Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Purification Episode 01

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The importance of pursuing Islam's teachings and actions is emphasized, particularly in achieving success in worship and building faith. Prayer is crucial for achieving success, and the course on philosophy and global philosophy is discussed, including a course on philosophy and global philosophy. Prayer is crucial for achieving success, and the book of Abraham Rahim Allah is discussed, including its potential for knowledge and pride in the world. Prayer is emphasized, and the speaker notes the importance of practice and clarification on terminologies used in media.
AI: Transcript ©
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you can now purchase from www.graebert.co Uk woman CEO Dr. Molina Mija de la Vela Malala.

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jobaline Fernanda Deanna wash Chateau de la ilaha illAllah hula hula Sheree gala was shadow Nana be yanase Donna Mohammed Abu hora solo or Sophie you hopefully know sallallahu wasallam Mahabharata early.

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Early he was happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira Yeah, you live in a monotone la haka, Ducati. What automaton illa 123 mon yeah you Hannah suta Pura vida como la de Sala camino FC wahida wahala caminhadas o jaha Baba Semyon Houma de Jalan Cassio manisa de la la de de Luna b1 or hum. In La La Cana la Kumara diba Johan de De La Hoya Olins de de de la cama cama de la Koo baucom monetary la hora, sola, hufa frozen alima America instable kalami Cara mala heeta Allah Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mo de Masato Hakuna Matata

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Hakuna Matata Malala Malala now

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ask Allah subhanho wa Taala. But its most beautiful names, his most lofty attributes by the greatest of names that he possesses is smaller than that he makes this blessing this gathering, a blizzard gathering, that he teaches us that which will benefit us and that he allows us to benefit from that which he has taught us as it increases in knowledge as Allah subhanho wa Taala that he makes I was sitting here today, the means for our success on human piano, and that it doesn't make your means for our destruction on human piano. And as philosophy now what Allah that He grants me and you as Laos, sincerity, and that will become here only for the sake of Anahata Allah and to seek knowledge

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of his religion, and through this knowledge that he raises from us and from those around us the veil and cloak of ignorance.

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Prior to eat for a couple of weeks, we went through the etiquettes of a student of knowledge, a book by our chef by Crusader Hema hula Hillier to Taliban. And we mentioned a number of ETS and really that was kind of done as an introduction and a prelude to this series. And so we don't need to go over that again. But if someone did happen to miss the I think they're available on the internet somewhere in someplace. So inshallah today we're going to begin with the first lesson of Bloomerang. This famous book of the bridge scholar al Hirschfeld

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Rahim Allah tala,

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when it comes to seeking knowledge. As you're all aware, there are many, many branches and many sciences of knowledge. And so when a person comes to the to this ocean, which is knowledge, there are many, many different streams within this ocean, many rivers that lead up to this ocean. And so a person is in front of many, many options in terms of what to study, and what knowledge to seek. And there is no knowledge which is more precious, which is more unknowable, which is more noble than the knowledge about Allah subhanho wa Taala. To learn about Allah, to learn about his Toshi, to learn about his names and his attributes, to learn about how to come closer to Allah, his Eman and so on,

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there is nothing more admirable and more noble than this. And any knowledge that we seek only gives us greater awareness of Allah. And it only serves to bring us closer to Allah. And it only makes us more pious with regards to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if as you go on seeking knowledge, you're not achieving any of this, you're not coming closer to Allah, you're not becoming more pious, you're not becoming more aware and conscious of a law, then there is an issue with your seeking of knowledge. And one of the things that the scholars of Islam will do old was that when they would come to seek knowledge, they would ensure that the intention was pure and sincere. Because the main

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reason for which a person will stray from the past of Allah are the main reason for which a person will benefit as they should benefit from their prayer and from their fasting from the zaka and the Hajj and the seeking of knowledge. And everything else in this religion is because of a lack of sincerity. Because there is something there that allows the will gel due to its presence, he won't accept it from you. Because there is something there in your heart and only Allah knows. And you know, and no one else in this world knows something.

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Private and secret between you in this divine link between you and your Lord. There is something there that allow will not accept and with the presence of that thing he will not allow his light and his knowledge to come upon you. Because seeking knowledge and coming closer to Allah is the light from Allah and enlightens you. That's why the Quran and the Sunnah are described as being lights, they bring you closer to Allah. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is described as a shining light, because he brings you closer to Allah. But none of that is accepted from someone who has something in their heart that a large soldier does not deem sincere, does not deem pious, and so

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he rejects it from him. And that's why it's famously reported on the likes of Xena IV Dean Rahim Allah, the great grandson of our profits on Allahu Allah, He will sell them and other than Him, that when they for example, would come to the meet up, and they would want to make Hajj or Umrah they would make an intention. And they would say the Tobia, they would fall down and they would faint. And they would do this a number of times. And no matter how many times they came there, they would faint. And when asked about this, they would say, because I fear that even though I haven't set out to make sure I haven't got anywhere near me, even though I'm just at the beginning stage of my

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journey, simply here by saying love Baker lamella Baker law sees something in my heart that he doesn't accept and he rejects it. That alone when I go to mechanic, tawaf and sign and everything else, simply because of something that Allah knows that in my heart is also reported from others that they would come. And when they would make widow, you would find that the color of their skin would change, their face would grow pale. And so they'd be asked about this. And they'd say, don't you know whom I bet stand in front of? Aren't you aware that I'm about to stand in front of a lot of the one who knows everything which secret and everything, which is open everything that we do. And

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that's why the scholars of Islam, Rahim Allah, they have a beautiful saying, that it is from the mercy of Allah azza wa jal that he concealed our sins. Because if the people could smell the stench and the foul odor of our sins, then no one would wish to sit with us, we'd have no companions in this life, it would smell worse than the foul, decayed body, it would be worse than any other stench on this earth, the stench of our sins. But it is from the mercy of Allah azza wa jal from his grace and His bounty, that is, that he veils our sins and conceals them, and even ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah,

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that just as he fills them in this dunya, he fills them on normal piano. And that he makes us from amongst those people who want to move beyond that he will change the evil sins, into the good deeds. And this is from the great glad tidings of the gathering of knowledge, as is in the famous hadith of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the angels come and they gather around such gatherings of knowledge. And they remain sitting around these people, so long as those people remain sitting there. And it is only when the people leave, and they finish and they go, that the angels ascend to the heavens. And then a lot azzawajal asks them where they came from, even though he's more

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knowledgeable about where they were. And so they have this dialogue with Allah. When Allah asks them, what do my servants want? And what do they seek refuge from? And what can I give them. And so the angels responded that they want your agenda, and they seek refuge from your fire, and they want your forgiveness of Allah. And so Allah azza wa jal says, I give them all that they ask. So when we come here, and from the benefits of this hadith is that a person that comes here doesn't come simply for the knowledge, they don't come because the poster was snazzy, or because the speaker was good. They come first and foremost, to save themselves from the fire, to gain the pleasure of Allah. And

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if this isn't your intention for coming here, then fix it now. rectify, now before it's too late, before a normal pm instead of it coming as a good deed, it will come as an evil deed. And so the Hadees continues. And Allah says that I give them all that which they see. And then the angels say, well, messenger of Allah, there was amongst them a person who is wretched person who is evil. He didn't come out to seek knowledge, nor did he come to attend, but rather he happened to pass by, and he saw the people sitting and gathering, so he decided to come and sit and gather wisdom. What about this personal law? What is his warning? Until the prophet SAW Allah azza wa jal says in this Hadith,

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he says, and also I have forgiven him, him too I have forgiven for indeed These are a group of people, that the one who is in the company will not be deprived of their good.

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I look at the beauty of this gathering of knowledge. Doesn't matter how a person happened to come. So long as the intention is sincere for Allah, then Allah will forgive them and he will gather them with those people that inshallah

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on normal piano will be from amongst the forefront of people, uppermost of people. And those are the people that allows us to gain the knowledge of this religion.

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And so with that in mind, as I was saying, that when a person comes to seek knowledge, they have many options. And there is nothing more honorable or noble than seeking the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala learning about your belief and your creed, learning about what makes your Muslim learning about what will bring you closer to Allah, learning about what will save you from share can save you from innovation, as an after that there are those things which bring you closer to Allah as well. Knowledge and all knowledge comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So knowledge of the origin and knowledge of the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what is known as Hadith. And

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also knowledge of fifth, which is basically what we're going to be doing in these lectures. And the knowledge of the signs of fifth is how to worship Allah. So now that you know about Allah, you know about the greatness of Allah, his magnificence and His Majesty, you know that Allah is the first and he will be the last. He is the one who's who forgives, and he is the one who punishes subhanho, wa Taala. When you know all of this about Allah, then you should run along, to worship Allah, and to worship Him more and more, when you realize and recognize and acknowledge the blessings of Allah upon you, and the great favors that Allah has bestowed upon you, in your body, and your health, and

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your wealth, and your family and your time and every other thing as well. And in addition to the blessings that Allah bestowed upon the other members of your family, and your businesses and everything else that you do, no matter what problem you're going through, no matter what hardship and difficulty, you're going to go in, the blessings of Allah upon you are still greater than anything else, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how many loved ones have died, how many businesses have collapsed, how many things have gone wrong in your life, still, the blessings of Allah are far greater.

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And if only the blessing of Islam was to be weighed against all of the calamities of the dunya, that would be sufficient, that Allah guided you to the straight path, and that he put you upon this religion. And that enabled you to learn about this religion, and to come close to him and to worship Him. So kinda what Allah so when a person worships Allah, and they know about Allah, they want to worship Allah, and they want to come closer to Allah. But the way to come closer to Allah is again, through Allah. Our religion is a one way we worship a lot, the way that we choose, or the way that we want, or the way that we dream about. It's not something which we make up as we go along. But we

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worship Allah, through Allah by knowing the religion of Allah. So we come close to Allah in the way that Allah loves. And so now that we know about the magnificence and the majesty of Allah, we learn about that which will please Allah, what do we need to do in order to come closer to Allah? What does Allah want from us? What will please Allah, and what will have him pleased with us? And so we learn about how to worship Allah, to the most minutus detail, to even the simplest of things, until we're like, the example of salmonella Farsi, or the Allah one. In the famous incident that everyone knows where he showed pride, and he showed happiness and joy. He was proud, even to the non Muslims,

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when they asked him how a Muslim goes, and they relieve themselves a chrome akula look at the pride that he displayed. Yes, I will Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us how to do this as well. There's not a single thing in the heavens of the earth, except that we needed to know about it. And the professor Salam told us, this is the honor and the pride of a Muslim. This is the honor that the Muslim displays, but it's only taken when a person has knowledge. And it's only achieved when a person is coming closer to Allah. And they're not shy of anything in their religion. They're not afraid or embarrassed about any aspect of their religion. And so they come closer to Allah in the

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way that Allah loves. And so they learn how to worship Allah, how to cleanse themselves, how to purify themselves, how to pray, and give us a car and fast and make hands and all of those other acts of worship. And in each one, they go to the minutus detail. So it's not just simply about knowing how many prayers are in a day, but it's about performing those prayers in the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us in the way that pleases Allah. Not only about praying, but looking at the example of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the times that he chose to pray, and sometimes in the places that he chose to pray, and so on and so forth, until we know

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exactly that which will please Allah. And then we strive to ensure that we follow in the example that we come closer to Allah

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In the way that Omar lives, and we don't just stop there, but the religion of Islam has given us rulings and, and issues concerning all of our affairs of the dunya. So it's not simply about worshiping Allah and coming closer to Allah in acts of worship. But then it's also about the way we have dealings and interactions, the way that we buy and sell the way that we, we marry and divorce, the way that we inherit and receive inheritance, and so on and so forth. All of this, all of this from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we come closer to Allah azzawajal by worshipping him subhanho wa Taala in the way that pleases Him.

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And so this really is the importance of film. And why it is important for every single person to learn about this. It's not just a simple about learning what's obligatory or not? What's as simple as learning how many times to pray a day, that you fast in the month of Ramadan, it's about learning to a great detail how a person applies themselves practically in the worship of Allah subhana wa Taala. And that's why the scholars of Islam have have said, that knowledge is a form of mercy. Knowledge is a form of mercy, how is a form of mercy? It is mercy because one of the ways that it is Mercy is because the one who worships Allah, upon knowledge, and upon your pain upon certainty. One

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of the ways the other person worships alone and they have knowledge and they have attained they have certainty is that they know exactly what they're going to do. They have no doubt in their mind, they have no confusion in their mind, when they stand in front of a lot to pray, or to perform hajj, or to give zetta they have no doubt about what they need to do. And every step of the way, there is certainty, and from the certainty comes a mercy from Allah. So the whispering of shavon is blocked by this way. So when shaytan comes and says, perhaps you should have done this, or perhaps your prayer is not correct. You say, No, I know my religion. I know the sun. I know what Helen and how

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long, what's right and what's wrong. And so you block that up, when others come in, they have their questions, and their doubts, and they confusion, price or so and so do this. I had this, I read this, you say no. I know how to pray, because I based it upon the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and because I based it upon that, I have certainty. And from that certainty comes mercy. And from that mercy comes knowledge.

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And that's in contrast to someone who doesn't know who's in a perpetual state of confusion and doubt. Never are they sure, you could probably come to them and say you didn't pray correctly, and they'd believe you. And so they'd have done. And then the second one would come and he'd say the same thing, that what the first guy told you is wrong, you should pray like this instead, and then go and follow Him. And then the fourth and the fifth, until you find that every single prayer and every single day, they're praying in a different way. No surety, no knowledge, no certainty. And so the in the state of confusion, and that's why some of the scholars from the beauty of the eloquence

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of the Quran is that some of the scholars of Tafseer said that when Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the disbelievers on normal, gamma, and how the disbelievers are normal Yama will fall into the how fire alarm zone shall describe describes them as having thought and conjecture. One, that there are people have been people of just thinking, confusion, doubt, and he doesn't give them the title of your team. He doesn't say ever, that they will be certain that they will fall into the fire, that they have certainty. But rather, he always says that they think that they will do this. And the reason or one of the reasons for this is because when a person has certainty, it is a positive

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attribute. Because from the certainty certainty is a mercy from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And Eliza will does not give such beautiful positive attributes to the people of disbelief to those who disbelieved in him. And so he describes them in a way which is incomplete, which is imperfect. And so we seek knowledge, so that not only do we come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala, but also so that we have certainty, and a mercy from Allah subhanho wa Taala when we worship our Lord subhanho wa Taala. And so for that reason, we have chosen to do a fit course. And when it comes to fit, there are two main methods in teaching fit and learning. The first is the method of what is probably most

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likely known as the way of the Maha de scene. And the second is the way of the heart and the jurists. So you have scholars who focus on Hadees, and scholars who focus on one of these two methods and one of the differences between them, the first method is the way of them had the scene. And basically what that means is that the scholars of Hades, take the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then the work done from them. So they will take the Hadees and then they will

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We'll extrapolate all of the benefits, and all of the formatting that you can take from that Hadith. So whether those providing those benefits are to do with or to do with our breeder or to do with seal, or to do with Sierra, whatever the benefit may be maybe Arabic language and maybe poetry, maybe elephants could be anything and they will extrapolate them all. And so once they have taken and deduced all of those benefits, then they will obviously on some of those Heidi's they will be benefits of how to worship Allah. And that is the way and the methodology of the scholars of Hadith. So for example, you have a book like Sahil Buhari, Sahil Buhari is a book of Hadith that deals with

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Arpita. And he deals with and he deals with Tafseer. And he deals with serum, it deals with all of these issues. And so the way that those scholars go is that the hadith of

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a hadith which has 50 and 50 benefits from it isn't necessarily a hadith which only deals with them. So for example, it may be a long story, where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam set out for one piece, and he was going to another. And during that trip, or during that journey, something happened, which required a ruling. And so the prophet SAW Selim spoke about an issue of the prayer, or about an issue of the cow Rabanne issue of Budo, Tmm, and so on. And so even though that Hadith only has one or two issues of fact, it is considered to be a hadith of faith. And so the scholars of Hadith don't necessarily confine themselves just to fix the issues. But they will look at a Hadith,

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and they will deduce benefits from them. And that's why you will find that even in the book that we are going to study, many of the Hadith have issues that don't necessarily deal with, there are other issues in there as well, other benefits that can be deduced and that you can benefit from, but from them also is benefits in the second methodology. And the second way is the way of the jurist and the vaca ha, and they work their way from backwards if you like they work from the way from from down upwards. And so they come to the issue and then they work backwards to the Quran and the Sunnah. So for example, a person will say,

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when do you make tm?

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That's an issue as a practical issue is the question that someone may have something which they're facing is an issue which concerns them. And so, they will ask you the question, and so what the scholars have to do is that they would work backwards. So from that issue, now, they go back to the Quran and the Sunnah, and they look for the evidences that show the ruling for that situation, and then they apply it. So they will say that you make to the moment there is no water, because Allah which Allah says in the Quran, for unlimited Juma and for the MMO, if you don't find water, then MC tm. And so they work that way. Whereas the scholars of Hadith work from the Hadith of the Prophet of

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Islam, and they work down, they work down. So examples of both in terms of books, the books that deal with the way of the Madison is a book like Bulu almarhum. And another famous book is, um, the two lamb. But even Buddha, Murphy mahama. These are books of Hadith, there are books of Hadith, but they deal primarily with issues of faith. So when a man has Rahim, Allah, the author, he compiled this book, he doesn't mention any other Hades other than a hadith that pertain to him. So there's no ceiling there, even though some of the Hadeeth may have benefits of the seal, that I did predominantly don't deal with the issue. So there's no seal. There's no Sierra, there's no RFP

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there. Yes, there are benefits that can be taken up that apply to all of these fields and scientists. But primarily, that is not the issue. And that is not the cause of concern.

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And so these are books that a person uses to study of the way of them had been seen. Likewise, the scholars of fear today have books. So books, for example, like to fit them into them, and get them stuck. And remember her jewelry, and other books, many of the books that probably you will find now in many of the shops or books that deal with the issue concerning the way the scholars have to deal with them. So what they will do is they will speak about the issues, and then they will apply the rulings to them. They will extrapolate the evidences and apply them to those issues. And so you have many books in English, for example, you have checkmate easy. So for those of you that attended a

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couple of years ago, when I was going through a series of fit that was based upon fit Made Easy by our chef son has said learn how for the whole lot. And so that's a book of fit. He doesn't, he doesn't bring a hadith and Quranic verses, and then work down, but rather he brings issues and then he works backwards. And so that is the way of the palace of faith. And so we've chosen for this series, a book that deals with the way of the Mahatma seen and that is a book of buloke almarhum wibu muram.

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When it comes to the books of Hadith that deal with phip there are many many books a person could go through Buhari could go through Muslim, go through any of the other major books of Hadith and they will have a hadith in there that deal with fear. And those books are very big. Obviously, as

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You know, and there are many ahaadeeth in them. And so what the spellers have done is that they have compiled them, and they've condensed them, and they've abridged them until you have what is known as a mountain. And the mountain is the text. And what it's basically supposed to be in a shallow we'll go into this when we discuss the introduction of Abraham himself. But basically what it is, is that it is a very condensed, abridged version of what you need to know. So the book of Balu call muram has everything that you need to know about, more or less. So he'll discuss, for example, purification, and prayer, and hunch and zetta and fasting. And then he mentioned marriage and

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divorce and buying and selling everything else. And then all of them he's just giving you a hadith with very little commentary, just a hadith. So if a person wants to memorize them, they would have in their head, basically the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, when it comes to fit, on every issue, there is a hadith that they will have memorized, and a hadith that they will know. And so that's what the scholars have done. So they've condensed these books so that they just deal with issues of faith. And in those in these books are these books that deal with this, just the issues of fact, there are also many types of books. So one of one famous book is that the left arm

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of emo Kodama, Rahim Allah, and that is also an amazing book. So it's much shorter than blue almarhum. And one of the great benefits of that book is that the Hadith only deal with Bukhari and Muslim all of the Hadith in there are from either Bukhari and Muslim, nothing else. So the all authentic, only Buhari all Muslim. And this is a condition that the author puts upon himself, only a hadith from a body and Muslim. But because he only deals with that, only a hadith from an Bukhari and Muslim there are many a Hadith, which he doesn't bring, because not all of it is contained within bajada Muslim, there are many other Hadith are authentic, but there aren't in those two

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books, but he confined himself to them. And so that's one book. And another book is below camara, which is much more comprehensive, is much more extensive. And it actually goes through all of the books of Hadith. And he brings them all together. And that's the reason why I've chosen this book, even though it's longer. And even though it's going to take longer to go through and is more comprehensive. And so really what, what the idea was behind this course, was that a couple of years ago, when I did the course of checkmate easy believe, and I don't know how many of you were there, then. But that course was very basic. And in that course, it was really very simple. All we did was

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go through the rulings, we didn't really go through much detail. And we hardly did any of the differences of opinions amongst the scholars or anything like that was very, very simple. And so that was basically the basic stage. And I don't know if it's still available, or if it's even recorded. But basically, that was the basic stage. And so this is like level two, this is the next step up. And so in this course, inshallah, what we're going to be doing is we're going to again, go through all of those issues that we went through before, but this time in a lot more detail. And so we'll be looking at the proofs from the arm and the Sunnah, at times, we'll be looking at the

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difference of opinions amongst others. And we even may go deeper into that and look at the evidences and why they're different certain issues. And so this is inshallah going to be a lot more in depth, a lot more detail than the previous course. And so it's going to take a lot longer as well, inshallah, I don't actually have a timeframe in mind for how long this course will last for inshallah, we'll continue as we go along. And inshallah, the hope is that we can finish this book.

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But at the same time, I'm not going to go into so much detail, but I'm just going to do one Hadeeth a week or two headed up, because like that is going to take us probably years. And so it's not going to be such an extensive explanation, where we go through every single issue of benefit. And so when you go to some of the the explanations of this book, you'll find that they run into volumes, 678 volumes, and they go through every single thing. So for example, if you go through chef and I say means explanation of bloquer muram. He goes through everything, sometimes he just stops on the word L which means the in Arabic language, and they'll explain why the author used Aliyah or why the

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prophet SAW Selim in this hadith use the word l instead of not. So that's a very detailed explanation of a hadith. And that's something which is beyond this series anyway. And so inshallah, what we're going to be doing is going to be kind of intermediate, it's not going to be basic, but it's not going to be advanced and so inshallah is going to be in between.

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There are many explanations of this book, political muram. And so basically what I've done is that I've learned to comb through a few of them and inshallah gather the material which we'll be using throughout the series. from them is the book civil asylum, which is probably the most famous of the explanations of global muram. And it's, by the way, spoiler alert, Amazon only rahima Hello, Tyler. And it's a full volume book, depending on the edition that you get, but basically, it's a full volume book that deals with explanation of this book, written by a scholar, known as

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Amazon earnings. So that's the first explanation. The second one is a book called the leash

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by our chef Abdullah, some are a Mahalo to Allah was a great scholar of Saudi Arabia passed away, not too many years ago, maybe 10 years ago or so. And he was also a student of Shabbat of man of Saudi, and a contemporary of chef from, let's say, mein and the likes of him. And he has a very beautiful six volume explanation of this, which is very, very simple. And it's very nice to read. And it's very organized. And it's done in a very nice way. And he'll mention the differences of opinions and so on. And he does it in a very beautiful and very simple way. So that's also a very good book. And for those of you that can read understand Arabic, I would advise you to take from

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that book and to read that book. The third is Italian art, which basically means the notes of chef had been basil Hema, who loved his notes. So basically what this was from a series of lectures that have been transcribed, what will normally happen in the lectures of the chef was that people would read, so they would read from the hadith of Bloomerang. And he would stop them and he wanted and he would just add notes, and he would give points of benefit, or he would discuss certain issues. So it's not a detailed explanation. It's only one volume, but this is the way of the chef he would just stop and he would speak and he would add notes where he thought that it was needed.

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Another great explanation of this book is by shuffling I mean, known as fat, little generally when it Crump Misha global muram It's a six volume. Again, it was a series of lectures that were transcribed after his death, Rahim Allah. And again, it's very, very detailed. So it goes into more or less everything, even the word verb and so on, is very detailed. Another book is called Islam, Shalom muram by our chef Abdulkadir shea butter hempfield Allah, who's a scholar of Medina and one of the students of the likes of the Mufti the previous Mufti Mohammed Ibrahim, Allah chef and Chef Mohammed Al Amina Schumpeter and others, a great scholar in his own right, he has, I think it's six

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to seven volumes as well. And he again goes into a lot of detail. And then finally there is the explanation of Sham disease orogeny known as Elif Elif ham, fish Bloomerang. And again, there is also another book, which is very good, I think it's about three volumes. So these are the books that I'm going to be using. And there are many other explanations as well. But I've chosen these primarily because the vast majority of them are contemporary. So only one is like a classical explanation of the book, The rest are contemporary. And there are a number of reasons why I did this, but mainly because it's very easy. And what the scholars contemporary scholars are very good

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at doing is making things very simple and easy for others to convey. And so this, this is the main reason why I chose books of contemporary scholars. And also one of the things that they do some of these scholars do is that for example, they will go to fit councils and they will look at the issues in which they also have rulings and verdicts and other scholars, contemporary scholars that have issues and verdicts and rulings concerning some of the Hadees that we have. And so for that reason, it's a lot easier as well, to go through. inshallah, before we begin, one thing that I did want to do was go through the life of Abraham Rahim Allah, very briefly, since we're studying from this

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book, one of the etiquettes of the scholars that we learn, one of the etiquettes of stripped of knowledge that we learn is that when you come to the book of a scholar, and you're benefiting from his knowledge, and from the effort and the time that he put in, that it is from good etiquette of the student of knowledge, that he asks a larger region, that he shows his mercy upon that person upon that width scholar. And all of the scholars of Islam are great, a novel and some from amongst them are far more well known, far more famous than others. And Abraham Rahim Allah is one of them. And so I think it's only from his rights upon us that before we go and study this book that he spent

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so much time that doesn't mean we actually know who this person is. And many of us I'm sure I've heard the name of it the Mohajer you probably don't know much about his life. So you're gonna have your his full name was Ali, Mohammed, Mohammed bin Ali, Ibn Muhammad, Muhammad Rahim Allah. And his Kenya was unbelievable as Kalani. And so even even though he was known by this name, his actual name was Matt even early. And he was one of his forefathers, one of his forefathers, but it was famous. It was a name which became famous amongst his family and it was something which he became known as. And so that was, if you like the title that people used to call him, so it wasn't actually his name.

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His name was admirable Holly is Konya was able photo and he was a last colony Ross colony is the place where the family came from. And it's basically a place in Palestine, the city in Palestine or town in Palestine, modern day Palestine, Alaska land. But when the Hatfield Rajaraman Levin he was born, his family had migrated from Palestine to Egypt, and they will settle in Cairo and that's where he was born in the year 773 history 700 and

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73 history.

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And at the age of four, his father died. So he was born in 773. And run the 777, his father passed away. And so something was, you'll find that many of the spotters, that were scholars of Islam are orphans. And maybe this is something from the mercy of Allah that when a person's parents die, a lot of soldier himself takes ownership of those orphans and he gives them a good upbringing. And he makes them great scholars of Islam. Many of the scholars of Islam will often say the likes of him Shafi. And even in modern times, like shocked him buzz and others, they will often as many of them, the father's passed away, Aryan age, and an Arabic language, the word your team, or often is given

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to the one whose father passes away. So in English, an orphan is someone who has no parents, mother or father, then Arabic or your team is someone that doesn't have a father. So he's many, many of the scholars, their mothers were alive, but their fathers passed away. So you remember chef or his mother was that I put his father passed away. Likewise, Chef remembers his mother was alive, but his father passed away. But even hunter Amala was also like that his mother was alive, but his father passed away at the age of four. So he was a team. And at the age of five, his uncles or whoever was looking after him at that time, they entered him into what is known as code tab, and could tab, even

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if you go back to probably 40 5060 years ago, even in places like Saudi Arabia, maybe even Pakistan, and other places, you still have this concept of tab. And this was before you had schools, for you have state schools and government schools, you have tab. And code tab is basically that you go to someone that's learned in the village or the town, and learn it in the sense of that person probably knows how to read the Koran, and they can teach you how to read and write. So they may not necessarily be scholars, but they have the basic tools. They can read Koran, the notary dream, they can teach that to other people to children. And they can learn to read and write and teach how to

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read and write. And so these are known as qutab. And basically, Arabic means a place where you write or writers, right. And so these people, this is where people would go. This is where even like 4050 years or this is where many of the scholars had read where they started. in Qatar before there were schools and universities. This is where people would go. And so this is where I remember we had gentlemen at the age of five. And from that age, it was seen that it was a man of great or a boy of great intelligence, with a very sharp memory. Until he became famous amongst his contemporaries and amongst the people of Cairo for his strong memory and his intelligence. He memorized the whole of

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Sora Mario, it is set in one single day. So in one day, at the age of five, he memorized the whole of Subramanyam. And he would come to a book of Schaeffer effect, a text of Sheffield effect known as of how we asleep, and he would come and he would read a page. And this is just writings on the Koran, which Allah has made easy for people to memorize. It's not the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam in which there is eloquence, and the bustle seldom was gifted with this eloquence, this is just the normal writing on the normal books of men, he would come to this book on how we associate, and he would read a page to his teacher, and his teacher would correct his readings like five or six

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of the time. So he would read it once to his teacher, his teacher would correct him, then a second time he would read it to himself. And by the third time, he would have memorized it. So he memorized a page a day like this. By reading it three times, he would have memorized the page. Imagine just picking up a book and you just memorize pages like that. And this was a gift that allows the surgeon gave him

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and so he will memorize pages of books from the age of five or six. So by the time he was mine, he finished memorizing the Quran. So at the age of nine, he had memorized the Quran, and they've memorized other books such as, such as that how you read this book that he was going through every day, he finished memorizing the whole book, and he memorized LLVM remember karate, and remember Iraq, he was a great scholar of Hadith. And he had a book known as lpfm Stella alhadeff. alfia basically means 1000 verses of poetry. 1000 verses of poetry. And many of the scholars of Islam have alpheus right. So there's one in natural elfia even though Malik there's others as well. elfia and

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is one of us youth, he and others, Alabama Arathi has one just to do with Mustafa al Hadi, the science of health,

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and he has 1000 verses of poetry in which he goes through all of the rules and the sciences, all of the issues that pertain to the science of Hadith. So what's an authentic hadith? What's a weak Hadith? What's a hassle? Hadees? What's motivated? What's not how to abrogate Why don't you abrogate so on and so forth. And he did this in 1000 verses of poetry, why and poetry so that others can memorize it easier, not only for us, but for Arabs to memorize poetry than there is just to memorize text. And so he has 1000 verses, it doesn't mean exactly 1000 but around that number is probably over 1000 but that's what is known as elfia. So by the age of nine, he had also memorize this. Also

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memorize alpha of n

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amendment muraki. And so are very, he had memorized all of this by the age of nine. And he said that he had finished all of this.

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And so as he was growing up, he fell in love with leather. Leather is basically Arabic literature, Arabic language, Arabic, eloquent Arabic poetry. This is what his love wants. And so he began to

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become very well known for his language was eloquent, and so on, until finally he was guided to this shift. And half Iraq is one of his major scholars, his major teachers will help with Iraq, he the author of that 1000 verse of poetry. So he was around at that time, and they just finished writing this. And so he became known to him and he went to him and he studied with him. And that's where his love of Hades began. And now when you mentioned the name of Abraham, is normally associated with Hades. That's what everyone knows him for, with Hades. And so that's what his level of Hadith began. And so he began to learn with the half irati until half Iraq, he himself said that I don't know if

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anyone will knowledgeable for my students than Abraham. And he himself attested the greatness of him. And then he traveled many times he went to Damascus and other parts of Egypt and so on. He went to Makkah and Medina and made Hajj many times, and he spent much of his time learning this. And then he became well known for Hadith. So he would go and he would teach, and he would learn and he will seek knowledge. And he would write and he would explain, and so on, until he became known for Hadith. And not only was he known for his Hadith, but the people began to call him a half and half those means the one who's memorized nowadays, right, you call it half is the one who's memorize the

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Quran. But before no one called the one who just simply memorize the Quran a half, even though he's a half of the poem, but that term as a title was not given to such people. Because it was ordinary, everyone would memorize the Quran, you'd have shopkeepers that memorize the Quran, and, and people that were farmers that memorize the Quran, and so it wasn't any special thing. And so you wouldn't go around saying this is a hassle, because it is a farm and it's memorize the Quran. But half it was given not only not even to a scholar, but it was given to a scholar who had memorized it is set 100,000 Hadees. So if you memorize 100,000 Hadith, then you will have other scholars say no, it was

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a million. And so if you had memorized basically a vast amount of Hadith, you will known as half of that is the title I will have. So not only have we memorize the Quran, and obviously that's very basic. But then you memorize so many of the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim that basically more or less, you're in touch, and you know, and you're aware of most of the Sunnah, or a very, very large portion of the Sunnah. And so that title was then given over half. And so even 100 was one such person. And so he was known as a half. And the scholars say that it was agreed upon, it was unanimous that it was a half and not only in his time, but in subsequent times after him. To the

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extent that nowadays, if someone writes or someone speaks, and they say, I'll have Phil said, Don't mention any of the name. They just say the word el halfhill. He said, he wrote he did. It refers to Abraham, Rahim Allah. And this is from the grace and bounty of Allah upon this great scholar, that now when he mentioned the word and half of he only refers to Abraham, if you're speaking about someone else, like they're happy, you'd say I'll have the hubby. And you'd mentioned their name, because otherwise it wouldn't be known. It wouldn't come to the mind. The many a time you'll go through books, and you'll find that the scholars write by little half of the half of the set, or the

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half will says in his book of he wrote or something like this, and it will always refer to Abraham Rahim, Allah tala. So he was a great, great and illustrious scholar of Islam.

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He had many teachers, administrators, and I'm not really going to go through them because I don't think any of them are very famous to anyone will know here.

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But other than a half of the irati, who was his major scholar of Hadith, he wrote many books as well. And he was author of many books, many of them in the field of Hadith and in the science of Hadith, but he has books in Tafseer. And in fifth and Sierra as well, from his most famous books is obviously below from muram inshallah, that we're going to be studying also from them is a physical body, which is the explanation of Sahil Buhari. And I've heard many scholars say that the scholars advise that if a person wants to become once they reach that stage, and they want to learn about or they want to read three or four books that encompass more or less all of knowledge, then one of

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those books should be a physical body. So they should read the body of your manual, which is explanation of second body they should read alimony or even know Kodama Rahim Allah one of the famous hanbali scholars is to read mohalla of Abraham Rahim Allah and one or two other books depending on who you go to. But for Tilbury is mentioned from them, is like 1516 volumes depending on the edition that you get, and sick volumes, not like thin, thick volumes 16 1718 volumes depending on the edition and it will have your aha moment.

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La he goes through all of San Buhari, and he gives explanations. And it is an amazing book. And in it there is not only do you see the vast knowledge of Him 100 Rahim Allah, but there are many benefits to be gained from it as well. And then there are many other books as well some of his books just deal with doddridge which is basically speaking about the authenticity or inauthenticity of a hadith. And there are other books that he has as well.

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Remember show Kenya Rahim Allah He said about 100 Rahim Allah He is the most famous of the profiles. He is the major and famous half of the singular Imam of Hadith until the title halfhill became agreed upon for him. So all of the people who agreed that it was a half. I remember how we said that is teacherly mammillaria Rafi he would say that there is no one more knowledgeable that I know of, from my companions or my students or my contemporaries, very casual, and they will remember Imad said he shuffled Islam, that with scholar amuro meaningful, Heidi's the leader of the believers in Hades, and the half of his time. And so he spent most of his life in the service of knowledge, and

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in particular, the service of Hadith until he became ill in the month of al Qaeda in the 852. History. And he remained in the illness until he passed away on the 17th of June the following month, and he was in Cairo. And the next day, they prayed over him before so that was the heart and even the leaders, the princes and the Sorbonne were present when he came to his funeral. So this was the great scholar of Islam, Rahim Allah to Allah.

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And so basically we're going to be going through his book below muram. inshallah, what we're going to be doing is every single lesson will go through as many ahaadeeth as we can, and the the duration of these lectures is going to be around 45 minutes to an hour. And so as many a hadith that we can take within that time, we will go through, we go through inshallah, the biography of the narrator's so the companions and read the Hadith. So brief biography, as well as the benefits that we can take from the Hadith in general, and then focus on the focus on the key aspects of the Hadith. And depending on what the issue is, and how much time we have, we can go into detail or not depending

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upon the issues in sha Allah as we will go along.

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What I want you to conclude with today was Abraham Rahim Allah His own his own introduction to his book. So his own introduction to his book. That's what I wanted to focus on today.

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He says Rahim, Allah hota Allah, Al hamdu lillahi Allah near me his own hero to Burkina Faso de mano hadiza salatu salam wa sahbihi wa salim Hamad Worley he was a Latina serafino Swati dini se en Hacienda

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la Vina Walla, Walla Walla, subtle ambia a creamy him while his Mo Mo Russa he says All praise is due to Allah for his blessings, those which are hidden and those which are open, those which are old and those which are new. I made the citations of Allah be upon His Prophet and his messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, upon his family and his companions, those who strove to help and aid this religion, and upon those who follow them, who inherited the knowledge from them. And the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets, and how hon are those who inherit and those that inheritance was taken from. And so basically, this is the mocha demon, this is the hot water

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charger. This is the opening of the book of even * Rahim Allah, in which he praises Allah subhanho wa Taala. And no doubt in everything that we do, we place a lot of xojo first and foremost. And then it says salutations upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, upon his family and his companions, and upon those who follow in their way. And one of the things that I want you to pick up on was that he is his final statement in this is when he says that couldn't be him. What he said was that there is not a more honorable, more noble inheritance that a person can gain than the knowledge of Islam. Nothing more honorable. No matter how much money a person leaves, no matter how much land,

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how many businesses, how much property or anything else, nothing is more honorable than the inheritance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as the prophet SAW seldom said, the prophets don't inherit the knowledge and they don't give away money, but they give away knowledge. And so whoever takes this knowledge, then they have gained a lot of good. And so the most knowledge or the most honorable person to inherit from is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is from the mercy of Allah, that not only his family inherited from him wasn't just his children, his daughters, his wives are eligible for this inheritance, but it's open to everyone. Because the

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inheritance of the prophet SAW Selim is knowledge, and that's open to everyone everyone can inherit from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so there is no one more honorable to inherit from, nor is there anyone more hon. Then that will then the one who inherits from the prophets of Salaam. And this honorable inheritance is knowledge. And so the one who seeks knowledge is an inheritor and from the heirs of the prophets.

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he continues and he says

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Sahaja Mata Suresh Mundo Allah sala de la tierra de la tam hiroto tadiran bellicon Uc Romania, Romania Quran in Abuja whiskerino Viet polybutadiene where are you stuck in your annual Ravi booty he he says Rahim Allah then to proceed. This is a brief book, which deals with the principles of the of the proofs with regards to a hadith of Africa, and how these are basically those a hadith which relate to fit relate to practical issues and practical rulings. He says that I have placed them all together for you, so that the one who wishes to memorize this may do so. And by doing so, he will become one of the one of the foremost people amongst his contemporaries. And it is something which

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the beginning student of knowledge can seek Aden, but it is not something which even the most advanced students will be free of knowing. And so what is basically saying Rahim Allah is a number of things. Number one, that the book focuses on Hades only. So throughout this book, you won't find any verses of the Quran. So when it comes to purification, so allow anything else you want, say, Allah says in the Quran, he will simply only narrate a hadith. And these are the two ways of the scholars of Beckman, they mentioned issues of faith. Some of them also mentioned the corresponding verses of the Quran. So for example, if you go to Sam Buhari, often when he speaks about faith, he

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will also bring verses of the Quran that support that position that speak about that issue. Whereas if you go to Sufi Muslim Imam Muslim doesn't do that he only mentions a hadith. And so likewise, Abraham has followed that way. So he doesn't mention any verses of Toronto very rarely. barozzi only sticks to a Hadith of the prophets of Salaam. And that's why he mentioned in his introduction, that don't look for verses of the Quran, even though it is important to know. But for that you would have to go elsewhere, you'd have to go elsewhere to seek that knowledge. This is only a book of Hadith. And it says that I have pasted together for you, so that you may memorize it. And that shows that

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one of the reasons why he compiled this book was so that it would be an EIGHT and a tour for those that wish to memorize. And so if an issue comes to you, you don't need to go back to the book, you've memorized the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you deduce the rulings from your memory. And so he says, the one who memorizes this book, that he will be a shining light, you will be an example amongst his contemporaries. Why? Because more or less, everything that you need to know, is within the hadith of this book, all of the major rulings and issues that you need to know in your day to day life, or the others will ask you that you want to teach are contained

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within this book. And so he's basically saying, and this is out of arrogance, press, basically to show how much time and effort is put in, that is strive so much, that all of the habits that you need to know are basically within this book. And so if you study learn it, you memorize it, and you revise it, and inshallah you will have knowledge. And then he says, it's simple for the beginning student of knowledge. So even the one who doesn't know much, is still at the beginning of his past knowledge, he can come and take from this book, because he made very simple and is done in a very nice way. And it's organized, and it has chapter headings and so on. But at the same time, that vast

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amount of knowledge can't leave it. Because even though it's made for both, or it's something which is comprehensive, something which is simple, even that vast amount of knowledge will need to go to this book, then it would act as revision for him, or he will learn something new, or he would learn at the very least some benefits that can be attained from the Hadith that he mentions rahima Hola. Hola, Tyler. And then he says Rahim Allah what began to acaba de Hadees. Maharaja homina imaterial Radha Tennessean oma at the end of every single Hadees I have mentioned, those scholars that have gathered and collected these a hadith so that this will be a way of giving advice to the oma. So I

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think that I'm just going to mention a hadith I'm not telling you whether from for for every Hadith, I will mention the marieta which companion narrated it, and which books you can find it in. So that therefore it's clear, you know, where the Hadith is, you know, whether it's authentic or whether it's weak. And then he goes into basically some of the terminologies that he'll use within this book. He says Filmora, Adobe Sabathia, Manuel barrio Muslim. Well, Buddha would turn with you on the set, you have no magic. As we go through this book, you'll find that at the end of every Hadith, he has certain terminologies that he uses. So he says sometimes I will say it is collected by seven, by

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the seven. It was reported by the seven are collected by the seven, who are these seven. It is the six known as the kotoba. sitter and Mr. Mohammed. So Mr. Muhammad Buhari Muslim, Abu Dawood, Maasai Timothy and

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so when he says it is collected by 70 means that it can be found in all

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Have these books of Hadith. And this is one of the etiquettes of the scholars of Hadith when they go through these books, and they go through this a hadith sorry, they mentioned where you can find these a hadith and they don't just mention one or two places, they'll mention everywhere that you will find them. So they want to say for example, it's reported in Abu Dawood, if it's also reported in other books, but they'll mention everything that mentioned them, or, nor will they say, for example, that it's reported in a Buddha award, for example, if it's also in our body, but from the etiquettes, also is that they mentioned the strongest one first, and then work their way down. So

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they won't say for example, it's only enabled manager if it's also employee, but they start with the body, and then they'll work their way down. And this is from the etiquettes that you find on the scholars even with the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam and the books of Hadith.

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So then he continues, and he says, Well, we sit at him and others. And when I say is collected by the six, then I mean everyone except Mr. Mohammed. So Buhari Muslim Abdel will tell me the NSA and Hebrew manager, and then he says what will from settimana handle Buhari, and when I say the five, I mean, everyone other than Buhari and so Muslim aboda wouldn't say ebru Mirjana telemovie what abou el orba

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mobile homes at the f1 from settimana. Adel bajada Muslim, when I say it's collected by the five, I mean, everyone other than al Bukhari and Muslim So Mr. Mohammed, tell me the underside, Buddha wouldn't even matter. So it's founded on the books of the Sunnah other than a body and Mr. opole autobiography. And sometimes I may say is collected by the for an estimate. So he says I sometimes I'll say is collected by five. And those five mean Buhari Sorry, I would I wouldn't say he didn't even measure. And other times I'll say is collected by four, and Mr. Mohammed waterfall, Abu Dhabi, median salary and even manager and admin. So basically, he's got two ways of saying the same thing.

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Sometimes he says collected by five, sometimes we'll say for an admin, but both of them mean the same thing. Why does he do two ways instead of one, some of the scholars said that basically as he was going through the books of of these IDs, and he was compiling them, he would find them sometimes only in the full books of the sooner a Buddha will tell me the insight and even manager and then afterwards as he was revising it, find that they will also Mr. Mohammed and so, he will just add that and instead of rubbing it out and saying Hamza, he will say out of that and I happen to fall and Mr. Mohammed and then he says, What about our team and our the solicitor all and when I say that

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it is only collected by the four, then basically, I mean, the full books have some autonomy, the NSA, even manager and elderwood will be served as a team and under whom idle affair, and when I say that it is only collected by the three then I mean, a Buddha would gentlemanly and unnecessary. So it doesn't include imagine what will Mustafa al Bukhari Muslim and when I say it's agreed upon, then I mean, I'll Buhari and Muslim law the law of Chroma whom Allah dannic for whom and sometimes when I say is created by Bukhari and Muslim, I don't mention anyone else even though you'll find the same Hadith in Abu Dawood and others. I don't mention them because if a hadith is agreed upon by the

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board and Muslim it is the most authentic so you don't need to mention anyone else. Well, my other valid for homophobia and any Hadith which isn't found in any of these seven books that we just mentioned, Ahmed Buhari Muslim Abba telemovie and the celibate manager then I will mention the name so if you sit on a be happy he'll mention it. If you set up the rosary will mention if Sonata Bharani he will mention the actual name was semedo Balu almarhum in Adela Telecom. And I named this book below muram mean Adela telecom below, camara below means to reach something to attend something to have arrived somewhere. And almarhum basically means you're gone. So, basically, the book is

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basically saying to reach your goal and muram is basically what you intend or what you wish to achieve or your goal. And so, basically he named the spoke, achieving or attaining your goal. So when you finish through this book, inshallah, you should have attained your goal of knowing all of Minna dilla Latin from the proofs regarding the time and the rulings of the Quran and the Sunnah will allege Allah Allahu Allah novella. And as for Allah subhanho wa Taala that he doesn't make that which we have learned a source of our destruction. When it was opened. I'm ellaby Matthew Lee subhana wa Taala and that enables us to that which will please him subhanho wa Taala and with that,

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he finishes his introduction and then he begins with the first chapter, which is chapter purification or the book of purification and the chapter of water which inshallah we will inshallah begin with next week. So inshallah with that will conclude for today or on the last run, Amina Mohammed,

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