Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Purification Episode 03

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the history and importance of the Hadith, including the use of water and oil in religion, the importance of learning the Hadith and not drinking from media, and the use of metal and silver utensils in various stages of religion. They emphasize the importance of caution and avoiding harm, and emphasize the need for caution when discussing animals and their behavior. The speakers also touch on the history of the Prophet sallami alayhi wa sallam and the punishment for animals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Harlan Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mahkota Amina Hema T.

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of Raja Buddha would watch him as he was Santa who will of Allah and the authority of a lazy rhodiola one who said that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that which you cut off from an animal whilst it is living, then it has the ruling of it being dead, it is dead. And this is narrated by Buddha Buddha legitimately and he classified it as hesson and the wording belongs to Allah Mama telemovie. This Hadith is the hadith of Abu Bakr ality about the Allah one. And I've worked with a lady his name was at Heritage evening, and how this even some of the scholars of history and some of the scholars of Hadith they said that he witnessed the Battle of bazaar and

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all of the major battles that came after it. Others of the scholars said that he was a companion who accepted Islam, towards the end of the life of the prophet SAW Selim after the conquest of Makkah. Either way, he is a companion of the Prophet of Islam, and he died around the year 65. And this hadith is authentic. And it is also reported, as well as on the authority of a boo Walker. There is also reported on doublesided hoodie, Abdullah bin Omar, and to me modality radi Allahu anhu. So it is an authentic hadith which has a number of chains of narration.

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And this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is now speaking about an animal which is living, and you cut off a part of it apart, which is integral to the animal. So it's not talking about an egg, which it lays or something like this, but an integral part of the animal. So for example, you cut off a leg of a sheep, or a goat or a cow, or you cut off, for example, an ear, you craft something which is integral to that animal, the animal is still living, the still living, what ruling does the animal's body parts now have that has been detached from it? Now, as we know, the general ruling, is that these animals like cows, like camels, and so on, if they are sacrificed than

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they are, hello, they are pure animals. Right? They are pure animals. However, now that this limb has been severed, it's been cut off, what is the meaning of the severed limb. And so what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is basically saying in this hadith is that the ruling that it takes is the ruling of a mater of a dead animal of carry on. So we said that one of the exceptions to Hillel meat is dead carry on meat, meat that is of its own accord, meat that hasn't been sacrificed for the sake of Allah. And so what the professor sent him is saying is that the animal limb will have that same ruling. So if the animal if he was to be found dead normally in entirety,

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if it is an impure animal without being sacrificed, then likewise, that limb has the same ruling as the home apart has the same ruling as the home. So a cow, a camel, a sheep or goat, if they were to die of their own accord, even though they're pure animals, that way in which they died will make them impure is haram for us to consume them. Because now they are made, they haven't been sacrificed for the sake of Allah. So likewise, the limb will have that same ruling, if it is cut off, even though the animal is still living, because it's been cut off in that way, it takes the ruling of dead carry on meat, okay, now, obviously, this is different to fish. If you were a part of the

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efficient, efficient carry on living in that way, then it would be pure, because the ruling of the fish is generally pure, even if it dies of its own accord. And that's what the previous Hadith have mentioned. And so again, you look at the brilliance and then on the knowledge and the scholarship of the likes of even * Rahim Allah, and the way he places this hadith with those other Hadees so that you get a comprehensive image and look at the whole of this chapter. And this is one of the benefits of studying books like bolu muram. And sometimes we think that the scholars came and they probably just racked these Hadith together, right, they just probably went through Buhari, chose a

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few and put them together. But when you study them in a deep way, and you look at the links and the way that one had it progresses on to another, you find the knowledge that the scholars possessed, even though he doesn't mention a single word in this book, just had these narrators Howdy, who collected those Hadith, the ruling of the Hadith. He doesn't mention himself anything he doesn't say this is the opinion. These are the opinions of the scholars. This is correct. This is incorrect. But just by studying the way that he does it, you can find so much about the knowledge and the fact of despite a ma'am Rahim Allahu taala. So that is basically the wording of this Hadith, that why you

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cut off will take the ruling of if it was to be found dead as carry on meat. So in the in the in the case of a sheep or a goat it would be impure. In the case of a fish it would be pure and a shepherd is not even a Tamia Rahim Allah, He declared agema. On this. He declared that this was consensus amongst the scholars this ruling that it is consensus amongst the scholars and as we said before, the rich man is one of the strongest sources of legislation in Islam. Some of the scholars

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exceptions to this rule, exceptions to this rule, from those exceptions is if an animal goes wild, and you're unable to tame it, and slaughter in the conventional sense. So for example, if there's a camel and camels can go wild, and when they go wild, they can be dangerous. If the camera goes wild, and you're not able to capture it, nor to tame it, nor to Star Trek, then there is allowed for you, for example, to shoot it with an arrow and kill it in that way. Or, for example, for a number of people to contribute to, for example, stabbing or whatever they do in order to kill that animal. And that would be pure, it would be pure in that sense, even though it hasn't been sorted in the

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conventional sense. And this is based on the Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari on the authority of Rafa, radi Allahu Akbar, that he said that the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or once on an expedition, they were going towards a battle or coming back from a barrel. And they found that there was a camel that went wild amongst them. And so it began to run off. And so the companions would go to try to tame it to bring it back, and no one was able to. And so one of the companions came, and he simply threw an arrow, he shot an arrow at it, and he killed it. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, Indeed, these animals have souls, and some of them go wild.

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So if one of them does, so then do as he did, meaning do as this companion did in killing the animal, or the Allahu Akbar. And so it shows that this is an exception to that rule. And the law of syllogism knows best. There is the final Hadeeth in the chapter of water. The next chapter that it will have mentioned is the chapter of utensils. And we mentioned before, that there is a logical procession in progression in the way that Rahim Allah and the scholars of Islam Generally, the way that they place chapters in the works of faith. So when we said that the most important thing that a person needs to know about is the Pillars of Islam. And the most important pillar of Islam is the

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prayer. And the most important precondition for that prayer is the widow. It is the hora, it is purification. And the way that you do purification, or the assault of that purification is through water. That was the first chapter that was mentioned. And then we come on to the next stage, what do you contain that water in. So in the Hadith that we've mentioned in this chapter of water, some of them have been about open water wanting water, like rivers and oceans, and so on. Others have been about once. And then there have been others which contain utensils, what happens if this happens in a container, or a utensil or a pot or a bucket, and so on. And so it is only logical now that after

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he's mentioned the rulings of the chapters of water, he comes on to the next stage, which is the rulings of those utensils that contain that water. And so when he says babble Ania Ania in the Arabic language means a utensil or a vessel utensil or a vessel. And it is the plural of the word in the plural of the word inna. And Annie itself has a plural as well. And that is a one hour journey. And so these are three terms which mean you 10 soul or part of a soul and your inner avani. And so now, Ibrahim online is basically saying Babel and yet in this chapter, I will mention to you all of the rulings all of the issues all of the Hadith pertain to the issue of using utensils, and it

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begins with Harry's number 14 which is an has a follow the and has a particularly Mr. Modi Allahumma Paula Paula Nabina sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Latasha woofie and yet is the hubby will fit bah Wah kulu fusee haffi ha find the Harlem fifth dunya wala era mucha canale, the hadith of Jose Fabian Yamanaka, the Allahumma, who said that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do not drink from utensils made of gold or silver, no eat from those plates, for indeed they are for them in this life and for us, and for you in the next life. They are for them in this life and for you in the era and this is collected by elemental Buhari and Mr. Muslim is agreed upon by the two greatest

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scholars of Hadith. This Hadith is reported by Jose February a man whose name is Jose February a man or the one who is Kenya was Abdullah, he and his father were both companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they said that they both witnessed and all of the battles which came after it, and he was a secret keeper of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the prophet SAW Selim would convey his secrets to him in confidentiality. So for example, he told him all of the names of the hypocrites that lived in Medina, and that's the famous ratio or more of the lower and when he hears of this, he comes to relief, and he says, I implore you by a lot to tell me am I on

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that list? Did the processor mentioned my name or not? And he said, No. And by Allah, I won't tell anyone after you. So the professor seldom would tell him these things that he wouldn't tell even the likes of Mr. rhodiola one, so he was the keeper of the secrets of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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There's a famous narration in which he says, Don't be alarmed when that the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would come. And they would ask the prophets of Salaam about that which was good about the good things. And I would ask him about the evil out of fear that it would reach me. And this is a great principle in this religion, that it's not just about the good, so I just about getting your hopes apply. It's not just about what will what you think is positive, but also about learning what will harm you about the trials that may come about the punishments of Allah, all of those things that you need to know as well. And so for the family, a man would ask

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about these things, or the Allahumma, so that he could protect himself from them. And there are many famous Hadith that will relate concerning fitten and the trials that will befall this man, and he died in the year 35. Or the Allah one shortly after the assassination of Osman rhodiola one.

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So in this hadith again, Abraham Rahim Allah as he did in the previous chapter of water, the first candidate that he mentions is like the golden rule, there is like a general rule within this chapter. So we said, basically, as we said before, that the general ruling about things other than acts of worship in terms of how you pray, and so on the general ruling is that things are allowed. So when it comes to utensils, it's allowed us wooden utensils, metal, iron, whatever, copper, brass, whatever they made of it is allowed. And so he will just mention the exceptions here, because what is allowed is much more than what is disallowed. And so it's not possible to go through all of those

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things is too many. But what is this allowed is small, and it's confined, and it's concise. And so that's what they mentioned rahima Hola. Hola. Hola. So just as he mentioned, the chapter of water, the hadith of Abu huraira, about how pure water is and how the the dead of the sea are pure. Likewise, he mentioned another general rule here. And that Hadith is the hadith of a favorite on Yemen. Now that you know, that generally the utensils are allowed whatever they're made of, there is an exception to that rule. And that rule is eating or drinking using utensils, vessels, pots, etc, that are made from gold or silver that are made from gold or from silver. Now, this Hadeeth discuss

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discusses a number of important points. The first is that it is not allowed to use anything which is made of gold or silver. And this includes pure gold and silver. That includes for example, silver and gold which are mixed or silver and gold which are mixed with themselves or with other things. It includes plated gold and silver and it includes threading includes everything according to a number of the scholars of Islam. However, there is an exception to this, which we'll come on to later and probably come on to next week, because I don't think we'll reach that far this week. But there is an exception to this rule inshallah, that we will mention when the time comes. So generally the ruling

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is the general rule is that you're not allowed to use gold and silver utensils, pots, vessels, and so on. Why gold and silver. One of the reasons what the prophet son alone while he was Silla mentioned in this Hadith, and that is what the prophet SAW Selim said, that it is for them in this life, meaning the disbelievers, the non Muslims. And there is for us in the next life in sha Allah. And we know that from that which Allah azzawajal has given from the blessings of Paradise is gold and silver, and rubies and pearls and gems and so on everything, which is pleasing and beautiful to the eye. And so these are things that we have in the next slide, but not in dystonia. Why is it that

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the prophets are seldom discusses this about gold and silver? Why is it that gold and silver are not allowed? Some of the scholars said, because it leads to arrogance. If you eat from gold and silver utensils, you're showing off, and it develops arrogance in you. And this, by the way, is a general ruling for both men and women. It's not like jewelry. For both men and women, they're not allowed to eat or drink from gold, or from silver. So some of the scholars say that it develops the characteristic of arrogance and pride, looking down upon others, looking down upon the less fortunate. And if you're wealthy enough to eat from solid gold plates and solid silver plates, then

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it will develop a certain love and attachment of the dunya. And in no time, Rahim Allah He says that one of the things that negates or bodia your servitude, your submission to Allah azza wa jal, his attachment to the dunya. And one of the ways that you attach yourself to the dunya is by attaching yourselves to things like this gold and silver, rubies and gems and the beautification of the earth. And so he says that it is more humbling for a person to stay away from this and that was one of the wisdoms behind this hadith that the prophet SAW Selim forbade us from using gold and from using silver pen inshallah, it will be for us in the next life. The other issue that is mentioned in this

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hadith is that the prophets of Salaam says do not eat or drink from these utensils. And he mentions them specifically these two things eating or drinking. So now to this ruling, or this, this hadith also apply to other usages so far.

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Example containing or using it for water that you make withdrawal from or using it for water that you're going to make also from or just using a generally having pots and glasses and so on have gold or silver even if you don't use them to eat or drink. So, for example, a person may have a nice beautiful tray made out of gold or silver and what on that tray they put me the other utensils or other pots of whatever they do with it, is it allowed for us to use it in any way shape or form? Or is it just specific to eating or drinking? The majority of the scholars said that it is I am it is general sorry includes making will do from such parts making awesome from such parks having such

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cutlery in your house. Anything made anything which is a utensil or a pot made of gold or silver is not allowed. This was the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Islam. Others of the scholars of Islam took this hadith as literal sense. And they said that the prophets of Salaam spoke only about two things eating and drinking. And so therefore, it doesn't include for example, using a golden pot of water or using a golden utensil for the water that you may also from or for anything else. And this was the opinion of the likes of Michel canny and Lima muslin irony. And in our times the likes of Shama see me and Rahim Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and other scholars, they said that it

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is only confined to these two usages, eating and drinking. The majority of the scholars said no, the problem is not solved. I mentioned this by way of example only, like the electrolyzer, which I mentioned in the Quran, in the levena coluna Amalia termo bohlmann in nema coluna feva Tony him narrow, indeed those who devour the money of the A team of the orphans of consuming fire within themselves right in their bellies, they are consuming fire. So the scholars said that this verse speaks about money well, but it doesn't mean that it's allowed for someone to go and steal their property or steal their land or steal their livestock and their and their crops and so on, or their

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businesses and so on. But what is mentioned in this hadith is only by way of example, and the point is that it's not allowed in any way, shape or form. So those scholars said that this is a similar Hadith that the Prophet of Allah mentioned eating or drinking because they're the most common usages for utensils. The most common usage for a utensil a vessel, a potter plate, a couple whatever is eating or drinking, but it's mentioned by way of example, in reality, it is much wider than this. And then other scholars differ and they said it is only it is only for eating and drinking and Allah azza wa jal knows best. So the benefits of this hadith number one prohibition of eating and drinking

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from silver and gold, number two, that is prohibitionist is not a dislike but it is a prohibition. So we said remember some times that a politician can come and it mentions it means dislike, and the way that you find that is by looking at other Hadith of the prophets of Salaam, and this Hadith, it is haram, it is haraam, and so if it does, it will be committing a sin. Number three that the prohibition is genuine for both men and women. So it's not just like jewelry where it's just haram for men per lead for women. It is general for both men and women. Number four, that is prohibited includes more than just eating and drinking. So it includes using it for other purposes as well.

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Number five, that this also includes whether it is pure gold or silver or is mixed gold and silver and so on. So this is the Hadith number 14

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number 15 and the final Hadith inshallah, that we'll take today, why don't we salamati Allahu Allah, Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam alyvia shrub oficina de Namur ijarah geography botany Hinata Johanna tonali on the authority of ohm Salah Marathi Allahu Allah who said that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever drinks from a vessel of silver. Indeed they won't be stoking the fire of how within the stomach. And this is agreed upon by the TrueCrypt scholars alima Bukhari and Mr. Muslim. This Hadith is connected obviously to a hadith which came before any shows and it goes to emphasize the prohibition that is mentioned in the previous Hadith is the

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hadith of Omar Salama rhodiola, whose name was hint bent a b omega and bent a b omiya, who was the wife before she was the wife of the prophets of Salaam and the mother of the believers. She was the wife of Abu Salah Mara Viola one and the two of them together made his rock to Abbey senior they made his way to Abba to have a show where it is said that he died and some of the scholars say he came back to Medina. When the puffs of Salam had made his way to Medina, they left at the time of Makkah, and they came back and then he died in Medina, but either way he died shortly after or during the strip of migration to be senior. And then after he died, or the last one, the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married her and her Hadith is the famous Hadith when she said that she

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Had the postal system say that when a person buys they say in Manila, we nearly had Roger on and then they make drag that along gives them patience and he gives them something better in return, and she will think to herself what is better than marrying the likes of Abu Salah who is better than him. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked for a hand in marriage, so she married the prophets of Salaam in the fourth year of the Hydra, and she died in the 59 hinge era, and she was buried in Medina. rhodiola. Juana

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this hadith is similar to the Hadith which came before it, and that again, the emphasis of the prohibition of drinking or using the utensils of gold or silver is established yet again, it is emphasized even more and emphasized in more explicit terms. So in the previous Hadith, the prophet of solemn only speaks about it being for them for the disbelievers in this life and for us in the hereafter. But the prohibition necessitates that it is haram. And anything which is haram or the definition of something Haram is that if you do it, then you will be punished, you are sinful and you will be punished. And if you leave it with the intention of leaving it for the sake of Allah,

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you are rewarded for it. And so in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explicitly mentions the punishment of using it. So it's not just that it's haram and that it's prohibited, that it's sinful, that you will be punished, he actually explicitly mentions the type of punishment for such an individual. And so he says, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that whoever drinks from this vessel of silver, then there is as if they are stoking the fire of jahannam in their own belly, in their own belly. And our fundamental Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would speak about golden silver, whether it was for example, sometimes, for example, gold and silver jewelry, or gold and silver

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necklaces that someone hasn't paid Zakat upon or something like this, the profits or some of them would normally give the analogy of janam of the fire, that if a person hasn't paid Zakat, a woman hasn't been suckered or jewelry, that she was around her neck, it's like wearing a ring of fire around her. Or if a man of a man wearing some type of jewelry, you will say that you're wearing a piece of the fire on you, and so on. And so these things gold and silver and silk, those things which have been made haram for us in the dunya, Allah azza wa jal will punish us with them. In the alpha if we use them, a lot of soldier will use them as a source and a means of punishment against a

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smear of lies that will save us from them. And so even though sometimes it seems like it's a simple issue, just wearing a bit of gold or silver, and often unfortunately, we see many men and women, or many men, I should say, wearing silk, and gold and silver in the earrings and the and the rings, and so on. Even though we think it's a trifle a simple manner, the punishment that the prophets of Silla mentioned is severe. And that is that they will be adorned with these things, but made out of the fire of how a normal piano and So likewise, drinking from such a utensil is like drinking from a pot of fire, and it's like drinking fire and placing it in your own belly, it is placing it in your own

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stomach, and inside of you, may Allah protect us from the so the benefits of this hadith and the and because the rulings are contained in the previous Hadith, it is just a follow on of that, number one, the prohibition of drinking from utensils or silver or gold. Number two, the severe punishment of the one who does so. And number three, the reality of the punishment of yom Okayama that Allah azza wa jal will punish these people on your piano because of the sins that they perform. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoken a number of hadith of those things that we consider to be simple trifle they don't really mean much, but on Yom Okayama Allah azza wa jal will punish people

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because of them. Despite how small and insignificant we see that they are, like in the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by the two graves and he said, they're being punished for not for something which you would consider major or severe. One of them wouldn't protect himself from his own urine, and the other one would spread rumors amongst his community NEMA. And so even though they seem like they're easy and simple and small issues, the punishment for them is great in the sight of Allah, may Allah azza wa jal protect us all from those things. So these are the five hobbies and up to Hadith 15 perish Allah will take today from global moron if there are any

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questions inshallah. We'll take them otherwise inshallah we'll

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start from the right

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Yeah, so obviously the when you talk about the kidney and sorry, the liver and the spleen is obviously wants the animals being slaughtered. Are you allowed to consume these parts of the body as well? So that's what the head is speaking about. Yes. You

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So anything which is silver, not for jewelry.

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For jewelry it is a gold and silver just gold.

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And you will remind me

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yeah Silver's allowed, it's cold. It's cold. And rings are talking about utensils

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to a living fish, which is the line

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that ought to be

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an animal, which is a living animal and domestic

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if you cut a part of it definitely

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so how did you make this another?

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The analogy is basically looking at how those if they were to die of themselves or their own accord, so the domestic animal like a goat or a sheep or a cow, and the fish if they were to die of their own accord without being slaughtered what is the ruling? So what's the ruling of domestic animals was to die of itself won't be the rolling will be hard on what about the fish? You'll be Hello. So this is what we're looking at. So when the professor Salim said for me, it is like dead meat. This is what he's referring to the ruling of dead meat so what is the meaning of dead meat?

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That is harder haram for domestic animals hella inefficient. This is where the analogy comes in.

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Yeah, we're not talking about just going just to how much pain that's a different issue. The point is the ruling. Right so we're not saying obviously generally the wounds of Islam don't allow harm to an animal they don't allow for you to cut an animal like that.

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If you caught up

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when I was speaking about whether you should do it or not, right, that's not i'm not endorsing it. I'm not saying you should go and start cutting fishes in half and hope that other half lives that's not the point here The point is, what is the ruling if it happens, what is the ruling of the animal what is the ruling of that part? So the How does the speaker other howdy that speak about the justice or how you should treat animals how you should talk to them how you should be kind to them how you should not worry them before they're slaughtered how you should let them see other animals being slaughtered. So this is all mentioned. But here we're talking about very small issue right?

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We're talking about purity and purity water and so on. And that's why he doesn't mention all of it that will come later on, when you speak about sacrifice and so on. The point here is what is the ruling if this was to happen, hold on.

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We will come on to this next week's show. These are the funding come after this.

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Again, so if this plot of animal was to be placed in water, or it was to be mixed with water was to be placed in utensil what is the rule?

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What would be the running of that what's anything which is pure, the bottle still be pure anything which is impure, it will become impure and Allah knows best.

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That's a whole different chapter, a whole different headache and a whole different issue, which inshallah we will cover once we get Don't be inshallah we will we'll come on to the insha Allah. It will.

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will love you Holla Holla commercial all the Jamia you want to reference Surah Baqarah. I don't know which was from the from the top of my head.

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It will be good to be a good point for you to research and feedback next week.

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They don't throw away the water they throw with a fly.

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So yeah, that's the whole point of the head is that you don't have to throw in the water

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just to fly here.

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Okay, shall we?

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We'll come on to the exceptions. We'll come on to them Sharma.

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Again, hunting will be a different issue, which we'll come on to as well. The point was to mention that not always doesn't always have to be that you have to mention the name of Allah, like in this hadith is not mentioned that he invoked the name of Allah simply that animals running wild. And so he shot it. And the scholars allowed this and the partial sum, I'm sorry, allowed this. Okay, shallow. Last question.

00:31:09 --> 00:31:13

Yeah, and we said this notion is weak. So when it says the process of them said, That's weak.

00:31:14 --> 00:31:18

Over the other generation that's not mentioned here is from Ahmed himself that's presented.

00:31:20 --> 00:31:25

That's the differentiation. Okay. Shall Any other questions you can come to me or subtle loss of might have been hammered on earlier.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:37

Chicken Chicken, let's

00:31:39 --> 00:31:39

kill it.

00:31:59 --> 00:32:04

Capital issues? This was an exception, the moment we walked in on

00:32:06 --> 00:32:08

this one is exceptional because it happened

00:32:14 --> 00:32:14


00:32:18 --> 00:32:19


00:32:24 --> 00:32:24


00:32:41 --> 00:32:42

so how do you

00:32:50 --> 00:32:50


00:33:03 --> 00:33:03


00:33:05 --> 00:33:06

what it does

00:33:09 --> 00:33:12

is it just pages so what is

00:33:15 --> 00:33:15

the region

00:33:16 --> 00:33:17

and the region

00:33:19 --> 00:33:21

mentioned about the money, supposedly.

00:33:27 --> 00:33:30

So they make the same decisions. And that's why

00:33:32 --> 00:33:34

it doesn't make sense in this

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01


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