the punishment of Allah. What saves you from the punishment of Allah, what will save you and me in sha Allah, on your will piano from the fire of Allah, from the punishment of Allah, it is this taqwa this barrier. When a person wakes up early in the morning, to

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play Salah to festival in the coldness that you have here in Calgary, which I haven't seen anywhere else in the world, who and what makes you wake up so early, in this cold weather, to make will do with cold water at times of the day and the night when no one else is awake. It is this concept of taqwa. That's what makes you wake up. That is what will make you go and stand and prostrate in front of your Lord. What makes us as Muslims, brothers and sisters, what makes us fast for hours upon hours during the day for days upon days, for a whole month, once every single year for the whole of our lifespan, and what ensures that when we're not being seen by others, when we're hidden privately

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and secluded in a room, that we won't eat and drink, that we won't take out a Snickers bar, we'll have some m&ms or drink some water. What ensures us is the concept of taqwa when a person goes to make hij and that people are going and performing the many rights that are performing, and one of those rights for example is that you go and stone one of the pillars seven times what prevents a person from going outside of his camp, waiting 10 minutes on the street coming back in and saying to everyone else, I perform the right. What takes him to go into that dangerous situation, where stampedes have occurred when 1000s of people are jostling for position to stone that single pillar.

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It is this concept of taqwa what takes us and holds us back from the punishment of Allah is this concept of taqwa. And imagine if in everything that we did, we had this beautiful perspective, every single action we performed. It was based upon this concept of taqwa. We live our lives as mucked up in and know that on your will piano on the Day of Judgment. The only thing that will last is what has this concept attached to it. The concept of taqwa it is this concept of taqwa that the great companions or the a loved one who would speak about over and over again.

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I'll even call him rhodiola one

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During his khilafah, he would go to the graveyard. And he would see the many graves in front of him. And he would say to the people around him, his companions with him, he would say, if only we could speak to the inhabitants of these graves, and they could reply, and speak back to us, if only

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verily, I would ask them, What have you found after your death, what has benefited and profited you, after Allah caused you to die? And they would ask me, what has happened to our wealth, our family, our wives, and our children after our death? And then he would remain silent. And then after some time he would speak, and he would answer his own questions. And he would say that in response to their question, I would say to them, that after your death, your houses have become inhabited by other people. And as for your children, they have forgotten about you. And as for your spouse's, then they have gone and remarried. And as for your wealth, it has been divided. Nothing is left for

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you in this world. Everything you held dear has moved on without you. And if they could respond to my question, then they would say know that nothing has benefited us more in this grave than taqwa. Then the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why the great companion or the a loved one who would say that if I knew that a single action of mine were to be accepted, I would place all of my hope on that single act. And I don't need to go into detail about the merits and virtues of rhodiola. One, this great individual and companion, and there are many sacrifices he made for Islam. But look at his humility and humbleness and look at his understanding and comprehension of this

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concept of taqwa. If only I knew one act were to be accepted, I would place all of my hope in it. Why? What causes him to think this way? in

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law who Minamoto pin because Allah only accepts from the top in from those who have Taqwa. Allah only accepts the deeds of those who have Taqwa. And this is why you find in many, many verses of the Quran, that Allah azza wa jal speaks about your will to Yama. And the only thing that prophets a person on that day will be this concept of taqwa of Allah, Loma, even bada boom live.

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In the closest of friends, on that day on normal cuyama, they will be enemies one to another. Except for those who have Taqwa any friendship, and companionship, anything which is not based upon this beautiful pure principle of taqwa, then it will not have anything left on your multi armor. It is the only thing that survives the test of time. It is the only thing that remains after our death.

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The second thing that Allah azza wa jal draws our attention to in this beautiful verse, we'll go left some symmetry, and let each and every single person looked at to that which they put forth for tomorrow, that each one of us examine and analyze what we're preparing for tomorrow. What will be our bank balance on Yom Okayama? What have we invested for the hereafter? What business transactions have we made? And how smart have we been? From a business sense, in the sense that this is a transaction? That Allah azza wa jal is making a transaction with us? How much profit? Will we gain on your new piano? And if you want to think of it from a pure business sense, then this is what it

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is. Our actions, our prayer, I was a car, our fasting our Hajj, being kind to our parents smiling in the face of our brothers and sisters, this is investment for the hereafter.

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And so how much do we invest? And notice that Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we first come to your piano, he says, Lee, what? What have you prepared for tomorrow? Next year, not in 10 years, Roman millennia? What have you prepared for tomorrow? Because your will Yama could be around the corner. And even if the Day of Judgment is established in our lifetime, or many lifetimes after hours, then our death is the signal of your microbiome.

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For us, and it could well be that Joe mukaiyama will stop before that time.

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So what have we prepared for tomorrow? What have we put forth that will save us on Yom Okayama that we have put forth for the day of human karma in the law habima, Tama Lune indeed, a law is all aware of everything that you do. Allah subhanho wa Taala has full knowledge of everything that you do, and the intention behind everything that you do.

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While Turku can levy Nana su LA,

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sa Home,

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and then Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentions the opposite to those people. The opposite to those people who feel a law and who prepare for the Day of Judgment. The opposite to those people are those that Allah azza wa jal describes in this first and do not be like those a warning from Allah. Do not be like those people who have forgotten Allah, who have neglected Allah for unsaved home and foster home. So he calls them to forget themselves. Indeed, those are the evil people. Do not forget Allah azzawajal and how do we forget Allah? How do we feign ignorance of Allah? How do we neglect Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And there are many ways to achieve this many ways in which this takes

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place. But one of those ways is something which Allah azza wa jal will correct later on in those verses. And that is our ignorance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. To forget Allah is to be ignorant of a law. And if you are ignorant of your Lord, and you don't know Allah subhanho wa Taala and you don't know his rewards, and his punishment, and you don't know his names and his attributes, and you don't know the many other things that was connected to our lots of Hannah who Watada then you have forgotten your Lord. If you don't know your Lord, then you have forgotten him. If you don't know Allah subhanho wa Taala and you don't know the commandments that He has given the orders that he has

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obligated the ambitions that he has prescribed and legislated, then you have forgotten Allah subhanho wa Taala and those who forget Allah, they forget themselves in the sense that they will no longer be able to work for the Hereafter, in the sense that they no longer have this element and concept of taqwa attached to their mindset. They are not from those people that fear Allah subhanahu wa taala. In another beautiful verse, Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran, woman arroba and decree for in Allah humare Shatta Mancha when Ashura, who Yama Yama, Yama, those who turn away from my remembrance, and part of forgetting Allah is to forget the Quran. To forget its recitation, to

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forget its memorization, to forget the commandments that are within the books, the Book of Allah subhanahu wa taala to forget to implement what is in the Quran, those who turn away from that remembrance they will have an unpleasant and difficult life. And on your movie Yama they will be resurrected, blind color of Billy Mahesh ohtani Amma rokkaku basura and that person will ask Oh Allah, why am I resurrected blind? When in the dunya when in this world, I had eyesight? Allah tada Lika attack tuna fantasy Taha because the kill yo matanza. So Allah azza wa jal will reply, because when I will vs came, when our yard came to you, when you pretended to forget them, you feigned

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ignorance of them. And so today, you too will be forgotten. And as Muslims, we are aware of a law, we are aware of the Quran, but we feign ignorance, we pretend we don't know, when we know of the many different many different many different rulings concerning our religion, you will find that there are many Muslims, brothers and sisters who pretend that they don't know or who pretend that they're not able to comprehend these different rulings. And so we feign ignorance, and Allah azza wa jal has given us this warning. That to forget a law is true

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forget our songs, because a normal kiyama Allah azzawajal will not be harmed by us, and our lack of good deeds will not affect him Subhanahu wa Tada. But it will be we that suffer, we are the ones who will have this choice in this dunya of either believing or disbelieving of doing harm or halaal good or evil and based upon that, we will be judged. This is why in Surah Allah azza wa jal mentions the choice that He has given mankind, feminine shall have a human woman shaliach from whosoever wishes to believe, may do so, and whosoever wishes to disbelieve, then he may do so, or she may do so, this is the choice that we have. And again a lot of so a gel in these verses is speaking of this

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contrast, those who have Taqwa and planned for the Hereafter, and those who forget Allah and forget the day of judgment, so they forget themselves. And Allah azzawajal will hold both sides to account and depending on the path, that they have chosen, they will be rewarded or punished accordingly.

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Law Yes, we also have

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law Yes, there we

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go, hormonal.

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Izu then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about this concept, this element that when you take the choice of these two paths, you will be rewarded or punished accordingly. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says it in the most beautiful, the most eloquent of ways they will never be equal, never will they be equal. Those who enter Paradise, and those who enter the fire. Indeed, those who enter Paradise, they are the people of success. Never. Are these two people equal. Never is the one who believes in Allah equal to the one who believes in Allah. Never are they equal, those who do halaal and those who do harm those who do good and those who do evil, those who stand to pray fudger in the morning,

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and those who choose to sleep in the morning, never will they be equal. Never Are they the same. Leia stoven levina Allah moon, will Levine Allah Allah moon, never are they equal, those who act upon knowledge and those who do not act upon knowledge. stola albasini The seeing under blind are not equal one of the Luma to Allah nor neither is the darkness nor the light equal. You are not equal. If you do not believe in Allah azza wa jal and you work for the Hereafter, you are not the same as the one who feigns ignorance, who forgets a lump so he forgets himself. And this is the beautiful thing about our religion, that our religion is not just based on a concept of simple

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belief. It is not something where you simply believe that someone has done something for your sake. And if you believe in that individual, then you have achieved safety, you have achieved salvation. Rather, each individual is judged according to their own merit. Each one is judged according to his or her own actions, but they will never be equal. Never are those two individuals equal, the people are power dies, and the people of the fire and we know from our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the many rewards that the people have power dice will be blessed with and the many punishments and evil that the people of the fire will have to suffer. Never can those two individuals be equal.

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Joe Bernie la a Tahoe hace la la

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de la I love him. I love him yet and

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then Allah subhanahu wa taala he speaks about another beautiful principle and concept in our religion. And that is that your source of guidance, your source of salvation, these things that we have been speaking about now, in these previous verses. The concept of taqwa the concept of preparing for the Hereafter, the

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concept of not forgetting a law, the concept of the reward and punishment of a law. All of it is contained within the Quran. The answer that you need is in the Quran. throughout our lives, we go through many tests. And normally in those tests, you don't know the answer. One of the elements of an exam or a test is you don't know the answer. And so you have to work for it. And you work for this answer, hoping that you have passed, and you have to wait till after the examination, to know your results, to know the exam answers. But one of the beautiful aspects of our religion is that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us the answers. We have the answers, we have the solution to our

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exams and our tests, we know what we need to do in order to pass it's not something which you need to research. It's not something where there can be a difference of opinion. It is mentioned in the Quran. And the Quran is a book of such guidance, of such beauty, of such elegance of such light, that if it were to be revealed upon a mountain, then that mountain would crumble from the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala it would crumble from the fear of Allah. A mountain is the most solid structure that we have as humans, upon the face of the earth, there is not a single more solid structure than the Himalayas, or the Rockies or Kilimanjaro, or any of these other mountains around

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the world. That Even so, the beauty and the power of the Quran is such that they would tremble, and they would turn into dust from the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So how about me and you, when we come to recite the Quran, and this Quran, which is meant to penetrate our hearts, and cause our eyes to shed tears, and causes us to reflect upon our situation, and hold ourselves to account? What effect does it have upon me a new this or an that can make stones give water and mountains turned into dust and crumble? What effect does it have upon us as we humans, upon this flesh of our body? And this muscle known as the heart? What effect does it have upon us? And if we can go by reading the Quran, and we can read it from cover to cover, and here it's recitation, in Ramadan in the Torah with prayer, without shedding a single tear, without

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understanding a single message without being able to improve a single facet of our lives. Then I ask you, who is the solid object? Who is the one without emotion? Or what is the one without emotion? Is it us? Or is it the mountain, because the mountain will crumble from the fear of Allah, but we will not shed a single tear. And this is again, this beautiful concept of Islam. That all you need to do, to be a successful Muslim is to take this on and adopt what you find within it. Every message that you find in the Koran, then treat it as your own. Take it and hold it and cuddle it and take it and implement it in your lives. Apply it in every way possible. This is all that Allah azza wa jal wants

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from you to live by the Quran. To do as the Quran says, to stop with the Quran says stop. This is us as Muslims. And this is what will bring unity and brotherhood among amongst us. When we understand our Koran. When we understand the guidance that Allah azza wa jal has given to us.

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This is what we need to do. What will kill him cibola booty boo holliness

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karoun and these are similitudes and examples that allow places forth for individuals for humankind so that they may ponder and comprehend. If a person doesn't know how to gain taqwa, and a person doesn't know how to prepare for the zero, and they don't go back to the Quran, and don't use it as their constitution in this life.

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Then those people have not taken the examples of the law, the similitudes that Allah has placed forth, and they are not people of comprehension. They don't understand what they should do.

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And now in the next three verses in this beautiful passage, as well as our general answers the question that I asked you

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The beginning. How is it possible to know to be ignorant of a law? How is it possible for you to know a law if you are ignorant of him? How can you claim to know a law if you are ignorant of his names and attributes, and you are ignorant of the many other things that I will religion mentions about our Lord? in these last three verses, Allah azza wa jal to detail speaking about himself

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was Subhana. Allah says, who will love

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you said before,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. In this beautiful final three verses of the surah he speaks about himself about his names and attributes, about the many characteristics that he possesses. subhana wa Taala, that he is unique in an even though the names may be similar to characteristics that we find amongst humans, they are not in any way similar to our Lord subhanho wa Taala. He is unique in every single way, in every single aspect, and he is far above his creation subhanho wa Taala. We cannot compare ourselves to our Lord. Because the moment that you compare to Allah to his creation, he can no longer be a law of God is not a God, if he is like his creation. So Allah is unique in every way.

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And so Allah says that he is alone, the one that there is no other worthy of worship except him. He is unique in his worship supply level with Tyler, he is alone deserving of this worships Allah, when you stand on that prayer mat, when you went to start your fast, when you go to the new path, to assume they have a hunch, when you go and you want to perform a good action, then your intention is for Allah, Allah alone, that alone you worship, and that He alone is the one who benefits and gives harm. And he is the one who gives life and death. And he is the one alone who's seen. I know hearing

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Subhana hautala. He is a lot the one and he is our Lord. And he is the one that we worship. And he is the one that we make the sacrifices for when we wake up in the morning to pay federal, when we make will do with cold water. When we fast for long days, our time. There is a lot of room that we please, he is the source of our inspiration, and he is the source of our hope, and he is he alone that we wish to please and it is His pleasure alone that we seek and there is His mercy and forgiveness. There's kindness and generosity that we seek alone. suparna hautala he is a law men has the right to be worshipped except when

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he was Shahada. He is the one alone who knows the hidden and the unseen. He is the one and again this is where the concept of taqwa comes in that he is the one who knows when you're fasting and you go into your room alone, that you don't eat or drink. He is the one who knows that when you're playing, whether you're playing for him, or you're playing for someone else, whether you're playing tennis,

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or you're playing as a matter of routine and habit. He is the one who knows the seen and the unseen. He is the one who knows our different characteristics.

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The way that we think he is our Creator subhanho wa Taala and he will he be with Shahada with

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Him and He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. He is the one who if you return to him or her Tyler even

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With a mountain of sins, even with oceans of sins, when He alone is the one who will forgive them all because of the mercy that he possesses.

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And that is because of his beneficence and his graciousness, that in this life, we as humans are able to interact with one another. It is because of him that the animal does not trample upon its child. It is because of him that the mother and the father will sacrifice their lives for their children. It is because of him, that we have these mutual bonds of respect amongst one another. It is from his beneficials and from his graciousness, that Allah subhanahu wa taala has also a different type of mercy and mercy that is exclusive for the believers and mercy that is exclusive for those who have Taqwa and those who plan for the hereafter. This is a mercy exclusive to those

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who believe that he alone has the right to be worshipped on a normal piano, they will find this mercy in abundance by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala and it is because of this list.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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In al hamdu lillahi tala mahamadou. Who want to study hora saphira, who wanna Tobu La Rosa de la Himanshu de unforseen fusina woman CR Dr. Molina Mija de la la la

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fecha de Allah wa Chateau a la ilaha illallah wa hola Sheree Kala wash abbiano cu Donna Mohammed Abu al Rasulullah sallallahu been happy been able to use it bashira whenever you're on, whether you're in a law he isn't he will see Roger monniera sallallahu wasallam obata kar li

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li he was, he was a llama Sleeman kathira I'm about to fall in last couple kilometers kerama heater Allah

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Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will show one more image to her wakulla modesetting Buddha wakulla begotten masala vocal Nevada Latin for now. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam

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part of the hook bottle hajah part of the sermon of necessity there our beloved prophet and messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite each and every single time he stood upon a member of each and every single time he addressed his community. Part of this beautiful sermon says that indeed, the most beautiful, the most truthful, the greatest speech is the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the best of guidance is the guidance of our beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so it is with this in mind that I want to present to you my fellow brothers and sisters, a passage from the many passages of the Quran and the passage that I have chosen is a

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very famous passage, something we often hear being recited in the Salawat. Our local imams in the masjid will often recite this portion of the Quran. And it is the last few verses of surah to Hashem a beautiful surah from the many beautiful souls of the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala in this passage of the Quran, he says

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ob la he minashi banyuwangi

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Yo, yo, hello Vina

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dama de haut de

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la in LA hobby pinata.

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Allah subhanahu wa taala. In this beautiful passage of the Quran is drawing our attention to a number of very important principles, principles that we as Muslims cannot afford to neglect, that we as Muslims cannot afford to feign ignorance. We need to be reminded of them in our daily lives. One of the

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Many things that we do as Muslims, and even as non Muslims, things that people humans do all the time is planned ahead. We plan for tomorrow, whether that be on a small miniscule scale, or whether it be on a large, much grander scale. We're constantly planning our lives. We're constantly thinking about what we need to do tomorrow, what we're going to eat tomorrow, who we're going to visit tomorrow, what we need to buy for our children tomorrow. And then we constantly think and plan what we need to do over the next week, or the next month, or the next year, over the next decade or so, each one of us plans, and it is human nature to make such plans. And part of the way that we are is

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that we're always looking forward. We're always planning ahead, we always have some idea of what we want to do tomorrow. But even though this is something innate in our nature, even though it's something which we often do, one of the mistakes that we fall into, is that we limit this scope and this vision, and this future forward looking to this world only. We don't progress this to the era. We don't look at our lives, in the perspective and through the glass and the lens of the hereafter. But it's always about what we're going to do tomorrow. It's always the smaller things in life, never the major things. And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala is drawing our attention to in this

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beautiful verse of the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh, you who believe those of you who claim a man, those of you who claim that you believe in Allah, there are tests to have this faith a lot as our agenda is addressing me and you, the famous Companion of the librarian, Mr. rhodiola one, he would say that when you hear in the Koran along saying this statement or you who believe, then how can your hearing, pay attention, listen to the statement that will come after this, because Allah azza wa jal is drawing your attention, either to something, an order which he wants you to obey, over pour he bishan, which you must refrain from. So in this beautiful verse, what is a law as

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our general drawing our attention to there are two things. The first is a law, fear of law, have piety of a law, be righteous for the sake of Allah. And this is a beautiful, comprehensive concept in our religion. The concept of taqwa what is taqwa? What is this beautiful concept that is repeated hundreds of times throughout the Quran, and mentioned countless more times in the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah azzawajal is asking and telling us to gain taqwa. And taqwa is such a beautiful thing. It's not something which you can buy from the market. It's not something which you can download from the internet. It's not something that you plug in. It is

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something which you attain something which you achieve, something which takes dedication, it takes time, it takes effort and it takes sincerity. taqwa, as some of the scholars have mentioned, it has to construct an erect a barrier between you and the punishment of Allah. What saves you from the punishment of Allah, what will save you and me in sha Allah on your will tiama from the fire of Allah, from the punishment of Allah, it is this taqwa this barrier. When a person wakes up early in the morning to pray Salatu Fazal in the coldness that you have here in Calgary, which I haven't seen anywhere else in the world, who and what makes you wake up so early, in this cold weather, to make

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will do with cold water at times of the day and the night when no one else is awake. It is this concept of taqwa. That's what makes you wake up. That is what will make you go and stand and prostrate in front of your Lord. What makes us as Muslims brothers and sisters, what makes us fast for hours upon hours during the day for days upon days for a whole month, once every single year for the whole of our lifespan? And what ensures that when we're not being seen by others, when we're hidden privately and secluded in the room, that we won't eat and drink that we won't take out a Snickers bar, we will have some m&ms or drink some water. What ensures us it is the concept of

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taqwa when a person goes to make hij and that people are going and performing the many rights that are performing, and one of those rights for example is that you go and stone, one of the pillars seven times. What prevents a person from going outside of his camp, waiting 10 minutes on the street coming back in and saying to everyone else, I performed the right. What takes him to go into that dangerous situation, where stampedes have occurred, when 1000s of people are jostling for position to stone that single pillar. It is this concept of taqwa. What takes us and holds us back from the punishment of Allah is this concept of taqwa. And imagine if in everything that we did, we had this

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beautiful perspective, every single action we performed. It was based upon this concept of taqwa. We live our lives as mucked up in and know that on Yom Yama, on the day of judgment, the only thing that will last is what has this concept attached to it. The concept of taqwa it is this concept of taqwa that the great companions, or the Allahu anhu, would speak about over and over again.

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I'll even call him rhodiola. One. During his philosophy, he would go to the graveyard, and he would see the many graves in front of him. And he would say to the people around him, his companions with him, he would say, if only we could speak to the inhabitants of these graves, and they could reply, and speak back to us, if only

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verbally I would ask them, What have you found after your death, what has benefited and profited you, after Allah caused you to die? And they would ask me, what has happened to our wealth, our family, our wives, and our children after our death? And then he would remain silent. And then after some time, he would speak, and he would answer his own questions. And he would say that in response to their question, I would say to them, that after your death, your houses have become inhabited by other people. And as for your children, they have forgotten about you. And as for your spouse's, then they have gone and remarried. And as for your wealth, it has been divided. Nothing is left for

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you in this world, everything you held dear has moved on without you. And if they could respond to my question, then they would say no, that nothing has benefited us more in this grave than taqwa than the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why the great companion or the a loved one who would say that if I knew that a single action of mine were to be accepted, I would place all of my hope on that single act. And I don't need to go into detail about the merits and virtues of Amara Viola one, this great individual and companion and the many sacrifices he made for Islam. But look at his humility and humbleness and look at his understanding and comprehension of this concept of

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taqwa. If only I knew one act were to be accepted, I would place all of my hope in it. Why? What causes him to think this way, in

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law, who me mina nutropin, because Allah only accepts from the terpene from those who have Taqwa Allah only accepts the deeds of those who have Taqwa. And this is why you find in many, many verses of the Quran that Allah azza wa jal speaks about yo Yama, and the only thing that prophets a person on that day will be this concept of taqwa of Allah. Yama, even Baba who live

00:49:09 --> 00:49:41

in the closest of friends, on that day on normal cuyama they will be enemies one to another. Except for those who have Taqwa any friendship, and companionship, anything which is not based upon this beautiful pure principle of taqwa. Then it will not have anything left on your multi gamma. It is the only thing that survives the test of time. It is the only thing that remains after our death.

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The second thing that allows our general draws our attention to this beautiful verse. While tongo Demetri I let each and every single person looked at to that which they put forth for tomorrow that each one of us

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Examine and analyze what we're preparing for tomorrow. What will be our bank balance on Yom Okayama? What have we invested for the hereafter? What business transactions have we made? And how smart have we been? From a business sense, in the sense that this is a transaction? That Allah azza wa jal is making a transaction with us? How much profit? Will we gain on yomo Yama, and if you want to think of it from a pure business sense, then this is what it is. Our actions, our prayer, I was a car, our fasting our Hajj, being kind to our parents smiling in the face of our brothers and sisters, this is investment for the hereafter.

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And so how much do we invest? And notice that Allah subhanahu wa taala, when referring to your mukaiyama? He says, Lee, what? What have you prepared for tomorrow? next year? Nothing,

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Marina millennia? What have you prepared for tomorrow? Because your move to Yama could be around the corner. And even if the Day of Judgment is established in our lifetime, or many lifetimes after hours, then our death is the signal of Yamaha piano for us. And it could well be that German piano will stop before that time.

00:51:28 --> 00:51:56

So what have we prepared for tomorrow? What have we put forth that will save us on your mo piano that we have put forth for the day of yom Okayama in the law hobby on Bhima Tama Lune Indeed, Allah is all aware of everything that you do. Allah subhanho wa Taala has full knowledge of everything that you do, and the intention behind everything that you do.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:01

While Taku can Levine Anna sola

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whom, for

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eco homeowners.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala. He mentions the opposite to those people. The opposite to those people who feel a law, a new prepare for the Day of Judgment, the opposite to those people, of those that Allah azza wa jal describes in this first and do not be like those a warning from Allah. Do not be like those people who have forgotten Allah, who have neglected Allah for unser home and foster home. So he calls them to forget themselves. Indeed, those are the evil people. Do not forget Allah azzawajal and how do we forget Allah? How do we feign ignorance of Allah? How do we neglect Allah subhanho wa Tada. And there are many ways to achieve this many ways in which this takes place. But

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one of those ways is something which Allah azza wa jal will correct later on in those verses. And that is our ignorance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. To forget a law is to be ignorant of a law. And if you are ignorant of your Lord, and you don't know Allah subhanho wa Taala and you don't know his rewards, and his punishment, and you don't know his names, and his attributes, and you don't know the many other things that is connected to our lots of Hannah who Watada then you have forgotten your Lord. If you don't know your Lord, then you have forgotten him. If you don't know Allah subhanho wa Taala and you don't know the commandments that He has given the orders that he is

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obligated the prohibitions that he has prescribed and legislated, then you have forgotten Allah subhanho wa Taala. And those who forget Allah, they forget themselves, in the sense that they will no longer be able to work for the Hereafter, in the sense that they no longer have this element and concept of taqwa attached to their mindset. They are not from those people that fear Allah subhanho wa Taala. In another beautiful verse, Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran, woman arroba and decree for in Allah humare Shatta Mancha, wanna shuru Yama, Yama tiama, those who turn away from my remembrance, and part of forgetting Allah is to forget the Quran. To forget its recitation, to

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forget its memorization, to forget the commandments that are within the books about the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala to forget to implement what is in the Quran. Those who turn away from that remembrance they will

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Have an unpleasant and difficult life. And on your monitor Yama they will be resurrected blind color of Bielema harsh ohtani Amma rokkaku basura and that person will ask, Oh Allah, why am I resurrected blind? When in the dunya when in this world, I had eyesight. Allah tada Lika attack tuna fantasy Taha

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likkle yo matanza. So Allah azza wa jal will reply, because when I will versus came, when I came to you, when you pretended to forget them, you feigned ignorance of them. And so today, you too will be forgotten. And as Muslims, we are aware of a law, we are aware of the Quran, but we feign ignorance, we pretend we don't know, when we know of the many different many different, damn many different rulings concerning our religion, you will find that there are many Muslims, brothers and sisters who pretend that they don't know or who pretend that they're not able to comprehend these different rulings. And so we feigned ignorance, and Allah azza wa jal has given us this warning, that to

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forget a law is to forget ourselves, because a normal cuyama Allah azza wa jal will not be harmed by us, and our lack of good deeds will not affect him. subhanho wa Taala. But it will be we that suffer, we are the ones who will have this choice in this dunya of either believing or disbelieving of doing harm or halaal good or evil and based upon that, we will be judged. This is why in Surah Allah azza wa jal mentions the choice that He has given mankind, feminine Sha FL human woman Sha filioque form whosoever wishes to believe, may do so. And whosoever wishes to disbelieve, then he may do so or she may do so. This is the choice that we have. And again, a lot of silica gel in these

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verses is speaking of this contrast, those who have Taqwa and plan for the Hereafter, and those who forget Allah and forget the day of judgment, so they forget themselves and a lot of xojo will hold both sides to account and depending on the path, that they have chosen, they will be rewarded or punished accordingly.

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Law Yes, we also have

00:57:44 --> 00:57:45

la yester we

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then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about this concept, this element, that when you take the choice of these two paths, you will be rewarded or punished accordingly. And Allah subhanahu wa taala says it in the most beautiful, the most eloquent of ways, they will never be equal. Never will they be equal. Those who enter Paradise, and those who enter the fire. Indeed, those who enter Paradise, they are the people of success. Never are these two people equal. Never is the one who believes in Allah equal to the one who disbelieved in Allah. Never are they equal, those who do halaal and those who do harm those who do good, and those who do evil, those who stand to pray fudger in the morning,

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and those who choose to sleep in the morning, never will they be equal, never Are they the same lifestyle we live in a alone will Levine Allah Allah moon, never are they equal, those who act upon knowledge and those who do not act upon knowledge, La Jolla, Amal basilone. The seeing and the blind are not equal, one of Luma to Allah nor neither is the darkness nor the light equal. You are not equal. If you do not believe in Allah azza wa jal and you work for the Hereafter, you are not the same as the one who feigns ignorance, who forgets a lump so he forgets himself. And this is the beautiful thing about our religion, that our religion is not just based on a concept of simple

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belief. It is not something where you simply believe that someone has done something for your sake. And if you believe in that individual, then you have achieved safety. You have achieved salvation. Rather, each individual is judged according to their own merit. Each one is judged according to his or her

01:00:00 --> 01:00:27

own actions, but they will never be equal. Never are those two individuals equal, the people are power dies and the people of the fire and we know from our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the many rewards that the people of Paradise will be blessed with under many punishments and evil, that the people of the fire will have to suffer. Never can those two individuals be equal?

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01:00:45 --> 01:00:46


01:00:49 --> 01:00:49


01:00:52 --> 01:00:55

de la I love LA I love home yet.

01:00:59 --> 01:01:49

Then Allah subhanho wa Taala he speaks about another beautiful principle and concept in our religion. And that is that your source of guidance, your source of salvation, these things that we have been speaking about now, in his previous verses, the concept of taqwa the concept of preparing for the Hereafter, the concept of not forgetting a law, the concept of the reward and punishment of a law. All of it is contained within the Quran. The answer that you need is in the Quran. throughout our lives, we go through many tests. And normally in those tests, you don't know the answer. One of the elements of an exam or a test is you don't know the answer. And so you have to work for it. And

01:01:49 --> 01:02:40

you work for this answer, hoping that you have passed. And you have to wait till after the examination, to know your results, to know the exam answers. But one of the beautiful aspects of our religion is that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us the answers. We have the answers, we have the solution to our exams and our tests, we know what we need to do in order to pass. It's not something which you need to research. It's not something where there can be a difference of opinion. It is mentioned in this Quran. And this Koran is a book of such guidance of such beauty, of such elegance of such light, that if it were to be revealed upon a mountain, then that mountain would crumble from

01:02:40 --> 01:03:15

the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala it would crumble from the fear of a lung. A mountain is the most solid structure that we have as humans upon the face of the earth, that is not a single most solid structure than the Himalayas, or the Rockies or Kilimanjaro, or any of these other mountains around the round. That Even so, the beauty and the power of the Quran is such that they would tremble and they would turn into dust from the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

01:03:16 --> 01:04:10

So how about me and you, when we come to recite the Quran, and this Quran, which is meant to penetrate our hearts, and cause our eyes to shed tears, and cause us to reflect upon our situation, and hold ourselves to account? What effect does it have upon me a new this are on that can make stones give water and mountains turned into dust and crumble? What effect does it have upon us as humans upon this flesh of our body, and this muscle known as the heart? What effect does it have upon us? And if we can go by reading the Quran, and we can read it from cover to cover, and hear its recitation, in Ramadan in the Torah with prayer, without shoving a single tear, without

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understanding a single message without being able to improve a single facet of our lives. Then I ask you, who is the solid object? Who is the one without emotion? Or what is the one without emotion? Is it us? Or is it the mountain because the mountain will crumble from the fear of alarm, but we will not shed a single tear. And this is again, this beautiful concept of Islam. That all you need to do to be a successful Muslim is to take the sport and adopt what you find with it. Every message that you find in the Koran, then treat it as your own. Take it and hold it and cuddle it and take it and implement it in your lives. Apply

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In every way possible, this is all that Allah azza wa jal wants from you to live by the Quran. To do, as the Quran says, to stop with the Quran says stop. This is us as Muslims. And this is what will bring unity and brotherhood among amongst us. When we understand our Koran, when we understand the guidance that Allah azza wa jal has given to us.

01:05:29 --> 01:05:32

This is what we need to do. What else can

01:05:33 --> 01:05:34

we do holliness.

01:05:36 --> 01:06:00

And these are similitudes and examples that allow places forth for individuals for humankind, so that they may ponder and comprehend. If a person doesn't know how to gain taqwa. And a person doesn't know how to prepare for the artwork, and they don't go back to the Koran and don't use it as their constitution in this life,

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then those people have not taken the examples of allow the similitudes that a law has placed forth, and they are not people of comprehension. They don't understand what they should do.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:50

And now in the next three verses in this beautiful passage, as well as our general answers the question that I asked you at the beginning, how is it possible to know to be ignorant of a law? How is it possible for you to know a law if you're ignorant of him? How can you claim to know a law if you're ignorant of his names and attributes, and you're ignorant of the many other things that I will religion mentions about our Lord? in these last three verses, Allah azza wa jal to detail speaking about himself,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We will love

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you say

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. In this beautiful final three verses of this surah he speaks about himself about his names and his attributes, about the many characteristics that he possesses.

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That he is unique in. And even though the names may be similar to characteristics that we find amongst humans, they are not in any way similar to our Lord Subhana hautala. He is unique in every single way, in every single aspect, and he is far above his creation. subhanho wa Taala. We cannot compare ourselves to our Lord, because the moment that you compare to Allah to his creation, he can no longer be alone. A God is not a God, if he is like his creation. And so Allah is unique in every way. And so Allah says that he is alone, the one that there is no other worthy of worship except him. He is unique in his worship subpoena who will Tyler he is alone, deserving of this worship. So

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when you stand on that planet, when you want to start your fast, when you go to the airport to assume they have a hunch, when you go and you want to perform a good action, then your intention is for a law and the law alone, that alone you worship, and that He alone is the one who benefits and gives him and he is the one who gives life and death and he is the one alone who's seen. I know hearing me supprimer hautala he is a law the one and he is our Lord, and He is the one that we worship. And he is the one that we make the sacrifices for when we wake up in the morning to pay when we make will do with cold water. When we fast for long days. Our time is a long available

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We please, he is the source of our inspiration. And he is the source of our hope. And he is he alone, that we wish to please. And it is His pleasure alone that we seek and it was his mercy and forgiveness, his kindness and generosity that we seek alone. Subhanahu wa Tada. He is a law men has the right to be worshipped except him.

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He was Shahada. He is the one alone who knows the hidden and the unseen. He is the one. And then this is where the concept of taqwa comes in, that he is the one who knows when you're fasting, and you go into your room alone, that you don't eat or drink. He is the one who knows that when you're playing, whether you're playing for him, or hoping for someone else, whether you're playing tennis,

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or you're playing as a matter of routine and habit, he is the one who knows the seen and the unseen. He is the one who knows our different characteristics.

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The way that we think he is our Creator, subhanahu wa taala. And he will he be was Shahada.

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And He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. He is the one who if you return to Him, support him or her Tyler, even with a mountain of sins, even with oceans of sins, when He alone is the one who will forgive them all because of the mercy that he possesses.

01:11:34 --> 01:12:25

And there is because of his beneficence and his graciousness, that in this life, we as humans are able to interact with one another. It is because of him that the animal does not trample upon its child. It has because of him that the mother and the father will sacrifice their lives for their children. It is because of him that we have these mutual bonds of respect amongst one another. It is from his beneficials and from his graciousness. There are also Pilar who were to Allah has also a different type of mercy and mercy that is exclusive for the believers and mercy that is exclusive for those who have Taqwa and those who plan for the hereafter. This is a mercy exclusive to those

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who believe that he alone has the right to be worshipped on a normal piano, they will find this mercy in abundance by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it is because of this mercy that Allah azzawajal will allow them to enter into paradise, even though they are weak creatures, even though they have many sins, even though they are not as good as they should have been. But Allah through this beautiful and special, exclusive mercy that he has, he will forgive them and enter them into agenda. And I will give you just one example of this. And that is the example of the last person to ever

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