Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Fasting Episode 5

Ahsan Hanif
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam o Baraka Allah. Allah.

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Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala giustina mizuna, T.

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de la within, seldom at the Sleeman kathira. Back.

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Last week is we spoke about a number of issues concerning fasting.

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And we finished I think that chapter within keto slim and Lima Rahim Allah Tada. He goes on into the next chapter within the book of fasting, and he says Babel sommet autoworker woman No, here I'm assuming the chapter of voluntary fasting and fasting which is prohibited. So this book, if you like, the turbo car, the book of fasting, or the shift to the book of fasting,

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the fastest that we speak about it, or general, so whether that's in the month of Ramadan, or outside of the month of Ramadan, and this is the general practice of the scholars of phulkari, Muhammad Allah, that when it comes to the issues of fasting, they call the chapter the chapter of fasting, another chapter of Ramadan, because fasting can be outside of Ramadan, and for other purposes and reasons, other than the month of Ramadan as well. So now that we've spoken about the major issues concerning Ramadan in terms of its pillars, in terms of its conditions, in terms of the things relating to the fasting itself, Ibrahima, Holanda begins a new chapter, voluntary fasting,

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and that which is prohibited in terms of fasting, voluntary fasting as we know. Then in the shipyard, there are acts which are obligatory acts which are voluntary. And so even though a lot of soldiers obligated upon a certain act, we should perform. There are other acts which are voluntary, meaning that if you don't perform them, there's no sin. But if you do perform them, there is much reward to be gained. And that's where a lot of xojo often speaks about this concept of the tawar. Within the Quran, fermentable wa, ala, whosoever does extra meaning voluntarily, that is better for them. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the hadith of Pudsey, that

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Allah says that the most beloved thing that you can do, in the sight of Allah, is that which Allah has obligated. So the five prayers, fasting the month of Ramadan, giving you obligatory, Sokka, performing hajj, these are the most beloved acts to Allah. But to do this, the voluntary acts, the laughing, then Allah azzawajal loves those as well to the extent that you continue to do them and you continue to come closer and closer to Allah until alaric. xojo becomes the hearing by which you hear the sight by which you see the hand by which you touch and as is well known in that famous Hadith. And so a person does these now often, they do these voluntary acts and they come closer and

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closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and I will Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will do many, many voluntary acts, he will do many, many voluntary acts, aluminum Hanbal or Hema, Hola. He said that the most beloved of the voluntary acts to Allah is fasting. And that's right in the Hadith that we mentioned before as well, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that all of the all of the actions of the son of Adam are for him or for her, except for fasting for that is for me, and I will rewarded accordingly. So based upon the Hadith, as we know, in the era, any good act is multiplied by 10. That's a minimum, up until 700. That's the range by which alarm multiplies good

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deeds, except for fasting, there is between a person and Allah and Allah will reward them accordingly. Could be more could be within that range of 10 to 700 rule could be more than 700. And that's why my mathematical handle based upon the Hadith he said that from the most beloved voluntary acts to Allah is fasting. And he said, Why? Because there is no real in it, no showing off in fasting. Because when a person fasts outside of the month of Ramadan, unless you tell someone you're fasting, or someone gives you some food, and you say, No, I'm not fast, I'm fasting. No one will know that you're fasting, unless you let them know. Or they find that some other way, just by

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looking at you, they won't know that you're fasting. Whereas if a person's praying, you can see that when they're praying, they're praying. When a person is making Hajj, you're there you can see that people are making hunch. They didn't mean that in the heart often was deliver when a person

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Camera, you can see that they're making power of the making camera. When a person is giving channel tea, you can see that they're giving charity can see them giving money. However, the month of sorry, fasting is something which a person can't see. And that's why even it has reported from some of the certified mental law, that they would fast, and it would be so secretive that even their own family members would or know, their own family members wouldn't know. because they'd wake up in the morning, and they'd say, We don't need breakfast we're going out we need to go to. So they skip breakfast, as many of us do. We skip breakfast all the time, and leave and go out whether to uni

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whether to school whether to work, and then they wouldn't return except towards the evening. And especially like for example, if you imagine like the winter months, even in the UK, my mechanic comes in very early for five o'clock, you won't come home until about mothering time. And so even their family members wouldn't know that they had been fasting, this is how secretive they were about preserving fasting and this is why it is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So after speaking about the etiquettes of fasting, the pillars of fasting, how to fast, what what breaks, the fast and so on, it will now begins this chapter of voluntary fasting and fasts which are prohibited. So when we

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look at fasting, they fall into three categories. Fasting falls into three categories. Number one is the obligatory fasts. And that's what we've been speaking about more or less so far. And that itself falls into three categories, as we said, as well, Ramadan, cafaro, which is expiation, and Nevada and a man which are oaths and vows that a person takes fasts that you oblique obligate upon yourself. The second type of fasting is a recommended type of fasting, and that is what is known as some totowa, voluntary fasting which is recommended. The third type of fasting is prohibited fasting, fasting, which is prohibited, and maybe some scholars will add disliked fasting into that

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as well because there is some difference of opinion over some of these issues. But basically, those are the three main categories. So obligatory, recommended, and then prohibited. So we've spoken about what is obligatory and we spoken about the experts generally are fasting. Now we're going to be speaking about those other two categories. Had is number 565. And Habib, Patil, Ansari, robiola one and the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam masuleh on Sony Yamaha Rafa. sakala, UK Pharaoh sen mabuya, Taiwan bathia masuleh and Sony Yomi and assura for foreigner you can feel centerton maglia was to either unsewn me yo me sumiyoshi if name for Paula danika, Yeoman woollett trophy

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we're birth to fy one zilara li raha Muslim on the authority of Abu Qatada al Ansari, rhodiola one, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked about fasting on the day of alpha. And he said that he expects the year before and the year after meaning the sins of the past year and the next year, and he was asked about fasting on the day of Ashura. And he said that he expects the previous year since and he was asked about fasting on Mondays. And he said that was the day in which I was born, the day that I was sent as a messenger and the day that I received revelation, and this is collected in simonsson. So these are three types of voluntary fasts, that Abraham's Rahim Allah

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brings together in the single nomination of Abu Qatada or rhodiola. One. The first is fasting the day of arafa. And that a lot of us, you know, is on the ninth of

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the line of luigia. This is something which is one of the most beloved and one of the best recommended acts that a person can perform in terms of fasting too fast on the day of the Knights of the Ranger. However, this is only for those people who aren't making hatch. So for those people who aren't making Hajj, it is from the greatest deeds that a person can perform, that they fast on this day the day before bigger before he does not have the night of the region also known as the day of alpha. And this is the day that the pills will go to alpha and they will spend the vast majority of that day they're making the How to Allah subhana wa tada the day before. So this is the day the

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Prophet son alone when he was sent him there is another generation which he will bring later on. And that is the proper synonym for baby those people in our NOFA too fast on the day of our offer. So for those people making lunch under under they have an offer in our offer, making hunch it is not allowed for them too fast. Some spanners said it is disliked other set it is prohibited.

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For everyone else outside of those people making lunch dinner is highly recommended for them to fast on this day.

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This Hadeeth

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In this narration, it says the fasting on the day of alpha, you will expect a previous year since, and the next year since as well. And so the spiders have different over this issue. And that is because the previous year since they will agree upon that it expects the previous year since, but what about the next year since, because as far as I've said that this is from the Hassan is from the special attributes given to our profits on allowed he was selling them. These are the things that are unique to him, the role of his sins were forgiven, past, present and future. As Alonzo Virgil says in the Quran, Leo fear Allah, Allah who match them in them because mama Taha them, allow me

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forgive you mean the prophets of Salaam for your past sins and your future sins. However, for everyone else, then their sins which are from the future, they are not forgiven. It's the persons that will not experience not those things that you have yet to commit. And only Allah knows what a person may fall into melara xojo protect us from sin. So this one is that what the meaning of this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that he expects the previous year since before the following year, it will keep you away from sin. So fasting on this day will remove from you the temptations of shavonne it will protect you from sin. And even if a person sins, then perhaps a

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large xojo will lessen that punishment and so on. But it doesn't mean that the expiated doesn't mean that they're all expected. And this is what the scholars of Islam say.

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Fasting on this day of our offer, it is the best type of voluntary fast, so it is better than the six days of chawan is better than Ashura. It is better than any other type of voluntary fast, and this is by each of the scholars by consensus of the scholars of Islam. So the best faster you can fast after Ramadan is the day of October, the ninth of

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the second fast which is mentioned here is the day of Ashura, and Ashura is the 10th of Muharram. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Medina, he found that the Jews were fasting on this day. So he asked them why they were fasting and they said, this is the day that Allah saved Moosa and his people from Pharaoh and his army. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we have more right to Moosa than you, and so he ordered the companions to fast on the speed of Ashura. The 10th of Muharram

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in Arabic language comes from Ashura, which means 10 and that's because it is on the 10th of Muharram. The day of Ashura for this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the previous year sins are expected. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his final year before he passed away, in Salatu, salam, He fasted on the 10th. And he said, that were I to live for another year, that I would fast the day before the ninth as well. And so the sooner is too fast, the ninth and the 10th, the ninth and the 10th. And that is so that we differ from the Jews who fast just on the 10th.

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Again, this hadith says that too fast on the day of Ashura will expect your previous sins. So this hadith about the devil are shown on the dev arafa. Both of them speak about expansion of the previous year since the scholars the vast majority of them say that this refers to the minor sins, not the major sins, reverse to the minor sins, not to the major sins. And that's because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he speaks about generally expiation of sins. So for example, the five prayers praying one prayer to the next prayer, or making a camera to another camera, or things like this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say that they would expect those sins in

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between them, so long as the person doesn't perform the major sins. And so the spanner said that this has the same ruling it is for the minor sins that are expected, not the major sins. As for the major system, they need a person to go and to make Toba and to ask Allah subhana wa Taala that he that a lot of social forgives them for those types of sins. The third thing that is mentioned in this hadith is fasting on Monday and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that it was the day that he was born. And it was the day that he received revelation. And it was the day that he was sent as a prophet of Allah. And so that was the reason why He fasted. And there is another Hadith

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that speaks about the superiority of Mondays and Thursdays for fasting, even though perhaps Rahim Allah, he doesn't mention that Hadith, but the Hadith is authentic, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast on Mondays and Thursdays. And when asked about this, he would say, these are the days that our actions are raised to Allah. So I love that on large received my actions whilst I am fasting, meaning that I am already in a state of worship when my actions are raised to him. Subhanahu wa tada had his number 566 when I'm gonna be a ubelong sorry about the long run who Paul Paul

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mon sama Rama barnas

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chawan kanak is Liam and Rama who Muslim and the pharaoh terrible ubelong Saudi rhodiola one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan, then follows it with the six days of chawan, then it is as if he has fasted the whole year.

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And this is collected in Sahih Muslim, this hadith I think, is a very famous Hadith, that if a person fasts, the month of Ramadan, then in the month of shall while they fast six days, and it's like fasting the whole year, and that's because we take it on the minimum that are good actors multiplied. So a month is multiplied by 10, that's 10 months, and you have six days multiplied by 10 is 60 days, which is two months, and therefore it becomes like fasting a year. And so this is what the scholars of Islam mentioned concerning this. This is the opinion of the vast majority of scholars that you've asked these six days of Shawan, and that it is from the greatest fasts that a

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person can perform outside of the month of Ramadan. There is another opinion of some scholars who said that it is disliked too fast these days. And they said because people will think that it is part of Ramadan. People who are ignorant, they don't know much about Islam, they will think that it is an extension of Ramadan, and so they will dislike the people fast these days. But this is a weak opinion, because this hadith is authentic and strong, to show that it is not only something which should be done, but it was highly encouraged and recommended by our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Another issue which generally arises, especially with the six days of Shahada is what if a

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person misses days in Ramadan? They missed a couple of days, three days, four days wherever and after the month of Ramadan? Do they first fast those days? And then the six of chawan Oh can the faster six of show while and then make those days up whenever they want? This is an issue of difference of opinion amongst the scholars of Islam. Some of the speakers said that what they do is they fast the confer offers what they have to make up the faster first stop answering what they have to make up the faster first. So whether it's three days, four days, five days, that's what they do first, then they move on to any voluntary act like the six of chawan. Others said no, it was allowed

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for them to pass the voluntary first and then obligatory after that, and they use as a proof that these are very short or the long run her that she would say about the faster she would miss in the month of Ramadan due to her monthly cycle, that she wouldn't make them up except in the month of Shabbat meaning before next Ramadan Shabbat is the month before Ramadan. So next year, just before Ramadan, she would make those up. So the scholar said is not thought that the likes of Sharon the alarm rang her would miss the six days of show well and are often Ashura and all of these other great acts and acts of worship. She wouldn't just miss them for no reason, had not been allowed to

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delay that as well. And so this is an opinion of this is sorry, an issue of some difference of opinion. However, the safest opinion no doubt is that a person fast, obligatory fasts first, and then they move on to the voluntary one. And there is a narration from the prophets of cinema from Abu Bakar rhodiola. One, that he said that Allah will not accept a deed or voluntary deed, if an obligatory one is outstanding. So person for example, Congo and make voluntary 100 down performed the obligatory Hajj, does that make sense for makes sense for a person to come and start praying knuffle prayers if they haven't yet played Muslim, like to come into the machine now and stop

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praying nothing prayers, they haven't even prayed mothering. Likewise, for a person struggling with charity, and they haven't given this occur, and it's due on them. And so likewise, based upon that, they said that people who have obligatory fasts upon them, for them to go and start fasting voluntarily again, using the same type of analogy, it doesn't make sense, and know that this is a stronger opinion. And a Lionel's best. And as for the Hadith, a variation of the law, then perhaps there is specific to women, women who have monthly cycles of women who, for example, have the postnatal bleeding, and then they can't fast because of that, out of toffee for them out of making

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things easy and are of mercy for them. The shear has given this leeway to them. hedis number 567 one ob sorry, Audrey rhodiola. One who call Paula Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Mami Nardini asumu Yeoman feasability La Ilaha de la Hobi vertical Yomi and Maci now Sabrina halifa motif upon La la la la Muslim and the authority of God Allah one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whosoever fasts a day in the way of a large region, then Allah subhana wa Taala will remove from his face the fire of how the distance of 70 years

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This is collected in Al Bukhari and Muslim and this particular wording is of a Muslim. This Hadith is also a famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There are personal fasts of voluntary fast Allah will remove from their face the fire of how the distance of 70 years. The word Hadith that you find in the Hadith means autumn. It means autumn one of the seasons of the autumn. But it's done as Kenai even though it's mentioned as an autumn, it means earlier. So 70 autumns basically is another way of saying 70 years. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave this act gave this great reward for those people who fast, voluntary fast. The Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever fasts of voluntary fast in the path of Allah. So some of the scholars said that this hadith is referring to those people who are making Jihad and then they fast as well on top of that, so even though they need their strength, and they need the energy, they choose to fast instead, this is a reward for them. This is the opinion of some scholars and it is based upon the wording of feasibility law, does that refer to generally just anything in the past that will allow meaning for the sake of Allah? Or does it mean as it can mean sometimes in this era, Jihad and fighting for the sake of Omarosa will and Allah knows best but either way, it is something which has

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great reward

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and Islam a 568 when our Asia total do not one Hippolyte cannot assume Allah is Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam I assume had turned up Ooh, La La

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putana Poli assume mamora ito Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Stockman assioma Shabbat in LA Ramadan, Mara Ito officially Dr. Amin who salmon fisherman metafont la woolnough not follow the Muslim authority of the Allahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast and he would fast so much that we would say that he never breaks his fast and then he would break his fast for such a long time that we would say that he never fasts. And I never saw that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam completed a month of fasting except in Ramadan know that He fasted more than any other month than Ramadan except in Sha ban. And this is also in Al Bukhari and Muslim.

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This Hadith shows us the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and basically what it shows us more than anything else, is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make things easy for himself, as he has said, in another Hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not have two choices, except that he would choose the easiest of the two, so long as there was no sin involved. So if you had two options, he would choose the easiest one to make things difficult for himself unnecessarily. And so this hadith is speaking about how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at times of the year, he would fast a lot to the extent that people will think that he's just

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fasting all the time, meaning rarely does he take a day off, or he takes very few days off. From the other extent, there will be times of the year on the other side, there will be times of the year, where he will not fast at all, until the people will think that he rarely does any voluntary type of fasting. And so perhaps Allah knows best that you have the summer months and the winter months, the winter months, the days are shorter, the nights are longer, it's easier to fast. So in those months, the prompts are somewhat fast. Because it's easier, the weather is more easier to bear. Whereas in the long summer hot days, weather days are very long. The nights are very short, where the weather

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is very hot, where it's very difficult than the Prophet Salim would not fast much at all. And so the prophets of Salaam would have this beautiful way of balancing is he better and he wouldn't overburden himself unnecessarily. But the prophets of Salaam never completed a month of fasting except the month of Ramadan. So even if He fasted a lot in a month, it wouldn't be a complete month, the complete month of fasting 29 or 30 days is only for the month of Ramadan. However, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam outside of Ramadan, the majority that he would fast would be in the month of Shabbat. So some of the scholars said that was in preparation for the month of Ramadan to train

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this body to get used to the fasting that would come in the month of Ramadan. And so the prophets of Salaam would fast during this time during the month of Shaban more than any other month and Allah knows best. How do you remember my 569?

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rhodiola one coupon a Marana. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and assume Amina sharifa Lhasa young salasar Shara Shara Shara Shara Rama hoonah sir Timothy was Ohio Ebony ban

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on the authority of Abu Dhabi, the long run who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered us to fast three days from every month.

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The 13th, the 14th, the 15th and this is collected by NASA in a tournament the authenticated by ban unknown is an authentic hadith.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would order the companions to fast three days of every month. And in another narration, he said that whoever does this, it is as if they have fasted the whole year. Why again, because three times 10 is 30. And so you fasted that whole month so it's like you're fasting the whole year in terms of reward. And so in the highly favorable for the long run another Hadith, a famous Hadith, where he said, Oh, Sonny, led beef and if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised me with three things, one of those was too fast three days of every month. So in that habit is general. So too fast three days of every month is something which is beloved to

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a larger version. And this hadith The days are mentioned, and they are known as a Yama will be the white days while the white because on the 13th 14th and the 15th The moon is at its fullest. And so the moon is at its widest, and so they're known as a moon below the white days 13th 14th and 15th, obviously, of every lunar Islamic month, every lunar month, so it is the Sunnah to fast these three days as well as is mentioned in this hadith and to do so will give you the reward of fasting for a whole year.

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Okay, so inshallah, we're going to conclude with the Hadith with Neela. And next time, we will move on to the second section of this chapter, which is the Hadith which are the fasting which is prohibited. So we've taken the the fasting which is voluntary, and which is recommended and now inshallah, after that we will come on to the fasting, which is prohibited, and also inshallah the next fifth lesson will be on the 14th of June Thursday, inshallah the 14th of June. So the Hadith that I mentioned at the beginning the Hadith and consider a person who does want reacts, their attributes become like the attributes of Allah, their sight, their vision, and so on. What is the

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correct understanding of this Hadith, it means that a large agenda under the care of a large soldier under his supervision and so a large soldier will protect their eyesight. So when Allah is the eyesight, the eyesight will be protected from from and from anything which will diminish their reward likewise, their hearing, likewise, what they touched likewise, what they walk towards a larger vision will protect them from any sin and from any harm and Allah knows best.

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