Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Fasting Episode 6

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the Prophet's favorite fasting practices and the importance of fasting during the month of Shabbat. The importance of fasting during celebration celebrations and the use of hedge during dry seasons is emphasized, along with the importance of fasting during the dry season. The speaker discusses the rules of Islam, including the importance of fasting during events and the use of hedge during busy seasons. The speaker also addresses the weakened Hadith message and hesitation towards fasting during holidays.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam o Baraka si la h Marina on early he was on a woman Sarah Sabina he on Angela yummy Dino seldom at the Sleeman kathira Amanda

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famara can remember hadiza we finished up or we stopped up previously was had his number 568 according to the numbering that I have, and that is

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Okay, so we'll do the one before that underneath on libertarian. So the one before the highest number 560 the hadith of Chateau de Allahu Allah subhanahu wa says, Chateau de la Juan Hippolyte cannot asuma his son Allahu alayhi wa sallam asumu Hector Nakula

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still aterna Poland I assume? Amara Ito Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Aztec mela sia Masha Allah Ramadan, Amara ito fischeri Nakamura Minos Leah mantri Shaban motif upon Allah He will not bow Muslim. On the authority of our mother I shadow the Allahu anhu who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast until we would say that he never stops fasting, and then he would stop fasting until we would say that he doesn't fast. And I never saw that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam completed a month of fasting except for Ramadan. Nor did I see him fast more in a month than in the month of Siobhan and this is in Bukhari and Muslim and this wording is the hadith of Mr.

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So previously, where we had left off was we had discussed a number of issues concerning siyam and fasting and we are now in the chapter of the the voluntary and recommended fasting and also the fasting, which is prohibited in Islam. So this hadith of our mother, our inshallah the Allahu Allah shows that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will not only fast in the month of Ramadan, he would first voluntary a lot, he would make a lot of recommended and extra fasting. And if it was easy for him to fast, he would fast a lot. And if it was difficult for him to fast, he would stop fasting. And this basically goes to show the principle in Islam, that the rulings and the shitty

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Islam doesn't make it difficult upon people in the recommended and voluntary acts you fast if you're able to fast and when it's easy for you to fast. And if you find that it's too difficult, or if by fasting, you can't perform more important more obligatory deeds, then you don't fast. And so for example, in the winter months, when the days are short, the nights are long, and it's easy to fast, the fastest, very short, then a person fasts as much as they can. Perhaps in the summer months, when the days are very long as they are now then a person if they find it difficult, the fastest. And this is what I shall do. lawanna is saying that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would

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sometimes fast so much that the people would say that he's always fasting, and then other times he wouldn't fast at all. So the people would say that he never fasts, meaning voluntarily. And this again shows the balance that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had between the two issues. Then she also mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never completed a month of fasting, except the month of Ramadan. So this is one of the special virtues of Ramadan, that Ramadan, infest the entire month, whether it's 29 or 30 days, no other month has this special attribute that you fast all of it, so it's not allowed to fast all of Muharram all of suffer all of

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Ruby 101 all of shawano Siobhan or any other month in the stomach calendar, and then she also mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast a lot in the month of Shaban outside of Ramadan. The month that he would fast the most been was the month of Shabbat. And so some of the scholars said that this was in preparation for Ramadan, he would train his body, he would exercise his body and he would prepare himself for the upcoming month of Ramadan. But even Shaban he wouldn't complete the month so he wouldn't pass the whole month of Shaban, but he would fast a lot of the month of Shaban and this is important this issue of fasting in the month of Shaban because

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Rahim Allah will bring another Hadith after a short while which will speak about fasting in the month of Shabbat as well. So the next Hadees had Islam of 569 one visa renewal the Allah one who call a Marana, Rasulullah Hassan

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LaGuardia he was sitting in the same room in Ushahidi fell as a young fella Sasha rato, Alabama Shara Tom Sasha.

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also had a ban on the authority of a bizarre rhodiola. One who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam orders too fast from every month, three days, the 13th, the 14th and the 15th. And this is collected but unnecessary and utterly under is authenticated by ignore ban.

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These three days that are mentioned in this Hadith of the Allah one, there are three voluntary fasts that a person should perform. So when it comes to the voluntary fasts, you have fasts that are are voluntary and recommended for you to make throughout the whole year. So you just do them once a year, like for example, fasting on the day of alpha, like, for example, fasting on the 10th of Muharram, the day of Ashura, these are days that you just have once a year, you fast them once a year, there are other days that you fast every month, that are recommended, we're talking about the recommended fasts, and those fasts that are recommended every month are like fastest like these, the

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13th or 14th and the 15th. And we obviously talking about the lunar Canada, the Islamic month, the 13th 14th and 15th. And then you have other fasts, it was recommended to make them every week, like for example, Mondays and Thursdays. And then there are other fasts for those people who wish to do even more. And that is that you fast one day on one day off, and that is the first of the Prophet Alayhi Salam as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned and that is the best type of fasting meaning that there is no more fasting than you can do than this. So you complete the month of Ramadan, and throughout the rest of the year, you do one day on one day off you fast one day, and

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you miss a day. So in this Hadith, now, we're speaking about fasting on a monthly scale. And that is that there are three recommended fasts for every month, the 13th, the 14th and the 15th. And these in the Arabic language are known as a Yama, Yama, which basically in English, the direct translation would be the white days, the white days Why? Because on the 13 1415, this is when you get the full moon. So the full moon becomes apparent on the 13th night, the 14th and the 15th. And because of the whiteness, the illumination, the light of the moon, when it is full, it is called the white days.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recommend fasting these three days. In another generation. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever fasts three days of every month, it is as if they have fasted the whole year. And that's because the minimum that every day or every good deed is multiplied is 10. So if you fast three days, you multiply that by three, that's 30 days, so it's like you fasted the whole month in terms of reward. In the hadith of Abu huraira rhodiola. One also similar to this, he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised me with three things that I should never leave. And one of the things that he mentioned is a yamo be

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fasting these three days. So the first the 13th, or 14th, or 15th of every Islamic month is one of the greatest deeds in Islam and it is also one of the best type of voluntary fasts that a person can perform.

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In the next Howdy, howdy is number 571. a b hora de Allahu Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon lahainaluna marotti Anta Soma xojo Harsha de la Mata con la Buhari is a Buddha.

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On the authority of Abu huraira de la hora under the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it is not permissible for a woman to fast in the presence of a husband except with her permission. And this is collected in Bukhari and Muslim and the wordings of Al Bukhari. And in the narration of Abu Dawood other than the month of Ramadan.

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In this Hadith, there is a very important principle and that is that we make a differentiation between the obligatory acts and the recommended acts. generation of Abu Dhabi, Allahu Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying other than the month of Ramadan. So in the month of Ramadan, the month of Ramadan is an obligatory fast on every Muslim, so you don't need to seek permission. So person doesn't have to go and seek the permission of their father or the mother or their husband or their wife or anyone else. It is obligatory from Allah subhana wa tarnis. Everyone has to fast that day. The issue comes now in recommended or voluntary fasts. So in this hadith the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that when it comes to the woman, she should seek permission the wife she should seek permission from her husband, when she wants to fast a voluntary fast. Why? Because he may want to

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Do something else, which he won't be able to do if she is fasting. And the right of the husband is an obligation, whereas fasting, a voluntary day is only permissible or is voluntary is recommended. And an obligation takes precedence over a recommended act. And so this is basically an issue of prioritizing. And so therefore, she seeks her husband's permission. And if she gets the permission, she fasts, and if she doesn't get the permission, then insha. Allah is rewarded for her intention. So she has the intention that she would have fasted has she been able to unleash Allah, Allah will reward her for the intention and he will write down for as if she had fasted. Also for the husband,

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it is important to note as well, that if, you know just use this as an excuse not to learn fast because she has to seek permission, this is also incorrect. So if the woman or the wife, she wants to come closer to Allah, she wants to worship Allah, she wants to fast this day. And the husband just says no for no reason, no particular reason, he just wants to exert his authority, then this is a sin as well, and he would be blameworthy for this.

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The next Hadees Hadees number 571. One A B C, D, D, D, D, Allah, one under Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and yummy yummy, yummy, yummy now upon it. On the 30th anniversary the Iranian long run that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade fasting two days the day of Ramadan fitter and the day of return. And this is collected by Al Bukhari and Muslim. So now you will have Rahim Allah is going to bring a number of ahaadeeth that speak about the fasts that are impermissible. So we said that fasting is of a number of types in Islam. Number one, is the fasting which is obligatory, and there is like, for example, fasting the month of Ramadan, fasting for expiation,

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fasting because of a person taking an oath. Then you have the second category of fasting, which is the recommended type of fasting, like fasting the day of our offer, the devil Shura, Mondays and Thursdays, the yam will beat and so on, when you have the third category of fasting, and that is the prohibited type of fasting, where it's not allowed for a person to fast during that time or on that day, it's not allowed for a person to fast. So this is the first study that a Mullah brings, and that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade us to fast on the days of *. Now we only have to read in Islam, or you don't fit or which comes after Ramadan, and redo now which is

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which comes in the days of Hajj in the region. So you have the first of Shahada, which is the day of Ramadan, fifth, and the 10th of the ledger, which is the day of reading. It is forbidden to fast both of these days. Why? Because these are days of celebration, the days of eating, and drinking and happiness. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam forbade fasting on these days, so it's not allowed for a person to fast on the day of legal fit on no on the day of you don't want her and Allah knows best.

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The next two ahaadeeth Heidi from a 572 were unknown a shuttle whose le rhodiola one called upon Osama he sallallahu wasallam. A Yama, Yama clean wash should have been washed clean la has a virgin aroma who's had his number 573 when I shut up the aroma rhodiola Carla Lamoureux, Hospira Yamato una, de Mola, major de la de Bravo Buhari. So we have two Hadith which speak about the same issue. The first is the hadith of Novation and who they are the only one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the days of the Shaka days of eating and drinking and remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is correct in Sahih, Muslim and Hadith number 573 and authority

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of adoration, ignorance abnormal rhodiola, one whom both of whom said that it is not allowed for anyone to fast on the days of the ship, except for those people who couldn't find a sacrifice.

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This is another type of prohibited fasting. And this refers to the people who are making Hajj. So the people who are making hedge on the day of they confessed anyway, that is the day of read the 10th of the hedge and then the next day's 1112 and 13 of the hedges are known as a Yamato the days of the stick, and these are the three days where the pilgrim will stay in Mina and each day they'll go and they'll stone, the three pillars. These are the days of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the days of the ship or days of eating, drinking and remembering Allah Subhana Medina, basically meaning that you shouldn't fast on these days, there are days of fasting but the

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days of remembering Allah injuring yourself celebrating the days of eating and drinking. And that same rule also goes and applies to those people who are making Hajj for the read of

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allowed her is not just the first day, but it is the three days of follow it as well. And that's why it's allowed for a person who wants to sacrifice if the conference sacrifice on the first day of it, they can sacrifice on the next day or the day after on the 13th of the region. And so likewise for the person making Hajj, it is also not allowed to fast. So on these days, they remember Allah subhanaw taala and they eat and they drink. In the next generation of Alisha live normally, there is an exception to this rule. And that exception to this rule is for those people who can't find a sacrifice. Now, without going into the details of hedge too much there are three different types of

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hedge tamatar if Russia and Iran for two of them to matter, and Iran, the pilgrim has to offer a sacrifice that is part of the rites of passage, that you sacrifice a sheep or a goat or whatever you wish to sacrifice, you sacrifice an animal, and you give this animal for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is one of the rites of Hajj. Now imagine if someone is making tomato Hajj, okay.

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And they can't find a sacrifice. Either they can't afford it. Or in the olden days, people used to take an animal with them because you didn't have slaughterhouses. You didn't have abbatoirs people would buy the animals and they would bring it with them from the countries and then they would sacrifice it in Makkah or in Minar. So if you can't find an animal, or you can't afford an animal restrict expensive, yet, you're making tomato opion. Now you can't perform one of the rites of Hajj and when you can't perform one of the rites of Hajj there is an expansion. Just like for example, a person who doesn't fosters an expansion they make up that day, another time. Likewise, for this

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person who doesn't have the ability to give a sacrifice, there is an expiation that expiation is that a fast 10 days.

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The first 10 days, a loss of power with Allah says in the Quran, thalassa yameen. philhealth was seven It is our job to Tillakaratne camera. Three of those days of fasting must be done in the days of Hajj, seven of them when you return back to your home. Those are 10 complete days. This is the expiation for the person who can't give a sacrifice. So the prophet SAW Selim is saying a lot of soldier listing three of those days have to be in the days of Hutch. Now you can't fast on the name of the ledger the day of arafah because the sacrifice is in Juliet. You can't fast on the 10th day of it even though the sacrifice is due, because that is the day of celebration. So all you have

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remaining of the days of Hajj are the 1112 and 13, the yamo.

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And so the scholarship and exception as mentioned here by Asha, and they've been our motto neola and humanities scholars as well, that this is the exception to the rule for person making tomato Hodge. Okay, Ron Hodge can't find a sacrifice, they can't offer a sacrifice. The explanation is that the fast 10 days, three of those days in hunch seven when they return home, completing 10 days, and those three days that they fast in other days of the 11th, the 12th and the 13th of Rohingya and Allah knows best.

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The next two ahaadeeth also will take together Hadith number 574 Rhonda Bihari ratar o de la one and inhibition Allahu alayhi wa sallam upon la de soleil attell Giamatti yamim in Benin nearly one at the hostel Yama Giamatti the CME membrane a young akuna few salming Yamaha Docomo, raha Muslim and Hades number 575 wannabe hora de la Juan Pablo Pandora sama he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, la semana. hadoken, Yeoman Giamatti. Illa your sama Yeoman Yeoman badda tonali on the pharaoh terrible hora de la hora under the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Don't make the night of Joomla at the night of Friday special by performing prayer on that night instead of other nights. No make

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the day of Friday special by fasting on that day instead of other days, unless it is one of your habits and customs to fast on that day. And this is collected by email Muslim, and in the next howdy turnable hora rhodiola one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said do not fast on the day of Friday unless you fast the day before or the day after. And this is collected also by Al Bukhari and Muslim. So in this hadith also we have another prohibition of fasting and that is fasting the day of Friday. Why the day of Friday because the day of Friday is the day of eat it is the weekly celebration. And that's when the day of Friday you have the Jehovah and IRAs as is mentioned in the

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famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Friday is the best of days that is the day that Allah created Adam visited the other entity to Jenna. It is the day that

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Adam descended, he was taken out of genda. And it was the day that human piano will be established. So Friday is the best of days. And that is the weekly celebration. It is the weekly it is the weekly time where the Muslims gather and congregate, to remember Allah subhana wa Taala. So in that sense, it is similar to an eighth, and therefore the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade the person from fasting on the day of Friday, unless it is the custom of a person to do so. What does that mean? For example, the 11th, the 13th 14th and 15th of the month, four on a Friday, so a young won't be those three days, the middle days of a month that a person normally fasts, one of them happens to

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fall on a Friday. Or, for example, a person fasts one day and they miss one day, like the first of the Buddha alayhis salam, they know that sooner or later one of those days of fasting before on a Friday, and so therefore a person can fast on that Friday, based upon this Hadith, and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, unless it was a fast that you would normally do, and that's why in the month of Ramadan, also you fast on Fridays, because it is something which you are required to do. In the next Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Don't fast on that day, unless you fast a day before or a day after. So for example, if a person was going too fast,

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the six days of chawan so you finished the month of Ramadan. And now you want to fetch the six days of show Well, you have a month to festival six days, and you don't have to fast all six together, you can do one day, then miss a few then do another day, then miss a few and so on. If one of those days that you want to fast happen to be on a Friday, because it's not your normal practice too fast on that day, you're just doing it because of show well, then you would fast either the Thursday with the Friday or the Saturday with the Friday and therefore you don't make Friday special. And that's why in the Hadith the first editor I know he the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Don't

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make the night of Friday's special by doing an extract of worship that you wouldn't normally do on the day of Friday special by fasting when you wouldn't normally fast. So what that means is on Friday, if you don't know me personally, I'm only just to do it on that night simply because it was a Friday is incorrect. Likewise too fast on the day simply because it's a Friday. It is also incorrect and this isn't supported by the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam an alarm was best

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had his number 576 were under Bihari rato the Allahu Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon his until Safa Shaban folleto Sumo Rama Hamza was tenkara, who and the thorough job of Rio de la mer under the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if half of the month of shotgun passes, then don't fast, and this is collected by the five, but Mr. Mohammed said that it is weak and he rejected. This Hadith scholars of Islam have different over concerning its authenticity or lack thereof. And so some of the spanners said that it is authentic. There is an authentic hadith and therefore, they apply this hadith and they go by this hadith. And what this hadith is saying is that

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if the half of the month of Sham ban passes by, then don't fast, so after the 15th of Shaban, don't fast, unless it is your custom too fast, so like that person who would normally fast one day on one day off, or a person who normally fasts, Mondays and Thursdays for them, they can continue to fast, but they don't fast otherwise. So just to start fasting, after half of the month of Shaban passes when you don't normally fast at all, that is incorrect. This is according to those scholars who say that the Hadith is authentic.

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Other scholars such as Mr. Mohammed and many other scholars, they said that the Hadith is weak. Why is weak because of two things. Number one,

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because of the Hadith that we said previously, when I asked you to remember that portion of the first Hadith that we took today, the hadith of Chateau de la Juana that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have faster completement except Ramadan, and he would fast the most in Shaban. So outside of Ramadan, he would fetch the most in Shabbat. So that shows that he fast for a lot of that month, which means that he didn't stop halfway, but He fasted for most of that manifested for a lot of the month of Shaban. That's one reason. The other reason that the spanners said that this hadith is weak is because it also contradicts another Hadith of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade people from fasting the day or two days before Ramadan. And we took this at the beginning of the book of fasting when he was speaking about how to do moon sighting and how you start the month of Ramadan. The prophet SAW Selim forbade someone from

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infesting the day before Ramadan, or two days before Ramadan, and they are known as a yamo shock the days of doubt. Why? Because the person fasts those days, just in case just to be on the safe side, just in case, the moon came out, and no one saw it, or just because, just in case normal bad actually began the day before, but no one saw the moon. And so to be on the safe side, people fast a day or two early, just to be safe. This is incorrect. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam forbade it, and was known as Yama shock the day of that. So that Hadith clearly mentions that it's only the day before or two days before Ramadan, and it doesn't speak about the rest of the days of

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Shabbat before that, which shows that it's allowed for a person also too fast after half of Shabbat passes by. And so these founders said that it is incorrect for those two reasons. And the Hadith is weak and the last panel to Allah knows best.

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The next Hadees Hadees number 577 Rana sama bin de basura de Allahumma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Nepal. Sumo massaged in the theme of total body failure major had to come in early in a rude ashara phillium dong ha Ravana

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Illa unknown mancora who Monaco Kala Buddha would woman saw and the authority of sama Binti busaba de la one Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Don't fast the day of Saturday except for that which has been made obligatory upon you, even if it means that one of you has to suck the the grave the train of all the root of a tree, and this is collected by the five and all of a snow eaters are authentic, they are trustworthy, except that some of the scholars such as Mr. Malik said is weak, and a Buddha would said it is abrogated. This Hadith is an authentic hadith. So the scholars of Hadith have made it authentic, including the mammoth and many of the of the scholars of

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And basically, this has been similar to the previous hadith of Fridays again, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam prohibited people from fasting on Saturday, from fasting on Saturday. Why? Because it is the weekly celebration of the Jews, that is the day of the Sabbath, that is their special day. And so the Muslim doesn't make it special as well by fasting this day on its own. However, as with the day of Friday, if a person was to fast the day before, like a Friday, or the day after a Sunday, then it would be allowed. And the prohibition in this hadith is very stern, because the prophets on the lower eyelid when Salim said don't fast on this day, even if it means that you have to suck the

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grape twine, or the root of a tree meaning whatever you need to do to break your fast on this day, then do it. Don't fast just on this day Don't make this day special in terms of fasting and the Lord knows best. The next How do you number 578 to one Nomi salamati on long run her analysis Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kanak sama sama Amina Yama Yama sub to Yama.

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Yama, Yama, mushnik. Ian, Juana What are you doin Holly for whom?

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He was iwasa How was Emma wahala on the 30 of them Salah Marathi, Allahu Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The days that he would fast the most was sent was Saturday and Sunday. And he would say these are the two days that the disbelievers take us read, and I wish to be different to them searchable environment necessary and authenticated by bloesem. And this is his wording.

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This Hadith is weak. It is a weak narration it is a weak Hadith. And as is the practice of Ibrahim Allah. After he mentioned many authentic hadith he always brings some weak ahaadeeth as well towards the end of the chapter to show that there is weak relations concerning these issues as well, just so that the reader knows what's going on. So in this Hadith, on Salah is saying that the prophets of Salaam would fast on Saturdays and Sundays, these are the days that he would normally fast and this also is in contradiction to what we know. And that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the authentic hadith said that he liked to fast on Mondays and Thursdays and Saturdays and

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Sundays, but Mondays and Thursdays. And when asked about this, he said, because these are the two days that the angels raised their actions to Allah. And I love that en la should see my actions in a state of fasting. And so the proxr salam would fast on Mondays and Thursdays that would be his normal routine. And so this hadith is weak and it has been classified as weak by many of the scholars of Hadith and a lot most best.

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The next Hadeeth will be hora de Allahu

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Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, na and Sony omiana phetchaburi Alfa Romeo

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From San

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Jose Manuel hacking stem karate, and authority of Bolero do not one that the prophets of Salaam forbade fasting the day of alpha whilst in an alpha. And this is collected by the five except to Timothy and authenticated biblical XIM and Al Hakim and others.

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This Hadith is actual chain of narration is also weak. So even though some of the scholars were authenticated, it was actually a weak Hadith, and it is weakened by even hunter himself and other scholars as well. However, the ruling is correct. Even though the Hadith is weak, the ruling is correct. And we mentioned this in the previous Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recommended that a person fast the day of alpha, and that day of fasting on the day of alpha is for the person who's not making Hajj. So for the normal people, for everyone, that's not an alpha, that's not making lunch, it is recommended for them to fast that day, and to do so has a great

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reward. As the professor seldom said, He will expect the sins of the past and the year to come. However, for those people who are underplayed of our offer, meaning they're making lunch, then for them is not allowed to fast. Why? Because the main priority on the dev alpha is to and to remember Allah subhana wa Tada, that is their main priority. And so they need to have their strength, they need to have the ability to stand in the center raise their hands to make so that they don't become tired. And so the professor cillum wouldn't fast on the day a MANOVA. But Rhonda is reported that the prophets are seldom on the day of alpha, he drank milk, and so he drank milk and then he went

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and he started to make tomorrow. So he gave himself some strength and then he began to make Dre and the Brahma rhodiola. Han said that I made Hajj with Abu Bakr and Omar and Horace Mann and none of them fasted on the day of alpha. So therefore it is not allowed and Allah knows best.

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The final Hadith in this chapter, one of the library Amaro de Allahumma, Paula Paula Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam la sama massaman Abbot Mustafa canale only Muslim in Ethiopia patata Terra de Allahu anhu beloved la sama wala authority,

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and the authority of Abdullah Abdullah Ibn Umar radi Allahu Allahu Allah who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he has not fasted The one who fasts continuously, multifocal LA, and in the notion of a Muslim on the 30th of Abu Qatada de la one is that the Prophet son alone where are they He will send them said he has not fasted nor has he broken his fast the one who fasts continuously. This is also Hadith, which the ruling of which we mentioned previously, and that is that one of the forbidden types of fasting is what is known as respond to continuously fast too fast every single day without breaking that day. And that's also mentioned in another famous hadith of

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Abdullah, of jab, jab, the law for the long run whomever when it came to the prophets of Salaam and he said O Messenger of Allah, I want to fast I have the ability, the strength to fast I want to fast a lot. And so the prophets of Salaam said it is sufficient for you to fast three days of every month, the yam will be and he said O Messenger of Allah, I can do more than this. So the Prophet said them said fast Mondays and Thursdays, he said almost in Java light can do more than this. So the prophet will seldom said fast one day and leave off one day. He said almost in Java light can do more than this. The prophets of Salaam said there is no more than this, because this is the fast of

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the world and it is the best type of fasting, he would fast one day, and then he would miss one day. And so therefore this howdy it also shows that it's forbidden to make results continuously fast every single day on the truck without breaking it, unless it is the month of Ramadan. And this obviously refers to a month where you fast continuously for the whole month. However, if for example is the three days a year mobiel then you fast them continuously. What if it's a six days of Shahada and someone wants to fast them continuously? That's okay, or if it's an expiation, and someone is fasting them continuously. This is an exception to the rule, but voluntary fasting too fast

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continuously every single day. This is what is forbidden from this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah knows best. So inshallah we'll conclude with that today and tomorrow after Muslim inshallah we will complete the rest of the chapter of fasting Mashallah.

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Amina shavon alloggi me

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