Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Prayer Episode 19

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The importance of praying for the Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam during the time of the Prophet's birth is discussed, as it is a staple practice throughout the time of the Prophet's birth. The practice of praying in the presence of the Prophet has been discussed, as it is a staple practice throughout the time of the Prophet's birth. Pranks and references to the Prophet's words are also discussed, as it is important for obtaining the ultimate result. The importance of praying for the return of the gods and the success of the rainbow is also discussed, as it is a highly recommended prayer for those who wake up in the morning and have a long term presence.
AI: Transcript ©
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Although de la umina shavon uno de

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amin sallallahu wasallam Allah Baraka Anna see the Marine One earlier he was talking to a woman surah Allah Sabina he wanna je la Yomi Dino seldom at the Sleeman kathira ameba.

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Finally Mahmud hospital masani for Rahim Allah, Allah wa Chateau de la Juan Hippolyte, Makana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is due to fear Ramadan Allah.

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Allah there are slaughter aka you suddenly are banned for this Allen who's living not only in summer you suddenly are banned for lettuce and parsley He not only in summary you solve the sarafa arratia to faculty jasola aterna mokaba and to to Arusha in Santa Monica Namo can be

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viewed evaluating the Houma anha kana you Salim in a lady Ashoka for you to be such that we can work it you'll find your fertility masala Sasha taraka. And authority very shallow. The Allahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will not increase in Ramadan or outside of Ramadan in more than 11 Records he would pray for don't ask about the beauty and the length then he would play another four and do not ask about the beauty and the length then he would pray three hours I said so I asked or messenger of Allah Do you sleep before you prayed the window? He said oh I shut my eyes sleep. My heart does not sleep. And this is an Bahari and Muslim. And also in another narration also

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on the authority version of your loved one her she said that he would pray 10 Records and then he would make one record for surgery. And then he would pray two records for future and that is a total of 13 Records.

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And how do you number 303? One Arusha todo de la one harlot cannot assume lies on the lahardee he will sell them you sold him in the Lady serratia taraka you too mean daddy can be

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sufficient in Luffy Ophelia mucha con la on the Chateau de la one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would pray search and look as during the night and then he would make with with five and he will not sit in any of them except at the end. And this is in an Buhari and Muslim.

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So this is an issue which those are mahalo tala brings concerning the number of records for the Torah with prayer. And without with this issue in some detail when we were discussing the chapter of fasting, the book of fasting, and we were going through the relevant chapter within the book of fasting concerning tarawih. So I'm not going to repeat all of that now, but I will inshallah summarize, basically, the rulings from this Howdy.

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These narrations, both of them of America shall have the lower honor and basically what she's saying, Our mother or the allowing her is that the profits aren't allowed he will sell them will not increase in Ramadan have more or outside of Ramadan in more than 11 Records in the turabian prayer, and in another narration, 13 Records, and another narration, he would pray 10 altogether, and then he would make withdrawal with one. And so these are different narrations, which basically all add up to the same number either 11 or 13. As for how he would do them, then there is some difference in terms of exactly how much was thrown away, and how much was withheld. Or if the rockers are the two

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signals are federal also included within this number. So some of the narrations say that he would play eight astronomy, then three for return making. Some say that he would pray eight for turabian then five for Western making 13 Some say that he would pay 10 extra we then one for winter, this making 11 as well. And so you have some of these different durations, all of them from Arusha or the Allahu

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Abdullah buzzworthy Allahumma. In Alba Muslim he mentions that the profits on the lower end he will sell them would pray eight in twos we will pray two followed by two followed by two followed by two and then he would pray the wisdom and so on of them though kind of agree on this element that the prophets Allah Allah Allah He will sell them whether in the month of Ramadan, outside of the month of Ramadan, he would pray normally 11 or 13. This was his his table practice. However, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never verbally said this. So this is taken from his action, not from his statement. So he never said that the turabian prayer must be this number of records or more or less,

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but this is taken from his actions are lower and he was seldom. We mentioned yesterday also another Hadith concerning

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Why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left off praying for a weakened congregation. And we mentioned that the Hadith are very short of your love and also that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was praying one day and the companions gathered some of them, and they prayed behind him in congregation. And then the next day they went and they told other people that the profits on a lower IV was psyllium was praying for are we with the ninth prayer in congregation and this was in Ramadan. And so the second night, more people gathered behind the prophets of Salaam and they also paid in congregation. Then on the third night, the news had traveled even further and wider. And so

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even more companions came to pray with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. However, then on the fourth time, the people have gathered, waiting for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but he never came out. So then when he came out for the vigil prayer, and he prayed for God, they said, O Messenger of Allah, we were there waiting for you, and you never came out. And so the prophets on the lower end, he was seldom said I was aware of your presence. But I didn't come out out of fear that a law would make it then obligatory upon us, meaning, are we in congregation, it would become an obligatory prayer, rather, rather than a highly recommended prayer. And so the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam left this. So this practice of praying in congregation was left by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam these narrations of those three nights that the prophets on the lower that he will sell them prayed in congregation, they don't mention the number of records. So it doesn't say down the first night to the second night or the third night. This is how many prayers it is a general Hadith that doesn't specify the number of records that he offered.

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During the time of Abu Bakr, radi Allahu Allah, and also during his khilafah, the companions were praying individually. So from this time onwards from this duration of airasia, the companions would pray individually, and this continued even through to the time of Abu Bakr rhodiola one, and it continued for some time, in the life of armor of the Allah one, and chairman of the Allah one one day entered the masjid. And he saw that the companions were praying separately, everyone praying individually. And so he ordered that they gather and make congregation praying jamara, and that they pray behind the companion, or beta blocker, or the Allahu anhu, or da, and he made them play 20

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Records. So he made them pray 20 Records and this is the number that he set for them. And so this then became stablished, amongst the companions of their operations, not only from Mr. rhodiola Grandpa, also family, but the long run, that he would make the companions pray, or the people during his time, he would make them pray 20 Records. And this then became the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Islam, that the number that a person plays in taraweeh is 20. Some of the scholars even went further than this, and they said 56, and they said that this was the practice that was established amongst the people of Medina. And so the people of Medina would pray 36 rockers in

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The point being here is that you can see that that there is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars of Islam. So how do we combine between this on the one hand we have the action of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but not as explicit statement. On the other hand, we have the understanding of the companions like Omar like Ali, and also the majority of the scholars of Islam, the vast majority of them will agree that you pray more than eight or more than ever, no more than 13 and you have that on the other hand, and because the companions have more or less agreed upon this there is like Ah man, like consensus amongst them. And the scholars of Islam after them have

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also taken that opinion. So how do you balance between these two shefali Stanleyville Tamia, Rahim Allah, tala and other scholars of Islam and they came to reconcile between these two they said that there is no specific number for the turabian prayer, there is no minimum, and there is no maximum. However, the prophets on the lower order, he will send them pray eight, and he would make them extremely long. He would make them extremely long, and it was often reported that he would pray for most of the night, or at least like the last portion of the night, all the way up until federal and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as is mentioned in this hadith of adoration of the last one,

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or the first one that we took, she says that he would pray for, don't ask about the beauty and the length. And then he would pray another for don't ask about the beauty and the length. And what she what she means by that Hadith or what she means by praying for she doesn't mean that she prayed for together, he prayed them in truth. What she means is that he wouldn't take a break between the first two and the second two. So he would pray to some of them. And then he wouldn't read the rest. He would stand up and pray on the two. And then after he had prayed for them, he would take a long rest. He would rest for some time meaning they would sleep on anything, but he would just rest

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himself for a while. Then he would stand up and pray to and then again he wouldn't sit for long but he would stand up and pray the last two and that's why she's combined them into force.

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Because of that arrest that was in the middle of turabian, that the prophets on the lower and he will send them would take.

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Therefore, the point being, that she mentioned that this was the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam preached even taymiyah Rahim Allah said that this was known about the prophets of Salaam that he would play an extremely long prayer. But during the time of Ramadan, the Allah one, he wanted to make it light and easy for the companions. So instead of eight, he established for them 20. So the recitation wouldn't be as long and the record wouldn't be as long and the sujood wouldn't be as long would be shorter. Because it's also reported from the profits on the lower end, he will sell them that when he would play the Torah, we pray, he would stand, and he would recite a very

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long recitation, and then his record would be similar in length to his standing, and his sujood would be similar in length to his standing as well. And so each of those components of the prayer were very long. And they would make up obviously, there for a very long prayer. So for Mr. Viola when he wanted to make it easier for the people and so he shortened the records. So therefore based upon that there is no minimum for turabian nor is there a maximum for tarawih. So if someone goes for example, to msgid like for example, the masjid here and the Imam is praying eight then you pray eight, if you were to go to Saudi Arabia, you go to Mecca and Medina, the two hands, they pray 20 up

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20 and so therefore, what is done instead is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, concerning the night prayer, masala man email me, I'm sorry if katiba haupia Molina, Whosoever pleased with the Imam until the Imam leaves then on lower right for that person as if they have prayed the whole night. So even if the Imam only prays eight and he finishes in an hour, or he plays 20 and he finishes in an hour, so long as you stay with that demand and you finish with the Imam then you will have the reward as if you stood for the whole night in prayer. And so that is basically the scale that we use. The measure the measuring stick that we use is to follow the Imam

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and whichever of the opinions that Imam take so that Mr. takes them inshallah, all of that has some basis in the Sunnah and a lot of surgeon knows best.

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The next Hadees Hadees number 304 one Arusha toniolo one Hippolyte min Cooley Lady otoro Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Fanta her way through Illa Sahar Mata finale, on the torture very short on the lower end her she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam offered the widow at all times of the night, and he prayed the widow he finished his widow towards the end, or just before further time, and this is an alcohol young Muslim. In this Hadith, Chateau de la Juana is establishing the principle that we mentioned yesterday, that the timing of the width of prayer begins from solid inertia. So after you've prayed to Russia, your winter begins. And it continues

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until sunrise until the timeout sorry, not sunrise until dawn, until the time of photo, that is the time for wisdom. She's saying about the law. One Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has offered the rectory of the rector at the beginning of the night, and in the middle of the night, and at the end of the night, and there will be another Hadith which slightly clarifies this Hadith, basically showing that it is permissible for a person to pray with her at any point of the night. So the waiter doesn't have to be just before pleasure. So if for example, a person prays to Russia, and then they know that they're not going to wake up for the 100th or they have no intention of waking

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up for the hedge fund, they can pray with or with their shot and go to sleep. And it is valid, it is correct, doesn't diminish from the return, and it is authentically established from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. However, his custom would be such a low army will sell him to stand up for the night. So the vast majority of the narrations of his return was that he would offer them towards the end of the night because he will stand up for that the 100 prayer, but if a person isn't going to, they can pray at the beginning of the night or in the middle of the night or at the end of the night any

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any point during that a lot of time. It is allowed for a person to offer the waiter prayer and a large surgeon knows best.

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How does number 305 100 the librarian among us rhodiola who and whom Aparna Connery Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Abdullah Abdullah latoken Miss la funan kana yaku momina Lady for terracotta Yama lane multifocal nalli and the authority of Abdullah bin Ahmad ibn and rhodiola Juan Houma who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to me Oh, Abdullah, don't be like so and so. We used to pray during the night and then he left praying during the night and this is in an Buhari and Muslim. This How do you thoughts on him Allah has brought to show the virtue of praying the night prayer for not only the virtue of praying the night prayer but to show that it is

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Once a person establishes, they should continue to do. And we know from the profits on the lower end, he will tell him that he would say that the most beloved of actions to alarm are those which are consistent, even if they are small, even if they are few. And so that is basically the skill of what Allah subhana wa Taala loves and is more beloved to him. So instead of paying 200, once in a year, but you make that 100 like really long and you pray for most of the night, it is better to pray to record every single night just before federal person wakes up 1520 minutes before 10 minutes before and just to pay to lockers. But to do this on a consistent basis is better than just once a

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month, or once a year. And they wake up for the whole of the last. And so Lawrence oh god loves that a person should do these actions consistently. And so that's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying to Abdullah ibn Ahmad us and we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recommend the night prayer to his companions and he would encourage them to pray. And let's try the famous hadith of our beloved Omar radi Allahu anhu moment he saw a dream and he went on his way to the stream to his sister hafsa not the Allahu anhu one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then she intended to return it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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asking about its interpretation. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said nigma radziwill Abdullah locanto. Yakumo believe that he is a blessed man, your brother Abdullah, if only you stood during the night and prayed meaning Korea Malaysia, and when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first arrived in Medina, one of the first pieces of advice that he gave to all of the companions, the people of Medina, one of those advices was that they should stand and pray during the night whilst everyone else is asleep. And so the profits aren't allowed He will send him would recommend this. Not only would he recommend this pretty well something that he would do himself sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam

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had his number 361 early evening Vitaly been mobiola one who Paul Bernardo sama he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, out to you for an interview with Tony, who wrote a blog post on the authority of Alibaba. Vitaly rhodiola, one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, perform the withdrawal or people of the Quran for India is an odd number and he loves the widow, which is odd. And this is collected by the five unauthenticated by Cosima and it is an authentic hadith. So again, the author Rahim Allah tala is establishing the virtue of these prayers, the night prayer and the witr prayer and how virtuous they are within our religion. And so in this statement of the profits

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on the LaGuardia he will sell them from the virtues of the winter prayer from the reasons that our last panel Tanner loves the winter prayer as because it coincides with one of the attributes of Allah and that is the law is written that he is one and he is an odd number and that he is unique subhanho wa Taala and my coins do with the prayer is offered as an odd number. It is offered as an odd number. And so therefore it is something which is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala had Islam a 307 or anybody Ramadan, the Allahumma salli ala alihi wa Salaam, Nepal, in general. salata can be lady with her family on the verge of Abdullah Omar. radi Allahu anhu mata the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said, make the final prayer during the night the widow collected by Al Bukhari and Muslim and the next Hadith 307 what I'm calling obedient, do you know do laquan Palmetto Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Agricola with Ronnie Elijah Muhammad with thalassa also have a ban on the authority of God Allah one who said that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say there are not two winters within a single night collected by Mr. McDermott and the three unauthenticated by even a headband.

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These two ahaadeeth are important in the sense that they give us one of the most important rulings of the winter prayer. And that is that it should be the final prayer that you offer during the night. So if for example, a person after a shot doesn't have the intention to wake up for the 100 they should pray the width of prayer, and that is the final part of the night. If for example, a person has the intention to wake up, then they shouldn't offer the width through prayer, but they should go to sleep, and then they should wake up and then pray their prayer malayala at 100 and then offered the return prayer. And it was authentically established that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam sometimes after the bitter prayer, he would pray sometimes two records, two records. And so the issue which prayer which is watered from the second Hadith as long as there are not two witnesses in a single night is in the scenario of what happens if a person goes to sleep without the intention of praying the head. So they pray there with the prayer and then they wake up

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And they find that they still have an hour for Virgil. So there's plenty of time for the 100. Now, what do they do? Can they pray? Or can they pray? So from the Hadith we see that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam sometimes would offer to work hours after the witr prayer. But that wasn't part of his 200. They would be too light records, as is mentioned, in the Hadith, but it shows that he would sometimes pray after the width of prayer. So some of the scholars said that that was done by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam to show us the permissibility of the scenario that if a person goes to sleep, having prayed with total wakes up, and they find that there is time

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to pray during the night, that they can pray, because the prophets Allah, while he was seldom showed us that it is allowed to do so. However, as a general rule, it shouldn't be done. So generally speaking, the rule is that the waiter is the final prayer. If on the odd occasion, though, you happen to be in a scenario where you do wake up early before for Jonathan does half an hour an hour, 1520 minutes and you want to pray, even though you've already prayed your window to prayer, then you can pray. So now the question is, then do you have to repeat the withdrawal after that night prayer, now that you've woken up unexpectedly? Or is that winter from before sufficient, there are two

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opinions from amongst the scholars of Islam. The first is that you just pray your ninth prayer and you don't offer return again. And that withdrawal is sufficient. And that is based upon this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that there are no too literal prayers in a single night. There is only one with a prayer per night. So you don't offer the return again, you just pray 2468 whatever you're going to pray, and then you finish and you don't pray another winter. Other scholars said that what you do is you pray a single record to make the Witcher pray that you offered at the beginning of the night into an even number. To pray at the beginning of the night was one record.

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You pray one more it becomes two. If it was three you pray one more becomes four. If it was five, you pray one would come six. So you just pray one record individually, separately, with the intention that that will apply now becomes even and when you pray, what you want to pray, and then you go and pray the witness again. So therefore, technically speaking, you haven't prayed to witness you prayed one. So both of these opinions you will find amongst the scholars of Islam and inshallah whichever one a person takes both of the Mashallah there is some strength to them and Alonso's best had his number 309 why nobody can prove the Allahu kala chana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, YouTube is a bit smarter because Allah Apulia you healthcare for your own Roku Allahu Ahad Rama Buddha would wanna say, Masada voila, you sell them in left field in Buddha Timothy. Chateau de la Mancha fee kulu sora Tripura Karachi Mozilla theological who allow I had one more hour with a chain

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on the authority of obey boo Cabo de la one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his with a prayer would recite some Arabic Allah, Allah and Allah you will have your own and upon whom Allah had collected by Mohammed and the Buddha would an unnecessary with additional wording that he would only give the salams at the end of the prayer. And in a Buddha Buddha Timothy, there is an original version of the law, that he would recite each of these solos in a single record, but in the final record he would recite for one hour had Colorado and Colorado drop in us. So this is the first hadith of obey. bluecard is authentic the second hadith of a Buddha within a tournament he

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seems to be weakened, a large surgeon knows best, but it shows what the profits on the lower end he was seldom used to recite during his way through prayer. And that is a business model Bigler in the first rocker boulia even caffeine in the second rocker, and Sora to the classical wallflower had in the third and final record. That is obviously if a person is paying three. If a person wishes to say something else, it is allowed. So a person can say whatever they want, you can recite whatever you want in all of those records. And obviously if you're going to pray more than three then you can recite whatever sutras you wish to recite. And Allah knows best.

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How does number 310 one be sorry? Didn't Audrey rhodiola one and then Libya? sallallahu alayhi wasallam Aparna otira.

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Muslim, Ban madaraka Subhan. Allah muted Allah with Rolla, on the authority of I'm sorry, the one who said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, perform the withdrawal before the morning comes collected by Muslim and in the duration of a ban, whoever finds that the morning has come and they haven't performed the withdrawal then there is no withdrawal for them. This Hadith now and a number of Hadith are going to come after this. Now. I'm going to speak about another issue an aspect of the withdrawal prayer and that is what happens if someone had the intention. They didn't pray with her before they went to sleep.

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with the intention that they would wake up before fetcher and pray the winter, but then they missed the federal. Either they forgot they overslept, whatever reason. So by the time they wake up, it is now after official. So for the time has come in, or it's sunrise. So Frederick has finished as well. So they've missed the allotted time a widow, what do they do? Based on this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it seems to say this particular narration, that there is no return for you. If you've missed it, you've missed it. And we know generally speaking as a general principle in the religion, that if it is your practice to perform a certain action, and you do it as a habit and

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custom meaning for example, in the case of winter, that normally you offer the winter prayer, before federal you wake up before Virgil, and you offer it every single night. But on the odd occasion, you oversleep, or you forget to for whatever reason, you don't offer it, then we know that in the Sharia as a general principle, you get that exact reward. Even if you miss it, so long as you had a valid excuse. Maybe one night, someone's not feeling well, so they don't make up, you get the same reward. Maybe someone is traveling the oversleep, you get the same reward. And that doesn't just apply to weather, but generally any action that you normally perform in the state of health, being resident

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and so on. But then for a valid excuse in the Sharia, you go and you travel, you're ill, for some reason you missed that act of worship, then you can reward you get the equal reward and this is from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But do you perform the Witcher then or not? this hadith seems to say that you don't and we will go on to the next Hadith,

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which is 311 Barnabas original for the rhodiola one

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for Nepal Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and nama and in with leonessa who failed to solve either of our core navamsa isn't necessary on the fortune sorry, the for the rhodiola one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever sleeps in the winter or forgets it, they let him play it when he awakens, or when he remembers collected by the five except unnecessary. So the previous Hadith and this hadith is also authentic. The previous Hadith is saying that there is no return for you. This Hadith is saying that you pray when you wake up. How do you pray when you wake up? If you complete the ritual prayer, and there is no with the prayer, how do you reconcile

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between these two, a hadith. Many of the scholars or some of the scholars of Islam lecture members Rahim Allah tala and others, they say that the meaning of this hadith is that you make up the width of prayer in the morning, by praying Salah to Doha. And Salatu is something which we're going to discuss shortly. But it's basically the prayer that you pray after the morning has, has come in fully. So once the sun is high in the sky, the morning is fully there, until the Sun reaches its zenith until zone that is the time for solar to Baja. They say that what you do instead is you pray solar to Baja. And that will suffice for your winter that will suffice for your winter prep. So if

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for example, and it's just as we will see, it is authentically established that the prophets of Salaam offered the Doha prayer as either Torah cards for four cards, or six cards or a tarot cards or terminal cards or 12 Records. So up to 12, it is authentically established. We said for the winter that it is from one to 11 one being the minimum 11 being the maximum and the How to is the minimum 12 being the maximum. So the scholar said that the way that you make up the width or during the day is you pray the prayer, the number of records that is closest to how many Witter you would have prayed normally. So for example, a person only plays three with her during the night. The

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minister with the prayer in the morning they pay for a car instead. That is the closest you round up one and that's why the maximum is 12 you round up one if normally you would have paid seven. Then in the morning for Doha you play eight and that will suffice for your winter. That will be your way of experiencing or making up your winter making product for your winter. Because you missed it for a valid excuse. And a lot of surgeon knows best.

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How does number 312 one jabber rhodiola one for Nepal Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam selling them and half

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the lane for you to a Wella woman Tommy Farah who for you to hear a little famous Sonata after the lady Masuda was

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on the authority of Raja who Muslim on the authority of God Allah one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever feels that they will not stand towards the end of the night and let him make the window at the beginning and whoever wishes and hopes that they will stand towards the end then let them make the width or at the end of the night for indeed the prayer at the end of the night is something which is witnessed and it is better and this is collected by a Muslim.

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So this Have you forgotten is establishing something which we've already mentioned, and that is that the width can be offered at any portion during the night.

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So the scholars have even said the majority of the scholars are of the opinion that the witr prayer begins after you have prayed Orisha prayer. So even if you were a traveler, and you combine between mclubbe and Russia at the time of Maha dip, you can then pray with them. Even though it's not technically initial time you're combining at the time of mothering. But because you've offered the Russia prayer, the time of winter comes in. And that is the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Islam. So the timing begins from the time of after you've offered your Isha prayer. And according to many of the scholars, after you've offered the son of Russia as well, it is disliked that you

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pray with her before offering the son of Russia, so you play the son of Russia, the tour occurs, and then you go on to winter. And so that winter prayer can be played at the beginning or at the end. But as we said, the established practice is that if you wish to wake up during the night, then you shouldn't pray the winter until then. So it's not for the scenario of just in case I don't make up I will offer it at the beginning anyway, even though I have the intention to wake up during the end of the night. And so therefore, that's something which shouldn't be done. You should and just in case of not being able to wake up, just offer the wizard prayer, and then just pray if you happen to wake

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up. So if you have the intention of waking up, then don't pray the prayer and leave it until after you wake up and the Lord surgeon knows best. How does number 331 amaravati Allahumma annina bu sallallahu alayhi wa salam upon his upon Alfredo Sahaba Baku Salatu lady will return for ot Republic to Lauren for john, Navajo Timothy on the authoritarian armor of the Allahumma that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, once Virgil comes in then the timing of the night prayer and the return has gone, it has elapsed So pray the obiter prayer before the time of federal flattery by Amanda Timothy and this hadith is also authentic. And again, establishing what we've already said.

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And as we've said, the way that you reconcile between the two ahaadeeth one thing that you don't play with Romans Fletcher has come in the other one saying that you can make up with them if Virgil has come in. Is that the way that you make up that frigid winter prayer after fudger is by praying Salatu an alarm soldier knows best. The next two or three Hadith 314 one Arusha todo de la Juana on it cannot asuma Hassan Allahu Allah He will sell them or use Allah or ban will z do Masha Allah wa hermiston on the 30 very short of the Allahu Allah who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would pray for records for Doha, and he would increase as much as Allah wished for him to

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increase credited by Mr. Muslim haddish number 315. Allah 111 Cana Rasulullah sallallahu wherever you will sell the most on the corner Tila Illa energy amin Madiba, she was asked meaning I shall do law 100 of the profits on the lower the he will sell them please the Doha should reply no unless he came back from a travel Hadith number 316 Allah Juan hamara Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you suddenly got to subheader Neela was a bit

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on the vibration of your loved one had that she said that I never saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pray the prayer but I pray for myself. So these three ahaadeeth now we're speaking about the Doha prayer which the author Rahim Allah, Allah will bring us the final optional pray that he will mention within this chapter. And that is the Doha prayer. So we have this hadith of Aristotle, the Allah warn her that she prayed for a cause for Doha. And sometimes that the professor silom, sorry, prayed photocards for Doha, and sometimes he would pray more than this. Then we have another Hadith that you would only do this if he came back from a travel. Then another Hadith that says that

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he didn't pray this, but that I shall do laquanda would pray this. So some of the scholars said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would pray the Doha prayer if there was a reason, like for example, he came back from a travel or, for example, on the morning of a battle, or for example, when he conquered a city like on the day of the conquest of Mecca. Other scholars said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed, they'll do have prayer if he missed the night prayer. So that was his way of making up the nine prevot. If you don't pray the night prayer, then you should pray, the Lord pray instead. However, the stronger opinion out of all of this is that the law of

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prayer is something which is established as a prayer within its own right, generally speaking, and that's why I bought a rhodiola one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised him with three things that he should never miss. And from them was the heart prayer. And so it is something which is established and the author Rahim Allah will bring other Hadith that shows that it is established in its own right. So the Doha prayer is something which is an optional prayer that it's also highly recommended that a person from the time of when the morning fully comes in until when the Sun reaches it.

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If until so well, that is the time of Doha and you can play bohat as two or four or six or eight or 10 or 12 Records and you play them in twos two by two, and it is something which is highly recommended and virtuous to do. As we will see from the following ahaadeeth 317 Ramsay they are como de la one and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam upon Sala to our being in a tunnel model facade, aroma hotel movie, and the photos are from rhodiola one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the prayer of the repentance is when the morning fully comes in and this is collected by an Imam action movie. And this also is mentioned this hadith is also narrated by Mr. Muslim with a

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very similar wording also on the authority of his ad nauticam are on the long run. So in this hadith we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is recommending this prayer generally speaking, that he's recommending it and he calls it Salatin aware being the Salah of those people who frequently return and repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So therefore, it is something highly recommended that a person should do that if they wake up in the morning, they should or not have some time where they pray even if it is only to record this prayer, which is known as Salatu

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Hadith number 318 one another symbol the Allahu anhu karna kannadasan la haine sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. masala fintie Ashleigh Tanaka ban Allahu Allahu wa sallam from Jenna. Row Timothy was taraba and authority and a sort of the Allahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever prays to have prayer 12 records that Allah will make for them a Palestinian gender clickandbuy remember Timothy and he said that this hadith is peculiar. And the final Hadith in this chapter, Hadith number 319 onera Chateau de la Juan Hippolyte the hola Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a bat for sala de Manya Raka. Arturo a ban feasts are here on the 40 very short of the

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Allahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered my house and he prayed the prayer as eight records collected by Abraham burn in His sight.

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So these two ahaadeeth are just establishing what we've said before and that is that the Buddha prayer can be offered as much as up to 12 Records. So two or four or six or eight or 10 or 12 Records, you have the option from praying any of the amount and all of that is authentically established from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and as reported from Mohammed or the

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the Hadith al Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of the conquest of Mecca, he played eight rockers as Salah to Baja. And so this shows that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make this somewhat of his practice that he would pray the the Salatu ha,

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often during the day, so the prophets on the lower Allium sentiment pray during the night, you would pray during the day you would pray the son of robotic, obviously in addition to the obligatory prayers, and a large surgeon knows best for me that we come to the conclusion of this chapter and inshallah next week we'll begin with the next chapter which is called negotiation press on our turn Gemma, so if there's any questions, inshallah we'll take them boys we can conclude. So the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as the Buddha's asking is that if you pray with the Imam and you stay with the Imam, until the Imam finishes, then it is as if it is written for you a whole

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night in prayer. So the parent like meaning of the Hadith, and Allah knows best is that that is in any type of congregation. So So long as it is termed as a congregational prayer that inshallah you will get that same reward. So the brothers asking that you can pray the width of three records in two ways. If wants to praying one way you change the intention to pray the other way is

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