Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Prayer Episode 20

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The importance of praying in convinced individuals over the age of puberty is emphasized in the context of the obligation upon men over the age of puberty. The speaker discusses four main views on the obligation on men over the age of puberty, including the collective obligation upon praying in graduation, the importance of praying in congregation, and the necessity of praying in graduation for the legal rule to be obligated upon individuals. The importance of praying in convinced individuals over the age of puberty is emphasized, and the church is based on the time of the Prophet sallam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Although de la umina shavon Isla de

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hamdulillah amin sallallahu wasallam Mahabharata Karna see the lineage Marine One earlier he was a woman Sir rsme Leona, Jayla Medina who seldom at the Sleeman kathira

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Allah Mohammed on Sunday for rahima Houma who tada bable sana to Jannati when the mama

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so the author of the mahalo Turner comes on to the next chapter within the book of Sala the book of prayer, and that is the chapter of congregational prayer and the chapter of a mama of being the Imam in the prayer. So as we know and also Rahim, Allah tala will mentioned some of the Hadith concerning the virtue of congregational prayer. And congregational prayer is one of the one of the signs and the symbols of our religion. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala has made certain signs for our religion so that the religion becomes apparent, so that people know and can recognize Islam through these signs and these symbolisms and so from them is the other one that we give out loud. And so you make

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the other loud so that people know that this is a sign of the Muslims. The Masjid is a sign of the Muslims going on Hajj and making the hatches an open sign of Islam, and likewise, Salatu Jamal, praying in congregation that is an open sign of Islam as well. On the last panel with Allah says in the Quran in surah, to Hajj a woman you're out of them Sharia law, for in the Harmon taqwa loop, Whosoever glorifies the signs of a law then erased from the piety that exists within those hearts. And so it is from the sign of a Muslim a sign of a believer sign of a person who has taqwa and piety, that they glorify the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That means glorifying the verses of

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Allah, Glory find a last panel, Tiana, glorifying anything that is connected to the religion like our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning respecting them, and following his way, Salalah alayhi wasallam and anything which has an apparent symbolism within our religion.

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And so for that reason, the scholars of Islam and due to the importance of this chapter, they have mentioned it in a single chapter. And that is the chapter of prayer in congregation. One of the main issues concerning this this chapter of congregational prayers Salatu. gemera. Is the ruling concerning praying and congregation. So what is the ruling of praying in congregation and this is something which both Rahim Allah tala will mention a number of Hadith concerning it, to give you the evidences for the different opinions and views that exists concerning this issue. This is an issue of which the scholars of Islam have differed over what is the ruling of congregational prayer. And

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there are main There are basically two main camps amongst the scholars of Islam concerning this issue or two main predominantly main views. The first is that it is not obligatory. And the second is that it is obligatory. And obviously, when we say that it is obligatory, we're referring to the obligation being upon men who are over the age of puberty, men who are over the age of puberty and listen, can hear the other than they live in the vicinity of the masjid. And so, this is the type of obligation that we are referring to this non obligatory upon the women, not obligatory upon people or sick or obligatory upon the traveler, not obligatory upon children, even male children and so on

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and so forth. So it is obligatory upon the male or the adult male who lives in the vicinity of the machine and he has the advantage and is able to attend the masjid doesn't have any valid excuse of not attending the masjid. So those are the two predominantly main views. The first and that is the opinion of the majority of the scholars is that it is a pseudonym aka it is a highly recommended Santa. But it is not an obligation, meaning that if a person doesn't pray in congregation, their prayer is accepted and it is fully in terms of its reward, nothing diminishes from its reward and that person is in no way sinful. The other opinion is that it is obligatory that it is obligatory

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and amongst those others that say that it is obligatory, there are some differences amongst them. So some of them for example, will say that it is 45 and photokey fi basically means that it is a collective communal obligation. So basically if some of the Muslims in the area go and attend the MR than praying congregation, then they have to fulfill that obligation and it is not obligatory upon every single Muslim male to attend the masjid so long as some of them

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Do it, they have fulfilled the obligation, and everyone else is exempt. However, if all of them failed to come to the masjid, none of them turn up, then all of them are collectively sinful, all of them are sinful. So that's what four key failure means that so long as a group of Muslims perform that obligation, everyone else, the responsibility is lifted off their shoulders. However, if none of them come, then now all of them are sinful, because no one fulfilled that communal obligation. So that is the opinion of some of the scholars of Islam. Other said, and this is the predominant view amongst those scholars who say that it is an obligation, they say that it is for the idea that every

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single male adult Muslim must, who can hear the other man must respond to the call of the other man, and they must pray in congregation. And if you don't, then you pray is correct, but you are sinful.

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It is correct, but you are sinful. So you should come to the question, unless you have a valid excuse. The third opinion amongst these panels is that not only is it for Brian Mulroney Is it an obligation upon every single adult male, but it is also a shot at Salah it is also a condition for the validity of your prayer. And so these scholars have the most strictest view in this issue. That it is a condition for the validity of your prayer meaning that if you don't attend the masjid,

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for the congregational prayer, and you have no valid excuse for remaining behind for praying on your own, then your prayer is not accepted. Even if you pray on your own, and you pray in the proper time when you fulfill all of its pillars and conditions and obligatory parts and sunan and your prayers as beautifully as you prayer at home as as you possibly can. It is not accepted. And this is the famous opinion of some of the scholars of Islam including shuffle Islam. In multimedia Rahim Allah tala and his students ignore him, Rahim Allah. So these are the four opinions that you have one that says that it is a highly recommended Sunnah. One that says that it is a collective obligation, one

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that says that it is an individual obligation. And one that says not only is it an individual obligation, but it is also a condition for the validity of your prayer. So these are the opinions are amongst the scholars of Islam. However, nevertheless, irrespective of whichever opinion that you take, the scholars have agreed that without doubt congregational prayer is one of the most virtuous acts that a person can perform. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would offer all of his prayers and congregation, the companions of the Allahu anhu would offer their present congregation. And it's not reported from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam that wants to stay in Medina, that

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he would go and he would just pray at home on his own individually, he would always pray, in congregation solidarity, he will sell them to the extent that even on the battlefield, when a person is on the battlefield, and they're facing the enemy. And they're in the midst of war and battle. Even then the prayer is in congregation. And that is known as tala to have the prayer of fear. And this fear because you're praying on the battlefield, you may be attacked. And there's a certain way that you perform that prayer. Even on the battlefield, the scholars say that it is an obligation and that's why those scholars who say that it is an individual obligation upon every male. This is one

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of the evidences that they use, that if it wasn't an obligation, then surely on the battlefield, Allah subhanaw taala would have allowed people just to go and pray individually, because that would have been easier for them and safer for them. But the fact that Allah subhanaw taala makes them pray, in congregation even on the battlefield, even though there is a slight difference in the way that you pray on the battlefield shows how obligatory it is. And even if it doesn't show how obligatory is it shows how virtuous praying in the congregation is without doubt. And no doubt. We all know the virtues connected to the masjid. And from those virtues is praying in congregation and

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the Brotherhood that it brings about the fact that you go and you meet your fellow brothers in Islam and so on and so forth. The scholars have agreed by consensus that it is not an obligation upon women to predication is not obligatory upon a woman to pray in congregation. And so it is in fact better for her to pray on her own and at home. And this is because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, will do you a favor alone, it is better for the women to pray at the home. But the scholars have also said that if the woman wishes to come to the question, when she should be allowed to come to the masjid, and that means that the minister should allow for a place for the women to

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pray in the masjid and it is also upon her male relative bita her husband or father, whoever is responsible for her to bring her to the masjid if she so asks for all she saw requests from her male Guardian that she attends the masjid and is authentically reported for marisha rhodiola Juana and many of the female companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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Tell them that they would pray in congregation behind the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam even for the casual prayer, even the prayers, not just like Lord or acil during the day, but even for the fudger prayer and some of the Hadith concerning the timings of the Fisher prayer on narrated by Arusha, rhodiola Juana because she would pray in congregation with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, let them narrow eema alarma cerca de la, don't prevent the female seventh of Allah from coming to the houses of Allah, what will you know, they will learn, but the houses are better for them. Also the scholars, even amongst those who say

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that it is an obligation upon me to pray in congregation. Amongst them, most of them say that if a person was to pray in congregation, wherever their congregation takes place, then they have fulfilled their obligation. So even if it's outside of the Ministry of meaning, that if you, for example, are at home, but you pray in congregation, then you fulfill that obligation. If you're outside at work, if you for example, traveling, if you're for example on the road as long as you pray in congregation, you have fulfilled our obligation. And they say that it is better though to go to the mission. And some of those scholars say no the congregation prayer must only be performed in

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the masjid unless you have a valid excuse. And the last panatela knows best. So we'll we'll start with the first Hadith in this chapter, Hadith number 320. And I'm delighted the Roman era the Allahu anhu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam apol Salatu Jamaat at Holloman Sala in fez de Bie severe inertially nadarajah Mutasa con la wa Houma Anna be hora de la langue de

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la caja de bois de serie de makalah de Raja and the authority of Abdullah Muhammad Ali Allahumma. Who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said congregation prayer is better than praying individually by Sep 27 degrees and that is corrected by Bukhari and Muslim and also then right from Abu hora de la one the same Hadith, but with 25 degrees and also is reported by by a mom and body and authority of a bursary with a similar word.

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This Have you the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that praying in congregational prayer is better than praying individually by 25, or 27 degrees depending on the difference in narration. This Hadith is used by those foreigners who say that it is not obligatory to pray in congregational prayer, meaning that it is a pseudonym, aka the highly recommended act, to pray in congregation, but not an obligation. This is one of the evidences that they use, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't negate praying individually. And he didn't say that it was invalid, nor did he in any way, rebuke it or look down upon it or say anything negative about it.

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But He only said that it is better to pray in congregation. Just because it is better to do something doesn't mean that the other thing is invalid, or not allowed or prohibited in Islam. And so likewise, it might be better for someone, for example, might be better for someone to fast a certain day like the devil on offer. But to not fast on that date. It doesn't mean that you can't fast on that day for pastor chooses not to fast, they're not sinful, but we only say that it is better. And that is the meaning amongst the jurists in the filthy sense of the word sin, that it is better for you to do an action. But if you don't perform that action, then it is no sin upon you

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there is no sin upon you. And so these scholars use one this hadith amongst others, as well, to show that it is not on vacation that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if a person preys on their own Indus Valley, there's no problem. But it is better to pray in congregation by 25 or 27 degrees, or 27 stations. So the scholars also mentioned concerning these different narrations that the prophet SAW Some said in one narration 25 degrees in the other, he said 27 degrees.

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And the way that the spoilers reconcile between them, they have some different opinions concerning this, how to reconcile between the generations, but probably one of the strongest and the last panel to Allah knows best is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this disparity between 25 and 27 is dependent upon the person performing the action. So just because someone prays in congregation doesn't mean that they will get 27 they may get 25. But if a person plays in congregation with for sure, and they connect to our last panel to Ireland, they understand their prayer, and they fulfill all of its pillars and obligations correctly, and they make liquor and their heart is attached to

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the liquor, then they will get even more reward. And so that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned both on the last panel what Allah knows best.

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The next Howdy, howdy Islam is 321 wannabe hora de todo de la one

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon Allah the NFC via de la powderham to an armada. Bihar come in for your taco from Allah tea for you other than Allah, sama Rama Rajan and for you m&s from ohana for Ella region Elijah Luna Salah. So how do you tune Allah the NFC via de la Yamaha? To whom and

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Amina Amina Martini Hassan attain Nila shahidullah Russia Mustapha con la he will not only Buhari and authority available for the long run that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, by the one in whose hand is my soul, I wish that I could like somewhat minimized a fire, and that I would order that the smaller the event be made for the Salah. And then I would order that a person should lead the people in prayer. And then I would go to those men who didn't come to the masjid, to perform in the Salah in congregation, and I would burn their houses down upon them, by the one in whose hand is my soul. If one of them knew that coming to the prayer would give them a bone full of

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meat, or they would give them two succulent pieces of meat, then they would come for their share of prayer. And this is collected by Mr. Bahari and Muslim and the wedding is of any moment Buhari. So this Hadith, in which the prophets on the lower end he was Selim is strongly rebuking those people who don't come to the Muslim praying congregation to the extent that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that I would like to would, I would have a torch of fire, order someone to make the other than order someone to lead the people in prayer. And then I would go and find those people who haven't prayed, and they would burn their houses down upon them. To that extent, the prophets on

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the lower end he will sell them is encouraging or emphasizing the congregational prayer. And this hadith is obviously approved for those people for those scholars who say that there is an obligation to pray in congregation, they say because the prophets on the lower end, he was seldom spoken such harsh explicit words concerning pray in congregation, and how the profits on the lower end, he was seldom wanted to punish those people who didn't perform the Salah in congregation. And this shows the severity of this issue. It also shows a corridor, one of the principles that we have in our religion, and that is that when we try to repel some evil, we don't incur greater evil. And so the

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scholars say that even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to do this, he didn't do so because obviously there is a way to evil in burning someone's house down maybe a loss of life, loss of property, injury, and so on. And so the processor system didn't actually do this. But he said that he would want to do this to show how important it is to pray in congregation. And as I said, this is an opinion or this is one of the evidence is used. For those of us who have the opinion that it is obligatory to pray in Jamaica and in congregation, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that if a person knew that coming to the machine would give them a leg of

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lamb, we would give them some type of bone with a lot of succulent meat, or give them some type of foods, there would be some materialistic prize or some type of reward that they would gain by attending the masjid, then they would come. And so if it was about money, when it was about something too realistic, then people would come, even though it is difficult for them to come. But because there is no security more than people rather stay back and they stay at home. So this hadith is used as one of those evidences to show that it is obligatory to pray in congregation, those scholars who say that it is not obligatory, they say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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didn't go and fulfill what he wanted to do. And the reason why he didn't do this was because it's not an obligation. Because if something is obligatory, and a person doesn't fulfill that, then they deserve to be punished, dislike and everything else in Islam if you fulfill, if you fall short of an obligation, then you can be punished in our religion. The fact that the prophets on the lower audio cillum didn't punish those people shows that it's not an obligation obviously.

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Each part of the scholars has their responses to these evidences and the last panel, Allah knows best.

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The next had it had it number 322 wannabe hora de todo de la Rocha kannadasan la sala lower that he will sell them as Paulo Sala channel Muna Filipino salatu wa salatu salam Ala Moana Murphy Hema, to whom Allah

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Allah Azza nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Raja Muna for kanaya rasulillah in the holy city neocolonial Masjid for a casola who Fela mavala Allah has this Moroni that Allah, Allah, Allah for algebra who Muslim on the third Shiva hora de la one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the heaviest prayers upon the hypocrites are Russia and federal. And if the people knew what was within them from God, then they would come even if they have to crawl for it. And this is an Al Bukhari and Muslim and also

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portrayed by or narrated by Abu huraira rhodiola one that a man, a blind man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said O Messenger of Allah, there is no one to bring me to the masjid. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed too much open congregation. But then when the man turned away, he called him back and he said, Do you hear the Adhan for the prayer? He said, Yes, he said, in that case, that is obligatory upon you, and this is collected by a Muslim.

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there are two ahaadeeth are mentioned here by the author of a mahalo Turner, the first showing that the most difficult prayers for the people who have hypocrisy within their hearts is solid Russia and Salatu fecha. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that if the people knew the good that was contained within the meaning playing them in congregation, then they would come to the masjid even if they had to crawl to the masjid. And it shows that these prayers, which are often the most difficult prayers, because there are on either extreme of the day, in the night, one is early in the morning, and the other one is late at night. And because of that, it is more difficult, more

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unlikely that people will come and pray in congregation if the people knew what these prayers contained from goodness from blessing than they would come even if they had to call the next Hadith which is also used as an evidence for the for those scholars who say that is obligatory to pray in congregation is the famous Hadith of the blind man, the blind man who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, O Messenger of Allah, I don't have anyone to bring me to the masjid meaning our guide, no one to hold my hand and bring me to the masjid. No one to help me come to the masjid. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam initially said to him, you don't have to pray

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in congregation. But then when the man turned away, he called him back and he said, Can you hear the other than? The man replied, Yes, so the prophets on a lower level seldom said for a job, then therefore it is obligatory upon you. And this hadith is obviously in Sahih Muslim so it is authentic. This Hadith the scholars who say that it is obligatory to pray in congregation, they use this as an evidence and they say that if anyone was to have a concession of that praying in congregation, then surely you would be someone who has a valid excuse like a blind man, a man who can't see a man who needs a guide someone to bring him to the masjid, it is difficult for that

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person to generally come to the masjid. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam obligated that Salah in congregation, even upon that blind man, this hadith also brings another issue, and that is that one of the conditions for the prayer and congregation to be obligatory upon you is that you hear the event. And so that is one of the conditions so has to be upon a male who is openly of puberty of maturity, and they must also hear the other, and they can't have any valid excuse from staying away. So you have to be able to hear from here the other. Now obviously, if you were living in a Muslim country, then the event is given out loud. And if you can hear the other, then you go to

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the masjid and you pray if you're outside of that vicinity of the other than that is not obligatory upon you. What is that? That

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if you like that circumference of that radius, in which you have to be able to hit other than in the scholars say that it is the natural voice that you hear of the meridian being given the other than from the question. So if the mother of this message was to stand and give the other not loud in the street, or just outside the message to maybe on the roof of the masjid, and there was no other sound around the meaning there wasn't like machinery taking place it wasn't building work going on, was the construction going on, whoever could be able to whoever was able to hear the other than within the radius of the masjid, those people must come and pray in the masjid. jamara is obligatory upon

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them. If you don't hear the other than then it is not obligatory upon you. And even living in countries in the West, whether that is a given out loud, that same scale or measure is used. So for those foreigners who say that it is obligatory to pray in congregation, they will say that you must do so if you would have been able to hear the event even though you can't hear the event out loud. But if you were able to hear other than in this locality, if the other was to be given by the natural voice out loud, then you would have to come and pray in the machine. If you outside of that, then you don't have to pay some of the scholars say that it is a one mile radius, some say more,

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some say less. And so these are estimations. But the point is that if you will be able to hear the other than you through to the beach house, then you would go and you would pray in congregation and it's not just about hearing that in your house. But even if you're outside of your house and just say you happen to be near the machine at the time of the event, then you should come and pray in congregation because now you have had on last panel Darla knows best had his number 323 one of your best and not the Allahumma salli ala hora de he was Salama Paul, Monsignor NIDA of an Emirati philosopher.

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iluminado robu measure with dharapani magnetic band when Hakeem was not a Muslim in La Habra, maka and authority have been our best for the Allahumma that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, over here, here's the event but doesn't attend the masjid, then there is no prayer for him except with an excuse collected by blue imagine a data book neglected banner hacking, and also says that it's not is according to the conditions of remain Muslim. But some of the scholars said that it is more authentic as a statement of economic facts. This Hadith Allah knows best seems to be weak except as an erosion of our biases, a statement of opinion ambassadors, a saying of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But as you can see, it is one of the evidences used by those scholars who say that not only is the prayer obligatory upon every individual male above the age of puberty, you can hear the event, but it is also a condition for the validity of their prayer. Because this disintegration says that if you hear the other and you don't attend the masjid, and you don't have a valid excuse, then there is no prayer for you. There is no prayer for you. And so what does that mean? That is no prayer for you. It can mean a number of things. Number one, it can mean that there is no actual prayer mean that you don't have to pray mean that your prayer is invalid, or that there

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will be no prayer for you your prayer is invalid. Number two, it can mean that your prayer, even though you offer it won't be accepted. Or number three can mean that your prayer doesn't have the full reward. So even though you pray it as accepted as a prayer, for your prayer doesn't have the full reward. And that seems to be the stronger of the opinions even amongst those scholars who say that the prayer is an obligation. The majority of them say that it is not a condition for the validity of your prayer. And so if you were to pray individually, even if you hold that opinion, you pray individually, you are sinful, but your prayers true, correct. So your prayer is still valid,

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meaning that obligation has been lifted off your shoulders, and you are sinful but your prayer is still correct. Meaning you don't have to repeat the prayer again, as opposed to those scholars who say that it is a condition for the validity of your prayer and prayer. Even though you have to still offer it it would be not accepted and a lot most best

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that it's had the third is number 324, which is even less for the rhodiola one and the who Salama Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam masala to fellow masala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala rasulillah Musa Leah for the IB Hema for GLBT Masato for whom Afrikaner Huma mana Akuma and to Salima Ana Paula Selena Phoebe Halina, Paula Fernanda Fernanda fillet to mfine Holly Kumar, sama, documen, EMA Musa Li for Selenium alpha in the hola como una de la rama de la sala de casa de ban and authority visit la one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he prayed with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the federal prayer when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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had finished praying he saw two men who didn't pray with him. So he called them and they came towards him with fear, meaning that they were scared of him. And they came to him and he said to them, why didn't you pray with us? The replay that we played in our homes, so he said, don't do so if you come to the masjid and you've already played in your houses, but you find that the Imam is praying, and you don't and then you should pray with him, for he will be for you an optional prayer. And this is collected by Mr. Mohammed undresses wording and collected by the three unauthentic by a 10 million library ban. And this hadith is authentic.

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This Hadith is another one of the evidences used by those scholars who say that the that the congregational prayer is highly recommended but not obligatory. In this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed the prayer. And after he finished he saw two companions who didn't pray in congregation. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to them, why didn't you pray with us? They replied, The Messenger of Allah we prayed at home already. So the prophets on a lower IV was seldom said don't do so. Meaning that if you come to the masjid and you've already prayed, don't just sit there not praying. But join the congregation. Pray in congregation, even

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though you've already prayed, and it will be written for you as an optional prayer. And so in this Hadith, the scholars say that the prophets on the lower army will silom didn't rebuke those people for praying at home, didn't say to them, why didn't you pray in general? Why didn't you wait, whether you pray is invalid, or that you will sinful instead instructed them in a different issue. And that is that if you come to the masjid, even though you may have already prayed, but the people are praying and congregation that jamara is going on, then you shouldn't sit at the back even though you've already prayed. Because some people may have bad thoughts about you. They may think that

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you're not praying because you're not a Muslim. You don't accept the prayer or you don't want to pray in congregation. So instead, you should join the congregation.

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And pray. Even though you've already prayed the obligatory prayer, it will be counted as you as ineffable as an optional prayer. And so the prophets on the lower Allahu silom is mentioning a number of important points. Number one, he didn't rebuke those people for praying at home. Number two, that if you come to the masjid, even though you may have already played at home, then you come and you pray again. And number three, that that prayer for you is nothing. So your first prayer at home is what counts as your obligatory prayer. This prayer becomes enough an extra pray that you offer number four, it shows that a person who's praying enough for prayer, you can pray behind

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someone who's praying an obligatory prayer. And so even though the Imam is praying on obligatory prayer, your intention will be for another prayer, and that is okay and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allow this and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. So these are Hadith that we have taken all of them speak generally about the congregational prayer inshallah, tomorrow or tomorrow, we will go on to the next Hadith in this chapter, they speak about the Imam, the Imam in the prayer, and the position of the Imam and the importance of the man and the role that he plays within the congregational prayer. And so inshallah we'll stop here for today. If there's any questions, we'll

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take them otherwise, we can conclude. Yeah, so you prayed the full prayer. Even if you come late to pay the home, you come late, and you find that the Rams already started. So you miss a record, you complete the prayer you'd pray for.

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Generally, the general ruling is that each credit is paid at its proper time. You pay each press proper time, or time after a certain time, you pay them each at its proper time. And you must do your best to find a place to pray each one in its proper time. So even if you go to a place where there's no machine, you pray on the side, you pay individually, you find a place where you can pray and you pray. However, if on the odd occasion, for example, you need to combine between them for a reason, for example, you're going somewhere and you won't come back, you don't have a place to pray. Maybe for example, you have exams at that time, so no student can pray because you will be an exam.

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And by the time you finish the examiner only with the time I finish by the time Russell will have come in as well. In those types of situations you can then combine. So you combine thought and hustle together. But not most of the motive is only combined with Russia or with Russia. So you combine to either adore time for a docile time, then you pay much later on. If you know the timings of the prayer, like from the timetable doesn't mean that the congregational prayer is obligatory upon you if you don't hear the alarm. So if you live outside of that vicinity, then no even if you know the time because generally all of the Muslims know the time of the prayer like generally, you

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know that the Muslim is at sunset and fudger is at dawn and you know the timing of the prayer. That's not what makes it obligatory upon you notice to become obligatory upon you, for example, you hear the other than simply through a radio or through a TV or through the internet. So if that sound would if the other normally wouldn't reach your house, but you have a radio maybe you did like maybe in Edgbaston, maybe you live somewhere soluble, and you hit it to the Atlantic doesn't become obligatory simply because it comes through has to be the natural voice that would reach you like in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then would make the event out loud without

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microphone without radio without TV. whoever hears that comes to the masjid.

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You pray in congregation if there is a machine near you, or your printing congregation with other people that may be like be there with you.

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But they basically what they do is the way the estimation works is from the time of the prophet SAW Selim, because in his time didn't have high rise buildings like now you have big towers and buildings around you that would obstruct the voice. It's not based on today. It's based on what depends on the professor solar month so if someone gives us an out loud, there's no construction work, no snow noise that would take that away from you know, high rise buildings, nothing like this. How far would they reach? So you just for yourself, if you live you think you live in the place where you would hear that and come to the masjid or, if you think outside

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That's for you to decide.

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