Ahsan Hanif – English Reminder

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Surah Al Baqale, the second Surah of the Quran, is discussed, including the use of "has been" in the Bible to describe actions and words, and the importance of understanding the principles of submission and reinterpretation in one's religion. The history of Islam is also discussed, including the shift from Jerusalem to Jerusalem and the announcement of the new rule, the importance of praying and changing one's minds to align with Islam, and the need for acceptance and adoption in wrestling and other areas.
AI: Transcript ©
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sallallahu wasallam Oh Baraka and Amina Muhammad Ali, he will be here to marry in the motherland.

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Yesterday and today we've been hearing the recitation of Surah Al Baqarah. The second Surah of the Quran, it is the longest surah of the Quran. And it is the surah bat which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that whosoever

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learns a surah reads the surah and has a close link and attachment to the surah. They will be given protection by Allah subhanho wa Taala. The Prophet told us not allowed He will send him the reading the surah within our houses is something which drives away the Djinn and the Prophet Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that whoever reads this surah and surah Allah Remeron, which is the surah after then it will come like two clouds or two flocks of bird birds upon a person's head on the Day of Judgment. This soul has many, many virtues, not least of which is that it also contains ayatul kursi, which our Prophet told us that Allahu Allahu wa sallam is the greatest single verse of

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the Quran. And also it contains the last two verses of the Surah Surah Al Baqarah, about which the Prophet Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam that they were treasures from beneath the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And whosoever recites those two last verses of Surah Baqarah catheter, they are sufficient for him. This is a sort of that has many, many virtues. And it contains many, many stories and many, many lessons. But its essence and all of those stories and all of those lessons come back to you single point and that is teaching us about our belief in Allah subhana wa tada and our duty as Muslims in terms of our submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala Surat Al Baqarah contains

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a number of stories. But if you look at those stories and you read those lessons, you will find that Alonzo vigil is laying down for us a very important lesson in principle. And that is that we as Muslims, it is our first and foremost duty in terms of our religion and to Allah subhanaw taala that we give him complete submission. That submission is something that you will find being mentioned and alluded to within the story. We have this in the soul or rather we have the story for example of Adam alayhis salaam and his creation. And you find within that the two extremes, one of complete submission and one of complete rejection in the story of Adam and Eve please, Allah subhana wa tada

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dimensions to us the story of the people of the cow, which were a group of Israelites that were from the people of Musa alayhis salaam, these people and it is named the solar is named after them the incident of the cow. They also juxtapose they also gave those two extremes. One of those people who when they're given a command by Allah azza wa jal, they accept it immediately. And then the second are those people whom and they're given a command By Allah, they have to stop and pause and think. And they have to weigh up the pros and the cons and the benefits and the harms. And they use their mind and their logic to interpret a way around or in and about that commandment of Allah subhana wa

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Tada. And then in the end, they may do it because it is in their benefit or because they found no other solution except to do it. But it's not something that they willingly and forthrightly submitted towards. And that is what Allah azza wa jal is telling us. When Allah subhanaw taala commanded the angels to Prostrate to Adam alayhis salaam for surgery in the Iblees all of them fall into prostration. The angels had no qualms they had no questions, they didn't second guess the commandment of Allah subhana wa tada acceptably Iblees. Because for him, it didn't make sense. For him his mind his rationale, his intellect was more superior than the commandment of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala. And therein lies the test of faith. Therein lies the test of submission. So when we read the Quran, we come and we hear a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we're told that it is part of our religion to do something, or not to do something, the way that we react, the way that we respond. That is a test of the faith that is within our hearts. That is a way to test in our physical appearance, or the words that we may say, or the names that we may have or the titles that others may give to us. It is that submission that Allah subhana wa Taala wants to see in the story of the people of the cow when Mousavi Salam commanded them. When someone died from amongst the

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community who was murdered in cold blood, and they wanted to learn the killer who's the murderer, they were told to sacrifice a cow. Those people didn't, it didn't make sense to them. The two things were not connected in their minds. We're looking for a murderer. We're looking for a killer. And we're being told to go and sacrifice a cow. today that makes sense to them. But rather than understanding that this is from Allah, that we don't need to understand doesn't need to always make sense that it's something which Allah has obligated.

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upon us that we submit and we a bay before we understand, because they couldn't understand this principle, they started to ask questions didn't make sense to them. And then on the other hand in what was recited today in solid tarawih, we have the other

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the other extreme or not extreme but the other side of the coin. And that is the story of Ibrahim out of his center. When Allah subhanaw taala speaks about him in Surah Al Baqarah, he says, describing him, if karnala horombo Aslam Birla Islam to the Arab blood amin, when Allah said to him submit, he said, I submit to the Lord of the worlds no question no ifs, no buts. And that is when a large soldier in the army and he describes him in another surah. He says in Ibrahim aterna oma Ibrahim was a nation. He rhymes a man is one person. Allah says he's a nation unto himself. And that's why every prophet who came after him, was from his children from his lineage, because he

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brought him early Islam was an amazing man. And that's where larsa Magellan Surah Baqarah when he describes him, he says what he the tala Ibrahim or ogbu be Kalimantan for uttama. Han and remember when Allah tested Ibrahim alayhis salaam, with a number of commands, even commands order upon order command after command for uttama Han, and he completed all of them completed to the mall didn't fail. A single one didn't trip up once. Every time he was given a test. He passed that test and his test was a test of submission. Some of these hollows of tafsir or Hema Humala, they said that when the large xojo refers to these commands is referring to the different trials that Ibrahim alayhis

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salam went through, that Allah mentions in different parts of the Quran. The trials are facing up to his people, his own father, his own community, when they were worshipping idols besides Allah, and you knew it to be wrong. He took a stance, and he stood up and he made his position known, but because of it, he was outcast. Because of it, they threw him into a raging power of fire, because of them. Because of that he was exiled from his own land because of it, his father disowned him for at a mountain but he completed those tests. And then, when Ibrahim alayhis salam is traveling with his wife, he goes to the kingdom of a tyrant Kingdom despot by the name of Nimrod, Nimrod, Nimrod is

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king he hears of this man, a foreigner, who's traveling and with him is a wife, who is by all accounts beautiful, excels in her beauty. He wants to know who he is, and he wants to know what he is and what is brought. And within that intention, as we know from the sun and from other sources is that he wants to take the wife of Ibrahim for himself. That is a test and Ibrahim Ali Salaam passes the test of him in a large soldier tells him to go man leave his wife and his newborn baby son is married it is in a barren desert learn no food, no water no people study even on a journey in a traveling path where people may pass by and Musa Abraham it Salam submits to the will of Allah and

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he leaves him then. And then late wondering the Brahim Allah He said I was told to go back and take that same son who's now a boy and to go and sacrifice him with his own hand, and Ibrahim Ali ceramic sense. And then when a large soldier late one tells him to go back to Mecca, and raise the foundation of the Kaaba building him and his son, there is no building contractors, there's no army, there's no one to you and your son go and raise the foundations of the Kaaba, and he submits and he does so. And that is why Alonzo vision describes him as a nation. The different things that he did the different challenges he went through, you will have whole communities, whole families, whole

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nations that would fail in fulfilling those tasks. But Ibrahim alayhis salam did so by the permission of Allah by himself, and that is where Larissa gel says that they brought him out he said I'm after completing these tests. He said, Allah in the journey will tell in nursing he Mama, Allah said that I have appointed you or we brought him as a leader for humankind. Meaning everyone that comes after you is from your lineage. every prophet is from your children, you are the one that you will all look up to. So the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims, even the Orisha of Makkah, who were polytheists idol worshipers, all of them, they knew the virtues of Ibrahim are in Santa Paula one in

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the Yeti. So Brahimi center makes a request to Allah. He says I will largest as you make me, a leader and an Imam for all of the people, then likewise do so for my children. For my children, make them all a man's. And it shows us that when Allah subhanaw taala puts us on a path of goodness gives us some good some virtue, some righteousness. It is from our religion that we make

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Throughout the law continues, that goodness within our children, and within our grandchildren, and for many generations to come. you plant a seed today, and you see its fruit maybe in years to come or generations to come. And that is what he brought him and he said, I'm saying all the body needs, but Allah said that the presses will never take that station, meaning that from the children of Ibrahim alayhis salam, yes, they would be great prophets of Allah. prophets like his Marine, and his heart and your womb and use of prophets like Musa and Isa, and our own prophet alayhi salatu was Salam. But at the same time, also from his children from his lineage will be those people that will

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be oppressive, they will be evil doers, they will be people who don't deserve the right to be an Eman and a leader and a role model. And that's why we have the likes of orange that tried that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam belong to all of them, trace their lineage back to Ibrahim, and he said, that many of them did not be fit that title. Not everyone is good, just because their forefathers are good. Not everyone is righteous just because their ancestors happened to be righteous. But Ibrahim Allen Sam is given this example is given as an example for us that when we come across something in our religion, maybe we never heard about it before. Maybe it didn't come

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across our horizon before. Maybe our parents and our grandparents, our communities, our customs, and our coaches weren't familiar with this part of his stand for whatever reason, ignorance, lack of knowledge, didn't know other practices, innovation, whatever it may be. But when it finally comes to light and comes to our attention, how do we respond? And you will find that the vast majority of us if we're honest and truthful, always have to pause. There's always that time of trepidation of not knowing, of being unsure of having to really force ourselves to submit. And that is a sign of the man within our hearts. And then a large soldier at the beginning of the second jewels. He gives an

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example now that you've learned these lessons about the Maliki salam, and musar is

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Islam and so on. Allah puts a test to the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to the people that were there present in the time of Medina. So your call Lucifer whom in a nurse, ma will love him and let him lead he can win or they are the foolish people from amongst them will say, what made those Muslims change their direction of dibbler? Why have they changed the direction that they're praying from Jerusalem to Makkah, as we know what the beginning of Islam and the Muslim used to pray, they used to face the direction of Bethel McDyess of Jerusalem, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would want that he should be changed from Jerusalem to Makkah towards the Kaaba.

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When the Muslims migrated and they went to Medina, for approximately 16 months, they continue to pray towards Jerusalem, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his heart, he had this desire, he had this wish that the Tabler should be changed. And he would often look up towards the skies and the heavens in the hopes that a large soldier would bring down to him revelation with that change. And then alara Zoltan did so he gave them the commandment, and it was a test for the people. Why number one, because now they've been given a new rule. Do you submit or don't you submit? There is an aeration and some of it is mentioned as Al Bihari that when this commandment came for the

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Muslims to change, there was a companion who heard the statement the command come from a larger version the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the community and because Medina was spread out people lived in different parts around the city of Medina. Sometimes they will take time for that ruling for the commandment to travel. Take time. It's not like today you just put it up on WhatsApp or social media or Facebook. It will take time because it travels by word of mouth. One of those companions who heard the commandment he came across a group of people praying Salat Lassen in a community which today we call a table attain if you go to Medina, you find a Masjid, you find a

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community that's called Tabler team, which means the place of the two pillars. Why? Because when this man passed by the community, they were praying in a certain some regions or some duration that

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they were praying, and they will still praying towards Jerusalem. He had heard now that the Qibla has changed, but these people don't know. So once they're in prayer, he said to them, that I've just come from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And Allah has commanded us to change the direction of the Qibla. He says that in the middle of the prayer, whilst they were praying, they changed the direction and they faced towards Mecca, and they completed their prayer.

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That is a sign of Eman wasn't like oh, let let us finish the Salah we've started now anyway, we may as well finish. No was that a case of Oh, maybe he's wrong or his mistake.

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Come on, he doesn't know what he's talking about. oh man oh no Was it a case of let us go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, double check, make sure none of them immediately right there and then they change the position of the fibula. And then the people stopped to talk. The people stopped to see the the hypocrites and the Jews and the oration. All of those people kind of religion is this one day, they're praying towards one side, and the next day they're praying towards another side. Those Muslims are living for 13 years in Makkah, one year in Medina, then they die they passed away, and all of them were praying to Jerusalem most of the time. What does it mean about the sada

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1314 years of salah and no longer is invalid? So Allah azza wa jal revealed in the Quran, and he said, one can allow Neil de Monaco, Allah will never let those prayers go to waste. Because when you worship Allah subhanaw taala, based upon knowledge, to the best of your ability, according to the best of your knowledge, Allah rewards you for it. That's all that Allah asks you to do, to worship of Lord to the best of your ability, with as much authentic clear knowledge that you can attain. But that also means that there will come times when your knowledge increases, where what you did yesterday is no longer correct because of what you learned today, what you were told 10 years ago,

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you've learned now that actually was wrong or it was mistaken or we need to refine your correcting. And that is the test. When that takes place that you then we will renew and rejuvenate your Eman. When are the Allahu i mean is he laughter he would give a ruling. Or then a year or so later, he will change the ruling. And he will say the exact opposite. People would come to him and he would say and they would say Oh, last year you said one thing. And this year you said another. He said that is the ruling that we gave them based upon what we knew. And today is the only thing that we give today, based upon what we know today. That is knowledge. No one is born, knowing everything,

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having all knowledge, having all wisdom, you learn and you improve and you come closer to Allah subhanaw taala through that process. So Alonzo just gives us this example. This is something that we need to understand throughout Salatu Baccarat Allah subhanaw taala is telling us about himself. And he's telling us these stories, because the greatest test of his name and Eman and faith is the test of submission. That is the greatest test is waiting than any other type of tests that you can have to willingly follically submit to Allah subhanaw taala without an F or a bat or a question as to why and that is what Alonzo JAL tells us within the Surah Surah Al Baqarah. And that is the lesson that

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we need to take, especially in this month of Ramadan. When we learn something that we come across something how quickly and how willing we are to accept and implement it. That is the test of our Eman wrestle our soldier that it strengthens our man and then it makes us from those people who when we learn about our religion, and something from the Quran and Sunnah comes to us. We apply it immediately is Aquila Hara salon Amina Muhammad, Allah early he was talking bH marine or cinematic metal lying over

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