Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Purification Episode 02

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The use of water in hunting is emphasized, including the importance of privacy and sharing experiences in public settings. The sharia provides guidance on washing and cleansing with water, as well as the use of animals in the media. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to be safe in the workplace and safety for the hunting industry.
AI: Transcript ©
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nothing reaches

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two pots.

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That is to say to innocently decide what's the Hadith? What did the process alum say?

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If the water reaches the level of two colors, it cannot hold impurity. And again, this is also a specific is a specification of the previous two Hadith.

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And the hadith of Abu mama because now it's giving you a third variable. And that is not the quantity of the Hadith. The first two Hadith Oh sorry, the number oh mama don't speak about quantity. They speak about properties. But this third Hadith, the hadith of Abdullah bin armor, or the Allahu anhu ma now begins to speak about quantity, what happens if it's over a certain quantity, or if it's under a certain quantity, and we mentioned the difference of opinion amongst the scholars concerning those issues? Okay, the fifth and final Hadith that we took is the hadith of Abu huraira, the Allah one in which the professor seldom said,

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Do not use standing water to either bathing or to urinate to promo cola. And so again, this is these are Hadith of the process of speaking about the etiquette of using water. Now when we come to this hadith of Abu huraira, in which we say that you can't urinate or defecate in standing water, what about modern day toilets?

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Right, most toilets that you have down in your houses, in new places of work, and everywhere else have stunning water in them. And that's what we use. So this does this hadith apply to our conventional toilets? And if so, are we allowed to use them or not?

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It doesn't apply, are you just saying that so you makes life easier?

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Okay, so the water of this hadith is referring to the water that can be reused, the other people are likely to come and use water which has not been discarded. Water that we use in the bathrooms is discarded right when you flush it is discarded, and it's not going to be used again. However, if someone was not to flush, then that would be not allowed. So if people just to leave water like that, and then leave it for the next person to come, then that would be not allowed. But otherwise, if the water is not reused and is discarded, then it is allowed and Alonso's best. And that's why we mentioned from the benefits of this hadith is the way that the prophets of Salaam wanted people to

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develop etiquettes. So they didn't want them to use the places and the things that other people were more likely to use. So there is a different Hadith of the Prophet of Solomon, it's forbidden, for example, to defecate or urinate in the places of shade, under trees and so one where people are likely to go and stop or sit on a hot day. Why because this is places where people will normally go to us in order to get respect from the sun. So if other people now go and use them as toilets, then this is a place it becomes a place of impurity. And those are the people that go and they don't know what happened before the close the body will be sold with impurity. And so it is about using water

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which we will be reused in the last panel with Allah knows best. Okay, so the next had they've had it number six.

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Perhaps a little more suddenly for him Allahu taala, one module in Sahiba nebia sallallahu alayhi wa salam upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and takatoshi Rama to be familiar Roger, Roger Lu Byfuglien Mara volley of 34, Jamie and Raja Buddha would wanna say, well, it's not to say

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even hunter Rahim Allah He says, along the authority of a man who accompany the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade that a woman should be using the water left over by a man, or that a man should bathe with the water left over by a woman, but rather the both of them should scoop from the same water together. And this is collected by a Buddha award and unnecessary. And it Roger says that it's authentic is a chain of narration is authentic.

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This Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is now moving on to water which has been used water which has been used, can it be reused or not. And so we've spoken about water in general, and whether it can be pure or impure, and then water also about how to not urinate and how to not make muscle in water. Now, this hadith speaks about two spouses using the same water from the same vessel from the same pot from the same bucket and so on. And so the author says on that

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He of a man who accompany the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The narrator of this hadith is much whole is unknown. No one knows the name of the companion. When narrated this Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim. So when the tiberi, the student of the companion, whoever heard this hadith from him, when he narrated this Hadith, he didn't mention his name. He just said from a man who accompany the prophet SAW Selim. And then it was narrated like that by everyone subsequent to him, everyone else who heard it from him, continued narrating it in that same way, until it came down to us. Now, normally, when you look at a chain of narration in Hadith, if there is someone that is unknown, in

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that chain of narration, automatically, the Hadith is weak.

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If you have a chain of narration, and there is an unknown narrator, then the Hadith is weak. Why? Because now there's a question mark over that chain of narration, maybe one of that person that's unknown, maybe he was a liar. Maybe he was a hypocrite. Maybe he was, for example, someone who was an innovator, maybe he was someone who just had a bad memory. Maybe he was someone not known for his head if there could be so many ifs and buts. And so the Hadith automatically becomes weak, except in the case of the companions of the Prophet, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam. So the rest of this chain of narration is known. We know the names of all of the narrators, and all of them are trustworthy and

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they're authentic. But we don't know the name of the companion who narrated this Howdy. But the scholars of Hadith

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with consensus by each mirror, have said that not knowing his name, does not in any way harm the Hadith. Why? Because all of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are trustworthy while they were trustworthy, because Allah azzawajal casts them onto and makes them trustworthy. In the Quran, when he says about the Allahu

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Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with him who the companions in general, not just Abu Bakr, Omar or anyone else, all of the companions, and what is the companion? What's the definition of a companion? Does anyone know? How do you define the companion?

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A person who saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even if only for a moment, and then he died upon the state of Islam. He is a companion simply by seeing him salallahu alayhi wasallam and then dying upon that state of Islam, that person becomes a companion. And all of the companions are trustworthy, by Allah subhanho wa Taala, made by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So in this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this companion is unknown, his name is unknown, but that does affect the chain of narration of this hadith. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in this hadith and the Hadith is authentic is authenticated by Abraham, john will be happy and many

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others. He said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade, the woman should use and bathe with the water left over by a man. So obviously, now we're talking about a husband and a wife. So if, for example, a wife was to babe.

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And obviously, in those days didn't have showers didn't have running water, so they would use pots, and they would use buckets. And so if she was to bathe from this water, and then she was to go, and then her husband was to complete one and use that same water, would that be allowed or not, and vice versa? This is what the Hadith is speaking about. So this hadith says, that it is prohibited that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited that they should do this, that a man baits first from Geneva, then he leaves then his wife comes or wife comes in she Bay's first and then she leaves her husband comes, this is something which is prohibited by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam,

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rather than what should they do, while the opportunity for German? What does it mean? It means to scoop a porter with both hands rather they should both use the vessel of water at the same time. And from this hadith we gain the permissibility of a husband and wife bathing with one another, bathing in the presence of one another and this will be seen also in the next one if it is allowed for a man and a wife to bathe together. And it is allowed for a husband and a wife to see one another naked and to see their aura and so on. And so in this Hadith, the prophet SAW Selim is saying if they were together, it is allowed. However, if one of them proceeds the other then it is not allowed. Now the

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wording in the study used in this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is Na Na means something which is prohibited something which is forbidden. Okay. However, we will come on the next Friday, and we will see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did this himself.

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His wife would come or one of his wives would come and they would bathe, and they would leave, and then he would come and he would bathe himself. So what is prohibited here? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would do it himself, he would do it himself. And this comes to a principle of sooner or sooner is the science in which you learn how to interact and how to use the sources of legislation, how to use the Koran, how to use the Sunnah, how to use the consensus of the scholars how to use, for example, the opinions of the companions, how to use, for example, the benefits, the greater benefits for the oma and the harms that would approach the oma if we take one course of

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action or another, all of this is also referred to. And so for example, when a larger withdrawal says something in the Quran and he gives an order, when a lot or does something in the Quran, what is this order mean? Does it mean that it's obligatory upon you? Does it mean that it's recommended? Does it mean that you have a choice? You can either do it or you can't do it? You don't have to do it? What does it mean? Likewise, in this Hadith of the Prophet Solomon, he forbid something. Does that mean it is haram? Meaning that if you were to do it, you would be sinful? Or does it simply mean that is disliked? That you shouldn't do it? But if you do it you're not sinful? Or does it mean

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that you have a choice you can do it or you can't do it? This is what a silver fit looks at. One of the things that it looks at how do you use this? How do you use the on on and the Sumner, how do you understand them? And how do you explain them? And at the beginning of Islam, the spellers would know this, the companions on the scholars, it was well known to them how to use the Quran, because it was revealed during that time, or it was revealed to the generation that just came before them. The Arabic language was very strong, they knew how to use the Quran and the Sunnah. But around about the year 200, or just before 200 years after the death of the Prophet silom. Approximately, there were

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many people who didn't know many people had entered into the fold of Islam. The Empire of Islam was growing and growing, people were coming in non Arabs were now becoming Muslims. And they learned Arabic but they didn't understand the nuances of the Arabic language. And so they had problems. People were interpreting the Quran in different ways. They were understanding legislation in different ways. And so one of the scholars of that time he asked Imam Shafi Rahim Allah to write a book in general. And he was the first demand of chef he was the first person to write a book he's credited as being the founder of the science. So he wrote this book known as a reseller, which means

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the message and he wrote it and in this book, he wrote about how to use the Quran and the Sunnah. And then many scholars came after him and they wrote also in the science, so for example, let me give an example.

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When a large xojo gives an order in the Quran, what does this order mean? When a lot orders you with something in the Quran? Does it mean obligatory? Does it mean recommended or does it mean choice? What does it mean?

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Who says obligatory?

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Who says recommended?

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Who says the choice?

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Even the one who said the choice doesn't say anymore?

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No choice. Okay, so using obligatory Okay.

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So now for example, Allah Subhana Allah in the Quran. When he speaks about going for Hajj, which speaks about Ramadan, you enter into the state of Iran. When you intend to the state of Islam, and you go for an RO you go for Hajj. There are a number of restrictions, right, as we all know, you can't cut your hair, you can't trim your nails, you can't use perfume, and so on. One of the restrictions of a ROM is you can't hunt. You can't kill game. You can't hunt alonza will in the Quran. He says what either Halton first toddle

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once you come out of the state of Islam, then hunt. And in Arabic, it's done as an order. Go and hunt.

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Right? How many people have performed oral hygiene?

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And how many of you hunted after you came out of the state of Islam?

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But a lot is ordering you to hunt. He says when you come out of the state of economical in the state of Vietnam, it's Haram. You're not allowed. Allah is saying once you come out of the state of a haram then go and hunt.

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So if the order of Allah means that it's obligatory, then Why doesn't anyone do it?

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And so now you appreciate the science of

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this is what Sorrell is looking at.

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So what do you do now?

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So you would say now, that no, we don't just look at this one verse But we look at everything we look at the Quran as a whole we look at the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never hunted. So when he would come out of Islam, he never hunted

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So that shows us that in this particular instance, it is not obligatory upon you to hunt, but rather Allah is saying go and hunt just as emphasis in the Arabic language to show you that now it's become parallel again. And he does this by ordering it. So sometimes an order in the Quran or generally speaking I wrote in the Quran means obligation, but sometimes it can mean recommendation or a choice. How do you know if it means recommendation or a choice? So the general rule of thumb is this obligation, Allah order something, you have to do it. Allah says, pray, you have to pray. Allah says give us a car, you have to give us a car and so on. But sometimes the order of a law means

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recommendation, or it means that you have a choice. How do you know

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through the practical example of the prophet SAW Selim, or through other texts of the origin and the Sunnah, so they explain them, and they show that no, in this instance, it doesn't mean that you have to do it. But it's either a recommendation or it's a choice, or a law is just emphasizing a certain point. So likewise, now, in this Hadith of the Prophet SAW, Selim, we have the prophets of Salaam forbade this thing,

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that a woman should precede the husband and bathe and then you use the water and vice versa.

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However, in the next video that we're going to study, the prophet SAW Selim himself did it. We chose one, that even though prohibition generally means that it is haram, what it actually means in this instance is that it is disliked. How do we know it's disliked, because the prophets of Salaam himself did it. And so generally speaking, a woman and a woman and a man and a wife or a husband and a wife shouldn't use the water of one another, once they have finished, either they should be together, or they should use new water separately. That is what is best, because it's more purifying, it's more clean, is more hygienic, it's more authority, it is more pure in the sight of

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Allah. However, if they were to do it, is it allowed? Yes. And so this is taken from the next Hadith, which we will inshallah go on to.

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So basically, the benefits of this hadith is that generally speaking, it is disliked, there are a woman and her husband, a man and a wife, or a husband and a wife, a man and a woman, that they should bathe from the water of one another after the other one has finished, it is disliked in the Sharia. However, it is allowed, and this will be seen in the next Hadees that we will inshallah go onto.

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Rather, they should be together. So it shows also the other benefit is that it shows the permissibility of bathing together. And also this will be seen in the next Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And needless to say, when we speak about this hadith and the next Hadith, we're speaking about spouses, a husband and a wife. So even when I say a man and a woman, I don't literally mean a man and a woman right? I mean, a husband and a wife, and as reported in the Hadeeth normally this is a separate Hadith in our Buhari and the Buddha would anybody measure the authority of Amara, the Allahu anhu mother the prophets are seldom said the men and the women at the

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time of the prophet SAW Selim would make Voodoo from the same vessel. So not only would they bave from the same motive, but they would make will do so if there was a puddle of water a man would come and he will make water and then someone else would come and they would make will do so what this shows is that if the water is still in its pure form, meaning that its attributes have not changed, scent color taste, then it is allowed for someone else to come and use that water is allowed for someone else to come and use the water however, it is better and more pure to use new water so it is better to use new water but if someone was to use the same water then inshallah it is allowed an

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Allah Subhana Allah knows best had his number seven

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weren't even your best in love your loved one Houma bs en la la la he was lm, Canada yo tessuto be Fotolia maimunah todo de la Juana Raja who Muslim what else herbison Salah bearable as virgin NaVi use on Allahu la He will send them a few jephunneh for jolliet se la mean half upon Carla Tila, who in the country Genova pakala in Allah Allah huge lip or saho Timothy uzima this hadith is the hadith of Abdullah Abdullah basadi Allahumma, the famous Companion of the Prophet son alone where he will tell them who was known as Torah germander Koran, the interpreter of the Quran, and he was known as Babel oma, the ocean of knowledge, the ocean of this oma and he was known as Hebrew oma, the ink of

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this oma and all of this is a testament to the great knowledge that he had, or the Allahu anhu.

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He was the first cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and even though he was born only three years, before the hedgerow, so at the time of the death of the prophets of Salaam, he was only about 12 or 13, even though he's very young in age

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He became one of the greatest scholars amongst the companions, and even the likes of Oman. Even when even Abbas was only in his teens or early 20s, the likes of Omar would refer to him, and they would take his advice, and they would make him part of his Shura. And all of this was down to the death of the prophets, Allah, Allah, what are they he will sell them for a bus when he said Allahumma COVID-19. What are Lim? Who will Oh Allah give him understanding of the religion and teach him the interpretation of the Quran, and look at how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not only did he have this close connection with all of his companions, but look at how he as a teacher would make

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desire for his students. He's asking a larger region that even our best one of the youngest companions, becomes the greatest of scholars, that he becomes the most knowledgeable about Tafseer. And that's why the likes of Mujahidin, other scholars would say that you would go to an Ibis, and he would ask him about any issue, and he would know the answer, because I'm delighted to have spent his life with the companions and he spent his life with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and learning about Islam. And he died in the 68 children in the city of Mecca.

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So in this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu

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I have Mecca

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anyway, but if not very far, even Ambassador de la one where the prophet SAW Salim said that he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to bave with the water that was left over by his wife, maimunah rhodiola. Juana maimunah is one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who he married in the seventh year of the hijra, and she died in the year 61. He. So maimunah was one of his wives, even ambassadors, saying that I saw the prophet SAW celebrar I know that the prophet SAW Selim used to bathe with the water that was left over by maimunah. Why does he use me Mona as an example? Or why is this hadith concerning my Mona?

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No, no.

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Because maimunah was his Auntie maimunah was the amount of bass

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bass knew the situation of the home, he would often go and visit. And that's why in the hadith of Ibn Abbas,

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I'm sure you've heard of where he came, and he prayed next to the process of Solomon, when he was staying with his aunt mamoon in the house, and the professor send them was with her that night. And so the process of them stood up in 200. And he went to pray. And so he came, and he stood on his right side to pray with him. And so the process of them took him and he pulled him aside, he came and stood on his left, he took him and he put him towards his right. So this is, the Heidi's been our best that he would go and he would spend the night at a meal. maimunah was his aunt. And so he knew about the fence of a house because he would go and he would visit. So he says that the prophet

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shall send them use the water that was left over by maimunah, or the Allahu anhu, in which to bathe. And in the student in the books of cinema and the books of cinema, when the scholars say, the books of cinema, they refer to the force sooner the force sooner, sooner, a Buddha would attend a movie unnecessarily been manga, even though the other books are books of cinema as well. But these four are known as the books of cinema, the books of cinema, I would, I would say, until the movie and even magic, so he says, and the full sun has narrate that some of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bathed in a great vessel in a bucket in like a very big container. And

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so the prophet SAW Selim King to use the water in order to be so his wife said to him, indeed, I was impure in a state of Geneva, in a state of marital impurity, when I use that water to bathe myself. So she's saying to him, that this water is probably impure, because I used it in a state of impurity, and I used it for my own bath. So you said to her water does not become impure, and then he bailed from it. So in the long run, he will sell them and this hadith obviously, the first one is insane Muslims are is authentic, and the second one is authenticated by a tenement the and even Jose Mandeville can burn and hacking, and many others of the scholars of Islam. So as we mentioned in the

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previous hand, if this had it shows that the prohibition that is mentioned in the previous Hadith is a general prohibition, which means dislike, it means it is disliked, and that is proven by this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So it is better for a person to use new water, because that is more purifying. However, if someone was to use water, which has already been used, so long, as it still retains its properties, its purity, then it is allowed, it is allowed and there is no harm in that. And so in this hadith the prophet SAW Selim is even told by one of his wives that I am in a state of Geneva, I am I was impure when I use that water and the prophet SAW seldom

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said in Alma Allah

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does not become impure, it doesn't make you impure. So just because you use it in a state of impurity itself, it won't become impure. And that is similar to the Harry theorem. But the second idea that we studied had is number two the hadith of Abu Saeed. In Alma Allah eulogy sushi, water does not become impure with anything. So generally water is always impure, unless one of its attributes change. So in this Hadith, this is basically what what is what the prophet SAW Selim is saying here. So from the benefits of this hadith is that the permissibility

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excuse me,

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the permissibility of a man bathing from the water of a woman, or from his wife, even if she is gentle, and vice versa.

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Lima Ibn Abdul Rahim Allah one of the famous scholars of Islam, he said, water is pure as unlocked, created pure. Therefore it remains a search until the Muslims agree otherwise for the believer is marked impure. So even I'm deliberately saying water is pure, and the Muslim is pure. And this we will find in another Hadith that there was Muslim also is pure, and he doesn't become impure. He may have impurities upon him upon his body, but as a Muslim, as a person, he is not impure. So the water is pure, and the Muslim is pure. And so therefore, it doesn't become impure, unless one of its properties changed. This is basically what even is saying, Rahim Allah tala. And so the purity of

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water is not affected by a person taking muscle, or someone making Moodle. And at the moment, Allah has said that there is consensus on this issue that is each mark on this issue. And each mark is one of the strongest proofs in Islam. When all of the Muslim scholars agree on an issue. It is one of the strongest sources of legislation. It is just under the Quran. And it is side by side with the mutawatir Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he said that a man can make wudu from the leftover water of a woman.

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This is by each man, except for a number of scholars who disagreed. So more or less it is h Ma. But there are some scholars who disagreed from the benefits of this Hanif

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is that it is allowed for someone to mention something which will normally be embarrassing to them. Normally, they would be shy, if there is a greater benefit in doing so. For example, the spread of knowledge. So now the way that a man and his wife, husband and wife pay their home, this is something which is private. And we shy about it we're embarrassed about it's not something which is spread as something which you want known to the wider community. But in this Hadeeth have we been abuzz? He mentioned the way that his aren't and that the prophets of Salaam used to be their home and it shows the the permissibility of this if there is a greater benefit and a greater need. And

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the need here obviously is to spread the knowledge of Islam and to show people what is halal and haram. And so in these kind of circumstances, it is allowed, even though generally it is something which should be concealed and it is something which a person should keep private. How does number eight, wannabe Herrera Tara do long run, Paula Paula Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam baharu inna a deacon is one of our fee he will kill and your Scylla who sub Mr. Ratan Allah hoonah. Torah. Raja who Muslim if you love the lowveld eurico wallichii mizzi hora hoonah Ola hoonah bitrock on the photo hora hora de la one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the

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purification of a vessel have one of you or utensil that one of you use if a dog comes and he lapse of water from it or he drinks from it is that you wash it seven times, the first with dust or dirt. And this is narrated by Muslim, and in a different wording of this Hadith, he should spill the contents first. And in the narration of autonomy, the Rahim Allah, the first or the last one should be used with that.

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This Hadith which is authentic, which is in Sahih Muslim, on the authority of Abu huraira of the Allah one is again speaking about water, but it's also speaking about utensils with water. So the utensil that water is contained. And the chapter after this will actually deal with Ania Babylonia, which is the chapter concerning utensils and vessels, what is allowed to use and what is not allowed to use. However, in this Hadeeth because there is water being spoken about and washing and cleansing with water, the author mentions it in this chapter instead of the next chapter. So the prophet SAW Selim is saying that if a dog comes and he will have a wonderful means in the Arabic language, what

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a dog does when he drinks water, meaning that he uses the tip of its tongue to lack of water to drink water, the way that dogs and other similar animals wombs and, and lions and so on the way they drink water, they use their tongue to take

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pump the tongue to bring in water, they don't sip it like we do, right, they don't bring the utensil to their mouth. Rather, they use their tongue to take up water. This is one of them. So the professor sent me saying that if the dog comes and he does this in a utensil that you have, utensil that you have, you have some liquid and some water, some milk, so on it comes any drinks from it in this way, then the only way that it can be purified is that you wash it seven times, the first time with that as well.

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Some of the scholars said that you the first washing is only with that. And then you wash it seven times. Others said no the one the first one is mixed with water and dirt, and then you wash it for a further six times. So there is a slight difference of opinion. But the point is that you wash it seven times, one of them according to the original scheme Muslim the first time it must be with dirt as well. And the other narration, it says that you spit out the contents. So that water now in that vessel is all impure. You can't drink from it, even if its properties haven't changed, even if its properties are still the same. So it smells like water, it tastes like water, it looks like water,

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you still spilled the contents is still impure. And in the notion of a Tinder movie, he says either the first one, or the last one is with that is washed with that nine discoloration of a Tinder movie in the original Sufi Muslim it says the first one, and it doesn't give a choice in the duration of telemovie. It gives you a choice, either the first or the last. And this word in Arabic language which is au which means all the first or the last this word or can either be in Arabic language or in the science of Hadith, they can either mean that you have a choice. So you can either do the first or the last. And it doesn't matter which one or it can mean that the narrator of the Hadith

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was in doubt he was confused. He doesn't remember if the Prophet Sal seldom said the first or the last is unsure. And so he's mentioned both. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Man, Kathy barley yummo Tommy then forget about what other women are now, Whosoever intentionally lies upon me, they let him take his seat in the fire. And so the companions of the scholars of Islam would go to such lengths and such depth to ensure that they never misinterpreted the words of the prophets are seldom that they never narrated them out of context, that they never made the mistake. And he didn't say here is probably the first I think it was the first, I think it

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was the last, he says either the first or the last, so that he can be safe from this, this morning that the prophet SAW Selim again. And so he mentioned both options. So the scholars say are most of the scholars are of the opinion that it is the first based upon the ratio of a Muslim that is the stronger one, that you wash it with dirt first, and dirt or dust and mud of soil is known to have cleansing properties, especially with the germs that our dog has, it has cleansing properties is scientifically proven to have cleansing properties. And so it makes more sense to wash it the first time with this dirt rather than the last time. And so because of the original, a Muslim in which

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there is no doubt, and there's no choice, we go back to that narration and saying Muslim is obviously more authentic than sort of an autonomy, it is more authentic as a book of Hadith. And the conditions and the stringent conditions of the narrators are a lot more strict than sunanda Timothy. And so it is the first time that you wash it with dust, or dirt. So this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives us a number of points. Number one, that the dog is impure in Islam. The dog is an impure animal in Islam. And its impurity is different to the impurity of other animals, in the sense that it's impurity means that we must wash something more than once. So for

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there is a lion, just say, for example, and it comes in it touches something like drinks from some water, we spill the water away, but we don't have to wash anything. We don't have to wash anything. However, with the dog, it has a much more stringent type of impurity, and much more stricter type of impurity. And that means that not only is the animal impure, but anything that it touches also becomes impure. And so in Islam, you have three types or three levels of impurity, three levels of impurity. The first one is the minor level, which is the most basic level. And at this level, the impurity is minor to the extent that you don't even have to wash it. So for example, for example,

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a little child, a male child, that has not yet started eating a male baby that has not yet started taking in food, it's still on the mother of the

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The milk of its mother. If it urinates on some cloth or some ground, it is sufficient, as we will come and see in a later Hadith, it is sufficient to just sprinkle water over it over the impurity that is sufficient. So you don't have to wash it. You don't have to do anything else simply to sprinkle water over it is sufficient. So this shows that it's a minor type of impurity minor, meaning that you don't even have to wash it. And there are other examples of this as well, that we will mention as we go along. In Bulova mirabello muram. Another example of a minor type of impurity is fluid * fluid. There is a Hadith of the prophets of Salaam where his wife will just

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scratch it off. So it shows that you don't have to wash it. It's a minor type of impurity, it's a minor type of impurity, you don't even have to wash it.

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The second is a medium type. And that is what the majority of impurity is blood, urine, so on, that means that you wash it, you wash it once, and once the the sort of the sign and the effect of the impurity has left, that is sufficient. And that is the majority of impurity blood and so on. But then there is a stronger type of impurity, and that is the dog. And that is the major impurity. And that means that you can only just wash it once, you must wash it seven times, and not only seven times. But once all the first washing has to be with that as well. And so it shows that it is a much higher level of impurity than the rest. So this hardly it shows that the dog is impure. And it shows

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that in order to cleanse the utensil that a dog uses you must wash it seven times. And this is why we see that in the era of Islam in our religion, the dog is not only impure, but it is haram to keep a dog as a pet. And unfortunately, it's become somewhat common, even amongst Muslims, to keep dogs as pets. But it is because of this severe level of impurity that is haram except for certain reasons. So for example, if it's a Shepherd Dog, or it's a hunting dog, there are Hadith which show that these are exceptions to the rule. But generally speaking, it is haram, it is not allowed to keep a dog and so the dog is impure. And in order to cleanse that utensil, it must be washed seven

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times once with that, the first one has to be with that.

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And it must be that it cannot be substituted you can't use something else. Some of the scholars contemporary scholars such as Shekar, samian, and others they say that if it is something which will have the same impact as dirt and soil, and it will have the same desired effect, then there is allowed. So if you have some cleaning product that will do the same as dirt, then it is allowed. Other scholars said no, we stick to the Hadith of the Prophet of Saddam and the wording that he used, because he spoke specifically about that, and he didn't give an option. He didn't say so for any other cleaning detergent. He said specifically that it must be done. And so we still use the

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dirt as is mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim. It shows that the slaver of a dog contains gems, and everyone knows that from dogs, if a dog bites, you can get rabies, and so on. Dogs have diseases in them. And this is also concerning all types of dogs. So even though there are exceptions to the rules, such as hunting dogs, and so on, even those dogs, you still have to wash their utensils. So if you have a dog that's drinking from a utensil, if you wanted to use that utensil for yourself now, even though the dog you're keeping them for a permissible reason, for hunting, for example, to use that same utensil, you still have to wash it. So just because you're

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allowed to keep the dog in this instance, it doesn't make it pure, the animal is still impure, and you must still wash the utensil. As is mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There are a number of issues in this hadith that we need to discuss number one is the dog the only animal that you have to do this for what are the other similar animals. The vast majority of the scholars say it is only the dog. So it is not the lion. It's not anything else. Nothing. No other animal has this ruling, it is only the dog. Some of the scholars from the hanbali method, they say that the pig is also the same. The pig and the dog are equal in this. And they basically use as

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their reasoning the verses of the army which Allah speaks about the impermissibility of the meat of a pig, right pork, and allow mentions over and over and over again in so many verses to stress and purity. So they see that a pig is similar to a dog in this. However, the opinion of the majority is stronger, because the Hadith of the Prophet will seldom does mention the pig. And if the pig had the same ruling, the prophet of solemn would have said so. And so it is only the dog. The second issue that we have to mention as well.

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is the use of debt. Is this an obligation or is it a recommendation? So in the Hadith the prophet SAW Selim is saying use debt, however, is it

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Order which is obligatory or an order which is recommended. Some of the scholars said it is recommended, and there is not obligatory, but a stronger opinion is that it is obligatory because it is mentioned in the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam and there is nothing there that shows that it is a recommendation or that it is a choice. The third issue concerns the impurity of a dog is the dog impure, just simply in its saliva and its tongue and its mouth, or is impure in all of its body. Meaning that if the dog was simply for example, to put in the vessel in the utensil, or simply to touch the utensil with its body, does it have the same ruling and level of impurity? Or is it only

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its tongue and its saliva? There is a difference of opinion, the vast majority of scholars say, or the majority of the scholars say it is all of the dogs, all of the dog is impure. And it doesn't make a difference. So if the dog was simply to walk by and touch the utensil, you would have to wash it in the same way. And they saved under there are many reasons for this. One of them is that the Hadeeth is general. It doesn't speak about the dog be impure only in its saliva. But it's a general howdy that speaks about the dog in general. The second one, the second reason is because a dog is known to lick its body. The way he cleans itself is he licks his body. And so it's saliva goes all

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over its body or the vast majority of its body anyway. And so therefore, the impurity is attached to the body as well. Some of the scholars like Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah they said, that the duck is only impure if it drinks from something. Otherwise it is pure. So as an animal is pure, it is only impure when it drinks from something when its tongue and its saliva touched something. Otherwise it is pure. And that's why you have certain stories of scholars, that they kept dogs. They kept dogs and there are some scholars that used to keep dogs and the reason why they kept dogs is because they held this opinion that the dog has an animal is pure, but it is only its saliva and its mouth are

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impure, if it touches or drinks from something. And some of the scholars such as Ibn taymiyyah Rahim Allah, they said that the dunk the body of the dog is pure. Britt's mouth and its tongue are impure. So only if the mouth and tongue touch something does it become impure? If the body just touches something then it's okay you don't have to wash it seven times. And the loss of Hannah with Allah knows best.

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Then it's had it had his number nine. One who turtle turtle Allahu Allah Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a powerful hero in the holistic villages in the Mahir. Minato were phenolic ufological orbera or Soho Timothy uzima on the authority of Abu Qatada rhodiola and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said concerning the tact, it is not impure rather eras from those animals which frequently and this is reported by the four scholars of the world tell me the underside manager and was authenticated by a telemovie and a blue hoceima. This Hadith is also speaking about another animal Now, why does it mention this hadith? In this chapter, I'ma holla again because it's an

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animal which normally comes and it drinks from our vessels. So it will come and it will normally drink a cat normally comes and people normally give us something to drink, or even if you don't invite it to drink your will drink if you find something to drink, and that's why they've been hunted. Rahim Allah mentions the Hadith here, as narrated by Abu Qatada, whose name was al Hadith ignore aviary alum sorry, from the companions of Medina rhodiola, who was a well known companion who have participated in the lights of the Battle of frog and all of the battles that continued afterwards and he died in the 54 history in Medina, and some of the scholars said he died before

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this during the time of early on the long run in Kufa. And this hadith is authentic, and it's authenticated by Buhari and under Putin and Timothy and many of the other scholars.

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This had if there is a reason or a story to this Hadith, and that is that the the companionable cortado, the alarm when he was once in his house, and he had a utensil of water container of water, and a cat came in. And so he gave the utensil of water to the cat to drink from it. And so someone said to him, that that isn't allowed, it's impure, the cat is impure. And so he went to the prophet SAW Selim and he mentioned this to him, and the prophet SAW Selim said to him, it is not impure, rather, it is something which frequency and animal which comes upon you over and over again, it is something which frequently comes upon you. So this is the hadith of Abu Qatada rhodiola one

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from this hadith there are a number of benefits number one is the principle that anything which is generally haram to eat is also impure. And the animal which is generally haram to eat is also impure.

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That's why when those other people saw the cat drinking from our Qatada and his vessel his utensil, they automatically assumed that it was not allowed. Because the cat is hella haram to eat, you can't eat the cat, right? How long to eat. And therefore the general principle is that anything that you're not allowed to eat is an impure animal, meaning that you can't benefit from it in any way. You can't use it skin and so on. You can't use it in any way. It's an impure animal. And so this is the general rule. However, there are exceptions to this and from those exceptions is the cat. Even though it is haram, it is not an impure animal. Why isn't an impure animal, because the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions that it is an animal which would be very difficult to stay away from. It is an animal which frequency, an animal which works and it will come in and as it pleases, it's not like a dog which you can control, which stays away from people. It is an animal, which comes over and over again, it will come in and it will come out as it pleases. And so because it is difficult to protect, obviously, in those days when houses didn't have doors, and they weren't so solid, and they lived kind of open, it was a lot easier for cats to come and drink from utensil. And so the prophet SAW Selim is saying because of the difficulty in keeping cuts away, it is allowed

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they are not impure. And if they drink it is not impure, and you can use that water you can use that utensil again and there is no harm.

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And so from this, we gained the principle a beautiful principle in the Sharia, and that is Alma Shaka touch the booty sheer difficulty gives rise to ease, from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala, from the great mercy of Allah upon us is that when things are difficult for us in our religion, alarm makes them easy for us. So things which are difficult for us to keep away from, Allah has given us concessions in. So likewise, for example, when a person travels, they don't have to pray the full prayer, they can shorten, they can combine, if a person doesn't find water, they can make tiamo. If a person is traveling, they don't have to fast and so on. All of these are times

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when there are difficulty involve traveling illness, these are times when a person may enjoy some type of difficulty. And so Allah makes this really easy in these instances. Likewise, this is an example a cat is an animal which is difficult to stay away from. And if you said that the cat was impure, then many people would have to keep washing the utensils. And so the professor seldom allowed the concession for the cat, because of the reason of its frequenting people because of how much contact there is between us and between a cat. And so this is a great principle of the region that we gained from this heavy.

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And so this one is also from this Hadeeth have taken other animals which are similar, similar to the cat like the donkey or the moon, other animals, which stay with people which even though the impure you're not allowed to eat a donkey, you can't eat a meal. But because there are animals which stay with us and they frequent us and they live with us, then it is allowed for them to also drink from the water and it doesn't make impure. It doesn't make the utensil impure and the loss of Hannah which Allah knows best. The next Hadith the final Hadith that we'll take today are under one under 70 American law the Allahu anhu Karl jarabe Yun fabella football if it is Mr. Financial openness for

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the homeowner be Salalah alayhi wasallam Salam Makoto bola who Mr Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be the Ruby ma fabricar la la on the fellowship nscd Malika de la hora and Hadith number 10, that the Prophet that he said that a Bedouin man came and he urinated in a corner of the mosque of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam so that people went to prevent him and the prophets Allah Allah He will sell them forbade them from doing so. So once he finished relieving himself the prophets of Salaam ordered that a vessel of water be bought and then be poured over his urine, and this is collected in a body and Muslim. This Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is

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speaking about how to purify impurity how to cleanse impurity. And it's narrated by unassumingly Malik the famous companion Abu Hamza, who was a companion of the OnStar from the tribe of Al Hassan,

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who when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Medina he was only 10 years old. And his mother bought him to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, O Messenger of Allah, take him as your seven. So he became the seventh of the prophets of Salaam until his death for 10 years. He was his servants all along while he was seldom and look at how a mother once Good for her child for her son, to the extent that she would go to the prophets of Salaam and offer him her son to be his sermon. And normally, a servant isn't something which people aspire to. It's not a prestigious job. You don't bring up your children so that one day they will become servants, right. That's not

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the dream that a parent has for their children. But we

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came to the surface of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then what greater honor is there than this, that he would sit with the processor, and he will meet with him, and he would travel with him, and he would be in this company, and he would serve him son alone, while he will sell them to the extent that others would say, or the alarm, that even if I was playing with my friends, never would the prophet SAW Selim come and disturb me, rather, he would wait for me to finish. And then when I would see him, I would just leave them and I would go to him. And he would say about the alarm. I'm there in my 10 years with the prophet SAW Selim. Never once did he rebuke me. Never once

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did he say to me, why did you do this? or Why did you do this, or the long run are Sol Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and look at the beautiful etiquettes, the beautiful character of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the way that he dumped even with his servants, the way that he dealt with the small child, and the fact that he left upon him for the long run. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before his death, he made the alpha Ennis that Allah would bless him in his wrath and in his children. And so he lived for a very long time. Some of the scholars said that he died in the year 99 Hijri, or just before 98 around that time, and he was one of the last companions to die in

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Basra in Iraq. And he was around the year he was around the age of 100. Or just over, wrote the Allahu Akbar, and he was one of the last companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to die.

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This Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is an amazing Hadith and it's a very famous Hadith. And that is that this man who was a Bedouin, at some of the durations of some of the scholars say that his name was a Surah voicera. He was a Bedouin, meaning that he lived in the desert. And in those times, what they did was that they had townships, they had small towns, like Medina and Mecca, where people would live. And then there would be many people who lived in the desert. They were Bedouins, they were nomads, and they would come and they would come to the prophet SAW Selim, or they would come to the cities every so often. And so those that were Muslims would

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come to Medina, and they would sit with the prophets and what they would ask him a question or they would have something that they needed to be fulfilled, and then they would leave. And they were known for the harshness, they were known for the harsh character. They were known for their rough and tough manner. And that's why when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam forbade his companions from asking a lot of questions, or a fear that Allah would make something halal or haram upon them, or he would obligate something which wasn't necessary. The professor seldom forbade his companions. From asking too many questions, the companions would say that we would look forward to the Bedouins

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that would come. And they would ask the professor cilium questions so that we could benefit. And so the Bedouins would come, and they would ask these types of questions, and they would do what they would do. So this man who who is euro, he came to the mosque of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he went to a corner, and he began to relieve himself a Chroma Camilla, he went, and he began to urinate in a corner of the second most holiest mosque, mushy the nub of the mosque of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the people, the companions that were there became angry. And so they want you to want to shout at him, run him off, go and disturb him. And so the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to them, No, leave him, let him finish. Because if they go and chase him, he's going to run around relieving himself all over the masjid. So leave him alone. So he forbade them from doing so. And again, look at the wisdom of the Prophet son alone while he was selling them. And one of the benefits that you get from this hadith is ordering the good and forbidding the evil. Because the prophets of Salaam, his companions wanted to order the good and forbid, forbid the evil. They didn't want to stay silent. But even so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, didn't allow them to do so out of wisdom. And then once that, once he had finished

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relieving himself, then he himself or the good, and forbade the evil by ordering the companions to go and pour water over his urine. And so look at the wisdom of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the prophet SAW, Selim said to them, no leaving. So once he finished, we leaving himself, he said to the companions, take a vessel of water, and go and pour it over his urine, chroma qumola. And then the profits are low, and he will sell them went to that man, and this isn't mentioned in this generation, but it's mentioned in other iterations of the Hadith, that he went, and he spoke to that man, and he said, Indeed, these houses of Allah are not built for this. They're

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not built for the impurities of the people. Rather, they are built for the recitation of the Quran and the remembrance of Allah. And so when the man saw the gentle, kind, merciful way of the prophet SAW Selim, and then he saw the harshness of the companions who wanted to beat him up and run him off and shout at him. He said, Oh, Allah have mercy upon me, and mercy upon Muhammad, but don't have mercy upon anyone else. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam smiled, and he said, Indeed, you have made something which is vast, very nice.

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You have constructed something which is very vast, meaning the mercy of Allah is so wide, and you've made it only for me and you. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a beautiful character, and he had amazing wisdom. And even when he saw something which was wrong, he looked at the after effects, he looked at the ramifications of ordering the good and forbidding the evil. And you knew if I was to do this, then these would be the results. Even though sometimes people are of the harshness are of wanting to jump the gun out of their passion. Sometimes they want to go and do things without thinking about the effects of those things. And so Likewise, when the companion said,

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O Messenger of Allah, let us kill the hypocrites. The prophets of Salaam said no, because I don't want the Arabs to say that Mohammed kills his companions, the people outside the non Muslims, they don't know that it's a hypocrite. They don't know the internal politics and workings of the Medina society, and the Muslims and the way that they work. They only see that Mohammed kills his own people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so he forbade them from doing so, even though there was much benefit in killing Hippocrates, in chopping off the heads in killing them and getting rid of the evil. But the prophets of Salaam was a man of wisdom. And he saw that there would be a detrimental

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effect upon Islam. And so he forbade the companions from doing so. Likewise, in this Hadith, he sees this man wanting to relieve himself, and he forbids them from stopping him, so that he doesn't go and spread his impurity all over the masjid. And if he was to have drops everywhere, then it would be difficult to cleanse and purify the mustard. But if it's contained in a single area, it is a lot easier to purify. And again, this is another principle that we gained from this hadith. And that is looking at the lesser of two evils. No doubt the man urinating in the mustard is an evil. And there is harm in this. And the professor seldom is approving of it is not liking it is not saying it's

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okay. But there is a greater harm. And that is that the impurity will be spread all over the machine, rather than being contained in one single place. And so the professor seldom saw the two evils and he chose the lesser one. Now that is started, you can't stop him. So let him finish. And then we will clean it. And then he orders them to take a vessel of water and to pour it over. And this shows that the way that impurity is cleansed is with water, to the extent that it signs are removed. So if there is a small amount of impurity, and you have enough water that will remove all of the signs of the impurity, then there is sufficient. So likewise, in this case, there was a small

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amount of urine. So they bought a vessel of water and they poured it over the urine, and it was cleansed away, and that was sufficient. So you don't have to have for example, all of these cleaning products, and it doesn't have to be that everything has to be changed, or the whole carpet has to be replaced. If the signs are removed, then there is sufficient, there is sufficient and Allah Subhana Allah knows best. So from the benefits of this hadith is that obviously urine is impure, and must be cleansed from clothes and from land. Secondly, that the way that it is purified is through water which immerses it and removes it signs. Thirdly, the sanctity of the masjid. And this is taken from

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one of the narrations of this Hadith, the notion of Sahara Bahati, where the prophet SAW Selim said, the mosque is not made for impurity, rather it is for the current for Quran. The fourth benefit is the nurse, the Merciful nature of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and even the man the Bedouin attested to this, that the prophet SAW Selim had the greatest of mercy. Number five, that the lesser of two evils is what you take, if there are two evils present, and there is no good that you can do then you embark upon the lesser of the two evils. Number six, being gentle with the ignorant. So what we would normally do is if we probably saw someone doing that, we probably beat

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them up to chase them, we'd call them names would shout at them. But the prophet SAW Selim understood that this was an individual who needed educating. He needed teaching, he didn't need someone to come and beat him up. He didn't need someone to be rough and tough with him, he needed someone to tell him to explain to him the etiquettes of a mustard. And so when you see someone that's genuinely ignorant, they don't know. Then there is a certain etiquette that we have when we go to them and we speak to them.

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And then number seven is ordering the good and forbidding the evil and the wisdom that we must have in applying and implementing this. So these are the five High Definition law we're going to take today from Bloomerang Adam salam, Mohammed Ali, he

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has any questions inshallah we'll take them otherwise.

00:59:45 --> 00:59:48

If a doctor tells you to your clothes come become impure.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:55

Yeah. So if if a dog touches you and it's fiber comes upon your clothes, then it is impure.

00:59:56 --> 01:00:00

So you have to wash it seven times, and once with that after

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

Watch it seven times and watch the ruling is the same for you tensile loads of anything like that.

01:00:13 --> 01:00:17

No you don't watch that animal seven times the dog won't be coming feel no matter how many times you watch it

01:00:18 --> 01:00:35

not if a person has adopted for hunting then depending upon the opinion that they choose the opinion of the scholars of Islam concerning the purity or impurity of the dog, then also the same rules will apply so just because it's a dog that they use for hunting, then it still has the same warning alarm as best

01:00:47 --> 01:00:54

anyone that sees the proposal seldom in their life and then they die upon Islam. Yeah, obviously believed Yeah.

01:00:56 --> 01:01:08

Yeah, so it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to see him It means that you met him that you saw him that you were in his company, anything like this. So you if you saw him for a distance or you are blind, the companion was blind and he was in his company all of his

01:01:11 --> 01:01:12

he met him he saw him.

01:01:18 --> 01:01:28

Catalan is allowed for you to keep a cat as a pet. reportable hooray rhodiola one had a cat that's why it was called the father of a cat because he kept a cat as a pet as a pet.

01:01:39 --> 01:01:43

If you hold the opinion of the dog is impure all of his body then you wash it several times even if it just touches you

01:01:45 --> 01:01:47

that's why there's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars.

01:01:49 --> 01:01:49


01:01:57 --> 01:01:59

Why do the Americans say the dogs are pure Lord

01:02:13 --> 01:02:35

Okay, so when the dog touches something does he have to you have to wash all of it or do you just wash that part? If you wash that part is sufficient. So if you just wash the varnish Allah will come on to this later how do you wash impurity if you wash that part it is sufficient so if you know for example that it touched for example, the leg of your trouser your right leg of your trouser you can wash that part and that's sufficient and if you want to wash your only commercial

01:02:37 --> 01:02:38

Okay, let's stop right.

01:02:46 --> 01:02:49

coming on to them is jumping the gun.

01:02:54 --> 01:03:06

If you can't find dirt or dust, and literally there's no soil anywhere around then as the losses for Longstocking feel a lot to the best of your ability. So if you can't find it, you can find it

01:03:12 --> 01:03:19

if the captains from the water can be driven the same what is better to spill it out and drink the water? Because the cat is still impure? The animal is still impure

01:03:20 --> 01:03:20


01:03:22 --> 01:03:27

it's better to spit out I wouldn't drink the same water whether it's pure Ramallah I don't know

01:03:30 --> 01:03:35

if you said that far back you don't qualify just ask a question. That's the new rule.

01:03:39 --> 01:03:44

Yeah, so for blind person is allowed to have a guide dog This is now an issue of necessity.

01:03:57 --> 01:03:57


01:04:05 --> 01:04:31

Okay, so with a hunting dog, so you say Bismillah you let the dog go it goes on he catches the animal bites on its neck or wherever and he kills it. And that is allowed is allowed to eat that meat. The scholars differ as to what you do whether you wash that wound where the dog bit seven times or not. Whether it is simply allowed to eat as it is or whether you must wash the wound because of this Heidi? There is a difference of opinion on the scholar Some say you do some say you don't

01:04:40 --> 01:04:55

get the girl we'll come on to this later. But the girl is a different warning. So girl that's a child a baby that is still on its mother's milk as a different woman. You have to wash her impurities before the boy you can sprinkle inshallah we'll come on to the Hadith later. How many questions you have.

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

Okay, welcome Rhonda

01:05:02 --> 01:05:03

Yes blood isn't blue

01:05:07 --> 01:05:09

I think we'll come on to this later as well

01:05:16 --> 01:05:23

so now we're going well outside of the chapter yeah want to stick to just want to discuss not jump the gun the shallow

01:05:37 --> 01:05:46

yeah so what we said is purified pure water and someone uses that water and it still retains its natural properties then you're allowed to use again for purification

01:05:55 --> 01:06:20

normally you'd use the water in the in the park unit uses a motor that's already been used what we mean by reused water is water that's still in the same vessel so for example if you were to make water in a pot and you to wash your face there will be drips of water that go back in into that same vessel because someone else now come and use that same vessel. Yes they can. They can come and wipe over your face and then use that water but they can use the water from the vessel that's what the speaking number

01:06:24 --> 01:06:24


01:06:30 --> 01:06:32

the word doc is a

01:06:34 --> 01:06:35

Word doc is not a

01:06:39 --> 01:06:40

swear word.

01:06:48 --> 01:06:51

Because Columbus mentioned it was a swear word in the Quran

01:06:53 --> 01:06:54

Allah mentioned in the Quran many places

01:07:00 --> 01:07:01

first I've ever heard that

01:07:05 --> 01:07:09

yeah, I mean even English if you'd call someone a dog is probably considered a swear word but yeah

01:07:13 --> 01:07:14

yeah God

01:07:15 --> 01:07:19

so shepherding toggle. Toggle guard dog hunting dog these are out

01:07:20 --> 01:07:21

for us.

01:07:23 --> 01:07:23

Last question

01:07:40 --> 01:07:42

sorry we had a terrible error.

01:07:45 --> 01:07:47

standing water Yeah.

01:07:49 --> 01:07:50


01:07:51 --> 01:07:51


01:07:59 --> 01:08:20

Yes, we specifies the Hadith. So the Hadith is general so what we said is those Hadith which are general basically refer to what is better so it's better to use new waters better not to use that same standing water in a vessel or in a pattern in a bucket because that is more pure. But these other Hadith are completed the Hadith does show that it is allowed if a person wants to do it is allowed or is disliked this better. Much.

01:08:22 --> 01:08:25

milanos best. Okay, well, so the last round a bit earlier.

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