Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Purification Episode 14

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history and implications of the Prophet's teachings and the importance of reciting them in certain states. They also touch on the topic of men not being allowed to sleep in major purification and the need for individuals to avoid certain situations. The importance of strong hustle and washing one's body is also discussed, along with the use of water for praying and reciting. The shaven is not linked to any act of worship, but rather to avoid discomfort when wearing the head.
AI: Transcript ©
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similar manner Rahim al hamdu lillahi

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de la ilaha illallah wa Allahu Allah Sheree Kala worship Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam o Baraka early. Early, he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira. About

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last week's lesson, we began with the chapter of a reversal or the chapter of bathing

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and recovered roughly half of that chapter and we spoke mainly about those issues, which require also, which in Islamic law would require a person to make Muslim or to be. And so we went over some of them number one was marital relations, marital relations is something which makes wajib upon a person that they made was on number two was what dreams. And then the other issues which came after this were issues of difference of opinion, things like for example, bathing on Fridays, is a wild trip or not amongst the Muslims, and likewise from cupping, and washing the deceased, and when a person enters into the fold of Islam. So these were some of the issues that we mentioned. And to

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briefly recap, mouth relations and dreams are those things which are unanimously agreed upon by the scholars of Islam, that they make logic upon a person that they have to make awesome and everything else is a source of difference of opinion. Some of the scholars said yes, some of the scholars said no, and we covered that in detail last week. So moving on from the on Hadith number 101. way or the other your long run,

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channel Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, una mala Mia cuando Nova raha hoon from Sahaja Yoga Santa was Ohio even a ban

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on the authority of God Allah one the famous hollyford the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would teach us to earn so long as he was not in a state of Geneva, in a state of major impurity. And this is collected by the five and the wordings of a telemovie, who declared the Hadith to be Hassan, and it was authenticated by a ban. So this is an authentic hadith from earlier of the long run the famous Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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When you come to study Hadith, you'll find that there are different wordings or different ways that our Hadith are worded. So for example, you have an action of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bathed in this way, or he made widow in this manner. We prayed in this way. This is a type of howdy factions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then you have for example, the sayings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the process of Solomon said this, he ordered this he prohibited this, encourage this, this is a type of Hadith as well. Number three is that the companions or the people of Medina or Mecca or someone from amongst

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Muslims, would do an action and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would either approve, or he would disapprove. And this is a type of Sudan Hadith as well. So even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on doing it himself directly, he will see someone else do it, and he will remain quiet. And I think we mentioned this point before as well, that from that which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not allowed to do as a prophet of Allah was to remain silent when he saw something which was wrong or haram. So it's not allowed for the prophets of Allah, the messengers of Allah, when they see some type of harm being done in the presence that they repayment

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For everyone else, if they remain silent, they remain silent, if they speak, they speak. But for the Messenger of Allah, there is no option they must speak. And they must declare that to be Haram, so that people don't become confused and take it to be a part of the religion when it is not. And so, for example, an example of this type of Hadith is where, for example, one of the companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, I think, was highly vulnerable either on the long run, he in the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was eating what is known as a bob. And Bob is a sand lizard, a desert lizard. And so he was eating this in the presence of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam and the prophets on the lower end, he will send them refuse to eat it himself. So this is a type of pseudo meaningless type of Hadith. And what it shows is that eating this type of lizard is halal. So even though the processor didn't eat, it means that personally he didn't prefer that type of food.

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He didn't like to eat the type of food, but worried how long he would have said to the companion. Don't eat it, it's Haram, it's unlawful. But the fact that he allowed him to eat it in his presence that is a type of sooner or Hadith as well, it's the type of Hadith. It is from the traditions of our profits on a long while he was seldom when you get a fourth type of Hadith, which is a statement of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which they would say, we would do this at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Or we would do that, or we wouldn't do this. And so when they see a statement like this, and this hadith is an example of that, the old

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soul has the ruling of a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So even though it is a statement of the loved one, so it's not the action of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam directly, nor is it for example, a statement of the prophets of Salaam, but it is something which they did at that time, and the profit was approved off. And so this is also a type of Hadith it is given what is known as Folkman rough, it is attributed back to the prophets on the long run, he will send them and so the companions were trustworthy, they were people that are large, that were just selected to be the companions of our profits on a long while he will sell them. So when they make a

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statement like this, it shows that it is a part of the religion, it shows that it is a part of the religion for a companion to say something like this means that it is a part of the original something which was accepted at that time. So this is an example of that type of Hadith. And what are the law, the law one is things that the profits on a low hourly you will sell them during that time, he would teach the companions, so long as they were not in a state of Geneva. So from this hadith we have a number of benefits number one is that it is prohibited to recite the Quran in a state of Geneva in a state of major impurity. And we discussed last week, the two types of impurity,

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minor and major two states of impurity. And so in a state of major impurity is haram for someone to recite the Koran.

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Number two, that also means that if a person is not in a state of major impurity, but they are in a state of minor impurity, meaning that they broken their window, then it is permissible for them to recite the Quran, and to teach the Koran and so on, is permissible for them to recite the Quran. And so therefore,

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a person in a minus state of impurity, as we mentioned in the previous chapter, it is not allowed for them to touch the Koran, but it is allowed for them to recite the Quran. And so that is the difference between the two issues. One is touching the Koran, one is reciting it from memory or reciting, for example, on iPad or on iPhone or some other way, shape or form. And so it's not allowed for a person to touch the Quran except with Waldo, but it is allowed for them to recite the Quran without sudo. However, it's not allowed for them to recite the Quran in the state of major impurity. And this is basically what this hadith is saying.

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In the Hadith of the long run another iteration of this the profits on a lot while he was selling them, recited some Quran and he said to the companions do this, so long as you're not in the state of Geneva, do this so long as you are not in a state of Janab in the state of major impurity. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would sometimes meet his companions and interact with them in a state of major impurity whilst he was in a state of Genova. And so if a person is in a state of major impurity, it is not obligatory upon a person to make hostile immediately. You don't have to make awesome immediate, you can delay that was awesome. But then obviously, you can't perform an act

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of worship until you make the awesome say, for example, if a person was to be in a state of Geneva, in the night, after salata, marisha, they don't have to make awesome straightaway, they can delay that until,

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until the time of budget comes in, then they have to hustle to play solid.

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So it's not obligatory upon a person to make it straight away or immediately understand, it also shows them that it is allowed in that time, then to interact with others, whether that person be a personal spouse, the wife or husband, whether it be their parents, their siblings, their family members, or whether it be the wider community, that they come out, and they interact. They go and visit their friends and their relatives, they go shopping, whatever it is that they do. And so and we'll come on to this, as well, in another Hadith, that are mentioning shortly, but basically it shows from this Hadith of the Prophet of Solomon interact with his companions in a state of Geneva.

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So this had essentially no point number five, and that is that even though the believer or the Muslim can be in a state of major impurity, that is a metaphysical state is not a real state, meaning that a person a Muslim, doesn't become impure by their skin mean the skin is impure, they're not they're not impure in that sense. It is a spiritual type of impurity that they are in. So it's not allowed for a person to pray sunlight for them to touch the Koran or recite the Quran.

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Not allowed for them to go and make tawaf. However it doesn't mean that they impure, meaning that they can't speak to anyone. They can't sit with anyone they can eat from the same dish as anyone. They interact with other people. And that's in the hadith of Abu huraira the last one, but it was once walking in the streets of Medina and he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam walking towards him. And so he avoided him and he went another way. And then later on in the day, he came and he sat with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the prophet SAW Selim said tomorrow, Abu huraira, why did you avoid me in the morning, I saw you walking towards me when you saw me, you

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avoided me and you went another way. And so he said, Well, the alarm rang. He said, O Messenger of Allah was in a state of Geneva, in a state of major impurity, and I disliked that I should come and meet you in such a state. So when I saw you a poaching, I took another path, so that I wouldn't have to meet you in this way. And then I made Wilson and then I came back to see and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, don't do so, in the mean, Lion juice, for indeed the believer can never become impure. So this isn't the type of impurity that that the believer goes into, meaning that you can't sit with someone who called me anyone, even if that person is better

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and more honorable and more noble. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the best of creation, but even so above rhodiola in the process of them said to him, don't do so. You're allowed to intermingle. You'd like to go and sit and eat and so on and so forth. You just can't perform these acts of worship yarmulke Allah.

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So, even if Tamia Rahim Allah He said that there is a schema on this point, what point the point of this Hadith, that there is consistency among scholars than the state of Geneva is not permissible for a person to recite the Quran was not permissible for a person to recite the Quran, and this is different from vicco they can make Vicar general Vicar, but they can't recite the Quran. And this is out of honoring the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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One of the other issues and we may come into this in the next chapter, oh, in the last chapter in this in the book of purification, brought about a woman who, for example, has a monthly cycle, does she then take the same ruling as Rob because the monthly cycle that the woman goes under is the type of major purification in the sense that the only way she comes out of this is by taking muscle? And so does that also be included in this this is the point that the scholars of Islam different over so can the woman the woman can't touch the Quran in that state. But Can she recite upon on the different over the some of them said yes. And some of them said no, based on this hadith of Geneva,

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and a lot of soldier knows best. How do you feel number 102 one to be certain? Hodor You're the only one who call? Paulo Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either from Allah merata Aniruddha ferlito what babina Houma Muslim

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and Shakuni

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Chateau de La Follette, Khanna, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a number one job at a near miss sama Ramadan

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is how do you sit on the porch of Poseidon whether you're the only one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if one of you has relations with his wife, that he wishes to go back and have relations again, then let me make Waldo in between the two. And this is collected by Imam Muslim. And then the notion of hacking, he said because it is more energetic to do so many to make Budo in between the two trips, and the full scholars of the sooner then wait for marriage out of the long run her that she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would sleep in a state of Geneva without touching any water. And this is a hadith which is my own meaning that there

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is some weakness in it. So these are two Hadith that Abraham's Rahim Allah brings together because they are very similar. In the context, the first Hadith is obviously authentic, since a Muslim, the second Hadith is weak. The second eration is weak. And this is something which even hotjar himself points out in his in his book. This Hadith is basically saying that when a person has marital relations, the issue that revolves around is that even though a person, for example, doesn't go and make also straightaway, it's not valuable upon them to make wasn't straight away, is it logical upon them to at least make

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this is the issue now. So in the previous Hadith, we said that it's not obligatory upon a person after they're in a state of major purification that they have to make also, immediately they can delay that until the time of the prayer until there is a need. However, should they at least make rudo? Should they at least be in a state of well, that will do what lift off the state of impurity in the center of the Congo and pray from that? Budo? No, can they teach the Quran? No, can they go and make the love but it is something which a person does to purify themselves even in a slight way. So is it something which is obligatory upon them? Meaning can one sleep for example, if a person was

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to have relations with their spouse or night, can they sleep without making model or must they make at least

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And then they can go to sleep. So that second Heidi Heidi the very she said that the prophets of Salaam wouldn't touch water, but the Hadith is weak. And so based upon this the scholars of Islam have different Rahim Allah, they different over this issue. Some of this policy is haram for a person to sleep without making Moodle, meaning that the bare minimum that a person must do in a state of major purification is make Moodle. So they also they can delay but they must be in a state of Moodle, they must make Moodle.

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Other scholars said that it is recommended it was recommended under his dislike to leave it so it is better recommended there is more reward for a person to make more dough. However, if they don't do so, then there is no sin. And the vast majority of the scholars said that it is something which is simply allowed if a person wishes to do so they can do so if they don't wish to do so they don't have to do so. So the widow isn't really very important and Allah knows best. And this seems to be the strongest opinion that the motto is not recommended nor is it something which is obligatory. If a person wishes to do so, then that is better and if the author is allowed and if they don't wish to

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do so, then that is okay as well. How do you feel number 103 when I shutaura the Aloha pilot channel Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is of sentimental generosity saluja de sama Euphorbia meanie Allah Shima liefeld sudo Farrugia Maya Tabata familiar for you to feel wasabi I hope you saw the sha

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Allah says Allah definite some foul bada et just at the Casa de la will not only Muslim Allah who Murphy Hadith ma Muna some of Raka Allah for G for casilla homie shrimali from a Baba or fury Wyatt infamous a hobbit Rob of mercy to B min deal for a fee.

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These are again a number of narrations put together. And there is the very short of the law, in the description of the apostle of the Prophet son alone when he was selling that she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he would may listen from Genova, he will begin by washing his hands. And then he would pour water with his right hand to his left hand, and he will wash his private parts, and then he would make withdrawal. And then he will take water and he would, and he will make sure that this water which the roots of his head, and then he would pour water over his head three times. And then he would pour water over the rest of his body, and then he would wash his

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feet. And this is collected by emammal Bukhari and Muslim and also in Bukhari, and Muslim in the Hadith, another of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he would wash his private parts with his left hand, and then he would hit his hand on the earth or in an aeration, he would wipe dust over his hand. And at the end of this Hadith, then she says, maimunah says that I bought him a tissue, or I bought him some type of a towel, and he refused. And instead, he began to take the water off his body, using his hands on the lower and he will sell them. So this hadith Hadith is the description of the hustle of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The scholars of Islam have agreed, as we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, that the bare minimum that a person has to do, in order for their hustle to be acceptable in order for the person to lift the state of purification, is that they have to ensure that water reaches every single part of their body. So water must reach every single part of the body, that's including the hair, whether the heavy on top of the body on top of the head, whether it be the beard, whether it be the head on the body, and every single other limb, everything must be washed, every single part of the body must be washed. If water reaches all of the body, then that is awesome. Technically speaking, that is

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sufficient as also the person is then allowed to pray, they're allowed to make towel off the register and recite the Quran and so on and so forth. And so that is awesome. Even if a person pulls water over themselves, and that water reaches every single part of their body, without rubbing the water over there with their hands there is sufficient. So even if they don't rub that water using their hands, it is simply being pulled over them, then that is sufficient. And so that's the bare minimum that a person must do. However, what is better and what is the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what every person should strive to do is what is mentioned in this

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head on these two heads of Arusha and maimunah. The two wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam The first thing that he would do is he would wash his hands, and then he would take water, you would pour it from his right hand to his left hand, and he would wash his private area, and then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would

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make the widow of Salah just like you make normal model. He would then make model like you make model and then he would wash his hair, you would ensure that the water reach the tips of his hair, and then he would pour water generally over his hair and then

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He would wash his body, the right side first and then the left, and then finally in one direction, and he said that he would move away, and then he would wash his feet, or he would wash his feet. And so that's because all of the impurities come down to the feet. And obviously they didn't have baths and showers in those times, they would be on hard ground or they will be on sand and mud and so on. And so they will move away and then he will wash his feet. So in the long run, he will sell them

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also in the Hadeeth of maimunah.

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It was mentioned in one narration that when he would wash his private parts, he would then hit his hand on the ground, or he would have dust on his hand in order to purify his hand for many impurities, that one is primary and then he would continue with the widow and the rest of the vessel. So this description that we've given him the two had these, these are this is the description of the vessel of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So to me also like this, this is what is recommended this is what is the Sunnah, however as we said if a person was to do less than this so long as watch with every single part of their body, then technically speaking, you

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would be correct they would be allowed to pray and do every act of worship that a person is allowed to do in the state of

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Hadith number 104 anime salamati along we're gonna call it Altria rasulillah in the in the Moroccan Ashutosh rrrc, of

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perfumery riot in Valhalla in the magic, freaky and sneaky selasa

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this Howdy,

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is the howdy from Santa Monica the long run Heather, she said, but I said O Messenger of Allah, indeed, I am a woman with very thick hair. And it is difficult for me to untie my braids. And so must I untie them for Java, meaning when I make listen for Java and integration, when I may listen after my monthly cycle, and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, it is sufficient for you that you pour over your head three times. And this is collected in Sahih Muslim. So let's have those women that make muscle and the hair is braided or they're in cats, and it's very difficult for them to untie their hair and then we tight again, can they just make awesome like

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this, meaning that they just pull water over their head, or must they untie their hair and then retire. This is what the Hadith is speaking about. When it comes to making Muslim from Geneva from major impurity, or from marital relations or having a dream and so on and so forth. Then this hadith speaks about it being allowed for a woman to just pour water over a hair, even if she doesn't untie her braids. So she makes sure that the water reaches the roots of her hair on her head. But she doesn't have to untie the rest of her hair. She just pulls water over it. And so so long as the outside is washed, then it doesn't matter about every single strand of hair having motor reaching

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it, but she still has to wash the roots of her hair. But when it comes to making muscle now from a monthly cycle, does it take the same ruling on all the systems in which the scholars of Islam different over some of them said it takes the same ruling? Because the one narration I mentioned this in the hadith of a Muslim other scholars said no, there is something which you must wash your machine must invader hair and wash your hair properly and then reread it again if she chooses to do so, and that seems to be stronger. This Hadith only refers to Genova also from major impurity or not from the monthly cycle and Allah knows best had his number 105 one eyeshadow palette, Allah

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam them in the local Masjid Lehigh urban.

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Raja Buddha would also have a blue zema on the 40 very short of the long run her that she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said indeed I do not allow for a person who is either on the monthly cycle or in the state of Geneva, that they should stay in the masjid. And this is collected by a Buddha and authenticated by Blue hoceima. And the Hadith is authentic. So one of the things that a person in a state of major purification cannot do is come and sit inside the masjid. So just as a person can pray the comic off the contest or on the con side or on, they're not allowed to come and sit in the machine as well in a state of Geneva until they've made awesome and this is from the

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sanctity of the mystery and unmoving the houses of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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The only exception to this as if they pass through. So for example, a person enters from the store, and they need to go through the back door to go to the community hall. And so they pass through, this is something which is allowed, and it was mentioned in the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says Illa RBD Serbian hectares of the seal after a large soldier mentioned all the different types of people who need to purify themselves in Surah ma EDA, he says except for those who are taking a path for those who are passing through and so on.

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A woman that's in a menstrual cycle or a man who is in a state of Geneva or a woman who's in a state of Geneva, they're allowed to pass through the machine, or they're allowed to enter for necessity. So for example, they forgot something. And then they were in a state of job and then they remember that they left something in the machine, and they have to come and take that they come in, they take it and they leave. What is how long what is impermissible? And according to this Hadith, what is impermissible is for a person to stay in the masjid. So person in that state to come and sit in the masjid. Whether that be just generally for reciting the Quran, whether it be for a conference,

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whether it be for prayer, whatever is in the masjid, or is haram and is not allowed for them to do so. And Allah knows best. How does number 106 one ha, Pilate.

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Anna Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mean in our in wide doctorly for a Dina female in Geneva multifocal LA, the ban bottle topping a dinner

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on the photo very short of the long run her she said that I and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be from a single vessel or single pot and our hands would both go into this pot of water. To me also from Geneva with DEF CON LA This is insane audience a Muslim and the original headband and our hands would touch and they would meet this honey is the Halle the very short of the long run her and from that which we gained from the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a lot of the personal issues and affairs of our profits on the long run, he will sell them. And so in this Hadith, she's saying that the prophet SAW Solomon often be wives. And so from this hadith

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are number of benefits number one that is allowed for a husband and a wife to see each other's IRA. So generally speaking, every person has a private area that no one else is allowed to see. So for for memories from the naval to their knees. This is something which is haram for anyone else to see men or women or anyone else. It is haram for anyone to see from a woman who is from her neck all the way down to her ankles. Again, it is haram for anyone to see. And so the exception to this is the spouse to the spouse, the spouse for the spouse that is allowed for them to see their IRA. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would often base with his wives, and they would bathe

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from a single tub or a single vessel of water. And both of their hands would go into that water as long as it's hot. It also shows that if a person is in a state of Geneva, just simply entering their hands into that water does not purify the water. So again, it goes to reinforce what we said that the impurity is not a real impurity, meaning stand on the hands is not something which you can't speak to a person will touch their hands or something like this, it is more spiritual. And so the process of selling would enter his hand his wife would enter her hand and the water would still be pure and they would still make awesome from this water, and Allah knows best. How do you say number

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107, the final Hadith. In this chapter one of the more errata are the only one who call Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Natasha coolshot in Geneva, folks to Sha one. Raja Buddha would

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offer modernization

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and authority of Abu huraira the Allahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed underneath every single strand of hair there is impurity in Genova. So wash your hair thoroughly, and wash your skin thoroughly. And it's selected by Buddha Warden Academy, and both of them said that it was weak. And similarly on the thought of Arusha, Muslim, Mr. Muhammad, and there is an unknown Narrator In the chain of narration. So these two ahaadeeth hadith of actionable for Iran, both of them are weak. So Buddha wouldn't tell me the both of them weaken the Hadith, even though they generated themselves. And likewise in Muslim is a variation of a similar meaning is also

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weak. But basically what the Hadith speaks about is that something which we mentioned before, and that is that you ensure that water reaches the root of your hair. So when you wash your head, you make sure that water reaches the root of every single hair. And this also includes the head of the body as well as the head. And so this is what the Hadith is saying, it is a weak Hadees however, the general principle remains that in order for the hosel to be correct, water must reach every single part of the body, and its reach every single part of the body must reach the roots of your hair as well. And so that principle still remains even though this hadith in its explicit wording of the

00:29:29 --> 00:29:43

being Geneva in every single strand of hair, that is weak, but the general principle still remains. So whether I'm from the law, we've concluded this chapter of Muslim and inshallah next week we'll start the next chapter, the chapter of them. So if there's any questions, inshallah we'll take them

00:29:52 --> 00:30:00

I forgot that sorry. Yeah, I forgot to mention that. So in the headings of the description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is Muslim and the end of the

00:30:00 --> 00:30:36

Have maimunah rhodiola when she says that I bought her town to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he refused it. And instead, he started to take the water off with his hand, some of the scholars of Islam said that it is recommended for a person who makes also odo that they don't dry themselves, but they let the water come up naturally. And likewise, for as long as not the customer, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that they will drive themselves up to Udo, but rather, they will let the water drip. Some of the scholars of Islam said that one of the benefits of this is that for every drop of water, that leaves the body, a sin is expected with it.

00:30:36 --> 00:30:59

So since fall off every drop of the water, that leaves the body, and therefore, that's why the processor would leave it. And obviously, if you dry it, and there's no drops of water to leave the body. And so the process of selling would sometimes do this. And so therefore, if a person does this, it's okay. But it's something which is established in the sun. And if a person wants to try themselves, and that's okay as Milan was best

00:31:02 --> 00:31:30

known. So in the wesselman, you make the model, you do the full model. To start off with the with the with the mouth and the nose and all the way to the feet, even though you want to watch the fear again. That's why one narration the player said, This had either one narration, some maternity what that will do is taller than he will make the widow of prayer. And so the Hadith shows that it was the flu, even though then you're going to go and watch the rest of the body anyway, you're going to pour water over all again. And you're going to wash the feet again anyway.

00:31:35 --> 00:31:37

Okay, so the brothers asking,

00:31:38 --> 00:32:14

that was asking if people say for example, on the stairs of the sisters down the stairs, was that in the monthly cycle of someone's side of the machine was the warning of this, this comes back to the technical definition of what the mystery is. And so what the machine is, is the play area. So this is the mystery. But the area out there, for example, the lobby area, the offices, community hall, these these aren't part of the mystery, meaning that they are not the mystery, per se, right, the part of the machine that says that they're connected to the Muslim, but then known as Salatu Maha cot. Right. So for example, if a person wants to go to Saudi Arabia to go to the harem, they have

00:32:14 --> 00:32:16

the mobile area outside, that's not part of the ministry.

00:32:17 --> 00:32:39

But technically speaking is not part of the mission. But the mission is once they enter into the doors, and so Likewise, if the sister was stay outside of the machine, whether that be on the stairs or in the lobby area, and Mike was the brother if they for example, instead of Genova, they will come into the office, then that is a part of the mystery, even though sometimes you may be used for prayer, but then you will take the ruling of a masala Nava mustard animals best.

00:32:42 --> 00:32:51

Okay, so we're going to come on to the chapter whether right of women's issues, but what is allowed for the woman to do in terms of listening to what is the need,

00:32:53 --> 00:32:53

not to jump

00:32:55 --> 00:33:13

out by the time the professor silom was not given in the mystery was given outside in the salon in an open area. And so even for example, if a prayer was to be in a Masjid, then even if she were to come, she would stay in the lobby area, or she would go for example to the community or some part of the masjid. That isn't technically the masjid.

00:33:14 --> 00:33:26

milanos best? No. So this is our general era for other men. But the exception to this then for other women is as a larger, which I mentioned, what is apparent?

00:33:30 --> 00:33:53

No. So also the intention that a person has for muscle, is that the lifting of themselves the state of Geneva? So it's not that I'm making this awesome for Serato? No, that's not the interesting question is that I'm just making it up, so that I lift myself out of the state of immaturity, and then after that any act of worship becomes harder. So it's not linked to one act of worship, it's just linked generally to lifting yourself out of state of impurity.

00:33:57 --> 00:34:06

No, so the Buddha's asking, in terms of like, normally, when he said in Moodle, one of the pillars of Moodle is that you can't let a limb dry before you wash the next one.

00:34:07 --> 00:34:38

So you can't have parts of the area dry before you complete the Moodle. Does this also apply in also no, doesn't apply and also, and so the awesome in terms of the area, right, but it would apply as a whole. So for example, if a person was to make a loss, or they were just to for example, watch the private area, and then they would leave and then come back they also will be incomplete, they would start again. However, if for example, they're washing the the maid the widow in the ocean, but then as they're washing the hair part of the body dries then it's okay.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:53

So generally the intention for horizontal segmentation for any doctor worship is something that you do in your heart. It's nothing that you say, however, you would say Bismillah at the beginning, like you say Bismillah in the beginning of mobile

00:34:56 --> 00:34:56


00:35:02 --> 00:35:07

Amina shavon Isla de

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